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(Anthony) Convoluted Story
Author: Beck 
Date:   06-19-11 13:22

Anthony sat at his desk and reviewed his notes regarding the Summer Solstice Murders case. The next potential mass murder was less than two months away, and Anthony really wanted to close the case and make any necessary arrests before that date arrived. If only Bronwyn could recall everything that had happened to her four years ago, when she'd been present at one such occasion.

As if she'd known he'd been thinking about her, Bronwyn suddenly appeared in the Auror Office with Toby at her side. She looked very grave, which, Anthony was ashamed to admit, gave him some hope. He got up to meet them.

"Toby, Bronwyn," he greeted, hugging first his brother and then his sister-in-law. "What can I do for you both today?"

"We stopped by the flat first," Toby explained, when Bronwyn didn't speak up right away. "Plum mentioned you were on duty today."

"Yeah, I'm still new enough that I get assigned more weekend shifts than some of the veterans." He looked up and around for a moment, as if taking stock of the other aurors in the office. His eyes fell and lingered on Hudson, who was standing at the water cooler, talking to one of their colleagues.

Toby followed his brother's gaze but he continued his initial line of thought. "We came because there's something Bronwyn wanted to talk to you about."

Anthony immediately returned his attention to the couple and led them to his desk. "You have another memory?" he asked Bronwyn, after they'd all taken their seats.

"No, I wish I could give you some good news about that. I know you're desperate to close your case," Bronwyn replied.

Anthony couldn't shield his disappointment.

"I have two sessions next week. Who knows? Maybe I'll have something for you soon," Bronwyn said.

Anthony nodded. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well..." Bronwyn drifted off and then looked around the room. The cubicle walls hid most everybody from sight, but she had already looked for Desi earlier while they'd been standing and hadn't seen her at all. That didn't necessarily mean she wasn't there, though.

"Is this about Desi?" Anthony asked, having followed her gaze and recalling Bronwyn's visit from earlier in the week.

"Is she here?" Bronwyn asked.

"No, she's off today. One of the first weekends she's not voluntarily working too. So, is it?"

"Is it what?" Bronwyn asked.

"About Desi?" Anthony answered.

"Yes... no..." Bronwyn turned to Toby for help.

Toby explained, "It's about Desi's boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend," Bronwyn clarified.

"Xavier Schoonmaker? Did he do something to her?"

"No, not at all!" Bronwyn exclaimed, quick to rush to the wizard's defense. Xavier was, if anything, a really decent guy and would never do anything to hurt someone he loved.

"What about him then?" Anthony asked. He was finding that it was too early on a Saturday morning of all days to make any sense of or have any patience for Bronwyn's ramblings.

Bronwyn didn't know how best to proceed, so she did the first thing that came to mind. She reached into her dark red hobo purse and pulled out a folded newspaper, which she'd filched from Desi, after the latter had filched it from her. Bronwyn unfolded it and placed it face-up on Anthony's desk.

Anthony read the headline and looked at the accompanying photograph, of a happily married couple walking along a beach.

"Desi and Xavier got married? When did that happen?"

Bronwyn shook her head. "Look again."

Anthony did, but he wasn't quite understanding what he was supposed to be seeing.

"It's the wrong twin," Bronwyn stated. "That's not Desi in the photograph. It's Bianca!"

Anthony looked at the witch's face and realized Bronwyn was right. She didn't have Desi's trademark hair color or sense of dress.

"I'm sorry, but I still don't see why you need to report this...?"

Toby looked at Bronwyn and said, "I think you need to start from the beginning."

Bronwyn sighed, and then took a deep breath. "Okay, it's like this..."

Time Heals
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   06-19-11 14:24

The grief Ethan felt for Rosamond grew easier to bear with each passing day. That Lilly had felt her mother's absence in the beginning, Ethan had no doubt, but the baby seemed very well adjusted nowadays. She was a very happy baby and brought him much needed joy.

With the return to his more or less normal self, Ethan began to feel his investigative mode creep into being. He knew that Penn Ellison, also known as Hattie Harsnip, remained in a Ministry of Magic holding cell for now and that sometime this summer, if not earlier, depending on the gathering of all evidence and witnesses, the boy-witch would go to trial.

In the time that had passed since Rosamond's death and Penn/Hattie's arrest, Ethan had also learned that Meadow O'Guinn had gone missing and presumably into hiding. The flat in which she'd lived over the pawn shop in Knockturn Alley had been ransacked of clothing and other personal items one might want when fleeing in a hurry, but all else, including her vast book collection, remained left behind.

According to Frank Carmody, the manager of Knockturn Pawn, Meadow hadn't reported to work in three weeks. How she had evaded authorities, when the knowledge of Penn/Hattie's arrest hadn't gone public right away, no one seemed to know. Any attempts to find her so far had been utterly fruitless.

Ethan wanted to get involved, but he knew he would never get permission. It was too personal a case for him. Not even the argument that he had done much of the investigation into Project 25, which had also been a personal case, would likely suffice this time around.

Besides, he knew what would happen if he were to get involved. It would consume him, utterly and totally, and his students at Hogwarts, not to mention his daughter, would likely suffer for it. No, perhaps it was best he only watched from the sidelines this time. At the very least, he would get his day in court.

On Saturday morning, Ethan had no reason to be at Hogwarts, but he went anyway, with Lilly nestled in a sling strapped to his body. She was wide awake and took in all the movement in the castle, from the portraits hanging on the walls to the ghosts gliding through the corridors.

Outside, there was much ado, thanks to the Spring Social, which was scheduled to start at noon on the grounds. It would be Lilly's first ever picnic, and while Ethan was sorry Rosamond couldn't be there with them, it was easy to stay positive. There was a cheery buzz in the atmosphere that rubbed off on anyone feeling the least bit down.

Besides picnicky-type foods, there would be ice cream, and music, and games. It was bound to be a fun-filled afternoon at Hogwarts, which was just what Ethan needed!

Getting Ready
Author: Illyria 
Date:   06-19-11 15:22

The Haltwhistle estate had a cozy guest cottage on property, nestled between a copse of hawthorn trees and with a small stream running behind it. A long carpet ran from the cottage's front door to a flat expanse of well-kept yard, where rows of golden chairs had been set up, ending in an arched trellis, where the bride and groom would take their vows.

The wedding was due to start in an hour.

The bride, her mother, and sisters flitted about the cottage, in preparation of the ceremony. The groom, meanwhile, was in the main house, doing whatever grooms did before they got married.

Olympia was in a right state. First, she'd forgotten her shoes. Then, she'd misplaced the diamond chandelier earrings she'd wanted to wear for the occasion. By the time Olympia had noticed the spot forming in the middle of her forehead, Illyria felt like she needed some fresh air.

She stepped outside quite unnoticed and slipped off her shoes, not wanting to get them dirty if she walked off the carpet into the grass. Her dress was tea-length, so she didn't have to worry about getting the hem dirty.

She walked in the direction of the yard, where the ceremony would be taking place. A few earlybirds had already arrived and staked out their seats, but for the most part, the chairs were empty. A few other individuals or families milled about, but more were expected to arrive.

Illyria walked on, enjoying the feel of the cool grass between her toes. She held her shoes in one hand and swung them back and forth as she walked. During one such forward motion, she lost her hold on one, and it went flying through the air. Illyria watched it as if in slow motion and well-imagined what Olympia would say if she discovered that her maid of honor's shoes no longer matched.

But then, a figure dove into view and caught the shoe before it could touch the ground. He, however, rolled in the grass, staining the white, button-down shirt he wore.

Illyria moved to help him up, and when his hand grasped hers and their eyes met, she smiled. "Nathan, I should have guessed I'd see you here today."

Nathan got up and handed her her shoe. "I believe this belongs to you."

"Thanks," she said, accepting it with a bashful smile. "Your shirt."

"A cleaning spell out to get the stain out," he said.

"I left my wand at the cottage."

Nathan produced his and aimed it at his shirt. The stain faded but it didn't quite go away. "I'll just cover it with my arm, like so," he said, moving his arm into an awkward position so that the stain was no longer visible.

Illyria laughed. "I suspect no one will notice, as all eyes will be on the bride. What are you doing here?"

"I was invited. What do you think? I'm not a wedding crasher!"

"How do you know Lyell?"

"We were tutored together when we were kids," he said. "We haven't seen each other too much as grown-ups, but we're still friends. How is it that your sisters all end up marrying my friends?"

"I don't know!" Illryia exclaimed, laughing again.

"I must confess, I'm glad to see you again."

"Me too," Illyria admitted.

"Do you have plans for after the reception?" he asked her.

"Actually, yes. I have to go to Hogwarts. We're having a big picnic on the grounds this afternoon. As it is, I'll be missing the first few hours."

"That's a shame. I would have liked spending time with you."

"Well, why don't you come with me?"

Nathan smiled. "As much as I would enjoy it, I better not. Knowing the Haltwhistles, they will be serving the best champagne, and I plan on partaking in a glass or two."

"A glass or two shouldn't hinder you from visiting Hogwarts with me, but if you'd prefer not to, I understand. Perhaps we can get together another time?"


Illyria looked over her shoulder in the direction of the cottage. "I best be going back before Olympia loses her mind completely. We can talk more at the reception."

"I look forward to it." He gave her a salute and then headed for the chairs, while Illyria walked back to the cottage, with her shoes firmly in hand.

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