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(Willow) Waiting
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   06-10-17 15:23

Willow stood in the entrance hall and awaited her turn to take her apparition exam. Not everyone who had taken the twelve-week class was eligible to take the test today, but she was because her 17th (or 43rd if one wanted to get technical) birthday had occurred just last month.

Every time her birthday came around, Willow tried to picture what her life would have been like if she'd never been cursed into a nesting doll. At 43 years old, she might be married with children. She'd have a job or be a stay at home mother. She might even be a spinster with too many cats.

At 43, she definitely wouldn't have Justin Hodges for a boyfriend, or whatever exactly he was to her. They hung out a lot nowadays, and he'd even gotten her a gift for her birthday, which Willow prized above all others. Willow tried not to think about how she was old enough to be his mother, but it couldn't be helped sometimes.

At least he didn't seem bothered by their technical age difference. It probably helped that Willow looked like a seventeen year old girl who was a sixth year at Hogwarts and most definitely not a middle-aged cat lady.

Those loitering in the entrance hall grew fewer and fewer. As Willow's surname was at the end of the alphabet, she had to wait longer for her apparition exam than just about everybody else. It made her feel increasingly nervous, but rather than constantly think about the exam, her mind wandered to other things, like Justin.

She also thought about how there was only a month and a half or so left in the school year. As a sixth year, Willow didn't have OWLs or NEWTs to stress over. She did have one SAT event left, though: the Invention & Design competition. She'd used a nesting doll for her invention and had charmed it to talk when addressed. The doll couldn't hold intelligent conversations. It was more informational and could do things like keep appointments.

Willow hoped it was good enough to win, but she had a feeling that someone else would come up with something more complicated and interesting. She was pretty proud of what she'd come up with, though, and using the nesting doll made it personal.

The door to the Great Hall opened and the teacher currently monitoring those in the waiting area sent the next student in to be tested. Willow stopped thinking about everything other than the exam itself for a moment, but then her thoughts turned to the upcoming summer holidays. Hopefully she'd get to spend some time with Justin.

On the Spot
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   06-11-17 08:39

Marzi and Illyria crossed the Hogwarts grounds towards the gates of Hogsmeade. Their children were being watched by Nathan, who had his hands full with three rambunctious boys. The two witches were on their way to another meeting of the 14-15-14 Survivors group. This one was to take place at The Leaky Cauldron, to where Marzi and Illyria apparated after they left the Hogwarts grounds.

The pub always seemed busy, and Saturday morning was no different. Marzi and Illyria spotted their group at one of the long tables in the busy dining room. They sat down in two empty side-by-side seats and greeted those they had already met. There were a few new faces in the bunch.

As usual when met with someone new from the 14-15-14 community for nons, Marzi tried to place the faces. Sometimes the memories came back clearly, other times it took some jarring to remember, and then there were those she couldn't remember at all––like Heathcote Hamstead, the organizer of the group, himself. The community hadn't been a small place, so it wasn't very unusual to not recognize certain witches and wizards.

When the table was mostly full, Heathcote stood and welcomed everyone to the meeting. He talked about how he was doing and then invited others to speak up about whatever was on their minds. Some of the guests had no trouble expressing feelings, while others wanted only to listen.

Heathcote very rarely ever prodded someone to talk, which Marzi appreciated. It was nearly nine years ago that she had found herself imprisoned on the rocky island, and though it had been a devastating experience, enough time had passed for Marzi to move on completely. She knew good and well that her experience in the community for nons had not been as terrible as for others, both at 14-15-14 and elsewhere.

Suddenly, she found herself the center of attention, though.

"Marzipan. We haven't heard from you in a while. Why don't you tell us how things are going in your life?" Heathcote said from his position at the head of the long table.

Marzi felt startled to be put on the spot, but she took being singled out in stride and said, "Things are going quite well. I've almost completed my first year as upper level Herbology professor at Hogwarts. It's been challenging to say the least, but I've rather enjoyed it. I'm also set to travel to my native Australia at the beginning of next month for the Best in Show: Magical Plants event. That's for the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament, which if you didn't know, involves different schools competing in different subjects."

"How nice," Heathcote said. "Australia is a lovely country. And how is your love life?"

Beside Marzi, Illyria almost choked on her pumpkin juice.

"Erm, ahh," Marzi began, unsure how to proceed or if she even wanted to. She and Alaric were still friendly with a hint of there being something more, but nothing had even happened yet and probably wouldn't till after the SAT, if at all.

"I think having a special someone helps with the healing process," Heathcote said. "We should all have someone to go to when we need to be loved. Let's talk more about this after the meeting, Marzipan." He abruptly turned to Esther, who was wearing a set of robes made out of quilted squares she'd made herself.

Marzi could barely concentrate on the conversation, especially since she could see out of the corner of her eye Illyria laughing silently to herself. Had Heathcote just implied they should date, or was he just being nosey in the guise of being a listening ear?

(Alanna) Fresh Start?
Author: Beck 
Date:   06-11-17 14:59

Alanna wandered through Diagon Alley, running errands for her family but also for herself. She had gotten a job with local private attorneys Blakely and Winfred, and she needed some new clothes. She hated everything in her closet because it reminded her of her job at the Ministry, which put her late husband to mind. As far as Alanna was concerned, she was making a fresh start, and a new wardrobe would help in the effort.

The new job was going well enough, though she was basically playing second fiddle to the two with their names on the door. Still, Alanna couldn't complain. She was just thankful to have a job and some normalcy in her very weird life.

Alanna had made another big change. She'd legally changed her surname from Wycombe to Beck. It was a bit strange being Alanna Beck again after previously having been Alanna Wynbourne and Alanna Wycombe. Beck was a name Alanna had never thought she'd take on again, but she was glad to have it over Wycombe any day.

Her late husband's estate had officially been settled. Having suspected that Alanna might eventually betray him, Reed had made sure to leave her nothing except what little had borne her name. The amount Alanna did have wasn't all that small, but she didn't really want it and didn't know what to do with it. The money was still in their joint vault at the bank, untouched for the last half year.

Perhaps one day Alanna would give it all away to charity, or maybe she'd use it to set up some sort of starter accounts for her niece and nephews. For now, she didn't even want to think about it, because it inevitably put Reed to mind and that was never a good thing.

Alanna popped in and out of shoppes, crossing items off her lists. Ariella was extremely thorough when she made shopping lists, not like Alanna who usually forgot to add things and quite often left the house without the list. She hadn't forgotten it this time because Ariella had pressed it into her hand on her way out the door.

Alanna started to move diagonally across the street from Scribbulus Everchanging Inks to Pilliwinkle's Playthings, when she spotted Jared and Julietta walking towards her down the cobblestoned street. They were deep in conversation and didn't seem to notice her. Alanna retreated into the ink shoppe and then made a noise of alarm when they saw them turn towards the door through the display window.

Alanna felt trapped. The shoppe was cramped, and there wasn't any place to hide––not even a bathroom. The only other door was to a staff room, but she couldn't very well go back there. She ducked behind a shelf when the doorbell chimed.

Jared and Julietta came in, talking about Deak Bennett and whether or not Etta and Deak were officially dating or just "hanging out". As the siblings moved around the shoppe's tiny interior, Alanna moved around the shelf, trying not to be noticed by either of them. Fortunately, the shopkeeper was in the back, though that wasn't likely to last.

Etta decided she was tired of talking about herself and Deak and turned the tables on Jared. "So, have you decided what you want to do about Alanna?"

Alanna froze. On the one hand, she wanted to know what Jared was thinking, but on the other hand, she was terrified to find out. She had a feeling he still hated her for shutting him out, and she couldn't really blame him.

She was almost all the way around to the door again. As much as she wanted to hear Jared's answer, she knew it would be best if she ducked out undetected. She turned, still ducked low, and made an abrupt lunge for the door, only to knock into a nearby shelf and knock over about a dozen wells of ink. They smashed to the ground, spraying tiny shards of glass and ink everywhere.

"Bullocks!" Alanna exclaimed. She turned her back to the mess and the Wynbourne siblings and smiled apologetically and with great embarrassment to the shopkeeper, who had emerged from the back at the sound of damage to his property. Alanna pulled out her coin purse.

"How much do I owe you?" she asked.

She could feel the back of her neck and tips of her ears turning bright red. Why was the shopkeeper taking so long in telling her how much she had to pay? Each moment that passed was agonizing. Finally, he told her what she owed him. She paid him a little extra and then slipped out the door without ever looking behind her.

Talking With Amorica
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   06-12-17 18:38

Though Lohengrin's and Birdie's funerals were two weekends ago we're still dealing with the fallout of the murder-suicide and Birdie's family continued bickering over the wills.

Dolores has a sleaze of a lawyer pushing for Saffron, Sassy, and Sage to sign custody of Senna over to her.

Rita Skeeter has written an article and a follow-up claiming Lohengrin was physically abusive to Birdella. Birdie could stand it no longer and killed him. Overcome with guilt and grief at what she'd done she'd then committed suicide. Though Skeeter's article was written without a single piece of proof and no one's ever seen any evidence of physical abuse (and though verbally and emotionally abusive to his children over the years and though highly dominant, we've never witnessed other forms of abuse by him towards Birdie) Skeeter's accusations have taken on a life of their own.

Too bad Birdie didn't leave any sort of note on why she chose to do what she did. Then again, if she had, if not stating reasons others wanted to hear they would be claiming the note was faked.

Reaching the area just outside the Great Hall doors, I see Amorica. She'd turned 17 towards the end of March. "Hello, waiting to take the test or have you just finished?"

"Just finished. I thought I might as well wait for lunch."

"And?" I prompt.

"And the doors should reopen any minute now," she cheekily grins.

I grin in return as she says, grin growing broader, "I passed. I am a licensed apparator."

"Congratulations! Going to be ready for Sydney's School Of Wizardry?"

Amorica is in both the Best In Show: Magical Plants competition and the Invention & Design event that are part of the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament.

"I hope so. My Wiggen tree is still small starting to put out leaves. It's got two Bowtruckles living on it. The cookbook is more or less done. I'm checking and checking and checking it looking for errors and making any necessary tweaks."

"I can't wait to see the cookbook. All you've said is it's enhanced."

"I've just wanted to get it as closely as I envisioned it before revealing it to anyone other than Professor Black."

"That's understandable."

The doors to the Great Hall swing open, the space restored back to normal after the Apparition Testing, food beginning to appear on tables. Along with others who had been gathering for the midday meal, Amorica and I enter. Saffron has taken the kids for a time alone with Mum outing and depending on how things were going will determine whether they join me soon here in the Great Hall or grab lunch somewhere out.

Quick Lunch
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   06-15-17 18:28

Fritz wanders into The Wyrding Way and queues up at the counter, which is busy because it is the lunch hour and there aren't very may places to eat near the St. Emrys University campus. He stares at the menu board and decides he'll just get a coffee and one of the snack boxes, which has some cheese squares, crackers, and grapes.

After finally giving his order and then getting it, he takes it over to a lone armchair that's unoccupied. There he eats, drinks and attempts to review his notes from an alchemy research course he is taking this term, which also happens to be his last, assuming everything goes as planned.

It's not long before his mind drifts off, distracted by the letter he received over breakfast that morning. It was unsigned and stated that the money he had gotten from Berthold Beatenberg didn't belong to him. This letter is the second such he's received, the first having arrived before Christmas last year.

The first had not come via owl. It had been delivered by a waitress while Fritz had been eating at The Leaky Cauldron after conducting some Christmas shopping. The original note had allegedly come from a wizard sitting in the pub, but Fritz never saw him and the waitress could hardly describe him.

Fritz wonders who might have sent him the mysterious letter. Few know that he inherited a large sum from the late Austrian dark wizard. Fritz told Coco, but he's never even said anything to his parents about it, not that they would ever have cause to send him such notes. It's a mystery, and Fritz doesn't know whether to feel really threatened or just harassed.

Fritz is definitely going to report it to the authorities, just in case there's something more serious going on. The letter arrived while Coco was at the breakfast table with him, and she didn't like the sound of it one bit.

All too soon, Fritz has his meal finished. It wasn't very much anyway, but he doesn't have a lot of time before he has to get to class. He spent the morning at Hogwarts, teaching his seventh years, and the time had gotten away from him. Fritz chucks the empty snack box container in a rubbish bin and takes the remainder of his coffee with him to campus.

Kingsley's Office For Lunch
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   06-15-17 19:20

Reaching the Minister of Magic's office Harry is surprised to see Severus Snape. There's another man there as well. Harry doesn't know if they're here separately to meet with Kingsley Shacklebolt or if either has anything to do with him being summoned here rather than going to lunch. He learns the answer quickly enough.

No sooner has the door to the reception area shut behind Harry than the one to the inner sanctum swings open. "Good! You're all here."

Kingsley ushers the three inside. "Kellan, Harry. Harry, Kellan. You both know Severus."

The other man sticks out a hand for Harry to shake. "Kellan Fitzmorris," to which Harry responds, "Harry Potter. Severus, Kellan, I believe you already know each other."

Kingsley waves them to a table where there are sandwiches as well as an assortment of other offerings, such as a pasta salad and a dish filled with a variety of crisps. "Help yourselves. There are drinks in the sideboard."

The Minister waits until everyone is settled at the table with a plate and drink before saying, "Harry, as you know, Severus agreed to join the reorganized Knights Walpurgis. Like Severus, Kellan has past experience with the group."

Having no idea why he's been asked - ordered really - to this meeting that seems to him to be more for the Order of the Phoenix, Harry munches his sandwich while nodding along. He shifts his eyes to Kellan whom Kingsley has given a nod.

Between bites of his own sandwich, and answering questions from the other three, Kellan fills them in on past dealings with the group when the organization promoted the dark arts. He ends with, "The remaining members were still such a threat to certain of us that I led a secret life, only revealing myself to still be alive when the last of them had died. I firmly believe before that happened, the group was responsible for the death of a woman called Kristen Leach."

Still have no idea why he's here Harry gives his attention to Snape who picks up from Kellan. "The current incarnation of the group is led by a small board, one of whom is Veronica Dumbledore. They swear that the Knights is now only aimed at good deeds. I have not discovered anything yet to indicate otherwise but Veronica and a few other the others are adamant about the new mission statement and purpose as to come across as pushy and prevaricating."

Harry's about to interject with the question of why he's getting what seems to amount to a briefing when Severus pins Harry with the same look given the first day Harry sat in the man's potion class. "Veronica wishes you to join, Harry, and seems to think I am the person to deliver the invitation."

Gobsmacked, Harry hopes his mouth isn't hanging open, making visible the sandwich bite he just took.

Kingsley leans slightly forward in his chair. "Will you accept, Harry, and join Severus in gleaning whatever you can?"

Hastily swallowing Harry says to Kingsley, "You're giving me another mission?"

"Not so much me but the Order would like you to consider it. I do have another job for you, away from the Complaints desk, but we'll talk about that later."

"If the Knights aren't who they say they are and with some of the problems you've had with information leaks and spies, wouldn't it get back to them that you've had a meeting with Sn... Severus and me at the same time? And with Kellan here whom the current lot surely knows about if they aren't on the up and up?"

"A meeting might be reported but as far as anyone in my office knows I'm having friends in for lunch." Kingsley spreads his arms out in an encompassing gesture indicating that there is indeed food and they are in fact having lunch.

Harry fiddles with a spicy cheese crisp. "Yeah, okay. I can become a Knight Walpurgis if you think it will do any good."

The four men talk more with Severus breaking things up when he has to return to Hogwarts for an afternoon class. Back at the Complaints desk Harry wonders what he's getting into and when Kingsley will give him details on the other mission he'd mentioned.

Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   06-16-17 17:51

Hermione left the office at the usual time and walked across the street to the very busy Westminster Underground Station, which involved navigating through throngs of tourists. She had recently gotten into the habit of taking Muggle transportation for part of her journey to and from work, because quite frankly, there was no out of the way place to disapparate around the Houses of Parliament, and she had given up on disapparating from her office after banging various body parts on the corner of her desk a few times too many.

She switched at the next stop, Embankment, and then rode north one station to Charing Cross, where she disembarked and made her way to The Leaky Cauldron. Hermione usually ended up in Diagon Alley after work, but she often left from there without making another stop. Tonight, she had agreed to pick up takeaway from the pub.

While she waited for her order, which took a while since she'd been unable to send an owl with her request, Hermione sat at the bar and looked around to see if she knew anybody. Her gaze fell upon her former top boss, Donaghan Muldoon, who was sitting in a booth with a witch Hermione supposed must be his wife.

As if he knew he were being watched, he looked over and smirked when he saw Hermione at the bar. Hermione turned away, deciding it wasn't worth getting aggravated by someone and something she hardly ever thought about anymore. When the stool next to her scraped across the hardwood floor, Hermione was surprised to see Donaghan sit down on it.

"So, Weasley. How's life after St. Mungo's? Do you enjoy being a stay-at-home mother?"

Hermione bristled. "My life post my healing career is very well, thank you," she said. "And for your information, I have a job."

"Something less meaningful, I would guess," Donaghan stated. He was of the opinion that a woman couldn't have a good career and a family at the same time.

"Actually, it's quite important," Hermione countered. "I work for the Minister of Magic and the Muggle Prime Minister. It's a new initiative to encourage better cooperation between the two governments."

Donaghan made a face, indicating his position on the political matter, and then he said, "No one in their right mind would put a woman in a position of such importance."

Hermione quirked an eyebrow, but instead of commenting on his sexist remark, she asked, "Why are you ignoring your wife?"

Before he could make a sarcastic remark or blow off her comment, Hermione's food arrived. It was packed in a large bag and smelled heavenly. She paid, grabbed the bag, and threw a goodbye at Donaghan, who smirked at her once more and returned to the booth where his wife sat waiting for him.

Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   06-16-17 19:56

Gage sighs, dropping a pencil onto the workbook in front of him. He knows how to use a quill and ink pot, sort of, but when doing maths homework a pencil with eraser is best. He can't wait for the day he knows how to do an eraser spell so he can always use a quill and ink like a grown-up.

Uncle AJ - having so many aunts and uncles and cousins is still something Gage finds he's not quite used to yet - is sitting at the next table trying to get a grumpy Jacinda to eat. He looks over to Gage. "Problem?"

"I hate maths. It's not taught at Hogwarts so why do I have to have it?"

"Lots of things aren't taught at Hogwarts that you need to know to go there, such as writing and reading."

"So I need maths?"

"You will for some things and after Hogwarts too."

Gage seems skeptical so AJ gives an example, "You want to be able to count your money and know how many galleons your sickles add up to. Or if you're being cheated when paid for work. For Hogwarts you need it for some of the classes you'll have." AJ makes a gesture encompassing what they can see of the Crown & Cauldron. "Without knowing some maths your mum, Aunt Furnie, and Uncle Lars wouldn't be able to run the restaurant very well."

Gage makes a face, deeply frowning. Reaching for his pencil he works on the last three homework problems. Good thing too because Mum appears then with Rhona, who'd had a dental emergency. "Sorry to be so long. I was starting to think we'd be sitting there all night. Finished with homework, Gage?"


"Where's Dani?"

"With Aunt Mariposa to look at shoes."

"Her homework was done?"

"I think so."

AJ speaks up. "It was or Mariposa wouldn't have agreed to let her go along."

"Have you eaten, Gage?"

"Not yet but it's coming."

"I'll go check on it. You want soup, Rhona?"

"The cheese one?"

"The cheese one if that's what you want."

When Phlagmelina returns from the kitchen Gage is done, though he's not sure if he has the right answer for two of the problems, and Dani and Aunt Mariposa are back. Mum is balancing Gage's supper, Dani's, and the soup for Rhona. Seeing them starting to eat, the grumpy Jacinda finally decides to cooperate and eat as well. Not long after that they bid everyone else goodnight and Mum bundles Gage, Rhona, and Dani home through the restaurant's Floo. With homework all done, Mum plays a game with them until time for baths.

As he falls asleep that night, Gage is trying to think of jobs when he's grown that won't require him to know lots of maths.

Unexpected Sighting
Author: Carys 
Date:   06-18-17 08:04

Carys stepped out of the Diagon Alley Arts Club building, slipped her sunglasses over her eyes and checked the time on her wristwatch. Some stores were already closing up for the evening. She saw shopkeepers begin to move some of the sidewalk sale tables and displays back inside for the night.

She'd gone to the art club after arranging to showcase some of her photography in a temporary gallery. The club had sent out a callout for photographers, which Carys had read about in the newspaper. Griffin had convinced her to give it a go, and after making the inquiry and showing off her portfolio, she was officially among those invited to display their work.

As she was in Diagon Alley, Carys would have liked to run a few errands. She needed more film, and she knew that the local photography studio Shutterbutton's kept some in stock. She might as well also pick up something to eat, since it was just about suppertime, and she knew that Griff had his hands full back home with an active boy and infant keeping him busy.

He'd been able to leave work a few hours early today so that she could make her appointment at the art club. They'd vaguely discussed either picking something up for supper or making something quick after she got home again, but they'd never actually settled on a plan. Carys hoped that Griff hadn't decided to start cooking or that he'd already ordered in, but even if he had done either, then they'd just have plenty of leftovers to get them through the next few days.

Shutterbutton's was just a few doors down from the Diagon Alley Arts Club. She was just passing by the Wizard Wash House when a wizard stepped out the front door and turned in the same direction. They only glanced at each other briefly, but it was long enough for Carys to come to the horrifying realization that she knew him, and she guessed that he had probably recognized her too.

She picked up her pace just a little and felt relief whoosh out of her when he turned into the next building, Brews & Stews, presumably to get something to eat. Carys almost passed the photography studio up, but then she backtracked and hurried inside, heading straight for the nook where items like film and cameras were for sale. She stuck her sunglasses on her head and gazed unseeingly at the shelves, shocked and lost in thought.

Carys couldn't believe she'd had a near run-in with Decimus Clarke, who had gotten out of prison approximately two years ago. She'd heard neither hide nor hair about him since Griff had first told her the news of Decimus' impending release. She'd hardly even given him any thought in all that time.

Carys was so distracted she almost forgot why she'd gone into the photography studio in the first place. It was only when an employee came over to ask if she was interested in one of their sale photography packages that Carys was able to clear her head and purchase the film she wanted for her own studio. She left Diagon Alley after that, completely forgetting that she'd intended on picking up something for dinner for her family.

Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   06-19-17 18:28

Jade and Hunter sit down together for lunch, Jade sighing, "I need a vacation."

"Me too. Pass that potato casserole, please. Where'd Baron go?" Hunter looks around, puzzled as to where Baron Marchbanks might be as he'd just been with them both coming from Potions.

"You must have been sleep walking. He peeled away to go to his room to leave things from today and get some things to work on for tomorrow and one of his NEWT study guides."

Hunter's face is blank a moment before he nods. "I did hear him say that. Guess it didn't sink in."

Like Jade, Hunter is tired. This being seventh year for them every course has piles of work. There is studying for NEWTs. There has been participating in the SAT events for both of them. Hunter, who placed a disappointing (to him) 7th in the Sprint of the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament's Broom Racing, held at Watling's Wizarding Academy, located in the state of Colorado in the USA. The Sprint was Hunter's last chance to earn points for Hogwarts in the tournament.

Jade was also at Watlings, selected for Broom Racing's Long Distance competition. She did far better than her twin in his event, placing 1st, and thus earning 5 points towards Hogwarts's overall tournament tally. Unlike Hunter, Jade has another event to go, the Invention & Design Competition. She's made progress with her adapting Omniocular magic to something akin to shareable Muggle videos but thinks there's still a great deal to do to perfect her idea.

Baron soon joins them and as Jade and he talk about whether studying for NEWTs after lunch or finishing homework due tomorrow, working until Jade has to get to Ancient Runes, Hunter tunes them out for a time, thinking he wants nothing more than a nap when he's done with lunch.

That had been Wednesday. Hunter is finding Thursday to be no better energy wise. Herbology at 9 and Charms at 10:45. Get to the Great Hall as quickly as possible for lunch because at 1:15 is Defense of the Dark Arts. After that is Fitness & Athletics. He wishes that were it but tonight is Astronomy, a class he likes overall or he most likely would have opted not to take the NEWT level course his seventh year. He'd nap at some point after F&A and dinner or between dinner and Astronomy but he's got some homework left to finish for tomorrow and an exam to finish studying for and there are always NEWTs to prepare for as they will be here before any of them know it and are truly ready.

When NEWTs and OWLs have ended but other grades still have finals to take, Hunter plans on doing nothing but sleeping until time to catch the Hogwarts Express to King's Cross Station one last time.

Waiting for Toby
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   06-20-17 18:12

Bronwyn sat at the kitchen table and read through the letter Chance had sent her that morning. She'd not had time to read it before, because she'd been busy with her WWN show and then had taken a long nap. Now she was up, waiting for Toby to come home from Quidditch practice, after which they'd have the dinner simmering on the stovetop.

Chance and Justus had moved to New York to be close to his ailing mother, who had fallen severely ill around Christmastime. After several misdiagnoses by healers, one with a Muggle background hypothesized that Mrs. Monroe might be suffering from cancer and referred her to a Muggle hospital. Although she was a stage 4 cancer patient, she was determined to beat her illness and according to her doctors, had a chance of pulling through.

With the constant traveling and because Justus really wanted his mother to have the energy to dance with him at his wedding reception, he and Chance had agreed to postpone their nuptials until a later date. He had taken a part-time auror position at MACUSA, and Chance had gone back to The Oracle.

Faith and family had also returned to New York, though the house newly purchased over the summer was still in their name. It was currently being let to a family temporarily residing in London from their native Italy.

In the meantime, the pale blue bridesmaid dress Bronwyn was to wear in the wedding hung in the back of her closet. She hoped that Mrs. Monroe would make a full recovery soon, so that Chance and Justus could have the day they've been dreaming about since their love rekindled a little over a year ago.

She put the letter away, deciding she would respond later, and turned her attention to the press release she had received about this summer's Emrys Fest. It was taking place on July 30th on the grounds of St. Emrys University. Bronwyn, of course, would be there from start to finish!

Walking Across The Grounds
Author: S Snape 
Date:   06-21-17 20:12

Severus emerges from the castle into bright sunlight. His Friday classes are completed and his office hours do not begin until 3 pm. As he has no scheduled office meeting prior to that time he thought he'd walk to the gates and from there apparate to Diagon Alley. He wants to personally check on an ingredients order that seems to be backlogged and then grab a bite to eat.

This evening the Knights are having a cocktail party for potential new members. Potter will be there along with his wife. Severus agreed to be the one to approach Harry about joining though he fails to understand Veronica's intention behind Severus being the liaison. Though Harry and he do get on better these days Veronica is not ignorant of the past and wouldn't necessarily know of the improved nature of the relationship between the pair.

Kingsley thought perhaps she does know, that she has more information than she's let on. Severus is inclined to believe she may well have a spy or twenty. Merlin knows the entire Ministry has had a problem with spies, plants, and information leaks. Everyone presumes Fairchild is behind it all but that presumption could be incorrect. It's not far reaching to think that if the Knights have spies within the Ministry they might also be gathering information outside of it, particularly if vetting potential members for the group.

Severus pauses as he comes to a bench on which there is a slumped form. "Mr. Croft? Davidson? Are you ill?"

Dave sits up straighter, swiping a hand across visibly teary eyes. "No, professor," he sniffles.

"Clearly something is amiss."

Dave takes a second to process the word amiss, dredging up from somewhere deep in his mind what it means. With his other hand he holds up a crumpled letter. "Just my mum trying to cause problems again."

Aware that the woman is incarcerated Severus queries, "What sort of problems can she cause from prison?"

"She's wanting Harley and me to visit more. A judge said we don't have to visit at all if we don't want. Mum doesn't believe we don't, says Dad and Gran are keeping us from her. Her solicitor is trying to make us visit to tell her ourselves we don't want to visit and he's trying to make us write her at least once a week. She wants to know about our new school and what we're learning and about our teachers and classmates. Can't very well tell her I've learned how to brew a potion for curing boils or that I can transfigure a matchstick into a needle. Harley could tell her she just placed third in a sprint competition but not that it was won on a flying broom."

"I take it then that your father and grandmother have chosen not to inform your mother of the type of school your sister and you are attending. An understandable, and likely wise, decision."

"Mr. Croft, do you know if your father or grandmother will be home this weekend?"

Dave shrugs. "Don't know, sorry. They socialize a bit but they've not said anything in letters about tomorrow or Sunday."

The boy lurches up from the bench. "Guess I should go have lunch before Fitness & Athletics. Thanks for listening, Professor Snape."

Severus watches Davidson Croft shuffle depressingly back towards the castle. Turning to resume his journey he adds one more task to his weekend to do list: visit the Crofts. It may become necessary for Severus to gain permission for someone, even himself perhaps, to determine a way to perform an Obliviation on an incarcerated Muggle.

(Azaelia) Extended Library Hours
Author: Isolde 
Date:   06-22-17 18:00

Azaelia walked through the library with a book truck, collecting books from abandoned tables and the ends of the book shelves. Since Spring Term began, the library had extended its hours. OWL, NEWT, and finals season was upon the students, and as time crept ever closer to June, the library was busier and busier.

Azaelia hadn't seen anyone hyperventilate yet, but she had been at Hogwarts long enough, both as a student and a staff member, to know that someone would crack up from the overwhelming pressure of end of year exams. The panicking often happened in the library, too.

After collecting all the unwanted or no longer needed material, Azaelia started shelving. She liked the mindless routine, though it sometimes got her thinking about things she didn't want to think about, like Robert's alleged connection to the Death Eaters.

She didn't know what was going on with the investigation, and she probably wouldn't learn anything more until Robert was either arrested or if the aurors on his case needed her for something. All Azaelia knew was that she had to act like everything was normal, and that wasn't easy.

At least she didn't have to try too hard to act like everything was okay these days, since she was often very busy in the library. Azaelia threw herself into her work, staying in the library from open to close even though she had a house-elf more than willing and certainly capable of running the place. Azaelia didn't have to be in the library for hours on end, but there was no other place she'd rather be.

After getting the cart shelved, she pushed it behind the front counter and then sat down, glancing at the clock. There were still hours to go before the library shut down for the night, and for that she was very glad.

Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   06-22-17 18:36

Bertie is hastily eating from a plate with a variety of sweets. Edwina admonishes, "Leave some for the rest of us."

Bertie, cheeks bulging, looks from Edwina to Libby back to Edwina wondering if she's meaning everyone in the Commons or just the two of them. Trying not to spew crumbs he says, "Sorry. Can't seem to help it. Hungry all the time lately."

Libby says knowingly, "Growing spell."

Bertie's eyes bug to almost cheek bulge proportions. "Someone put a grow spell on me?"

Edwina rolls her eyes so hard she thinks she's sprained them. "Nooooo. Growth spell as in ummmmm, what's that word? Spurt. That's it. You're a growing boy because that's what boys your age do."

"Oh. Right."

At a table nearby enough to overhear Edwina's, Bertie's and Libby's silly conversation - a moment ago they were debating whether Bertie would have placed 4th in the SAT Broom Racing Sprint competition if Libby had also been racing and then they talked about what they'd all look like bald - Sylvestor tries not to derisively snort at them. Tries not to make snide comments. At one point he stuffs his mouth full much like Bertie's doing just to tell them to stop being inane (courtesy of a word of the day calendar).

His annoyance with their asinine discussion has nothing at all to do with the fact that Bertie placed better in his Broom Racing Event than Sylvestor did in his. Sylvestor was in the Full Obstacle Course and though he's been on his house's Quidditch team and is a good flyer, though he put in hours of practice for the tournament event held at Watling's Wizarding Academy, he only finished 9th.

That there is no comparison between a sprint and a full obstacle course makes no difference. Bertie finished better than Sylvestor, the better, more experienced on a broom.

Inane. It's all so inane.

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