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(Mark) Distracted
Author: Isolde 
Date:   01-20-12 16:56

Mark could hardly concentrate in Ancient Runes, though it had only been marginally easier during Herbology, thanks to the practical nature of the class period. He felt distracted for a number of reasons: it was nearly the weekend; the first Quidditch match of the season was on Saturday; and it bothered him greatly that his parents didn't like Kate.

He'd received several strongly worded letters from his parents regarding that impure Hufflepuff girl. Mark had responded to each and every one, but had left any mention of Kate or their relationship out of his letters. After all, his parents were to think that the relationship had ended on or directly after the Hogsmeade trip. That he and Kate were carrying on still was none of their business.

He felt somebody kick him and flinched, startled. Mark became suddenly aware that the class had gone very silent, and that Professor Hodfuffer was looking at him as if expecting an answer.

Mark's eyes quickly darted over the blackboard, where a few runes had been written. There was a blank line after the row of symbols, and Professor Hodfuffer had his hand up as if preparing to write down Mark's answer with a piece of chalk.

"Gebō," Mark said, thinking he was correct but not being entirely sure, considering he hadn't been paying any attention.

"Gebō," Professor Hodfuffer repeated, still studying Mark.

Mark tensed in his chair.

"That's correct," Professor Hodfuffer finally said, filling in the blank on the blackboard. "And what is the Anglo-Saxon name, Olive?"

"Gyfu," she said.

"And it means, Alastor?"

"A gift," Alastor answered.

The class ended a few minutes later. As they gathered their things, Olive shot Mark a grin and said, "Nice guess." She had been the one to kick him back to reality.

"Thanks," Mark replied, both in response to the comment and for what she'd done for him.

She winked and went off to join Jill in the hall.

Sometime later, Mark entered the Great Hall, where he found Kate waiting for him just inside the doorway. She had just come from Herbology class.

They linked hands and went to the Slytherin table, the first of their friends to arrive in the Great Hall. There was a lot of talk about the upcoming Quidditch match. It would be the first inter-house match since the year before last.

Kate laughed suddenly.

"What's so funny?" Mark asked her, unable to hide his own grin.

"It just occurred to me that never in my life did I picture myself ever cheering for Slytherin to beat Gryffindor."

"I was on the team two years ago, you know," Mark reminded her.

"I know," Kate responded, grinning, "but I didn't like you very much two years ago."

"Fair enough," Mark replied, "and there's a first time for everything, I suppose."

Very soon, Gus, Felicia and Johanna arrived at the table, and talk about Saturdays game started in earnest.

Old Joke
Author: Ella 
Date:   01-21-12 08:41

Ella and Francis entered the common room after lunch and briefly parted ways so that Francis could put away his History of Magic book in favor of his Herbology supplies. Ella, who'd not had any classes yet, also went to her dorm room to fetch her Herbology textbook. Her homework had been turned in on Tuesday, so there was no assignment she needed to bring with her to class.

When she returned to the common room, Francis was already there, lounging in one of the overstuffed armchairs.

"You were quick," she said to him, abandoning her book satchel on the floor as she slid onto his lap.

"You probably spent time primping in front of the mirror. Isn't that what you girls do?" Francis asked facetiously.

"Haha, very funny," Ella retorted. She leaned into his neck, where she could smell the soap he'd used in the shower just that morning.

"You're not going to barf on me again, are you?" Francis asked after a beat.

Ella pulled her head back and gave him a playful death stare. "That joke has gotten very old, you know."

Francis grinned wide. "I'm going to milk it for all it's worth."

"Thanks. I hope your shoes still smell like my vomit."

"They don't," Francis said. "I had Professor Knight help me with a powerful scouring charm. That said, I still haven't worn them."

"Afraid of my germs?"

"No," Francis said, and to prove his point, he gave her a long, deep kiss. "But you did empty the contents of your stomach on them. It's hard not to think about that when I see them."

Ella punched him in the shoulder. "I'll buy you a new pair, then."

Their playful bantering was interrupted by Professor McGonagall, who had unexpectedly entered the room. She looked rather unhappy about something.

"Miss Harville, I see no lack of proper seating in this room. Please remove yourself from Mr. Yao's lap," Professor McGonagall said sternly.

"Yes, Professor," Ella quickly answered, getting up and grabbing her satchel. It was just about time to head to the greenhouses anyway.

Francis also got up and grabbed his book.

Professor McGonagall seemed no longer interested in them, instead having moved over to the notice board, so they hastily took their leave from the common room.

(Maggie) Not Starkers Yet
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   01-21-12 08:59

Thursdays were quiet days for Maggie, and that meant that she could spend some time simply trying to catch up with the homework from the rest of the week. With a two hour break between the first two of three classes, and then an extended break between Herbology and Astronomy.

At the moment she was on the break between Arithmancy & Divination and Herbology and wishing she had more time to take a nap, she hadn't slept well last night and it was catching up with her. Maybe she would take a nap between Herbology and Astronomy so that way she could actually stay awake and pay attention to Professor Jones' lecture later. She also pondered going to get a pepper-up potion to ensure that she could actually make it through the day, but she had no desire to be dependent upon the potion to get through the day. Maybe a mug of coffee if she could grab one during lunch.

She checked the time and sighed, she was supposed to meet William for lunch, but really, all she wanted to do was take a nap. If she was this worn, this drawn thin this early in the term she could only imagine what next term will be like when it draws closer and closer to the taking of her NEWT examinations. She also needed to talk to Lawrence about apparation lessons, since she had heard that they would be offering them at some point throughout the term.

"Hey, everything alright? You look like you could sleep for a year."

Maggie blinked and looked up offering William a light smile. "Yeah, I didn't sleep well last night. I ended up sitting up and reading through my History of Magic assignment and got that written. I think in the last three days I've slept maybe a handful of hours if that."

William nodded and slid down on to the couch next to her. "And we still have astronomy tonight, and a full load tomorrow that you really can't afford to miss." He said sinking back into the cushions and Maggie sunk down into the cushions as well.

"I know, I'm probably going to take a nap after Herbology and try and catch up on some sleep. Because I know Saturday is going to be chaotic due to the fact that it is the first Quidditch match of the year and everyone is going to show up." She said with a light sigh, shifting so that her head rested on William's shoulder.

"Sounds like a good plan." William said, letting her rest there against him for the time being.

"Oh yeah, and I've also sent word to Professor Fairchild that I want to have a part in the upcoming Drama club play. So that's going to eat up sometime, I think I'm glad that I missed quidditch tryouts, because dealing with required practices for quidditch, the drama club play, and my course load I think would drive me absolutely batty and I'd be starkers before winter hols even got here." She said with a laugh and looked up at William.

"You mean you aren't starkers already?" He said with a chuckle, picking on her just a little bit, before they slowly extracted themselves from one another.

"No, I'm not starkers yet, but if we don't head down to lunch and get ready to go out to the Greenhouse sometime soon my dearest brother is going to go mental if I'm not in class without a valid excuse for not being there." Maggie said with a laugh as they grabbed their things, Maggie double checked that she had her stuff for herbology and then the pair set off for the Great Hall and something for lunch.

Mackled Malaclaw
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   01-21-12 10:04

Owing to the general unpleasantness of the weather, Jolyon decided to hold Care of Magical Creatures class in the stables. There, he'd set up a large, waterless tank filled with lobster-like creatures. They walked along the bottom of the tank or crawled upon each other, their beady eyes gazing through the clear glass at their surroundings. Their claws were not banded, and occasionally a fight broke out among the creatures.

When the fifth years entered the stables, they took in the tank with its lobster-like creatures with mild interest. Some magical creatures were certainly more interesting than others, and these didn't seem like very much, other than the occasional fighting.

They congregated around the tank at Professor Kent's instruction.

"Who can identify these creatures?" he asked.

"Mackled Malaclaw?" Aleydis Vanderbilt hesitantly answered. She'd remembered the name from the syllabus but had never seen one in her life.

"That's right. Mackled Malaclaws look like your average lobster, at least in terms of body structure. There are some obvious differences, however. Mackled Malaclaws are light grey in color and have green spots. They grow no longer than 12 inches, whereas your average lobster can grow to be 20 inches long. They are land creatures, living on the rocky coastline of Europe where they eat crustaceans. Is everyone familiar with the term crustacean?"

There were a few nods, but a few uncertain glances as well.

"Crustaceans comprise mundane creatures like lobsters, crabs, and shrimp."

"Everything that's good to eat," William Henshaw commented with a grin.

"If you like seafood, yes," Jolyon agreed, "but you do not want to eat the Mackled Malaclaw. Any guesses why?"

"It's poisonous?" Wilbur Tremaine asked.

"No, not poisonous," Jolyon replied, "but it will make you very sick. If you eat one, you will develop a terrible fever and a green rash. But not only is eating Mackled Malaclaws a bad idea, but getting bit by one is also something you should avoid. The reason you don't want to get bit by a Mackled Malaclaw is because you will be unlucky for about a week."

Even with the glass between them and the Malaclaws, every student took a step away from the tank. The two Slytherins on the Quidditch team moved farther away than anybody else, not wishing to risk bad luck for Saturday's match against Gryffindor.

"Relax," Jolyon told them all with a smile. "They can't jump. Now, who can tell me what the Mackled Malaclaw's Ministry of Magic classification is?"

Unexpected Lunch Date
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   01-21-12 10:47

Apparating into the backyard, Ron walks slowly to the door, head bowed over the Daily Prophet article he'd been reading just before leaving the Ministry. Crookshanks and Hero come galloping past then skid to a stop at the door, both turning to sit facing Ron, expectant looks on their faces.

"Why are you waiting on me. You've got your own door," he says, though not unkindly. "You're really waiting on me to feed you, right?"

As he opens the door, they swish past going to their bowls. When Ron doesn't follow them with food in hand, they both again turn to sit and face him, this time more glaringly.

"There's still food in both of them from earlier."

Ron would swear Crookshanks's eyes narrow even more. Hero just does her best to look small and pathetic, as if she's been without food for days.

"Fine. How about a treat?"

Somewhat mollified the cats give their full attention to the treat Ron gives them until, that is, they realize he's in the process of fixing something for himself. Something that could potentially be far more interesting and tasty than what he's given them.

They are both making enough noise with their begging that Ron doesn't hear Hermione until she says, "Ron, I wasn't expecting to see you."

Ron jumps, dropping a piece of cheese that Hero promptly snatches up, earning him a scathing look from Crookshanks. Ron glares right back but hands over a piece of cheese to Crookshanks as well before turning to face his wife.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here either, Hermione. I decided to come home for lunch."

By this time's next to Ron, who stops what he's doing to give her a more proper hello. They pull apart only because both cats are attempting to wend in between their legs, begging for more tasty morsels.

Hermione surveys what Ron has out, "We were thinking alike today. That's why I'm home. I had planned on buying something out but changed my mind. I'm glad I did."

"Me too! You want me to fix you a sandwich too or want something else?"

"Half a sandwich? That ham is really good. And I'm going to heat up some of that soup your mum sent."

A few minutes later Hermione and Ron are seated at the kitchen table, cats at their feet hoping both will be messy eaters. "How's your day going so far?" Ron asks before taking a large bite of sandwich.

"Really good." She launches into a quick overview of an interesting case she got to help with before asking, "And how has yours been?"

"It's been okay. It was mostly spent in a meeting for that international serial killer case."

"I thought that was wrapped up?"

"Yes and no. The committee has been getting requests from other countries for information, trying to determine if some of their unsolved murders were the work of Danielle Baatz. Oh, you remember Sebastián Valenzuela? He's the committee member from Costa Rica? He was at the meeting and was telling me all about a beach house his family has. He's invited us to use it sometime. We just have to let him know the dates."

"Costa Rica? Where it's warm and sunny?" Hermione smiles dreamily.

"We could maybe go in January or February when we're under several feet of snow here."

"Let's sit down with the calendar tonight and figure out some possible dates." Hermione sounds as excited about the prospect of spending a couple of days in Costa Rica as Ron is. "Oh, I nearly forgot. We're meeting Harry and Ginny for dinner tonight."

"That's right, but we can still look at dates afterwards. We've all got work tomorrow so it's not as if we'll be out late."

"Speaking of Ginny and Harry, I know they aren't wanting much to do made about their be here before we know it wedding but I was thinking we could throw them a party."

"Yeah, let's do that. Dinner party? Cocktails? What did you have in mind?"

"I haven't thought that far. What do you think?"

Hermione and Ron spend the rest of their lunch break eating, tentatively making party plans, and getting goofy faced thinking about a few days alone on a tropical Costa Rican beach while everyone back home is freezing.

Dirty and Distracted
Author: Rylee 
Date:   01-21-12 13:32

Herbology was decidedly not one of my favorite classes, because it involved getting dirty especially on days like today, when we were harvesting roots and sowing chamomile. Thankfully I knew a decent cleaning charm that would get the dirt out from under my manicured nails.

I hated getting dirty, unless it was a spa treatment mud bath - and spa treatment this was not. How could everyone else have no problem with getting dirty - let alone traipsing along the grounds in the frigid weather, and it was only going to get worse when the snow started to fall and gather on the ground. Well, appealing to my parents to get out of herbology would be no good, considering that they wouldn't even petition for me to get special access to the village on the days of the trips.

Thankfully this was my last class of the day, and I could go take a shower and give myself a facial treatment before settling down to homework. I flicked my gaze over toward one of the Ravenclaw students who was currently working on harvesting the root of dittany, which is what I would be working on when I finished with sowing chamomile.

Professor Ravenscroft moved through the rows, helping those that needed it, and made a gesture of approval over my currently planted chamomile which made me quite happy, but beyond that I was ready to be out of the soil and dirt and ready to be clean. I'd already had a bit of soil fall down the opening of my robes and gather in my cashmere sweater, which irritated me, but there was little I could do at the moment.

Lixue had dropped a package off at breakfast this morning, and I'd been so frazzled that I'd not had time to open it. Plus there had been a letter delivered as well from my parents, I'd not bothered even looking through the pamphlet from one of the designers that Mum is going to see in the next couple of weeks so I can tell her what I want her to get for me.


I blinked, hearing my name and looked up, flushing as Professor Ravenscroft stood in front of me, clearly waiting for an answer to a question she'd just asked me.

"Umm..." Flustered, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, I hated being embarrassed, I hated being called out like this, and now I had no bloody idea what she'd just asked me.

Professor Ravenscroft smiled and repeated the question. "Tell me one of the characteristics of dittany, as well as its scientific name."

I nodded, remembering what I'd read about the plant when studying. "There are three types of dittany, common dittany is Cunila mariana, and common dittany can be used to flavor food."

"Very good Rylee." She then continued the lecture on dittany while we worked on harvesting the roots.

Just After Charms (Mason)
Author: Pyrrhus 
Date:   01-21-12 15:09

Reaching Slytherin House Mason gives the new password, "Footnote," then when the portal is open enough for him to slip through he enters with Boris Samson directly behind. They go straight for a pair of chair they favor, unceremoniously dropping book satchels to the floor while flopping to sit down.

"I wish this was our Friday schedule."

"You and me both," Mason replies. "Only with Charms at eleven and History at one. That way we could sleep really late and still be done with classes fairly early."

The portal opens again and two girls, Lucy Lehane and Daisy Khan, enter the common room, heads together, laughing. They both look that way at the sound but then Mason notices Boris continues watching the two girls. "Which one is it?"

"Which one is what?"

"Which one do you like? Daisy or Lucy?"

Boris's natural apple cheeks flush a darker red. "Neither," he sputters. Even as he makes this denial his eyes stray back to the two girls.

"Sure you don't. Maybe it's both of them."

Boris frowns at his friend. "If I do like one of them, would it matter?"

"No, why would it?"

"Because maybe you like one of them and maybe it's the same one."

"So you do like one of them."

"I didn't say that but if I did, it would be Lucy."

"I don't like Lucy. I mean, she's okay and I guess we're friends but I don't like her."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

"Okay. Good. Where are you going?"

Mason has grabbed his satchel and is getting up. "Practice at five but with the game on Saturday, Cornelia wants anyone who can be there early to be there early. I need to grab a snack before I head to the pitch."

"I'm famished so a snack sounds good, just something to tide me over till supper. Do you hate having practice in the dark?"

"It's not my favorite thing but the lighting around the pitch is good. It's the cold that's the worst. It's bad enough in daylight this time of year but up on a broom after dark, zipping around the pitch is glacial."

"Just think, it's not even truly cold yet. This is just chilly."

"Don't remind me!"

After depositing their things in their third year boys' dorm where Mason also gets what he'll take to the pitch for practice, they leave Slytherin House discussing what merits of players on the other house teams.

Pop Quiz Day
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   01-21-12 19:06

"Good afternoon everyone!" I said slipping into the classroom after most of, if not all of my first year Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students, a few stragglers sliding in behind me. "Everyone put your books and notes away quickly now."

There was a collective groan from the gathered group of students, but they quickly did as they were told. "Five essay questions, you will have twenty minutes to complete the quiz." A flick of my wand toward the blackboard would bring the questions into view.

After the twenty minutes were done, I had Marion DeMarco collect the quizzes and set them on my desk. "Now, we are going to get down to business. We will be discussing the rift between Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin."

Unfortunately, it was in the middle of the lecture, class ended. "Alright everyone, time to go, we will continue this on Tuesday." With that I dismissed them with a good luck to the Gryffindor house since their Quidditch team will be playing on Saturday in the first game of the season.

Once class was done, I set up for my first class tomorrow morning and then headed to my quarters for a quick yoga session, shower and then to St. Emrys so that I would make my only class today.

One Question Answered
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   01-22-12 15:59

Fritz sits in Theory of Transfiguration class and sketches a diagram his professor has drawn onto the blackboard. They are studying Transubstantial Transfiguration. Some of the subject matter Fritz knows well from his time as Professor McGonagall's student at Hogwarts, but while there was some theory involved during that Transfiguration class, most of it was practical in nature. Now he's learning how transfiguration truly works.

He does his best to listen to his professor lecturing while at the same time drawing out the diagram from the blackboard. Sometimes Fritz finds himself concentrating so hard on his sketch, however, that he ends up tuning out his professor.

At least he's focused on the topic at hand. Given the chance, Fritz's mind tends to wander to what he found out about Berthold Beatenberg.

The big breakthrough happened during his last visit to the wizarding sector of Trier. Fritz, who had visited a lot of the establishments there, including a wizarding public library and archive, had stumbled across a reference to Beatenberg in a history book. That one reference had led to multiple others, including oral histories from some elderly wizards he met in a pub.

Evidently, Berthold Beatenberg had been a minor supporter of Gellert Grindelwald during that wizard's rise to power. His name didn't seem to be in any British history books relating to Grindelwald because of his minor affiliation with the dark wizard and more likely because he hadn't been present when Albus Dumbledore had defeated Grindelwald.

Beatenberg's involvement with Grindelwald had strictly taken place on the mainland. He'd also not been a member of Grindelwald's innermost circle.

He'd participated in the reign of terror that had spread across Europe. Beatenberg was thought to have murdered many opposing wizards, as well as countless unsuspecting Muggles. After Grindelwald's defeat, Beatenberg disappeared. Very little else was known about him.

Knowing the truth about Beatenberg made Fritz feel a little bit uneasy about carryng around the book Frau Hockenheim had bequeathed him. But it brought up a few more questions. Did the book contain Beatenberg's spirit or what? Was the real Beatenberg still alive? And what connection was there between him and Frau Hockenheim?

Honey and Bees
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   01-23-12 07:57

Johanna, Gus, Felicia and Mark were having dinner together at the Slytherin table. Gus was bragging about tomorrow's match, saying how Slytherin was going to smash the Gryffindor team. He even used his fork to smash the peas on his plate, to exemplify.

"That confidence will end up making you lose the match," Johanna observed, feeling sorry for the peas.
"You're talking as if you want Slytherin to lose!"
"No. I want you to be focused for tomorrow and make sure you don't let the quaffle enter your hoops."
"Relax, that won't happen. We are going to win."

Johanna looked at Mark who simply shrugged his shoulders. There was nothing to do when Gus had set up his mind about something. Johanna just hoped Gus confidence wouldn't ruin his performance tomorrow. As she finished her dish she confirmed with Felicia their plans about waking up earlier and bring food to the quidditch pitch and have breakfast there so they could catch the best seats before everyone else. Johanna then looked at the Hufflepuff table and made a signal to Kate so she would wait for them after her dinner so Johanna could tell her about their plans.

Then, a group of girls approached the table blocking Johanna's view.
"Er…Gus?" One of them called. He turned back in order to face the girls. Some giggled, some blushed and others looked down feeling shy. "My friends and I wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow's match."
"Thank you. The victory will go to Slytherin!"

The girls smiled and then after wishing him good luck once again and one of them assured him he was her favorite player in the whole school they left, giggling. Gus then turned his attention to Johanna:
"See? They believe me when I say we will win."
"They would believe you if you told them you have a dragon at home as a pet," she replied.

Gus ignored her and served himself with some chocolate pie. Johanna had no idea how he could eat so much and still have that perfect constitution that made all the girls to almost have an attack in his presence. She decided that soon she would have talk to Gus about getting a girlfriend so all the girls would stop following him like bees in search for honey.

That would give the group some peace, she thought, her eyes already searching the Slytherin table for a possible candidate.

Italian Dinner With Indigo
Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   01-23-12 19:10

Over a starter antipasto platter of marinated vegetables Indigo McFusty and Zabrynna exchange the idle chit chat of two people who've known each other for awhile but are for the first time alone for more than a few minutes. As Indi had never shown any interest in her beyond friendship, Zabrynna is still trying to figure out why he asked her on a date. What's more, she's wondering why she said said.

As their entrees arrive, vegetarian lasagna for Indi and gnocchi with marinara, mozzarella, and basil for her, Zabrynna is asking, "When first going into veterinarian healing were you planning on working with your family's dragon preserve?"

"It had crossed my mind but I was never sure that was what I wanted to do. I've never asked, what are you studying at St. Emrys?"

"I'm in the undecided category. If this were like several years ago, I'd be one of those people floating from job to job trying to find something I liked enough to commit to an apprenticeship or whatever training the job required. I think part of it is that I've spent the last few years with my mind so deeply on other things I wasn't giving much thought to a career."

"Other things being your mother and whatever it was that had Anne and Philippa coming to Hogsmeade without you for that one year?"

"Those are the main reasons. How do you know there were problems with my mum?"


"I thought as much."

"She didn't go into details so don't be angry with her over gossipping."

Zabrynna gives Indi an reassuring smile. "I won't. I don't mean to be overly nosy but do you ever wonder what might have happened between you two if Anne hadn't so unexpectedly eloped?"

"I'd be lying if I said no. I actually hadn't realized how much I liked her until learning there would be no second date. For such a long time I thought I was just humoring her by agreeing to that one date after she'd graduated."

"You're a nice chap, good looking, and now have your own business. I should think you'd have more girls to date than you'd know what to do with."

Indigo flushes slightly at the compliment before saying, "I did date some and still do, just never anything steady or long term. What about you? Anne mentioned once some guy in Costa Rica, or maybe it was Mexico."

"Costa Rica. Just someone I know from visiting my sister, her mother, and stepfather. They have homes near Mexico City and along the Costa Rican coast."

"No one at Hogwarts or where was it you went before?"

"Durmstrang. And no, no one there or Hogwarts. I've met a few people over the summer and at St. Emrys but have only gone out a couple of times. I'm just picky I guess."

The longer Zabrynna talks with Indi, the easier and more smoothly the conversation flows. By the shared dessert of tartufo*, Zabrynna is glad she said yes to his invitation though she's still having a hard time not mentally comparing Indigo to Declan Douglass.

*Wikipedia has this to say on tartufo: Tartufo is an Italian ice-cream dessert. It is usually composed of two or more flavors of ice cream with either fruit syrup or frozen fruit - typically raspberry, strawberry or cherry - in the center. It is typically covered in a shell made of chocolate, but cinnamon or nuts are also used.

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