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Surprise, Surprise!
Author: Gretta Kensington 
Date:   12-20-07 21:38

Gretta stared at her wand. It had only been the night before that Thomas had brought her to the wand shop. The owner of the store was upset that they had arrived. He was very adamant about closing the store for the night. That was what he did after Gretta had bought her wand from him. Thomas had also surprised Gretta with her own owl. Gretta quickly named it Apple after the generous Mr. Applewhite.

While staring at her wand, Gretta remembered something she had read in one of her new books on witchcraft. As she picked up her wand, she looked around for the book. It took a while to find the page, but she was excited when she finally found it.

Gretta pointed her wand at Apple's cage and did the hand movement the book had said to do. The book called it a 'swish and flick'. While she 'swished and flicked', she muttered the words: Wingardium Leviosa. Gretta smiled as Apple's cage followed her wand up and down.

"Jude can do that too."

Gretta lost her attention on what she was doing. Apple's cage crashed to the floor as Apple made a commotion from within the cage. Gretta turned around to see Mully Watson closing her door. Gretta had always been a shy girl and Mully was definitely an unwelcome guest. She calmed herself down quickly so that Mulberry would never know she was not welcome.

"What are you doing here?" Mulberry looked around Gretta's home and then gave Gretta a pair of sorrowful eyes.

"I was lonely. I remembered you had said this was your home. So I came to visit."

Gretta relaxed and put her wand down. There were so many questions going through her head. Most of which wondered about her visitor's parent. Did she know her daughter had left her apartment? Was she at another pub? Was she at work? "Where is your mum?"

"Jude says Mumma went to work. Jude went to the book store to get some more magic books. Mumma says she will be an excellent witch."

"Where is Dory?" Mully raised her shoulders in a questioning manner.

"She was sleeping when I left," Mully said and then turned on her little kid charm. "Please play with me. Nobody likes playing with me. Jude says she is too old, Dory is too young, and Mumma is too busy. Please Gretta."

Gretta knew the consequences of watching over a child that was not hers, but someone needed to. She thought about what could happen, but still took it upon herself to make sure this girl and her infant sister did not get in harm's way. Gretta nodded and slipped on some slippers while Mulberry cheered. Gretta would at least stay until Jude got home. She thought about confronting the mother about this, but thought the conversation might be better spent later. If this were to happen again, the conversation would be sure to happen.

Talking With Cat
Author: Fionna 
Date:   12-21-07 08:36

Today's career day has seemed strange from the start. It began after lunch instead of after breakfast as in the past and there hardly seems to be anyone about. On that second bit Fionna supposes that with there being only a small few pureblooded students, especially now that being a Pure means having no taint in the family tree for at least five generations, that it only seems like hardly anyone's about. Factor in that not every Pure is going to show up, and even if they did they wouldn't all be at the Great Hall at the exact same time, and factor in how many booths there are to visit, and those that are there seem less because of being few and spread out.

Fionna briefly wonders what it's like for Jericho with the TerrorTours booth at the career day room set up for Nons. Fionna didn't go in when she first arrived but did peek inside before coming to set up her own booth here in the Great Hall. If Jericho's having a day like Fionna's, most of the inquiries are from boys wanting to hear TerrorTours stories that will having them quaking and laughing at the same time.

A small, familiar figure goes walking past with a fairy cake piled high with light green frosting. Fionna calls out, "Catriona!"

"Hi, Fionna! I was going to come see you after I finished this sweet."

"That's not from the buffet table, is it?"

"No, from the Briar's Bakery booth. Want one?"

"Yes, and something to drink from the buffet as well. Ta."

Catriona leaves her little cake on one of Fionna's tables and scampers off, returning within a couple of minutes. Before taking a bite of the cupcake with light blue icing and sprinkles that Cat's brought her, Fionna asks, "How are your classes going?"

"Good though they're very tiny. With that and all the school rules, it's been harder to make lots of friends. Harder than I thought it would. I don't mind having Nons for friends, but the separate classes, separate dorm rooms, and the rules do make it harder. One of the good friends I did have got angry with me and I don't even know why. Worse, she won't tell me. I think she may be a Non status now. Some have made the switch to the other classes but everyone has yet but Polly's been in an even worse mood lately from what I can tell."

"You don't need a bunch of Nons as friends, particularly not ones who are going to treat you for crap like this Polly seems to have done," Fionna says with a shrug of her shoulders and a shrug in a voice.

"But I like having lots of friends and why should it matter if they are Pures or not?"

"It matters because Nons will only bring you down in the end. You're better off without them."

"But why? They're just as good at magic, sometimes better even, and it's nice having friends no matter who they are. Besides, one more generation back and I'd be a Non too."

This is news to Fionna. "Really? Didn't know that. What matters though is you aren't a Non, you are a Pure. You are better than them. Start thinking of yourself as such. Now tell me, what other booths have food samples?"

Cat brightens a little. "I'll make the rounds and bring you back a little of everything."

Fionna pats Cat on the head and watches her cousin walk off, wishing she had a better answer for Cat about why it's better not to have lots of Nons as friends than the equivalent of the just because answer she gave. Fionna's always known she's better than those who aren't pureblooded, never questioned why. Now that the question has been raised so often lately, Fionna's having a hard time finding a logical, reasonable answer other than just because.

Bad Mood
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   12-21-07 11:51

Ron can think of a number of other things he'd rather be doing today than be at the Pures only version of Hogwarts career day. Having Bellatrix Lestrange pulling his teeth one by one is one of the things he can think of that would be more preferable. Not that he ever hopes to be in a position for that barmy bitch to be pulling his teeth out one by one. But it is definately something more appealing at the moment than being in the Hogwarts Great Hell... erm, Hall.

Returning to Hogwarts should be a joyous occassion but even having lunch with Hagrid before this thing began today was on the subdued side. Ron still can't believe that Whizz Hard Books could spare only one person today. One person who is a Pure and told to have a booth in the Great Hall, not the other location where anyone can go. Nope. Whizz Hard Books wanted in the Pures only location.

Ron is seriously cheesed off at his boss over this. No amount of discussion would get him to agree to let Ron have the booth where any interested student could speak with him. Ron had thought better of the man until all this. The change in Ron's opinion of him wasn't helped by being told that Whizz Hard Books needs to be careful of its image and doesn't want to be thought of as a business of blood traitors.

Ron came close to quitting on the spot. The only reason he didn't is Hermione. He's let her down so often over the years and quitting would be financially irresponsible. At least that's how Ron sees it even though he could go to work with the twins or even do what Arthur's been doing and working a great deal with Blossom. It's not that the idea is unappealing; it's that this job is one Ron got on his own merits and is one of the very few things he things he's good at doing; well and truly good at.

Ron's pulled out of his dark thoughts by a question posed by a tall enough teen, Ron has a hard time decided what year the boy might be. "I LOVE Quidditch but don't know if playing professionally would be right for me. If I'm good enough by then that is. What sort of jobs would there be with a company like Whizz Hard for someone so keen on the sport? Or does it just remind you of how you could have been involved with Quidditch as a player and not some guy writing about it?"

"Excellent question," Ron says then launches into the various jobs at the publishing firm and the type of people they look for when recruiting, all the while working hard not to let his bad mood spill over into this student or any of the others who've shown an interest in Whizz Hard Books.

Johannes, Cornelia & Reynier
Author: Griet 
Date:   12-21-07 16:44

Johannes frowned deeply, watching his daughter move along to the next table in the Great Hall. He knew that Cornelia was most upset that he and his wife were not as open to having a werewolf for a daughter as they once were. It certainly wasn't that they didn't care for Griet any longer. In their hearts, she was still the first born child they knew and loved. But, these were changing times. Dangerous times. Sacrifices had to be made, and if it benefited the family, the Vanderbilt name, then so be it. Deep down, Griet could probably understand that.

In truth, Cornelia understood it too. Ever since Griet had participated in the protest in the Great Hall before Christmas, Cornelia had distanced herself from her old sister a little bit. It wasn't that she didn't support Griet. She really did, mainly because she still believed Griet was a pureblood, even with the werewolf inside her now. But at the same time, Cornelia didn't want to damage her reputation. She wasn't ready to give up the good life yet.

Cornelia eventually wound up at the St. Mungo's table, which her grandfather Reynier manned.

"Hello Grandfather," Cornelia said politely. She'd heard that people who worked with and for him found him 'quite cool', but the Vanderbilt patriarch could be a real hardass sometimes. She often felt like he was looking at her and seeing all the mistakes she'd ever made in her life, or had yet to make.

"Hello Cornelia. Have you learned anything valuable today?"

She hesitated. In all honestly, she was still far too young to care about anything serious at the Career Day. All she wanted was to get free items, eat and drink the best there was to offer, and to see faces she didn't usually see at Hogwarts.

"Yes," she finally said, hoping he wouldn't ask her to elaborate. She breathed a sigh of relief when he only said, "Good. Where is your sister?"

"Griet? She's probably in that classroom with the other––"

"Not Griet," Reynier said. "Aleydis."

"Oh. I don't know." Aleydis was even younger than Cornelia and could probably care even less for the Career Day.

"Pity. I should like to see her before the afternoon is over."

Cornelia nearly opened her mouth to ask if he would like to see Griet as well, but she feared she already knew the answer. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself and politely excused herself to visit another booth.

Irksome, Stuck Up, Little Snot
Author: Blossom 
Date:   12-21-07 17:13

Blossom has been trying to imagine for months now what the American Wizarding world would be like with changes like here in Great Britain. What Watling's would be like segregated. It's not hard to imagine that if Watling's were, that grand, sweeping view of the Rockies in the commons area would be for the purebloods. She knows just enough about American Muggle history to know that segregation was once part of their life. While it wasn't the same in the Wizarding world, it did affect it.

A student with what strikes Blossom as more of a smirk than a smile approaches. "What are you giving out?"

That's a first. Most at least pretend to either ask a question about child care or pick up the brochure from the fanned out stack. None have outright asked what freebies there are.

Blossom counters with a question. "Have you been to the other room yet?"

The girl's smirk turns to one of scorn. "Of course not. Bunch of losers checking that one out. Everyone with booths there have booths here and there are some here not over there. Why would I waste my time with that dinky, crowded room?"

Blossom maintains own smile - one that's polite yet cool. "I was just curious. I've heard some mention going to there and here so they can double up on freebies and goodies."

"I'll just make the rounds in here more than once," the teen remarks before asking again, "What are you giving out?"

"Coupons for 10% off games of Wizarding lasar tag and Wizarding paint ball."

"Excellent. I'll take a couple."

Blossom would love to reach out and grab the girl and give her a good shake while reminding her that it's nice to say please. She refrains, but barely. Smile feeling tight enough her cheeks are starting to hurt, Blossom hands the student two of the coupons, experience quite a bit of satisfaction in knowing that if the irksome, stuck up, little snot bothered going to the other room where Hendrika's running another Blossom's booth, the coupons handed out there are for free games, not discounted ones.

Girls, Girls, Girls
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   12-21-07 17:19

A gaggle of girls vied for the attention of the two wizards running the booth for Twice Told Tales. Both men obliged them with smiles on their faces, answering questions as they came along, even if they didn't necessarily relate to the purpose of the Hogwarts Career Day.

"So, what can you tell me about running a bookstore?" one girl asked, fluttering her eyelashes despite the very valid question.

"Well," Lysander said, looking first to Julian to see if he might like to speak first. When Julian shook his head, he continued, "Running a bookstore is quite complex. You have to know how the publishing industry works and what your readers need and want. Our particular situation is a bit different, though, since we specialize in used books. We don't really have to rely on what publishers are producing today. We're more interested in what they've done in the past."

"Do you have time for a social life?" another girl asked. She smiled prettily at both Julian and Lysander.

Julian answered, "Of course! Running a business is always hard work––extra work than just working for somebody––but there's always time for dates during the week and, of course, on the weekends."

"Are you seeing anyone right now?" someone else queried.

Lysander chuckled. "I'm not in a serious relationship right now. My main commitment is my daughter."

"Aww! Do you have pictures?"

A clearing of the throat had the girls all in a tizzy. They fled the booth, leaving the men alone with Professor Snider. She had looked quite stern in the presence of the girls, but then she smiled at Julian and Lysander. The caterpillar that was her single eyebrow raised itself in a suggestive manner.

"Good afternoon, boys," she purred. The hairs over her lip twitched distractedly. "Enjoying the Career Day?"

Lysander tore his gaze from the woman's excess facial hair and managed what he hoped was a polite smile. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you for extending the invitation to us again."

"Anytime, anytime."

Lysander really wanted another student to come up and ask about bookselling, but none seemed keen on approaching while Snider stood at the table. She also didn't seem interested in leaving just yet. She looked them both over as if she could see straight through their robes. Lysander shuddered involuntarily.

"Erm, excuse me. I'm feeling a bit parched. I'll just grab a cup of tea," Lysander expressed, swiftly stepping away from the booth, all too aware that Julian was sending him dark looks for leaving him alone with the witch nicknamed Hairy the Snide.

[Draco] International Magical Cooperation
Author: Lucius Malfoy 
Date:   12-22-07 12:26

"So what exactly do you do?" a girl, who probably isn't above twelve or thirteen in age, asks, peering up at Draco through eyelashes so long her eyes almost look shut.

"International Magical Cooperation is just that, the international Wizarding community working to cooperate."

"Why do they need to do that?"

"Each country has its own laws and sometimes those laws conflict with the laws of other countries. It's necessary to sit down and work out agreements. Another example is when we have something to sell to, oh let's say "

"Bolivia," the girl volunteers.

"All right, Bolivia. We want to sell our product for the biggest profit we can make. The Bolivians want to make money too so even though they're paying us lots of galleons for our shipments, they're taxing us on those shipments as well. If we feel like they're taxing us too much or if they feel like we're charging far too much for whatever the product is, enough so they aren't making any money off the taxes we're paying, then we have to sit down and work out new trade agreements."

From a booth just slightly down and across from Draco's a voice calls out, "Cauldron bottoms. Merlin help us, cauldron bottom regulations."

"What are you yammering about, Weasley?" Draco asks Ron.

"When Percy worked in your department he wouldn't shut up about standardized cauldron bottoms or some rot like that," Ron laughs.

Draco can't help but grin at that then tells the girl, "Yes, even something lke cauldron bottoms. If we import cauldron from another country, the bottoms of their cauldrons might be thinner or thicker than what gets made here. Either way, it can mess with potion making if it's not what you're used to and in the case of the thinner bottoms, they wear through much more quickly, even during the middle of potion brewing."

"Do you like what you do?"

"Love it. I live in Geneva, have lived in Romania, and get to travel all over the world. I have met some really interesting people too."

When the girl moves on a few minutes later she's got more brochures and freebies added to her stash. No one else loos as though he or she is about to come up to Draco so he takes a moment to get some punch and a couple of cookies from the buffet, nearly running into Griselda Wright. Draco gives her a forced, half-smile, walking away quickly so that she doesn't try and engage him in conversation about her cousin Cecily, who also happens to be Draco's pregnant step-mother. While Draco has found his father's predicament of marrying Cecily amusing, Draco's still not sure how he feels about a step-mother who's close to his own age and about having a younger sister or brother after twenty-one and a half years of being an only child. Not helping is the fact that he's old enough to start his own family were to he choose to settle down. Draco's not sure how he feels about having children not much younger than his half-sibling.

Another student is coming towards Draco's booth so he quickly swallows the bite of cookie he'd just taken and washes it down with some punch, glad to have someone to distract him from the direction his thoughts were going.

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