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Fourth Year Runes
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   04-03-11 19:08

As AJ's third years pack up to go he reminds, "Quiz on Monday. Five questions. Don't forget."

There's a chorus of affirmative replies mixed in with a few groans and then the classroom is empty and quiet, the sounds of the thirds years reaching him from the hallway as they make their way to either Transfiguration or Charms, depending on their respective houses.

AJ has fourth years next and in the time before they begin arriving, he uses his wand to replace information for the third years with that for the fourth years. It doesn't take long so AJ occupies the next few minutes with eating a buttery scone and drinking tea that he'd brewed earlier. Though the tea had long since cooled a rapid heating charm had the kettle whistling within a short time.

When the fourth years do arrive, AJ is standing at the door to greet them, pointing to one of the blackboards where a runic inscription is written. "You have until five minutes after 11 to translate. I'll collect your work so be sure you have something legible and be sure to write your name on your parchment."

That some students arrive several minutes before others and thus have more time to work on the translation shouldn't be much of a factor. The inscription is short and should be easy and take no more than a minute to figure out. Promptly at 11:05 by the classroom clock, AJ calls, "Time. Quills down. Pass in your work."

Once he's got everyone's work in hand AJ points to the inscription again. "What does it say?"

Hands shoot up with Alastor Jenkins just barely edging out Maria Rose as the first one fully up. "Yes, Alastor?"

"The best translation is Hogwarts."

"Correct. Three points. Mark, identify the first rune."

Mark Farnon looks to the board as if to remind himself of what he'd just seen there. "Hagalaz," he replies.

"Yes, and the next, Maria?"


They run through the remaining runes then AJ has them moving on to several incriptions written by a Hogwarts Ancient Runes professor in 1849. AJ has the class translating aloud the first two then has them spend the rest of the period working in pairs to translate the rest with him drifting around the room to provide assistance as needed.

Just Shy Of Making A Scene
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   04-03-11 20:15

I'm on the rotation for late afternoon/evening at the restaurant and after yesterday and several hours this morning cleaning out and reorganizing a storage closet I needed to get out of house and it not be to the Crown & Cauldron. It was as good a time as any to pick up a few thing in Diagon Alley, window shopping along the way. There's a cute dark pink dress on display at Narcissa's but I know if I were to go in and try it on I'd want it and I'd end up getting it only to feel guilty about spending that much money on a dress. Narcissa's is fully of very pretty things but almost all of them are overpriced in my opinion but that's designer labels for you.

As I'm turning away from staring at the dress I catch a glimpse of someone turning down Knockturn Alley. There's a sharp, loud intake of breath that I belatedly realize was made by me. I'd not had a Forest sighting since Aberdeen. Determined not to lose him yet again I hurry forward, shifting bags as I go to enable me to walk even faster. I make the corner, easily spotting the tall figure. "Forest! Forest Woods!"

He keeps walking so I go even faster, narrowing the distance between us. "FOREST!" I practically bellow, causing the heads of the few others along this part of Knockturn Alley to turn. He stops, swiveling as well to see who's yelling so loudly.

He sees me, making direct eye contact. Now I'm the one stopping, breath gone out of me almost as if I've had a physical blow to the chest. Feeling extremely deflated now, heart still racing I apologetically say, "I'm sorry. I was so certain you were someone else I wasn't thinking about the spectacle I was making."

The stranger gives me an understanding smile. "No harm done. Always nice to have a beautiful woman running after me even if by mistake."

I smile sheepishly as his smile widens slightly. As I turn to go back to Diagon Alley the bags I carry suddenly feel as though their weight has increased tenfold. My walk now is more of a trudge and the sheepish smile has turned to a dour frown. That man does look a great deal like Forest did but there are enough differences that he clearly is not Forest. I can't help but wonder if he's who I've seen each time I was convinced I spotted Forest. Someone who looks a lot like Forest has always been a possibility though deep down I was in denial that it was anyone but Forest. Having met this man face to face now, close enough to touch, I have to admit I must have been wrong all this time. I should also let Prunella and those at the Ministry who'd been working with me know.

Back on Diagon Alley again it strikes me a little late that I should have asked his name. I don't really need it but when I tell the others it would have been nice to give them a name. I look over my shoulder at the entrance to Knockturn Alley but, shrugging, continue along Diagon Alley to finish my business. I have no idea the man's destination and am not about to search from shoppe to shoppe in Knockturn Alley just to ask the man his name. Not only are some of those shoppes somewhat skeevy, the man might get the wrong idea about my level of interest in him. I'll just let it go. Maybe I'll run into him again and if I do, perhaps I'll remember to ask his name then.

Labor Omnia Vincit
Author: Ronan Eastwick 
Date:   04-04-11 05:43

When Ronan returned to Farnwall after his lunch break, he found the office virtually deserted. It was a typical discovery. The first few times it had surprised Ronan a little bit, but now he had grown used to the fact that his coworkers generally took longer than their hour-long allotted lunch break. Even his boss, Rocco, tended to skive off work for a few hours. Sometimes Ronan couldn't help but wonder how the company managed to maintain operations when few of its employees worked the hours they should.

He went straight to his desk and sat down. No post had come for him while he'd been at lunch, so he checked all his accounts next to see if any of his clients who ordered parchment on a set schedule were due their orders. None were.

Ronan leaned back in his chair and drummed his fingers on his desk. He looked at all the empty desks around him. The few coworkers who were in the office and not on an extended lunch busied themselves with some work and were too engrossed with what they were doing to notice Ronan.

He didn't have anything pressing to do at the moment. He laughed to himself, thinking about how he should have followed everyone else's example and dined out longer. Maybe then work would have been waiting for him when he returned.

Then something else came to mind. This was finals week at St. Emrys, and Ronan had tests for which to study. In fact, he had an exam this evening after he got off work.

He reached down at the briefcase at his feet and pulled out the textbook he carried for tonight's class. Ronan figured as long as he didn't have anything else to do, he might as well study. It might not be work related, but it was still hard work.

A No Show Parent
Author: Blossom 
Date:   04-04-11 18:07

"Still a no show?"

Blossom accepts Fred's kiss on her cheek before answering, "No, and I'm starting to worry. It's not like Marva to be this late without letting me know."

Fred peeks into the room where the triplets are playing with Allison McReady. All the other children who'd been to the daycare/preschool today have been picked up. Everyone else who worked has gone home as well. The only other Blossom's employees still there are working shifts at the gaming center, which stays open until 10 on a regular weeknight.

"Where are Freddie and Fabian? Never mind. I see them."

The twins are in a far corner of the same room as the other four children, helping each other stack blocks then knocking them down, occassionally giggling and jabbering at each other. Fred's next question is, "Considering contacting Sidney?"

"It's crossed my mind. Marva would be pissed but if she doesn't show up, send word, and has made no advanced arrangements, I don't know what else I'm supposed to do."

Marva's and Sidney's divorce had been less than amicable. They have shared custody with Marva having the bulk of it and with Sidney looking for reasons to use to flip that. With Marva increasingly later at picking Allison up, though she's been good until now to let someone at Blossom's know, Sidney could use this against Marva. If Blssom has to contact Allison's father to come get the girl, Sidney would want to know why Marva hasn't asked him herself to pick up Allison today. Getting into the middle of a custody battle is not something Blossom is keen to do, especially when until today Marva has been very responsible.

Fred has put his arms around Blossom in a hug. She rests her head against his chest for a moment before stepping back to glance again at Allison. "I'm ready to go home and I know the kids are past ready for supper. I'll leaving a note on the door for Marva that we've taken Allison home with us."

"And Sidney?"

"If Marva hasn't come by eight, I'm going to let him know though we're fine with Allison staying the night."

Fred nods as he says, "How about as late as it is for the kids, we order in? I'll stick my head in the floo and get the order made."

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Pizza and spaghetti?"

"That's fine with me."

Fred goes to place the order with A Little Pizza Heaven while Blossom gets the twins and tells Larkin, Seth, Gideon, and Allison, "Time to go. Allison, you're going to come to our house and have pizza and spaghetti."

The five year old Allison likes that idea saying, "I love pasgetti!"

A few minutes later Fred and Blossom work together to use the floo to get all six children from the daycare/preschool to their home, a note for Marva tacked to the front door of Blossom's.

Great Trip So Far (Marjani)
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   04-06-11 21:23

After spending a few minutes debating what dessert to get, Marjani places her order then gets up to join a couple of others at one portion of the clear restaurant wall to peer out at what's swimming by. The underwater restaurant is just about the coolest eatery she's ever been in. There are even places that bubble out so that when you stick your head in you feel even more like you are immersed and close up, as if wearing a bubble helmet or something. Adding to everything is the fact that the food was so good Marjani had an urge to lick each of her plates so far. If dessert is as good, she thinks she might give in to the urge.

She points her camera at a school of fish gliding by and, as she's done each time she's taken a picture of waters around the restaurant, she hopes it turns out. For that matter, Marjani hopes all her pictures from today and yesterday turn out. Danal de Magie Académie is amazing looking, with the ice castle that is the school itself sparkling and casting a rainbow of colors in sunlight. The underground cavern where the pitch is located is just as amazing and thanks to magic, is the perfect temperature. If not for the bitter cold above ground - colder to her even than Hogwarts is - Marjani would love to go to school at Danal de Magie Académie.

After practice this morning everyone from Hogwarts had gone on a whale watching expidition. Spotting a few of the majestic creatures was grand but Marjani's favorite were the dolphins and seals. A couple of dolphins even came right up to the boat she was on! Oh, how she would have loved to have touched one but the guide on her boat had been eagle eyed at making sure none on his boat broke the rules. Now though Marjani dearly wants to go on one of those swim with the dolphin excursions she's heard about. Maybe she can talk Dosie into doing that over summer hols. Maybe to Costa Rica. Dosie has said a few times how much she'd like to visit there.

Her dessert is arriving already so Marjani reluctently pulls herself away from her viewing spot. At least one thing nice about this place is that all the outer walls have excellent views and all the tables are positioned so that diners can enjoy those excellent views. Marjani retakes her seat, eager to get her first taste of the dessert. As pumped up as she's been about the day, she still finds herself yawning. If she were at Hogwarts she'd probably already be in bed.

At least she'll sleep well tonight and hopefully that will mean getting up for tomorrow's practice will be easy. There's another big trip scheduled for the afternoon, which means more pictures to take. Marjani also hopes to find something else for Zuberi. She'd gotten a couple of things for him today when they'd had time to shop in Victoria and she's pretty sure Dosie got him some things as well. In fact, at one point they'd both reached for the exact some t-shirt at the same time.

Olive asks her a question just then so Marjani splits her attention between eating her fabulous dessert and talking to Olive and the others at the table. Before long, everyone's finished with their desserts and the group is returning to Danal de Magie Académie.

Surprise Potions Exam
Author: Majandra 
Date:   04-07-11 19:26

Majandra leaves her classroom when the first year Gryffindor and Slytherin do to take a quick break to the loo. When she returns most of the second year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws have arrived. Promptly at 11, Maj tells them, "Clear everything off your work stations that is not potions making related."

Most likely warned by the Tuesday-Thursday class of second years, most everyone present has already done that. Maj holds up mossy green envelopes about the size of those use for standard greeting cards. "For those of you who have not been filled in by your Gryffindor and Slytherin classmates, today is an unannounced exam. As I walk around to each of you, you will randomly select one of these envelopes. DO NOT OPEN YOUR ENVELOPE UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO. When you receive your envelope, write your name clearly across the front."

Maj makes a pass through the room allowing each student to pick an envelope though not letting any one of them take overly long in doing so. Once back at the front of the room she tells them, "Inside each envelope is a card with step by step instructions. No card has the name of the potion you each will be making. No two cards have the same set of instructions. No cards today are duplicates of those used in yesterday's class. You will have exactly 35 minutes. You will have an additional minute after you open your envelopes to read through your cards and begin gathering and preparing ingredients. Any questions?"

One hand shoots up. "Yes, Ichabod?"

"Are these potions we've made before?"

"Possibly," Maj vaguely replies on purpose, a hint of a smile on her lips. "Any other questions? No? Write your name on the card as well and at the end of 35 minutes place it back in the envelope. All right then, you may now carefully open your envelopes."

There's a brief shuffling sound of paper as the envelopes are opened and cards pulled out. A brief pause. Then second years scrambling around to get the ingredients stipulated on their cards. At the end of one minute Maj announces, "Your 35 minutes start now."

Maj spends those minutes walking the room, observing, answering questions as clearly as she had Ichabod's and offering that hint of a smile when it's obvious that those asking the questions aren't pleased with how she's responding. As the 35 minutes draws to a close, she returns to the front of the class.

"Time. Stop working. Cards back in envelopes. Bottle a sample of your work. Be sure to label your vials. Once I have your vial in hand you may begin cleaning your work area."

When the samples have all been collected, Maj adds, "As soon as your station is clean, get out your homework."

In the remaining time left Maj goes over the homework the class had been assigned on Wednesday. As the period comes to an end she says, "No homework over the weekend. Anyone not eligible for the IQT match tomorrow? No? Excellent. I shall see you all tomorrow then."

With that Maj excuses them. The second years are eager to get to lunch and eager for the day to end as that means tomorrow's departure for Canada is that much closer. Maj is as excited as they are she thinks. She's also very hungry so after a quick sweep through the room to double check that the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs cleaned their work areas as they should have, she's off to the Great Hall for lunch.

Nagging Feeling
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   04-08-11 04:47

Lysander knelt in the stacks at Twice Told Tales and emptied a box of new arrivals. The books had already been sorted through and their prices determined and now only needed to be placed on the shelves.

The bookstore had seen spurts of activity all morning. Some moments, a line queued up at the counter. Other times, there wasn't a single customer in the building. When it was slow, Lysander always stepped away from the counter to work on something else.

Right now, he had no one to wait on, which he found somewhat unusual, since some customers came in during their lunch breaks from work. Julian had just stepped out to get them some Chinese take-out. Dexter lolled about in a patch of sun.

Lysander picked up Mind Control: How Obliviation Works out of the box and debated where best to put it.

Meanwhile, the bell over the front door chimed. Lysander poked his head out of the stacks to acknowledge his new customer and immediately frowned.

"Kristos. What are you doing here?" Lysander asked.

Kristos looked around the room while he approached Lysander.

"Do you ever get the feeling that you've forgotten something you really ought to remember?" Kristos asked at last, when he came to a stop in front of Lysander.

Lysander felt his blood run cold. There wasn't any possible way that Kristos knew what he had done, was there? He hadn't gotten his memories back and wasn't bating Lysander with what he knew, was he?

"Sure," Lysander finally said. "Sometimes you get that nagging feeling..." He trailed off, wishing he knew where Kristos was going.

Kristos' eyes fell on the book Lysander was still holding.

Lysander looked down, for a moment having forgotten which book it was.

Then Kristos chuckled. "I guess you could say I feel like I've been obliviated."

"I'm not sure wizards who've been obliviated would even remember that there's something they've forgotten," Lysander commented, shelving the book in the first spot he found space. "Besides, it never fails that you eventually remember what it is you think you've forgotten. It just might not be when you need to remember it most."

Lysander desperately longed to change the subject. "What brings you to the shoppe, Kristos?"

"I'm in need of reading material. Can you make me a recommendation? Also, is your wife's cousin single?"

The first question immediately slipped from Lysander's mind. "Astrid?"

"That's right."

"She's... not available."

"Really? That's too bad." Kristos grinned, the womanizer in him visible for a moment. "I'm just going to browse for a bit," he said then, indiciating to the stacks with his index finger.

"Sure," Lysander murmured. He watched Kristos until he slipped out of sight. Then, Lysander resumed unpacking the box of books, but his mind wasn't on his work. All he could think about was the fact that his obliviation spell on Kristos might be failing.

Another Cultural Experience
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   04-08-11 14:42

Canada isn't all that much more of a culture shock, like some of the other schools had been - however, the igloos and the ice castle that made up the Danal de Magie Academy made everything spectacular. They'd arrived Thursday afternoon and they'd gone on a whale watching expedition that had scored both Isma and Blake some fantastic pictures of seals, dolphins, orcas and even a minke whale.

After that they'd both spent some of their shopping allowance (which was quite large for the international trips) in the Victoria shopping district before being transported to the undersea restaurant that was absolutely fantastic. They'd both snapped wonderful pictures of the sea life that was visable throughout the entire area.

Blake had ordered a chicken and scallop dish that smelled absolutely wonderful and Isma had ordered a steak and garlic butter shrimp dish. They shared bits and pieces of each other's meal and found that they loved all of it. They were almost tempted to forget about dessert but when they'd seen the plates of decadant sweets being delivered to the table where Marjani and Olive were sitting they ordered something to finish off their meal. Blake ordered a thick slice of vanilla bean cheesecake drizzled with a raspberry sauce and Charisma had ordered a chocolate lava cake that had caramel and chocolate sauce drizzled on the plate and four small scoops of vanilla ice cream off to the sides.

Friday morning had dawned and had proven to be a fantastic day full of wonderful experiences and more pictures piling up for Blake and Isma alike. They had practice earlier in the morning and by one in the afternoon after lunch they were aboard flying caribou driven sleighs for the arial animal watching outing. Isma, Blake, Mason Jeffers, and Alastor Jenkins (the four of them had ended up in the same sleigh) had placed bets on which of the four of them would find a polar bear first. Just a little trinket would be all that the winner would get, and it would be Isma that spotted the first polar bear, which meant that each of the boys would be picking out something for her when they had some free time for shopping.

After the trip, they spent time exploring, Isma bought a few things to send back to her Mum and Dad, and something for Eric and a few more things for herself. She was looking forward to dinner tonight at The Borealis, hoping that the food was just as wonderful as it was in the undersea place that they'd gone last night for dinner.

Tomorrow would be all about getting ready for the match at one, and Isma was looking forward to it because this time she would be in the starting line up for Hogwarts - something that hasn't happened yet this season. For now, she and Blake were milling about the shoppes before dinner.

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