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Some Confidence
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   08-03-13 14:12

Johanna was waiting at the entrance of the Great Hall, alongside with the other students who were going to take their apparition test today. She was very nervous and she just hoped not to fail. Later today all her family would be in the castle for the Spring Social event, and she didn't want to face them in case she failed.

Gus ,on the other hand, didn't seem nervous at all and he was even making a joke about leaving the tip of his tongue behind and how hilarious that would be.

"How can you be so relaxed?" Johanna asked him.

"Because they are not asking much of us are they? It's just apparition. If I fail I can try it again later. It's not the end of the world."

Johanna had to disagree. Apparition was, in a certain way, worse than studying for the OWLs. Because there was no room for mistakes and although she had weekly lessons, Professor Twycross was not a very good teacher. There was no textbook, and there would be no questions about apparition whatsoever. She would just have to stand there and apparate and if just millimeter of her body decided not to corporate and stay behind then she would not pass the text. Gus on the other side was more relaxed because to him apparition had nothing to do with school or books.

"Hopefully we will all pass," Kate said encouraging Johanna.

"Then we can all tease Felicia," Mark added.

Felicia was not seventeen yet and for her dismay she could not take the test today alongside the others. Johanna wouldn't really mind being in her shoes because that meant she would spend a quiet Saturday with her family without any questions on apparition. Of course if she passed it would be great to have everyone congratulating her, but if she failed people would be sympathetic and tell her she would do better next time and Johanna was too proud for that. She wasn't sure if she would be able to handle that. Not when everyone was hoping she would pass at her first attempt.

"Or maybe we will have to take the test again with her," Gus reminded Mark.

He really seemed to be having fun with all this and not suffering from anticipation. He then excused himself and went to Joanna Porter's encounter who would also been taking the test today.

"Now that would be the perfect excuse for him to give her a good luck kiss," Mark teased then he looked at Kate and Johanna wondered that perhaps she should give them some moments alone.

She gave some steps away from them and tried to focus on the three Ds. Destination, Determination and Deliberation, she thought and then she kept muttering those three words to herself, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach.

"Destination, determination, deliberation. Desti…"

Someone touched her arm making her almost jump with the fright. Taran Tremaine was in front of her with an amused expression in his face.

"You look like a mad woman, talking to yourself," he observed.

"I was just trying to revise what we learned during the lessons. Not that it's very helpful but at least it gives me a little bit of confidence."

"Oh you don't need that. I am sure you're going to pass."

That statement surprised Johanna, specially coming from Taran. They haven't spoken much since the Parents Day in February, although more than once she had caught him looking at her at the common room, or trying to sit by her during classes or at the Great Hall.

Johanna was not particularly interested on Taran but she had to admit she just couldn't forget about that night his dormitory where they had some fire whiskey and he kissed her. It made her smile every time she thought about it, but on those occasions she just shoved those memories away and focused in whatever she was doing. She didn't knew Taran that well despite the years together as school and house colleges and getting to know him was not in her agenda at the moment. The OWLs were a priority to her right now. Alongside this apparition test, of course.

"What about you? Are you also so very convinced that you are going to pass as well?"

"Of course. Just not today."


"I will only be seventeen in July. So I still have to wait a bit."

She nodded and then asked:

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I was passing by, on my way to the grounds, when I saw you. I thought I should come and wish you good luck."

"Thank you…" she replied a bit astonished.

"You can do this," Taran said, squeezing her arm gently.

For a moment it seemed like he was going to kiss her but he seemed to have changed his mind because he gave a step back and then he left just as swiftly as he have arrived.

Johanna didn't really know what had just happened but one thing was for sure: Taran had managed to boost her confidence and now she was starting to be able to relax and believe a little bit that she could indeed pass her test.

(Mark) Waiting His Turn
Author: Isolde 
Date:   08-04-13 11:39

The exam order did not follow any logic, as far as Mark could tell. His fellow examinees weren't called into the Great Hall alphabetically or by year or even birthdate. It seemed completely random, which made the waiting all the more nerve-wracking.

As the entrance hall thinned out, the group of students collected there grew quieter and quieter. The only commotion came from other students passing through to go outside or to another part of the castle.

The door swinging open drew everyone's attention, and then a voice from within called, "Kate Dewhurst!"

Kate exchanged a quick look with her friends and received encouraging smiles and murmured good lucks before slipping into the Great Hall and closing the door behind her.

Mark began to pace, but he wasn't thinking about the three Ds or how Kate might be doing beyond the double doors. Instead, he thought about his parents, who would be visiting later today. Mark didn't want to keep pretending that he wasn't dating Kate, but he almost didn't know how to stop. He knew his parents would never approve and that they would probably send him away for the summer if he confessed that he and Kate had been dating all along.

He knew it wasn't fair to Kate, but she seemed to understand his position. Mark felt lucky to have her.

Time seemed to pass very quickly. The door opened again and this time Mark was summoned to take his exam. He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and crossed over the threshold into the Great Hall.

Licensed to Apparate
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   08-04-13 12:21

Isma ran a hand through her hair, she'd not yet been called in for her testing, however Blake and Eric both had. They'd both passed and Eric had gone off to meet up with his parents and Cai's parents. Broderick was testing today too, and he'd gone in and come out about twenty to thirty minutes ago.

Kate Dewhurst had gone in, so had her boyfriend Mark, and that left a few of us still milling about, waiting to be summoned in for their own testing. It was something that I would be glad to be done with. Mum and dad were here with the baby, and I was looking forward to seeing my baby brother since I'd not seen him since the break.

Blake had volunteered to hang out with me until I got my chance to get my testing done, and his parents were here, he'd seen them earlier, and I knew that mine probably weren't far behind his. We'd probably find them in the predesignated meeting spot on the grounds a little later, when I finally got my chance to go in and test and hopefully not splinch myself.

"Charisma Stone..."

My name, finally called when the door opened, I squeezed Blake's hand and headed into the Great Hall. I wasn't in there long, and the test was simple enough, and thankfully the three D's had been drilled into my head and I was able to pass it with flying colors and not a splinched body part in sight.

That meant the three of us had passed our exams and were now licensed to apparate. "So definitely glad that we all passed." I said as Blake and I headed out to meet our parents for the Spring Social.

(Adriana) Progress
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   08-04-13 13:48

Kastor Jorgenson found Adriana seated on a bench in her gardens, reading the weekend edition of The Daily Prophet. One of the front page stories, which continued somewhere in the middle of the newspaper, featured the Spring Social event at Hogwarts. For perhaps the briefest of moments, Adriana had thought to bring her Death Eaters to Hogwarts for a day of mayhem, but she had quickly squashed the idea. An unorganized, spontaneous attack would not be wise, especially in the presence of wizards who would no doubt defend themselves from the unexpected onslaught.

"I have news, my Lady," Kastor said, stopping before Adriana.

She looked up from the newspaper, closed and folded it in half, and then patted the empty place on the bench. "Please sit, and do tell."

Kastor sat and explained that he had finally earned a position at the Ministry of Magic, as Adriana had requested he do. He was the newest connector in the Floo Network Office, certainly benefit to Adriana and her cause.

Yannick Cole had applied to become an obliviator with the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes but had not yet been hired in the position.

Those two were not the only ones infiltrating the Ministry of Magic's various departments and offices. Christina Sorcha had finally succeeded in getting someone loyal to Adriana into the role of Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It had been a lengthy process, and a difficult one to boot, since the long-time acting-head was thought to be a shoo-in for the job.

Pius Thickneese would officially take on the position of Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on Monday. Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt planned on giving a press conference in the morning announcing the appointment. Pius had a great many plans for the department, including the gradual pardoning of certain criminals.

"You've done well, Kastor," Adriana said. She patted his forearm with her hand.

Both looked up when Ivanova appeared in the courtyard. His expression suggested he had something urgent to tell Adriana.

Kastor got up to take his leave.

"The Blackthorns picked up a wizard seeking asylum," Ivanova explained. "Do you wish to meet him?"

Adriana got up, leaving the newspaper on the stone bench. "The Blackthorns, huh?" she asked wryly. "They don't have a very good track record for bringing in strays."

"No, but my gut tells me he won't be a problem for you. Quite the opposite, in fact," Ivanova stated.

Adriana trusted his judgment. "Very well. Take me to him."

They went to a clearing near the abbey ruin and found the Blackthorns with a twenty-something wizard. Adriana recognized him because his photograph had appeared in The Daily Prophet a few times.

"Zane Rosier," she said, stopping before him. "I hear you're in big trouble."

"Only if I get caught," he replied.

Adriana gave him the once-over and decided she liked what she saw. "I think we can help each other out," she finally said. She looked at the Blackthorns, who had been standing nearby breathlessly awaiting her decision. "Show him inside," she said to them.

They looked visibly relieved and immediately escorted Zane to the premises of the abbey, the wards of which had prevented him from seeing it until his arrival there. Adriana and Ivanova made their return a leisurely one, pondering how best to utilize their newest arrival.

With Hagrid and then Merrie
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   08-04-13 15:25

Jolyon had not been required to help with the apparition examination, so he spent the morning in the barn, tending to the magical creatures with Hagrid. Hagrid was understandably distracted. Rita Skeeter had chosen him as her most recent target, painting him in the most unflattering light.

"Why would she write somethin' like tha'?" he complained, accidentally giving an abraxan the wrong feed.

"Because it's what she does," Jolyon replied, sympathizing with the school's groundskeeper. He had already been a victim of Rita Skeeter's journalism and knew very well how the written word could affect one's life.

In her article about Hagrid, which had not even been worthy enough to grace the front page of the morning's newspaper, Skeeter wrote about the reason for his expulsion from Hogwarts all those years ago and how he still practiced magic, despite the fact that his wand had gotten snapped in two. She detailed his time in Azkaban and described his tenure as Care of Magical Creatures professor as "the most dangerous for students in the history of the course". She even described an incident in which a student had gotten hurt during one of his classes.

Rita Skeeter also put emphasis on a rumor that Hagrid's full blooded giant of a brother lived in the Forbidden Forest.

Despite his many ventures into the Forbidden Forest, Jolyon had never seen a giant or evidence of one, but judging from Hagrid's behavior, there could be some truth to the rumor.

"Let me help with that," Jolyon said, taking the feed sack away from Hagrid.

Hagrid sank into a chair that nearly collapsed under him, barely able to contain his weight.

"Maybe I should hide out in me hut," Hagrid said. "Don' want any parents complainin' 'bout me."

Jolyon wished he could say that they wouldn't care about what Rita Skeeter wrote, but he knew that wasn't true. There would be plenty who would have a thing or two to say to Hagrid, or about him, to anyone who would listen. He imagined Minerva would get an earful.

"The visitors should be arriving soon," Jolyon began, and to his surprise, the door to the barn opened. There was Merrie. She glanced over at Hagrid and then looked to Jolyon. "I'm sorry, but am I interrupting something?"

"No, no," Hagrid said, getting up from the chair. "I best be goin'. Goodbye!"

He hurried out of the barn with Fang at his heels.

"Is he all right?" Merrie asked.

"I guess you didn't read the paper this morning."

"Oh, another one of Rita Skeeter's victims?"

"Yep." Jolyon changed out the abraxans food and asked, "Aren't you a bit early?"

"Yes, I thought I would beat the crowd, though I was worried I wouldn't get in yet. Security is already at the gates, though."

"I guess the kids know you are coming?"

"Yes, they know. I was hoping maybe we could all spend the day together, if you don't have other obligations."

"We don't have ponies this time, so I think I will be free for most of the day," Jolyon said. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Asher still gives me the cold shoulder."

"He'll come around someday," Merrie insisted. "He's very stubborn, but I know he will change his mind about you."

"You know him better than I do, so I will take your word for it. Let me finish up here and then I will walk with you to the castle. Have a seat, if you want."

Merrie sat in the chair Hagrid had vacated. It bore her weight much better, though the legs seemed a little wobbly now.

"Arielle speaks so highly of you," Merrie said, while Jolyon worked on getting all the animals fed. "It makes me think back to when we were together."

Jolyon cast Merrie a brief glance. "That was a long time ago."

"Yes, it was," Merrie said. "But I have good memories from that time, until everything fell apart."

"I'm not sure everything fell apart. We just drifted apart."

"And now we're in each other's lives again. Funny how that worked out."

"Yes," Jolyon commented. "I'm very fond of Arielle, too. It's like we've always known each other."

"She's very much like you, you know."

"I've noticed."

"It's not a bad thing."

"I'm glad you think so," Jolyon replied, laughing.

Merrie laughed too. "Well, it's not. You're a good person. Always have been, and I'm glad you've done well in your life. You're a good role model for both our children."

Jolyon had never thought of him that way, but he liked the way it sounded in his ears. He was new to being a father, but it seemed like he was doing a decent job of it already, even if one of his two kids hated him.

(Charlotte) Family Dynamics
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   08-05-13 10:09

Charlotte stepped out of her room and went into the living room, where she found Aralyn seated on the couch, circling classified ads in the newspaper.

"I'm ready to go now," Charlotte announced, tugging on the hem of her play dress. It had gotten a little short, and she didn't have anything new to wear. Aralyn hardly ever took her shopping for clothes.

"It's not time yet," Aralyn murmured without looking up from the newspaper.

Charlotte frowned and crossed over to the couch. She perched on the edge and looked at the newspaper, which had a lot of advertisements and job postings circled in red marker.

"Are you going to change your mind?" Charlotte asked. She always worried that Aralyn would back out of a planned visit with Lysander. Charlotte had been looking forward to seeing her dad for the longest time.

"No," Aralyn said, still without looking at Charlotte. "Kristos can take you."

Charlotte's frown deepened. "He hardly ever leaves the house," she said. "He won't take me to Hogwarts."

Aralyn finally looked up and sighed deeply. "You're right. He's gone round the bend, which doesn't help me any and isn't very nice for you. I will take you to Hogwarts today, as promised, but I have some work to do first."

Charlotte looked at the newspaper again. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for another job. I heard that they might close the place where I work now, and I don't want to get caught without a job in case it does happen. I'm trying to be proactive. Do you know what that means?"

Charlotte shook her head.

"It means I'm going to do something before something happens."

"Why is your work closing down?" Charlotte asked. She still didn't really know what Aralyn did for a living.

"Some people have complained about the nature of the business."


"Because not everyone agrees with what we do."


"Because some people don't have open minds."

"Do you think you'll find another job?"

"I hope so." Aralyn chewed her lower lip and admitted, "I just don't know what or where. I'm unskilled, and I don't have a lot of education, and the only work experiences I have don't amount to much. I'm not even that good at what I do."

Charlotte didn't know anything about real life from a grown-up's perspective and couldn't respond.

"Maybe my dad could give you a job," Charlotte suggested, though she didn't really mean it.

Aralyn offered her a small smile. "I doubt that very much. Your dad hates me."

"You can't blame him for that. You took me away from him and hardly ever let us see each other. Why won't you let me go home?" Charlotte's calm demeanor seemed to fade in an instant. Very rarely did she let her emotions get the better of her, but she couldn't help it this time. She wished things could go back to the way they'd been before.

"Because you belong here with me," Aralyn said.

"I don't want to be here with you!" Charlotte shouted, climbing to her feet. Her little hands were clenched into fists at her sides.

"Too bad!" Aralyn yelled back, in anger tossing the marker across the room. "You're stuck here, so you better get used to the idea."

Charlotte's whole face darkened. "I hate you!" she shouted. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"


Both Charlotte and Aralyn turned to see Kristos standing at the top of the basement stairs. He looked irritated and also extremely weary. His hair was unkempt and there were bags under his eyes.

"What's going on in here?" he asked.

"Charlotte is about to get sent to her room if she doesn't stop yelling," Aralyn said, "and if she gets sent to her room, then we won't be going to Hogwarts today. Is that what you want?" She directed the last question at Charlotte.

Charlotte was so mad she was shaking, but she didn't reply. Instead, she went straight to Kristos and surprised him by wrapping her arms around his middle. Against his stomach she murmured, "She yelled at me because she's in a bad mood."

Kristos awkwardly patted her back and then gently pulled her away from him.

"Aralyn," he said to his sister, "I'm going to take Charlotte to Hogwarts today. You're going to stay here."

"What? Why?" Aralyn protested.

"Because," Kristos replied, his answer final.

Aralyn shot him a dirty look and then got up to find the marker she'd thrown across the room.

Charlotte, though still somewhat upset, smiled inwardly at the turn of events.

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