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One Day at a Time
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   01-15-14 17:18

"Karma Jade, do not make me tell you again, put your toys away."

The words left my mouth once more, and it had to have been the fifth time I'd asked my middle daughter to get her toys off the kitchen table since dinner was nearly ready. Begrudgingly, she did as she was told this time, and with little argument.

I'd managed not to burn dinner tonight, which meant that we wouldn't be going out to Burger Wizard, which is how we'd spent most of last weekend. My stress levels were not exactly minimized, and it did not help that there had been little to no news or sign of Dexter it did not look like things were going to improve anytime soon.

Carefully spooning rice and curry into KJ's vibrant red bowl, and some into Jui's lavender bowl I set them aside to cool a little bit while I made my own bowl. For Nuri, there was a vegetable puree which I would feed her while I ate my own dinner.

I wanted to say that each day was getting easier, that the ache of missing Dexter was growing less and less, but that was not the case. Most nights I spent crying myself to sleep, thinking of all the memories he was missing with our daughters.

Nuri's first Halloween, where she'd been dressed as a butterfly and had loved watching the enchanted ceiling at the Hogwarts Feast and had been enraptured by the ghosts who came and went effortlessly during the feast.

Karma had gone as a Hamsa, from Hindu mythology. A hamsa looks like a goose or a swan, and the bird transcends the limitations of creation by being able to fly, walk on land, and swim in the water.

Jui had dressed as a belly dancer, with a new outfit that I'd had made for her earlier in the year. She had bells and had performed a little dance during the feast that had captured the attention of several of the students.

Shaking my head, I finished getting my children fed and once they were tucked in bed after bath and story time, I curled up on the sofa with a book and a glass of wine.

"You've missed so much...including our first anniversary.." I said, letting my gaze rise from my book and settle on our wedding photo from our ceremony in Greece. For the hundredth time I let myself cry, hoping that each time I let myself cry it would get easier to face my empty bed, another sunrise without him by my side. That dealing with the unknown would get easier with each rising of the sun.

"Please come home...we miss you. I miss you."

Out for a Drink (Driver Morgan's Bar)
Author: Orion Howell 
Date:   01-15-14 18:22

Orion looked at the man who'd sat down beside him. Desi was working, so he'd come out to Driver's bar to chat a bit. The flat seemed awfully quiet with Sagitta off at school, and he still wasn't used to it yet. "Fal have the kids?" he asked quietly.

Etch nodded. "Yeah, she does. I was hoping I might catch you here, though I was more wanting to run something past Drive."

A glance had Drive joining them and Orion turned his head, looking at Etch. "What's on your mind?"

"Fal and I are worried about Karma."

"Yeah, everyone is," Drive started to agree, but Orion held up his hand, a silent gesture for Etch to continue.

"With Dex still missing, Fal and I are worried about how Karma's handling things. She's seemed off, and Ember said she's snippy with the girls..."

"They did move quite quickly, if what Desi's said is accurate," Orion said. "And she's not one to embellish the facts." He swirled the amber liquid in his glass and looked up at each of the others in turn.
"So, what do we need to be looking at?"

"Just the things that we might've missed there, I guess," Etch said.

Orion nodded as dark eyes flickered up at met Driver's. It was a long moment before Drive decided to start off. "They got married last year in Greece, just after the France trip. It was odd how fast they moved because they really hadn't been together long. I think you might've known Desi almost as long as Karma knew Dex."

"Which seems really odd, especially considering that they know have adopted two children and had a baby as well," Orion said. "Adoptions, even Magical ones, take a while. It's also really uncommon for them to continue the process when a couple becomes pregnant. In almost every case, aside from one like Sagitta coming to me, a baby would put a stop to the process, at least until after the birth."

"Then why didn't that happen in their case?" Etch asked.

Orion shrugged. "Karma's family is rich, right? Seems odd that a spoiled party girl would fall for a guy with no job and then they would become insta-family."

Driver was quiet, processing what Orion said. He was right, it did seem odd when the details were laid out like that. It wasn't offensive, not the way it was put together, it was clear that the former Unspeakable was just laying out his thoughts, not any sort of judgements.

"Look, I don't know Karma or Dex well enough to dig into their mindsets. All I can do are look at the facts and a lot of those just don't make sense when it comes to how those two went from meeting to instant family. It makes me wonder what else doesn't make sense, but I'm not in any position to prove anything at this point," Orion added, finishing his drink. "I need to get home, Desi should be there soon. Owl or Floo me if you want to chat, otherwise, Drive, I'll see you at class."

A Bit of Mischief
Author: Valeria Mockridge 
Date:   01-16-14 17:43

Valeria shared a quick smirk with Petula as the two girls entered the Great Hall for lunch. Double Charms followed by a double period of DADA with only lunch between wasn't really on either of their lists of favorite things, though at least there would be lots of time for a nap before Astronomy. Their quiet amusement was not at all related to classes, and both girls were quite pleased that they didn't have Transfiguration that day.

"Do you think your Grandmother knows?" Petula whispered.

"She'll figure it out if the snitch is still chasing her when the third years have Transfiguration," Valeria said. "Are you sure Zabini doesn't mind sharing the memory later in a pensieve?"

Pet's smile was sinister. "He was quite pleased to help. He's proven oddly useful so far this term, certainly easier than Owl Order for bringing things from Hogsmeade."

Valeria laughed and linked arms with her cousin. "Come on, we should catch up to Anton and Titus," the blonde said. She left unspoken that it was far harder to blame those with a seemingly iron-clad alibi. Not that most folks in Slytherin wouldn't plead ignorance of why an enlarged, slow snitch was following the team's seeker around to class. It was certainly far less cruel than what they'd planned had she not caught the snitch. The bludgers were still secured in their dorm, though not where they could be easily traced to either of the two.

Shopping with Francis
Author: Ella 
Date:   01-17-14 17:26

"We don't have to buy out the store," Ella murmured, easing into a rocking chair at Baby Witch. She sank back into the comfortable, baby pink cushions and rested her arms on her bulging belly.

Francis didn't seem to hear her. His eyes darted between the list he held in his hand and the items a clerk had already set aside for them.

Francis and Ella's father didn't know that she intended on giving up the baby for adoption. She knew she should tell them how pointless it was, buying clothes and furniture and all the other necessities a new mother and baby needed, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. Dunstan seemed very excited over the impending arrival of his first grandchild, and Francis was acting as if he would soon be a new dad.

Seeing them happy did uplift her spirits some, but at the end of the day, the fact remained that the baby she carried shared Zane Rosier's genes. She knew she couldn't blame it for its existence, but she also knew how difficult it would be, looking into its face if it took after its father and not its mother. Also, there was the very real possibility that Zane would discover the existence of his child and come around again. Ella absolutely didn't want that.

"Francis," Ella said, pulling herself from her thoughts.

He finally turned in her direction. At first he smiled at the sight of her in the rocking chair, but his smile faded when he noted the expression on her face.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm ready to go home now."

"Okay. Let me pay for all this and we can go." He quickly took care of his purchases with money Dunstan had slipped him and after making delivery arrangements with the clerk, helped Ella up and guided her from the store.

"Did you want to stop and get something to eat?" he asked her.

She shook her head. "No. Not here. Let's go home."

She cast a nervous glance up at Hogwarts. For some reason she felt embarrassed about being near her old school, old teachers, and old housemates. What if they saw her the way she looked now? True, they would assume she and Francis were together and the parents of the baby in her womb, but the idea of someone she used to know seeing her pregnant made her uncomfortable. Plus, what if Zane saw her?

"He can't be out in public," Francis murmured quietly, as if reading her mind. "He's wanted by law enforcement."

"I know…" Ella said. "I just…"

"I know. I'll take you home now. Hold on to my arm?"

Ella clutched his arm tightly. The side-along apparition made her sick, but she managed not to vomit upon arriving home. He took her all the way to her room, helped her out of her shoes, and put a blanket over her as she rested against her pillows in bed.

"Whatever would I do without you, Francis?" she asked him.

"You'd make do."

"No, I wouldn't. Dad's great, but you…" she began, seizing his hand as he smoothed down her blanket, "you are looking after me so well. I don't know why––"

"Ella, you know exactly why."

"Because you're my friend."

"And because I love you," Francis replied. He said it in such a way that Ella couldn't tell if he meant it romantically or the way the best of friends felt about each other. "And I love that baby of yours. He's going to be just like you, I think."

"How do you know it's a he?" Ella asked. She was still thinking about his declaration of love, but he had already moved on to another topic.

Francis pulled his hand out of hers and knelt to scoop up Toto, who had padded into the room. He set the dog on the duvet and said, "Bet you five galleons."

"Only five?" Ella asked, laughing.

"Fifty, then."

"There's a good chance you're wrong, you know."

"There's also a good chance I'm right. So, do we have a deal?" Francis asked. He held out his hand.

Ella reached out and shook it. "We have a deal."

Thorough Search
Author: Harry Potter 
Date:   01-17-14 18:19

"Yes. Yes, this is the room," Jet Obsidian affirms, standing in the hallway, looking in through the door.

Harry motions him to come inside but with a shake of his head Jet demures. "I'd rather not."


Jet looks so miserable and uncomfortable Harry steps through the doorway, looking past Jet to where Latetia Lewiston is photographing the photos that line the hallway. The house most likely does not belong to this Reed family Jet has told them about but that doesn't mean there aren't clues there.

"Latetia, would you take Mr. Obsidian back to the safe house?"

"Sure, Harry. Should I come back to help here?" She approaches with the camera, handing it to Harry.

"If Dawlish has arrived, come on back. If not, wait until he's there, please."

"Got it." Latetia nods at Harry then turns to Jet. "Mr. Obsidian."

"I'm ready, thanks."

Harry's already stepped back into the bedroom where Jet was held for months when the distinctive crack of someone disapparating sounds in the hall. Latetia will have done a side-along with Jet as he wouldn't be able to find the safe house without her. Though in a Muggle location, there are still spells around it making it difficult, if not impossible, to locate if not specifically told by one of two people where the house is.

Jet had shown up yesterday with a fantastic story. He was clearly suffering the ill effects of something and wasn't immediately able to bring them here. Even when he'd had a good night's sleep and part of the day to recuperate and rest, returning via apparation to a place covered with security spells is not easy. Pulling someone alongside makes it that much more of a challenge. After a number of attempts over several hours, Jet was exhausted but he did get Harry near enough to the house for them to see it.

Jet had never seen it from the outside but he recognized a portion of the backgarden, his view all these months from the bedroom where he'd been kept. Harry was then able to summon others, the group of aurors and hit wizards carefully converging on the house while Jet stayed a safe distance behind. The Reeds were gone, as was expected, but who knows what traps they could have left behind.

As yet, nothing has been found to tie back to this family or to the secret society to which they belong. Now that Jet's given visual confirmation that this bedroom Harry's inspecting is where he was held captive, there was no real need for the man to stay.

As this is the location - the bedroom that is - where Jet was kept, Harry has little reason to think any clues will turn up but that's no reason to be shoddy about inspecting it. The Reeds could have left some cursed objects or other traps lying about just because of the fact that of all the places in the house such a thing would be least expected would be this one. He's sure they hoped Jet wouldn't be able to bring anyone here but from what he said about the Reeds, they might well have scattered a few nasty surprises around just in case, especially that Laurette Reed.

Joining Harry in going over this room is Damien Freeman. Wanting to be thorough but also ready to wrap up the house and ground search, they get to it, vigilant for anything that could be a clue or a cursed object and for other spell traps that might have been laid after Jet escaped yesterday.

(Madeline) Homework
Author: Sy Tremont 
Date:   01-18-14 16:27

Currently, I was curled up in a corner of the commons staring at my Transfiguration book, and quite pleased that it wasn't Professor Flint teaching again this year, though I was still not entirely certain of what I thought about Professor Mockridge, she was easier to understand than Professor Flint.

I was currently working on my essay, and debating on putting it aside and turning to my Charms homework, but I wanted to get this done so it wasn't going to be hanging over my head all weekend since it was due Monday morning.

Calliope was supposed to be meeting me once she finished tending to something in the library or talking to a professor or something she said she had to do (and I know she told me I just simply cannot for the life of me remember). We were going to go to dinner and then spend the evening listening to music on one of the listening stations in the Common Commons.

Twenty minutes later, I put the finishing touches on my transfiguration essay - an essay I would probably write a second or third time between now and Monday morning but this draft was done. Once that was done, I moved on to Charms then History of Magic which was due tomorrow after I had Herbology.

Family Time
Author: Adina Blackwood 
Date:   01-18-14 16:35

"I cannot believe that it is already November..." Sorina said as we sat on the stairs leading up to the great hall after dinner.

"No kidding. We'll be home soon enough for winter hols, unless that is when our parents decide that will be the perfect time to have their honeymoon or something like that. Have you heard from your dad?"

"Yeah, he wrote yesterday said that they had not finalized any plans yet, but he would let me know when things got sorted."

I nodded, shifting slightly and pressing my back against one of the columns. "Mom's letter pretty much said the same thing. She also said that we need to stop by the house on the next Hogsmeade weekend and get some extra money for the Secret Santa if we are participating this year."

Sorina nodded, and pulled a sugar quill from her bag and nibbled on it while we talked. "I think I am going to put my name in for the Secret Santa, makes me wonder what I'll get and if anyone cute will have pulled my name."

"I know it. Though, I still have to figure out what I am going to get Arthur this year for Christmas..."

Sorina grinned impishly, "He's already talked to me about ideas for you and I'm sworn to secrecy so don't even try and get it out of me."

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Well, give me some ideas then?"

We talked a few minutes longer before we headed to our respective houses for the evening.

Break For Lunch
Author: Coco Nutt 
Date:   01-18-14 18:45

Two morning classes out of the way, Coco returns home to check on Papa Wal and the various pets. In addition to the dogs Cash and Zelda, and the kitten Purrl, there are the foster dogs saved with Indigo MacFusty's help from a puppy mill. There the Welsh Springer Spaniel Dal, the Schnoodle Odette, and the Picardy Spaniel Ringo. There had been another Schnoodle called Rhona but her adoption was made official two days ago. Rhona's now living in a nice cottage in Felixstowe with a middle aged couple and a Lakeland Terrier named Minx. Coco is certain that Rhona will be very happy as part of the Halsey family.

Entering the house through the kitchen, Coco is met by happy, tap dancing dogs and a ball of fur wending back and forth between her legs. Moving carefully so as not to trip, she makes room for the dogs to go into the yard, glad that the backyard is entirely fenced. Even with reminders to the dogs no to stray from the yard, it's very easy to get distracted, even by something as innocent as a bug.

Despite the November chill she leaves the backdoor ajar. Though there is a doggy door, Zelda hasn't quite overcome all her anxieties to use it yet and for some reason she can't explain to Coco, Odette finds it somewhat daunting. Purrl stands at the opening, looking out but staying inside. The kitten does like going outside but only if someone is out there with her. That might change though as she's fascinated with leaves being whipped up by the wind. Coco wouldn't be surprised if Purrl decides to dart out the door to chase after those blowing leaves. Purrl wouldn't go far as Coco, with permission from the Ministry, put a spell around the yard to keep the cat from going over the fence while playing or jumping up on the house and scampering off somewhere that direction. As she does like sticking close to someone, Coco doesn't think Purrl would ever go far before running right back but why take the chance? As Purrl grows and becomes more confident and, hopefully, forgets the sense of abandonment, she could get daring and go off exploring. The spell works on the dogs as well, but Coco is nonetheless glad for the fence or people might wonder why none of the dogs ever step past the property line when there are no electronic fencing devices in sight and none of the dogs wear collars for such a fence system.

Bookbag dropped on a kitchen chair, Coco puts the kettle on then steps through to the sitting room. "I'm home, Papa." After dropping a kiss on the older man's head she asks, "What would you like for lunch?"

"You don' haf ter be fixin' me lunch, poppet."

"I'm making me something so I might as well fix you lunch too."

"In tha case, wothever yer havin'll do."

Coco drops another kiss on his head and returns to the kitchen. All the dogs are still out and Purrl has moved from the doorway to make herself at home on Coco's bookbag. Coco gives the kitten a headrub then gets out the leftover Brunswick stew to heat. A short time later she's carrying a tray with two bowls and some warm, buttered, crusty bread and tea out to the sitting room. After getting Papa Wal settled with his meal, the dogs all now in and chewing on flavored bones she'd given them, Purrl having given up her perch on the bookbag to stretch along the back of the sofa, Coco sits to enjoy her own lunch.

All too soon it's time to apparate back to St. Emrys for one last class of the day then a shift in Hogsmeade before a study group convenes here in preparation of a major exam on Monday.

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