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(Tobias Beck) Legal Eagles
Author: Beck 
Date:   02-09-11 17:17

Of the Beck family, the only representatives at Hogwarts today were the patriarch, Tobias, who had worked for the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Law Enforcement for decades, and Katherine Spinnet, who worked for The Daily Prophet. Tobias, like at least one other representative at Hogwarts today, was leaning towards retiring in the near future. Not that he didn't like his job or that he felt too old (by Muggle standards, he might be, but wizards tended to live longer). He just wanted to spend the next few decades relaxing and enjoying any potential great grandchildren his grandchildren might produce.

Two were married, Toby and Ariella, and a third, Anthony, had just gotten engaged. Surely a great grandchild might be in his future soon.

A young man he'd just been talking to about careers in law at the Ministry of Magic hastily excused himself and went after his friend, who was the daughter of his colleague Dunstan Harville.

"Everything all right, Dunstan?" Tobias asked the younger wizard.

"I'm afraid I just put my foot in my mouth," Dunstan answered with a sigh.

"It happens to all of us," Tobias kindly remarked, placing a hand on his coworker's shoulder.

"Hi Gramps!"

The greeting shifted his attention from Dunstan to his granddaughter Ariella, who lived at Hogwarts with her husband Lawrence, the Herbology professor.

"Ariella! I wondered when I might see you. Where have you been all morning?"

"I had to work at the bakery," she replied, "but I just got off and thought I would see who of the family is here today."

"Just me and Katherine. Toby has a game, I think. Not sure what the others are doing."

"I saw Katherine when I came in. She brought in her camera and is letting everybody handle it and take pictures."

"I'm sure the children are enjoying that," Tobias said. "Where's that husband of yours?"

"I came here first rather than stop by the quarters, so I'm not sure. He could be there. Oh, there he is."

Lawrence had just stepped into view and upon sighting his wife, smiled and approached. He gave her a hug and a kiss and then greeted his grandfather-in-law.

"Everything going well today?"

"Everything's fine. This is my colleague Dunstan Harville."

Lawrence and Ariella shook hands with the other wizard, who was immediately approached by a couple of students.

"We better let you two handle this," Ariella said, smiling at her grandfather.

"Bring me some sweets from the snack table, will you?" Tobias asked, before turning to the newcomers.

Ariella had gotten to eat some of the deformed biscuits she'd baked earlier in the morning, but she definitely had room for something else, especially since she hadn't eaten lunch yet. She directed Lawrence to the snack table, where they selected a few items for themselves and then picked out some things for their grandfather.

Taking A Snack Break
Author: Charlie Weasley 
Date:   02-09-11 19:35

One of the model dragons makes a break for it, running for the edge of the table, wings flapping for take-off. Charlie glances at it but never breaks from the conversation he's having with a six year. There are charms in place that keep the models from going far. Other charms keep them from doing much harm to each other, which is a good thing as the Ukrainian Ironbelly and the Peruvian Vipertooth circle each other in a show of dominance. The model dragons' antics have been popular so far, drawing students over to watch even if those students have no interest in making a career of working with dragons.

The sixth year finishes his questions and moves to watch the Ironbelly and Vipertooth for a couple of more minutes before moving along altogether. There are several other students there at the moment as well but none are engaging Charlie's attention with their own questions. He takes the respite to walk over to the nearest refreshment table to grab a steaming cup of tea along with a hot ham and cheese sandwich. On the way back to his booth he swings by Briar's to nick a couple of the little fruit tarts she's brought.

Briar's also free at the moment and upon seeing Charlie she greets him warmly and sidles over to ask sotto voice, "There haven't been any problems with Belladonna have there?"

Charlie's brow creases with worry. "No, why? What have you heard?" he asks in a rush.

Briar places a hand on his arm and says reassuringly, "Nothing. I just know how worried you've been and was hoping that she's not doing anything to give you more concern."

As his long time friend and as someone the world now thinks of as his sister-in-law, Briar's concern for him shouldn't come as a surprise but for some reason it does. Charlie can't help but be a little embarrassed that an innocent question asked by someone who's pretty much family would have him thinking all sorts of things about what Belladonna might have done. He sheepishly grins at her. "Sorry, I have been jumpy and overreacting whenever I hear her name."

"That's very understandable. She's given you reason to react that way. Hendrika said the Sinistras took Belladonna to France but that doesn't mean Belladonna would stay there."

"Yeah, that's the thing. She's technically free so if she doesn't want to stay where her family took her after her release, she doesn't have to and no one is obligated to tell me anything about her whereabouts. I might not even still know she was even released if Isabella hadn't been considerate enough to come tell me." Charlie waves a hand. "Bah, I'm sick of thinking about her. Listen, you want to come out with Hen and me to supper this evening? We're taking the boys for pizza."

"We'd love to. Pizza is currently Grace's favorite."

"I wouldn't have thought the boys would like it that much at their ages but I guess the combination of bread and cheese appeals to them. They can both eat their weight in it if we'd let them."

Briar chuckles. "Grace is almost as bad though she's worse with ice cream. Doesn't matter the flavor, Grace wants buckets of it."

"I think I might have to agree with Grace on ice cream." Charlie nods in the direction of his booth. "Looks like I have someone wanting to talk with me about dragon keeping. Thanks for the tarts," he says, lifting the plate with his sandwich on which he'd put the tarts. "Ta for now."

Half a minute later, Charlie is deep in conversation with a third year with a serious interest in all things dragon.

Author: Ronan Eastwick 
Date:   02-10-11 17:31

"So, why did you want to become a salesman?" asked a student Ronan vaguely remembered from his own time at Hogwarts.

"Well, I didn't really, I mean, not at first," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "I needed to find a job after graduation so that I could pay for school and my everyday living expenses. I applied for a few things, including an internship at my current place of work. I got the internship and got to learn about all sorts of positions within the company. Out of all of them, I liked sales the best. Just recently, I was offered a promotion and am now a real live salesman."

"So you really like it, then."

"I do. I'm not sure it's what I want to do for the rest of my life, but it's a great job for now. I take night classes at St. Emrys and might go into another field when I'm done there."

"I didn't think I would have to grow up so fast after leaving here," the student mused somewhat disappointedly. "I thought my parents might be able to help me out for a while."

"Maybe they can. Not everyone winds up on his own after graduation," Ronan said. He knew he wasn't the only new graduate to have to pay for everything on his own, but then again, his situation was probably more unique than most. Not everybody had one dead parent and another in prison.

"I guess I can see the appeal of sales. I do like to shop, at any rate, but parchment sounds rather boring."

Ronan laughed. "Well, just think about how often you use parchment. Not just for your school work, I mean. We all use it, everyday of our lives. It's an important product. And there's different kinds, too. Different textures, different sizes, different colors."

Ronan waved at the multitude of samples at his table. "Some of it is even scented." He picked up a pink sheet and sniffed it. It smelled like roses. He handed it to the girl, who gave it a whiff and smiled. "I think I'll do my potions homework on this and see what Snape thinks!"

"Maybe that's not a good idea," Ronan replied with a grin. "He's likely to give you detention or a poor mark on the assignment!"

"You're probably right. Can I have this?"


"Thanks!" She walked away, leaving Ronan alone for the moment at his table.

It was strange being back at Hogwarts as an adult and not a student, but he was happy all the same. It was nice seeing old friends and teachers, including his former guardian Illyria, whom he saw from time to time anyway since they were like family.

Terrortours Freebies
Author: Fionna 
Date:   02-10-11 18:28

While talking to a couple of students about the travel industry, Fionna spies her cousin Catriona with her friends Bianca and Polly. Without pausing her conversation Fionna lifts a hand to wave in Cat's direction to get her attention. Polly sees and says something to Cat who then turns and waves back at Fionna. Now with Cat's attention, Fionna changes the wave to a come here gesture.

In the short time it takes for Cat, Polly, and Bianca to reach the Terrortours booth, the two students Fionna had been talking with have thanked her and moved along. This allows Fionna to greet the trio right away. "Hi, thanks for coming over. Having a nice time so far?"

Cat nods, holding up a bag she got at one booth that looks to be stuffed full. "Yeah, lots of freebies. I may need another bag soon to carry everything if I get much more."

"Here, I have one you can have. It's a canvas shopping type bag. We give them out to people who book tours. It folds up really small and has a small extendable charm that allows it to hold more than it looks like it would so it's good to have when souvenir shopping." Fionna turns to grab three from the stack she's got on display and hands one to each of the girls. "I've also got quills, some travel posters, and a selection of hard candies. Bianca, Polly, there's a box there if you want to put your names in for a trip. You too, Cat. I asked my bosses yesterday if you were eligible. There's an anti-cheating charm on the box and ticket slips so if you were to win, they know it would be an honest win."

"Cool!" Bianca says with Polly and Cat both saying, "Yeah," in agreement with Bianca, who then asks, "What's the prize?"

"We're doing two. One is for the new Big Foot Adventure in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and the other is to Japan, the Kyuketsuki Encounter."

"What's Big Foot?" Polly asks at the exact same time Cat asks, "What's Kukaywhatever??"

"Big Foot is sort of like the Yeti. You know what that is, right?"

All three nod.

"It's like a Yeti but brown. A Kyuketsuki is just a Japanese vampire."

Bianca shudders at the word vampire but is the first one to move to start writing her name on a drawing slip. As the girls fills out the slips and get the other Terrortour freebies, Fionna tells them, "The reason I waved you over is that I've had such a steady stream of students coming by that I've not had much chance to do more than grab the nearest food, which is cake and biscuits. Would you stay here a few minutes and tell people about the drawing and hand out the freebies while I go look over the real food selection?"

Cat, Bianca and Polly exchange looks, nodding at each other with Cat then saying, "Sure, we'd be happy to."

"Thanks. I owe you!"

Not wanting to make the girls have to stand around the Terrortours booth for long and mindful that there might still be a lot of students with questions about the travel and tourism industry, Fionna hurries to get a plate of lunch foods to bring back to her booth.

Talking to Dumbledore
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   02-10-11 18:54

In a lull between students, Albus Dumbledore approached Bill's table in the Great Hall and admired the pamphlets and other information the younger wizard had brought with him for Career Day. Like in previous years, Bill represented Gringotts Bank, which included a number of careers like bank telling and curse breaking.

"As always, I'm pleased you have agreed to offer your time for the school," Dumbledore said, raising his eyes from the material spread out on the table to Bill's own.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'm always happy to come to Career Day."

Dumbledore regarded Bill seriously for a long moment, such that Bill felt as if Dumbledore could read his mind or see into his soul. He shifted uncomfortably.

"How do you feel about Miss Fairchild's return?" Dumbledore softly asked, finally breaking the silence.

Bill should have guessed that Dumbledore had heard that Adriana had come back from the dead. Hogsmeade was a small village, and news had always traveled through Hogwarts like wildfire.

Bill wasn't even sure how to answer. Years ago, he would have been absolutely ecstatic and relieved to have Adriana back in his life. Now, he wasn't so sure. He was glad she wasn't dead, certainly. But at the same time, her return seemed troublesome. Fleur wasn't happy, not out of jealousy but because she didn't really trust Adriana. She had a gut feeling that there was something completely off about her.

Truth be told, Bill sort of had the same feeling, but what or why, he didn't know. Adriana had said that the reason she'd come back is because everything had changed in her life. When prompted for elaboration, she'd talked vaguely about how she'd developed a positive outlook about life in general and that she'd felt ready to emerge from isolation.

"I see you have difficulty expressing your feelings," Dumbledore said. "I imagine her return came as a great shock to you."

"It did," Bill said.

"Did she mention to you that she came to see me recently?"

Bill shook his head. "No, she didn't. What did she want?"

"A position at the school," Dumbledore replied, "to which I politely informed her that there were no openings at this time."

"I wasn't aware she was looking for a job."

"She also wanted to talk," Dumbledore said.

"What did she say?"

"I don't wish to betray her confidence if it is not her wish," Dumbledore gently replied, "but I will say that I am very much intrigued by her return, as I know you are."

"Does that mean you find it curious?"

"It is very curious that someone believed to be dead all these years has miraculously returned."

Bill hesitated in asking his next question because he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer. "Does she seem normal to you?"

Dumbledore took a moment before answering. "Yes, but she still may not be the Adriana we remember."

"What do you mean?"

"She confessed to me the secret you kept for her all these years," Dumbledore revealed, and instantly, Bill felt like a student being scolded by a teacher for bad behavior.

"I should have said something back then, I know."

Dumbledore raised a hand. "You had your reasons, though perhaps we could have helped her like we did Christina Sorcha and to some extent Ethan Somerset. Adriana had to go through it all on her own, and who knows what she experienced when we all thought her dead."

"Did she say if anything did?" Bill asked.

"She gave no specifics," Dumbledore replied, "and to my knowledge Voldemort never fully gained control. At any rate, I suspect whatever hold he may have had on her has long since vanished."

"I would think so," Bill said. "He's been dead for nearly five years."

"But not forgotten. Ethan Somerset will never forget the things he did while under the Dark Lord's influence, and I suspect that Adriana will never forget the feelings he made her feel either. She is a changed witch."

"What can I do?"

"Be her friend. I think it would be wise if we kept in regular contact with her, if only to make sure that everything is all right."

Bill believed he could try to be Adriana's friend. It had been easy befriending her all those years ago, even after their initial, bad first impression of each other. He knew Fleur wouldn't like it, but maybe she would come around eventually.

Dumbledore smiled suddenly. "I believe I have taken up too much of your valuable time. Let me step away and allow a student to discuss the wonderful world of banking with you."

"Of course. I will keep you posted," Bill said.

Dumbledore nodded and walked away to talk to someone else, leaving Bill with his thoughts until the next student arrived.

British And Irish League Booth
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   02-10-11 21:35

Being in the Hogwarts Great Hall always brings back memories of when Viktor was here for a school term as part of the Tri-Wizarding Tournament. He stepped foot for the first time into this large room over ten years ago. After that first night, which was the Hogwarts Start of Term Feast for the 1994-1995 term, Viktor was here regularly for meals. The other spot in the castle where he spent time was the library. The Durmstrang students did not take classes with the Hogwarts students though Viktor often wished they had so he could have gotten to know more people. Viktor can still be somewhat quiet and was something of a loner but nothing like he was then. If he'd had classes with the Hogwarts students, he would have been forced to interact with them more than he did.

Today he's here as a representative of the British and Irish Quidditch League. Viktor's also quite happy to answer any questions about running a shoppe, specifically a Quidditch shop. Most questions are of course about playing professional level Quidditch as well as other positions in the field, which range from team owners to managers to trainers to sports healers to public relations with many other jobs as well. Viktor's even answered a few questions about the vendors who sell stadium food and merchandise.

When it comes to questions about teams, Viktor is naturally partial to his team the Hogsmeade Humbatas. He does not, however, say anything critical of other teams in the league. As a Career Day representative of the entire British and Irish League, Viktor does not want to come off as unprofessional with regard to those other teams. Viktor and the other person working the booth today, Pyrrhus Fine, have pamphlets on the league in general as well as ones for each team and they even have some on other leagues and teams including an interesting booklet on the push being made in the United States to make Quidditch as popular there as it is in the rest of the world.

They also have lots of things from a number of British and Irish League teams to give out such as pom poms, foam fingers, pennants, quills, and hats. Viktor also brought a number of Humbatas jerseys, socks, and scarves. They have several drawings students and staff may enter for things like Quidditch tickets, omniocculars, getting to spend time with a team, a broom that has not yet been released to the public yet, and a few other things.

Viktor takes a quick break to replenish his coffee before greeting another student who's stopped by the booth with questions at the ready.

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