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Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   09-02-07 16:11

Jewel enters the common commons looking a little frazzled. She accepts with a look of thanks the chilled pumpkin juice Phin hands her and sits down.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing really. Where's Bailey?"

"Bathroom. Should be back any second now."

"And I am," Bailey says coming up behind where Jewel is now sitting.

"You know, I think I like how you guys say the loo instead of bathroom. Sounds so much better."

Jewel grins, "What's this you guys business? It's not like you're new to Britain."

Phin fixes Jewel with a look. "Serious time again. Really, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she laughs. "It's NEWT year. Do I need a reason to look stressed?"

"This is true," Phin acknowledges.

"You do look more than just stressed though, "Bailey tells Jewel, sliding an arm around her shoulder.

"It's NEWT year AND there's all this stupid Non and Pure business?"

Bailey and Phin both frown. Phin nods, "Yeah. I try to imagine how hard it is for you. For Wiggy too. I have a good idea but I know that's nowhere near the same as being labeled a Non."

Bailey looks around to see who's within earshot. No one is but he lowers his voice anyway. "Do you feel strong armed into playing with Dynamic Duo tomorrow night?"

"Definately. Kody had let me know right after the band got invited and let me know the decision they'd come to about accepting. I wasn't sure I was going to play"

"Unless Professor Snider let you know how much she was looking forward to your taking part," Jewel finishes for Phin.

Bailey's frown deepends. Phin nods but Jewel, speaking even more softly than usual, calls a name that has both the guys looking at her in shock. Jewel shrugs. "Crude I know but oh so appropriate. Time to head to Muggle Studies."

Phin pushes to his feet. "At least we can all go together. Good thing Professor Marcasite spoke with Professor Miller about letting her use Cloud's Kiss."

The three exit the common commons going in the direction of Professor Miller's Muggle Studies classroom. Phin doesn't say it aloud but he's glad for another reason to be heading to Cloud's Kiss. He'll get to see Emerald, even if only in passing, as her class there ends and his begins.

An Offer
Author: Illyria 
Date:   09-02-07 16:42

Illyria had volunteered to escort Ronan to the Ministry of Magic, since Professor Snider had wished that a staff member make sure he get there safely. She supposed she'd only been given permission to take him because she was also a pureblood witch, even if she wasn't one of the professors selected to teach the purebloods at Hogwarts. Illyria also wanted to go to support Ronan and her sister Urania, who'd both been called in as witnesses to the court proceeding.

The morning had been spent in the courtroom listening to the testimonies of various people. Then the court had adjourned for lunch, to reconvene sometime afterwards... but when? So far, they were all still waiting to hear the verdict.

Illyria stirred some milk into her tea and shot a look at Urania, who looked very far away. Sometimes Illyria thought her sister missed Caden, even though their relationship had soured quickly and had been very short-lived.

She turned to Ronan, deciding now was as good a time as any to get his opinion on something she'd been thinking about lately.

"Ronan, there is something I want to ask you."

Ronan looked up from the slice of cake he was prodding with a fork and asked, "What?"

"If your mother goes to prison today, you will no longer have a legal guardian. If one cannot be found for you, the Ministry will probably impose someone on you or send you to an orphanage. I know that it hardly matters since you're at Hogwarts through next June and that your seventeenth birthday is just months after that, but I wanted to offer you my guardianship if you would be interested."

Urania snapped back to attention and looked very surprised but impressed by the offer.

Ronan actually smiled. "That's really nice of you. You really don't have to if you don't want..."

"I do, or I wouldn't have offered." Illyria smiled. "Just think about it."

"I don't have to," Ronan replied, "I accept."

"Good. I'll talk to a solicitor after the trial."

Illyria didn't doubt that Enid would go to Azkaban after admitting her guilt on all charges, but the Ministry of Magic was known for doing outrageous things lately. Maybe they would let her go free, despite everything she'd done.

They remained in the cafeteria until the notice to return to court finally arrived.

Not Staying for the Weekend
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   09-02-07 17:24

As his third years filtered in, Lawrence began passing out parchments which had information about the midterm exam review which would be taking place in two weeks. "This is information on your midterm. There will be a practical portion and a written portion, you will have thirty minutes for each section. Your midterm will be taken on the nineteenth of October. Also, on the thirty first we will be having a pumpkin carving contest. I have yet to talk to Professor Snider, but I am hoping that the winners will have their pumpkins as part of the decorations for the Halloween feast that night."

No sooner had he finished his statement, did Brynn Holden and Tim Gabble slip in. Brynn was a bit less than tidy it would seem, being coated in wet paint. Moving forward after her inquiry to remain standing he would cast a simple grooming charm that cleared dirt and grime, and paint from her person leaving her robes pristine. "There you are Miss Holden. Now, would you and Mister Gabble please take your seats."

The two headed over to their seats and Lawrence turned his attention to today's lesson, spotted cauliflower. The class passed quickly enough, and soon the fourth years were coming in and settling in their seats. They were gifted (like the three classes before them) with the same informational sheet, the only things changing on it were the plants that were going to be covered by the exam. He then went into his lecture on Balsam Apples and Bitter Apples. Allowing the students to ask questions as needed and also offering insights as to potential questions that would appear on the written portion of the exam.

Finally, it would be time for his last class of the day, his fifth years. They'd receive the final stack of informational sheets for the day, the others had been given out yesterday and this morning. The only classes that wouldn't be doing the pumpkin carving were his first and second years.

Class went on well enough and finally, it was time to shut down for the day. Heading out of the greenhouse, he would lock up and head toward the Castle. He would be stopped half way by Eloise, his house elf. "Master have package from Sydney, just arrived at the flat." She'd not brought it with her, because she didn't trust it...nor did she know who it was from.

"Alright Eloise. I'm coming. Give me a moment, I will floo from my quarters." Accepting this, but not liking it, she would pop out of sight and he would continue back to his quarters, apparently he would be spending the weekend in London, much to his dismay. He'd owl Ariella and let her know why he wasn't on campus this weekend when he got home, or he'd send Eloise, besides he had something to send with her when Eloise delivered the message.

Plans for the Weekend
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   09-02-07 19:34

Isma sat on the grass near the lake, a blanket spread out underneath her, her back pressed against a tree. She'd had a house elf bring her a small basket of food, because she didn't want to deal with the commotion of the Great Hall during dinner in a couple of hours. She wanted to be outside, she was missing Charlie, and she hated being so far away from him all the time. Currently her Charms text book was spread out on her lap, she was working on her homework assignment for Professor Flitwick that was due on Monday. There was also going to be a practical exam on Monday with the written exam on Wednesday, which meant that it was midterm time. She also had homework to finish for Transfiguration, DADA and Potions.

If she could get them all done today, well, the final touches on them as most were already done, she would have the entire weekend free as her homework for Herbology was complete. She was worried about Professor FitzRoy, hoping she was alright, she'd heard that she'd gone to Sydney, a death in the family or something serious like that. Not that she had anything against Professor Grubbly-Plank teaching their class, she just wanted Professor FitzRoy back.

She wondered why they had to call in Professor Grubbly-Plank when she had a feeling Professor Masterson would have been glad to take in Professor FitzRoy's classes while she was gone. But, then again, that would go against Harry the Snide's proclamation that pures and nons be educated separately. She never would have allowed the two classes to be as one.

Adella and Eric Ling soon came out to join her. "Hey Charisma. You alright? Couldn't find you at dinner we were wondering where you'd gone off to." Eric said as he sat down across from her, and Adella sat between the two of them.

"I'm fine, thanks though. Just didn't feel like being in the Great Hall. Knowing that the Pures are going to be listening to Dynamic Duo, and we are going to be stuck doing nothing." She sighed, shaking her head and closing her textbook. The light was fading, they should probably head in soon.

"We should head in, don't want to be caught out after curfew. Because Merlin knows what they would do to three first year nons out after curfew." Adella said as she and Eric helped Isma grab up the blanket and small picnic basket.

"I know Ella, I know." Isma shook her head. "This would all be better if Charlie was here. Maybe over Christmas or Summer break the two of you can come spend some time at my house, and get to meet Charlie." Yes! That would be great! Isma would get to show off -her- Charlie, her best friend in the whole wide world...not that she would toss Ella or Eric aside either!

"Sounds like a plan, though most likely best during summer break, as Christmas isn't all that long." Ella said with a grin, before summoning Dobby to take the basket back to the kitchen.

"Do you really think that having Charlie here would be better?" Eric asked, he and Ella had heard stories of she and Charlie, and something told him that Charlie would just be another one of the nons mistreated like all the rest.

"Yeah, it would, because Charlie would keep us entertained on a weekend where we had nothing to do." Isma nodded matter-of-factly.

"Got it!" Ella grinned and the trio started heading inside, now that everything was put away. "Are you going to the flying workshop tomorrow Isma?"

"I thought about it, but I don't know. I mean, if I go, I will get some flying practice in and be more confident and hopefully try out for Quidditch next year. Not that I'll get it if things keep going the way they are." It was disheartening to one who was already uneasy about their flying ability, to only be told that should they prove to be good enough, that they would only make the team if a Pure didn't want the position.

"Come. Eric and I are both going. Besides, it would give you something to do aside from homework." Ella said as they entered the Castle and headed up to Gryffindor tower.

Dinner Out
Author: Charlie Weasley 
Date:   09-02-07 19:40

Charlie walks in through the kitchen door, "Hen, I'm home."

A squeal comes from the floor and Charlie finds his legs grabbed by Schuyler. Scooping up the year and a half year old, Charlie says, "Hi, big guy. Where's Mummy?"

"Bath," Schuyler gravely informs Charlie before attempting to hang backwards off Charlie's arm.

Carrying his older son in a nearly upside down position, Charlie walks through the house to the bathroom between the boys' rooms. "Giving a bath or taking one?" Charlie's asking before he actually reaches the bathroom.

"Definately giving," Hendrika says with a smile. "Schuyler thought it would be hysterical to hand a bowl of applesauce to Little Arthur."

Charlie laughs, "I can imagine what happened next."

"You only have half the picture. Schuyler followed up the applesauce with dirt I didn't know he'd stuck into his pockets during one of the playtimes today."

Schuyler, now right side up in Charlie's arms, sighs. "Me bad."

"Yes, you were bad," Charlie agrees.

Schuyler grins suddenly. "Funny. Artie funny."

Charlie walks into the bathroom and drops a kiss on Hendrika's head and speaks to Arthur, who is happily splashing water with his legs and arms. Schuyler leans in Charlie's arm. "Me bath. Me."

"He does need one," Hen says.

"How about I start supper then? Or would you like me to get a sitter and take you out?"

"Short notice for a sitter."

"I had lunch with Ginny. She said she's not doing anything tonight. I'll ask her."

"Don't impose."

"I won't," Charlie chuckles.

A short time later Charlie is drying Schuyler off and getting him into pajamas while Hen changes clothes. Little Arthur is being fed by Ginny who'd come straight over. Charlie deposits Schuyler in his chair and starts getting supper for him. "Thanks for coming, Ginny. I'll make it worth your while."

"Read, Gin," Schuyler interrupts.

"I'll read to you after you've eaten, Schuyler," Ginny tells him. To Charlie she says, "You don't have to do anything, Charlie. I wasn't busy tonight and I'm happy to spend some time with Schuyler and Artie so you and Hendrika can go out for a bit."

Hendrika joins them in the kitchen. "We won't be overly long."

"Take your time," Ginny tells them.

Walking out through the front door, Hendrika and Charlie stroll hand in hand to The Imperial Crown & Cauldron. After they've ordered drinks and are looking over the menu debating startes and entrees, Charlie debates whether to tell Hen that his band has been invited - if that's the right term for it - to play at Hogwarts in November. He's pretty sure it's for that Purebloods only common room they've heard about. Deciding he doesn't want to talk about that over a nice dinner alone with his wife, Charlie says nothing. It will hold for tomorrow.

Making Bets
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   09-02-07 21:12

Sage sits at one of the library tables where Pures and Nons can mingle. He wonders how long that will last then immediately shoves the thought from his mind. No sense thinking too much about all that crap. Shoving back hair off his forehead, Sage can hear Saffron's voice in his head telling him he needs another haircut. Maybe he'll do that tomorrow. Or, maybe if he can find someone who knows what she's doing, he can get one of the girls to fix it with a few waves of her wand.

"Not going to the concert?"

Sage looks up to see Jared Wynbourne standing there. He shakes his head. "No, don't think so. You?"

"Maybe. Still time to decide. I like the Kneazles but," Jared shrugs. He doesn't have to say more. Sage understands.

"What about tomorrow? Dynamic Duo's playing. Phin's going to take part."

Jared frowns so deeply his eyebrows meet. Sage quips, "Don't do that too often. You like like Hairy."

Jared's frown turns into a grin. "Can't have that. Girls would run screaming from me."

"You mean Alanna would."

"Shhh. No one's supposed to know I have a secret crush on her," Jared says, stressing the word secret as his eyes dart around to make sure Alanna isn't in the library to hear.

Rolling his eyes Sage asks, "If it's so secret then why does everyone know?"

"You think Alanna does?" Jared sounds really worried.

"Would it be so bad if she did?"

"Well yeah. How would I ever face her again if I knew she knows. Let's talk about the bands again. I may go for one set of Dynamic Duo simply because it's them."

"Same here and no changing the subject again," Sage orders.

"I would think the last thing you'd want to talk about is girls."

"I love talking about girls with the exception of one. Her I don't care to hear about."

"I don't want to talk about a certain person either."

"Alanna you mean."

"People are going to hear."

Sage sits up straighter, rolling his eyes again. "You may not have noticed but it's Friday night and too early in the term for very many 5th and 7th years to be crowded in here in a panic about their exams."

"So why are you here?"

"Avoiding the Pures Only common room. Euan was in the common commons and I didn't want to see him. Haven't been back by to see if he's moved on. The Hufflepuff common room held no appeal. I came here. I've been reading on of Professor Hodfuffer's mysteries. What about you?"

"A book I needed to finish an assignment that's due Monday in Divination hasn't been available. I hoped to use it tonight." Jared taps a book under his arm.

"Plenty of room at the table." Sage says spreading out his arms.

"Shouldn't take me long. How about some chess in the common commons after I get the information down that I need?"

"Sounds good. If I win, you have to tell me why you insist on keeping your love of Alanna a secret that's not much of a secret anymore."

"Deal. I'm going to win so accepting the bet is no problem. If I win, you have to kiss a girl of my choosing."

Sage laughs. "You're on."

Dinner Invitation
Author: Drucilla Eternal 
Date:   09-02-07 21:41

“Are you ready Dru?” Sirius called from downstairs.

I stared in the mirror as my reflection frowned back at me. I was so confused. What does one wear to a dinner invitation? Formal? Informal? Something in-between? Ever since receiving the invitation for dinner at Janine and Harry’s I had been fretting ever since. It would be the first time Sirius and I had gone out together in such a manner since I could remember (literally), and I was determined to do everything right so I wouldn’t embarrass Sirius.

It was a lot more complicated than I had first expected. Clothing aside, there were other things associated with dinner outings. Should I bring a gift? What time should we arrive at? And how much should I pack for the twins? These were all things I had to figure out before leaving. Of course, I couldn’t ask Sirius. I didn’t want to seem that helpless.


I could hear Sirius outside my door waiting for my permission before entering. I was always like this lately. We were both so careful around each other – careful with our words, careful with our actions – it was all very tiring really.

“You can come in Sirius.”

The door opened and our gazes met in the mirror. When he didn’t say anything I began to worry again.

“It’s too much isn’t it?” I bit my lip nervously. “I shouldn’t have worn a dress. I can change.”

“What?” Sirius blinked and then took a step towards me. “You look beautiful… uh, fine. You look fine Dru. But we really need to get going. I’m just going to get the twins ready and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

I turned to watch him as he quickly left my bedroom.

“Beautiful?” I murmured to myself.

I turned to look at myself in the mirror again, but this time the person who looked back was smiling.

To Free a House Elf
Author: Janine Fox 
Date:   09-02-07 21:45

Pinky had spent all day making sure dinner tonight would be perfect. Harry had informed him that Mistress Drucilla and Sirius Black were coming over tonight with Mira and James. It had been a very long time since Mistress Drucilla had been over. Pinky was prepared though. Pinky had detailed reports on the people who had been to the cottage, and precise records of what Harry had been up to since his last report. Of course, he had been unable to follow Harry when Harry had gone to Egypt with Miss Hermione and Ron. Pinky had punished himself appropriately for his failure to comply with Mistress Drucilla’s orders. He did find it strange the it had taken Mistress Drucilla this long to come over, or that she hadn’t summoned him to her lately like she usually did. There were whisperings that she had lost her memory, but Pinky knew his Mistress could be very tricky so he hadn’t believed them.

A knock echoed inside the house.

“Can you answer the door Pinky?” called out Janine. “I’m just finishing my hair.”

“Of course, Miss Janine. Pinky would be happy to.”

Pinky shuffled quickly to the door. As he opened the door he caught Sirius looking at Mistress Drucilla while she fussed over James. Pinky thought he looked the same way Harry sometimes looked when he was watching Janine.

“Pinky! Good to see you again. Dinner smells great!”

Pinky beamed at Sirius. He was such a nice man. Pinky always looked forward to seeing him.

“Pinky, it’s nice to meet you… I mean, I know we’ve met before of course. That is, what I meant to say is…”

Pinky stared up at Mistress Drucilla in surprise. She seemed flustered. Very unlike his Mistress!

Pushing his doubts aside, Pinky spoke. “Come in! Pinky very happy to see you! The twins are so big!”

Pinky shuffled out of the way as they all came through the door.

“Pinky, why don’t you take their outdoor robes and throw them in the guest room?” suggested Janine as she came into the living room.

Pinky bobbed his head, keeping his eyes on the floor. There was no way his mistress would allow that!

“Here you go Pinky. Thank you so much. You’re such a dear house elf.”

Pinky looked up in shock. Mistress Drucilla was holding out her robe to him. Mistress Drucilla was presenting Pinky with clothes!!

With trembling hands, Pinky took the robe in his hands with wonder. He could feel his whole body shaking. In a voice barely over a whisper he squeaked, “Pinky is free!”

Drucilla looked down on him with a puzzled face. “What did you say Pinky?”

“Pinky is free…zing. Pinky so cold! Pinky needs to get his sweater. Pinky back soon.”

With a joyful hop in his step, Pinky scurried to the bedroom with his Mistress’s robe clutched tightly in his hands knowing that from this moment on he was a free house elf!

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