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Christmas Eve
Author: Calliope Torres 
Date:   01-14-16 15:46

"You got your secret Santa gift out right Lev?" Callie asked, knowing well that the older boy had waited and waited to get his gift for Ingrid Hyland until after they'd come home for Christmas break.

"Yes, I mailed it out three days ago to ensure that she got it for Christmas." Lev said as he helped her finish the place settings for the family dinner being held this evening. Presents would be opened at midnight, and chances are at least half the family wouldn't crawl into their beds until close to sunrise.

"What did you end up getting for her?" Callie asked as she finished putting the basket of fresh baked rolls on the table.

"I'd gotten her a messenger bag that looks like the police box thing from the muggle show Dr. Who...tardis or whatever. I'd also found her a cute penguin hoodie that I thought she'd like. I'd put the hoodie in the bag to make it seem like the messenger bag was the wrapping for that," Lev said, as he finished putting the last of the silverware in their proper places on both the adult and the kids table.

"Cute. I'd gotten Vincent Oliver, a first year Ravenclaw. I found a mug for him, as well as a new messenger bag that would be big enough to have his school supplies in if he wanted to use it for that. I sent it off shortly after we'd gotten home so he probably had it toward the very beginning of the holiday."

Lev nodded and the two eldest Torres children worked on ensuring that the table was set perfectly for the holiday dinner. The sideboard was already heavily filled with dishes kept warm by magical charms and the kitchen still smelled like the pies that were finishing baking in the oven.

The family room was filled with noise of people talking and laughing as every living member of the Torres family and the Gonzalez family shared memories. Abuelas had photo albums out, and were sharing their own memories of when parents, aunts and uncles were younger. This was Callie's favorite time of year and she was not looking forward to it ending soon enough after the new year.

Before Going To A Party
Author: Dante Knight 
Date:   01-14-16 18:41

Dante gnaws on his lower lip as he studies a snag in the jumper he thought to wear to a party. The only spell he knows to fix something like a snag is one that didn't work all that well last time he tried it. He needs to ask someone with knowledge of these things, like Majandra Weasley, for help with the spell or to find out a better one. He tries manually plucking at the snag from the other side only to end up putting the jumper aside and selecting another.

Earlier in the day, Dante had spent time with some of the students staying at Hogwarts for the holiday. He has a small gift for each that he'll pass out tomorrow at the small Christmas feast.

Dante, newly selected jumped donned, steps from the bedroom, raising a hand to smooth his hair. He has gifts to take to this evening's party as well. Not many. Mainly for friends such as Isreal and Isreal's family. Dante had thought of getting Christmas presents for his own family but beyond getting a couple of gifts for Rocky's child, he end up getting nothing for any of them. Not even his mother. Hell, he's not even sure how he'll get the two he did buy to the family.

Dante did give his various colleagues gifts and participated in Secret Santa. Dante chose a colorful cross body duffle bag for Mildred Campbell. He placed the present under the commons tree the last week of school before the holiday break. Dante knows the package was picked up but doesn't know if Mildred chose to open it right away or wait until today or tomorrow.

Dante has plenty of time before leaving for the party so he heats some cider to which he adds mulling spices. Along with the mulled cider he eats a handful of a party mix one of his students gave him, a WWN news program on as background. When finished with his snack, which was probably a bad idea given he's going to a party where there will be plenty on which to snack and graze, he finishes getting ready, brushing his teeth and making sure his hair is combed.

Placing the gifts to take to the party in a Christmasy bag with an extension charm which is not exactly legal or known to the British Ministry of Magic. If anyone asks, Dante will tell the truth. He got it years ago as a child when his family was traveling through Mexico. Dante is somewhat surprised he's managed to hang on to the bag all these years.

After doing the washing up of the mug and small bowl he'd used for his snack, Dante picks up the bag and heads for the door, remembering just before he shuts it that he forgot the bottle of wine for the party hostess and host.

Christmas Eve Gathering
Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   01-15-16 11:19

The home of Oren and Geraldine Weatherby is brightly lit and decorated for Christmas with a large tree filling one corner of the den. Geraldine walks through several rooms telling the assembled guests, "We're about to do birthday cake for anyone interested."

Everett had his second birthday on the 16th and Callista turned one on the 22nd. Granny Weatherby suggested having cake and presents for them both during the Christmas Eve gathering at her house. Neither Kissy nor Cameron had any objections and with the children too young to understand that this joint birthday-Christmas celebration was not being held on either of their birthdays nor that there were not separate birthday parties for each of them, Everett and Callista did not object either.

Geraldine and Kissy had gotten tiny cakes for each child to put hands, or fists, into and a larger cake for everyone else. Geraldine then decided to also get tiny cakes for the other children expected tonight, including her grandson Lancelot and Kissy's niece and nephew Emi and Kazuki. The newest family member, Rhys, son of Cameron's brother Gerald and his girlfriend Alice is only three months old and not ready for cake.

A little while later Kissy is standing eating a slice from the larger cake when sister-in-law Michaeala comes up, her own cake slice in hand. "I swear if Mum says one more thing to me about encouraging Gerald and Alice to hurry up and set a wedding date I'm going to make a scene by screaming."

Kissy grins. "She's mentioned to me a time or two or fifty about how they could do a rush and have it New Year's Eve."

"All I can say is I'm glad Heath and I went the traditional route. Marriage then child. Now, if only Mum will stop letting me know how Lancelot needs a sibling sooner rather than later."

"I empathize. My parents both harassed endlessly for me to get married and have children. I thought now that I'm married and had Everett and Callista just over a year apart my mother would stop hinting around but she lets me and Zen know that she wouldn't at all mind more than four grandchildren."

"You think we'll be as bad at this when we're their ages and our children grown?"

Kissy laughs, "Merlin, I hope not."

They talk a little more on the topic then transition to talking about Christmas gifts, Michaela saying at one point, "We did an anonymous gift exchange at work. I drew the name of the person I dislike the most. I have a horrid time selecting a nice gift for this person."

"I would hate having the name of someone I dislike," Kissy says, crinkling her nose. "We do a Secret Santa at Hogwarts. Luckily, there aren't any students I outright do not like, at least not so far, and I don't dislike any of my coworkers."

"Which did you get this time, student or coworker?"

"Student. A girl called Araxie. She's something of an artist so I had an easy time deciding to get her some art supplies. Charcoal and tinted charcoals and different size sketch pads. What did you get this disliked coworker?"

"A scarf with a lovely begonia print. She wore it yesterday so I think she likes it well enough. That or she hates it but wore it once to pretend she likes it."

The two laugh at the thought, continuing their conversation as they meander over to the bar to refresh their drinks.

(Patricia) Baby Flo
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   01-15-16 14:05

Patricia was at the nursery room, looking after baby Flo. Her little half-sister had her eyes open, as she laid on her crib, carefully covered with warm blankets. A laughter came from outside, and Patricia looked at the window. Sophie, Belinda, Eileen and Elmer were outdoors, in the snowy gardens, engaged in a snow battle. She could hear their noise upstairs and she thought that they were bothering the baby who needed to sleep. But they were all excited because it was Christmas Eve, and Eileen and Elmer were glad to have their sisters back at home for the holidays.

She opened her book and started reading it out loud to baby Flo. It was about Godstones, a compilation of the most exciting confrontations between national and international players. Since Florence couldn't understand a thing of what Patricia was saying, she thought it didn't matter to read things about Gobstones. She had learned about that game to impress Caleb, but now she was really into it. Even if Caleb suddenly gave up playing it, Patricia was sure she would continue interested in the topic. It was interesting to understand the strategy behind the game. It might look simple to the point little children could play it, but at the same time it required a lot of technique and intelligence. It was challenging and she liked it. She wondered if she would receive for Christmas the set of marbles she had asked.

Honoria entered the nursery room, to check on her daughter. She adjusted baby Flo's blankets and she sat next to Patricia. If she was disappointed she had a girl, it didn't show up in her face.

"You can go outside to play with your siblings, if you want. You don't need to be here all the time, with Florence," her stepmother told her.

"I know. But I like it. She's cute," Patricia replied. "And I don't want to catch a cold. Sophie had her hair filled with snow. Belinda and the others have teamed up against her. She doesn't have a chance."

"Sophie should know better. A fifteen year old playing in the snow isn't proper. She is almost a lady. And Linda…she should be more careful with her appearance."

Patricia knew how much Belinda hated to be called 'Linda', but she didn't correct Honoria. She knew her stepmother cared a lot about the way her stepdaughters behaved and presented themselves. But Honoria rarely confronted either Belinda or Sophie, and Patricia knew she was telling this to her, hoping she would tell her sisters about it. Not liking to discuss her sisters with her stepmother, Patricia changed subject. The first thing that came to her mind was her Secret Santa. She started talking about Cornington Marchbanks and her search for a proper gift to him. Patricia had chosen a grey jacket, that she thought it might suit Cornington.

Honoria asked to see the jacket.

"I can't," she explained. "I got it a while back and I put it under the Christmas tree at the common commons, before the term ended. But I can described it to you."

And as she did so, baby Flo fell asleep in her crib.

"She likes your voice," Honoria complimented.

Patricia smiled, quite happy with herself.

(Caroline Harper) Christmas Eve
Author: Rylee 
Date:   01-15-16 17:36

The Harper home was illuminated in festive colors. The House Elves had done a wonderful job decorating for the season, and the party that would be held within the family's home. Caroline had almost wished that she'd stayed at Hogwarts for the holiday, but she'd had no desire to listen to her mother complain that she had not been home to spend time with her family, when it was so few and far between that they could see her while she was away at school.

Currently they were gathered around the large Christmas tree that was the center piece of the living room. Presents were piled high beneath the tree. It was a picture perfect Christmas for the Harpers and it was a rare occasion that there were no arguments when they were gathered together. Of course, there were conversations that the children weren't privy to - and chances are voices were raised and opinions expressed that were less than popular among other members of the family, but for now everything was picture perfect.

"Why didn't your friends come Caroline? The Marks girl, and the two children they adopted from Israel...Raz and Etana?"

Caroline shrugged, "The Marks were doing the bulk of their Christmas celebrations this evening. They said that they would come round tomorrow afternoon. Raz and his sister do not celebrate Christmas, they are Jewish. However, they do at least participate in the gift exchange."

This satisfied the question, and Caroline had been pleased with the gift she'd sent out earlier this week for her Secret Santa. A boy, older than she by a year, Ravenclaw, Caleb Quigley. She'd found him a shirt, with the symbol from a muggle superhero that she learned was called "The Flash," or something along those lines. She figured he might like it, and she'd added a small box of chocolates that she'd found at another store they'd gone to shortly after she'd arrived home for the holiday. She'd mailed Caleb's gift early enough that the older boy should have it in time for Christmas, if not a day or so before.

Small Gathering
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   01-15-16 17:49

The big Weasley family Christmas gathering was scheduled for tomorrow and meant that most of the clan was spending Christmas Eve with the in-laws. As Hermione didn't have any family anymore, she was at the Burrow with Ron and Rose. Harry and Ginny were also there with their boys, who were both fairly tired after a long day. The Potters had spent the morning in Singapore, where they'd visited Dudley and his wife Mei.

Hermione carried a tray bearing mugs of hot cocoa and glasses of eggnog to the living room, where the small group was gathered. She had the adults take their eggnog first, which had a spot of brandy in it. Then, she carefully gave Rose and Jamie their mugs before helping Albus with his. She sat next to him on the rug and held on to his mug in between sips.

"I don't know whether to be relieved or concerned regarding how quiet it's been," said Arthur, referring not to the family gathering but to the Death Eaters and their ilk.

"If only Elphias could get more intelligence so that we have a better idea of what to expect," Molly replied. The alcohol in her eggnog was quickly turning her cheeks pink. "There's no question something will happen. It's just a matter of what and when."

"We're lucky we have someone on the inside at all," Hermione said, as she held the mug of cocoa up to Albus' lips.

Harry nodded and said, "I'm cautiously optimistic it'll last. So far there doesn't seem to be any indication that she realizes she's being fooled."

"Elphias is playing his role well," agreed Arthur.

"Presents now?" Jamie asked his mother. He had a chocolate milk mustache.

Ginny moved to the edge of the couch and used a napkin to clean his face. "In a bit, poppet, but only one today. The rest have to wait till tomorrow."

"Hermione, dear, where's your glass?" Molly asked, noticing that the only remaining drink on the tray was a rapidly cooling mug of hot cocoa.

"Oh, I'm not drinking this evening," Hermione replied.

"Why ever not?" Molly asked. "It's Christmas!"

"Mum!" Ron exclaimed. "Let her be."


"Oh." This came from Ginny, who started nodding slowly and smiling.

"Oh? Oh, what?" Molly asked.

Hermione set Albus' mug on the tray and picked up her own. She took a sip and exchanged a quick glance with Ron. He chuckled.

Molly, even pinker than before, looked from face to face until realization finally dawned. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "Oh! Truly?"

Hermione put down her mug and nodded. "It's early yet."

"But that's wonderful!" Molly exclaimed. "Isn't it, Arthur?"

"Yes, of course!" he exclaimed, grinning.

"Quick! More eggnog for everyone!" Molly exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "Well, everyone except for you, dear," she added to Hermione. She vanished into the kitchen, humming to herself, and when she reemerged she had a carafe in one hand and a plate of gingerbread cookies in the other.

The children swarmed the plate, followed by Hermione, who was still seated on the floor with them. Albus got down onto her lap and dropped crumbs all over them both. It was a happy family occasion, and tomorrow would be happier still, with the rest of the Weasleys present.

Twas the Night Before Christmas
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   01-15-16 18:25

"Has anyone heard from Broderick?" Aderyn asked as she dropped down onto the couch, mindful not to upend the steaming mug of spiced cider she had in her hand.

"Not just yet. He said he would be here tonight, and the night is not yet over. Maybe he ran into an emergency that is keeping him," Cai said as she finished off a bite of gingerbread cookie that was in the shape of a broom.

"Or maybe he's trying to find a way to tell us he met a girl while working in Mumbai and they are getting married," Angharad said with an impish grin.

"No, I doubt it's that...well, he would have said if he was bringing someone home with him...wouldn't he?" Avalon said as she remained curled against her husband's side sipping her own mug of mulled wine.

Evan and his fiancée, Elizabeth Chapman had only arrived a few hours ago, and they were holding off on moving to the dining room for the family dinner until Broderick arrived - but they weren't going to be able to put it off much longer as everyone was quite hungry.

"I say we give him another ten minutes and then we'll head into the dining room for dinner," Beynon said and all seemed to offer a murmuring of agreement.

Five minutes later, they heard the door open and Aderyn was the first on her feet sprinting toward the door.


She squealed as she tackled him in a huge hug and practically yanked him into the family room and pushed him into one of the chairs. There were welcomes, and then a soft chuckle drew the attention of the family to the doorway where a young woman about Broderick's age stood dressed in a cream top, paired with a pair of black jeans and boots.

Broderick extracted himself from his youngest sister's grasp and moved to lead the young woman into the room, his arm sliding around her waist and holding her to him. "Merry Christmas everyone, I'd like you to meet Priya Arya. My girlfriend."

"Told you so..." Angharad said, "Though not about the marriage thing."

Broderick grinned at his sister and shook his head, "Thanks for the welcome brat."

Aderyn grinned and hugged her brother once more, "Just so you know, it's super weird being the only Carter at Hogwarts. It's also weird not being on the Quidditch team. Oh, that remind me, I'd actually gotten a fellow Quidditch player for the Secret Santa this year...I'd gotten him a messenger bag."

Another plate was set at the table, and ultimately the conversation moved into the dining room where they learned a bit more about Priya and welcomed her to the family since she and Broderick had been dating for about five months.

At The Millers
Author: Saffron 
Date:   01-15-16 18:38

Frannie passes through the room with a carafe of spiced cider that she'd made in her oversized percolator coffee pot. Cider or apple juice goes into the pot with spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg go into the basket. Since first having it years ago Saffron has found she has something of an addiction for it. When Frannie stops to ask if she'd like more, Saffron cannot hold out her mug quickly enough.

A "Thank you," is barely off her lips when Frannie is moving along to the next person who's drinking the spiced cider. Turning to look at the small table with an array of some of the foods spread throughout the several rooms Saffron selects a two bite mini turtle cheesecake thinking she's sure to gain twenty pounds by New Year's.

Spotting her niece by marriage Cora through a doorway, she starts that way. She's not have much chance to speak to Cora and catch up. When she reaches the younger woman she finds Cora staring at some point through a set of sliding doors out to the terrace. Following Cora's line of sight, Saffron takes it she's looking at her mother's new boyfriend.

"Something the matter?" she asks Cora.

Pulling her eyes away from Brayden she gives Saffron a half-smile and shakes her head. "No, not really. I just wish Mom hadn't invited him," she replies, nodding in the general direction of the terrace and Brayden.

"Do you not like him?"

"I can't say I dislike him or even hate him but I also can't say I care much for him. Plus, they've been dating less than three weeks and she invites him to an important family gathering."

"Family gathering, true, but also a gathering of a good number of friends. It's not as if she's brought him to Christmas dinner."

"Oh, but she is bringing him. Neither Audrey nor I want him there since they aren't even truly in a relationship yet and Audrey really likes him so her not wanting him at dinner tomorrow says something."

"I haven't had more than a few words with him so I can't tell much about him yet."

"What? No first impression?" Cora smirks.

"Yes, but it doesn't count. I should get to know him better."

"That means your first impression wasn't a good one."

"Maybe we should change the subject," Saffron says with a light laugh.

"All right. Last we spoke you were trying to decide what to get the person who had for the Hogwarts Secret Santa. Who did you get and what did you give?"

"Celeste Quigley, one of the Astronomy professors."

"I vaguely remember her."

"I gave her a pretty beaded red cardigan with black beading and black accents."

"What about Uncle Aaron? He participated didn't he?"

"Yes, he did. Aaron drew the name of a student, Aderyn Carter. He gave her a Ravenclaw t-shirt and a heart shaped necklace silver filigree necklace with little ruby red stones inside the heart."

"And what did you get me?" Cora asks.

"Ha. Good try. You'll find out soon enough."

Cora makes a face then laughs. Saffron turns the subject to asking whether Cora and Audrey are spending any time with their father over the holidays.

A Quiet Moment (AJ)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   01-16-16 18:31

Paloma Mondragón finds a quiet spot to sit, a not as easy as one might think feat in restaurant now closed to customers. The Crown & Cauldron is filled with the extended family and numerous friends of the many Hodfuffers. A short time later AJ comes and sits by her. "Are you feeling all right?"

"A touch of a headache. I've taken something and am already feeling better."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"No, but thank you. You know, AJ, I am looking forward to Christmas tomorrow with Cesario's family but I also do not want to leave. I love the time with Jacinda." Paloma then adds with a small laugh, "And Mariposa."

"I knew what you meant." It's AJ's turn to laugh. "We've loved having Cesario and you. You do know you're welcome to visit whenever you wish."

"Yes, I do know, and thank you. I have many friends whose son-in-law or daughter-in-law says much the same but does not genuinely mean it. Now, tell me what is this Secret Santa some of your nieces, nephews, and their friends have talked of."

"It's a gift exchange. Hogwarts started doing one several years ago. Anyone wanting to take part signs up by a certain date. After the sign-up deadline, everyone participating draws a name and gets or makes that person a gift. Usually, you don't know who got your name until receiving the gift."

"Do many students take part?"

"A good number, yes, and staff as well. I received a nice set of stationary from a student called Tessa Filby and I gave a gift of a sweatshirt with an owl and a multicolored top called a hoodie to a young lady named Eirene McLaggen. My family does a version of Secret Santa though each person draws several names. We didn't always do it but as the family as grown it seemed a good idea."

"I may suggest this to my family and Cesario's. There are so many and each year it seems there is another that buying each person a gift is like trying to buy for an entire village."

AJ laughs at that, knowing exactly what Paloma means by that statement. They sit for a moment in companionable silence then AJ goes to rejoin those in the main dining room, giving Paloma a few minutes more to herself before she too rejoins the party.

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