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Plymouth vs Belfast
Author: Isolde 
Date:   02-22-08 13:57

Like all Quidditch coaches, Little League and professional the same, Isolde was faced with the very real problem of losing a good majority of her players to the new "non" communities that had sprung up in the last week. In some cases, the coaches themselves had been sent away, temporarily leaving the teams without guidance. Isolde had had to do some major shuffling around to ensure she still had a team to play in today's match against the Belfast Beetles.

Regrettably, Isolde was short one player, as eight of her fourteen had been sent to the various communities or gone into hiding in the last week. Ever since the news that "nons" were being taken away from their ordinary lives broke, those who could flee, did. Rumors were already spreading that vigilante groups in league with the Ministry of Magic, so-called Snatchers, were working to round up the runaways.

Despite her loss, Isolde was doing one better than Edan Collier. He only had five players left on his team, being short a beater and a chaser. The Department of Magical Games and Sports wanted to ensure that life for the pureblood families continued in the usual manner, so the games were not to be canceled. Instead, Isolde sat out one of her players to make it an even chance for both teams.

From the sidelines, Isolde and said player watched the match unfold. Surprisingly, the hodgepodge of Polliwogs played better than Isolde had seen of the entire team since the very first match against London, the only game the Polliwogs had won since the start of the season. Isolde watched with wonder, and even her little sidekick who seemed disappointed at not being able to play looked on with awe. Something was definitely going right.

No one managed to catch the snitch after the referee called time (Little League matches were timed so that they didn't run overly long), but Isolde's two Polliwog chasers had managed to put a whopping ten points over the Beetles' six on the board. Maybe losing a bunch of her players to the "non" communities hadn't been a bad thing after all!

On The Run
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   02-22-08 16:02

An eye to some barely parted slats, Ron checks the street below for signs of being followed. He'd dearly love to get to the Order's Muggle house where Harry should be and hopefully Hermione. Ginny might be. His parents perhaps. Possibly some or all of his brothers. As far as Ron knows, Janine is still wherever she'd gone after letting the Weasleys and Sirius know that Harry had been arrested.

After helping with the planning on breaking Harry out of the Ministry, Ron had gone about his life as if nothing untoward was going on. Ron knew he and others would be closely watched but had no idea that all hell was going to break loose. Even before they put the escape plan into action, Nons at the Ministry were showing up for work then being shunted off to Merlin knows where. It didn't take long for Nons who don't work for the Ministry to start being picked up.

Ron's heard that the Department of Half-blood, Muggleborn, and Half-breed Registration and Regulation is in charge of picking up the Nons and sending them to what some are now referring to as camps, others as prisons, and yet others as communities. Whatever they are, the people being sent there aren't being allowed to leave or to contact their families.

Even though Ron and his family are pureblooded, just after Harry's escape Kingsley began urging them all to take cover, Ron in particular because of his best friend status with Harry. The way his family was being harassed about what knowledge they have of Harry's escape, Ron reluctently concluded that going into hiding for now was probably for the best. This point was driven home on Thursday when Hagrid and Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Snape were arrested. It didn't help that Thursday was also the day that the group sent out by the Department of Half-blood, Muggleborn, and Half-breed Registration and Regulation to round up Nons, a group Ron keeps hearing called the Snatchers, paid a visit to the twins' Diagon Alley shop in search of Maj and her father. The day before, on Wednesday, Charlie had been held for hours at the Ministry and while finally released there was an implied threat against him.

After learning of the arrests at Hogwarts, on Thursday afternon Ron had explained to his employer that he might need to lie low for awhile. He'd not even made it halfway from Whizzhard Books to the flat above the shop when Ron saw someone pointing to him then motioning at others. Ron didn't stop to find out what they wanted. He disapparated right away.

Problem is, just as he was disapparating, he was grabbed. A burly man was taken along with Ron. In the cospe near a favorite picnic clearing of Hermione's and his, the man had punched Ron, nearly knocking him out. On the ground, Ron had instinctively kicked out, catching the man in the knee. Scrambling up, Ron didn't reach for his wand, he simply went to apparate again. The man had other ideas, grabbing Ron again, this time jerking him so hard that at the next spot Ron found himself with a shoulder that felt dislocated. He'd kicked again, this time hitting the man solidly in his privates. This allowed Ron the time to step back and apparate again.

Ron had gone to the home of the a retired Healer his family knew. Martin was able to put Ron's shoulder back into its socket and prepared a potion for Ron to drink to help with torn ligaments, bruising, and pain. In the time it took for the potion to be brewed, they found Ron. He grabbed up the potion and disapparated once more.

Since then, Ron's been all over Great Britain, sometimes Wizarding, sometimes Muggle. They always find him within two to three hours. He can't figure out how. By Thursday night, Ron had stripped all of his clothing and changed to items he picked up here and there. He swapped wands with someone. They still find him.

Ron cannot go meet up with Harry, hopefully Hermione, and whomever else might be at the Order's newest acquisition. He can't go to any Order house for that matter and Ron has stopped going to houses and shops where he knows someone. He doesn't want someone hurt or arrested because of him.

After part of Thursday, all day Friday, and what there's been of Saturday so far of being on the run, having to move every couple of hours, still in the clothes he "borrowed" along the way on Thursday, Ron is exhausted, smells, and is hungry. He's watching his money closely because he'd only escaped with what little he had on him. He's eaten but not much and some of what he has had he scrounged along the way.

Ron sees movement on the street below. Sighing and pulling back from the window, Ron grabs up the coat he found in this deserted flat. The person he saw is that burly man, who is still walking a little funny after that kick to the balls on Thursday. Definately not someone Ron wants to meet again anytime soon. Looking around quickly to make sure he's not leaving anything useful, Ron once again apparates, this time heading to a Muggle location.

Another Stolen Moment
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   02-22-08 19:49

Lawrence waited, leaning against the wall of the usual alcove where he and Ariella have met on several occasions. She came by shortly after and they settled for a moment, brief displays of affection given, but nothing to blatantly obvious. “I can not believe what has been happening here.”

He had to resist the urge to wrap her up in his arms and hold her close for the duration of the night and longer. He wanted to be able to actually be a couple with her, but they still had the duration of this term to go. “McGonagall, Snape, Hagrid, and Flitwick are all gone, and can you believe who has replaced them?” Lawrence said, he’d had three of the four now sacked or rather arrested professors.

“Have you heard what that the Carrows have been doing?” Ariella asked him. He nodded, knowing well what she was talking about.

“Unforgivable curses on students. I have also heard the rumors about what happened between another student, Yaxley and Mrs. Lancaster. It is a shame really what the world has deteriorated to.” Lawrence sighed and again, for probably the fifteenth time in the past ten minutes, refrained from wrapping her up in his arms.

“This has to stop. I do not know how many students the Carrows have sent to the hospital wing with the using of the unforgivable curse.” He wondered if she was resisting the same urges he was. They couldn’t actually –be- a couple because of their current situation.

“At least two, if not more, and the term is no where near over.” Lawrence said. “I checked the hospital wing shortly after hearing they were using the curses.” This of course was no doubt much worse perhaps a situation than when he had used that damnable quill on Gus.

“Have you or Alanna heard from Bron or Toby, about their situation? Since essentially under the new twisted regime that Minister Smythe-Jones has created in wizarding Britain, they are no longer married.” He asked, again, resisting the urge to hold her close.

“No, we haven’t, but I am worried about her. I mean, she is a half-breed, I mean, who knows what the Ministry is doing to families that are not all Pureblooded.” Ariella said, leaning back against the wall, casting her gaze out into the hallway for a moment.

“The Ministry has been making several arrests and helping with relocation assistance for several nons. Do you really think that they are actually helping the nons? Given the legislation and such that has been handed out against the nons?” Lawrence asked, making references to the various articles that have been in the Daily Prophet concerning the sudden raising in arrests of nons.

“I don’t know Lawrence. I highly doubt that they are actually helping the nons, at least not in the way that they are making it seem.” Ariella said with a sigh.

“We shouldn’t stay here much longer.” He said, knowing that they were risking getting caught should anyone come along the hallway and see them. “They should be getting done with the apparition lessons soon. See if you can find out anything on Bron and Toby, and let me know what is going on?” He was concerned also, because Bron was a friend of his and Toby was his girlfriend’s brother.

“I will see what I can find out.” Ariella said before she slipped out of the alcove. He would wait a few moments before following her out of the alcove and heading toward his quarters. A hot shower, and a nap before setting back to grading his papers for his classes.

Being Cautious
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   02-23-08 10:35

Coquille Cabanon was a small, well-protected cottage in the hills of Marseilles, France. Apolline Delacour knew a great many wizards in real estate and quickly secured the home for her daughter and son-in-law upon learning that Fleur needed to leave Great Britain immediately. Fleur hadn't wanted to leave behind her job at Gringotts or the house she shared with Bill in Hogsmeade, despite knowing that she would more likely than not end up separated from her family because of her half-breed status. She simply wasn't one to run away with her tail tucked between her legs. Fleur was a fighter.

It was Bill's worry and constant pleading that convinced her to flee to the safety of France. She spent her days with her pets, Rémy the fish and Marguerite the kitten, and also with her parents, who often came to visit or whom she visited in Paris. Bill came home every night, though he was gone during the day. He hadn't given up his job yet, and he often met with the Order for updates.

The Ministry of Magic had not interrogated him over Harry Potter's escape from custody, nor had they sought him out with an arrest warrant, as they'd had other members of the Order. Bill kept his eyes and ears open at all times when out and about, however, since either situation could likely come to pass.

Fleur, naturally, worried about Bill, but she knew very well that it was far more of a risk for her to keep to her old life than for Bill to do so. Still, she never felt relief such as she did when Bill arrived home every night.

Fleur also worried about Gabrielle. Although, the administration at Hogwarts had somehow overlooked the fact that her little sister wasn't a pureblood, that could change anytime. What would happen to Gabby then? Would Hogwarts students who weren't purebloods end up disappearing like the Ministry of Magic employees and other nons around the wizarding world? Fleur almost wished she could pull Gabrielle from Hogwars and send her back to Beauxbatons, but transfering was no longer an option for Hogwarts students.

Despite it being Saturday and not a workday for Bill, he wasn't home. He was across the English channel, attempting to find out more about his missing family and friends. Ron hadn't been seen or heard from for a couple of days. Bill felt certain that Ron was probably all right. If he'd have been arrested, it would have been publicized. Also, Ron was a pureblood and wouldn't have vanished like those who weren't. Still, Bill would feel better if he knew exactly what was going on with his youngest brother.

He always went to the house in Hogsmeade to keep up the appearance that he still lived there. If he were being watched, he didn't want to lead authorities all the way to Fleur in France. And when he traveled, he took a different route each time, and he never, ever used a fireplace. One simply couldn't be too cautious these days.

Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   02-23-08 11:16

Edith, Catherine, Isabella and I sit in the common commons, a game board between us. Our playing is only half-hearted and our usually boisterous selves are vair vair subdued. Catherine and Izzy both felt the wrath of one of the Carrows, Edith got two nasty detentions from Yaxley, and I got got slapped - SLAPPED! - by Argus Filch and three detentions from him. Since when is Filch allowed to assign detentions on his own? Since when is he allowed to slap a student?

Not that my own woes are that bad compared to being cursed by a Carrow like Izzy and Catherine. Poor Izzy wizzy even has a huge bruise on her arm where she caught the edge of the desk when she fell over while being cursed.

Thinking about Izzy's bruise I reach up to gingerly touch my cheek where that old fart Filch left his hand imprint. He grinned when he did it, though the Carrows also find hurting others tres amusant. Won't be long before the bloody bastard starts cursing students as well.

But wait. I sit up a little straighter. "Have any of you ever seen Filchulent using a wand?"

Izzy shakes her head. "Not that I remember. Not even for lifting heavy things."

"Oh, he's got a wand all right," Edith states emphatically.

"You've seen it?"

"Oooooh, no!" Edith shudders. "The one I know for sure he has is as trouser wand."

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" we other three start shuddering as well, trying to clear our minds of the thought.

We fall into a fit of giggles, which is a good thing even if short lived. We need something to help take our minds off the fact that students are no longer safe from physical abuse. We also desperately need not to have too much time to dwell on the fact that we each have at least one family member gone missing.

My vati sent an owl Friday morning to let me know that Mum has been taken away. He called the people who took her Snatchers even though the official notice of the Department of Half-blood, Muggleborn, and Half-breed Registration and Regulation group calls them RAC, or Relocation Assistance Committee. The Snatchers or RACers or whatever the hell they are took Mum away. My little sister Libby was left with Vati but he'd been hearing instances of little kids classified as Nons being taken from the custodial Pure parent. Vati took Libs to Mum's parents hoping that she'd be safe in the Muggle World.

Our giggling subsides and we end up staring at the board game again. Maybe my sex god boyfriend Sage Porter will show up in the common commons after his apparition lesson and give me another bright spot. Also, I have a birthday gift for him. I could give it to him today instead of tomorrow.

Slumping down in my chair I look at my three friends. We really need to do something, something more than what took place back in December when people sat where they weren't supposed to in the Great Hall. I suppose it will be up to me to rally the troops. I shall do that later after I am done moping about the handprint still visible on my face. Not that it's worse than Izzy's bruise. Also, I need time to think about what course of action to take against Woolly and her people who aren't not really people but demons in disguise.

vair = very
tres amusant = French for very amusing though Izzy keeps telling me that my French would not be understood in France. Is it my fault the French would not understand their own language?
bloody = used here in place of fecking
Filchulent = flatulent Filch
trouser wand = manly part though in Filchulent's case manly is a bit of an overstatement
Vati = my somewhat barmy male parental unit
sex god = males such as Sage Porter, Jared Wynbourne, Ronan Eastwick, Bailey Gray, i.e. they make you swoony and giggly and your boy entrancers flutter on their own accord
Woolly = Woolly Mammoth = Hairy the Snide = Harriet Snider, Hogwarts Headmistress

Worried and an Idea
Author: Illyria 
Date:   02-23-08 13:07

Illyria paced the already well-worn rug in her living room, franctic with worry over the whereabouts of her family. Just that morning, she'd received a cryptic letter via owl from her sister Erigone, though Erigone hadn't even signed the letter or put her return address on it. Illyria only knew it came from her because she recognized her sister's handwriting. In the letter, Erigone wrote that neither O (for Olympia) or U (for Urania) had been heard from since Monday. A (for Arsinoe and Q (for Quin) had run away, but Erigone hadn't said where. It wasn't clear whether she even knew. Arsinoe was pregnant and needed to flee not only for her sake, but for the baby's as well. Erigone's husband-to-be, Aidan, was also missing. Erigone herself was in hiding and wouldn't be able to write very often. She urged Illyria to hide too.

Illyria wanted to, but at the same time she didn't want to desert her students. They needed her, now more than ever. If she ran, what hope would they have left?

She jumped suddenly at the sound of a knock on the door. In a moment of panic, Illyria simply knew the Ministry of Magic had come for her, but when she opened the door, she saw Marzipan FitzRoy standing in the doorway.

"You look a fright," Marzi said, entering the room.

"My stomach's all in knots," Illyria admitted. "I hate not knowing what's become of my family."

Marzi nodded in understanding, though she didn't have Illyria's same worries. Marzi didn't have any family left alive who weren't purebloods. The only person she needed to be concerned over was herself.

"I hate to say it, but I think we're next," Marzi said, sitting down on the couch. Illyria sank onto the cushion next to her, looking exhausted.

"I believe you, but only because we've already lost four professors in the last week. I don't doubt it at all that Snider can find replacements for us in a heartbeat," Illyria admitted. "But what about the students?"

"Maybe they'll be relocated soon too," Marzi commented. "Then Snider won't have to worry about finding replacements, except for some of the newer staff members who have since been demoted to non status."

"Should we run?"

"I want to, but I wish we could smuggle out the non students first."

Illyria mulled over this idea for a while. "Do you think it would be possible?"

Marzi had been serious in wanting to rescue her kids, but she hadn't been serious in actually attempting to do it. "I don't think it's impossible, but I do think it will be difficult."

"Would you be willing to try it?" Illyria asked, sounding urgent.

Marzi nodded slowly. "Yes, I would. But we really need to come up with a plan first."

The two women started discussing the idea in low, hurried tones, hoping to come up with a sound idea but still very unsure whether they'd actually attempt to follow through with it.

Author: Bambi Fandango 
Date:   02-23-08 17:17

Bambi is bent over a fifteen hundred year old book, ever so carefully mending some of the pages and repairing the spine. Even with magic, repairing these old tomes takes a gentle touch. Harkin is working the check-out desk and Daisy is reshelving books and periodically clearing tables of books, though only after making sure the student who placed them there is no longer using them. Jelly is also at the desk, alternately watching Bambi and Harkin. Bambi actually likes the small, quivering House Elf and feels great pity for him that he belongs to Harriet Snider.

That whale of a woman enters the library, sending students scurrying out of her path as she waddles to the counter. By the time the headmistress has reached it Harkin has let Bambi know of their visitor. Bambi doesn't really care to talk to Snider but she does need a break and her back welcomes standing up straight again.

Bambi cordially greets the headmistress, "Morning, Professor Snider."

"A word in the office, Ms. Fandango. Or are you finally going by your married name?"

"Still Fandango, professor."

Bambi shows Professor Snider into the office, the space feeling cramped thanks to the woman's overly large bulk. Snider clasps her beefy hands together and the furry line over her top lip quivers as she smiles. "I shall make this quick. Your services are no longer required."

One of those ham sized hands pokes into a pocket and brings out a large envelope. "Your office notice of termination and a voucher redeemable at Gringott's for your final pay and severence."

Snider hands the speechless Bambi the envelope. "You have until Monday noon to have your former residence cleared of your belongings."

"I'm fired? Why?"

"Despite my very clear guidelines on library usage for Nons, you persist in being overly lenient. The House Elves you've trained will do. Jelly will oversee the library's running until such time as I decide a human replacement is required."

"I've followed your horrible guidelines to the letter," Bambi protests.

"Tone, Ms. Fandango. Be grateful I did not feel the need to file charges against you with the Ministry. Good day."

Without another word, Snider barrels past Bambi out of the office, knocking Bambi into the door and frame. Rubbing her back where the door knob jabbed sharply into her then scraped across her back as Snider pushed Bambi to get by, Bambi bites her lip from the pain. She does a slow count to ten to regain her composure before telling Harkin and Daisy she's no longer the library. Bambi decides she'll make the rounds in the library and across the hall in the room divided up for studying them go to her quarters to begin packing. She should send an owl to Hogsmeade as well to let Lars know.

Tucking the envelope into a pocket, Bambi goes and breaks the news.

Preparing For A P.U.R.E. Meeting (Harriet Snider)
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   02-23-08 19:33

The sacking of Bambi Fandango out of the way, Harriet hums a merry tune. This has been a marvelous week and things will only get better! Just seeing Minerva McGonagall's face as that Witch was arrested made for a truly excellent week. How this school ever functioned with Dumbledore and McGonagall in charge is a mystery to Harriet.

Harriet's next two stops are out on the grounds to check on the Nons's apparition lesson and then to the Great Hall check on the sixth year Pures. As she huffs back into the school, walking towards the Great Hall, Harriet gives serious consideration to a flying carpet. A flying carpet with a chair would be just the thing for getting around the grounds and even for bypassing many of the numerous staircases.

It really is tiresome getting around.

A magic carpet would be perfect.

After checking in on the lessons at the Great Hall, Harriet bustles off to her office to order a very nice magic carpet with attached chair.

Excited about the magic carpet, which the person she spoke to via the Floo said would arrive Monday morning, Harriet starts double checking that all is as it should be for a P.U.R.E. meeting. A number of the Pures signed up for the club and Harriet's made it clear that any who haven't are most welcome, encouraged even, to join before the term is over.

So far the meetings have consisted of meals in London, a play in Glasgow, and special fun and games in the Pures Only common room. Today those P.U.R.E. members interested will be going to Paris for lunch, shopping in that city's exclusive Wizarding shops, and then a concert with backstage passes for a new French group that's currently all the rage.

Harriet sticks her head in the Floo to speak with the woman overseeing the luncheon arrangements. She is assured that all is as ordered and the food will be ready right on schedule. Next Harriet gets confirmation that there won't be any problems with the backstage concert passes.

Once she's finished, Harriet recounts the contents of each coin purse for the students who attend the meeting. They will need money for the shopping and anything they wish to buy at the concert. After that, Harriet sits back with a cup of tea and a platter of fairy cakes, thinking about how fun the luncheon and shopping portion of the meeting will be and thinking happily about her magic carpet.

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