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First Apparition Lesson
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   12-24-07 07:40

The sixth and seventh year "nons" eligible for the apparition lessons, a fairly large group in comparison to the equivalent "pures," gather in the entrance hall to the castle and pull on warm coats, hats, scarves, gloves and anything else they might wear to keep them as warm as possible in the freezing cold. Fritz can't help but gaze longingly in the direction of the Great Hall, where the "pures" are gathering for their very first apparition lesson with Wiklie Tywcross. Their learning environment will be warm, cozy, and somewhat personal due to the small student to instructor ratio. The "nons" won't be nearly as lucky.

Once the group is ready to battle the cold air outside, they leave together and immediately regret ever signing up for the lessons because it's just so darn icy! They all want to have their apparition licenses and have been dreaming of this moment since they first learned about apparition, but they aren't too happy about the price hike or the fact that they are stuck learning how to apparate in the freezing weather where they are more likely to splinch themselves from lack of concentration.

They march in the direction of the stables, where they spot Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick and Miller, the former heads of houses of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff respectively. They are all bundled up and don't look any happier about the poor conditions than the students. With them stands a fat woman with a very red face and bushy hair that sticks up in all directions. She is warmly dressed and seems to have enough natural insulation on her form as to not be so bothered by the cold.

She gets right down to business the minute the expensive-looking watch on her left wrist ticks 9:30 AM. "Right. Nailed to the wall behind me is a list of names. If your name is not on the list, you must leave immediately as you have not paid your 36 galleons to participate in the lessons. If your name is on the list, initial next to it." A quill hovers in the air next to the parchment.

The students form a line at the parchment and initial next to their names. When Fritz gets to the list, he's surprised to see that it's longer than he thought it would be. He'd heard plenty of his classmates complain about how they can't afford to pay the 36 galleons. That's three times the original price!

The last person initials by his name and then joins is classmates huddled together in the cold. The apparition instructor speaks:

"The name's Gerti Crouch. I'm your apparition instructor for the next twelve weeks. I expect you on time every Saturday. If you are late, you will be asked to leave. If you talk during class, you will be asked to leave. If you bend any rules, you will be asked to leave. Are we clear?"

The students murmur "yes."

"Good. Now then, let's begin with our first lesson."

A Brilliant Plan
Author: Cailyn Spicer 
Date:   12-24-07 10:46

Cailyn sat on her bed swinging her legs back and forth and sucking on a lollypop. There were tones of owl messages lying around from her teachers, but Cailyn seemed not to care. In fact, this was exactly what she wanted. She was told that she couldn’t transfer schools or leave Hogwarts, but what would happen if she stopped going to her classes and stopped doing her homework? What would happen if she didn’t go to her detentions at all? Sure, Gryffindor was losing a lot of points because of her disobedience, but she still didn’t care. If she got failed her classes, then wouldn’t that mean she would be kicked out of school, and at the moment that was the only way Cailyn could think of to get out of going to Hogwarts. Even going to a Muggle school would be better then Hogwarts.

What was worst was that it was getting harder and harder for her to sneak away and see Alex. It seemed like every time she did she ran into someone who tried to prevent her from seeing him. As if they knew that was where she was going.

A little sigh escaped her lips, well, if she couldnt have Alex, then what was the point of staying in school? It wasn’t like she needed an education for money anyway. Her family had plenty of money. In fact, she wasn’t going to need a job at all and if you didn’t need a job then you didn’t need an education. Or at least that was how she saw thing.

The little chats she had with all but one of her teachers, didn’t change her mind on her brilliant plan. Cailyn was very determine to get kicked out of school.

A house elf popped up and handed her a letter from Professor Lawrence Masterson. Cailyn sighed. Of course he requested her presence just like all the others did. The only difference with this professor was that Cailyn actually liked him.

With a little sigh she wrote a letter back to Professor Masterson telling him that she would be in his office this afternoon after lunch. He was the last of her professors to write her and the last of the ones she had to see. The next one would be Snider and maybe then she would be allowed to go home.

Home Again
Author: Alice Cullen 
Date:   12-25-07 15:57

Alice found herself running though the streets of Hogesmeade. Something was chasing after her only; she couldn’t tell what it was the being was gaining on her and there was no one for her to run too. The normally crowded streets of Hogesmeade; for once where deserted.

Just as she rounded the bend, Alice slipped on a pile of snow ad down she went, her hands catching her fall, she swung out her wand. The being was gone before she could banish it. Alice sat on the ground in the snow staring at the spot where the being had been.

She couldn’t believe that the thing chased her all the way from the High Street to East lane and almost to her home. She was panting and out of breath and she still had no idea what it was that had chased her. It didn’t look like a Dementor, but then she had no way of knowing.

Alice stood up and brushed the snow off her clothes, she decided it was best to ignore the fact that she had just been chased through the streets of her home town by some unknown creature and go home to Jasper. He would keep her safe, he always had.

A smile floated across her lips as she thought of Jasper. How she had missed him, they had been apart from each other since he had to go back home for school and that was long enough. Alice hated being away from Jasper, the sooner they where married the better! She knew they had to wait until after Jasper finished collage, though and she could wait. Her eyes danced as she unlocked the door to her store. It had been ages since she had been home.

“Alice!” A happy voice cried out as she stepped into the store. “I thought you weren’t coming home for another month!” The voice said as Alice found herself being slobbered with a kiss and embraced in a hug. She laughed and returned the kiss passionately.

“ I missed you Jasper.” She said softly leaning into his strong arms, while Jasper leaned into her and kissed her ontop her head.

“ I missed you too. Maggie has done a wonderful job of keeping the store afloat while you were gone.”

“ I’ll have to give her a raise!” Alice said smiling. She was so glad she found a decent person to help her with the store not to mention someone she could trust. Maggie always reminded her of what Mrs. Clause would be like. Fat, bouncy, happy and with rosy cheeks.

“ She even brought in extra business. Don’t ask me how she did it. But she did.” Jasper said as he led Alice towards their apartment above the store. “ And I’m getting wonderful grades in school! I know that sounds childish.” He babbled a mile per minute making Alice giggle.

“ But that’s good. I mean, you always got good grades in school so its no surprised you are still getting them. I’m really proud of you Jasper for even going to Collage.” Alice said sincerely.

Jasper smiled. “ I’m so glad you are home! I’ve really missed you.” He whispered leading her now, smiling gently at her.

Things Change
Author: Ronan Eastwick 
Date:   12-25-07 18:02

Even dressed in his warmest clothes, Ronan felt frozen down to his bones. He wasn't at all sure how Professor Crouch could stand the cold, but she didn't at all seem to be suffering. Even with the extra fat around her middle, Ronan thought for sure she'd want to move inside by now, or at the very least, into the stables where it was definitely warmer than outside. Unfortunately, she looked quite comfortable in the icy air.

Just a few days ago, Ronan might have found himself in the Great Hall instead of in the ice and snow. Profesor Snider had waited nearly a month to move the newly designated "nons" in with the rest. In fact, he'd only been segregated from the purebloods since yesterday.

His day yesterday had begun quite early. House elves had come into his dorm room and made sure he and some others packed all their belongings. Ronan was no longer dignified to sleep in the extra-fine beds or in the same room with the purebloods. He now slept on the most uncomfortable mattress imaginable. His roommates consisted of another sixth year, a fifth year, and two second years.

Ronan had also been shifted into the other classes. Instead of Professor Masterson's Herbology, Professor Pilliwickle's History of Magic and Professor Marcasite's Muggle Studies classes, Ronan had gone to those of Professor FitzRoy, Whitmen and Miller. With the exception of Whitmen, Ronan had had classes with the others in previous years.

"Concentrate, I say! Concentrate!" Crouch's voice cried out shrilly. She'd spent the past half hour berating every student for having difficultly with the lesson. Little wonder considering the terrible conditions!

Ronan held out his wand and tried to forget about the cold, but it was so blasted difficult to do so.

The object of their very first lesson was to disapparate from the spot in which they were standing and apparate into an imaginery circle directly in front of them. Ronan himself had heard Professor McGonagall mutter something about using actual hoops as custom, but Crouch didn't seem to keen on doing anything except what she wanted. In a way, it was almost like she didn't want them to succeed.

One usually couldn't apparate or disapparate to and from Hogwarts, but a small perimeter of the grounds and also the Great Hall had been countercharmed for the lessons. Crouch had demonstrated apparating and disapparating several times, but so far none of the students had even managed to go so far as to splinch themselves.

"It's just as I thought!" Crouch finally exclaimed, sighing deeply. "You nons just aren't as equipped for advanced magic as the rest of us are."

"That is unnecessary," Professor McGonagall stated sternly.

Crouch ignored her and said, "However, since you have paid for the lessons, I will do my very best to teach you. Try again, please."

Ronan resisted the urge to hex the woman and instead tried concentrating on the lesson. If only his fingers weren't frozen solid!

Gretta, The Nanny
Author: Gretta Kensington 
Date:   12-26-07 14:41

Gretta looked around the Watson's apartment. It looked smaller than her own, but it was a lot more cluttered. In one corner there was a highchair, a playpen, and a small crib. There was only one bed and Gretta had officially assumed that Jude, Mully, and their mother slept there. She had made this assumption just a week ago. That was when Mulberry barged into Gretta's apartment for a bit of company.

Today, Gretta was not babysitting neglected children. This visit was actually an invite from Loretta Watson herself. Loretta was the mother of the three young girls. She was a tall woman compared to Gretta. Her daughters almost looked exactly like her. She wore a navy pleated skirt and a white buttoned shirt. Her nylons looked new. Black pumps finished her outfit. Gretta automatically wondered why the woman lived in an apartment when she could afford those kind of clothes. Then again, Gretta could afford that exact outfit and lived in an apartment. Loretta must have noticed that Gretta was surveying her clothes and looked down.

"Pardon my idea of apparel," the woman spoke as if she was a proper lady in some proper mansion. "I have to work in a few hours. I work at Gringotts until I can get a better job. Do you work?"

Gretta nodded. "Yes. I am...I...You could say I am my own employer."

Loretta stood up as Gretta was speaking. It made Gretta very uneasy that Ms. Watson had done this. Gretta cleared her throat. This brought attention to herself. It must have upset Loretta because she slammed her kettle onto the stove and went back to where she was sitting.

"Listen Miss Kensington," Loretta said in a tone that made Gretta even uneasier. "This invite is job offer. Jude has told me that you have babysat the children in my absence and I appreciate it. It has also come to my attention that Jude is not ready to babysit her sisters. That is why I am asking you to babysit the girls. Meals will be provided. To make you more comfortable, I will bring their stuff to your room. I can only give you 9 galleons a week in payment, but that should be enough for clothing and other living expenses."

Gretta looked at this woman. She was making more money being an escort, but this was a much more respectable job. It was not like she had not saved up money already. She had close to 550 galleons saved up from her previous jobs. Gretta continued to think about it. Loretta was getting more anxious by the minute. Gretta could figure out a spending plan for the saved money. She did not spend much anyway. Most of the 9 galleons would probably be saved.

"Please! I need this! The girls need this!" Gretta looked at Loretta, who had her hand over her mouth. Her cheeks were red and it was apparent she was embarrassed for crying out like she had.

"I will do it," Gretta said with a smile. Loretta sighed.

"Bless you! Now, you should know today is my last day of training. Starting tomorrow, I will be a full time employee. My hours are 5 in the morning to 10 at night. I am off Saturdays, but you are welcome to accompany us to what ever activity we decide to do. I also need to know if you are pureblooded." Gretta nodded.

"I'm a 'Pure' in every way." Loretta smiled.

"Good," Loretta said. "Would you mind watching the girls tonight also? I will be home by 7. I just need someone to watch them." Gretta nodded again.

She was screaming for joy on the inside. She finally had a respectable job. She was a nanny. Gretta thought about her studying to be a proper witch. Jude was learning at the same time. Gretta had a study buddy. It seemed as though this job was beyond perfect for Gretta. It was like something out of one of her dreams.

Plotting (Annis, Sidra and Ryker)
Author: Havana 
Date:   12-26-07 17:07

“What’s got you ladies so down? We should be rejoicing, our haughty muggle-lover of a sister is no more!” Ryker grinned, his smile as arrogant as ever.

Annis sighed “Ryker, dear we are thrilled that Isadora’s memory was wiped. We were only thinking about our next move. We know she has no recollection of who she is, but we could retrain her memory. Although I would never reclaim her as a sister we could trick her into hating those foul Nons again.”

“Annis, shouldn’t we just move on? I mean the girl is better off living her life as a regular person, wizard or not.” Sidra looked thoughtful for a moment, she had been the only sibling who ever respected their sister as a formidable witch. “Besides, she’s strong. If we show up and attempt to convince her to believe what we want she could very well attack.”

Ryker couldn’t help but laugh “Ha! You think that brat could EVER beat us? Look at what we did to her! We beat her easily, and knocked that girl of hers out cold. There is no way that arrogant child will ever win.”

Sidra stood, pouring a glass of wine “That’s it, my dear brother! We’ll go after her girl. Nyx I believe was her name. We’ll kidnap her from St. Mungos and then we’ll go after Isadora.”

A little chat with a ghost
Author: Cailyn Spicer 
Date:   12-26-07 17:10

After lunch, Cailyn dragged her feet all the way to Professor Matterson’s office. It was clear she didn’t want to go, but she knew better than not to go. On the way to the office she ran into a familiar ghost.

“Darling, stop dragging your feet. It’s not becoming.” Chasity Spicer said appearing out of no where and scaring the daylights out of Cailyn. Cailyn Scowled at her great great grandmother.

“I’m not becoming.” She said in a saucy tone not caring that she was talking to a lady who was over a hundred years old. Chasity stared at her little granddaughter and pursed her lips together.

“Didn’t your father teach you to respect your elders?” She asked highly annoyed.

“Of course not. My father is never home.” Cailyn said as she continued to drag her feet through the hallway.

Chasity’s eyes flashed slightly. She couldn’t believe she was being talked to in these tone. Children today had no respect for their elders. She thought even more annoyed then she was before. “Cailyn, why have you stopped going to your classes?” She asked finally getting to the point.

“I have no reason to go.” Was the reply Cailyn gave Chasity.

“What do you mean you have no reason to go?” Chasity asked.

“Well, I don’t want to be here. I liked my old school. They didn’t have these stupid racist rules against the Nons and everyone else who isn’t a pure blooded Wizard.” Cailyn muttered. Chasity sighed again as she stood in Cailyn’s ways.

“Cailyn, you are in Gryffindor. You cant run away from this. Running away will prove nothing.” Chasity said softly.

Cailyn stopped dragging her feet and looked up at Chasity and slumped up against the wall. “ But I wanna go home to America. I like America so much better than England.” She whined feeling tears in her eyes. “It’s not fair that they wont let us transfer or at least go to a Muggle School.” She looked up at Chasity whipping her tears away.

“Cailyn, life isn’t always fair.” Chasity began but then decided against the speech she was about to give seeing the state her granddaughter was in. “ Darling, I know it’s hard, but trust me, you need to stick around Hogwarts a wee bit longer.” She said as gently as she could.

Cailyn looked at Chasity and shook her head, “Why? I have no reason to stay here. I don’t need to be educated. I have plenty of money coming to me when I am eighteen anyway!”

“Everyone needs to be educated Cailyn. There are a lot of things in this world you don’t know about.” Chasity answered.

Cailyn frowned. She knew Chasity was right. “But do I have to be educated here?” She asked.

“Of course not. Though I think you should stay. If you run away your problems will only follow you.” Chasiy said softly. “Things might just change a little. At least try and stay?”

Cailyn sighed and stood away from the wall. She dried her tears. “I’m going to be late.” She said softly looking at her grandmother. “I have to go.”

Practice Makes Perfect
Author: Alanna Beck 
Date:   12-26-07 18:32

Alanna stared at the hoop on the floor in front of her and tried to follow the directions Wilkie Twycross had given throughout the course of the first apparition lesson. The three Ds sounded pretty ridiculous when first mentioned, but Alanna had to admit that she could remember what to do a lot better with them in mind.

Destination, determination, and deliberation.

She focused on the hoop, where she wanted to appear when she disappeared from the spot in which she stood. She pictured herself moving towards the hoop, and really, really wanted it to happen. Her heels left the floor, she leaned forward... and she almost fell flat on her face.

Alanna looked around, hoping no one had seen her. Everyone else seemed to absorb in their own tasks to pay her any attention. So far no one had even managed to splinch themselves, must less disapparate and apparate properly.

Wilkie Twycross made it look terribly easy, but it was a lot harder than it looked!

Twycross wasn't the only teacher in the Great Hall. Professors Flume, Batuti, Closterfob and Pilliwickle were also present. They strolled around the room, keeping an eye on things and also prepared in the chance someone did splinch him- or herself.

"Don't give up," Twycross said to the class at large. Several of Alanna's classmates looked frustrated. She bet she wore the same expression on her face. "Just remember! Practice makes perfect!"

"Practice makes perfect," Alanna said to herself. She turned her attention back to the hoop at her feet and tried again.

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