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Sneak Thief
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   02-26-09 17:33

Zuberi crouches behind some bushes and peers through branches with new growths of leaves. As he watches a couple with a small child stroll by, Zuberi wonders if old Filthy has discovered him gone. Zuberi doesn't care how many times Theodosia tells him the man's name is Filch, in his mind, the old goat will always be Filthy.

Zuberi is tired of Filthy, tired of detention, tired of Dosie backing up those idiots whenever he's in trouble, tired of Hogwarts, and tired of this cold, damp place. He's ready for some sun again. Real sun. Not this feeble light with constant fog and drizzle. Zuberi has been cold constantly since Dosie took him away from Africa and all his friends. Sure, he can easily visit on holiday from school but that's not the same now is it?

Seeing no one else about at the moment, Zuberi comes out from behind the bushes and strolls along the street. He's not got any real destination in mind. His only goal was to get away from Hogwarts for awhile. It's a shame he couldn't make off with that invisibility cloak confiscated from Deak Bennett. It had been so close and Yaxley wasn't even looking at Zuberi while yammering on and on yet again about how disappointed he is in Professor Batuti's brother, forcing him once more to assign Zuberi to detention.

Zuberi had edged near enough to snag the cloak, his satchel open just enough to shove it in, when that awful Snider came floating by on her flying carpet, stopping at Yaxley's open door, then requesting to borrow the very invisibility cloak Zuberi was coveting.

Stopping in his tracks in front of Windweaver's Completely Quidditch, his eyes on the gleaming broom on display, Zuberi can't help but drool a little over it. If he'd had a broom he wouldn't have had to literally go under a section of the school wall. Zuberi had tried going over it but that turned out not to be as easy as you'd think. No one mentioned to him anything about spells on the walls.

There were enough students in the vicinity of the gates to have him decide that doing a simple, nonchalant walk out of them wasn't really his best option. Annoyingly, there were not any good climbinging trees near the parts of the wall he explored to help him bypass the spells on the walls. What Zuberi did find was a spot where a tree had fallen over, its roots tearing up dirt along a spot of wall when the tree fell. Zuberi has had to make a hole large enough to go through and also figure out a way to cover the hole so it wouldn't be obvious to the casual observer. He was very relieved that the spells on the wall didn't penetrate very far under the wall.

If he'd had a broom such as the one in this window, Zuberi could have zipped away from school hours ago and by now been somewhere far more interesting than Hogsmeade. But no, Dosie took his broom away shortly after he'd arrived at Hogwarts and according to her, he's not earned back the right to have it. Zuberi gets a broom when one is required for Fitness & Athletics and if he wants to join a pick-up Quidditch game or anything like that, he is embarrassingly forced to ask Dosie for permission to check out of the school equipment.

Zuberi presses his face against the window pane, looking more closely at the broom. He doesn't see anyone moving about inside, not even a clerk. Easing the shop door open, Zuberi is equally careful closing it then goes to stand looking at the broom from this side of the window display.

Doing a quick check of the shop again, Zuberi gently lifts the broom off the display case. When he has it fully clear, he waits a few seconds, not daring to breath. When there is still no sign of anyone, Zuberi walks as quickly as can without also making a sound.

Hand on the door to ease it open before darting outside, Zuberi's heart practically stops when a voice very close behind asks, "Not going to pay for that broom, Theodosia's brother?"

(Austin, Texas) New Life
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   02-26-09 17:40

"Will you be all right on your own?"

Marzipan had just seated herself on the sofa in the two bedroom home in which she, Weston, and Illyria now lived in Austin, Texas. Austin had pockets of wizarding communities, such as the street's worth of old stone houses in Hyde Park that the three transplanted wizards now called home.

Illyria, curled up in a plush recliner with a city guidebook in her lap, watched as Marzi pulled on a pair of brand new boots. She nodded. "I'll be fine. Go, enjoy your brunch with Weston."

Weston had found a job the day he and the women had arrived in Austin. It didn't matter to him that it wasn't in his field of expertise––he just wanted to provide for Marzi and to offer assistance to Illyria immediately. Perhaps one day, if they stayed in Austin longer, he'd find something along the lines of Herbology, but for now, being the night clerk on the wizarding floor of Brackenridge Hospital suited him just fine.

Marzi smiled and rose to her boot-clad feet. "Okay then. See you soon."

She crossed the room to the old stone fireplace and reached into the circular wooden box on the mantle, scooping up a handful of floo powder. She tossed it into the hearth and stated, "Witch's Brew." She stepped into the green flames and got sucked into the floo network, eventually finding herself in the coffee shop that connected Austin's Muggle world via Sixth Street and Congress Avenue and a wizarding hotstop akin to London's Diagon Alley.

Weston was already sitting at a table near the bar, sipping on black coffee and reading the Austin Augury. He looked tired, and understandably so. He'd been up all night at work and he wasn't yet used to the time change or the fact that he was up when he might otherwise be sleeping.

Marzi dropped a kiss on his cheek before sliding into the seat next to his.

"Hi," she murmured.

"Hi," he murmured back, smiling and seizing her hand. He squeezed it gently. "How are you?" He didn't begin to imagine the horrors Marzi and Illyria had gone through while at 14-15-14, nor what they had witnessed on their last day there.

"Fine." Marzi felt so much better now that she was free, reunited with Weston, and so far from the Ministry of Magic and its ridiculous laws. But sometimes when she closed her eyes she could hear the warden's screams as she plummeted to her death. She knew that with time she might be able to forget what had happened, or at least she hoped so.

"How are you?"

"Tired, but fine. How is Illyria?"

"Oh, she's all right. I do think she feels like she's a third wheel living with us but I don't see it that way."

"Nor do I. She can stay as long as she likes."

"That's what I told her, though I know she wants to find her family. Not sure how she'll accomplish that, though."

"I'm not sure either," Weston admitted sadly. He squeezed Marzi's hand again and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"I'm in the mood for something cold since the weather is surprisingly warm here. How about a frappuccino? Surprise me with the flavor. I know it's a bit heavy compared to other things on the menu, but I haven't had anything to eat yet and I promise I won't over-indulge at lunchtime. I'd have you supervise me but I know you'll probably be sleeping...""

Weston chuckled and got up from his seat. "I trust you. One surprise frappuccino coming right up."

He approached the counter, and Marzi watched him dreamily. Even though she'd always hoped they'd be together again, she'd never imagined it happening. She considered herself very lucky to have survived 14-15-14 and to have found her Weston again.

(Urania) With Family in Mumbai
Author: Illyria 
Date:   02-27-09 19:03

Urania stretched out on a reclining beach chair and held her niece, Alexandra, of whom she'd known absolutely nothing until recently. She'd always wondered what had become of Arsinoe and her pregnancy and had fervently hoped for the best. Words couldn't describe how happy she felt to learn everything had gone well and that the perfectly healthy little girl and her loving parents had made it safely found asylum in India, where some, though not all of the rest of the Jones clan now lived.

Urania had only arrived in Mumbai yesterday. She'd come first thing after breakfast with Ronan, Enid and the Youngham family. Leaving Ronan behind hadn't been easy but at least she knew he would be safe, and she also knew that they would see each other again. At the same time, Urania couldn't wait to leave Istanbul. She hadn't seen her sisters Arsinoe and Erigone in over a year. She hadn't seen her parents in over a year. And she'd yet to meet her first and only niece.

Alexandra cooed at her aunt Urania, not at all shy with anyone she met.

"I think she likes me," Urania murmured with a smile.

"She likes everyone," Arsinoe laughed. She lounged in a neighboring chair.

Although Arsinoe had never spent any time in one of the communities for nons, she had spent quite a lot of time on the run before fleeing to safety abroad. In a way, she understood the fear Urania had felt the whole time she'd been a prisoner at Goen Bren, but at the same time there was very much she hadn't experienced.

She looked from her plump daughter to the still very frail-looking Urania and frowned. Urania had told the family some of what she'd experienced over the last year, but not everything. Arsinoe didn't think Urania had serious lasting effects from what happened over the course of the past year but she wagered that what Urania had seen and endured would stay with her forever in some shape or form.

Urania pulled Alexandra close to her heart and sighed contentedly. "I'm so glad I've finally gotten the chance to meet you!"

Alexandra couldn't answer for herself, so Arsinoe did it for her. "We're all so glad you found us, Urania. Now if only Illyria and Olympia, and Erigone's Aidan, can find us too. Then we'll be one big happy family again."

"I wish I knew where they are."

"We all do, but I don't think we have any easy way of finding out."

Both sisters fell silent now and gazed out to sea, where blue waves rolled to shore with the most soothing of sounds.

Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   02-28-09 19:53

Argus Filch creeps across the Great Hall, not because he is sneaking but because that's simply how he tends to move. When he's halfway between the door and where the apparition lesson is going on, Filch catches Theodosia's eye. Nodding to him, she slips behind the others there to help in cases of splinching, having a very good idea already as to why Filch wishes to speak with her.

Having caught her attention, Filch turned and started for the doors. Theodosia easily overtakes him and then stands waiting just outside the Great Hall, holding one of the doors for him. Before Filch says anything, Theodosia states, "Zuberi skivved off detention again."

"That he did. If you'd let me have a go at the boy, I'd make sure he thought twice about doing it anymore."

Theodosia doesn't want to discuss what Filch's ideas on how he'd deal with Zuberi if she'd let him, as it's a topic that's already been discussed to death. Instead she turns and starts walking, saying over her shoulder, "I'll drag him out of bed and we'll figure something out. A spell or two to keep him on task, perhaps."

"He's not in his room. I've already looked. He's also not in any of the common areas."

Theodosia stops walking, her mind running down a list of possible places to find Zuberi. Doing so becomes moot when Viktor Krum walks into the castle's main entrance hall, holding a protesting Zuberi tightly by the arm. Theodosia hadn't gone far so she's still in plain view of the two as they come in.

Seeing her, Zuberi's protests to be let go change to, "Dosie, help! This man is crazy!"

"Viktor?" Theodosia questions, moving towards them. A somewhat amused Filch walks back into the central part of the entrance as well.

"He's crazy, Dosie! Don't believe his lies," Zuberi yells.

"Be quiet, Zuberi!" Theodosia orders before looking inquiringly at Viktor again.

"I caught him stealing."

"Did not!"

Next to her, Filch grunts under his breath, "Little liar."

She shoots Filch a dark look before returning her eyes to her brother. She stands with arms crossed, eyes hard, voice stern. "What were you doing in Hogsmeade, Zuberi?"

"I wasn't. I was on the grounds, minding my own business when this crazy man grabbed me and started calling me a thief."

"On the grounds, huh?" The way Theodosia asks, the question is almost casual in tone.

"Yes," Zuberi answers then realizing on the grounds wasn't the place to admit to being with both Filch and Theodosia, he hastens to say, "looking for Mr. Flithy, I mean Filch."


"Why what?"

"Why were you looking for Mr. Filch?"

"I I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do this morning."

Not taking her eyes off Zuberi, Theodosia asks, "Mr. Filch?"

"Started him off cleaning all the statues on the first floor."

"That task sounds fairly straightforward, Zuberi."

"What's the noise out here?" Ryland Yaxley asks from the doorway of the Great Hall.

Yaxley's going to know soon enough so Theodosia can't see any reason to sugar coat what she says this moment. "Zuberi chose to skip detention."

"Again. Can't say I'm surprised," Yaxley comments.

"He also chose to sneak off the grounds and go into Hogsmeade where Mr. Krum caught him stealing."

Yaxley looks at Viktor Krum, "Not that it matters, but what was the boy stealing?"

"A Supernova."

"A what?" Theodosia, Filch, and Yaxley all ask at the same time.

"It's a new broom model by Comet."

"The name Supernova sounds expensive to me," Theosodia says.

"It is."

"He's lying! The only broom I touched was some moldy old thing in a corner. Not charmed to fly at all," Zuberi practically shouts.

"So now you're admitting to being in Hogsmeade in Mr. Krum's shop?" Theodosia asks.

Zuberi, still firmly held by the arm, squirms. "Uh. No. I didn't mean. What I meant was, you see "

Theodosia's hand comes up in a silencing gesture, so swiftly that Zuberi flinches from the movement. "Enough."

"A student caught stealing is very serious," Ryland Yaxley says, stating the obvious.

Theodosia is so upset, so angry that she feels as though her entire body is quivering from suppressing her hurt and fury. Her voice strained and tight she says, "When you first began acting out, Zuberi, I thought it was because you weren't seeing me as often as you had been. I thought if I brought you here you'd go back to being a sweet, caring, responsible, loving boy. I was so very wrong. Since coming to Hogwarts you regularly skip classes, don't do your assignments, cause one problem after another, don't bother with the detention you earn, cheat, lie, and, now, steal. Enough. I've had enough."

Theodosia throws up her hands. "You were probably going to get suspended at the mimimum; with your history here, probably expelled. You've made it clear you don't want to be here. Fine. Go. I'm done with you."

Filch looks on with even more amusement. Expecting to have to argue with Theodosia on how severely Zuberi should be punished, Yaxley stares open mouthed. Viktor is just as dumbfounded as Yaxley.

Zuberi, on the other hand, looks jubilent. "You mean it? I don't have to attend Hogwarts anymore? I can go back to Okapi École de Sorcellerie?"

Theodosia arches an eyebrow at him. "You spent the first half of your school year trying to get out of attending classes at Okapi. Why would you want to go back? Besides that, I doubt they would take you even if you did go asking."

"It's where my friends are and everyone there knows I was just having a bit of fun. The school will take me back. Won't they?"

Theodosia shrugs. "Not my problem. You've made it clear you don't want to be with me, don't like me much less love me. You don't want to be here. Nothing I or anyone else here has done has made an impression on you."

Zuberi's brow wrinkles, "So I'm not going back to Okapi? I'm confused."

"I'm saying I'm done. Oh, well, not quite. Until you work off the cost of the broom, you are indentured to Mr. Krum."




"This gets better and better."

Zuberi and Viktor look shocked, Yaxley looks intrigued, and Filch seems highly entertained.

Theodosia pulls out her wand. "Indentured. You will work off what you owe Mr. Krum for the broom along with any expenses incurred while you do it."

"You can't do that!" Zuberi yells.

"Oh, but I can. It's not a well known spell but it's fairly simply really. So, I can and I will."

Pointing her wand at Zuberi, Theodosia calmly states the spell then just as calmly walks away, ignoring the three stunned men and Zuberi's shouts.

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