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Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   02-07-10 12:24

"Go sit by the bedside. Hold your father's hand. Talk to him. The healers and nurses say Adamu might be able to hear us."

Kissy remains seated where she is, in a chair against a wall and out of the way of the hospital room door. "I'm fine right here."

"Honestly, Kissy, don't you think it's well past time to drop the bitchy attidude?"

Kissy fixes her eyes on her sister-in-law. "Excuse me?"

"You refuse to get a substitute to cover your classes so you can be here as much as Nyoko, Zen, and I. When you do show up, you spend more time down in the waiting area or up in the visitor's tearoom, grading assignments or making out tests or some other Hogwarts related work. If you do come into this room, you sit in that chair and say very little. Don't you think your mother is stressed enough as it is without you being such a bitch?"

In a low, tight voice Kissy says, "I still fail to see how any of that constitutes you giving me the bitch label. Also, I would have thought the fact that I am here at all would count for something. Apparently I was wrong about that."

Akina loudly expells air and throws up one hand in frustration. "He's your father, Kissy. You should want to be here more than anything and you should want to be with your mother and Zen, to give emotional support during this difficult time."

"Well exuse the hell out of me," Kissy frostily replies, "but in my version of a loving, supportive family, the family doesn't victimize one of its members then act as they themselves are the victims and as if the injured party owes them something."

"You do owe us something. You sent us to Azkaban. Do you know what it's like there? Do you know the stress and strain of not being able to see your spouse? Your parents' health has not been the same nor have any of us's mental states."

"Un. Be. Lieve. Able." Kissy punctuates each syllable. "I owe you because I sent you to prison. Funny how you fail to remember why that was. Funny how none of you seem to recall the crimes you perpetrated that led me to press charge and to testify against you."

"We were trying to do something good for the family. We were trying to ensure you had a happy life with a good marriage."

"That justifies committing crimes? That justifies trying to take my freedom of will, to make me conform to my parents' notion of what makes a good daughter?"

"Everything isn't about you, Kissy." Akina makes a sharp jab in the air in the direction of Adamu in his hospital bed. "Right now, it's about him."

Kissy had long ago risen from the chair. Now she crosses to the door in quick strides. "No, Akina. This is about people who do horrible things to another person and justify it by saying it was all done in the name of family and for love. As stated before, I had thought my just being here would be enough to satisfy you, Mother, and Zen. Obviously, that assumption was a huge mistake on my part."

Kissy jerks the hospital room door open and walks out, so angry her entire body feels as though it's on fire. She makes straight for an exit out of the building, walking without direction or purpose, rapidly becoming just another face on a busy street in Muggle London.

Dinner At The Burrow
Author: Ginny Weasley 
Date:   02-07-10 15:33

Standing at the kitchen drawer where the eating untensils are kept, Ginny's hand hovers over the forks as she asks Molly, "How many places should I set, Mum?"

Checking the roast chicken Molly does a verbal head count. "There's your father, you, and me of course. Ron and Hermione. Charlie and Hendrika. Percy. And Harry. I think that's everyone for tonight. What is that then? Nine?"

Ginny says, "Yes, nine," then as nonchalantly as possible says, "I didn't know Harry was coming."

"Arthur ran into him this morning at the Ministry and invited him. It seems like an absolute age since we've had Harry over. I do so worry about that boy, especially since that Janine dropped him. I thought better of that girl."

Ginny knows it's little use correcting her mother on the fact that Harry nor Janine are the children that Molly makes them sound. She also doesn't point out that Janine hardly deserves to be referred to as that girl. Janine's a nice person and though it's really too bad things didn't work out between Harry and Janine, Ginny likes Janine a whole lot better now that she's not with Harry.

Walking around the table putting the forks and knives down at each place, Ginny has a down moment thinking about her own recent break-up with Declan Douglass. She really likes Declan and if not for her feelings for Harry thinks there would have been something more there. Breaking up with him had been difficult but with Harry single again, Ginny knew she'd never forgive herself if she didn't see if she does have a future with Harry despite their first attempt at dating not lasting long.

Simultaneously, there's a knock on the Burrow's kitchen door and the door opens. Hermione walks in followed by Ron, with Hermione looking back over her shoulder to fnishing whatever it was she was saying to Ron when they'd knocked. Turning, Hermione sees Ginny and Molly and brightly says, "Good evening! What may I do to help?"

"Nothing, dear, but thank you for offering," Molly says from over one of the pots bubbling with something delicious smelling.

"Hi, Hermione. Ron. Want something to drink?"

"I'll wait until we eat," Hermione tells Ginny. Seeing that Ginny's in the process of setting the table, Hermione quickly counts the number of place settings Ginny's got then grabs the corresponding number of dinner plates from the cabinet.

In answer to Ginny's question, Ron says, "I want something but I'll get it. Where's Dad?"

"He had to pop back to the office after realizing he'd forgotten to sign something," Ginny says.

Ron, with a butterbeer in hand, sits down at the table asking, "Nine places. Who else is coming?"

"Charlie, Hendrika, and the boys, who'll have the little table once you bring it in, Ron, and Percy and Harry are coming," Molly tells him.

Getting up to go get the little table, Ron asks Ginny, "No Declan tonight?" He very promptly follows that with, "Sorry. I keep forgetting you broke up. Why is that anyway? He's a really nice guy."

Hermione taps Ron sharply on the back of the head. "You promised not to bring it up?"

At the same time Ron gives Hermione an innocent look and asks, "When did I do that?", Ginny's saying, "It's all right. I'm fine about it."

"You might be fine but that doesn't answer the question of why you broke up," Ron shoots back, ducking Hermione's hand, which is set to thump him on the head again.

Molly turns from the stove to say, "I've wondered about that myself. Was he not as nice as he first appeared?"

Ginny shakes her head. "Declan is a wonderful man. Really nice. That doesn't make him the one for me in the long term."

There's another knock at the door and Harry walks in. Grateful for the distraction of his arrival, Ginny offers Harry something to drink then keeps her mouth shut as Molly, Hermione, Ron, and Harry chat about how their day went.

Stress Relieved
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   02-07-10 19:57

Orei closed her eyes, brought her fingertips to her temples and massaged lightly. She was currently in the library going over translations for her finals. She had two left. She'd thankfully been allowed to take off the final week of the term from work at the Ministry because she'd been so far ahead on her assignments. She'd left word with the lawyers that she'd been working with in the Law Enforcement department of the ministry - letting them know she'd be back after the twelth of the month.

She checked the time, and groaned, packing her things up, she headed towards her Potions final - that should be easy at least she hoped it would be. That was a class she was doing fantastic in.

The time allowed for the final would be two hours, and she intended on using every last minute of the two hours. She would shift over the assignment given for the practical portion of the examination. She had to make a truth syrum, and then write a critique on another student's potion.

They'd also had an essay that had been due that morning. After she went through the potions exam, she headed back to the library to study and kill time before her last exam before the term was officially over.

She took her last two exams today, and then she headed back to the house in Hogsmeade. She would use the next day or so to relax while she waited for her grades to show up. After a shower and quick change, she headed to grab something to eat. Now, she was done, and it was time to wait until the next term started and until then she would be working her tail off. Spending time with Jim when she could - quidditch games (not the ones he was playing in obviously) and hogsmeade weekends would encompass their time together until his final year at the school was done.

Easy Day
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   02-08-10 18:17

Lawrence was currently in his office for office hours. It was Friday which meant that he only had one class today, and that was his fifth years Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. It was a O.W.L. class, which meant that it was more intensive than the courses that Marzipan taught to the lower years - but that of course didn't make it any less important.

He needed to, just before his two o'clock class started go into the greenhouse he'd be using and set out the treat that would be given to the fifth years to end the week on a high note. He was going over some rough drafts of the assignments that had been turned in - for those that wanted to ensure that they got the highest mark possible on the extensive essay that he'd assigned due the third week into the month, when there was a knock on his office door.

"Come in." He said, making a mark on the parchment and not fully looking up. He knew Ariella was currently finishing up things at St. Emry's her courses continued - though the regular term ended. He knew she was having some difficulty deciding on what she wanted to do after she finished the course work to ensure that she could start regular classes - if she wanted to start regular classes soon.

He was shook from his thoughts, when Tiffany Grant stepped into his office along with Erebus Mars. "Professor, we had a couple of questions about the assignment." Tiffany said, and both students moved to sit at the chairs opposite their professor.

"Alright. Go ahead. Also, here, I've got your drafts of the essays that you turned in. Go over them, make changes as required, but all in all you are both doing fantastic." He said, handing them each a stack of parchment.

"I am having some trouble finding information on a couple of versions of nightshade that I want to include in my essay, as the last two plants that I am doing." Erebus said. "Do you have anything that I can use as a reference?"

Lawrence nodded and pulled free a small leather bound journal. "There should be at least a little bit of information in there that you can use, but make sure that I get it back before monday. Also, it will direct you to some of the books in the library that can help."

He then turned to Tiffany. "What was your question?" He asked, stacking up the essays that would be returned to his fifth years, checking the hourglass, he still needed to eat lunch, but was supposed to be in his office until two. He'd conjure up something if he needed to.

"My question was, are we limited to just those plants found in on the continent of Europe, or can we look at other places, other countries and continents?" She asked.

"Any and all poisonous plants that you can think of are fair game Tiffany, just make sure that you have diagrams and proper information. The ones you have so far are quite good. Ensure that the others have the same quality and you will get high marks on this assignment." He said.

Both students seemed satisfied with this, and Erebus was quite thrilled with the bit of information that had been given to aid with the assignment. "Thank you Professor, see you on Tuesday."

With that, both students slipped from the office, they had classes to get to. He took a moment, and summoned a houseelf -who returned promptly with a plate of food for him. He went through his sixth years essays, double-checking notes he'd made on some of them - adding here and there.

Finally, it was time for him to slip from his office - ending his office hours a few minutes early to set up the greenhouse for today's lecture. He'd be discussing elderberry and boston ivy, and there was also a treat that would be given to his fifth years. Each class had gotten a treat - on their last class of this week.

End Of Term
Author: Plum 
Date:   02-09-10 16:55

Plum's last final had been during the last exam block on this last day of term. Standing now at the bookstore to sell back a text she'd only bought because the professor had insisted is students for the course have it in class each meeting. The textbook is a poor one in Plum's opinion and she wouldn't have wasted galleons on it if not for the professor's requirement. She doubts she'll get much back for it but she'd rather get a paltry few galleons back then keep the odious, worthless book.

"Hi, Plum. You're coming to the party?"

Plum looks over to another line of students waiting to sell back books and smiles at Sue Crnkovic, a friend she's had several classes with, "Hi, Sue. We're planning to. Anthony's not scheduled to work that night but if that changes, I'll just come by myself."

"I hope Anthony can come too. He's such a sweetie."

"If you weren't a newly married woman who gets all swoony at the mere thought of her husband, I'd think you had eyes for Anthony," Plum says with a laugh.

Sue puts a hand on her chest and sighs deeply. "Thoughts of my Barry. Be still my heart. Speaking of my beloved, I hope he's not getting impatient waiting for me. We've got plans this evening but this line is moving sooooooo slowly and I've still got to go home and freshen up and change."

"Barry wouldn't care if you showed up wearing a cardboard box."

"True, but since we'll be out in public, something a little nicer than cardboard is appropriate."

Sue and Plum chat the rest of the time it takes their respective lines to move for them each to get their business of selling back textbooks completed then part ways as Sue, finishing up before Plum, bids her goodbye. Shortly after that, Plum is walking out of the bookstore as well, head down while she has her purse open to put the galleons away that she'd gotten from selling back the textbook.

She looks up again when Anissa Weaver's calls her name. "Plum!"

"Hello, Professor Weaver."

"I'm glad I ran into you. I was going to owl you this evening to invite you to lunch tomorrow."

"I'm blanking on Anthony's schedule for tomorrow. I'll have to let you know after I've had a chance to talk to him tonight."

"Whether Anthony is available or not, Alex and you should come."

"That would be nice. Thank you."

"Heading home?"

"Yes, it's been a long week and wiht no studyhing to do tonight, I'm looking forward to being lazy this evening. Are you finished for the day?"

"I am finished for the semester. I've just turned in grades for all my courses. I have plans to be lazy the rest of the evening myself."

Plum stops at a line for the Floos nearest the bookshop. "I'll let you in a little while whether Anthony will be with Alex and me tomorrow. What time should we be there?"

"Noonish though earlier is quite acceptable. William and I love spending time with you and Alex and Anthony is such a fine young man."

"We enjoy time with you as well and I agree about Anthony." As Plum's turn had come for one of the Floos she says, "I'll talk to you again in a bit. Bye!"

She throws powder into the grate, calls out her destination of Blossom's in Hogsmeade where she'll pick up Alex, then with a small wave at her grandmother, steps into the fireplace.

(London, England) End of the Week
Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   02-09-10 23:31

I opened the door to my apartment, and was greeted by the smell of something good. No idea what it was, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I was tired. The door shut behind me and I made my over to the couch, and dropped face down on it.

“About time you made it home,” I heard Xavier say from the other room. I tried to reply, but the words were just muffled beyond recognition by the small pillow my face was buried in.

“It’ll be a moment, keeping things warm with this…stove, is weird,” he continued, “I still don’t know why you didn’t move into a magical place. Would make things much easier. Do you realize how messy this place gets?” The reply was a nod, even though he couldn’t see it. He continued anyway, “You could have gotten a broom that sweeps on it’s own you know.”

This time, I turned my head slightly so he could at least understand me. “Watch Fantasia, and you’ll understand why I hate brooms that move on their own.” I turned my head back into the pillow and finished with a muffled grumble.

I heard him walk into the room and over to me. He moved over and sat on the table before placing a hand on my back. There was a pause before he said, “You realize you’re not even on that thing all the way, right?” I nodded. “Going to work tomorrow?” I shook my head. “So, you’re actually taking the weekend off?” Another nod.

He paused again, “Where’s the coat I gave you?”

Again, turning my head just enough, “It disappeared last time Bron came over. I think she said something about it but don’t remember.”

“Ah. And you still didn’t say anything, did you?” He was answered with a shake of the head. “Ok then, time for food.” I didn’t move. He leaned down so he could see if the one eye I didn’t have covered was open. Finding it was, he smiled.

“Come on, food will do you good. You don’t eat healthy enough unless I’m around.” I just blinked at him a couple times. “Time to get up.” He said. I buried my face in the pillow in response.

“Well...” he said slowly, “I suppose I’ll just have to eat without you, Mona.” This time, I turned my face and glared at him through several strands of hair with one eye. He just sat there, with his trademark-charming smile.

This time I sat up before answering, but he beat me to it. “Ah, there you are. Just as lovely as ever.”

“I hate you too,” I grumbled before standing up. He stood up and led me towards the dining room. “You don’t have to cook, you know.”

“I know, and who said you could keep your coat on during dinner?”

I sighed and took off my jacket, just dropping it on the floor. He sighed but didn’t say anything. Instead he just continued to the dining room, where our dinner awaited us.

Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   02-10-10 01:02

“Miss Steele? Can you stop by my office later today?” Professor Ivy asked after she had dismissed the Charms class.
Johanna nodded and left the classroom following the other second year Slytherins to DADA. She spent all the classes wondering about what the Charms teacher was going to say to her, that afternoon. Lately her performance at Charms class hadn’t been good. Maybe Professor Ivy was going to make her repeat the first year again. Or maybe she had called Dumbledore so he could see if she was a capable witch or not. What if she would be expelled?

“Eat!” Felicia demanded. “You haven’t touched your plate yet.”
“What if this is my last meal at Hogwarts?”
“What?” Gus asked.
“Professor Ivy called me to her office. We all know I’m terrible at Charms. What if I’m not a witch after all?”
She was in panic.
“What kind of potion have you been drinking? Don’t be ridiculous Johanna. You are a witch. If you weren’t a witch you wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Felicia said.
“There could be mistakes. You never know…”
“Don’t be silly. Aren’t you going to eat that?” Gus asked changing subject, pointing to the slice of chocolate cake in her plate. She said ‘no’ with her head and with his fork, Gus claimed the slice to himself.
History of Magic class passed even more quickly than usual. Johanna gave her bag to Felicia so she could take it to the common room, and went with slow and shy steps to Professor Ivy’s office. She was very nervous.
She knocked the door.

“Come in.” The young teacher said with a pleasant smile. Johanna wondered if the smile was a good sign or not. “Please have a seat Miss Steele.”
She did what she was told, looking around. She had never been into Professor’s Ivy office before. It was nice and cozy.
“Tea?” The teacher offered.
“No thank you.”
Using her wand Professor Ivy served a cup of tea for herself.
“I’ve been noticing you are having some hard times with my subject Miss Steele. I talked to the Head of your House and reported this situation to Professor Snape.”
Johanna felt a chill. She had never had classes with Professor Snape but he had the fame to be a rigid teacher. He wouldn’t permit a weak student in his House.

Professor Ivy moved on, like she hadn’t noticed the girl reaction:
“And he agreed with my idea.”
“Yes. You will have some extra Charm classes with me, two times a week. Sort of a private class where we will start by simple Charms and keep moving until you reach the average second year student level. It won’t be easy and it will be need a lot of effort from your part. But I know you will do it and soon you will be as capable as the others.”
“Thank you Professor.”

After some more chat Johanna left Professor Ivy’s office relived. She wasn’t going to leave Hogwarts. And soon she would be on his friend’s level again. Happy, she went to the common room getting ready to write her father about this situation.

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