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Working Late
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   05-10-11 22:13

Zabrynna looks up from the essay she's reading over when she hears Miranda stirring. She listens for sounds that Miranda might be bothered that Zabrynna is still up but after a few seconds the slight noise is gone leading her to think that the sounds were from Miranda turning in her sleep or from Miranda dreaming. Still, Zabrynna puts her work down and slides off the bed to first make sure the bed curtains are closed well on each of the other beds and finds that Cordelia is snoring so lightly that it's not until Zabrynna is checking for gaps in Cordelia's bed curtains that she's even aware of it.

As long as she's up, Zabrynna readies for bed, changing into a pair of soft flannel and a favorite fleece top. It might be spring but this is Scotland and even with the castle spelled to help keep down drafts, there is a chill in the room. When she returns from brushing her teeth, she closes her own bed's curtains, puts out the light on the nightstand and climbs on top of her bed. A quiet, "Lumos," has the end of her wand glowing, lighting the now enclosed bed. Zabrynna checks for gaps in the curtains then puts her wand where it will be easiest for her to see to read.

Zabrynna had spent much of the Easter holiday with her father. She spent time with Mariposa as well but her sister had gone home for Easter itself and Mariposa had also spent a few days off somewhere with her boyfriend, AJ Hodfuffer. They've been dating for awhile now but Zabrynna still finds it a little uncomfortable, especially since Professor Hodfuffer not only teaches her in Ancient Runes but he's her employer as well. Even though her father has been giving Zabrynna an allowence since the day he showed up at school to explain about separating from Margretta and to apologize for some things, Zabrynna likes the work she does for Professor Hodfuffer so has continued working for him. As the dates for the NEWTs get closer, Zabrynna might have to quit or take a leave because she'll have eleven NEWTs to take, with a number of them being broken into two separate exams, the written and the practical.

During the holiday Zabrynna had completed all the homework given by those professors who gave such assignments. She'd even gotten in a tiny bit of NEWT studying. She's behind now though because she got up ill on Sunday morning. Zabrynna wasn't so sick she couldn't take the train but it did make for a very long, miserable ride. By the time the Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station Zabrynna was deeply regretting not having said something to her father that morning about how bad she felt. Nolan had come to see her off and could tell Zabrynna was under the weather but she'd assured him it wasn't anything and not to worry. She'd gone straight to see Madam Pomfrey who gave Zabrynna a potion that tasted faintly of tart apples. Zabrynna had missed all six of her Monday classes. She felt a great deal better on Tuesday but still missed all three of those classes. She'd gone to the six today and had caught up with Professor Miller to find out what she needs to do for next Monday's Muggle Studies.

With classes until five and only the one hour for lunch, Zabrynna has a huge amount of work to catch up on and has been steadily working since having a little soup at suppertime. She's totally knackered now, or to use one of her mum's favorite expressions, she's shattered. Zabrynna is bound and determined to finish this one essay before turning in so even though she wants nothing more than to crawl under the covers and snuggle down, she pushes on. At least with tomorrow being Thursday, she doesn't have class until 10:30, so she can sleep for a little bit come morning.

Essay done, Zabrynna carefully clears off her bed, making as little noise as possible so as not to disturb anyone else, then sinking under the covers and fluffing her pillows, she's practically asleep before she's fully settled.

Paying Attention
Author: Ella 
Date:   05-11-11 16:04

Fly agaric, scientifically known as Amanita muscaria, was a poisonous fungus and one of the topics of today's Herbology class. It looked like the typical mushroom found not on one's dinner plate but in the woods, with a white stalk and red cap spotted with white warts.

Ella found the mushroom rather cute, even if it was anything but harmless.

Unlike in some of her other classes since term began, Ella had no problem concentrating in Professor Masterson's class today. The cute mushrooms had her undivided attention. She was especially intrigued to learn that they had hallucinogenic properties.

If Francis hadn't helped her get on the straight and narrow, she might be tempted to try one out. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she imagined herself eating or smoking one of the mushrooms and then getting Francis's reaction.

When she felt less engaged in her other classes, Ella invariably thought about Easter break at home with her mum. It had actually been quite lovely, most of the time. Ella and Rosemary had done mother-daughter things together like shopping, going out to eat, and local sightseeing. Rosemary had actually seemed like her old self again... until in the evenings when she thought Ella had gone to bed.

More than once, Ella had heard her mum crying as she tidied up the house before bedtime or even in her sleep.

Ella didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she could do about her mum's sadness. If only her parents hadn't gotten divorced. If only Dunstan hadn't remarried so quickly and gotten Delilah pregnant.

She wondered if her mother needed professional help. Maybe Rosemary just needed to find somebody new for herself. Ella didn't know any eligible men who might be suitable for her mother, though. She also didn't really like thinking about her mum on the dating scene.

That left her back at square one. She simply had no idea how to help her mum get over her dad and the awful situation he'd put his family through.

Professor Masterson introduced the class to another variety of Fly agaric. Instead of having a red cap, variety formosa had yellow or orange-yellow caps. Ella rather liked the way they looked too, though they weren't as pretty as the red ones in her opinion.

Good News = Reason for Shopping
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   05-11-11 16:12

I'd just finished my morning meditations, and was pouring a bowl of granola while my coffee pot percolated crafting highly caffeinated goodness that would get me at least through until noon when I intended on heading to the Muggle Starbucks later for a soy iced mocha and a scone, when an owl flew in the opened window and deposited an official looking envelope bearing the Hogwarts seal. I squealed happily, before I broke the seal and pulled the parchment out, I absent mindedly plucked an owl treat from the small bag that I kept attached to the refrigerator for deliveries such as this, and offered it to the owl before it hooted lightly and took off out the window.

I was giddy as I read through the letter, I’d been offered a position on the teaching staff for next year at Hogwarts and quarters would be provided to me, and I could move into them this coming summer if I so desired. Of course I would be moving into the quarters offered to me, I had to figure out what I have to pack – all my history books of course, and I needed to start creating lesson plans. I was just waiting to gloat to my mother; hopefully my mother would finally stop the nonsense about me moving home to Mumbai and become a pleasantly content housewife.

I also needed to go shopping, why, because good news was a good excuse to spend a bit of money. I’d also have to tell Bronwyn about my being offered the position on the Hogwarts staff. I put the letter back in the envelope and turned to finish my bowl of granola and my mug of coffee, cream and sugar added to make it a pretty caramel color. I headed into the living room and curled down before the fire place and quickly stuck my head in and contacted Bronwyn to see if she was free after her WWN shift, however there was no answer, which meant that both she and Toby were otherwise occupied. Bron probably at work, and Toby more than likely at practice, which meant that I wouldn’t be getting ahold of them any time soon. I calculated the time difference and after finishing my granola stuck my head into the fire and contacted my parents.

“Hey mum. I’ve got some fantastic news!” I said, after the usual greetings. I switched to Hindi to speak to my mother after that, telling her that I’d been offered a teaching position at Hogwarts and I intended on taking it, which of course did not please her, but finally, thankfully, she accepted that I would not be returning home to become a housewife like she was. I was actually going to be staying in London and teaching – she had finally accepted my dream. We talked for a little while, and I told her I would send her the information on when term breaks were so that she and my dad could plan a trip here, or I could take a couple of days to come to Mumbai during term breaks. I did plan on visiting her during the summer, as I would not actually start working until the fall.

After I ended the conversation with my mother I pushed up from the floor taking my dishes into the kitchen and tucked them into the sink before heading to my room to change. I wasn’t certain what the quarters at the castle would be like, so I would hold off on any furniture or décor choices until after I’ve seen the space that will be mine during the term. I dressed in a simple pair of boot cut jeans, my favorite pair of boots, and a blue tank-top overlapped by a button down that was left unbutton mostly and then slipped my favorite dark blue and silver cashmere poncho, because it was rather dreary outside now that the rain has stopped. I grabbed my clutch and headed out of the flat, and down into Wizarding SoHo for the time being.

More SAT Practice
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   05-12-11 14:19

Emerald answers the last question on the practice SAT goes through the submit process. She jumps at a loud rapping on a window and looks to find a face peering in at her. At first she's scared at having a male face looking in at her and wonders how long he's been out there but then she recognizes him as a student of Joseph Liddel's who'd been by on Tuesday when she was here at the Liddel's home.

Joseph Liddel is the wizard who Emerald's been working with since fall to prep for the SAT exam required for admission to many American colleges and universities. Joseph is married to Tia, who is a Muggle, and both teach at the Luton campus of the University of Bedfordshire. Normally Joseph would be here with Emerald but he'd had to leave a short time ago saying as he put on his jacket, "We'll discuss your results on Tuesday. Oh, and be a luv and lock the front door when you go."

The student outside is pointing to the back of the house. Emerald takes that to mean he's wanting her to come around to the back door. She nods, double checks to make sure she submitted the practice exam to Joseph's computer the walks the short way from his office to the kitchen. She hesitates at the door but when the guy was here on Tuesday he seemed okay enough and now that she's thinking about it, Emerald remembers overhearing something about an extension on a paper.

He's standing on the back step, half-turned looking at part of the herb garden the Liddels have recently put in. Emerald unlocks the door and opens it about the same time he's turning to fully face the door. His mouth breaks into a smile and his first words are, "Thank you! I knocked a few times at the front."

"I'm sorry, I never heard. I guess I was so wrapped up in what I was doing."

"No worries. Is Mr. Liddel not here? I have an assignment for him."

"He left maybe fifteen minutes ago. Someone got sick this afternoon and he was asked to fill in for an evening class. He left early to go over the material. You might find him in his office."

"Are you a student of his too? I've not seen you around other than here the other day. Or are you the sitter?"

Tia and Joseph have a three year old and a five year old so it's not unreasonable to think Emerald might do some babysitting for them. She shakes her head, echoing the smile on his face. "No, I'm not the sitter. Joseph's helping me with an exam that's required by some US schools."

"Gavin Adams by the way."

"Emerald Green."

"Seriously? Did your parents not care that people mind tease you about that?"

"Apparently not as they named by two sisters Olive and Jade and my brother Hunter."

"At least it's not as bad as this kid who's grandparents lived near my family years ago. She was called Tamale."

"Like the food tamale?"

"Pretty bad, huh?"

"Are you joking?"

Gavin raises on hand. "God's honest truth." He gives a shake of his head, "I had forgotten about her. I wonder what she's doing now. I don't even know where her grandparents moved to. I'll have to remember to ask Mum. Anyway, I should run if I want to catch Mr. Liddel. See you around, Emerald. Maybe we can grab a coffee sometime."

"Yeah, sure, though I should tell you right now I have a boyfriend."

"Good to know," he grins. "Ta." With that Gavin hops off the step and walks at a pretty fast clip around the house. Emerald returns to the office though does look out the window where she can see Gavin biking in the direction of the university campus. Not knowing what to make of the encounter, Emerald prints out a copy of the practice test she took. The computerized exam is much like the version of the SAT taken at a computer at many of the official testing locations. The written exam is a little different but when she was filling out the paperwork to take the exam, based on her preparation and progress to that point, Joseph had advised her to sign up for the computer exam.

Between now and Tuesday, Joseph will look over this most recent practice exam, then on Tuesday, he'll go over with her the problems she encountered and give her a number of similar questions to work on. Next Thursday, she'll do another practice exam.

Gathering up her things, Emerald makes sure the front door is locked and double checks that she relocked the back one before moving into a spot in the hallway where she'd not be seen through any window and disapparates to Hogsmeade where she's meeting Phin, Kody, and Kordelia.

What I've Done
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   05-12-11 19:26

While Julian helped the last customer at the counter, Lysander moved to the front door of Twice Told Tales with the key. He pushed the door open and inhaled the fresh, cool air that filled the April evening. This time last month, it had been dark outside. Now, the sun shone, although it wasn't shining as brightly as it had a few hours ago. The longer days were a sign that summer was coming, but it still needed to warm up some more before the long awaited season could finally arrive.

The customer, old Mrs. Dreason, bade Julian a polite goodbye and placed the two cookbooks she'd purchased in the canvas tote she'd brought from home. Then, she walked to the door Lysander still held open and stepped onto High Street.

"Have a good evening, Mrs. Dreason," Lysander said.

"Thank you, dear. Until next time."

She turned in the direction of the East and West Lanes. Lysander, meanwhile, breathed in another breath of fresh air and then moved to close the door. He didn't fully succeed, however, because a hand appeared between it and its frame.

Lysander saw the hand before the face of its owner and firmly expressed, "We're closed."

Depending on the customer, both Julian and Lysander occasionally made exceptions to the shoppe's hours. They were the owners, after all, and could do whatever they wanted. Other times, they refused to bend the rules because they had their own lives to live or simply just weren't in the mood. Lysander reacted that way more often than Julian did. He loved his occupation but he loved his freetime just as much.

The owner of the hand didn't give up and pulled the door open at the same time Lysander attempted to pull it closed.

"What the hell?" Lysander exclaimed.

Julian came around the counter just as Lysander recognized Kristos, who had pulled the door open enough to step over the threshold.

Julian had his wand out before Lysander could even think to do the same thing.

"The store is closed," Julian coolly stated, keeping his wand levelled at Kristos's chest. "You will have to leave now."

The only movement Kristos made was to pull the door shut behind him. He didn't step any further into the store though, mainly because Lysander and Julian were blocking his path. Lysander pulled his wand out and pointed it at Kristos.


Kristos had been smirking at Julian but turned to address Lysander. "What were you doing in Santa Cruz?"

The question threw Lysander for a moment. He opened and closed his mouth a few times in attempt to find a satisfying answer.

Julian responded for him. "He went to collect cousin Astrid, but I don't know what business that is of yours. I won't ask you a third time. Turn around and leave the store."

Kristos tore his gaze from Lysander and said to Julian, "You haven't asked me once, Valentine. You've told."

Julian's eyes narrowed and he gripped his wand tighter.

"Lysander, contact the authorities. Tell them we have a trespasser on property."

Lysander backed up to do just that but Kristos turned back to him and said, "That's not the occasion I'm asking about. What were you doing in Santa Cruz when I was there visiting my sister?"

Lysander froze. That was a memory that Kristos wasn't supposed to have.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, out of a mixture of curiosity and fear.

Kristos scrutnized Lysander for a long moment without answering. Julian grew impatient.

"Lysander, go. I'll take care of this."

Kristos grinned, turning back to Julian. "I can't imagine Stratford did it all by himself. I don't remember you being there, though."

"That's because I've never been to Santa Cruz," Julian replied. He flicked his gaze to Lysander, who still hadn't moved to use the floo to contact the Ministry of Magic.

"I can't say I believe you because my memory is a bit spotty," Kristos said, "but I'm working on getting it all sorted out."

His gaze swiveled back to Lysander, taking in the mixture of emotions that crossed his face.

Lysander felt cornered, and it left him no choice. He had to deal with Kristos right then and there. It was a path Lysander had taken on more than one occasion when he'd needed to tie up loose ends. But what to do? Stun him and alter his memory again? Or kill him?

The fraction of a second that Lysander debated gave Kristos more than ample time to vacate the bookstore. The swiftness of his departure made it clear that he'd known he'd been in very dangerous territory.

Both Julian and Lysander raced outside, but by then it was too late. Kristos had disapparated to whereabouts unknown.

"Shit!" Lysander exclaimed, exchanging a worrisome glance with Julian. "What am I going to do?"

Julian looked considerably calmer, but he always had that way about him. Lysander had always been panicky, whereas Julian remained cool and collected even in the most stressful of situations. Granted, it wasn't the future of his daughter on the line, but still. Charlotte was very dear to him too.

Julian turned away from the spot he'd last seen Kristos and gestured for Lysander to follow him back inside Twice Told Tales.

"Easy. We'll just have to find him and make sure he never remembers that Charlotte is his niece."

"And if he does before we find him?" Lysander asked.

Julian didn't answer at first. "Then we do what we have to do."

The statement hung ominously in the air.

Poker Night
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   05-12-11 19:37

“I’ll take three. Who wants another drink?” Sage asks, taking three cards from his hand to set aside and getting up.

“Me. A butterbeer,” his step-sister Savannah says, eyes studying the cards she holds. To Jared, who’s dealer this round, Savannah says, “One, please.”

Savannah’s friend Carmine says to Jared, “None for me.” To Sage it’s, “One of those ales if there are anymore.”

“There are. Alanna? Jared?”

“A cola,” Jared replies, eyes on Alanna waiting to find out if she wants more cards. Colas aren’t much of a wizarding drink, any carbonated soda for that matter, but Sage and Jared both took to them after being introduced to the drinks by Aaron.

Alanna motions to Jared for two cards as she says, “I’ve work tomorrow so best switch to a cola. Make it a diet.”

Sage hurries to get the drinks and more snacks knowing that it’s come around to him again in the poker game. Carmine, who’s so far gone on two dates with Savannah not counting this gathering, asks Alanna, “Where do you work?”

“At the Ministry, the legal department.”

“Is that what you’re reading or just a job?”

“ It’s what I’m reading at university.”

Sage passes out drinks and sets the extra snacks down, slides into his seat and quickly determines, “I’ll raise… Five. What about you, Carmine? You’re at St. E. too, right?”

“In Blane, Auror program.”

“How’d you meet my sister? Sorry, that sounds like I’m being overprotective.”

Savannah lightly laughs, “Did you give Aaron and Neil the third degree when they started seeing Saffron and Sassy? And we first met in a Charms course last fall then ran into each other again about two and a half weeks ago.”

“I didn’t know you also have sisters, Savannah.”

“Not me. I’ve just got brothers. Ezra is my biological brother and Sage is my step-brother. Oh, and I raise another two.”

“Saffron and Sassy are my half-sisters,” Sage explains.

Jared asks, “Any brothers or sisters, Carmine?”

“Seven. Three brothers, four sisters. I’m next to the youngest. What about you?”

“One sister who’s still at Hogwarts. In fact, she dates Sage’s sort of nephew.”

“Sort of nephew?” Carmine asks confused.

“My brother-in-law Aaron is Deak’s guardian and has been for so many years now that even though there’s never been an official adoption Aaron and Saffron think of Deak as their son and Deak thinks of them as his parents.”

“That’s interesting. What about you, Alanna?”

“I have a sister Ariella, who’s married to Lawrence. Toby is married to Bronwyn, Anthony is getting married to Plum. I’ve also a half-sister Katherine and had a sister called Kendra.”

“You’re last name is Beck, right? So is your brother Toby the pro Quidditch player?”

“One and the same.”

“I think he knows my sister Gulia Palmadessa. She plays professionally in Australia but her husband is being transferred to Dublin so she’s going to try out for some of the UK and Irish teams.”

“Would be cool if she ended up on Toby’s team,” Jared grins.

“That’s only because then you’d have twice as many reasons to skip a class for a game,” Sage laughingly points out.

“Hey, I only did that once?”

“When did you skip a class?” Alanna asks.

“Um. You didn’t hear that. Nope. Didn’t hear it. Wasn’t there a new spring jacket you were eyeing?” Jared asks, looking innocently at Alanna.

“Brat,” Alanna tells him then to the others’ amusement she adds, “It’s at Narcissa’s since you asked.”

“Ooooh. Expensive,” Savannah smirks. “I knew there was a reason I like you so much, Alanna.”

“We’d best let Jared win a few hands so he can pay for that jacket,” Sage sniggers.

“We’re playing for Bertie Bott’s,” Carmine points out.

“Don’t you know, there’s a thriving black market for the summer grass and the honeysuckle flavors,” Sage replies.

They all laugh as Carmine remembers it’s his turn to either call, raise, or drop out of the round.

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