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(Mockridge TownHouse to Ministry) Taking Her Tests
Author: Nephele Mockridge 
Date:   06-23-13 09:15

Nephele felt half-sick when she woke, but she knew she could do this. The day spent at Hogwarts with Pip, Kirley, Cass, Valeria and her friends had been just what she needed, a break from studying for her exams and time with those she cared about. It had also been an excellent distraction from her nerves about the Potions Mistress exams she was taking.

At least Valeria had taken the news that both of her guardians had a social life well. Nephele had been prepared to duck and then promptly hex her niece if she'd dared retaliate in her normal fashion, but instead, the blonde had seemed pleased. And then let it slip that Cloris had mentioned something in her last letter about the situation. Once today's trial was over with, she might have to jinx her mother, just on principle.

After an abortive attempt at breakfast, which she couldn't eat no matter how much she tried to focus on the fun of the day before, she Floo'd to the Ministry early, making her way to the offices of the official examiners. Since the opening of St. Emrys, most students took these sort of exams there, but since Nephele was one of the few who chosen to learn as an apprentice, special arrangements had to be made.

Griselda Marchbanks was the one administering her exam, though a number of people had contributed to the tests themselves. "Miss Mockridge, you're early. We can begin now, if you'd like, or we can wait a bit longer."

"If you please, Madam Examiner, I'd rather get this done," Nephele answered and was promptly escorted into a room to do the theoretical part of her exam. She'd made plans to meet with Kirley for lunch after this part, not that she'd be able to eat, and then it would be time for the practical part. After, she wasn't sure yet if she would go home and drink a rather large amount of Firewhiskey or if she'd Floo Pip and see how busy he was. Perhaps she shouldn't drink alone and she was fairly sure Kirley owed Cass after being late for their plans to go to Hogwarts. But there was no more time for thinking, at least if it wasn't related to potions.

5 Days and Counting
Author: Araxie Loren 
Date:   06-23-13 16:07

The term was coming to an end this week, and already I was planning out how I was going to spend the just over two week break before I had to come back to school to finish out my first year as a Ravenclaw. I was still amazed at the massive amount of stuff that I'd gotten from the Easter Egg hunt yesterday, and that still remained in my basket that was sent from my aunt and uncle and Nichole.

Currently, after having been done with classes since just before noon, I opted to curl up in the Common Commons with my sketch pad and work off some stress. Ector was currently playing a game of Wizarding Chess with someone from I think it was Gryffindor, I couldn't think of the girl's name.

I let my fingers smudge some of the charcoal over the page, adding depth to the portrait I was working on of Ector. A light smile touching my lips as I remembered that snog not too long ago, and the fact that there had been a couple more since then. However, we weren't officially dating or anything like that, but we were good friends.

We'd talked - a kinda serious talk the other day and both realized that we were only eleven and maybe trying to start a serious type relationship probably wouldn't be a good idea. However, he'd been the one that had helped pick me up after I'd gotten a letter from my "father" that I'd been foolish enough to open.

"Alright, I'm gonna go grab something a bit better for lunch than the bit of fairy cake that I had."

Ector looked up.

"Alright, will catch you later? We still up for hanging out later?"

"Yup. Will catch you later!"

I headed out of the Common Commons and ventured toward the Great Hall, my artists bag banging against my hip as I walked, my low heels clicking lightly on the steps.

I had a large salad loaded with veggies and seasoned grilled chicken and a bowl of baked potato soup and a glass of pumpkin juice.

Stress is Not Good for the Baby
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   06-23-13 16:35

What she wouldn't have given for a cup of caffeinated, Colombian goodness right now. However, it was not allowed. She'd been restricted from caffeine for the last two and a half months, and is surprised she hadn't hexed anyone yet, but tea has become a wonderful substitute for coffee right now, and she tends to counter it with a mug of black tea at the beginning of the day.

Though, as of right now, she was currently trying to keep her focus on her last week of classes before the term ends and Easter Hols and ultimately the fact that the girls would be coming home with she and Dex from the orphanage in India.

"Professor Morgan?"

I looked up and smiled at Rylee.

"What can I do for you Miss Marks?"

"I was wondering if you would help me with my essay? I'm having some trouble figuring out where to start?"

"Of course. I've some time before I head home for the day. What are you doing your topic on?"

Rylee told me, and I smiled. "A very good topic, now here are some sources you can start with. Most of them can be found in the library and you can also use this book as a source."

A smile dancing upon my lips, as she headed out of the room with the book I'd given her.

No other students lingering to ask questions, before I headed out. I had no office hours today, and ultimately I headed home, and dropped down on the couch, there had been a note on the counter that told me Dex had hopped off to get some shopping done because we were out of things.


I froze, I was not in the mood to deal with my mum right now.

"Mum, if you are going to start an argument, I would suggest you leave right this moment, because I'm not going to deal with unnecessary stress right now."

There was a crack and I was thankful that my mother had actually done as she'd been asked.

Badly Timed But Well Intentioned Interruption
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   06-24-13 16:35

Something about a witness's statement not sitting right with him, Ron starts reading through it again, making a few notes as he goes. He just about made the connection of what seems off when someone stops at his cubicle to ask, "How's Harry?"

Closing his eyes for half a second as he reminds himself that Amity has no idea she just interrupted a potentially important train of thought, Ron turns to face his coworker, mouth pursed though Amity doesn't know the expression is more to do with the interruption and not about Harry.

"Hi, Amity. No change. Thanks for asking."

"That's too bad. We're all pulling for him. I tried going by a few times but was given the family only line."

"Yeah, between St. Mungo's being strict about that and the security around the room, there are times even I have to show credentials to get in."

"How is your sister?"

"Ginny's doing well under the circumstances. Thankful, he's alive."

"Let her know I asked after them both. Ooooh, is that a new picture of your daughter?"

Ron nods as he hands Amity the picture frame. "Taken just two days ago."

"She's getting so big."

"A few days shy of being six months old."

"So cute. She must take after Hermione," Amity says with a grin and a wink. "I've taken up enough of your time. If there's anything I can do, make a casserole or babysit or something, just let me know."

"Thanks, Amity."

Alone once more Ron turns back to the witness statement but his thoughts stay on Harry for a few moments more. The official word is that Harry is comatose after that bombing attack. In reality, he's at the Order's house in St. John's Wood and is mainly recovered. Luckily for Harry there were no curses attached to that bomb.

No one is actually in the room at St. Mungo's, just a mannequin in a darkened room. Nurses come and go periodically as do a couple of healers. There are some hit wizards stationed at the room. For the time being the illusion of an injured Harry Potter is being kept in case the bomber decides to try and finish the job.

Ginny's and Harry's house in Godric's Hollow is under surveillance with special charms set around it, done from the yard and the house so that the spell casters would be undetectable from the lane or grove of trees across from the house. The house cannot be seen by anyone not told specifically where it is but there is evidence someone watched the spot from the grove of trees across from the property. They don't know though if it was just some kids camping out or someone setting up a watch for any signs of Harry and Ginny coming and going.

The Muggles in the area were told that the small explosion was from some illegal fireworks a group of teens had set off.

Ron reaches for his coffee mug, realizes it's nearly empty so gets up to get a refill. Back at his desk, he reads over the notes he'd been making and starts rereading the witness statement for a third time, trying again to put his finger on what's off about the whole thing.

Mondays Can Be Good Days (Duncan)
Author: Briar Rose 
Date:   06-24-13 19:30

Following a fun time Sunday, Monday has been a good day for Duncan. Sunday he'd filled a basket with prize filled eggs and had seen his family for a couple of hours. They'd brought early birthday wishes and cards but gifts were left until today, Duncan's twelfth birthday. He'd woken to some gifts on his bed and others had arrived through the day. Sure, he had Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and History of Magic, and still has Astronomy and maybe he hadn't any idea what Professor Flint was talking about this morning, but all in all for a Monday, it's been good.

Entering Hufflepuff House with the pass phrase of continental shelf, Duncan stops his in tracks causing friend and roommate Hiram Young to walk into him. On a table is a large cake with Happy Birthday, Duncan! written in letters nearly as big. An older student sees him standing there gaping and gestures to the cake. "You're Duncan, right?" Then without waiting for a reply she continues, "A house elf brought the cake a few minutes ago. There's a card."

By that time Hiram has stepped around Duncan and has approached the cake. He reaches for something sticking out from under one corner of the tray the cake is on. "Yep, right here." He holds it up for Duncan to see.

Though he knows who the cake must be from and though he sort of thought she would send something, Duncan was not expecting Aunt Briar to send something so bloody huge. Other students coming in from dinner in the Great Hall have started gathering around the cake, one of them even saying, "Wish I hadn't had seconds on that pie."

The card is a silly one that brings a smile. In addition to the handwritten Happy Birthday, Aunt Briar added a note about how she sent enough cake for him to share. Glancing at the cake as he hands the card to Hiram to have a giggle over, he thinks that's a bit of an understatement.

There's are plates and napkins and a plastic cake server. Duncan holds it up and asks, "Who wants a piece?"

A good number crowd around and with the help of that older girl who'd spoken when he'd come in, a third year called Natalie Jones, he gets everyone there wanting a piece served then helps himself to a large corner square. Others who come into the common room after he's settled down with his first piece are told to get some if they want.

By the time 10:30 is approaching and he and the other first year Hufflepuffs need to head to the Astronomy Tower, Duncan has had three slices of cake. Others of all years have had more than one piece as well yet there is still a goodly amount of the cake left. There's a cover for the cake to help keep it fresh. Duncan writes on top of the cover a note that anyone who wants more cake is welcome to have some. As he walks out of Hufflepuff House behind another of his roommates, Ollie Choate, he's licking frosting from his fingers and knows what he's having for breakfast in the morning.

Arresto Momentum
Author: Mildred 
Date:   06-25-13 14:01

"Arresto Momentum!" Mildred shouted, her wand pointed at the pink plastic ball that Achilles had just throw in her direction.

The ball slowed down its movement and finally fell on the floor, inanimate.

"Well done Miss Campbell," Professor Flitwick congratulated her.

For today's class the Charms professor had decided it was time for their second years to practice the incantation that would make moving objects to slow down or even stop. He had brought to class a box filled with multicolored plastic balls and pairs were formed. The desks and chairs were leaned against the walls. While one throw the ball the other would have to use its wand and make it slow down.

At first there were some accidents with the balls. Wesley Varnum had broken a window when Queenie had challenged him to throw her the ball as fast as he could. Professor Flitwick did not seem upset at all with the incident, quickly repairing the window with his wand.

Hope Hyland from Ravenclaw was the first one to get the incantation right when her friend Katheryn Finch throw a green ball in her direction. Professor Flitwick awarded her 5 points.

Now almost the entire class seemed to have dominated the incantation. Balls would fly around from one corner to the room to the other. There were even bolder students who tried to stop more than one ball in a row. Amelia who had convinced Melpomene to throw a ball with each hand.

Achilles wanted to do the same thing and he picked a silver ball from the almost emptied box and handed it to Mildred.

"My father has a car of this color," he told her, as he pulled the sleeves of his robes back and he got his wand ready.

Mildred threw the pink and the silver ball at the same time. Achilles only managed to charm the pink one. The silver one rolled away and he went to fetch it. He returned with the ball and handed it back to Mildred.

"My mother doesn't understand why my father would want a Muggle car. She says it's absurd to have something there that we don't use. But father says it's an expensive model and that he likes to park it at our front door. You should see all the Muggles that pass, admiring it as if it was the greatest broom ever made! Throw the balls again will you?"

Mildred was about to do so but the bell rang, announcing the end of the class. Everyone seemed disappointed as they put the balls back into the box. It had been a fun way to start the day. Professor Flitwick didn't even send them homework.

Next class would be Potions, with the Slytherins. Mildred grabbed her bag and followed her friends into the dungeons.

(Ailbe) Nine Seats of Blackmar
Author: Roisin Rae McCray 
Date:   06-25-13 20:37

He glared at the stone wall through the mist, trying to make out the medieval etches. He had no need to read it; he had seen the work many times, and was even required to remember the words. But it was for old times' sake that he stared through the mist, marveling at the structure that stood proudly in a circle of lesser stones. He was a striking young man, in his prime, when he had last visited Blackmar. That was before Cleona's affair, before Andreva's birth. He couldn't afford Charles to gain an inkling of the place, which was likely if he continued visiting. Nothing changed since then, and he doubted anything will ever change.

Ailbe closed his eyes, envisioning the words on the standing stone.

Nine Seats.
Nine Seats of Blackmar.
Through stone, bramble, and trees,
Within the misty reach they shan't be far,
Therein lay the old Nine Seats.
The Nine Seats of Blackmar.

The First for the Scholar,
To say what is wise.
The Second for the Sportsman,
To show sport in life.
The Third for the Philosopher,
To solve problems of the mind.
The Fourth for the Shaman,
To unite with death's kind.
The Fifth for the Astrologer,
To study the stars in time.
The Sixth for the Alchemist,
To play with magical finds.
The Seventh for the Healer,
To expel physical strife.
The Eighth for the Herbologist,
To properly advise.
The Ninth for the Potioneer,
To boil a new surprise.

Nine Seats.
Nine Seats of Blackmar.
Old words you must speak,
And in me you will enter,
Therein lay the old Nine Seats.
The Nine Seats of Blackmar.

A pact of long ago,
By Nine young magicians,
We arrived during a time of snow,
With a singular mission,
Forever we shall bestow
Lost knowledge to our young magicians.

Nine Seats.
Nine Seats of Blackmar.
Only the Nine shall I please,
For them I shall part,
Therein lay the old Nine Seats.
The Nine Seats of Blackmar.

Equals they are,
My dear young magicians,
The Nine of my heart,
Sparse of competition,
To never become at war.

Nine Seats.
Nine Seats of Blackmar.
Never shall I bleed,
I am an undying heart,
Therein lay the old Nine Seats.
The Nine Seats of Blackmar.

Yet one must lead,
So look to the bearer of stars,
Once he was known amongst kings,
Michael Scotus always remains ours,
Never again to leave,
Our first Astrologer,
But not the last to have the seat.

Nine Seats.
Nine Seats of Blackmar.
Forever he is in me,
To bless my little hearts,
Therein lay the old Nine Seats.
The Nine Seats of Blackmar.

Green Eggs & Homework
Author: Estine 
Date:   06-26-13 06:46

It was big, spring green, and all Estine's. She held it up to her face to get a better look at the egg's bumpy surface while a giant grin sprawled itself across her lips. "I will call you 'Pretty' and you will be mine."

"Are you seriously going to stare at it or are you going to actually open it? I mean, it's been two days already." It was Wendy Mills who had spoken, as she watched her friend adoring an egg she had found in Hogwarts' premier Easter Egg Hunt. "And don't let Anton see it. He might try to relieve you of it."

How strange. Wendy had said something similar before about the first year Slytherin. Oh, of course! It had been during the hunt! And yet, the 1st year Ravenclaw had been right.

"Especially if we don't want Anton & Crew to find them all before we even get a chance." Those had been Wendy's exact words at the time, but Esti had guessed they were out of spite for earlier events.

"You're acting like this is some kind of competition," Esti had replied as she brought an egg down to waist level and eventually into her bag. "They're not out to get you. Today's for fun and games, Wendy. Let's be kids! Leave the competition for Friday, yeah?"

"I guess," Wendy had said as she found another egg and stuffed it quickly into her bag. "It's just hard to not think ill of them after what they did."

Estine smiled to herself as she found another egg, though this one was smaller and pinker than her pervious one. Not like that really mattered too much at the end of the day. Sometimes even the smallest eggs held the biggest surprises. It was while Esti, dressed in a spring colored floral jumper and skinny jeans, crouched down to pick up said egg that she spoke. "They're sore losers. You really shouldn't waste too much thought – Oh!"

Another hand touching Esti's while her attentions were elsewhere caused the girl to be startled and jump back from the egg. As she looked up, she realized it was only Titus Nott (also known as the 'Crew' part of Anton & Crew). Regaining composure, Estine stood up straight, adjusted her jumper, and smiled at the boy as he adjusted his glasses. It was obvious by his own expression that he hadn't noticed Estine grabbing for the same egg as him and had equally been startled, but this didn't hinder Esti's kind heart. "I'm sorry, Titus. I didn't see you. I'll get another. No big deal."

Wendy crept closer to Estine, almost hiding behind her fellow first year though Estine could bet a sickle her hand was firmly grasping her wand. Titus shook his head as he splayed hands out as if to say 'all yours'. "I really wasn't paying attention. You were here first. It's all yours."

"Are you sure?" Estine had cocked her head to the right as she spoke, but Titus never got the chance to respond. Soon enough, his cohorts joined his side and the boy's mouth wired itself shut.

"Nott, you'll never guess what – Oh, hello Half-Blood," Anton spoke as he joined his best friend. Not far behind stood Valeria and Petula, but neither girl really paid any attention what was going on with the boys as they examined their bounty. "And Wendy. Is everything all right, Nott? Do I need to jinx them?"

"No," Estine spoke first, her smile gone and her face now upset with the thought of what Avery and his little friends could do. "We went for the same egg. I was just giving him what is rightfully his. No harm, no foul. Today's a day to get along, so we definitely don't want any trouble."

Anton Avery nodded at this, a small smirk present on his lips. "Good, good. You know your place. I like that, but you really should give him all your eggs. I mean seriously, he's a Nott. What are you – daughter to a Muggle baseball player? His blood holds while yours crumbles. He has claim to your stock."

"I don't think that's how it works, Anton," Estine said as her mouth tried to make itself uneasily smile.

"What did you just call me? Did you call me Anton? How dare you," the boy spoke as he went for his wand. "Now you must give Titus your eggs. All of them, for you are not worthy of anything!"

"Anton Avery," a voice called out from behind the boy, revealing itself to be Valeria Mockridge as she moved forward between Estine and Mr. Avery. She glanced at Estine for a moment and Esti could only hope her look had caused some sympathy or empathy in the pureblooded girl. She then glanced at Anton. "What do you think you are doing?"

Anton gritted his teeth so that his mouth formed a straight line as he put his wand away. "Titus deserves Estine's eggs. I was just enforcing his blood right."

"Titus," the blonde now spoke as her gaze shifted again. "Is that what you want?"

Titus looked between his friends and then back to Estine before swallowing and shaking his head. "I just," the boy said nervously as his eyes locked with Esti's. "I just want to have fun and hunt for eggs."

"Me too," Estine said as she focused her eyes on Valeria now. "Titus and I touched the same egg. I was letting him take it. He touched it first. I can find another. It wasn't a big deal."

"I agree," Valeria said as she looked towards the first year Hufflepuff. Her tone was cold as she spoke and Estine almost expected the girl to agree with the little sociopath she called her friend. "See Avery, they were handling it. You didn't need to get involved."

"But – ."

"No," Valeria spoke, as she got closer to Anton Avery. "No buts. This is a day for fun. For once in your life, mind your own business. Titus, grab your egg. We're going."

Valeria was the first to leave, not making any eye contact as she did. Petula followed suit. Titus, who had picked up the little pink egg rather quickly, followed behind. This left Anton Avery as last. He strutted past the Wendy and Estine, making an obvious effort to ignore Estine before pausing near Wendy.

"You know," he spoke in a low tone as he eyed the back of Estine's head. "We're still not done, Mills. Someday, I'm going to get you. If Mignon isn't careful, I may get her too."

Estine only knew Anton had left when Wendy deeply exhaled and rounded around her friend to get a good look at her. "You were saying? Something about not wasting too much thought on them? Still feel that way?"

"Well," Estine began through a coy smile that was now appearing across her lips. "You know what Granana would say? Kill them with kindness. Honestly, it may be the best kind of cruelty for that guy."

As the memories played out, Estine felt herself concede to Wendy Mills' will. "You're right. I just can't bring myself to open it yet. I think I'll do it when I see Dad next week. Now, let's do homework. 'Cause without you, I might just fail out of my first year."

Wendy grinned. "And then who else would help me show Avery his place in Fitness & Athletics every Friday?" Together, the girls shared a giggle and opened their History of Magic books.

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