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(Adriana) New Project
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   12-13-13 17:43

Using the shroud she had worn one other time to visit Lysander, Adriana climbed the stairs to the outside door to his flat. The journey was slow, since she not only looked like an old hunchback but felt like one too. When she finally reached the top landing, she took a moment to catch her breath, which rattled unpleasantly as if she were at death's door and not Lysander's. Before she could knock on the door, it opened, revealing the very wizard she wanted to see.

He recognized her, though her presence and appearance took her by surprise. "I was wondering what that obscene breathing was outside my door," he remarked, looking in all directions to see if anyone happened to be watching them.

Adriana stepped inside and waited for him to close the door before she removed the shroud. In moments, she looked like herself again.

"I didn't realize I was that loud," she said. Then she grinned. "Who did you expect to find outside your door if not me in disguise?"

"Probably no one I would want to see," Lysander said. "Your timing is impeccable. I was just going to have a quick lunch."

"Good, I'll have whatever you're having," Adriana said, immediately seating herself at the kitchen table.

Lysander waited a beat and then started rummaging through cupboards for plates and sandwich fixings. While he made lunch, he asked Adriana for the purpose of her visit. He hadn't expected her so soon after her last unexpected visit to Hogsmeade a little over a week ago, when she had assumed the guise of a school girl.

"I want you to turn over all your research into the Resurrection Stone. Maybe a second pair of eyes will identify something you missed."

"It's possible," Lysander admitted.

"I also have another task for you, if you're interested," Adriana said.

Lysander paused in spreading peanutbutter on a slice of bread and looked at her. "What about my daughter?"

"I haven't forgotten, Lysander. In fact, I'll make it my priority to get her back for you."

"Even though I couldn't find you the Stone?"

Adriana fixed him with a mildly irritated look. "I told you I would get her back for you, no matter the outcome of your search. You don't work for me, Lysander. You're not my servant. You're my friend. Friends help each other out, don't they?"

Lysander wanted to argue that she had not helped him get Charlotte back yet, but he held his tongue. Instead, he nodded his head slowly and said, "What task do you have for me, then?"

Adriana seemed to become reenergized. She leaned forward over the table and her eyes grew bright. "I had a vision of a sword."

"A vision?" Lysander asked. "I didn't know you were a Seer."

"I'm not. I guess you could call it a memory and not a vision, but the memory wasn't mine and wasn't something I'd seen until it happened."


Adriana pressed on quickly. "In my vision, I saw Voldemort give a sword to a couple. It was a reward of some kind, but they were also tasked with keeping it hidden away and safe. Safe from what, I don't know. I just know that the sword was important and Voldemort entrusted it to these two people." She finished by describing the sword in detail.

"Does it sound familiar to you at all?" Adriana asked, when she'd finished.

Lysander shook his head. "No, it d––," but then he stopped suddenly, as a memory of his own came to mind.

He was at The Magic Neep, arguing with Aralyn. She accused him of being moody and high-strung, just like Kristos and "the way he's become so obsessed with that dumb swo––".

"What?" Adriana said, noticing the look on Lysander's face. "What is it?"

Lysander brought over two plates of sandwiches and sat down next to Adriana. "I think I know who has a sword. I don't know if it's your sword, but it's probably worth a look… and you can kill two birds with one stone."

Adriana quirked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

He told her what he guessed, based on Aralyn's near slip all those months ago, and then took a big bite of his sandwich.

Adriana grinned. "Oh, I do hope you're right, because if you are, then we'll both get what we want."

Desperate Times
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   12-14-13 07:50

At first, Bronwyn thought Maybelle was talking to someone outside the door, but it rapidly became apparent that she was talking to herself. Bronwyn could only catch bits of pieces of the one-sided conversation, such that she couldn't really tell what Maybelle was saying, but Bronwyn nevertheless understood the gist. Maybelle sounded worried and desperate, and while that ought to have brought Bronwyn satisfaction, it frightened her instead.

When the door burst open at last, Bronwyn's instinct was to disappear into her chair, but she had no where to run or hide. Maybelle held her wand in one hand and a piece of parchment in the other, which Bronwyn later realized had been torn out of a book.

"I have to cut you loose," Maybelle announced. "I didn't think I was finished with you yet, but things have moved quicker than I expected."

She neglected to add that she didn't have Toby wrapped around her finger like she had planned, nor that she had come to realize he was suspicious of her.

"Are you going to kill me, then?" Bronwyn asked.

Maybelle took a while in answering but then shook her head and said, "No. I'm going to erase your memories and drop you off somewhere. If you ever find Toby again, you won't remember who he is and he'll not want anything to do with you looking like that."

On top of the bad hair cut and dye job, Maybelle had given Bronwyn a bad spray tan so that she looked orange.

"The thing is, I've never obliviated anyone before, so this could go very wrong," Maybelle said, studying the parchment in her hand. "Either you lose your memories as planned or you lose your mind. I guess either way works for me."

Bronwyn, who was not a first-time kidnapping victim, also had been obliviated before. It wasn't a pleasant experience, trying to reclaim one's memories, but Bronwyn would rather not have them than lose the possibility of ever seeing Toby again.

"Any last words before we get started?" Maybelle asked.

"Go to hell."

Maybelle smirked, then lowered her eyes to the parchment and raised her wand. She read silently for a minute and then shouted, "Obliviate!"

(Carmen) Just Another Day
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   12-14-13 15:53

Mondays were by far not my favorite day of the week, mainly because I was up too late Monday night because of Astronomy not getting out until midnight, and that meant that I was somewhat tired and usually ended up taking a nap by the time I got done with Herbology on Tuesday.

Either way, by noon I was done with my classes save for Astronomy and was currently sitting at the Gryffindor table eating lunch and looking over my Astronomy homework, to ensure everything was done properly for the assignment.

I currently picked at a plate of cheesy chips while I worked, reminding myself to not touch the parchment with cheesy fingers. Though occasionally I had to cast a clean charm on it that I'd learned from Blake to ensure that there were no food stains from lunch on my assignment.

"Carmen! Wanna go play wizarding chess with me?"

I looked up and nodded. "Sure Pelinore," I said, putting away my astronomy homework and finishing up the last of my lunch before heading out of the Great Hall and to the Common Commons to spend some time relaxing, before I either took a nap before dinner or waited until after dinner to nap before Astronomy.

Sitting In The Kitchen
Author: Jared 
Date:   12-14-13 21:12

A glass of milk and half a sandwich in front of him, Jared sits at the kitchen table in near darkness. It's been at least ten minutes since he sat down but as yet he's not taking a single sip of milk or even so much as a nibble on the sandwich. He's not sure why he bothered. He's tired and reeks of stale smoke and that fried, oily smell of chips. He's been working both at a Burger Wizard location and at a Muggle loading dock. Though he doesn't smoke a number of those at the loading dock do and as they are outside or in a warehouse the entire shift, the smokers tend to puff away whenever they wish. Today, Jared had gone from the loading dock to a late shift at the Burger Wizard. It has later hours on weeknights than some of the other Burger Wizards because it's located near St. Emrys University. The later hours are to take advantage of students needing sustenance from long study sessions. Though the university is not currently in session, the Burger Wizard keeps to the same schedule and does a fairly good business despite the school being between terms.

Slowly turning the plate Jared decides he made the sandwich just for something to do. He doesn't understand that. Not when all he has wanted for the last two or three hours is to shower and go to bed. Not that he'd sleep. Not really. It's just that lying in bed is at least not on his feet doing heavy work at the loading dock or standing for hours at a time either waiting on customers or doing food prep at the Burger Wizard.

Jared hasn't slept well since being arrested. Even though free now, he still has trouble. He might not have been formally convicted of rape but there are those who believe him to be guilty. There are people with known bad histories working at the Ministry yet he can't get his job back because the issue of his innocence or guilt has never actually been resolved. When the accuser withdrew her case against him that should have indicated to others there wasn't a real case and that Jared hadn't done anything as he'd claimed but his Burger Wizard job and doing grunt work in the Muggle world are testaments to just how detrimental a false accusation has been to his life.

At least Alanna has stood by him.

Part of Jared cannot fathom why Alanna doesn't dump his sorry arse. Part of him understands perfectly that she loves him and believes in him. If things were turned around, Jared would never drop Alanna. It would take her doing something extremely cruel and cold hearted for him to even consider walking away. Just consider it. He has no idea if he actually could bring himself to do that.

Not wanting the sandwich to go to waste, Jared breaks it into pieces and offers one to his cat Alley. She'd been staring fixedly at him ever since he began making the half sandwich. Drinking his milk, he feeds her more bites. When its gone, he drains what remains in his glass, washes both glass and plate in the sink and after drying the dishes and putting them away, leaves the kitchen for his room and that long awaited shower, the cat trotting along beside.

(Mark) 18th Birthday
Author: Isolde 
Date:   12-15-13 18:02

Mark left the library, slinging his backpack onto one shoulder, and made his way downstairs to the Great Hall. His next class started at 12:45, but first he wanted to eat something for lunch. Mark's reason for going to the library between classes had not been to study so much as it had been to avoid his former friends. He didn't expect them to say anything to him, at least nothing kind, but today just happened to be his 18th birthday.

It was a lonely feeling, celebrating a birthday on his own. He couldn't even call it celebrating, since all he had done so far today was go to class and keep to himself. Of course, his parents had remembered his birthday and had sent their congratulations at breakfast.

Mark turned the corner and realized his old friends were in a group in front of him. Like him, their last class had let out at 10:45, but they had spent the time between then and now hanging out in the Common Common Room instead of "studying" in the library.

"Kate, is your sister coming next weekend for Homecoming?" asked Johanna.

"I think so, yes," Kate replied. "She said she was looking forward to watching the Quidditch matches."

"Speaking of Quidditch, how are practices going with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be Named?" asked Felicia, who'd not had a single class yet but had met up with her friends in the Commons. Baltus wasn't by her side for once because he was in Arithmancy & Divination class.

Johanna shot Felicia a sour look, since in her opinion, the subject of Mark was taboo in front of Kate. Mark couldn't see Kate's face, but she didn't visibly tense at his mention. He wasn't sure if that was a good sign.

Gus scowled. "At times, awkward. Mostly, I just want to knock him off his broom."

"Does he provoke you?" Felicia asked, as the group reached the marble staircase and made the descent to the entrance hall.

"No. He never starts anything with me," Gus admitted, "but he'll react if I say something to him."

"Just leave him be," Kate finally said, surprising everyone, especially Mark.

"Why? He's a dog!" Felicia exclaimed.

"That's an insult to all dogs," Gus remarked. To Kate he asked, "You haven't forgiven him, have you?"

"No," Kate said. "I just don't think he's worth the trouble."

The words stung, but Mark had to remind himself that her reaction was exactly what he'd wished for all along. He didn't want her to think about him any longer.

"You're right," Gus finally admitted. "He's an elitist bastard, just like his parents. Takes after his mother, he does. What an ice queen!"

By now, they had reached the door to the Great Hall. Kate slowed to a stop and for the first time, Mark could see her face. She looked puzzled.

"His mother?" she asked. "Isn't she dead?"

There was a pause as the group exchanged looks. Then Felicia burst out laughing and said, "That's a good one. Everyone in the Farnon clan is dead to me after what he did to you."

She spotted Baltus at the Slytherin table and immediately ran over to him.

Mark didn't know what to think about Kate's comment. It was strange, for sure, but she seemed so serious as if she truly believed it.

Johanna looked concerned. "Kate, are you all right?"

Kate looked even more confused. "I don't understand. Did I say something wrong?"

"Yeah," Gus replied. "Mrs. Farnon isn't dead. You know that. She hates you. You and Mark had to keep your relationship a secret from her the entire time." He turned to Johanna and said, "I think Mark breaking up with her gave her a bigger shock than we all thought."

"No, I'm fine, really," Kate said, following them to the table, where Felicia was practically in Baltus' lap (though not for long, since Professor McGonagall was already making her way over to them).

She shook her head. "I don't know why I said that," she murmured.

Mark didn't know either. He found a place at the table too far away to hear anything more.

Dinner Date
Author: Illyria 
Date:   12-16-13 17:55

At the end of her office hours, which had seen no student visitors, Illyria locked up her office and went to her quarters to freshen up before supper. Normally, she ate in the Great Hall with everyone else, but tonight she had agreed to meet Nathan at The Three Broomsticks.

A short while later, she arrived in the village and walked the short distance to the pub, which wasn't very busy yet. It seemed that Illyria had managed to beat Nathan there because she didn't see him anywhere. She debated whether to wait for him at the bar or choose a table, ultimately deciding on the latter.

It was out of the way enough that she didn't notice Urania and Gustavo enter the pub at first. She saw them only when they moved to the far end of the bar. Urania perched on the last stool in a too-short set of robes, revealing a lot of leg. Gustavo ordered them drinks and then turned his full attention to Illyria's youngest sister.

Illyria wondered if she could slip out of the pub without them noticing. They were certainly into each other and might not see her leave, but then the pub wasn't very crowded yet. She didn't have any sort of buffer in case one of them happened to glance in her direction.

It wasn't that she didn't want to be seen by either of them. After all, Illyria and Urania were on respectable terms these days. She just didn't want Urania to see her with Nathan, or for Nathan to see his ex-wife with his ex-best friend. The scenario in Illyria's mind was already taking a dramatic turn, when Nathan entered the room.

Illyria sucked in a deep breath. Nathan didn't immediately notice her, but Gustavo and Urania were in his line of sight. Various emotions flickered across his face, from surprise to mild irritation. Gustavo had his back facing Nathan and blocked Urania from seeing who was at the door. She was too busy making eyes at Gustavo to pay anyone else any mind.

Nathan never swept his gaze around the room to find Illyria. His original purpose for entering the pub seemed completely forgotten. He stepped forward to have a word with his former friend, with whom he'd never tried repairing their friendship. Illyria intercepted Nathan before he could reach the couple.

"Not here," she said to him, taking him by the arm. He looked at her in surprise and then found his focus.

Illyria said nothing more and led him to their table. She sat him down so that his back was to the couple.

When Illyria seated herself, however, she noticed that Urania had finally seen them. Gustavo, on the other hand, was talking to Madam Rosmerta.

For a long moment, the sisters held each other's gazes. Urania was the first to look away, when Gustavo put his hand on her thigh. Illyria look down and then across to Nathan.

"They arrived after I did," she said. "I was surprised to see them too. Do you want to leave? We can go to the Crown & Cauldron, or even Burger Wizard, if you want."

"No," Nathan said. "I think we should stay." He seemed resolved not to let the others get to him, now that he was with Illyria.

"Okay," Illyria said, offering him a small smile. "Let's forget they are even here. Tell me about your day."

He did, and then it was Illyria's turn to talk about hers, though she still had two classes to teach tonight. For the most part, the presence of the others did not serve as a distraction, but every once in a while Illyria would look up and see that Urania was watching them. She didn't look jealous or particularly displeased to see them together, but Illyria nevertheless felt as if she were under Urania's harshest scrutiny.

Who Would You Choose? (Jade)
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   12-16-13 19:22

Mulling over which card to play, Jade's lips are puckered as if that will help her make a decision. Much to her consternation Penny Puckett is quick to put down another card, which means Jade has to hurry up and choose which of her remaining cards is best to play or, if she can't find a play, she'll have to draw. She does not want to have to draw this far into the game when Penny already has two less in her hand than Jade does.

Jade's thoughts are interrupted when Penny asks, "Edgar or Kay?"

Startled by the question, Jade drops the card she'd been considering. Quickly scooping it up then playing the better option she asks, "What?"

"If you have to choose between them, Edgar Steele or Kay Dunlap?"

Face scrunched she shrugs. "I don't know. I've never thought about it."

Penny glances at her remaining cards, taking a little longer to pick one only to end up drawing a new card. "Sometimes I think I'd choose Edgar but other times I think Kay."

"They're both nice."

"But if you HAD to pick one over the other?"

"I don't know. Maybe Edgar but only because I know him a little better because of Quidditch and because he's one of my brother's roommates."

"Andrew Murray or Baron Marchbanks?"

"Baron," Jade replies without hesitation.

"You didn't even need to think about that one. Does that mean you liiiike Baron?"

"I like him but I can't say I liiiike him. I just know him better than Andrew and he's nicer though I don't know if that's because of his goal to be Minister of Magic someday or not. Which would you choose?"

"Andrew's cuter I think but Baron has big plans for the future. I wouldn't mind being the wife of the Minister of Magic."

"We hardly even date and you're already thinking of being married and to whom," Jade says with a roll of her eyes.

"As if you weren't writing Mrs. Justin Hodges the other day in Transfiguration, complete with little hearts to dot the i's."

"Was not."

"Saw you."

"You were seeing things. You should have that checked."

They continue playing cards but at a much slower pace as they banter and Penny keeps coming up with duos of names, moving beyond just the fourth years. The hour is much later than either had planned when they finally put the cards away and leave the Ravenclaw common room for bed.

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