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Happy Little Gryffindor Down
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   10-07-09 14:37

Two weeks had passed since the Quidditch match against Gryffindor but for Gus it seemed that it only had been a day.
“I still can’t believe that Stone had grabbed the snitch! Cornelia arrived first.”
With the cold all the students were avoiding the grounds and so the corridors where full. It was getting hard to arrive to Professor’s Somerset DADA class on the 1st floor.
“Look at them, thinking they’re the best.” Gus said referring to a group of Gryffindors from the 4th year that was passing near them. “And remember that bludger that hit Griet Vanderbilt? “Johanna nodded pretending she was listening to him. It had been a humiliation to lose but having Gus reminding that all the time was even worse.

She kept in her way to class, managing to step aside from Gus who was now telling that if he had been selected for the Quidditch team he would be a better keeper than Zuberi Batuti. Johanna didn’t bother to remind him that he had made the try outs for chaser. He would not listen her. The classroom was almost full but she found an empty seat between Drizella Ratcliffe and Calder Stryde. Gus who came right behind her had no choice to sat next to Eric Ling who was from Gryffindor. He made a disgusted face and spent the whole class with an annoyed expression in his face. It even got worse when Professor Somerset made them practice a spell in pairs and Eric had performed it in perfection while Gus had been criticized by the teacher.

The class was dismissed and Johanna putted her scarf and her gloves, ready to face the cold weather from outside, since she had to go to grounds for her next class, Herbology.
“ I hate those Gryffindors. “ Gus mumbles to himself behind her.
“Me too. But there’s nothing you can do about it now. “ Johanna replied this time.
His furious dark eyes focused in a little 1st year Gryffindor blonde girl who walked alone to her next class. She was carrying a big pile of books and was trying to get through the crowed corridor with difficulty. He smiled malicious.
“Can’t I?”

He took his wand from his pocket. Johanna didn’t stop him. Instead she lay back watching the show. Gus pointed at the girl’s shoes, waved his wand and pronounced a spell. The girl stumbled on her own feet and fell on the castle’s stone floor, all her books flying around.
“And one happy little Gryffindor down.” Gus said with triumph.
Johanna laughs but her laugh dies on her throat in the moment she hears a cough behind her and Gus. They turned around facing an angry Professor McGonagall .
“Mr. Van Tassel, 20 points from Slytherin for this prank. Plus I’ll take 10 points for having laugh instead of helping your colleague Miss Steele. “
“But Professor, I wasn’t the only one to laugh!” Johanna tried. Some Slytherins had indeed laughed but they had quickly left the corridor to their classes when the figure of the Transfiguration teacher had appeared.

“Don’t make me take more points to your house Miss Steele.”The teacher helped the blonde girl to fetch her using her want. “I want you both on my office, next Saturday for a detention.”
Johanna and Gus stood there not really believing n what was happening.
“Now I suggest you go to your classes unless you want to lose more points for tardiness.”

They left the castle, to the grounds, in a hurry as if McGonagall was chasing them.

Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   10-07-09 16:18

Zabrynna doesn't dislike Mondays but she doesn't like them either. She supposes that would make her neutral about them. Mondays for her mean classes beginning at 9:00 with Defense Against the Dark Arts, followed by Potions, Charms, and then Transfiguration. At least there's the lunch break between Charms and Transfiguration. At least she's done for the day once Transfiguration end.

Zabrynna is done in the sense that she doesn't have any other Monday classes. Muggle Studies and Astronomy are Wednesdays. Ancient Runes is Thursday. Herbology and History of Magic are both Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's nice seeing Declan in History for a full hour and a half, two days a week but Zabrynna thinks she'd prefer having History Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays because that would mean three days instead of two during which she can freely look at Declan. When not in class, such as during meals in the Great Hall, if Zabrynna looks at him for more than a second or two, there's the worry that he or one of the professors who know what happened will think she's obsessing over him again.

Zabrynna's feelings for Declan haven't change despite what the therapist and others think. Sure, she's lied and misled them but when the alternative was not being allowed to return to Hogwarts what else was she to have done? Besides, Zabrynna does not consider her feelings for Declan Douglass to be borne out of obsession.

Zabrynna is in love. True, deep, forever love. She's really tired of being treated like she's too young to know what that is.

Using the love potion had been a mistake. An enormously huge mistake. Zabrynna knows that and admits it. She really does feel bad about the whole incident but that does not negate her feelings for Declan. It just means she used seriously poor judgement but she at least she didn't use the love potion effects to make love with Declan. They should give her some credit for holding off. Lots of fifteen and sixteen year olds have sex but Zabrynna simply didn't feel ready to take that step no matter how deeply she cares for Declan. It is something Zabrynna thinks about. She thinks about it all the time. She's just not ready for actually do the deed.

A book loudly slaps shut, causing Zabrynna to jump.

Across the library table from her, Philippa is starting to shove things into her book satchel. "Care of Magical Creatures soon. If it's as cold outside as it looks through the window, I do NOT want to go to class."

"Forgive me if I don't offer to walk with you for company," Zabrynna laughs.

"You've been quiet all morning. DADA, Potions, during lunch. I bet if I ask Anne, she'd say you were overly quiet in Charms."

Zabrynna raises both shoulders in a small shrug. "Just one of those days I guess."

"It's something more than that. You've been really been yourself since school started."

"I don't know what to tell you."

"A lot of times you have a sort of dreamy look, like you're thinking about someone. That's it, isn't it? You've got a crush. Who is it?"

"I don't have a crush."

Philippa's eyes narrow, "More than a crush then. Who is he? Anyone from here? Who from here would do you act differently around? Or maybe it's someone you met in Mexico this summer. That's it, isn't it? You met him in Mexico. What's his name?"

"I did not fall for someone in Mexico."

"He doesn't like you the say way you like him? Your parents don't approve of him? There's a story here, I just know it!"

It would be so easy for Zabrynna to fabricate yet another lie to tell her friend. So easy to say yes, okay, Philippa's right. There's a boy in Mexico named Javier or Diego or Raul. He's got a bad boy reputation and he's why my parents decided against my staying in Mexico for school.

That would be so very easy.

Zabrynna looks across the table where Philippa stands and instead says, "You're going to be late for Care of Magical Creatures."

"Bloody hell," Philippa says with exasperation. "You're right. This conversation isn't over though and I bet Anne has some thoughts to share about whatever it is."

Zabrynna shakes her head, "There's nothing to tell."

Philippa starts walking rapidly across the library, saying over her shoulder as she goes, "Sure there is and Anne and I will get it out of you eventually."

Zabrynna watches her friend go, saying in a voice too low for anyone to hear, "No, you won't. Not as long as there's a spell keeping me from discussing it with you."

Alone with her thoughts, Zabrynna tries to stop thinking about Declan and to start thinking about the Potions essay she and Philippa had been working on since coming to the library after lunch.

Gobbledigook, Goblin, Ogre Oh My!
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   10-08-09 15:16

Orei sat at her desk, she was currently going over the translations she'd been given - these were also for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophies as they were accounts of an accident involving a very intense spell, a goblin, and an Ogre. There was also her homework for Gobbledigook that was in the top drawer of her desk half complete.

It was Tuesday, and her classes had been canceled today, so she was working a longer shift at the Ministry instead. "Coming to lunch?" Came Miss Jacob's voice, cutting through the haze that had surrounded Orei while she was working on the translation of he account inscident from both the goblin and the ogre. She had a few translations guides open in front of her, but beyond that was going off what she knew.

She blinked and looked up at the woman, a smile slipped across her features, almost sheepishly. "Lunch actually sounds fantastic. Where were you thinking?" Orei asked, sliding a hand through her hair before shifting, pushing herself up from behind the desk.

"I am thinking of slipping over to Hogsmeade and Three Broomsticks, its been forever since I've been there." Miss Jones said, and Orei smiled, it was one of her favorite places to eat in the village.

"That sounds like a plan. Let's go. I'm about half way through this particular translation - goblin and Ogre are decidedly two differetn languages and are really, really, really confusing when spoken one on top of the other in the same conversation.

Orei made sure she had her money, before joining Miss Jones near the elevator, waiting for it to come to them so they could use one of the floo network ports to get to Hogsmeade and the Three Broomsticks.

They talked over several things, including Orei's current course studies at St. Emry's and what she intends on doing with her program once it was finished.

"Ultimately, I wouldn't mind continuing to translate for the ministry of magic, in this country or another. My parents are living in Japan, I wouldn't mind moving there and working with the Ministry there either." Orei said, shifting as they found a place to sit in the dining area. Conversation continued over lunch, which was about two hours before they returned to the ministry and Orei set back to work. A quick owl was sent to Maddie, letting her know that she would be home late due to things needing to be done at work.

Author: Marzipan 
Date:   10-08-09 17:09

While Professor Ravenscroft's fourth year Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students worked their way through their third quiz of the school year, she busied herself prepping the work table with samples of the newest plant they would discuss.

She glanced at her watch and announced, "Five more minutes."

The sounds of scribbling on parchment grew more frantic.

Marzi smiled to herself and continued pulling pots from the shelves around the greenhouse. She set them on the main table, where she was careful not to distrub her students as they used what remained of their time to complete their quizzes.

The five minutes passed by quickly, and without another word, Marzi used her wand to summon all of the quizzes to the small table that served as her desk in that particular greenhouse.

"I hope that was painless," she said with a smile. "It should have been if you've been keeping up with all of the readings and assignments."

She approached the table, where several of the students now sat massaging their writing hands.

"Today we're going to discuss the plant known as alocasia. There are around 70 species of alocasia. Can anyone tell me where these plants come from?" she asked, gesturing to the varieties she'd placed on the table.

Marjani Batuti raised her hand. "Alocasia is native to Asia, Oceania and South America."

"Very good. 5 points to Gryffindor."

She pulled one of the plants to her and lifted the large leaves away from the stem. "The stems of these plants are edible, but they must be boiled properly. Can anyone tell me why?"

Jenny Gabble said, "There's an acid in the plant that can cause the tongue and throat to swell up."

"That's right. 5 points to Hufflepuff. The acid in question is called oxalic acid. Ingestion may cause the swelling of the tongue and pharynx, as well as headache, difficulty breathing, and hallucinations."

She let all the leaves but one fall back into place. The one she held she spread out before her students.

"Alocasia plants have a more common name. Any guesses?"

Jenny raised her hand again. "Elephant ear."

"That's correct, and remember when I said there are around 70 types of elephant ear plants? All are Muggle varieties, except for one."

She stepped around the table. Most of the plants she'd set down were various Muggle ones, but there was one wizarding plant in the bunch. Marzi stopped before it, and with a mischievous smile, pulled a peanut from the pocket of her robes. She tucked it into the middle of the plant, where a blossom was hidden from view.

Her students shot her puzzled looks but said nothing. That was a good thing, because a moment later the plant trumpeted like a real life elephant.

The class broke out into smiles, and some of them laughed.

"Isn't it fun, being a wizard?" Marzi asked, also laughing.

Magical Law Enforcement
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   10-08-09 18:12

When Ethan's first years came into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class room, they saw three words written on the blackboard: Magical Law Enforcement. Their professor was seated on the edge of his desk, as he often did during his lectures. He waited until every last student found his or her seat before rising from his perch.

"What do you think of when you hear the words Magical Law Enforcement? Yes, Eilonwy?"

"Aurors," she said, in a soft, awed voice.

"Yes, aurors. Anything else?"

There were some pensive looks. "Hit wizards?" somebody else finally offered.

"Very good. Aurors and hit wizards are the two main forms of magical law enforcement, at least in this country. There are others, certainly, and different countries call their law enforcement by different names. Today, we're going to discuss who aurors are as the Ministry of Magic defines them and the type of work they do."

Ethan paced the space in front of his desk and then turned a smile onto his students. "Did you know that I used to be an auror?"

There were many shakes of the head, some gasps and several sets of wide eyes.

"It's true. For many years."

"You quit to become a teacher?" Audrey Appleseed asked incredulously.

Ethan laughed. "Teaching isn't a bad thing, and while I'm not a full-time employee at the Ministry anymore, I still do some consulting work here and there."

He sat down on his desk again, right in the middle, and placed his hands on either side of him. "So, what exactly are aurors? Aurors fight the dark arts. They use intelligence to find and stop dark wizards. They participate in duels. Some people refer to them as dark wizard catchers."

Arthur Fu raised his hand. "What do you have to do to become an auror, sir?"

"A minimum of five N.E.W.T.s with nothing lower than Exceeds Expectations," Ethan replied. "For those of you who don't know, you take the N.E.W.T.s at the end of your seventh year. You'll need N.E.W.T.s in Defense Against the Dark Arts, of course, as well as Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration.

"After successful completion of the exams, a prospective auror in training will have to pass a background check and will have to pass character and aptitude tests at the Ministry. Then there's the actual training, which takes three years. This is what I went through to become an auror, at any rate. Does that answer your question, Arthur?"

He nodded his head.

"Good. Now let's talk aurors and history..."

Helpful Hand
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   10-09-09 07:32

Isma was still on a high after winning the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin...much to Cornelia's dismay. She had gotten lucky, hadn't even seen the snitch until it had flown right in front of her. If it hadn't flown in front of her then, Slytherin probably would have won it for certain...but that was not how things happened!

At the moment, she was staring at her Charms homework, which was due in about two hours. Blake and Eric were still down at breakfast, and they'd already gotten theirs done. She was finishing up the final touches on her essay, and practicing her spell for class when Audrey Appleseed walked in, nearly in a panic.

"I can't find it! I don't know where I left it..." She heard Audrey mutter. Calliope was not far behind her, they were frantically searching for something.

"What are you looking for Audrey?" Isma asked, pushing herself up off her chair and heading toward the first years.

"I can't find my text for transfiguration, it has my essay that is due today in it! I can not afford to loose that essay, I worked too hard on it. Can you help me find it?" There was an edge of desperation in Audrey's voice, one that wasn't heard until the older years and studying for the O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. So it must be a major essay, probably one of the ones that were a large portion of the grade in the class (Isma wouldn't be surprised if that was the case).

"Sure. I'm just about done with my charms homework. Where was the last place you had your book?" Isma asked, hoping that she could at least remember that much.

"I had it in my room, and then down here in the common room. I was working with Calliope and Cody on the essay. Over by that table there..."

She indicated a table near the hearth and Isma headed over there. She would shift the seat cushions and look behind the table, and the other two continued to look around the Gryffindor Common room.

Finally, after twenty-five minutes of searching, Isma gave a triumphant cry and held the book up. "Found it! It had ended up on a seat near the doorway leading up to the rooms. Don't know how it ended up there, and your essay is still in it."

Audrey beamed, happy, as relief washed over her features. "Thank you Charisma. You've saved my life. Or at least my grade." Audrey said and tucked the book into her bag.

"Call me Isma. You'd better get to class." Isma said and the two first years headed toward their Transfiguration class and Isma went back and finished editing her Charms essay, waiting for Blake, Eric and Sonya to join her so the four of them could head to class.

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