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Hung-Over Monday
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   08-11-12 12:04

Monday morning's usually aren't so bad for me, but I'm currently wishing that I'd been able to sleep for another few hours or at least have had a moment to go down to Madame Pomfrey and grab a pepper-up potion to cut through this hang over. I'd gone out with Dexter last night and probably stayed out a bit later than I'd wanted to. Though I'd managed to survive my first three classes, with large quantities of coffee. I'd headed down to the hospital wing and grabbed a pepper-up potion before I went to lunch.

As it was I'd spent the night at his apartment and that had perhaps been a mistake since I'd had to work in the morning. I was also trying to keep things from moving to fast and there was also the important thing that Dexter needed to get a job, find something to and stop relying upon his charm and wit to get him through things. Even if he was working a part-time position he needed to start doing something, because I wasn't going to support him through our relationship.

Right now, I had my class of second year Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students working on group projects about a famous Muggle that was in any of the time periods we'd studied so far. Then they had to choose one major site in Europe that held a major site of magic in the thirteenth century and write an essay for it due at the end of the week. I currently spent the class answering occasional questions and marking papers from the pop quiz that I'd given at the beginning of class.

"Professor Davyd?"

"Yes Natalie?"

"About the essay that is due at the end of the week, how long did you want it again? I forgot to add it to my assignment pages."

"Twelve and a half minimum."

"Thank you Professor. When are we going to present our group projects?"

"We will be presenting them at the end of the week, you will have this class period and next class period to work on them before presentations are given on Friday. Each presentation will need to be twenty minutes minimum."

"Thank you Professor."

Though the last of the information was also directed at the other students who had forgotten to jot it down with the assignment. After that, I turned my attention back to the pop quizzes to get the grades recorded so that I could hand them back before the end of class.

(Broderick Carter) Almost Missing Potions
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   08-11-12 14:18

After spending this past weekend in the library off and on I didn't want to look at another practice exam for the OWLs coming up in a matter of weeks. Seriously, I wasn't ready for this, and honestly I had a feeling I'd be held back a year, or not admitted into any NEWT level courses unless I got my act together and managed to pull out some fantastic scores on my exams. However, I always did better under pressure and that was something my sensei in Japan has always loved, so ultimately I would probably pull out alright.

I sat at the moment at the Gryffindor table, filling my plate with second helpings at lunch and looking over my Potions essay trying to see if it will be enough for Professor Snape because seriously he is one of the harsher Potions Masters that he'd ever had. Even the sensei for potions in Japan hadn't been this dour or difficult. Either way, I'd been doing well enough since I'd started in his class at the beginning of Spring Term. The less stringent schedule took a bit of time to get used to, but things were going well enough, and I was thankful for the discipline from the Japanese sensei to ensure that I got things done before looking to extra curricular activities. I am considering clubs for the next year, though I knew that things were going to be hectic since I'd be leading up to my final year the one following.

I wanted to pick on Cai and Angharad because this year they had it easy, the next three would be crazy as hell for them as they had OWLs next year and then NEWT level courses the following year. They had no idea what they would be getting into yet.

"Broderick, are you done staring at your potions essay? Or are you going to stare at it for the rest of the afternoon and miss class all together?"

I blinked and looked up at Cai and shook my head. "Hey, didn't realize what time it was. Thanks, and you've got class too."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure that you made it to class as well because last thing you needed was Snape taking points from Gryffindor because you were mooning over your potions essay and missed his class all together without a valid excuse."

Laughing I pushed myself up from the table after finishing the last bite of my hot roast beef and swiss sandwich and a couple more crisps. Putting my books and things back into my bag before heading out of the Great Hall and down to the Dungeon classroom for Potions with Professor Snape.

Monday Musing (Dexter)
Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   08-11-12 17:13

Life was good for Dexter Morgan. He woke up earlier then usual and stretched out in bed before getting up quietly and heading into the kitchen. He came back with a mug of coffee and gently woke his girlfriend. "Hey, Karma? You need to get up; you have classes to teach today."

A little while later, she reluctantly left his flat after a quick goodbye kiss, he wasn't willing to let her go either. He sat back on his couch, his brother Driver had left even earlier, he was building something at the bar (there was something about a broken table from the weekend.) Now Dexter had the place to himself.

Right now, his thoughts drifted to his current situation. He was happy with his life, and his growing relationship with the beautiful Karma Davyd. They had been dating for a little while now, and Dexter had realized that he was falling in love with her. He had even met her parents at a wedding in India, although they now despised Dex, as he didn't fit in with their personal values and beliefs. He didn't let that bother him though; he just wanted Karma to be happy.

Dexter rubbed his forehead, he had a few drinks last night and he took a sip of a potion in the cabinet. "I bet Karma could use one of these right about now." He grinned and grabbed a box to send his girlfriend a quick package and letter.

Hey Karma,

I hope you're doing alright this morning, I bet your head is hurting. I meant to give you this before you left. This is my custom made hangover cure; it'll boost your energy level too. Don't worry, I made up the formula myself so it's safe. I always keep some brewed, I think Driver should start selling it at his bar. I'd love for you to come by after work tonight if you get a chance and would like to hang out.

I hope your students behave today! I'll talk to you later sweetie.

Love Dex.

He placed the little bottle and letter in the box and sent it to Karma at Hogwarts. Now he had some job hunting to get to.

Working While Eating
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   08-11-12 20:22

Due to a physical altercation that he'd broken up just off from one of the employee entrances to the Ministry, Ron is spending his lunch at his desk hurry to fill out an incident report. He's due for a shift patrolling St. Emrys in under an hour and he's been told he needs to have the report completed and turned in before leaving for the university. If he ate then did the report he'd probably be late reporting for the St. Emrys duty, something he's quite certain the person he's relieving would not appreciate in the slightest.

If he did the report then ate, he'd end up only getting his lunch half eaten or have to take it with him and somehow he doesn't think that patrolling on security detail while snacking would go over very well if he were spotted by someone eager to tattle. Not many aurors or hit wizards would report someone eating on patrol but there are a few who'd relish the chance. Drinking something like coffee or water, eating candy drops or taking the occasional bite of a candy bar is generally fine but chowing down on a loaded six inch sub sandwich not so much. Anyway, Ron figures with his luck he'd end up with half the sandwich's contents down his front just as someone important came strolling by. He can easily imagine such a scenario with Kingsley Shacklebolt taking a tour of the university's campus and grounds to ensure the Ministry's law enforcement department is providing the security promised for catching a murderer.

Stopping writing to gather this thoughts to finish off the report, Ron takes a bite of the sub sandwich, wishing he'd stuck to the Ministry canteen for lunch or brought his lunch instead of venturing out to buy something nearby. Why didn't he floo out or wait until closer to time to show at St. Emrys and grabbed something at that Wyrding Way place?

Rapidly chewing then taking another bite, Ron picks up his quill to see if he can't finish this report within the next two or three minutes. Five at most. He hopes. If he can manage that, he'll go turn it in then come back and finish off his lunch with enough time to actually enjoy this sandwich that's the cause of this mess in the first place. At least he's not in disguise of any sort for patrolling at the university. This afternoon he's there as an auror on security detail, patrolling a given set of hallways, checking classrooms and offices along the route, watching for any suspicious activity or for signs of anything that seems strange or off.

Wrapping up the last sentence, Ron quickly scans the entire report, making sure he's not missed anything nor made any errors such as typos. Satisfied that it will do, Ron hurries it to the proper IN basket then just as rapidly returns to his cubicle to eat at a more liesurely pace before flooing to St. Emrys. It also means he might get to eat the piece of birthday cake from the Eternal-Black twins' party yesterday that Drucilla had sent with him. If not, he'll have to be sure to take it home to eat after supper tonight, even if it means he'd have to share some with Hermione.

(Evan Carter) Lunch and a Study Date
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   08-12-12 05:31

Classes continue as do my flirtations with several of the hotties that seem to be in my classes. I've gone out with a couple of girls since the term started, and truthfully neither of them seem to be girlfriend material just yet, so they've never gotten beyond a couple of dates. Right now, I was killing time in Orange before having to head to my next class - Introduction to Magical Research and after that is my final class Muggle History I - Western Civilization as a random humanities course that I'd selected.

Thankfully I didn't have potions lab tomorrow, that would be Thursday, but I only had it paired with two classes so that wouldn't be so bad and I'd have plenty of time between classes to get assignments done. I was thankful with such a heavy course load to have had the stringent training in my schooling that I'd gotten from Japan - though I still managed to slack off as much as possible and look good while doing it.

"Hey Evan?"

The honey'd voice of a co-ed seeped into my distracted brain and I looked up seeing a rather curvy red-head that I think I had Western Civ with.


I couldn't remember her name so I prompted a little bit, as I motioned for her to settle herself down across from me.

"Natalie, we have Western Civ together..."

"Ah, right, now what can I do for you Natalie?" I asked finishing off a sip of my drink and reclining back in my chair to watch her a few moments.

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me with the assignment that is due today, I'm not sure if I got everything that the professor was asking for."

"I can do that. You're talking about the draft of our paper that is due today right?"

She nodded and tucked a stray curl behind her ear and smiled - I liked her smile.

"I can do that really quick, and then maybe we can meet up after class and if you still have questions I can help you out."

She nodded again and handed me the parchment, "Sounds good. If you want we can work over dinner, I know this perfect little place."

And now she was trying to turn it into a date, smooth. "Sure, that works."

I looked over the parchment and made a few notations on things that she missed, like inclusion of dates and a few other minor things. "There you go, should be all set and shouldn't give you any trouble in class today. Now, I will see you in class Natalie, I've got to get to my next class."

With a wink I slipped from my seat, put my jacket back on and gathered my bag, before grabbing my trash and depositing it in the nearest bin. After another quick wave to Natalie I headed out of Orange and toward Introduction to Magical Research, which would probably not hold my attention too much since I had a date with the wonderful Natalie after Western Civ.

(Aderyn Carter) Shopping
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   08-12-12 06:17

This morning had been spent in Diagon Alley, and I'd gotten refreshers in all of my school supplies as well as a few new textbooks. I'd had robes measured at Narcissa's for formal robes, and I'd had every day robes measured at Madame Malkin's. New cauldrons purchased for the fall, and various other things - apothecary supplies and things like that would be put off until closer to the school year so that they'd be fresh.

My parents and the house elf had taken my things back to the house, I intended on spending the rest of the day shopping and getting a few things for myself and probably would grab dinner tonight at the Deli instead of eating at home. Mum said that she'd send Izzy, our house elf to collect me at seven thirty or so, right around sunset or something along those lines. Either way, I had some time to spend to myself.

Currently, my sapphire pygmy puff was curled on my shoulder, so there was this brilliant ball of blue nestled in my blonde hair which looked kinda interesting. I lightly petted the soft ball of fluff before debating on where I wanted to go next - I could always go grab some more clothes from Narcissa's or now that I thought about it I needed some new treats for Nigeria and Emerica and I should probably stop into Critters & Supplies. Heading down to the shop, I ducked in and soon enough came out with a couple of small bags, content with my purchases I continued wandering a bit.

I blinked and Ambrosia nearly fell off my shoulder as Izzy popped into view. "Miss's mother said that Izzy should accompany you for the rest of your day since you shouldn't be alone right now."

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. "Whatever. I've done this before in Japan and everywhere else we've been. I can take care of myself, then again it's illegal for me to perform magic here if I need it. Fine." Muttering irritably beneath my breath I trudge on, my mood dampened for just a few moments before I slipped into the Runic Boutique, I wanted new runes and was irritated that I couldn't continue my rune training until third year at Hogwarts, so I'd have to do it on my own for now.

I'd probably spend a couple of hours in here, wandering and looking at the runes and ogham, searching for just the right set to supplement my current set.

Redemption of a Sort
Author: Abdul Hazrat AlGunud 
Date:   08-12-12 14:30

The school year was rapidly coming to a conclusion. Lower level students were chatting about the upcoming summer break and discussing vacation plans. Some would be going abroad to exotic destinations along the Mediterranean or to the tropics. Others were staying in Scotland or visiting relatives in England or Wales. In contrast, the seventh year students almost uniformly seemed to exude an air of worried distraction. They discussed N.E.W.T. exams, gaining admission to St. Emrys University or post-Hogwarts job prospects.

While not totally oblivious to these goings on, Abdul had been occupied with his own set of concerns. Simultaneously avoiding the attention of Filch and trying to weasel information from Peeves had proven to be a remarkably challenging endeavor. Peeves might be rattling suits of armor in an upstairs hallway one moment and throwing chalk in a downstairs classroom the next. And wherever Peeves was causing trouble, Filch would usually follow. In truth, Abdul was also uneasy about the course of action upon which he had embarked. His failures last year, and the bloody price that had been paid, weighed heavily upon his mind.

Nevertheless, with the end of the school year approaching, Abdul felt compelled to force the issue. This involved taking more risks. This also explained why Abdul was lingering on the seventh floor. Fewer students and staff walked the hallways in the evening. Those few who did were more often in the vicinity of the Great Hall or one of the towers. So he was less likely to encounter any curious mortals. He passed the statue of Lachlan the Lanky for the sixth or perhaps the seventh time. There had been no sign of Peeves or of any other ghost at all. Abdul paused frequently, cocking his head to listen. As he was approaching the tapestry that displayed trolls moving in ways that appeared (to Abdul) to be vaguely obscene, the clatter of metal hitting pavement sounded somewhere ahead. Abdul broke into a run. Perhaps this was the chance he had been waiting for (and dreading).

He skidded around a corner and nearly tripped over a sconce that was rolling about on the floor. Peeves was holding aloft the torch that had previous been supported by the sconce.

"Hey ho, a hunting I shall go!" cried the poltergeist as he struck a mock-heroic pose. Abdul had been at Hogwarts long enough to learn about the poltergeist's taste for spectacular displays of bravado and/or mayhem. Theatrics aside, Abdul sensed that his window of opportunity to question Peeves was probably very limited.

"What is it that you would hunt?"

"None of your business, you filthy little sixth year rat. Maybe I am hunting Haz-rats."

Abdul ignored the slur utilizing his name, always the best policy when dealing with Peeves. He replied, "That is the wrong tool for catching rats. You would be better served by getting a cat. Why not enlist the assistance of Mrs. Norris? She would probably be glad to help."

Peeves floated silently, torch seemingly forgotten. Abdul quickly pressed on, "Unless there is something about Mrs. Norris that you do not like. Yes, I think that must be so."

The only response from the poltergeist was silence. Sensing his advantage, Abdul continued: "What is there about Filch and his cat? You know something Peeves."

"Ghastly, ghostly. Oh so frightening. Worse than listening to Moaning Myrtle talk about her death or dealing with His Bloodiness. Think you got it bad? Let me tell you, young idiot, it is far worse for me!"

"Why does a mere cat scare you so?"

"Mere, MERE," the poltergeist's voice rose in volume to a near screech. The noise would probably attract attention, but the only way Abdul could see to extract information was to goad Peeves into a tantrum.

"You have no idea what..." The poltergeist broke off abruptly as Mrs. Norris padded into sight, followed closely by Filch.

"Well, well. This is most unfortunate. A foreign student and our resident poltergeist causing trouble on the seventh floor. It will undoubtedly grieve dear Professor Dumbledore greatly to hear that both of you were killed when one of Peeve's many pranks went awry."

Abdul's mouth went dry at the quiet and matter-of-fact tone of the statement uttered by the caretaker. Mrs. Norris began to shimmer as the sickening kaleidoscope of light that Abdul had last seen on Valentine's Day seemed to sprout forth from the cat like splotches of diseased fungus. From these splotches emerged horrid, writhing tentacles that moved with deadly purpose, reaching for Peeves.

Filch moved to toward Abdul, smiling and his eyes reflecting the same horrid colors emerging from the cat. "Fortunate, you being here boy. I wanted to deal with you earlier. But they said you didn't know anything. Guess they were wrong, eh?"

Abdul inched backward, fumbling in his robe for the jambiya. A scream of pain wrenched his gaze upward. Impossible as it seemed, a tentacle had latched onto one of Peeve's legs. The poltergeist was futilely smacking at the tentacle with the torch. Slowly and inexorably, Peeves was being pulled toward the cat.

During that brief moment of distraction, Filch jumped at Abdul. Instinctively, he rolled backward using his legs and the caretaker's own momentum to propel Filch down the hallway. The caretaker crashed into a suit of armor, landing in an untidy heap.

Regaining his feet, Abdul finally managed to free the jambiya from the tangle of his robes. During his brief struggle with Filch, two more tentacles had managed to ensnare Peeves. Shrieking in agony, the poltergeist had dropped the torch and was desperately trying to hold onto a ceiling fixture.

His first instinct was to flee. But hearing the poltergeist scream, Abdul knew that he could not leave another to pay the price for his own curiosity. Muttering a spell that he had learned from Professor Dumbledore, he lunged at the cat with point of his dagger extended outward. It cut into the flesh of the animal with startling results. A bolt of electricity traveled from the wound, to the jambiya and up his arm. A foul vapor poured forth from the wound. The shimmering light coming from the cat flared and then a crushing blow struck Abdul. His last thought was a brief hope that he had saved the obnoxious poltergeist from a similar fate as had befallen Grace.

Despite the noise generated, the resultant explosion caused surprisingly little damage on the seventh floor. Most of damage could be attributed to flying debris. Mixed in with the bits of stone and metal was a torn bit of robe, bearing the Ravenclaw House crest. However, there were strange scorch marks on the floor. One seemed to be of a person and the other of a cat. But throughout were burn marks resembling black tendrils, leading some to speculate that the burns were caused by a student prank gone awry. Filch was found some distance away from the center of the explosion, unconscious. He was taken to the infirmary. Questioned later that evening, he claimed to have surprised a student engaged in casting some spell. The startled student had lost control of the spell, causing the explosion which had consumed both the student and Mrs. Norris. After this revelation, Filch broke down in tears and refused to speak further.

A quick tally of Ravenclaw students revealed only one missing. Although urgently sought by both students and staff, no one could find any sign of Abdul Hazrat AlGunud. No one remembered seeing him after dinner and his effects were untouched.

Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   08-12-12 17:56

Professor McGonagall closed the door to the Hospital Wing and turned to Professor Dumbledore, whose brows were knitted together out of concern and deep ponderence. The events of the evening had proven to be most shocking and totally unexpected. Minerva felt very distressed and did not quite know what to do next.

"Albus, what will we tell the other students?" she asked, as the pair began walking down the hallway together.

Albus, looking very far away, somehow managed to register his colleague's question and stated, "The truth, as we know it. A terrible tragedy occurred this evening resulting in the loss of a student and a most devoted pet."

"But do you really think they are gone?" Minerva asked, her voice breaking slightly.

"Gone? Yes. Dead?" Dumbledore didn't answer his own question for a long moment. "It is likely," he finally, quietly said, "though not definite."

At the look on Professor McGonagall's face he hastily added, "But do not get your hopes up, Minerva. We do not know what happened, and I do not believe Mr. Filch can tell us."

"What should we do, Albus?"

"Contact Abdul's foster family. I will contact the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"And the students, Albus?" Minerva asked again.

He stopped and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I will ask the other heads of houses to tell them what happened in their respective common rooms. There will no doubt be many questions that cannot be answered, and by morning I'm sure there will be more rumors than we can count on the matter." He gave her shoulder a squeeze and then dropped his hand. They resumed walking.

"I've already asked Hagrid to cordon off the affected corridor on the seventh floor," Dumbledore went on. "Until we can sort out what happened, I would like to leave it untouched. The prefects will be informed of the temporary closure and will be charged with directing students who have business on the seventh floor along another path."

They came to the path in the corridor where they would each go their separate ways. "Let us convene in my office later this evening," Albus said to her.

Minerva gave a nod of her head and then wordlessly walked away to her office. She could hardly think of the other matter that had been brought to her attention sometime earlier in the day. A student who wished to remain anonymous had reported suspecting a teacher of being under the influence of alcohol. By the time Minerva had learned of the accusation, it had already been afternoon and whatever symptoms the professor in question had exhibited in the morning had passed. Minerva hoped it was a misunderstanding on the student's part, for surely no one on staff would be so unprofessional as to come to work drunk or hungover. At any rate, she would be keeping a very close eye on the professor in case the allegations were true.

Professor McGonagall arrived at her office and prepared to deliver the unpleasant news of Abdul's disappearance and possible death to his foster family.

Fight Night Highlights
Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   08-12-12 18:32

Bronwyn and Toby invited me over to their place for dinner. I hadn't been over in a while, and hadn't had a chance to talk to Bronwyn at all since Friday. I had a hard time not spilling everything the moment I had arrived, but I managed to hang on long enough for the normal catching up happened.

Finally, I couldn't take it. "So," I said, mouth still half full, "You'll never guess what I did Friday night."

"Go on a date!?" Bron asked excitedly.


"Oh…" Bron seemed to deflate a little.

"I went out with Alanna and some coworkers for drinks actually."

"Really?" Bron asked confused, "You went out for drinks? That doesn't sound like you."

"Eh, wasn't my idea. But that's not the best part," I told them, "So, you know that guy that's been bugging Alanna? Reed?"

Bronwyn nodded, Toby grumbled something under his breath

"Well, I guess he followed us to the bar."

"Why?" Toby asked, his protective nature taking hold.

"To harass Alanna, why else?"

"Jerk…" Toby mumbled.

"Well, he decided to get drunk. Stumbling drunk, and of course, came over to Alanna to harass her. Alanna finally had it, and told him off! Finally!"

"About time," Toby agreed.

"Well, being stupid drunk, he tried to pick a fight, he actually tried to hit her!" Toby's eyes narrowed with some anger, Bron looked a bit shocked. "Well, I was gonna have none of that, so I grabbed his arm before he actually hit her, and pushed him away. Giving him a chance to leave and all that. He was too blind with booze and anger to back down though.

"So, he came after me, since I was standing. He took a couple swings, but nothing actually connected. I gave him a black eye, bloody nose with a possible break, and I may have fractured or dislocated his jaw." Bronwyn's jaw hung with a bit of surprise. Toby leaned back with a rather satisfied look on his face. "And that was before I tossed him threw a table knocking his ass out."

"Finally," Toby said, "Scumbag deserved it."

"I got a letter from the Bartender that saw everything," I said, pulling out the letter from Driver. "Bron, you may find it interesting."

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