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Don't Dash My Dream
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   11-15-07 19:59

"I'll be vair disappointed if my future sister-in-law doesn't like the Secret Santa gift I picked out."

Catherine stops just inside the Great Hall doors. "Georgia, do shut your gob."

"Someone's got her knickers in a twist."

"That's because someone won't stop prattling about things that will never happen."

I grab Catherine's arm. "You mean you don't think Professor Sacheverell will like the gift?"

Edith gently prises my hand from Catherine's arm while saying, "No, Georgia, she's saying Professor Sacheverell most likely won't ever be your sister-in-law."

"Well, isn't someone a little jealous I'm dating a sex god," I huffily reply.

Before Edith can say anything else and before Catherine can give me a cheeky retort - she had that look about her that told me she would be vair cheeky in whatever she said next on the subject - Isabella hurries through the doors to us and says in a rush, "You've not forgotten what today is, have you?"

Edith shakes her head, "No, we were just waiting on you."

"Waiting on you and trying to bring Georgia back to reality," Catherine adds.

See what I mean about her being cheeky?

"If by bringing me back to reality you mean dashing my hopes that Professor Sacheverell, whom I shall call Saffron when we are sisters-in-law, won't like the necklace I'm giving her for Secret Santa, then yes, Catherine is correct in what she just said."

Catherine glares at me, "You know that's not what I was saying, Georgie."

Isabel rolls her eyes. "I can't believe you two are still going on about all that."

"What do you mean still?" I ask.

"You were talking about the very same thing at breakfast two days ago."

"No, we weren't," Catherine insists.

Edith gives Isabella a can-you-believe-these-two look. "Yes, you were."

Isabella waves a hand as if clearing the air. "Enough already. Are you sitting with me for lunch or not?"

That's when I remember that today is the day that a bunch of students are going to ignore the whole Nons-Pures sections for eating. "Right. I mean, yes, we're going to sit with you."

Isabella puts on hand on my arm and starts walking. I grab Edith who grabs Catherine and the four of us walk in a line to the long table dear old Wooly has designated as being for the Ravenclaw Pures. We boldly sit down and start filling our plates.

vair = very
gob = mouth
knickers = underpants thus knickers in a twist is like the American expression panties in a bunch
prattling = someone's running her gob like there's no tomorrow and has to be told shut your gob
sex god = my boyfriend Sage Porter
cheeky = sassy

Author: Griet 
Date:   11-16-07 07:42

When Griet had situated herself in the empty seat next to Cornelia at the Slytherin lunch table designated for pures only, Cornelia had hissed, "What are you doing? You know you're not allowed to sit here! You'll get detention for sure, and you know what that means!" She'd gripped her hand as if to remind Griet of the punishment many students had faced ever since term had started in September.

"I thought you said I belong at this table." Griet had helped herself to the food at the table, marveling at how much better it smelled, looked, and yes, even tasted compared the slop served at the tables the nons were usually forced to sit at.

"I do, of course, but they don't," Cornelia had responded vehemently. "You'll get caught, and then what Griet? Are you masochistic? Do you have a death wish?"

"Look around you, Cornelia. I'm not the only one bending the rules today."

Cornelia had had no beforehand knowledge of the organized sit-in arranged by those determined to shake up things at Hogwarts. She'd looked around the room and noted that what Griet had said was right. Others had placed themselves in positions they certainly didn't belong.

"You'll all get punished. You know that, don't you?" Cornelia had stated, eyes wide with surprise and disbelief. "It doesn't matter that it's more than one person... more than a handful of people. They'll get you all."

"I'm not worried about myself."

"You should be."

Cornelia had just noticed some of the Hogwarts staff taking notice of the obvious breaking of the rules. Yaxley and Snider had just stood up and were about to march down the aisles to dole out detentions and whatever other suitable punishments they had for the rebels.

Griet wasn't worried, but Cornelia scraped back her seat, scooped up her books and left for her next class without another word to her older sister.

Breaking the Rules, and Loving It
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   11-16-07 08:51

Della, Isma, Blake and Eric all entered the Great Hall after Transfiguration. They weren't devoid of books because at one they still had Potions and then DADA, but that was of no consequence. The four of them had a purpose, and when they looked around the Great Hall they laughed. It seems they weren't the only ones intent on breaking the rules today.

"Let's go sit with Orei, Artemis, and Titus. Oh! It looks like Madde is sitting with them also." Isma said and headed up to the Gryffindor Pures table and the four first years settled around the sixth years that they had befriended.

"Didn't think I'd make it for lunch. I swear, I am so going to be glad when the term is over. Though, I'm gladly going to accept whatever detention or punishment Snider and Yaxley are going to hand out because this is how Hogwarts -should- be." Madeline said. Glad that she'd be able to sit with her friends for a change.

Madde laughed as she saw Cornelia leave Griet sitting at the Pures table. "Seems that Cornelia doesn't want to sit with her sister at lunch. Either that or she doesn't want to get in trouble for being seen sitting with a non." She shook her head and started filling her plate from the copious amounts of food onto her plate as the eight Gryffindor fell in to a normal conversation. None of them noted that Snider and Yaxley were now rising, and moving away from the "new" head table and down the aisles of the tables ready to hand out detentions and other punishments to those breaking the rules.

Selfless Or Selfish?
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   11-16-07 11:10

Phin gives Emerald a gentle nudge. "If you're quick about it and don't draw alot of attention to yourself, you can make it to where you're supposed to be without Snider or Yaxley seeing."

Emerald stubbornly sets her jaw. "I'm not backing down now."

Phin hadn't wanted Emerald to join in today's protest. It's fine for him to back it but when punishments are handed out, those in the know about today's defying of the who sits where rules figure that the Pures will get off lightly compared to the Nons. Phin had told Emerald he didn't want her getting severely punished because of him.

Emerald had tartly retorted that her involvement isn't because of Phin and that his persistent insistent she not take part is selfish. Phin thinks he's being very selfless in trying to proect her but when things devolved into their first real argument Phin shut up about it and when Emerald boldly sat down by him at the start of lunch, he held his tongue from pointing out that she'll be double dinged for sitting in at a Pures table and at the table of a different house.

Emerald, her jaw still set, asks Phin, "Pass the sandwiches, please."

Phin mutely hands her the platter then looks around the Great Hall. Wiggy and Jack are sitting with Deak just down from where Emerald and Phin are. Over at the Gryffindor table, Emerald's sister Olive and Deak's cousin Cora are sitting with Etta Wynbourne, and two of Deak's Wenlock cousins. Across from them Phin's stepsister Jewel is sitting with her boyfriend Bailey. Based on the expression Bailey has, he's thinking along the lines that Phin is and doesn't want Jewel to get punished because of him.

Seeing Jewel reminds Phin that he's suppose to ask fellow Ravenclaw Coco Nutt if she found her Secret Santa gift. Jewel drew Coco's name and found a nice Ravenclaw blue sweater for Coco that has a matching little sweater for Coco's tiny dog Pea. Thing is, Jewel forgot to include a card letting Coco know who the gift is from. With Coco being a Ravenclaw, Jewel thought Phin would probably see Coco around more than she would so asked him to ask after the gift and to give Coco the card that's supposed to have gone in it.

As Snider and Yaxley start down two different aisles, Phin nudges Emerald again. "You're sure you won't go or at least hide under the table?"

Emerald gives Phin a glare so he wisely shuts up and like everyone else in the Great Hall, watches to see what the headmistress and deputy headmaster do.

Author: Severus Snape 
Date:   11-16-07 13:21

Although he normally jumped at the chance to punish students, whether they were obviously breaking the rules or just getting on his nerves for simply being in his presence, Snape sat idly by and watched smugly how the repressed students at Hogwarts took matters into their own hands. He wouldn't admit it to them or even his colleagues, but he was marginally impressed by their organization. It was like watching a junior version of the Order of the Phoenix. Snape briefly wondered if they had a Dumbledore-like leader, or if there were several among them who took charge.

He knew that their punishments would be severe. Snape had long-learned that Snider and Yaxley weren't afraid of using brute force to get their points across. Although it generally seemed like he didn't care for his students' well-being, Snape wished that there was a way for them to avoid the brunt of what was coming to them. It gave him some comfort to realize that they probably knew what they were getting into when they hatched the plan to bend the rules at Hogwarts. Still, if only Dumbledore would show up and right the wrongs Snider and Yaxley had put into place at the school.

Sometimes Snape thought the teachers should revolt against the administration, but he knew that they couldn't prevent aurors from the Ministry from showing up and carting them all off to Azkaban, where they would surely wind up. Of course not all aurors agreed with the policies in place, and the same went for all sorts of wizards in all sorts of business. A civil war was brewing in the wizarding world, though so far little had been done on behalf of the wizards who don't like the way the world has become. At least, little had been done openly so far. Perhaps this mini rebellion at Hogwarts was the start of bigger things to come.

Author: Coco Nutt 
Date:   11-16-07 14:47

Coco, with Fritz, sits at the Ravencalw table designated for Pures. When the plan to protest all the rules by openly defying one of the easiest to do en masse began circulating, Fritz and Coco agreed it was something they would participate in. As Friday approached neither of them had any doubts and when it came time today to walk into the Great Hall for lunch, they entered together hand in hand and went straight to the seats Daria Matthews was saving for them.

Beside Coco, Cecilla Berenger flinches as Professr Snider gets up and stalks around the head table to start down one aisle between the students' tables. Coco doesn't flinch nor does Fritz and next to him Daria looks equally resolute. From what Daria has said to Coco, she's still miffed that Coco wasn't allowed to be on Ravenclaw's team this year. Coco thinks that Daria would be willing to help Fritz and she break the rules even if the team were not an issue but Coco supposes she'll never know and so it's not something she'll dwell on.

It's not Professor Snider who stops behind Fritz and Coco. It's Professor Yaxley. "You two are not in my classes and," he peers down at the floor under the table, "you do not have purple ribbon on your hems. Names," he demands, producing parchment and quill.

"Coco Nutt."

"Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen,"

"Ravenclaw, correct?"

"Yes, sir," they say at about the same time.

"You will move to your proper places."

"No, sir," Coco shakes her head.

"Pardon?" Yaxley asks, his eyebrows arching up to form two nearly perfect upsidedown Vs.

Coco thinks this is a time for the good diction she's been practing so she carefully shapes her reply. "I am not done with my lunch yet." Then thinking about it more she tacks on, "Sir."

Fritz doesn't say anything but does reach for another sandwich as Yaxley's face grows a slightly darker shade of red.

Not Only Students Defying
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   11-16-07 17:17

Lawrence was in the Great Hall during his lunch break and had seen the beginnings of the rebellion amongst the student population. He'd note the looks of irritation upon the faces of Yaxley and Snider as they were busy trying to get things back in order. Several students were politely refusing to return to their seats. There were nons at the pures table and pures at the nons table. The delightful order that they'd hoped to instill had been upset during the meal.

Lawrence saw Yaxley talking to Coco and Fritz and Daria Matthews. Moving forward he would come up beside Yaxley. "Let the children eat their lunch. They are not harming anything." He spoke, yes, rightfully defended the children's right to sit where they desired, instead of being segregated and treated like chattle.

Lawrence didn't think that it was possible for Yaxley's face to turn any darker a shade of red, but he'd managed it with Lawrence's words. He turned away from Yaxley and moved off toward the Hufflepuff table for a moment. He spoke with the Beck sisters and a few of his other students, leaving something with Ariella when he headed up to the high table where the "special" staff ate. He would finish his lunch and taking the last of his sandwich out would head back out to the Greenhouse for his next class.

Standing Up
Author: Blossom 
Date:   11-16-07 17:46

As Professor Masterson walked away, Daria distinctly heard Professor Yaxley hotly mutter, "Impudent upstart."

To Coco and Fritz Yaxley then said, "Loss of points and detention. Return to your proper places. If I have to forcibly remove you, things will go much more worse for you both."

That's when Daria stood up and turned to face the red faced deputy headmaster. "Don't punish them."

Yaxley glanced at Daria, saying impatiently, "As a prefect, the moment they sat down you should have immediately prompted them to go to their proper places. Since you failed to do so, I must take action. You are to stay out of this now, Miss Matthews."

Daria emphatically shook her head. "I'm sorry, but... wait, no, I'm not sorry. I can't stay out of this. I invited Coco and Fritz to sit with me. I encouraged them to." Daria put a heavy stress on encouraged.

"Very disappointing. You will have a loss of points as well once I have conferred with Professor Snider on the amounts to be docked for each of you."

Yaxley removed his wand and started to point it at Coco. Daria shoved herself between the younger girl and irate professor. "You could use magic to enforce your stupid rules, to make Coco and the others go back to what you keep calling their proper places, but that don't stop us from acting again another day."

Yaxley's face turned that dark shade of red some tomatoes have just before going bad and rancid. "I am certain Professor Snider will back me on this, Miss Matthews. You are stripped of your prefect's badge. Now sit down and be quite or I shall be more than happy to cast the first spell on you to make you do so."

Feeling a tugging on her robes, Daria looked down to see Fritz shaking his head at her. With an almost imperceptible nod, Daria does as Yaxley bid, sitting down and going quiet.

Stepping In (AJ)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   11-16-07 19:23

AJ had arrived late to lunch for two reasons. One was that he'd run into Hogsmeade to pick up part of Illyria's Secret Santa gift. One of the ladies who lives in Hogsmeade knits wonderful, one of a kind, designer jumpers that places like Narcissa's in Diagon Alley sell. The woman gave AJ a huge discount on the sweater in exchange for him coming to morning tea this today and doing a reading from one of is books for a group she's in. He had to autograph some books and pose for a few pictures but given the fabulousness of the sweater, AJ didn't mind a bit.

Once he got back to Hogwarts, AJ got the jumper wrapped and put with a framed photo of Illyria with her new family member Ronan Eastwick. Aaron Miller has some students taking photos around school for a yearbook so it was easy to get one of them to snap a candid photo of Illyria having a laugh with Ronan. AJ hopes that Illyria likes both parts of her gift, though he's fairly certain she will love the photo with its nice mat and frame.

The second reason AJ was later getting to lunch then usual was because he'd run into Bambi, coming in from Hogsmeade from an early lunch with Lars. AJ had stopped to speak with his sister-in-law then continued on to the Great Hall, walking in just in time to see Harriet Snider with sausage fingers gripping Wiggy's shoulder as she pulled him away from the table.

AJ crossed the distance quickly, only realizing as he reached Wiggy and Snider that Wiggy was sitting at the Ravenclaw's Pures table instead of the Gryffindor Nons. It also sank in that Jack Emerson is there as well when he should have been at the Ravenclaw Nons table. AJ got to Wiggy and Snider as the woman was forcibly turning Wiggy towards the Gryffindor section. Putting his hand on top of Snider's, AJ firmly said, "I don't believe it's necessary to handle my nephew that way."

Snider didn't let Wiggy go as she said, "As a faculty member I expect support when a student is being as willful as Wiggersmythe. The boy has a cheeky mouth. At least Mr. Emerson knows when to hold his tongue." That's when Snider shot Jack a hardened stare, "Move it along, Jack, or I shall be forced to treat you as I am your friend Mr. Hodfuffer."

Turning her attention again to AJ she said, "Excuse me, Professor. I need to show this young man where he should be as he seems to have forgotten."

"Then do so without jerking him around," AJ stated, noticing now that other students were where they shouldn't be and that Aaron Miller was walking his niece Cora to the Ravenclaw Nons table.

Through narrowed eyes Snider gave AJ one of those hard glares she'd been giving the students. "You and I will talk in private, Professor Hodfuffer. Be thankful you aren't fired."

Snider did let Wiggy go and Wiggy did then return on his own to where he's supposed to sit according to the rules. AJ was left without an appetite and was left wondering if he's going to need to intervene with whatever detention Wiggy recieves because it's going to be bad, of that AJ is certain.

Stupid Berks (Basil)
Author: Jared 
Date:   11-16-07 22:39

Basil had been looking forward to lunch. Lunch and a quick nap as History, the class he has from 11 to noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, always makes him sleepy. Eating lunch when sleepy seems to make him even sleepier. Having had Professor Binns the year before, Basil knows all too well that this term he's got it better when it comes to History of Magic. Still, the subject is a snoozer to Basil and he can't wait until he has the option of not taking the course.

As lunch began Basil's eagerness to eat waned. Stupid, filthy Nons just have to go and feck with the proper order of things. As the drama unfolded, Basil found himself no longer hungry but also not wanting to leave for that quick nap because he might miss something good. He still can't believe some of the Pures were in on it; then again, Basil guesses he can't really be surprised by that. His ickle cousin Etta and his berk of a cousin Jared have friends who are Nons and seem to actually think all the new rules are bad things.

Yawning, Basil hates the thought of having to sit through Transfiguration without the much anticipated nap. Why, it's enough to make him consider going to the Pures only common room and taking back the Secret Santa gift for Jill Prewitt, what with her being one of the Pures supporting Nons breaking the rules concerning where Nons may and may not sit during meals. Basil wants the gift anyway. It's one of those action strategy games designed by former Hogwarts student - and Slytherin - Rolf Haaken. Basil wouldn't have thought it would be something a girl like Jill would want but Etta assured Basil that Jill's been wanting that particular game since it went on the market.

Basil checks the time. If he hurried he could make it to the Pures only common room and get the present. He'd have to figure out something else to give her, like maybe scooping up a bunch of the sweets kept in stock in the Pures only common room. Basil warms to the idea.

But wait.

What if Etta says something to Jill?

Worse, what if Etta were to say something in front of his mum when the Wynbournes get together for Christmas?

Suddenly grumpy, Basil hopes all the Nons involved in today's stupid little show, and all the Pures supporting them, get what they deserve and won't ever think twice about screwing up his lunch and nap plans again.

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