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Author: Carys 
Date:   02-27-11 12:26

"You know, sometimes I get the feeling I'm still at Hogwarts," Mindy Fort mused to her friends, Juliet Davis and Carys Hanham-Beauvais, when she spotted a few other familiar faces walk by in the corridor. The three old friends sat on a low wall that separated the hallway from an open nook, where there were some couches and tables and chairs.

"Why is that?" Carys asked. It had been longer since she'd last been a student at Hogwarts, and for her those days were long gone.

"Just look at everybody walking by," Mindy said, gesturing to a few individuals in particular. "I know he went to Hogwarts. Him too. And her."

Juliet laughed. "Most people who grew up in Britain went to Hogwarts and some time or another."

Mindy rolled her eyes. "I know that, but what I mean is I recognize all sorts of people from when we were at Hogwarts."

Carys turned her attention to people-watching as well. While it was true that she recognized a few faces from those long ago days, she still didn't feel like she was at Hogwarts. There wasn't an Argus Filch to chase them off the wall, or a Severus Snape to give them detention just because he felt like it.

She slid off the wall and picked up the backpack that she'd dropped onto the floor earlier. "I should be going," she said to her friends.

"To class?" Juliet asked.

"No, to work," Carys replied. "I never did finish developing all the photos I took over the weekend."

There had been an international festival of sorts on campus, with lots of booths featuring everything from exotic foods to cultural dress. She'd taken tons of photographs while there, and though the article featuring the festival had long had its run in Emrys Everyday, future stories on student clubs and cultural studies were in the works. Carys wanted to sort through the rest of her photos to see if there would be anything else worth using.

She bid her friends adieu and made her way for the newspaper's offices. Once there, she dropped her backpack onto the desk she sometimes used and entered the dark room. As usual, when she entered the room, she immediately thought of Decimus Clarke, but the thought was fleeting, since she had a lot of work to do.

Carys worked on developing the rest of her film from the weekend, stopping only to get something to drink and later to have an afternoon snack. As the afternoon progressed, she decided she had several photos that would work for other articles and set them aside for future use. Just as she was about to gather up the rest, an image caught her eye. In the foreground, Carys had captured a group of students looking at beaded jewelry at one of the tables at the festival. The background wasn't in focus, but what she could see made her shiver.

In the top right corner of the photograph, a terrified witch seemed to be abducted by a wizard. He had his hand clamped around her mouth, a large hand that obscured most of her face. All Carys could really see of her was her large, frightened eyes. The wizard had his back to the camera, so Carys couldn't identify him at all.

The image made no sense. There had been a lot of people at the festival, so how come no one noticed the man trying to drag away the woman? Carys supposed that maybe somebody had, but she also thought that something like that might have been newsworthy enough for the newspaper to write about. So what was really going on in the image?

Carys took the photograph out of the dark room and showed it to the first person she could find.

What's the Big Deal?
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   02-27-11 13:54

"Do you find her attractive?"

The question took Lysander by surprise and also abruptly pulled him back to the present. He turned and looked at Astrid, who strolled down High Street beside him. It was still winter, but for some reason, today didn't feel quite so miserable as days past.

"Who?" Lysander asked, genuinely confused for a moment.

Astrid looked over her shoulder, at the retreating witch they'd just passed. "Her. The one everyone is always talking about. Adriana, is her name?"

Lysander laughed, though his laugh sounded a bit strangled. "Why are you pretending like you don't know her name?"

Adriana had stopped by Twice Told Tales some time ago, during which occasion Lysander and introduced Astrid to Adriana and vice versa.

"It's just that everyone is acting like she's the best thing since sliced bread, and I really don't see what the big deal is," Astrid replied, with a shrug of her shoulders. "You didn't answer my question."

Lysander took Astrid by the hand and said, "I've never been attracted to Adriana, and "best" isn't exactly the term anyone is using for her at the moment. She came back from the dead, Astrid. It's shocking, and everyone who knew her from long ago has cause to wonder what she's up to now that she's back."

"Okay, but is she attracted to you?" Astrid asked.

Lysander shot her a sideways glance. "Did you get that impression?"

"No, not really. She just seemed really glad to reconnect with you, is all."

Lysander shook his head. "You did notice that just now when we crossed paths she only murmured hi and then went on her way? Besides, she used to date Bill Weasley."

"He is kind of cute."

Lysander scowled.

Astrid laughed playfully. "You're too easy, you know that?"

They reached Blossom's, where they picked up Charlotte, who showed off some artwork she made in class today. Lysander promised he would hang up the artwork like the proud dad he was and then watched as Astrid challenged Charlotte to a race back to Twice Told Tales.

Astrid sprinted away, leaving Charlotte laughing hysterically and calling out, "Astriiiiiiiiid! Wait for me!"

Lysander chuckled as he watched his daughter chase after Astrid. Then he jumped, startled, as someone fell into step beside him. It was Kristos Fox.

"Who's Astrid?"

Author: Ginny Weasley 
Date:   02-27-11 15:18


Towel wrapped around her head and robe over her body, Ginny leans partway out the loo door. "What is it with my brothers that none of them remember how to knock when coming into my home?" Ginny tersely asks.

Fred goes wide eyed and innocent, raising up his hands in surrender. "I did knock."

"Yes, you knocked as you walked in yelling my name."

"But I knocked."

Ginny rolls her eyes, arms folding, one hip cocking slightly, this is followed by eyebrows arching and lips set in a tight line.

Maintaining the wide eyed innocence, Fred shrugs. "What? It's not like you were up here getting rug burns with Harry."

"Ew on your phrasing but for all you know I might have been."

"You had Quidditch practice and got home less than 20 minutes ago. Heard you come up."

"And what if Harry had been with me? Twenty minutes is plenty of time to get up to something."

"But he wasn't and you weren't."

"You didn't know that!" Ginny makes an exasperated sound before asking, "What is it you're wanting anyway?"

Fred gets a funny look on his face then does a one shouldered shrug. "I forget."

He moves back towards the door he came through, gets a thoughtful expression as on his face, mimics coming up the stairs then loudly says with A-HA undertones, "Jewelry!"


"Yeah. Jewelry." Fred pulls out two different jewel boxes and after opening one he hands it to Ginny then opens the other for her to see. "If you were Blossom, which would you want for Valentine's? She's getting both, but the other will be for Mum's Day."

The box Ginny's holding has a bracelet with five heart charms on it. Ginny notes that each heart is inscribed with the name of Fred's and Blossom's children and has a corresponding birthstone. The box in Fred's hand are gorgeous earrings in sort of cascading three heart design with sapphires. Ginny reaches out to tap the earring box. "These, definitely."

"You're sure?"

"Positive. The bracelet is very much a Mum's Day gift while these," she taps the jeweler's box again, "are most definitely Valentine's worthy."

"That's what I was thinking but thought having a girl's point of view would be good. Thanks."

"You got a sitter so Mum and Dad can go out as we all planned?"

"Yes, but they think they're going to care for all the grandkids. We're going to wait to spring it on them. The reservations have been made for them at a highly rated New York City restaurant. Charlie firetalked with the place and arranged for payment. After that, it's off to a Muggle play somewhere called Broadway."

"Was my share enough or do I need to put more money in the pot?"

"I'm pretty sure it was enough but I'll have Charlie let you know for sure."

"Thank you. Were you needing anything else because if not, I would like to dry my hair and get dressed. I'm meeting Luna for supper."

"How is Loony these days."

"Don't call her that. She's great. Dating someone and it's serious."

"Give her my regards. Thanks for the help."

Fred goes down the stairs two at a time, leaving the door standing wide open. Typical.

Ginny shuts it with more force then necessary then hurries to finish getting ready.

Author: Illyria 
Date:   02-27-11 19:34

Illyria stifled a yawn with the palm of her hand. Her first class of the evening was set to begin in a few minutes. It was a bad sign that she was tired already when she couldn't go to sleep until very late. Maybe she'd catch a second wind sooner than later. She hoped so.

She greeted her Gryffindor and Hufflepuff second years as they trickled into the room. Tonight's lesson was being held in the classroom with the enchanted ceiling rather than the observation deck, although tonight would be a good night for a view of the sky. There wasn't a cloud to be seen, and while it was still cold, and much more so now that the sun had been down for hours, it wasn't snowy or windy.

Professor Quigley had requested the deck for her class, however. Illyria was starting to regret agreeing to the request, if only because fresh air might wake her up.

She turned away from her students and yawned once more to the back of her hand. Then she raised her wand to the ceiling and conjured the constellation Columba.

Professor Jones turned around and asked, "Who can tell me about this constellation?"

Hydrangea Marchbanks said, "The constellation is called Columba, which means dove in Latin."

"Very good. Five points to Gryffindor. Columba is a relatively new creation. The sixteenth century Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius created it in 1592. The original name is Columba Noachi, or Noah's dove."

Illyria zeroed in on the brightest star in the constellation. "This is Alpha Columbae. You might find it written down as a Columbae or a Col. It's also known as Phact. Phact is the Arabic word for dove."

Most of her students took down notes, though a few looked as sleepy as Illyria felt and simply looked up at the ceiling with tired eyes. Illyria felt another yawn coming on but swallowed it as started talking about Columba in Chinese astronomy.

Kittens And Curiosity
Author: Coco Nutt 
Date:   02-28-11 16:28

Coco hands her patient's owner a lolly then gives the puppy a bone shaped peanut butter flavored dog biscuit as she tels the boy and his mum, "Gadzooks is fine and shouldn't need a follow up."

The mother says, "He's due for a regular check up next month. I know it's all right to just drop in for that sort of thing but I prefer scheduling something."

"The appointment book is at the counter," Coco tells her, holding the exam room door open.

Coco sets the check up appointment for Gadzooks and fills out a card with the information then writes up the bill for services just rendered. After Gadzooks and his two humans have gone, both the veterinary clinic and shoppe sections are quite apart from the various sounds made by animals being boarded or for sale. Indigo left for lunch with a short time ago and his sister Lisi who often helps out has morning classes at St. Emrys. Coco has two morning classes and has another this afternoon but by then Lisi should be here and Indi returned.

Coco returns to the exam room long enough to do a quick cleaning then moves to the shoppe to feed fish in the aquariums lining a section of one wall. She's just finishing up with the bell above the door merrily jingles. Coco walks in that direction and finds a man peering at the five kittens sprawling all over each other sleeping after only minutes ago rowdily playing.

"Hi, welcome to McFusty's Pets. May I help you?"

"How much are the kittens?"

"Which one? There are two different breeds with slightly different prices and as usual, the cost of a female differs a little from a male."

"I'm interested in that one and the one there," he tells her, pointing out a long haired black and white kitten and another long haired kitten that's solid black.

"Those two are from the same litte. The black and white is female and the all black is male." Coco states the price for each then asks, "Would you like to hold them?"

"Yes, and I'm going to get them both. I've been promising my children since last fall they may each have a cat but kept putting it off. My daughter said something this morning again so my wife and I are thinking kittens for Valentine's."

As he's telling her this Coco's retrieved the two sleepy kittens from the window display. She hands them to the man who cradles them both close to his chest where the cuddle close and drowse, one of them starting to loudly purr. The man and Coco discuss what the kittens will need to settle into their new home with Coco leading him to the aisles with those items. Once they have everything, including two cat carriers, Coco starts ringing up the sale. The man is putting collars on the kittens, asking how to go about getting name tags for each and from there Coco and he talk about when to bring the kittens back in for spaying and neutering, check ups, and that sort of thing.

Coco is bending over to get a bag for some of the small items, such as water and food dishes, when the man tilts his head and looks at her with eyes slightly squinted. Catching him looking at her he explains, "I keep thinking you remind me of someone but I can't think who that might be. Maybe I knew your parents at Hogwarts or something like that."

"Don't know who my father is. Mum never told him about me. Mum was a Muggle."


"She died of a brain aneurysm shortly after I was born."

"That's awful. I'm so sorry."

"No need to be but thank you for saying."

"She was a Muggle you say? I may still have known her long ago. One spring and summer there was a group of us who hung out with a bunch of Muggles our same ages." He squints at Coco again and after a several second pause states more than asks, "You favor your mum?"

"Everyone who knew her says I look just like her other than my natural hair color. I've seen pictures and though I see a big resemblance I personally don't see a mirror likeness."

"She was blonde, wasn't she? And her name started with a B... Bryony though she rarely went by it. She had a nickname."

"That's right, Butyr for her buttery blonde hair."

"With an odd spelling. I'm remember now. She said she wanted to be a free spirit so picked a spelling she liked better if everyone was going to insist on calling her that."

"Yeah, though my grandparents said it was because she was only four when she first tried spelling it and that's why the spelling wasn't right."

"If I remember correctly the story she told, the nickname also stuck because of her last name being Nutt, extra t on it, and there being that nut called a butternut and also the butternut squash." He looks lost in thought for a moment before adding, "Everyone really liked your mum. I hate that she passed on so young."

"So when exactly was it that you knew her?"

"Let's see... That would have been spring and summer of '84."

That time period has some significance for Coco so she asks, "Did you know my mum well?"

"Yeah, I would say so." Realization dawns on what Coco's actually wanting to know. He grins and says with a shake of his head, "I knew her well but not that well. I was already seeing the girl who's now my wife."

Coco has never been hugely curious about her father. When she has wondered about him it's been only mild curiosity at times such as learning about the Wizarding World and wondering whether her father was a Muggle and Coco just one of the lucky few to have that special whatever that makes her a witch or if he was a wizard who passed the magic along to her. Faced now with an opportunity to possibly learn something about the man who gave her half of her DNA, that curiosity rears its head again prompting Coco to ask, "Do you remember if there was anyone in particular she favored?"

"There was. On the tall side. Muscular but not overly so. Dark headed. Good athlete. What was his name? Hmmmmmm."

After another long pause of silence between them he gives a shake of his head, lips drawn together in a frown. "Sorry, but the name isn't coming to me. I'll ask my wife. Her memory with names is better than mine. If she can't remember we can ask some of friends who were part of the group."

"If it's not too much trouble, I'd really appreciate that."

The man puts out a hand to shake hands with Coco. "I'm Glenn Davies by the way."

"Coco Nutt."

"Real name or nickname?"

"Real. Mum picked it out before I was born and with parents named Walter, who goes by Wal, and Hazel, she thought it was a perfect fit."

Glenn chuckles. "From what I remember, that sounds just like her. Well, let me pay for everything and get these kittens home to my son and daughter. They are going to be pleasantly surprised. I'll ask my wife what she remembers of that spring and summer and come by one day next week."

"Thank you," Coco replies, helping him juggle the bags and the two cat carriers. "I hope your children love the kittens."

"Oh, they will!"

Coco holds the door for Glenn Davies then returns to puttering around the shoppe and clinie, for the first time in her life finding herself burning with curiosity about her father and filled with hope that Glenn and his wife are able to come up with a name.

(Kate) Friends
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   02-28-11 18:43

Although most of her classmates were in a hurry to leave Transfiguration after Professor Black dismissed class, Kate stayed a moment to copy down the homework assignment from the blackboard. When she exited the classroom a short while later, she found Johanna, Felicia and Gus waiting in an alcove in the hallway.

Kate showed her surprise. "You didn't have to wait for me. I would have found you in the Great Hall."

Gus got up, unfolding his long, muscular body as he did so, much to the delight of passing girls in the hallway, and said, "If you were going to stay behind to ask Professor Black questions, then we would have. Since you were only taking notes, which by the way, I'll need to copy, we decided to wait."

Johanna looked pointedly at Kate and said, "Don't lend him your notes. He needs to learn to do his own work for a change."

They set off down the corridor in the direction of the Great Hall.

"As long as there are girls willing to do my homework for me, why should I bother with it myself?" Gus replied, shooting Johanna a lopsided grin that would have caused anyone else to swoon.

Kate laughed. "But what will you do when it's time to write a test?"

Felicia said, "Copy off his neighbor, of course."

They bantered in the same manner all the way to the Great Hall. Perhaps in another time, Kate might have felt strange being friends with a bunch of Slytherins, but nowadays she hardly noticed that she was the odd one out in their small group. At least, she didn't when she was around Gus, Johanna and Felicia. With Mark, it was often another story.

He was already seated at the Slytherin table when they entered the Great Hall. Kate thought about excusing herself from the group to talk to her roommates, who had also beaten her to the Great Hall after class, but Johanna was already pulling her down onto the bench next to her.

Kate sat, staring at the wood grain of the table. Only after a while, did she raise her eyes to Mark, but he wasn't looking at her at all. He was actively listening to the continued banter between Gus and the other two girls. Kate relaxed then and helped herself to a meatball sandwich.

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