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Not Feeling Very Christmasy
Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   01-04-11 18:27

Watching on as her fifth year Gryffindors and Slytherins show their skills Kissy flicks her wand, causing several of the obstacle course walls to shift position and change color. From the obstacle course floor the, "Well, crap," of Angus Mcleach reaches her airs, causing Kissy to smile slightly. Angus had been backtracking to sneakingly circle around someone else's postion. Kissy hadn't changed the course just then to specifically fluster Angus. The change was one she'd planned at this point in the class period.

Kissy rubs at one of her temples, lightly massaging it. She almost wishes she'd scheduled the written tests for today because she could spend long minutes leaning against something, only pretending to pay attention. With the obstacle course work today, Kissy has to be on top of things. There are surprises, such as the changes she just made, to spring on the students and she has to stay vigilent in case there is an injury. Maybe the potion she took for the massive headache she's had all morning will finally kick in. She's not going to hold her breath though as the last she took was the second dose and neither made the slightest dent in the pain she's experiencing.

Despite today being the last day of term and a holiday about to begin, Kissy is feeling decidedly un-Christmasy. It's been difficult all morning not to uncharacteristically snap at a few deserving students. At least with how she's feeling at the moment she doesn't have to worry with getting the Secret Santa gift left under the tree. Kissy had done that last night after supper. The gift, wrapped in a Christmas green paper with pretty velvety red poinsettia blossoms, is a cute make-up bag in Kissy's opinion along with a mani-pedi set, and a selection of fragant hand lotions in an easy to carry size. Kissy had drawn Charisma Stone's name, a student she does not yet have. She knows who Charisma is, partially because of the Gryffindor's spot on the currrent and on past Quidditch teams. That did not make buying a gift any easier so Kissy had thought back to when she was around 14 and got things she would have liked to have gotten at that age.

Kissy flicks her wand again and sections of the obstacle course below her change once more. She also announces, "Tne minutes left."

There's slightly longer than that left in the period but Kissy has a gift bag of homemade candies popular in Japan such as owa okashi, which is a made with roast sweet rice, goma seeds, and barley sugar; and a sweet potato candy that Kissy loved being able to have on visits to her Japanese relatives and which her mother never made. There are also some little almond cookies and green tea cookies. Getting the cookies and candies made and the gift bags put together would not have gotten done if this headache had come on earlier in the week.

Making a few marks in her grade book, Kissy is very glad that after this class she only has one more to go and then she can go crawl into her bed.

Nearly Done (Etta & Basil)
Author: Jared 
Date:   01-04-11 21:55

Etta was extremely glad to have some of the harder portions of exams behind her already. With Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays stacked with five classes with only lunch breaking the time between the first three and the last two, she was happy to do something fun, even if challenging, in Defense Against the Dark Arts and to end it with getting a goodie bag. Even though she came straight to lunch from DADA, Etta snacked on a couple of the cookies on her way down.

The only exam Etta is truly worried about is her next one, Potions with Severus Snape. While she's sure that whatever Professor Masterson has planned for Herbology, she feels confident with that class, her last of the term. Etta also has most of her Christmas shopping done, having bought a number of gifts on the sight seeing trips the IQT team had in Sydney and in Brazil.

Entering the Great Hall, she hurries over to join friends already there. Etta wants to get to Potions with plenty of time to spare so she listens more than talks as she selects from several of the dishes on the table and digs in. All week a popular topic of conversation has been what everyone wants for Christmas and who has already given who what, who drew whose name in Secret Santa, and who got what from their own Secret Santas.

Etta has Jolyon Kent's name. He's a professor whose class, Care of Magical Creatures, she really enjoys even if the walk to and from class isn't always pleasant with the weather. While in Brazil, Etta found a book on the Amazon Rainforest that is originally a Muggle publication but which a witch had taken and using magical means published it for the Wizarding World. There are some amazing photos of the wildlife and because the witch was republishing the book for the Wizarding World, the photos in this copy, unlike in a Muggle's copy, move. When she's looked through it, Etta's been fascinated with searching some of the photos for hard to spot animals and insects.

Etta's father, Gawain, also found a gift for Professor Kent. He did double check with the local Brazilian Wizarding authorities that the too good to be true deal was on the up and up. Gawain bought four birds, two males and two females, but not the bright, tropical parrots most would have expected. The males are white with black and red while the females are a sort of olive green. Gawain learned that these pretty little birds are called Araripe Manakin by Muggles who only discovered the birds in 1996 and scientifically documented them in 1998. They've long been known in the Wizarding World and while not the most abundant species, they are also not uncommon. Muggles, on the other hand, think the Araripe Manakin are found in a very limited area and are extremely rare and endangered.

Gawain was really taken with the birds and when offered the four for such an excellent price, he'd bought two pair for his family and knowing by that time that Etta had drawn the Care of Magical Creatures professor's name in the Hogwarts Secret Santa he thought she might like to give the other pair to Jolyon Kent. When he'd told Etta he'd bought the birds, she'd excitedly agreed that Professor Kent should like such a gift. Gawain is bringing the birds to Hogwarts sometime this afternoon after Etta's done with Herbology.

Basil is also eating lunch right then. Like Etta he'd come from Defense Against the Dark Arts and like Etta he's got Potions next. Unlike Etta, after Potions Basil has History of Magic followed by Arithmancy & Divination. Unlike Etta, Basil has barely done any Christmas shopping. After he gets home tomorrow he'll see what his mum may have gotten for him to give others and then for anyone he still needs a gift for he'll either pay a visit to someplace easy for him to get to or he'll do last minute owl orders. The only friend he really cares about putting real thought into a gift for is Ivan Grimsby.

Like many Basil has put his name in for the Secret Santa draw. Like some, he cares more about getting yet one more gift than he does about putting care and thought into buying something for another person who he may or may not even know and if he knows may or may not give a fig about. As it is, Basil drew the name of someone he does know and does actually like. Unfortunately, that person is one of the staff. At first Basil was a little stressed at the thought of having Theodosia Batuti's name but then he thought how silly that was. It's not as though he's getting graded for it. It's not as though it really matters if she likes the gift or not. What matters is having her think it's the thought that counts.

With this in mind, while on the Escola Mágica de Brasil site seeing trip with shopping in Orquídea and Manaus Basil found a Brazilian headdress made of blue macaw feathers. He thought it pretty cool looking and thought it would make an interesting wall hanging or something along those lines. When wrapping the gift Basil even took the time to write a personal note with his thought about using the headdress as art. He'd put it under the tree in the commons before supper yesterday and found a gift with his name on it in the process. Alastor Jenkins had given him a bunch of Bertie Bott's and chocolate frogs, two of his favorites. In fact, by supper last night, Basil was pretty stuffed with the half the jelly beans already.

Finishing his lunch, Basil grabs up a large handful of frosted, decorated sugar biscuits, really wishing Potions were already out of the way.

Last Day
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   01-05-11 12:49

It was the last day of the term and the Slytherin common room was a pandemonium. There were students everywhere looking for lost belongings. Others were just spending their last day with their close friends, since soon they would be home for Christmas.

Gus was sat on a comfy armchair, surrounded like always by girls. They were all busy writing their addresses on a scroll so Gus could write to them during the holidays. He was happy and thankful to Merlin that the person he got for Secret Santa was a boy. If it was a girl then he knew all the other girls would be jealous he brought someone a present and they would want him to give them gifts as well.

He knew Augustus Hodfuffer more or less. He was on the third year and they had some classes together. Also they shared the same name, since everyone called Augusts, Gus. It wasn’t hard to find a present for Gus Hodfuffuer. Gus remembered a trip he did to the muggle world and there was this store named Nike with incredible sneakers. He also noticed how popular the store was and how all the muggle boys seemed to wear those sneakers. He wasn’t sure if Gus knew what Nike was but the sneakers were cool. Finding Gus’ size had not been a problem. He had asked Caerwyn Valentine about it during a quidditch practice and a trip to Gus’ dorm solved things out.

He received the scroll with the addresses promising he would try to write, although he knew he wasn't going to give himself the trouble to do so. Maybe he could write one letter and use a spell to copy and paste his words to the others.

On the other hand, Johanna was at her dorm, doing last minute packing. She had argued with Drizella because she hadn’t yet deliver her the comb she had borrowed her. Felicia had suggested they jinxed Drizella for her to learn, but Johanna didn’t felt like losing house points on the last day of the term.

Johanna had troubles finding a gift for her Secret Santa. She had no clue who exactly Hydrangea Marchbanks was until now. It was her cousin Luke who told her Hydrangea was from his house and attended the second year. Johanna talked to everyone she knew for ideas, and suggestions. Finally she ended up writing to her mother, who came up with the best suggestion: a watch. It was something useful, and Johanna hoped she liked the model she picked up for her.

Her mind went to Roger and how he told her he already had her Christmas gift. She wondered if she should bought him something or wait until she saw the promised present. Since that day at the play Roger didn’t spoke more about dates, but he now spent his days after Johanna, always eager to hang out with her. Both Gus and Felicia had noticed that. Gus just laughed and teased Roger, but Felicia seemed happy because if Johanna was busy with him, then she wouldn’t have time for Gus. Johanna had told her a million times she did not like Gus the way Felicia and the other girls did, but her best friend seemed convinced she was tricking everyone.

Finally she was done with all the packing and so she left the dorm seeking for her friends.

A Useful Gift
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   01-05-11 13:04

Mason Jeffers was a second year Slytherin student. Due to the big gap between ages, Nate did not know Mason at all, and so he didn’t know what to get him for the Secret Santa gift. Since he was an only child and he had never had younger siblings, it was hard for Nate to find out what to give Mason.

Lilac had gave him some advices based on her younger cousins tastes and personalities, but Nate rejected every single option. Her cousins were all such brats and rebels and as much as Nate loved them.

Lilac had invited him and his family to spend Christmas with her and all the Middletons. Although Nate was excited with the idea, the perspective scared him a little bit, because he knew how mischief Lilac’s cousins could be. He wished he was already 17 and could use his wand to defend himself.

Back to Mason, Nate thought his own gift idea had not been bad at all. He had brought Mason a wallet. It was an useful gift and it could be used both in the muggle and wizarding world. At first he thought on candies, and chocolates but that would be something he would use only once. The wallet at least had a big life time.

Nate left the Hufflepuff common room, eager to join Lilac for lunch at the Great Hall, hoping Mason Jeffers would enjoy his gift.

Last Class Of The Term
Author: Christopher Chant 
Date:   01-05-11 18:51

Christopher lets his eyes go to one of the windows in the Arithmancy & Divination tower. It's another clear, pretty winter day but he knows that on the other side of those panes of glass it's freezing out. If there's any sort of breeze, much less a full on wind, it's even more frigid. Even though the Quidditch team wears warm clothing during practices, sundown is early in this part of the world at this time of year, and temperatures drop even more. By the end of practice, Christopher always feels like he's ice coated and really looks forward to getting inside and getting warm again. Still, he sort of hates the thought of not having practice at all during the winter hols. Christopher doesn't want the team to get lazy and not be in top shape for the next IQT match.

Shifting his attention to Professor Sacheverelle, Christopher listens carefully to her instructions for this last Arithmancy & Divination class of the year. When he's done here he's going down to eat supper and then Cat and he decided to get together somewhere a little private and do a gift exchange. They thought it best not to try and meet up for that since her mother and sister might not approve of Cat exchanging gifts with him when they think she's too young to date exclusively. If they looked at him as just a friend who happens to be a guy, it would be different, or at least Cat and Christopher think so.

Cat's gift is the only non-relative gift he has left to give. He's already exchanged gifts with a few friends and he'd put theh Secret Santa gift for Adina Blackwood under the tree in the commons yesterday. Even though they are both on the IQT team, Christopher doesn't feel as though he knows much about Adina beyond that she's a second year Slytherin who moved to Great Britain from Greece. Cat knows less about her than he does but he still turned to her for help in gift buying during that last Hogsmeade trip. With Cat's help he picked out a pink cardigan that he hopes Adina will like.

With Professor Sacheverelle done giving instructions, Christopher gets busy, his mind now focused on the work at hand.

Another Sighting, Another Note
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   01-05-11 18:59

At the end of the day, Bill did one last check on security and then, with his staff, exited the building and locked the front doors. They all parted ways with friendly goodbyes, even the goblins who weren't always friendly by nature. Bill was the only one walking home. The others disapparated.

It was dark and very nearly the shortest day of the year. It was also quite cold. Bill wore a coat and turned up the collar to protect his neck. He had gloves on his hands and wished that he had thought to bring a hat to pull down over his exposed ears.

High Street wasn't empty, but the few people moving about were quick to get to their destinations. Bill moved as swiftly as he could on the frozen ground without slipping. He got as far as Briar's Bakery, when someone exiting Twice Told Tales caught his eye. It was a woman, and she wore a hood that partially obscured her face. Because she was walking in the same direction as Bill and because it was dark, he only caught a glimpse of what little he could see of her face.

Bill's heart leapt into his throat. There she was again, the same woman he'd seen at the Halloween party he and Fleur had attended last October. The same woman he'd been impossibly sure was Adriana Fairchild.

He set off after her, determined to find out what he already knew couldn't be true. The woman walked by The Imperial Crown & Cauldron and then took a right down the alleyway that ended at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Room. Bill turned the corner in time to see her disapparate.

He frowned, walking to the spot where he'd last seen her. Maybe he should have called out to her. But would she have stopped for some stranger in the dark?

Still frowning, Bill turned and started to resume his walk home. Just before he reached the High Street intersection again, Bill saw an envelope on the ground. If they weren't already doing so from the cold, all the hairs on his arms and on the back of his neck would have stood straight up.

Although it was upside down, he just knew the envelope was meant for him. Bill knelt and picked it up. He flipped it over and just barely stifled his gasp. His name was printed on the front in the same familiar handwriting that had appeared on all of the strange notes he'd so recently received.

Because it was awkward, opening the envelope with his gloves on, he hastily pulled them off. His breath fogged in front of his face as he tore into the envelope and pulled out the small card nestled within. On it was written This new year will go off with a bang.

Bill frowned. He'd been expecting a note from her on or around New Year's, because Charlie and Helena's relationship had fallen apart on New Year's Eve many years ago. He started to tuck the note back into its envelope, when he flipped it over instead. His eyes widened. He was looking at the save-the-date card for the wedding that never came to be.

Instead of crossing High Street and continuing on into his neighborhood, Bill turned left and went straight to Twice Told Tales. He yanked open the door and looked around for Julian or Lysander. Instead, he saw one of their employees at the front counter. Bill approached and said, "There was a woman in here a moment ago, wearing a black hood. Who was she?"

The wizard shrugged. "I know who you mean but I don't know who she was."

"Did she buy anything?"

"No, she just browsed the stacks for a little while. Then she left."

"What did she look like?"

"I didn't see all that well. She kept her hood up the entire time."

Bill frowned and looked around the store. "Is Valentine in, or Stratford?"

"I think they are busy, sir. Is there something I can help you find?"

Bill ignored the wizard and strode to where he knew Julian and Lysander kept their store office. Julian was at the desk and looked up at Bill first with surprise than annoyance.

"What do you want, Weasley?"

Bill tossed the card and envelope at Julian. "Someone just left me this."

While Julian scrutinized it, Bill said, "I'm almost certain she was in your store just a moment ago. You didn't see anyone wearing a dark hood, did you?"

"I've been in the office the last hour. I haven't seen anybody," Julian replied. "Who do you think she is?"

Bill hesitated. He knew what it would sound like if he said the truth.

Julian quirked his eyebrows. "Well?"

"I think it's Adriana."

Julian said nothing for a long moment and then said, "That's impossible."

"I know."

"I'm sure it was just someone who looks like her," Julian said. "Your eyes were probably playing tricks on you."

"I keep telling myself that."

"It's probably wishful thinking."

Bill couldn't tell if Julian was implying that he still had feelings for Adriana, such that they would jeopardize his relationship with Fleur were she really alive and not dead, or if Julian was simply making the statement that Bill was sorry Adriana had died.

He decided not to provoke Julian into an argument and said, "I know it can't be her, but whoever that woman is, I think she dropped this on the ground for me to find."

He hadn't seen it when he turned the corner and saw her disapparate, but maybe he'd just overlooked it. Or maybe she'd somehow reappeared behind his back without him knowing it.

Julian had turned over the card and was looking at the wedding announcement about Charlie and Helena. Bill wondered if Julian still missed Helena.

"Tell me what she looks like."

Bill did his best giving Julian a description, but it was hard when he'd seen so little and when his gut had told him it was someone she absolutely could not be. Julian mulled over the note and the woman for a while and then gave it back to Bill.

"I'll keep an eye out. It's in my interest, anyway. I don't like that someone is dredging up Helena's past."

Bill gave a curt nod. "I'll keep in touch if there are any further developments."

He left the room without another word and crossed the store to the front door. Bill stuffed the note into his pocket and pulled his gloves back on. He debated stopping by Charlie's house before going home, but he knew that Fleur was likely waiting for him. Perhaps he was go home first and then pay Charlie a much needed visit.

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