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Heading Home
Author: Phyllida 
Date:   03-20-13 14:30

The little boy who occupied the back seat of the flying Bentley had Tiberius Nott's dark hair and equally dark scowl; where their faces differed most markedly, Phyllida observed, her eye discreetly switching between them, was the expression in their eyes. No warmth ever reached Nott's cold, blue-grey, but Titus Nott's brown scanned the distant landscape below with a mixture of fear and longing; fear of plummeting to his death, certainly, but perhaps also longing to walk among the quiet, bare fields, or follow that slow, winding brook. Anything, Phyllida thought, with a pang of empathy, but to be trapped in an airless old car a thousand feet in the air.

Phyllida sank back into the leather seat, wincing a little as they hit a patch of turbulence. Tiberius drove on, silently, no concern marking his brow.

"How is school going, Titus?" she asked softly. "Are there any subjects you like?"

He did not respond for a few moments. ""

"Really?" Phyllida said before she could stop herself. "Well, that's very good, Titus. Have you ever heard of Phyllida Spore?"

" she the lady who wrote one of my schoolbooks?"

"Yes. She was my ancestor."

"Oh, wow..." Titus Nott sank back into an awed but awkward silence. "So...I guess you must be really good at Herbology then?"

Phyllida laughed. "It was my worst subject, actually."

"I'm not surprised," muttered Nott, angrily. "Herbology is the most pointless subject ever taught at Hogwarts. It is dirty, tiresome and tedious. I absolutely loathe it."

The silence returned. Phyllida's eyes strayed to the rear view mirror, where she saw Titus' round, disappointed face reflected. Her brow wrinkled as she returned her gaze to Tiberius' stern face; he looked more haggard and frightful than ever.

"Well, what do you boys usually do for Christmas?" she asked, changing the subject. "Is there anything special you'd like to do, Titus?"

"We don't do anything special," Tiberius replied firmly. "No trees. No big feast."

"Would you like to do those things, Titus?" she asked, paying the elder Nott no notice.

He hesitated; and then sighed. "No," he said, querulously. "I lost my parents on Christmas Eve. Tiberius doesn't like to celebrate that fact."

Phyllida pressed her lips together, looking out the window.

Christmas at the Burrow
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   03-20-13 18:29

Christmas at the Burrow was an annual tradition that seemed to include a new member of the family every year. In this case, there were two: Rose and Jamie. The babies drew a lot of attention but were both too small to do anything more than look around, eat, sleep and cry. Rose was especially fussy for some reason. At a gathering as large as this, there was always somebody else to take over soothing the baby. Right now Molly had Rose in her arms.

Hermione sat on the sofa between Audrey, Percy's wife, and Larkin, who was practically bouncing in her seat. All the older children were brimming over at the thought of opening presents, some of which were promised for tonight. The rest would have to wait till tomorrow morning.

"What do you think you're getting?" Hermione asked Larkin.

Larkin looked over at her dad, who was busy talking to George. As if sensing his daughter's eyes on him, Fred swiveled his head around and grinned at her. Hermione detected something playfully sinister in that smile.

"Daddy says I'm going to get coal, and sweets that taste like bogeys and vomit, and not just a box of Bertie Botts either. He said he can make anything taste yucky."

"Knowing your father, I bet he can," Hermione said, laughing. "Do you think maybe your dad is just playing a big joke on you?"

"Well, he is in the joke business," Larkin said in all seriousness.

Hermione smiled. "Well, what do you want for Christmas?"

"A lot of things," Larkin replied.

"Who wants to decorate gingerbread men?" Blossom asked, using a Christmas-themed oven mitt to hold out a baking sheet filled with golden-brown cookies.

"Me!!" Larkin exclaimed, jumping off of the sofa. Most of the other children chimed in, also wanting to help. Blossom led them to the table and helped them get started.

Ron, meanwhile, found the empty space next to Hermione and slid into the seat. He put his arm around her shoulders and said, "This is nice."

"It always is nice here, but it's especially nice on Christmas," Hermione replied, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Molly came over with Rose, who was still a bit whiny. "She needs a nappy change. Ron, take her."

Ron looked up at his mother in surprise. "You know how to do it."

Molly gave him that look.

"Okay, okay," Ron said, removing his arm from around Hermione's shoulders and taking Rose. He got up from the sofa to find the diaper bag.

Molly, meanwhile, took his seat on the sofa. "All my babies have babies now except for Percy." She leaned over Hermione to eye Audrey. "There's no hurry, of course, dear, but you'd be in good company."

Hermione gave Audrey a sympathetic look, but Audrey didn't appear uncomfortable. She smiled at Hermione and then Molly and said, "We'll see what happens."

Hermione turned to Molly. "Were any of your children as fussy as Rose?"

"Oh, yes," Molly said, and she recounted with fondness all the quirks of her seven children from when they were young.

Nowhere I would Rather Be
Author: Jefferson 
Date:   03-20-13 20:13

Jefferson stepped out of the small hotel washroom, thinking about his to do list for the day. He hadn't slept well last night, although that was always the case when they were at the Hogsmeade Inn. He preferred spending time at Melinda's home, and was certain his girlfriend felt the same.

"What ya doing kiddo?" He glanced over at his daughter, who was stretched out on the floor wrapping something.

Remy opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by her Aunt's sarcastic remark.

"She's obviously sleeping, Jeff."

"That's enough, Lawson. Didn't you say you had somewhere to be today?"

Lawson rolled her eyes, and flopped down into a chair. "Right. Because I always have places to be, people to see."

"Dad, what did you get Melinda for Christmas?" Remedy sat two more neatly wrapped gifts next to a pile she had finished earlier.

Jeff leaned down to kiss the nine-year-old's cheek. "That is a surprise, little darlin'. You'll find out tomorrow along with Melinda and Camden, alright?"

"Yes Sir. So, what are we doing for the rest of the day?"

Just then and owl flew in the window and rammed right into Lawson's head. The woman drew her wand, and threatened to curse the animal before it took off out the window again.

Jefferson leaned down to pick up the letter; it bore the seal from the U.S. Department of Magic. He sighed as he read over the quick note from the office back home. "It looks like we're having, change of plans. C'mon Remedy, let's take you over to Melinda's."

Remy frowned and looked up at her father as she leaned back against the bed. "You do realize its Sunday, not to mention Christmas Eve day, right Dad? I thought we had plans, all of us together, as a family?"

Jeff sighed at the hurt look on the young girl's face. He sat on the edge of the bed. "I know, but it's kind of an emergency. I gotta head to New Orleans for a little bit," He shot a glance at Lawson, "but I shouldn't be gone more than a few hours. I'll be back in time for dinner."

"Whatever Dad."

Lawson knew exactly why Jefferson had to go back home, it was all her fault he had gotten involved in the case in the first place. "C'mon Rem, Jeff didn't do this on purpose. I'll come hang out with you at Melinda and Camden's?"

Remedy nodded and gathered her gifts to take with them. "Fine. Let's just go."

Jefferson grabbed his coat and the trio headed off down the lane to the Vanderbilt's home. Jeff knew this may not go well, and was prepared to make up for it later. Once they reached the house, he knocked on the door and smiled when Camden swung it open and hugged him, then Remedy.

"Hi! C'mon in. You guys don't have to knock you know, you practically live here anyways." She called into the kitchen. "MOM! Jefferson and Rem are here! C'mon Remedy." She grabbed the older girl's hand and pulled her off to play while their parents talked.

"Hey honey." Jefferson pulled Mel into his arms and kissed her.

"Jeff? You're here early. What's up?" She leaned into him and rested her head against his chest."

"So, is it okay if I hang out? Can I help with anything?" Lawson looked to Mel, still unsure how to act around the other woman.

"There's a bit of an emergency with work. I have to run in to handle it. I promise you I will be home in time for dinner, okay?"

Mel pulled away from him and scowled at her boyfriend. "On Christmas Eve? Jefferson Slade Foster I can't believe you!"

"Melinda, I don't want to go, you have to believe me. I'll explain later, alright? After the girls are in bed. I love you." He kissed her forehead then left a deep lingering kiss upon her lips.

"There is no where I would rather be, then here with you forever." He said before apparating off. He would tell her everything later tonight.

"So, is it okay if I hang out? Can I help with anything?" Lawson looked to Mel, still unsure how to act around the other woman.

Staying Home
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   03-21-13 10:36

Before the students had left for the holiday break, I'd managed to get the gift for the secret Santa exchange that I'd put my name into again this year. I'd gotten Mason Jeffers, a fourth year Slytherin. I'd scouted about and found a couple of unique items for him. I wasn't sure if he would like them, but I know I'd have enjoyed something like these when I was his age. One was a unique type of muggle camera, called the Diana Camera, and the other was an interesting mug that looked like a face with an open mouth.

At the moment, with the castle quiet as it was and the fact that it was Christmas Eve day, I was wrapping gifts that I' gotten for the Becks and for Maggie. I'd be going to the Beck's with Ariella tomorrow but we'd made plans for dinner with Maggie tonight here at the Castle and she was going to hang out with us tonight, because she may have plans tomorrow with a couple of friends. She was of course invited to the Becks with us as she was family, but she wasn't sure yet what she wanted to do.

"What are you wrapping?"

I blinked, and offered Ariella a smile, thankful that she hadn't snuck up on me while I was wrapping her present - that one was already tucked safely away to be given to her later.

"Some stuff that I'd picked up for Alex when I was in the village the other day."

"Ah. So, what are we doing for the rest of the day?" She asked, dropping down onto the couch next to me.

"I was thinking spending the rest of the day relaxing since it's been a while since we've both had downtime lately. Speaking of, what do we want to do for our anniversary this year? Trip to Sydney again or just stay home?"

She leaned against me and pondered. "I don't know yet, but I figure finding somewhere to stay if we end up going to Sydney for the day or so won't be too hard."

"Of course not, because there is always a vacancy at our favorite place to stay."

Sitting Doing Nothing
Author: Dante Knight 
Date:   03-21-13 19:43

As he has nowhere else to go, no family to visit Dante has stayed at Hogwarts for the holiday break. He'd done the same last year but the difference is that last year he still had a family even if he hadn't seen them. Now, he has nothing.

Dante has been invited to a few holiday parties. He was somewhat surprised to receive one of those invitations. The hit wizard who often is on duty when Dante goes on one of his daily runs, Isreal, has become something of a friend but Dante hadn't expected to be invited to Isreal's home for a Christmas party. Dante had gone, staying a short time, though he did enjoy that time immensely.

Other than those handful of parties and other than those runs that take him off the grounds for short periods, Dante has spent his time at Hogwarts, either strolling the corridors and grounds as part of keeping watch over the students here over the holiday or in his quarters, which is where he is at the moment.

He'll go to the commons and the Great Hall soon but for now he's doing what he's done far too much of lately, trying not to dwell on Rita Skeeter digging up dirt on the Hogwarts staff and how he had expected to at least have a howler by now from his mother or brother, possibly his sister but not his father, at having actually done what he said he would do. He isn't sure if they are silent because of a combination of anger and knowing Dante might be monitored or if they are good and truly done with him. Or both.

Line marred by a deep frown, Dante absentmindedly fiddles with the bow on one of the packages under a tiny tree sitting on the coffee table. There are some presents from students, some from coworkers, something Isreal's wife gave him as he was leaving, and the Secret Santa gift he received, the tag reading Illyria Jone's name. Dante gave a Secret Santa gift as well, leaving it under the tree in the commons the last week before the holiday began. He'd drawn Franciscus Vanderbilt's name. After some thought, and hoping that Franciscus enjoys strategy games such as chess, Dante got Franciscus the game of Go.

Dante realizes he's been sitting doing nothing far longer than he'd meant. Forcing himself to get up he grabs a bag from his small dining table, a bag filled with silly, fun gifts for those students spending Christmas Eve at Hogwarts, and exits his quarters with the commons as his first destination.

The Visit
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   03-22-13 04:27

They had been delaying the visit to Azkaban for days now, all the three of them.

Tiberius himself loathed the place and he could not stand the way the guards looked at him. Old memories of times spent in that place returned to haunt him, whenever he step his feet inside the prison. On the other hand what drawn Titus away from Azkaban was shame: he did not like to see his parents wearing those dreadful clothes. He always remembered his mother with expensive robes and jewels. His father would walk around Endhope Abbey with his back straight and a superior look in his eyes, as if he ruled the world. Now it seemed like they have been broken, and they were nothing but two little beings, who were no better than a house elf. And that bothered Titus. He wished his parents were like Anton's, or that at least they had a glorious death like Valeria's.

The reason for Phyllida not wanting to go to Azkaban was unknown, but she too seemed reluctant in doing so. However Christmas Eve had arrived and there was no room for more excuses. While Phyllida sat in a not far away table with Phineus Grimshaw-Spore, Tiberius and Titus were face to face with their parents.

It was Titus who made all the talking, as both Lucinda and Theodore listened to his son with delight. Tiberius could imagine they had no better things to do but to listen a little boy talk about Hogwarts. It was as if none of them had attended the school before him, like they were hearing about it for the first time. That bothered Tiberius. They should tell Titus how life in Azkaban wasn't good, not asking him if he knew the secret passage that led to Honeydukes or the wonders of the Prefects' bathroom.

While Theodore spoke to Titus about Quidditch, not knowing his youngest son didn't like the sport that much, Lucinda picked up Tiberius' gloved hands and looked him in the eyes. The question hanged in the air without being asked out loud. Tiberius' just muttered:

"I am fine, mother."

But she didn't seem to believe so. A mother knows when there is something wrong with one of their children. While Titus only needed a little amount of care and attention, Tiberius needed it in a double dose. But she could not give it to him. Lucinda's eyes then moved to the red haired witch that was speaking with Phineus. She would recognize the girl anywhere and she had seen her arriving at the same as both their children.

"You should keep her around, Tiberius. She always cared about you."

Such affirmations surprised him. He glanced at Phyllida who was now saying goodbye to her father. Time was running out. He could feel Titus being tense in his chair already. He might hate to visit his parents but when he did so, he would always be sad to be forced to leave.

Instead of replying to his mother he just kissed her forehead, wishing her a merry Christmas. He could not way to abandon such place, to leave his parents behind. Azkaban suffocated him. He stood up and placed his gloved hand on Titus shoulder. Phyllida was already waiting for them at the exit door. There was no sign of Phineus.

"Let's go Titus."

"But we still have five minutes…"


Tiberius voice gave no room for discussion. The boy said goodbye to his parents and then he pretended to adjust his glasses when he was actually cleaning a tear. Tiberius hand held Titus' shoulder like a claw as he pulled him to the exit, not even looking back once.

Christmas Eve at Mockridge Townhouse
Author: Kirley Mockridge 
Date:   03-22-13 06:19

It was Christmas Eve. As Cassandra arrived on the doorstep of the Mockridge Townhouse, she found herself trying to remember whether she had ever spent Christmas anywhere other than Catesby Castle or in the cosy little flat above the bookshop. She couldn't recall ever doing so. But then Christmas had always been a command performance in the Catesby family; one would have had to have a very good excuse to spend it elsewhere when her parents were still in the country, and since they had been abroad... well... She gave a mental shrug.

She pushed such thoughts away as the door opened. Kirley grinned easily. "Cass! We're so glad you decided to join us," he said. "Come on in, Valeria's with Nephele in the front parlor, I'm sure she'll be quite pleased to meet you. She's already said she needs to thank you for the books."

Cassandra smiled. "I'm glad she was pleased with them," she said, stepping inside. "It's always good to have a satisfied customer."

"Of course she was. Though I have yet to find out what Mother sent her, just that I'm probably happier not knowing," Kirley said. "Can I have Ippy take your coat? Or would you rather I hang it myself?"

She arched a brow. "Demonstrating your company manners?" she said dryly. "Is this evidence of your Mama's presence?"

He snorted. "No. Mother spends the evening in solitude. We won't see her until sometime around mid-day or later tomorrow," he said. "The holidays are not easy on her, not since my brother and his wife passed. It is why we do not entertain much around this time of year and only accept a few invitations."

Cassandra inclined her head in a small gesture of understanding, slipped her cloak from her shoulders and handed it to Kirley. "Holidays can be difficult when people are absent," she said quietly.

"But at the same time, we do not want to force the solitude on Valeria, so we've invited her friends and their families for tomorrow evening, and Nephele was adamant that you not be alone as well," he said, taking the cloak and handing it to Ippy, who had arrived quietly. "Petula Parkinson has been popping in and out, and I expect her family will be joining us tomorrow at the least. Nephele also invited the Averys and the Notts, but the Notts have declined."

"Tis the season for engagements elsewhere," she murmured. It would be interesting to meet the Parkinsons particularly, if they chose to visit, given the research they had been conducting into Philantha. Not that Cassandra had any intention of raising that particular topic of conversation with them. Far too much of a recipe for disaster. But it was oddly amusing nonetheless.

Kirley nodded. "Naturally. And I don't know that the Averys will come either, but we thought it might be nice for Valeria to see her friends for the holiday. She and Petula mailed off presents earlier today, just in case anyway." He offered his arm. "Shall I escort you in or would you rather get a drink first?"

"Am I going to need one?" she enquired dryly, slipping her hand through his arm.

"I don't think so, but still. I believe Nephele's pulled some elf-made wine out, and I've a bottle of Ogden's, of course, if you'd prefer something harder." He shot her a grin, escorting her toward the parlor where his sister and niece sat. Along the way, decorations glinted in various rooms, and a small refreshment table stood just inside the parlor, a wide variety of snacks available.

"I believe I will stick with the wine, if I may," Cassandra said, and then smiled at the others in the parlour. "Nephele, thank you for the invitation." She inclined her head in polite greeting.

"Of course," Kirley answered, stepping away to pour a glass of wine for Cass as Nephele smiled.

"You're quite welcome, I'm so glad you could join us, Cass. May I introduce our niece, Valeria? Valeria, this is Cassandra Catesby," Nephele said.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Catesby," Valeria said, curtseying as she sat down the butterbeer she was drinking from a wine glass.

"It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Valeria," Cassandra said. "Your aunt and uncle have told me a lot about you."

Valeria's smile brightened. "Nephele told me about you as well, at least some stories from when you were in school. I'm pleased that she's reconnecting with friends, and well, that it happens to be a friend who can send me books is even better. Thank you for the ones you sent already, they have been quite useful."

Cassandra cast Nephele an amused look. "I dread to think what stories she has told you," she said wryly, "but I am glad the books were of use. If you need any others, do let me know. I'm always happy to help people push the boundaries of their knowledge."

Valeria's smile was definitely mischievous and borderline evil. "I will keep that in mind. There is a small group of us in Slytherin House especially who are finding certain classes much easier with the help of the books you've sent. Especially Transfiguration. Professor Flint is quite impressed with our understanding, I do hope he won't find out it's because of private study rather than his instruction."

Nephele shook her head. "Valeria, be nice. Your professor deserves your respect, if only because he is a professor and you were taught better manners than to disrespect a teacher like that."

In a neutral tone, since she did not wish to be seen as interfering with familial discipline, Cassandra murmured, "If I might suggest, should Professor Flint discover your private study, you might always claim you were inspired by his lessons to find out more."

"That would be an excellent explanation," Valeria said, tilting her head. "Although, the odds of him discovering it are fairly slim. We keep all extra books in Slytherin House, and while I suspect Professor Snape knows, I don't see him saying anything."

Nephele nodded. It would be like Professor Snape to encourage the outside study, after all, that would be an excellent way to continue earning house points with grades, plus if Flint was as bad as Valeria and Kirley both said, she doubted her former Head of House held much respect for the man either. "It may be something to keep in mind, just in case," she agreed aloud.

"Although, unless things have changed dramatically, the professors were not averse to extra study," Cassandra said. "If they had been, your aunt, my sister and myself would have been continually losing house points." She glanced at Nephele. "It was not as if we managed to stay out of the library for long."

"Though Madam Pince always seemed to enjoy having us there. I can't recall us ever having the sort of trouble with her that others did," Nephele said, a slight smile on her face as Kirley handed both she and Cass a glass of wine before retrieving his own tumbler of Ogden's.

"We respected the books," Cassandra observed simply, giving Kirley a nod of thanks as she took her glass. She raised it to her lips and took a sip of the wine.

"That was the key, plus, I think it helped that we never tried to sneak into the Restricted Section. Of course, we didn't have to, it was never hard to get a pass from someone, if you knew the right way to ask," Nephele said.

"Which you and Callandra always did," her friend said, her tone quietly amused.

"Naturally. It's a Slytherin thing, learning how to get what you want from the right person. Sometimes, you're born knowing it, sometimes, you learn from necessity, but it's a very useful skill," Nephele said.

"And a dangerous one. Particularly in certain hands," Kirley added, winking at his niece, who giggled.

"Some people are natural Snakes," Cassandra murmured. She glanced at Kirley.

His grin turned naughty as he winked at Cass. "There are worse things to be," he murmured. "Besides, you know you would miss me slithering about," he teased.

"It would certainly be quieter," she replied, bringing her wineglass back to her lips and doing her best to suppress the mischievous smile that threatened to break free.

He smirked, sitting down in the chair behind where he'd stood. "I notice you didn't say that would be a good thing," he teased, not missing the hint of a smile in her eyes.

Nephele shook her head and glanced at the clock. It was a little early, but not unreasonably so. "Valeria, off to bed with you. You can read for a little while, but I know you will be up early," she said, pleased when her niece did not protest but simply finished her butterbeer and excused herself. "I'm going to go on out and make sure the final preparations for tomorrow are under control and then check on her. Kirley, do try to not get hexed. Cass, your regular rooms are ready for you, whenever you're ready."

"Thank you," Cassandra said softly. She watched Nephele go, all too aware of Kirley watching her from the nearby chair. Self-discipline was a useful trait, she decided, as she turned back with a composed air. She let one brow rise just a little.

"Quietness does have some virtues," she said.

"Agreed. You're still avoiding the question, Cassandra," he murmured. "Can you tell me you wouldn't miss me?" he asked, a different note to his voice than what he normally let show in their flirtations.

She tilted her head. Eyes of as dark and rich a blue as the midnight sky considered him.

"Do you wish me to?" she asked him softly.

He studied her as she did him. The time for games and possible answers seemed past. A rare moment of honesty it would be then. "If I am honest, yes," he murmured.

Her lips curved, "and I bet you don't say that to many," she murmured in return. "Honesty is not your first choice, is it, Kirley? In truth, it's probably not mine either. But if we are taking a rare break from our usual evasions, then yes, I would probably miss you."

He grinned slightly. "I don't. I prefer to hedge where I can, it keeps me out of trouble and in control," he said, his voice still quiet. "I should warn you, Mother has probably heard of me stopping in the store frequently, and is likely to assume it's because of a romantic interest. And while I won't deny that there may be that, I don't want you to feel ambushed tomorrow either. It seems safer, from where I sit, to allow her to keep her assumptions rather than risk her finding out your secret."

Cassandra considered his words. "You may have a point," she conceded. "Add in my stays here at the townhouse over the full moon, as well as the invitation to spend Christmas with you..." She gave a small shrug. "Those become very hard to explain without going in to details that I would far prefer to keep private."

"I had thought the same. And since I do not believe the romantic interest to be unlikely, or completely off the mark on either side, Mother's assumption should be safe enough. I suspect she may end up quite pleased when it comes down to it, especially with how Pippin Hartcrofte has been coming around Nephele," Kirley said.

She arched a brow. "Two Ravens introduced into the heart of the nest of Snakes? Blasphemy, surely?" she teased.

"You are the most Snake-like Raven I've ever met," he muttered. "Plus, your sister was a Slytherin and Pip's mother was one. In fact, his mother was one of Mother's own dorm-mates," he added. "I seem to recall my Uncle saying something about Mother and Pip's Uncle Malaise having some sort of thing before Mother and Father's marriage was announced."

"Like mother, like daughter," Cassandra murmured, lips twitching despite her best intentions. "How terribly incestuous."

"Perhaps, but I don't think Nephele knows that part, and it's probably best kept that way. Pippin's the first to crack through the icy shell she keeps up, I'd hate to see her close herself off again," Kirley said.

Cassandra inclined her head in acknowledgement. "I will not say anything," she assured him.

"I didn't think you would. Besides, I do not believe Pippin is truly anything like his uncle, at least no more than Nephele is truly like Mother. They have some traits in common, but Valeria is really Mother's darling, and eerily like her in some ways," Kirley said. "I shudder to think how she'll be as she gets older."

"A true Mockridge," Cassandra murmured, "or perhaps a true Parkinson. A dangerous ally and an even deadlier enemy." She finished her drink and set her glass down upon the table. "It should prove interesting to see."

She glanced at him. "I should go and seek my own bed if Valeria is likely to wake the household at some ungodly hour. Goodnight, Kirley."

"Sleep well, Cass," he answered. "And if you feel the need to wander, well, you know where my rooms are," he added, winking as he finished what was left of his firewhiskey before getting to his feet as well.

Too Many Cats
Author: Carys 
Date:   03-22-13 17:18

Tristan knelt on the floor next to the Christmas tree and looked at all the festively wrapped packages piled underneath its decorated boughs. Occasionally he nudged a package aside to read the tag on one hidden beneath it, but for the most part he only looked, not touched.

Carys sat down on the easy chair nearest the tree and sipped a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows floating on top. She could hear Griffin and Ruth talking in the kitchen while they put the finishing touches on a berry tort to be eaten sometime before Tristan's bedtime. Since it was Christmas Eve, they were allowing him to stay up later than usual, but not too late either.

Tristan leaned over and lowered his head to a rectangular-shaped package wrapped in silver paper with shiny blue snowflakes printed on it. Carys watched him curiously.

"What are you doing, Tristan?"

His ear hovered just inches over the box. "I'm listening for purring or meows."

"Purring or meows?" Carys exclaimed incredulously. She laughed. "Isn't one cat on Christmas enough?"

Snowy twitched an ear lazily. The white cat, no longer the tiny thing it had been exactly one year ago when Tristan had first laid eyes on it, was stretched out across the middle of the sofa.

"Well," Tristan answered, "I think I should get a cat every Christmas." He sat upright again and looked for other presents bearing his name.

Carys laughed some more. "You don't think that will eventually turn out to be too many cats? If you were to get one every Christmas, you would have seven by the time you start at Hogwarts. Would you take them all with you to school?"

"I don't know, maybe," Tristan replied, with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I don't know if Professor McGonagall will allow more than one pet per student," Carys answered, "although I do believe she has a fondness for cats."

Alun shuffled into the room from his bedroom. He wore slippers and a long cardigan over his slacks and shirt. The older he became, the slower he moved, but he was still in decent health for a wizard of his age. Seeayetee followed him out of the bedroom, made a circle in front of the fireplace, and curled up into a ball to nap. Alun, meanwhile, sat on the edge of the sofa, near Snowy's head, and reached out to scratch the cat behind the ears.

"Tristan says he wants a cat every Christmas," Carys told her grandfather. "Can you imagine what this house would look and smell like if we acquired a new cat every year?"

"Yes," Alun replied with a chuckle. "My great aunt Zara never married or had any children, but she did have cats. Lots of cats. They all lived in the house, too."

Tristan started listening and moved to sit at his great grandfather's knee.

Alun tipped his head back to think and then said, "Well, I don't remember any named Snowy, but she did have some all white ones. I think there was a Snowflake or a Snowball."

"What else?" Tristan asked.

Griffin and Ruth entered the room, then. Griff unceremoniously scooped Snowy up off the couch and set the cat on the ground. Not very bothered, Snowy walked over to Seeayetee, sniffed the older cat's fur, and then decided to rub up against Tristan.

Griff and Ruth took the empty seats on the couch. Carys filled them in on Tristan's wish for a cat every year. Ruth laughed.

Griff said, "We could have a cat ranch." He meant it as a joke, of course, but Tristan's ears perked up and he begged to know more. Griff indulged him a little bit, but eventually he managed to change the subject away from cats and onto what sort of presents might be under the Christmas tree.

The Calm
Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   03-22-13 18:19

"I don't have to wear this to your parent's house tomorrow, do I?" Orion asked, looking at himself in a mirror.

"No," I answered, "You can dress casual. Just had to make sure that the thing fit before the wedding." I moved next to the mirror, "Besides, looks good on you."

"Not as good as you in that sari." Orion smirked.

"Oh please…" I moved away, "I wasn't even wearing it properly."

"Still looked good…" he moved away from the mirror, "So, for tomorrow…"

"Nothing fancy," I interrupted, "Maybe a bullet proof vest…"

"A what?" Orion asked disbelieving.

"Yeah… Kevlar vest. In case my sister…"

"She's not going to do anything," Orion interrupted. "You're being paranoid."


"Sorry. Poor choice of words." He moved close to me. "Besides, if she tries anything you'll be right there to kick her butt."

I moved close enough for him to put his arms around me and mumbled, "I'd kick her right into traffic…"

Orion laughed a little, "See, you've got a plan and everything." After a little bit he said, "Calm down, you don't have to worry about tomorrow so much."

I sighed, "I guess…"

First Ally
Author: Christina Sorcha 
Date:   03-22-13 22:50

The door to the office opened, a young man walked in and closed the door behind him. With a flick of his wand the lights in the room came up revealing the seat behind the desk already taken.

"Have a seat Mister Reed," Sorcha said calmly.

"What the…? What are you doing in here?" Reed asked angrily.

"Please, sit." Sorcha indicated to one of the chairs across from her.

Reed crossed his arms, "Why should I?"

"I'm sure your supervisors would like to learn about you accessing other people's locked offices."

Reed thought about the statement a moment, before slowly walking to a chair and sitting down. "What do you want?"

"I'd like to make you an offer."

"What do you have to offer?"

"This office."

Reed laughed, but was only met with a passive face. It didn't take him long to realize she was serious. "And how can you get me this office?"

"I have various means to see to it that you end up here. That is if you want."

Reed sat back into the chair thinking, "You're just a cleaning lady, what could you know or do? Kill everyone?" Reed laughed at his own joke.

"If that what it takes." Sorcha said flatly. Reed's smile faded, she was deadly serious.

"Say, for a second, that I actually believe you, what would I have to do in return?"

"Simple really. Do your job. There are some people that should not be put away. There are also some that should be released."


"If you agree, you'll be given a list."

"So, you want me to get convicted criminals out of prison and keep other people from going?"


"That's a lot of work," He started, "It'll be hard to get people out. If I have to do all that work for you, then I would like you to do something else for me too. Nothing big."

"What is it?"

"I'd like you to help me get even with a couple of people. They humiliated me, and I want to see them get what's coming to them."

"Who are they?"

"Jared Wynbourne, and Desdemona Diamond."

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