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Two Thursday Classes Then Lunch (Evan)
Author: Plum 
Date:   09-28-07 22:46

Shortly before class ends, Evan passes out slips of parchment to his third years. "So far we've done heart number, life number - also called what, Jack?"

"Character number."

"Correct. Three points to Ravenclaw," Evan says then picks back up in mid-sentence, "and personality number - also called what, Thalia?"

"Social number."

"Correct as well. Three points to Slytherin."

The slips handed out now, Evan finishes the thought and directs the students' attention to what he's just given them.

"Right, where was I? Oh yes. We've covered all three individually and you've done a small bit of work applying both heart number and life number together. Now it's time to look at the big picture and apply all three. Each of you has been given a name, a different name," Evan stresses. "For homework, apply each number and do your best to give an overall interpretation for this person's whose name you have."

So that the only othe house represented in his third years class doesn't get overlooked for points today, Evan asks, "Sheri, grab one of those worksheets for everyone and pass them out please. Two each and if any of you need more, come by my office or residence. I'll leave some in the baskets by the doors."

After awarding Sheri three points for Hufflepuff, Evan answers the questions the third years have then dismisses them. No sooner have they begun filing out then his fourth years start entering. As with the third year class, this class is extremely small, all thanks to the segration thrust on Hogwarts at the start of term.

As soon as Adelaide, Sophia, and Catherine have handed in their homework, Evan tells them to groans, "Surprise quiz. Clear your desks."

The quiz is filling in numerology charts for both the Chaldean and Agrippan methods. By now the girls should know both charts well enough to be able to fill them in cold like this. If not, then at least Evan will know where he needs to slow down and review before continuing on. After the quiz ends, Evan puts them to work applying both methods to the same names. Those who had Arithmancy third year should be able to do the Agrippan method in their sleep as it's the one he uses for introducing third years to heart number, life number, and personality number. It's why he spends less time going over the Agrippan method with the fourth years though he's never been sure how many of them have sussed out that what they learned in third year is this same method and therefore shouldn't even be something they have to think twice about.

By the time class ends, Evan's more than ready for lunch. He's pulling the classroom door shut behind him debating whether to eat in the Great Hall or the flat when Phoenix approaches from the direction of his own classroom. "My sister sent me a huge pot of cheesy potato soup and loaves of buttermilk bread. Would Mary and you like to join me?"

"Mary's at St. Emrys all day." Evan pauses a half second to consider whether he wants to break bread with Phoenix or not. Deciding he should get to know the other man a little better, Evan nods, "But I'd be happy to join you. Didn't know you have a sister."

"Sarah. She's a couple of years older than I am." Phoenix looks around and lowers his voice, "She's married to a Non. Our parents were none to happy about it but he's a good sort. Treats her well. Neither approve of me working here with the regulations in effect now. Parents are estactic about it though. Their only complaint is that I'm still single."

"Want you to marry a nice, pureblooded girl do they?" Evan asks as they reach Phoenix's residence.

"It would send them over the moon if I did. Keep fixing me up. It's bad enough when friends arrange blind dates but when it's your parents..." Phoenix shudders.

"I think Plum would happily throttle Mary and me both if we ever tried to set her up on a date. Kissy Isuki's parents tried to arrange a marriage for her. That didn't go over so well."

"I read about all that when her family went to trial. Thank Merlin my parents aren't quite that bad! Lager? Water? I can brew up some tea."

"Water would be great, thanks. How are your classes going?"

Phoenix, feeling extremely chatty today, fills Evan in, then remembers to ask Evan the same. From there conversation turns to other things, making for a nice lunch with the really good food Phoenix's sister sent.

Spending the Day with Friends and Homework
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   09-29-07 08:43

After Herbology, their only class for the day, Isma, 'Della, Blake and Eric were sitting around one of the larger tables in the Gryffindor Common Room, two wizard's chess boards spread out. Blake vs. 'Della, and Eric vs. Isma. "So, are you going to the quidditch match this weekend?" Eric asks the group as a whole.

"I am going at least, because well, there is one of us on the house team. We are playing slytherin, and hopefully we will win. The game is going to be good. I've looked over who is playing on both teams." Isma said, making her move and then waiting for Eric to move his.

"I'm going too." 'Della and Eric said at the same time.

"Guess that settles it then, we are all going to go. We can meet here, or in the Great Hall for breakfast and then head out to the pitch. Though..." Blake trailed off. The other three knew what he was thinking. How would Hairy the Snide ruin the game tomorrow for them.

"She'll probably segregate the stadium. Or do something depressing like make the stadium only available for Pures or something like that. Keep us away from the game entirely." Isma said anger flaring briefly in her voice.

"She can't keep us away from quidditch entirely Isma, that wouldn't be fair..." 'Della said and shook her head when she realized what she'd just said. Nothing about what had happened at Hogwarts this year was fair.

"I swear I am going to start taking meals here, by House elf if that bitch doesn't stop making changes to the great hall.." Blake said, anger flaring within him as well as all four recall the new changes to the Great Hall.

"Blake, hush! You know Jelly is everywhere. Don't let Jelly catch you calling her that or you'll probably end up in detention with either her or Yaxley for a week." 'Della chided Blake for cursing.

Grumpily Blake turned his attention to the board before him and made his move, now waiting for 'Della to make hers.

Soon both games came to an end, Blake beating 'Della and Isma beating Eric. "Have you finished the assignment for Potions?" Isma asked the group.

"I've got mine three-quarters done." Eric said.

"Mine's half done." 'Della added.

"I've not started mine." Blake said sheepishly.

The four of them usually worked on their assignments together, and were all doing quite well in their classes. "Alright. Let's finish that first and then do Transfiguration and then finish up DADA and Charms. That way, everything is done for tomorrow." Isma said grinning at the four. Knowing that no one else in the group had plans that afternoon.

Tomorrow was Friday, and one of the longest days for the Gryffindor quad. "I'll call Dobby to bring us some lunch, and we can just spend the day in here. Though, I want to eventually head outside and just relax a bit near the lake" 'Della said.

"Sounds like a plan." Eric and Blake said together.

"Alright. Let's get this put away and then go get our books and meet here in ten minutes?" Isma said, she wanted to change out of her school robes and settle down into something comfortable. Probably her pajamas or something equally comfortable.

Ten minutes later, Dobby had been summoned and soon returned with a plate piled high with a variety of sandwiches and a pitcher of pumpkin juice, a pitcher of lemonade, and a plate of cauldron cakes for the quad. "Thank you Dobby." Isma said with a grin as she settled down at the table, books thunking upon the wooden surface.

"Alright. Potions first, then transfiguration, DADA and then finally charms." 'Della said as she settled across from Isma and picked up a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. Eric sat next to Isma and Blake next to 'Della. The four then started in on their work. Occasionally one would quiz another to make certain all were understanding the information that they were studying.

Straight From The Ministry (Harriet Snider)
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   09-29-07 20:31

The owl came bearing a letter on official Ministry parchment and bore the signature of Minister Euphemia Smythe-Jones herself. Giving the owl a treat before sending it on its way, Harriet sat back in the chair she'd brought in to replace the one Dumbledore had used, a broad smile forming as she read the letter.

The information in the letter will be published in Friday's Daily Prophet but Harriet is free to let all of Hogwarts know before tomorrow's paper. After making copies, Harriet goes herself to post them around the school. She'll also announce it at supper tonight. Harriet giggles in glee at the prospect.

As of now, any students currently enrolled at Hogwarts may not transfer out without Ministry permission. Those who are 17 or 18 must finish out the 2001-2002 term. Beginning with the 2002-2003 term, any Wizarding youth in the British Isles, Pureblood or Non, between the ages of 11 and 17 MUST attend Hogwarts or else obtain special Ministry dispensation.

Chuckling the entire way to her first stop to post the announcement, Harriet is tickled pink that the Minister took up her suggestion to have the Ministry hand down this particular policy. Those not complying with this new Ministerial educational decree may find themselves in Azkaban.

More Releases from Azkaban
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   09-30-07 09:58

Over the next few days, Ethan learned that more and more of the people involved with Project 25 who weren't whom he personally designated the victims––the actual Project 25ers themselves––were released from Azkaban. Those set free were the adoptive parents who'd taken in the kidnapped children and brainwashed them subliminally to ultimately become a part of Voldemort's new army. The excuse for their releases from prison was one Ethan had already heard in conjunction to other high-profile pardons: that they'd never served Voldemort loyally and instead had been working for him by force and out of fear for their lives and the lives of those close to them.

So now, all those witches and wizards Ethan had worked so hard to throw in prison were out on the streets again. The very people who had helped ruin his life were walking free. He didn't worry that they might seek their revenge on him, but the possibility was at the back of his mind. All of them, not just his parents, wouldn't have been in Azkaban if it hadn't been for him. If he'd have not fought off the enchantment Voldemort had placed on him, things might have been very different for all of them.

At least one person from his past was still in jail: Hattie Harsnip. But for how long?

He sighed and picked up the paperwork someone had thrown onto his desk as soon as he arrived at work this morning. His job had become more of a desk job than ever before. Ethan didn't always mind though. Lately whenever he went out into the field he was either bored to tears by the lameness of his assignment or acutely aware that there was a good chance he wouldn't survive it. Luckily he'd come away without any scratches on the few extreme cases he'd worked on recently.

Ethan would quit, but that would seem like the Minister was winning the war she was waging against those wizards who weren't purebloods. Some people had already quit, like Tonks who was now happily married and living in the Greek Isles.

But Ethan reminded himself daily that he had been through worse in his life. He could stick this out and hope that one day, everything would change for the better.

It was just too bad that some of his old enemies were in the picture again.

Two More Decrees Signed (Euphemia Smythe-Jones)
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   09-30-07 16:39

Humming a jaunty little tune, Euphemia signs one of the two documents that go into effect by day's end. This one concerns the wand registration of all Nons and any who don't have wands or who need a replacement must apply to the Ministry to obtain a wand. For a fee of course, including a fee simply to register one's wand.

The second policy, one that Dolores Umbridge is positively salivating over, creates a new department. The Department of Half-blood, Muggleborn, and Half-breed Registration and Regulation will be open and fully functional on Monday; or so Dolores ensures. Seeing how excited and full of energy Dolores is to have the department, Euphemia tends to think Dolores will have it ready by tomorrow.

The latest regarding Hogwarts was in the paper today as Euphemia had written Harriet it would be. Also in today's paper is the announcement of more pardons and that this latest round includes another of the Lestranges, Rabastan. Euphemia met with him earlier in this very office. Euphemia found him to be charming in a dark sort of way, which makes him all the more intriguing. With him free to walk among society again, she wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that women throw themselves at his feet.

Euphemia's eyes flick to the grandfather clock in one corner of her office. It's a new acquisition and if the time is correct she needs to go to a budget meeting with Dolores for the new department and meet with some other heads to address their own budgetary concerns. Handing the two newly signed documents to her secretary, Euphemia walks the short way to the conference room where the meeting is to be held, hoping Dolores doesn't yammer on at length and cause the meeting to run well into lunchtime.

Author: Rolf Haaken 
Date:   10-01-07 18:05

"I heard that Yellow's going to be called Purple and that the residence hall termed Purple will be changed to a Lavender."

"I heard that too and that only purebloods will be able to eat in Purple and live in Lavender."

Rolf looks up from the paper he's writing to watch the two gossiping young women stroll by. He notices that on each of their hems is a border of purple ribbon. Rolling his eyes at both their gossip and their fashion statements, Rolf turns his attention back to his paper to complete the last paragraph. After that will come the work of copying the paper in a neater hand and adding in the footnotes. He's got all the footnote information so it's simply a matter of merging meticulously researched paper with the footnotes information.

Rolf shakes his head at himself. Here it is a Friday evening and what's he doing? Finishing up a paper that's not even due for another week and a half.

His plans for after leaving the library? Owling letters to Jane and Gabby then heading home to work on his latest strategy game.

Rolf dots a period on the last sentence of the paper. His stomach is rumbling and he could stand a break so Rolf decides to grab a bite at Yellow. As he walks to the canteen he wonders if that bit of gossip he overheard has any truth to it. Yellow to become known as Purple and designated for purebloods only.

If that happens Rolf could well see that the purple ribbon hemlines strictly as fashion statements around campus as the moment becoming mandatory. Would segregated classes then follow suit as is also rumored to be happening soon? Already certain professors have been sacked, all of them deemed unsuitable for various reasons including being a half-breed.

Rolf's father has long been a proponent for pureblood superiority. For many years Rolf was inclined to think that way as well even though his mother did not. Being in Slytherin, with so many of its members snobs of the worst sort, Rolf held his father's views for longer than he might have after his parents split and he only saw his father over Christmas and summer holidays.

Rolf has seen the light and is glad of it; otherwise he might never have become best friends with his step-sister Jane, never would have approved of her boyfriend Doug, would have looked at Gabby's sister Fleur with scorn for marrying someone whom staunch pureblood rights supporters deem a blood traitor, and he certainly never would have looked in disdain at those around campus who think that stupid purple ribbon on their hems is a fashion statement.

If the uniforms for purebloods at Hogwarts had been desginated as swamp green robeswith hot pink diagonal stripes with bright day glo blue polka dots would at St. Emrys who don't currently have to wear any symbol of blood status still be wearing the status designation merely as a look-at-me-I'm-at-the-height-of-pureblood-fashion clothing? Somehow Rolf seriously doubts it though that would be far more amusing - and harmful to the eye - then that small bit of ribbon on a hem.

Having already scarfed down a sandwich, Rolf munches on a packet of crisps as he walks back to the library to write out the final copy of his research paper.

No Way Out Now
Author: Cailyn Spicer 
Date:   10-01-07 22:00

Cailyn sat at the nons’ table gazing around the great hall with a look of disguist on her face. She couldn’t believe that Professor Sydner had taken things this far. She kept going over the latest new rule over and over again in her head. “There will be no public displays of affection between Pures and Nons” What was this new rule going to mean for her and Alex? Did this mean that she couldn’t even say hi to him in the hallway? At least they still had their secret spot by the lake they could go too. No one but Alex’s cousin and his mother knew they went there to meet.

With a heavy sigh, Cailyn put her head down on the table. The coolness of the wood on her forehead felt good. She had hopped that her first year of Hogwarts was going to be fun. However, Professor Snider and the ministry of magic was making it so fun was out of the question.

Then you had Eion and Axel who had continued to teas and taught her. Despite the warning the ghost had given them. Then again, they had only teased and taught her, and had never physically caused her harm.

The other thing that was bothering Cailyn was that the ministry had just stated that no wizarding child could transfer out of Hogwarts. And that all wizarding children be they non or pure had to attend Hogwarts if they lived in England. This meant that even if Cailyn had wanted to transfer back to her American school, she wouldn’t be able too. Before she always had a way out if she needed it. Now, she was stuck. She supposed she could always have her father petition the ministry to send her back to her old school. Or she could ask her father if he would transfer back to America.

However, if she did that, she would lose the one friend she ever had and that was Alex. She would also be seen as a coward and that wouldn’t do. She had to show these English people that an American didn’t run away from it’s problems. She sighed heavily again and looked over at Alex.

Cailyn finally finished her meal, and gathered her things together. She gave another look towards Alex’s direction and walked out into the hallway.

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