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Author: Plum 
Date:   03-27-09 18:29

Plum gets something to drink from one of the canteens, something easily portable, then goes in search of some peace and quiet to finish reading an assignment. The reading was given on Friday and Plum had planned on getting it and other work done over the weekend but Alex had been sick. They might be staying at the Reese-Emerson's but Plum feels they impose enough without her palming sick duty off on someone else. She feels bad enough as it is leaving Alex once on Saturday and once on Sunday for very short times to check on Evan.

Since falling unconscious that day in Hogsmeade Evan hasn't been himself. The healers say it's something to do with Evan's drinking but given his age and how some can drink as he has for years longer without that sort of thing happening, if at all, they aren't sure why it happened to Evan. They're still looking for other factors. In the meantime the bills are mounting and Plum is working to juggle job, Alex, Evan, and school. Even with staying with Kody's family, Plum is finding herself once more overwhelmed.

Kody's parents, Laura and Christopher, have paid off Evan's debts and are paying the St. Mungo's bills as they come in, but Plum is paying them back and she insists she pays them back with interest. They've done enough for Alex and her without them being greedy ingrates as well.

Plum had gotten most of the schoolwork done that needed to be completed for classes today but she's still got some things left to do. The classroom where her next class is empty before that class, so Plum decides to go there. She can eat and read at the same time. Reaching the classroom, Plum takes her usual spot and within a minute has one of her textbooks open, has the drink she'd bought within easy reach, and is munching on the turkey sandwich she'd made this morning.

Plum's halfway through the reading and halfway through the sandwich when the classroom door opens, a woman's voice saying as if to herself, "It's GOT to be in here. Only place it could be."

Plum looks up as the woman, startled now at having walked into what she thought was an empty room only to find someone sitting there, says with a slight laugh, "You nearly gave me a fright."

"Sorry, Professor Weaver," Plum says to the woman she'll see in her night class later today.

"I had a class in here a short time ago and think I left something," Anissa Weaver explains though it's really not necessary. "Yes! Here it is," she proclaims, holding up a small book. "Copies of this are so hard to come by I was beside myself at the thought of having lost it. Plum Lancaster, isn't it."

Professor Weaver does ask this; she states it. Plum is surprised that after only one class meeting with this woman, her name is already known. Maybe it's having small classes that helps Professor Weaver learn students' names so quickly or perhaps she's simply very good with names. Some people are like that.

Plum's barely said, "Yes, ma'am," when she learns that neither is really the case here when Professor Weaver next states, "I can't imagine why I didn't place you last week. You look so very much like her, you know."

Confused, Plum asks, "Pardon?"

"You look like your mother," the older woman replies.

Not at all surprised that Anissa Weaver would know her mum, what with the professional Wizarding linguistics community not all that huge a group, Plum nevertheless asks, "You knew my mother?"

"I know Mary extremely well, or I did years ago."

"She used to work here at St. Emrys."

"Did she? I shouldn't be surprised but somehow I am. Did she like working here?"

"Yes, very much so. She also had a Linguistics Club at Hogwarts for the students there. Mum loved that as well."

"If she liked her job here so much and working with the students at Hogwarts, why would she give it all up? Is she still with Evan? It's something to do with Evan isn't it?"

Extremely puzzled now, Plum's chest constricts. It's difficult to get out the words as her vocal chords and mouth don't want to work properly either. Plum hoarsely replies, "No, Mum isn't with Evan anymore."

"Well that's good at least. I'm sorry if I speak ill of your father, but Evan Lancaster was trouble."

Plum has stood up, trembling hands grabbing up her things. Striding to the door she stops long enough to say in a strangled whisper, "You didn't hear. Mary Lancaster is dead."

Anissa Weaver's goes pale and is visibly shaken. "Mary. Dead. When? How?"

"At Hogwarts. Murdered. Her neck broken. 9 March of last year." Plum's words are short, each rapidly bitten off. "I'm sorry, but it's difficult to talk about. Excuse me."

Plum is nearly to the library when a memory from childhood pops into her head as clearly as if it just happened. Mary is ripping a letter to shreds telling Evan, "One of Anissa's friends wants to know if I'll take a gift to the wedding. Doesn't want whatever it is to get broken." Evan has asked, "What wedding?" Mary had shrugged, "No bloody idea." Evan had laughed, "Typical of your mum to still be so mad that she doesn't invite us to her own wedding."

Plum stops walking, the realization striking her like a physical slap to her face. The realization of why from the first time she saw Anissa Weaver she felt like she should know the woman. Finding another empty classroom, Plum takes the time remaining until her next class to compose herself. She makes it back to the classroom where she'd left Anissa Weaver standing just a short time ago and tries to focus on the professor and the day's lesson while trying not to wonder how she'll be able to make herself go to Anissa Weaver's class this afternoon.

Childhood Playmates
Author: Briar Rose 
Date:   03-28-09 18:44

"Mum, I wanna go play."

Busy with writing down an order someone's just made via Floo fire chat, Briar doesn't immediately acknowledge her daughter verbally. She holds up a finger in a gesture of Wait.




Done writing, Briar turns with hand on hip to look at Grace. "You know better than to be so rude."

"But I wanna go play and Aegean says I have to ask you."

"Go play where? The park or at Daddy's?"

"With Charlotte at the park."

"So really, what you need is to ask Uncle Lysander if it's all right for Charlotte to go to the park."

"Can I?"

"May you and yes, it's all right. Don't pester Uncle Lysander though if he says Charlotte may not go with you. And put a jumper on. It's chilly out. Where's the one you wore earlier?"

Grace shrugs. "Left it at Blossom's?"

Briar looks up from Grace to where Aegean is now standing. "Have Grace get her jumper, please." To Grace she says, "You get your jumper, not Aegean. Understand?"

Grace rolls her eyes but nods, "Yes, Mummy. Can I go now?"

Briar gives a lighthearted swat to Grace's backside as the child turns to scamper off. "Yes, go on with you. Have fun and be good."

"I'm always good, Mummy," Grace grins over her shoulder.

"I think we have differing definitions of being good," Briar says with amusement.

Grace and Aegean gone, Briar picks up the order she'd just written and moves to gather up others from the small office. Putting them into a pocket she checks all the ovens, puts the finishing touches on several fruit pies, gets them in to bake then goes to the front part of the bakery.

Ariella Beck Masterson is placing cake slices in containers for a waiting customer. Walking around to look at the display counter from the front, Briar does a quick scan of the array of goods then when Ariella is done with the customer says, "The shortbread tarts you made are cool enough for the cream filling now. Want me to finish them or do you?"

"I'll do it. What about a fresh blackberry on top of each?"

"Excellent idea. The blackberries are some of the best I've had."

"I know! I tasted one and had to restrain myself from eating more," Ariella says with a laugh.

"Why don't you take some home with you? Or the blackberry pie that's baking? There's that lovely cream to go with it."

"Don't tempt me," she laughs again then heads into the kitchen to finish up the shortbread tarts.

Briar busies herself with rearranging the display case, adding in slices of a chocolate sponge cake roll with a raspberry cream filling. She also adds in the leftovers from an order of baklava that went out today. She'd had to make two batches of the nut and honey pastry to fill the order but that gave her more than the customer wanted. After another five minutes of arranging and rearranging and stopping once to wait on one of the regulars, Briar takes the orders from her pocket and starts going through them, placing them in an order based on delivery date and time needed to prepare the order. She also separates out the ones that can be delivered by owl from those that need to be taken by a person.

Ariella's brought out some of the shortcake tarts for the display and has returned to the kitchen to take some things from the ovens when another client enters the bakery. Looking up with a smile and word of greeting Briar's words nearly die before she gets them out. Not wanting to appear rude she forces the words out and hopes the man doesn't notice anything odd.

"Welcome to Briar's. How may I help you?"

The man Briar now knows to be Griffin McQuillen stands with his head slightly cocked to one side as he studies the display case. "Are those blackberries on top of whatever those tart looking things are?"

"Yes, blackberries topping cream filled shortbread tarts. We've just put them out."

"I'll have six of those. And six of those lemon looking tartlets. That should be more than enough. Last minute dinner party. I'm having five people over but I have a hard enough time making a simple green salad much less a real meal with pudding for afters."

"Half a dozen each of two types of tarts should be fine," Briar assures the man.

"I've eaten once or twice at the restaurant down the way. I liked what I had but once or twice isn't enough to know if it's fit to feed others. Is it?"

"The Crown & Cauldron? Yes, everything they offer is wonderful."

"That's a relief. If you'd said otherwise I think I might have gone down and asked for my money back," he chuckles.

As he spoke, Briar had been boxing up the tarts, having an internal debate to ask him if he remembers a Rosalyn Burnshire. She's still not decided when she looks up from the pastry boxes to tell him how much he owes to find him studying her.

"You seem familiar for some reason," he tells her. "I've been in here a few times but someone else always waited on me."

"I saw you one day at Twice Told Tales. We nearly ran into each other as you were coming out and I was going in."

"I vaguely remember that now that you mention it but no, that's not it."

Briar decides she might as well say something. "You're last name is McQuillen, right?"

"Yes, but how did... I can't believe I had forgotten. Julian Valentine and Lysander Stratford are the bookshop owners. We played as children. We're you one of our group? Is that why you seem familiar? Odd how after many years and us all grown up I'd remember you. I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name."

"It's Briar Rose now but then it was Rosalyn Burnshire."

"I think I read about you in the papers several years ago. You changed your name after your parents died, yes?"

"Yes, that's right," Briar responds, not going into the specific reasons for her name change if he's read about it, even if that was a long while back.

"You probably remember me as Griffin but I go by my middle name these days. Matthew. Griffin's not all that common a name I don't think but my dad's second wife had a son also named Griffin so I started going by Matthew."

Briar puts her hand out for Matthew to shake. "It's good to see you again."

"Likewise. One day when I'm not having a last minute dinner party for my boss and his wife, we'll have to catch up. Julian and Lysander too if they want."

"That would be nice."

Matthew pays for the tarts then picking up the boxes says, "I'd best be getting home. Make sure it's presentable for guests."

"Don't forget to pick up your order from the Crown & Cauldron."

"I nearly forgot! I think next time dinner is mentioned I'm going to suggest going out," he chuckles.

Briar watches him leave, Matthew looking back once to give a cheery wave, then walks into the kitchen to help Ariella. Now that she's formally met the man, she hopes the reason she keeps dreaming about him will soon become clear.

Visiting Prague
Author: Coco Nutt 
Date:   03-29-09 10:14

Hand in hand Fritz and Coco approach the ticket kiosk for Prague Castle. This morning they'd arrived in Prague's main Wizarding shopping district. From there they'd entered Muggle Prague where they'd eaten a light breakfast and strolled through the historic, picturesque city. They'd crossed the famous Charles Bridge, which crosses the river Vltava, walking in the direction of what is said to be the largest castle complex in the world.

Standing now at the ticket booth, Fritz points to the sign listing the different ticketing options. "Want to go with the long tour?"

"It includes everyfing, so yeah, let's do that one."

Moments later they have entered the grounds and are standing off to one side, heads together, looking at the information they were given. Coco spots what they're looking for. "Second and third courtyards for getting with a guided tour."

"Changing of the guard is every hour. I'd like to see that. If we wait for the noon one, there's a flag ceremony and fanfare."

"It's just after 10 now, so let's see how long a guided tour lasts and when we could get into one of those groups. Then we'll know whether to do that now and still be able to catch the noon changing of the guard or whether we should wait."

"Good idea," Fritz nods.

Consulting the map they start in the direction of one of the courtyards where they'll get the guided tour information. As they walk, Coco tells Fritz, "Next place we visit should be Darmstadt. You can show me where you're from."

"I'd like that! Are you working Saturday?"

In between time with Fritz, Order and Resistance meetings or operations, and checking her winged horse at Dierna ní Cíaran's friend's Athen's Greek ranch, Coco did some work helping a veterinary healer in Antwerp. Although a fund set up by those in the Order and the Resistance provided them each with a monthly stipend, Fritz and Coco were raised to pull their own weight. For Coco, taking the job at the veterinary healer's is also providing her with practical experience for her chosen field.

"No, not Saturday but Oi'll work Sunday."

"Darmstadt on Saturday then," Fritz grins, clearly excited at the prospect of showing Coco around his hometown.

Reaching the second courtyard, they inquire about an English speaking guided tour then learning that a standard tour lasts about an hour and they can join a English spoken tour starting in ten minutes, they decide to do that now since it leaves them plenty of time after to get to the gates for the noon changing of the guards.

Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   03-29-09 14:06

A small group of Order of the Phoenix and Resistance Movement members gathered at St. John's Wood to begin planning in detail how to launch what would perhaps be their greatest offensive maneuver against the current Ministry regime. The plan to attack the Ministry of Magic headquarters had come up in many past meetings in response to the questions, "What should we do next?" and "How do we fully stop [fill in the blank] and take back the government?"

Upon first hearing the suggestion of breaking into and undertaking a full-scale raid on the Ministry of Magic itself, Minerva wasn't sure what to think. On the one hand, she wanted to charge into the building and take down "that woman" herself. Because of the Minister of Magic, Minerva had spent time in prison and later in one of the communities, where she'd very nearly lost her life and which had ultimately led to her losing some of her toes. For all her crimes against humanity, "that woman" needed to be removed from office, imprisoned, and sentenced to death.

Despite her gung-ho attitude on the matter, Minerva knew that attacking the Ministry of Magic would be the riskiest maneuver the Order and the Resistance could ever make. She feared that even if they could get in, they would ultimately be overwhelmed and either killed or captured. Minerva would take death over imprisonment any day, but she would much rather live to see the better days she knew were ahead if only the Order and the Resistance would be successful in taking over the Ministry of Magic.

"We know our entry points," Dumbledore was saying, as he wordlessly flicked his wand in the air. Red moving arrows appeared on the mostly black and white diagram on the big board over his shoulder, indicating the fireplaces in the atrium and the guest entrance via the telephone box.

"From there we will need to secure each level. I suggest we form teams and assign each to a different one. At the same time, a team can go straight to our beloved leader's office and subdue her. We will, of course, need to ensure that she will be right where we need her to be. I believe, however, that we will find a way to obtain the proper intelligence before we go in, as the Muggles say, with guns a'blazin."

The reference was lost on many, including Minerva, but everyone nonetheless understood what Dumbledore meant based on the context of his words.

"Does anyone have anything they would like to add or discuss before I continue?" Dumbledore asked the gathered group at large.

Minerva didn't have anything to say. She looked around the room. Many of the Weasleys were there. Harry and Hermione. Sirius. Lupin. A handful of others. Hermione looked like she might have a dozen questions or comments to make, but Minerva could tell that the younger witch was still sorting them out in her head from the way her brow wrinkled slightly.

Sirius' voice rang out impatiently. "Personally, I don't see the reason for delaying the Ministry raid any longer than we already have. We know exactly what our goal is and I think we already have the resources to execute it without fail. I say we stop talking about it and do it now."

Minerva found her voice at last. "Sirius, be reasonable. If we rush into the Ministry of Magic without giving the plan considerable thought, we will be more likely to make mistakes that could cost us our lives. Not only that, we will assuredly fail."

"Be reasonable? I am being reasonable! The longer we wait, the more time that bitch will have to figure out how to turn things back into her favor. She knows that she's losing control of everything. Many of her communities have fallen and many more will, thanks to us. She's screwed, and frankly it's time to screw her over once and for all."

"Your rush to raid the Ministry right this moment has nothing to do with your wife's undercover work, does it Sirius?" Lupin commented as neutrally as he could muster, though even he was beginning to lose patience when it came to Sirius' broad rashness with respect to doing anything he could to get Drucilla to come home to her family.

"Tell me how you would feel if it were Tonks. Tell me you wouldn't want to bring her home, back to your child, Remus," Sirius spat.

"While I might worry a great deal if it were Tonks, I would also respect her decision, as you should your wife's. She's been and continues to be a great asset to us."

Sirius started to rise from his chair but Dumbledore held up a hand and stated firmly. "Sirius, sit down. We will not barge through the Ministry doors today, nor tomorrow. We will not delay any longer than we have to, but we will take the time to think through every important detail before we do anything rash. It is vital that we succeed, and we can only do so if we avoid making the simplest of mistakes. If there aren't anymore comments..." Dumbledore paused and stared pointedly at Sirius, who glowered where he sat with his arms crossed over his chest.

"...then let's move on..."

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