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Olympia & Arsinoe at Career Day
Author: Illyria 
Date:   12-07-09 08:50

Illyria reentered the Great Hall after the room had been rearranged from dining hall to the exhibitions for Hogwarts' annual Career Day. Most of the presenters were already there, setting up their tables with flyers and other giveaways. Among them were two of Illyria's sisters, Olympia, who worked as an obliviator for the Ministry of Magic, and Arsinoe, who worked as an apothecarist at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Illyria greeted both of her sisters warmly and spent a little time at both their tables until the Great Hall started filling up with students. It was a slow trickle at first, but then more and more students arrived to see what businesses and trades had set up booths with information. Illyria stepped aside so that the students could mingle with the presenters, though she hovered in the background for a while, also curious to see who else had come besides her sisters.

Olympia's table had a trifold display board with general information about the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, though there was some emphasis on her area of expertise, obliviation.

A girl around fifteen or so approached Olympia's table first.

Olympia smiled. "Hi, are you interested in working for the Ministry of Magic someday?"

The girl smiled shyly and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, maybe. What do you do there?"

"I'm an obliviator. Basically, when a situation arises in which someone's memories need to be changed, I'm called in to do it. More often than not, it usually involves a Muggle who saw something he shouldn't have. Sometimes I have to do the reverse, though," Olympia went on. "When memories are suppressed by magical means, obliviators are sometimes called on to release them."

The girl looked impressed. "That actually sounds pretty wicked. What else do you do?"

While Olympia gave the girl more details on the various tasks she did for the Ministry of Magic's Obliviator Headquarters, Arsinoe talked to a group of young ladies about her job at St. Mungo's.

"You probably only think of healers and nurses working at the hospital, but there are actually other positions there too. For example, someone is responsible for the herbs and potions used to treat the patients. That person is an apothecarist."

"Do you have to be good at potions to become an apothecarist?" one of the young ladies asked.

"Yes, Potions and Herbology. I work with potions and herbs on a daily basis, and since I'm potentially helping to save a wizard's life, I have to know what I'm doing."

The young ladies seemed satisfied with what they'd just learned at Arsinoe's booth and were ready to move on to another table. She offered them each a small water bottle with the St. Mungo's logo on it, which they were glad to take with them. The bottles had straps attached to them, so that they could be hooked onto backpacks. The girls accepted the giveaways with smiles on their faces and then moved on to the next table in the room.

A Quiet Day
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   12-07-09 12:29

Orei closed her eyes - shifting beneath the sheets of her queen sized bed and breathed a sigh. Today was the first day in nearly a month and a half that she didn't have to work on a Saturday.

She had been up for about an hour and a half, and only made it out of bed long enough to grab something to eat with Maddie before she went to work and use the loo. At the moment - she was debating on what she wanted to do with her day - maybe some shopping. She had a study group for Ancient Runes II this evening at around seven thirty - but that was a while away yet.

While lounging in bed she'd managed to get her homework done for Introduction to Gobbledigook II, Introduction to Potions II and Introduction to Transfiguration II. She still had Ancient Runes to get done - but that was a group translation project, and for her Theory of Charms she would deal with that tomorrow.

This term she and Maddie had no classes together - as Maddie's now focused on journalism more prevalently. Orei was taking her linguistics classes and still working the day shift at the Ministry - Monday through Friday seven am to two pm and then in class from two thirty until eight most nights.

Eventually she pushed herself out of bed and changed into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt with the kanji for beauty on it, and her zip hoodie (a muggle fashion that she fancied quite nicely on the cooler days). She then slipped on her sneaks and headed out to grab something to eat at probably Burger Wizard and do a little shopping before she grabbed her stuff for her Ancient Runes meeting tonight.

As she walked down the main street of the village she flicked her gaze up to the Castle - she missed spending time with Jim - and really wished that it was closer to the Hogsmeade trip. She also knew that the Valentine's Day dance was coming - and Jim was going to ask if it was alright if she could come up from the Village and attend with him. If not, he would probably go with Silvia Karl who was a good friend of his and in the same year.

She ordered her lunch at Burger Wizard, and after eating headed over to Gladrags - she wanted to get a new outfit - just in case she got the chance to go up to the Castle and attend the Valentine's Dance with Jim. That done - she would head back to the house and grab her things - she wanted to get to the library a little early, and look up a few things that she needed to know before work on Monday.

Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   12-08-09 16:00

Harry has been expecting the question ever since the doors to the Great Hall opened this morning for the Hogwarts 2004 Career Day. He was hoping it wouldn't be asked but knew that was wishful thinking. The question is asked innocently enough, with the student's eyes lit up in eager anticipation of hearing from the horse's mouth what was reported in the news months ago.

"At that prison camp, were you really tortured every single day?"

Harry's face is a sombre mask as he gravely replies, "Yes, just about." He tenses for the question that often follows, usually when asked by younger people such as this first year, Waldo Smee, or women thinking they're being flirty, but sometimes it comes from someone who's just plain nosy or rude.

"Did you join the Aurors because you could arrest anyone who'd been mean to you at that place?"

This isn't the question Harry thought was coming. Generally the torture question is followed up with one along the lines of, "Can I see any scars?"

Harry smiles fleetingly. It's not that this question is unexpected. He gets asked variations of it often enough. It's that the "show me your scars" request almost always follows the torture question if it's going to get asked. Since Waldo jumped to a different question, could be with this student Harry's going to be able to avoid having to politely decline the showing of the physical scars from his time at Community Q.

"Being able to see those from place like Community Q brought to justice and made to answer for their crimes is only one reason I decided to become an Auror. Another reason is to help prevent a dark Witch or Wizard from rising up with aspirations to be the next Lord Voldemort."

Waldo cringes slightly at hearing Voldemort's name but only very slightly. He's young enough that the name is more of a famous evil doer from recent history and not someone he actually remembers as terrorizing all of England. Harry briefly wonders if for Waldo the name Euphemia Smythe-Jones will cause a true shudder and aversion to hearing of the woman as the name Lord Voldemort does to older generations. Or, will there be someone else who'll be the Lord Voldemort of Waldo's time? If Harry has any say in the matter, there won't be anyone like that who gets enough of a foothold of power to be a threat on the level that Voldemort was.

Waldo asks Harry a few more questions, among them, "Do Auror's get paid very much?" and, "Do you get bored waiting to arrest someone?"

Just after Waldo has moved on to another booth, Harry meanders over to the refreshments table to get drinks for Ron, Desi, and he. Making sure he's got a firm grip on all three drinks, Harry turns away from the table only to find himself face to face with Draco Malfoy.

Draco's eyes rake Harry up and down, a sneer playing on his lips but then in a blink, his face goes completely neutral. He flatly says, "Excuse me, Potter," and steps around Harry.

As he walks back to the Magical Law Enforcement booth, Harry can't decide if he's glad or not that Draco wasn't confrontational or snarky. Given where they are and that they are supposed to be conducting themselves as professionals here to interest youngsters with career opportunities, it's probably for the best that Draco didn't say anything more than he did.

Reaching the booth, Harry passes out the drinks before greeting another student who's approached to ask what other careers there in Magical Law Enforcement other than Auror and Hit Wizard.

How Embarrassing!
Author: Griet 
Date:   12-08-09 18:13

Griet and Oberon entered the Great Hall, holding hands. They were there to see the various exhibits representing different professions and businesses. Neither had any idea what they might do in the future, but they still had some time to figure it all out. Mainly, they were curious to see who had come and if the giveaways were any good.

As it happened, two of the presenters were related to Griet. Her uncle Pieter and grandfather Reynier were both healers at St. Mungo's and were operating a table for the profession and the hospital. They had a nice-sized crowd in front of them when Griet and Oberon came over, but they must have just been wrapping up their spiel because the group dispersed soon thereafter.

"Hi, Uncle Pieter. Hi, Granddad."

"Hi, Griet. Hi... Osbert, is it?"

"Oberon," Oberon corrected, holding out his hand to Griet's uncle. Pieter clasped it warmly and smiled.

Reynier only grunted his hello. When Griet had been deemed a non, he'd sided with her father and mother on how to handle the family's new problem. Although he'd come around in the end, like Griet's parents had, he was still somewhat distant with his oldest granddaughter. It wasn't that he didn't like her or didn't think any less of her because she was a werewolf and not normal by wizarding standards. They'd just never really gotten the opportunity to repair their relationship, probably because they hardly saw each other.

"Just here to chat or do you want to learn about healing?" Pieter asked.

"Griet's probably most interested in the maternity ward since she's probably going to get herself knocked up sooner or later, what with all the SEX she and Oberon are having."

Griet turned her horrified gaze to where Cornelia stood looking very smug. She felt her face flush bright crimson. She and Oberon had never taken things that far, not yet anyway.

For his part, Oberon looked unaffected by Cornelia's exclamation. He shift his cool gaze over her shoulder at Gervaise, who stood directly behind her.

Pieter looked visibly uncomfortable. "Ah, erm. Well..."

Reynier, however, looked very unimpressed until Cornelia smiled greeted at her grandfather. "Hi, Granddad."

"Hello, sweet. I'm glad you stopped by to see me."

While he showered his attention on his second oldest grandchild, Griet shot her uncle an embarrassed and apologetic glance and then backed away from the table. Her gaze fell briefly on Gervaise, who didn't look satisfied by what had happened, but he did look angry.

She turned away from him, tugging Oberon to follow. Oberon did without having to be asked twice.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," Griet said, "though I know I'll be getting an howler from my mum come morning."

"Maybe not," Oberon said, trying to sound optimistic. "Come on, let's get a snack from the refreshments table."

This time he led the way, pulling Griet along behind him.

Shoppe Talk
Author: Travis 
Date:   12-08-09 18:48

Travis is putting out more small cups with steaming hot samples of the tea blends she offers at Botanicals & Beyond when Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore approaches. "Good morning, Miss Ravenclaw. Something smells delightfully pepperminty."

Travis offers the older gentleman one of the fresh cups. "Hello, Professor Dumbledore. It's one of the peppermint teas I offer. This blend has a stronger note of the peppermint. All the plants for it are grown in my greenhouses, which are overseen by someone of whom I understand you are quite fond. Neville Longbottom."

"Neville is an excellent lad. I am very pleased that he'd found an herbology based position. I see I am holding up Miss Rourke from speaking with you. Thank you for the tea. I might come back later to partake of more."

"You are welcome whenever you wish, Professor Dumbledore. If you like that blend, let me know and I'll send you a tin of it."

"Thank you, Miss Ravenclaw." The tall, bearded headmaster turns with a smile to the young girl patiently waiting just off to one side. "Getting ideas for a possible career, Miss Rourke?"

"Yes, sir, but the problem is that so far I like everything."

Professor Dumbledore chuckles. "It is good to have such an open mind."

The headmaster ambles off, saying something about sweets that look scrumptious over at Briar Rose's booth. Travis has already fixed her smile on the girl. "Good morning, Miss Rourke. Would you like some tea?"

"Hello and yes, please. That one looks interesting," she says pointing to a green tea. "Did I hear Professor Dumbledore call you Miss Ravenclaw?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm Travis Ravenclaw, owner of Botanticals & Beyond in Hogsmeade."

"Ravenclaw the house? My Hogwarts house?"

"Yes, Miss Rourke, Ravenclaw like your house here at Hogwarts, though I am not a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw's, my family is related."

"My name's Marian. I'm a second year. Do you have to know lots about herbology and stuff?"

"For my business, yes, it greatly helps. If you are interested in having a business but not necessarily something that sells anything plant related, then find something you truly love and go from there."

"Do all shoppe owners love what they sell?"

"No, and unless they are in it strictly for the money and are making lots of galleons, they aren't happy with their shoppes. If someone has a clothing shoppe and doesn't give a fig about clothing and fashion, that person is better off hiring someone with those interests to run the shoppe. That's not all that uncommon, having someone else to run your business for you, especially if you have more than one location of a shoppe or have more than one type of business."

"I do like my herbology class but how would I know if that's something I want to do all my life?"

"That's a very good question and one far too many people never find the answer for. To be well and truly happy with one's career choice, find something you have a passion for, something that excites you. If you find you do have a great love of plants, then there are a number of possibly careers for you, ranging from growing the plants for others to make use of to teaching to combining the love of herbology with another great interest."

"Such as?"

"Such as healing or having a shoppe of some sort that sells plants or plant related items to being a professional landscaper."

"What's that?"

"A landscaper is like a gardener in a way. It's someone who decides where to plant what and how things should look. Someone would hire you to plan out their yards or a park or the approach to a business, that sort of thing."

"I never knew there were jobs like that."

"Here's some literature on different jobs related to herbology, including ones like mine."

"Why do you call your shoppe Botanicals?"

"The word means having to do with plants."

"This tea is very good. May I have more?"

"Of course. Would you like the same or something different?"

"Ummmm, something different maybe. What's that one?"

"This one is made from a mild type of tea and has tangerine and orange."

"Ooooh, yes, I'd like to try that one."

Travis hands Marian the cup, first making sure its contents are hot enough. "Any further questions, Marian?"

"No, miss, not that I can think of but if any come to mind, is it all right if I come back?"

"I would love for you to come back if you want."

"Thank you, miss."

Marian takes her leave but is soon replaced by more students wanting to ask Travis about her shoppe and what wares she offers other than blends of tea, and, of course, wanting to taste test the sample she's got out. Travis also has a box in which students submit their names on slips of paper. At the end of the day, she'll draw five names to win prizes from Botanicals & Beyond.

Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   12-09-09 17:41

In the past, Ethan had taken part in the Career Day as a representative of the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Law Enforcement. This year others filled that role, though Ethan certainly didn't mind. He wasn't technically an auror anymore, at least not as a full-time employee for the Ministry of Magic. Sometimes he still did consulting work, though.

He walked around the Great Hall and made small talk with some of the presenters. Some he knew, others he didn't. There was one he was glad hadn't signed up this year, though the wizard in question wouldn't have been able to anyway. Dorian Somerset was a wanted man and would be foolish to show his face in so public a place. Ethan understood that his adoptive father didn't work for Vitruvian, Inc. anymore anyway.

Still, Ethan couldn't help but think of the man who'd raised him. Dorian had taken part in every Career Day since the beginning, excepting perhaps last year. Ethan didn't know if Dorian had come or not, since he'd been at Brecqhou at the time and had had little knowledge of the outside world, much less what had gone on at Hogwarts.

Ethan wondered where his adoptive parents were. Both were fugitives wrongly released from Azkaban during Minister Smythe-Jones' leadership. They weren't the only ones, however. Other criminals like Death Eaters still roamed free after receiving baseless pardons in the previous administration. It was reasons like this that Ethan hadn't completely severed his ties to his old job.

His attention was suddenly diverted by a blond head in the crowd of students. For a moment Ethan thought it was Samuel Craven, but the student turned his head to reveal someone else's face.

Ethan frowned, thinking of the new Ravenclaw student. During class on Thursday, when he'd had the second years duel in one of the obstacle courses, Samuel had done quite well. Unfortunately, the boy became more and more aggressive as time went on and by the time Ethan stepped in to put a stop to Samuel's fierce dueling, there'd been a glint in the child's eye that could only be described as menacing.

Ethan knew that look all too well. He'd had it too, once upon a time. All the same, Ethan didn't think Samuel's situation mirrored his in any sort of way, or at least he hoped that wasn't the case. Still, it haunted him to see someone that young be so utterly ruthless. He knew children could be cruel, but Samuel's behavior had been more than just a child fighting with another child. Ethan almost didn't know what to make of it.

He hadn't given Samuel detention, though he'd dismissed everyone else and asked Samuel to stay behind for a few minutes. In their moment alone, Samuel's face had displayed a mixture of emotion from anger to regret. Ethan hadn't asked the whys or hows of what had happened during class, only offering Samuel his ear should he ever want or need to talk to someone about anything. Then he'd dismissed the young Ravenclaw, hoping he'd handled the situation correctly. His gut told him yes, but sometimes even gut feelings were unreliable.

His gut was now telling him something else. He was hungry. With that in mind, Ethan went to the refreshments table to see what there was to eat.

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