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Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   11-13-11 10:17

Tuesdays and Thursdays were much the same for Lawrence. He and Ariella had an early breakfast in their quarters before she left for an early shift at the bakery, and Lawrence finished up grading any assignments that he'd not gotten done the night before. However, this morning he was having trouble getting started, and he wasn't even up as early as normal because of the late night he and Ariella had, she has the day off at the bakery today and yesterday because yesterday was her birthday.

He'd taken her out to a muggle Tai restaraunt and then a night at a muggle theater for a production of Wizard of Oz, and and then they headed back to the Castle where he gave her the final gift of the evening, an emerald, diamond and sapphire bracelet. They'd spent the evening talking and relaxing before finally heading to bed around one or two in the morning, and he had to be up and ready for his first class at nine.

Rather than wake Ariella he slipped from the bed at around eight ten and after a quick shower, headed for the Greenhouse, with a brief detour and stop at the Great Hall for a blueberry muffin and to fill his mug with coffee so he could get the caffine to jump start his brain this morning. Heading into the Greenhouse he quickly set up for his fifth years who would be arriving soon.

Once his class was seated, settled and accounted for class would begin. "Good morning class, I know that this shouldn't have to be made, but it will be made. Most of you have realized that the items on the syllabus are identical to the work given last year, however, your quizzes and examinations will not be the same. I am expecting new material from you this term. If any student is found turning in assignments from last year, and yes I will know, they will loose points and face a detention. You may however, use them as reference points, but beyond that I want all new material from you this year."

That said, and the announcement had been made during his class yesterday when he'd met with his fifth year Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and would be repeated throughout his classes today. Once the unpleasentness was taken care of, he would begin today's lecture on English Ivy and Mallowsweet, both vines. It was a brief lecture because of a light headache that was building and he let them work on a few hands on projects that he had set out throughout the classroom.

Soon enough the time was done and his fifth years headed out and soon enough his sixth year NEWT class would be coming in. Quick flick of his wand would set the classroom to rights and while his previous class had been working on their hands on assignments he had written out and made quick copies of the announcement concerning the assignments. He would ensure that there was a copy of it on each of the desks so that his students would see them. Three weeks in and he was making an announcement that he shouldn't have to make, but some of his students had already proven that they would, without hesitation turn in assignments from the previous year.

The headache ebbed long enough for him to do an actual lecture with his sixth years, but still allowed them some time to start working on either the hands on projects, or start working on their homework assignments. This would be his last class until two, so once the greenhouse emptied, he set the room up for his seventh years, which would be doing a touch more hands on during their class after a brief lecture.

Once the classroom was set up, he headed out and back to the castle to meet up with Ariella for a slightly more relaxed lunch.

Hogwarts Founder - Rowena Ravenclaw
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   11-13-11 10:48

After an early morning run and yoga/meditation session I headed to the Great Hall for a quick breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, whole wheat toast with strawberry jam, green tea with honey and lemon, and turkey bacon. I'd filled my favorite travel mug depicting a skyline of St. Petersburg with more green tea with honey and lemon and headed for my classroom. My first class would be arriving by nine, and I wanted to ensure that everything was set up adequately before hand.

My first class had gone by quickly for an hour and a half, but I loved the material that she was covering. Quick flick of my wand had the classroom set up once more for my fourth year Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Breezing back in with a newly filled mug of tea, I moved to stand behind my desk, offering a bright smile to my students, not realizing the issues going on between two of my students.

"Good morning class. Today, we will be discussing the fourth founder of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw." I said cheerfully, before moving to stand beneath the tapestried image of the woman on the classroom wall.

"Who can tell me what Rowena Ravenclaw is most remembered for?" I asked, smiling lightly as I moved away from the expanse of the image, walking toward the front of the classroom.


"She is remembered most for her intelligence and creativity." Felicia offered quickly.

"Very good two points to Slytherin. Who can tell me something that Rowena Ravenclaw contributed to the creation of Hogwarts?" I asked, marking down the points next to Felicia's name in my roll book.


"She is said to be the one that came up with the idea of the ever-changing floor plan of the Castle." Roger said with a smile.

"Very good Roger, that is correct. Two points to Ravenclaw. Now, can someone tell me what historical item is linked to Rowena Ravenclaw?" I asked, moving through the classroom.


"The Ravenclaw Diadem. The diadem is like a tiara, and it bestows wisdom on those who wear it."

"Very nicely done Johanna. Now, can someone tell me who the only known relative of Rowena Ravenclaw is?"

I wait a few moments to allow my students to look through their notes and books, before several hands shot into the air. "Donald?"

"Her daughter, Helena, also known as The Grey Lady who is currently one of the Castle Ghosts."

"Very nicely done. Now, I will give you a brief overview of what Thursday's lecture will be based on, we will be discussing historical items and places within Hogwarts. Sword of Gryffindor, the Sorting Hat, Hufflepuff Cup, Chamber of Secrets and a few other items as well. Each of the items that were tied to the four founding members of Hogwarts. So, you are free to leave a few minutes early, but I would suggest that you begin working on your first scroll of the week, as there are two assignments this week, and both of them will be due one week from Thursday."

That said, several students turned to gather their things as if to leave. "I will be offering a pass on one assignment to be used at any point during this half of the term to any student that has both scrolls to me by the end of my early morning office hours on Monday. Which means by one pm on Monday." I said as I watched several of those who had gotten ready to leave early reconsider.

There were a handful that did leave, but the rest spent the last twenty minutes of class beginning to work on their assignments.

Once class was done, I headed to the Great Hall where I intended on having a relaxing lunch and then to my quarters for a yoga session before my last class of the day began at two.

Relaxing Between Classes
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   11-13-11 11:24

After leaving Herbology with Professor Ravenscroft I headed into the Common Commons and dropped down on one of the love seats. Blake had missed both classes this morning because he wasn't feeling well and had gone to the hospital wing, and I'd told him I'd take notes for him. I didn't have to make copies of the lecture notes that I'd taken because I'd gotten a copy of each from both Professor Weasely and Professor Ravenscroft when I'd told them why Blake was not in class.

I'd gone to the hospital wing to drop off Blake's notes, and told Madame Pomfrey that I would be back to give him his notes from our final class of the day. He had the flu and unfortunately was not allowed close visitors for the time being, and would be spending at least today in the Hospital wing to work through the period where he wasn't contagious any longer. It was Tuesday so we didn't have practice tonight, so that would be good, and the season had only started. I would however, make sure to let either Etta or Ella know that Blake might not make practice tomorrow night since we are taking advantage of the seven to nine slot available for us.

Checking my watch I sighed lightly, and still had an hour and a half before I had to head to Arithmancy and Divination with Professor Sacheverelle. So, after grabbing a mixed berry muffin from the baked goods available in the common commons as well as a glass of pumpkin juice, I settled to start working on a few things to ensure that I had my assignments caught up.

"Hey Isma."

I flicked my gaze upward and offered Hugo Hathi a quick smile.

"Hey Hugo, what's up? Have a seat." I said, clearing my stuff off to the side so that he could sit next to me if he wanted.

"Nothing much, just thought I'd stop by and see what you are working on. How is Blake feeling?"

"Just finishing up the last few touches on my homework for Arithmancy and Divination and Blake's got the flu and not allowed actual visitors until sometime tomorrow, which means that he more than likely will be missing classes tomorrow too and probably practice tomorrow night." I said, scribbling the last couple of words to my assignment down before setting my book back in my bag.

"That sucks. Hopefully he won't be out of class for too long, or misses too much practice. I know being in the hospital wing is bound to have him going stir crazy probably by dinner." Hugo said, leaning back in his seat and sighing.

"How come you aren't in the Great Hall for lunch? Don't you usually eat with Wilhelmina and Demetrius." I said flicking my gaze toward Hugo, curious as to why he chose to come in here.

"Didn't feel like dealing with the crowd in the Great Hall and I wanted to catch something on the WWN during my break between classes before class." He said, sniping a pinch off my muffin with an impish grin.

I swatted at his hand. "Really Hugo, go grab your own. This is my lunch. Now, get and you are probably missing your program while you sit and harass me." I said and pulled my muffin close to me and nibble at it.

"Right, I will see you in class Isma. Give Blake my good thoughts." Hugo said, moving over to one of the WWN listening stations. They still had about forty five minutes before heading to Arithmancy and Divination.

Thankfully it was her last class of the day, and then she'd probably head to the pitch for a little while before dinner before possibly calling it a night early, since she couldn't go see Blake.

Early Lunch Between Classes
Author: Adina Blackwood 
Date:   11-13-11 12:05

The morning had gone by quickly, Herbology with Professor Ravenscroft I headed to the Great Hall around eleven fifteen for an early lunch. I was also waiting to spend time with Arthur before we had to head to Care of Magical Creatures at three thirty.

At the moment I was picking at my lunch, reading through my mail that had been delivered this morning by owl. Hermes flew in and landed on my shoulder, a nip to my ear signaling his desire for one of the crisps off my plate. "Hello to you as well Hermes..." I murmured and stroked my fingers against his belly and offered him one of the crisps which he ate quite happily and then shifted to begin pulling at the strips of roast beef that I set aside for him - as that was what he really and truly wanted.

I also had a meeting with Professor Black on Thursday to discuss a few things that have been bothering me. I found him easier to talk to than Professor McGonagall and that was why I opted to talk to him, and now that I'd made up for, more than my stupidity last year, he was a big help.

I hadn't bothered going out for Quidditch this term, and I think it was a good idea to skip it this year, and while the decision had been a hard one, I'd talked to Mason Jeffers and Alexa Wenlock and both had agreed that after the drop in my grades during the IQT that had gotten me off the team it was a good idea for me to skip the team this year to ensure that I don't suffer another dip in my marks. I'd followed their advice, and I would try out again next year when I have things better situated.

Hermes had taken flight after a few moments after finishing the strips of roast beef that I'd left for him. "Lost in your mail?" The voice startled me out of my thoughts and I looked up and gave Arthur a light smile.

"And here I thought you'd forgot about me and I wouldn't see you until charms at two." I said with a light smile and a kiss to his cheek.

"Nah, managed to pull myself out of writing my History of Magic essay." He said, filling his plate with a couple of deli sandwiches and some crisps for starters. "What about you? Anything good come for you in the mail this morning?"

"Just a couple of letters from Greece, one from Dad and one from Athena. Also a letter from Mum asking me what I wanted made for the first Hogsmeade weekend." I said, eyes sliding closed as I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Baklava to be certain and plenty for me to bring back and nibble on throughout the rest of the week." Arthur said with an impish grin.

"That's already going on the list." I said with a smile and nudged him lightly in the ribs. "I don't intend on spending the entire day at home, because I want to get some early holiday shopping done while we are in the village. Yes, I know it is September, but I need to get some stuff to send to Greece for Christmas hols." I said explaining when Arthur rolled his eyes.

"That's fine, I should probably do the same." He said after polishing off half a roast beef sandwich and chasing it with a swig of pumpkin juice.

"We should probably get going, almost time for Charms and then Care of Magical Creatures." I said, pushing myself up off the bench and gathering my stuff and sticking my mail back into the depths of my bag to finish going through later, and getting responses ready to be owled tomorrow.

Not So Busy Day
Author: Oreileah McCoi 
Date:   11-13-11 12:46

I had an appointment for Meagan at a pediatrics healer this morning, and then we were going to be meeting Jim for lunch before I headed home and he headed back to work. I was looking forward to the term starting at St. Emrys and I needed to head to Blossom's and set up a day care schedule with them for Meagan, but I wasn't quite ready for that yet. I enjoyed the time I had at home with her and even the time when she was with my parents or Jim's during the week if he and I were both overly busy. Blossom's worked well because it didn't put any strain on my or Jim's parents during the week, and I can't rely on the grandparents forever.

At the moment Meagan is napping in her sling, cooing softly in her sleep and suckling on her binkie. I opted for the sling rather than the pram, so I had less to shuffle around and juggle through traveling through London to meet Jim for lunch and then heading home. We were done with lunch just around one thirty and then I headed back to the village. Needing to stop and speak with someone at Blossom's to get information and prices for daycare when I start putting Meagan in when classes start at St. Emrys. Though Jim is suggesting that I start a week before so I can deal with any separation anxiety that I might have – which is probably a good idea.

I slipped into Blossom's and got some information. Once I had what I needed, I slipped out and headed home, the light fussing just down the street from the house signaled that I would be making a bottle the moment I got home because someone was waking up and going to be much more fussy if I didn't get her a bottle soon. I also knew that Lily would probably already have a bottle ready for Meagan.

"Miss you are home, how was lunch with Master Jim?" The house elf asked, and gladly took Meagan from me when she started fussing a bit louder. Lily did indeed have a bottle ready and soon enough Meagan was settled and sucking happily on her bottle.

"Lunch was wonderful Lily, and I also picked up some information for the day care I will be sending Meagan to when I start classes at St. Emrys again, and where she will be during the day when I go back to work." I said with a light smile.

"Very good Miss…very good indeed, and what would Miss like for dinner?" She asked as she puttered about the kitchen.

"Don't worry about dinner Lily, I will see to it. You are welcome to have the night off." I said with a bright smile and Lily nodded.

"Very well Miss. Lily will finish her chores and be gone for the night then and will have breakfast ready for you and Master Jim in the morning." She said before leaving the kitchen and tending to what she needed to.

After that, I picked up the Daily Prophet and started reading through today's issue that had been dropped off this morning with the remainder of the mail. Nothing overly interesting in its pages at this point in time, however, I did find a few things of interest and pondered setting up a date night or two with Jim and I in the next week or so, especially since he was no longer working doubles and had vacation coming up the week before term started on October tenth.

Imaginary Friends
Author: Mildred 
Date:   11-14-11 03:08

The Gryffindor Common Room was filled with a considerable number of students. Mildred was seated on a red armchair, looking to the darkness outside, absorbed in her thoughts. The other first year students were laughing and goofing around a little bit further away. Mildred had politely refused an invitation by their part to join them.

As much as she wanted to make friends she knew that would imply tell them about her father sooner or later and so she decided it would be better to just do her life in the castle on her own. The little witch felt very lonely from time to time, but she was starting to get used to her solitude.

Mildred just focused herself in classes and homework. She used to go to the library and do her homework there with a perfect handwriting. Sometimes she would even search for extra information about the topics studied, just so she could spend more time on the library, an excuse not to see anyone else. She hated to say 'no' to Queenie when she asked Mildred if she wanted to go outside for a walk. She hated when Achilles challenged her for a wizarding chess match and she had to refuse. And when Melpomene invited her for a snack at the Common Commons it was hard to see her disappointed face when she told her she was not hungry, despite her stomach would complain minutes later.

She really wished to join her friends today, but she couldn't. The minute they knew about her father they would stop talking to her. That was what her grandmother had been telling her since the day she moved to her house. 'No one wants to be friends with a daughter of a criminal. They will think you are a criminal as well.'

Mildred sighed from her armchair, producing an almost inaudible sound. Her thoughts then went to the quidditch trials. Feeling she couldn't stand a chance against the older students she decided not to sign up. However as she was in the stands on her own, watching the other students trying out she noticed some of her colleagues there. They seemed to have fun in the scrimmages and even not being selected into their house team they spent the whole weekend talking about the sensation of playing in a scrimmage and how it almost felt like a real game. She wanted to hear more details but since she couldn't join her colleagues' conversation at the common room, she just heard bits of their talking during the meals at the Great Hall.

Suddenly she stood up and went to her dorm. Gladly she noticed none of the other girls were there and so she took all the letters she received from her father away from their hidden place bellow her mattress. She had even recovered the letter from the second floor bathroom. After asking a prefect, Mildred found out the ghost girl was known as Moaning Myrtle and although she liked to annoy students with her yells and insults she was inoffensive.

And so one day Mildred gained the courage she needed to come back to the abandoned bathroom and recover he father's letter. She just literally ran in and out of the bathroom, picking the brown envelope that was ignored on the ground. She didn't even bother to check if Myrtle was actually there or not.

She re read her father's last letter. He wanted to know all about her friends. Mildred sighed once again knowing she would have to lie to her father and describe some imaginary friends of hers. She didn't feel well lying to him, but it would hurt less than telling him the truth. She picked up a quill and a scroll and lay on her belly in the bed.

Using one of her books as base she started to write a letter to her father telling him about her best friend Queenie whom she went everywhere with. She described him a chess match against her friend Achilles where she won and how Melpomene and her had snacks together all the time.

Bloody Ridiculous (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   11-14-11 18:43

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration classroom is on the first floor and the walk from there to the stairs taking Deak closest to the Great Hall isn't a long one. As he's generally famished by the time Transfiguration ends he doesn't mind the short walk at all. A couple of energetic bounds has him at the bottom of the steps but then his momentum is halted when he hears his name.

Swinging around to face Coach Batuti he asks, "Yes, ma'am?"

"I got your note about Saturday and Sunday. Ravenclaw may have the pitch for the times you requested."

"Great! Thank you!"

Bounding off once again, Deak quickly reaches the Great Hall, trying not to salivate as the aroma of the variety offered for today's lunch washes over him. Scanning the hall as he walks, Deak alters course slightly to approach Ramona Mickle.

"Hey, Ramona. We've got the Saturday and Sunday practices confirmed. Ten both days so you can still sleep in some."

"Okay, thanks."

Deak continues on, looking for other members of the Ravenclaw team. He'll definitely see everyone tomorrow at practice but wants to get the word out now so no one makes other plans or if they already have them, he hopes by telling them sooner rather than later they can easily change those plans. He lets Alastor Jenkins, Christopher Chant, and Jack Emerson know then sits down to eat. He stays watchful for Beatrix Vanderbilt and Jade Green know but digs in to some cheesy chicken soup and a club style sandwich both because he's starving and because he's got Charms at one. He can't be slow to eat and risk being late for Professor Knight's class.

"You have your sixth year Herbology assignments don't you, Deak?" Jack asks.

As he's just taken a big spoonful of soup, Deak nods and holds up a finger indicating for Jack to give him a moment. Once he's fully swallowed he says, "Yes, but if you're thinking of copying, Masterson's going to know."

"I don't want to copy. I'm looking for ideas on what else to write for the assignment due tomorrow."

"The proper handling of toxic herbs one, right?"

"That's the one. What I wrote last year was pretty thorough so other than naming different plants for the examples, I've been struggling."

"Me too. So your class has gotten the lecture about doing new work?"

"Oh yeah. It's bloody ridiculous. He stood there lecturing us about how we are expected to do write something new for the assignments but he's too lazy to teach the sixth and seventh years something new."

"Tell me about it," Deak says with a roll of his eyes. "If I'd known that Herbology this year would be an exact repeat of lessons from last year but we are expected to come up with new information to write for assignments, I wouldn't have taken the class this term. I've too much else to stress over with NEWTs at end of term to spend hours trying to figure out how to write in an enitrely new fashion about the proper handling of toxic herbs when I wrote a solid paper on the exact same thing for him in sixth year."

Jack snorts in agreement. "The fifth years don't know how lucky they are that for them it's fresh material. As I cannot imagine sitting through the same set of lessons and assignments a third time, I'm not taking Herbology seventh year. If what I decide on as a career requires a NEWT in it, I'll take a course for it at St. Emrys."

Deak could gripe more with little encouragement but has to stop for the moment. "I see Beatrix and Jade and need to tell them about the weekend practices. Back in a tick."

When Deak sits down again after talking with Jade and Beatrix, Jack's talking with Hadrian Rabnott about a Quidditch match they want to catch on the WWN Friday night. Still hungry, Deak grabs two more sandwiches to scarf down in between adding his own opinion about the two teams playing.

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