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Christmas Shopping
Author: Melinda 
Date:   01-29-14 16:16

Camden was working with her tutor, I had the day off work for a personal day and so I was currently spending it shopping in the village trying to get my Christmas shopping done. I had more people to buy for this year, instead of just Camden, it felt good to have a family and friends to buy for during the Holidays.

I'd already gone to Gladrags and picked up a few things for both Camden and Remedy but there was more that I wanted to get. I'd also picked up something special for Christmas eve for Jefferson and I, but that was a gift for his eyes only. I'd grabbed a late breakfast at the Crown and Cauldron and ultimately was just wandering around.

I wasn't certain on what to get for Jefferson or for Lawson to be honest, but I'm certain I would find something that would be perfect for both of them. Lawson had calmed down a bit, or at least for the moment and hadn't been causing too much trouble or grief which made things easier. Camden had been spending time with Crew, who was also helping his aunt deal with three kids since no one had heard from Dexter lately.


I blinked, coming out of my thoughts.

"Hey Orei, what's up?"

"Not much, just getting some Christmas shopping in while Jim is home with Meagan. It is easier to shop without a one year old constantly trying to grab things off the shelves."

"Oh, I know that feeling all to well. I still remember trying to shop with Camden when she was Meagan's age."

Orei and I talked for a little bit, and ultimately ended up getting some hot chocolate and something sweet from Briar's before we went our separate ways to finish our shopping and return to our families.

(Madoc & Malden) Secret Santa Gifts
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   01-29-14 18:22

Madoc was very glad Professor Kent had opted to hold Care of Magical Creatures class in the stables, rather than out in the open where it was freezing cold. With all the animals packed into their stalls and a fire going in a little kiln in the corner, it actually felt warm and toasty.

Professor Kent had spent the last half hour discussing Wood Nymphs, small creatures related to fairies and pixies who, as their name suggested, lived in the woods. The Wood Nymphs were also somewhat sentient and definitely better behaved than Cornish Pixies. They liked to sing and filled the stables with their tiny, harmonic voices.

Right now they were singing Christmas music they picked up from listening to the gramophone Professor Kent had up in the loft. Listening to Christmas music invariably put the season to mind. Madoc thought about the Christmas wish list he had owled home to his parents and wondered if they would give him anything or everything on it.

He also thought about Secret Santa. Like every year since starting at Hogwarts, Madoc had put his name in for the annual gift exchange. This year he had the task of finding a gift for Viktor Krum, which he had done while in Hogsmeade over the weekend. At Botanicals & Beyond, Madoc had found edible tea stirrers in different flavors and flavored sugar cubes. He didn't know if Viktor, as a Bulgarian, drank a lot of tea, but Madoc hoped Viktor would like his gift regardless.

While Madoc was in Care of Magical Creatures class, Malden was in Potions. He shared a workstation with Asher, who seemed perpetually in a bad mood. Asher's attitude seemed to be affecting their work, too. Twice, he had nearly put things into their cauldron in the wrong order. Malden only noticed because he was actually paying attention in class for once.

He had gotten one too many bad marks lately, and his parents had written him with threats to give him school books and tutoring sessions instead of real presents for Christmas. On top of all that, they even said they would make sure he didn't play in any Quidditch matches. Well, Malden couldn't have that.

He half thought he could asked his great aunt for favors, but somehow he knew that even though they shared the same blood, Professor McGonagall wouldn't show any favoritism whatsoever. Too bad, really. He could really go far with her help.

Professor Weasley eventually called time and had everyone scoop up samples of their potions. Malden didn't trust Asher to do it, so he carefully collected some in a flask, labeled it with both his name and Asher's, and then carried it to Professor Weasley's desk. Asher cleaned the cauldron and work station in the meantime. Once class was dismissed, the boys left the classroom.

"You never told me what you got your Secret Santa," Asher said, as they made their way to the common room to ditch their things.

"A box."

"A box?"



Malden nodded. "Yes."

"I feel sorry for whoever will be getting that box."

"Not as sorry as I feel for Raz and his fingerless gloves," Malden replied.

"Seriously, though. A box?"

"Yes. A Gryffindor-themed box, if you must know."


"For Broderick Carter."

"Who's that, besides a Gryffindor, I assume?"

"That about sums it up, mate."

(Titus) Another Crush
Author: Tiberius Nott 
Date:   01-30-14 01:48

"Hey Myrtle, look what I got for Just…"

Balls of wet toilet paper rained over Titus and he did his best to protect the brand new coat he was holding.

"Get out of my bathroom!"

"Hey! Stop that! It's just me," he told to the hostile ghost girl.

"Oh," Myrtle replied, however she did not apologize. She stood there floating in front of him as Titus unfolded the grey coat in front of her.

"It's for Justin Hodges. Not sure if you have seen him before, he's new."

"Of course I have seen him..." she replied, with dreamy eyes. She made a twirl in the air and giggled. "He's so pretty! I keep hearing a lot of girls talking about him, when I happen to visit the other bathrooms. I am hoping he will be a prefect next year so I can spy him during his bath time…"

Titus couldn't help to make a disgusted expression. Myrtle had a tendency to share her crushes with him. There were days that he was actually glad he wasn't good looking, with his glasses hiding most of his face. If Myrtle ever turned her attentions to him he wouldn't know what to do. He couldn't really imagine himself with any girl. He was no Tiberius who always had a legion of girls after him.

"You think Hodges will like it? It has the Hufflepuff badger and everything. He's my Secret Santa. I signed up because I'm hoping to get something nice in return. And it's my birthday in a week, so hopefully I'll get a few more presents then as well. "

Myrtle seemed bored now, since the main focus was not Justin Hodges anymore. She asked Titus if he didn't have any classes to attend or homework to do. He felt like he was being dismissed but he didn't mind because he actually had to go to the Hospital Wing for his weekly appointment with Madam Pomfrey. He knew she would be mad at him because instead of resting inside the castle he had been enrolled in a snowball fight at the grounds last weekend. But Titus didn't really care. She was not his mother after all.

(Igraine) An Improbable Friendship
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   01-30-14 02:54

"Elfric, Emeric…which one is the evil and which one is the eager?"

"Elfric, the Eager and Emeric the Evil," Igraine told Alice.

"Let me write that down…where's my quill? Have you seen it?"

"Over here. It was right under your Potions book."

"Thank you!"

Alice picked up her quill and started to write down the names in a parchment, mumbling them as the words were formed. Igraine looked down to her exemplar of A History of Magic, to make sure the information she had given Alice was correct. A small smile formed in her lips after a few moments: she got it right.

Becoming friends with the Gryffindor Alice Acker had not been in her plans but somehow it happened. They had been paired up together once at Potions and not only they discovered they made a good working team but that they also had a lot of things in common. Just like Igraine, Alice had siblings at Hogwarts and she too did not want to live in their shadow. She found it annoying when people compared her to Alcmene and Amelia and Igraine felt sympathy with her because she also hated when people started saying how she and Gus had some physical similarities. She hasn't exchanged a word to her half-brother, not counting with that time at the trials where a bludger hit her head and he had to escort her to the Hospital Wing.

Igraine started to hang out more and more with Alice and an improbable friendship was born. The two of them now were almost inseparable and neither seemed to care they belonged to rival houses.

"I keep confusing these two for some reason. I have a lot of siblings and all our names start with an 'A'. We all sort of look alike, and still I can tell who is who. But Elfric and Emeric…no clue."

The two girls laughed and Igraine tried to find a way to help Alice distinguish Elfric from Emeric. The hours passed as the two of them continued to work on their homework at the common commons. Igraine spotted Gus at the other side of the room, but she lowered her eyes quickly to her Potions' essay. She was very glad he had not been her Secret Santa. For a moment she had debated whether she should or not sign up for it afraid she would have to give him a present. Not that she minded offering him a gift, but she had this vision of Gus throwing into a bin whatever gift she gave him, without even opening it. He didn't want to have anything to do with her. She tried to convince herself that she too didn't care, but she wanted his approval. Gus was quite popular at the school and Igraine dreamed to be just like him one day.

Luckily she got a girl named Jade Green as her Secret Santa. It didn't take long for Igraine to learn who she was since she was part of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. She was on her fourth year and Alice, very helpful, went to her sister Alcmene's dormitory (who was also a fourth year) and stole her a few fashion magazines and catalogs. Igraine ended up ordering a blue dress with little stars on it for Jade.

"Have you seen my quill?" Alice asked again.

"Here," Igraine said, finding it inside the Transfiguration book and handing it back to her.


After Classes (Catriona)
Author: Fionna 
Date:   01-30-14 17:00

"This is sinfully good," Catriona sighs, taking a bite of the chocolate covered caramel nut cluster.

Megara Flynn laughs. "I need to figure out how to hide them from myself."

"Better hide them before Perdita, Cassidy or Roisin sees you have them and wants a taste."

"You mean like you did?"

"Exactly." Catriona says apologetically without being the least bit sincere.

She pauses in the process of unpacking her book bag to take another nibble. "This is making me want something more to eat but it's late enough I shouldn't or I'll not want supper." She waggles her Potions book at Megara. "Did you want to go over things for class tomorrow?"

Megara laughs again. "No. I will but I don't want to."

"I understand perfectly." Cat adds a few things to the book bag, ready to go to the library to get a little work done before dinner.

Megara heaves herself off her bed. "I want to be lazy."

"Be lazy after dinner. We can get an hour's work in before then."

"You used to be more fun when Christopher was here, not that I blame you. I'd go pester Errol but he was going to study as well. I swear if there were more courses offered he'd take those too. Guess that goes for you as well. What's that?"

"What's what?" Cat turns looking.

"That box. Did you get new shoes?"

"That's right. I bought a few things after you and I split up Saturday." Cat retrieves the box, opening it to show Megara that emerald green and silver high heels within. "I have Professor Quigley's name in Secret Santa. I thought she might like these."

"Pretty. I want some though maybe a different color so she wouldn't think I was copying her."

"Maybe if you're nice to her, she'd let you borrow them."

Megara gives an exaggerated sigh. "I suppose that means I should put more effort into the homework coming due."

Cat, putting the box back to be wrapped later, grins at the other girl, not letting on that as part of an Easter egg coupon, she was able to not only get the green and silver heels for Celeste Quigley but also got Megara a similar pair of scarlet instead of green.

Grabbing their things, the girls leave for the library, Megara quizzing Cat on what other gifts she'd gotten in Hogsmeade after they'd parted ways.

(Miranda) Feeling Guilty
Author: Mildred 
Date:   01-31-14 04:03

"Good morning Miranda."

Alan Birdwell sat in front of her at the Gryffindor table. He filled his cup with pumpkin juice and lazily opened an exemplar of The Daily Prophet that had been forgotten by some other student. The faint light from the enchanted ceiling hit his brown hair that became instantly lighter. He flipped the pages until he reached the sport section, probably eager to learn how his Quiddicth team, the Tutshill Tornadoes, had behaved during their match yesterday. Miranda observed him in silence as she nibbled her toast. Alan frowned and set the newspaper aside.

"They lost?" Miranda asked.

"Yes. A complete humiliation. No goals scored and the snitch was caught fifteen minutes after the match started," he let go a bitter laugh. "Such a waste of money for those who bought tickets to see it."

"That is why I don't really like Quidditch. It can be a bit stupid at times."

Alan looked at her in disbelief but then his expression changed and he said in a teasing tone:

"I forgot how fancy you and your sister are. Merlin forbid your robes getting dirty or your hair becoming messy while flying. "

For a moment Miranda stayed in silence. She knew that she and Perdita had earned such reputation because of the superiority attitude they took when they arrived at Hogwarts. They pushed everyone aside and closed themselves in their own bubble. She did not blame Alan for thinking like that. She placed her toast down and she cleaned her fingers with a napkin.

"You know, I do have a broom. It seems a waste to have it stored without making use of it. Perhaps when we have some free time, you could take me to the grounds and teach me some basic Quidditch."

Alan laughed out loud. A few heads turned to him and then back to their plates, uninterested.

"What sort of magical drugs have you been taking Drawlight?"

"None," she replied without feeling offended. "Just think about it and then let me know if you're willing to teach me or not."

On that moment a large number of owls entered into the Great Hall. A medium sized box was dropped in front of Miranda and she opened it, checking its content. Inside there was a black elegant coat. It was a gift for Miranda's Secret Santa, the fifth year Slytherin student Mason Jeffers. She knew he was a Quidditch player, but she decided to buy him something that was not related with that sport. The coat had seemed a better idea to Miranda. She didn't take it from the box just in case Mason would be around. Of course he probably wouldn't be looking at her, she didn't really know him, but still she wanted the gift to be a surprise.

She felt someone watching her and she raised her head from the box. Alan had picked up the newspaper again and had returned to his relaxing reading. He only had class later that day so he could linger all he wanted. Miranda looked around and her eyes met with Perdita who had was finishing her own breakfast. Miranda looked away, somewhat feeling guilty for making plans without her sister. She was sure Perdita would not want to play a bit of Quidditch with Alan. Instead she would rather spend her time with her nose stuck in a book.

She picked up the box, said goodbye to Alan and waved at her sister, leaving the Great Hall and back to the Gryffindor tower where she would store the box at her dorm and fetch her bag. She had to rush or she would be late for History of Magic.

(Madeline) Between Classes and Secret Santa
Author: Sy Tremont 
Date:   01-31-14 15:46

I'd opted to sign up for the Secret Santa gift exchange, simply because it would be something fun to do. I couldn't go to the village to shop, but I had asked Sy to help me pick something out for the person whose name I'd gotten for the gift exchange. I knew Devon from having some classes with her, but beyond that I didn't know much about her, but I figured something girlie would do well for her – I'd asked around for a couple of people who might know her a bit better and after sifting through a few catalogs and getting some opinions from Sy's girlfriend Devon's gift was chosen.

That had been toward the end of last week when I'd made the decisions on what I would get Devon for the Secret Santa exchange, and while I'd saved up the money for the gift Elizabeth had surprised me by saying she'd buy the gift and throw a few extra little things in for Devon as well. Sy's leter yesterday said that the gift should arrive in the next couple of days, and that I needed to let him know what Devon thought of her gift if I managed to find out.

Currently, I was between classes and at the moment going over my notes for DADA while eating fish and chips for lunch. I'd just finished a chip when an owl flew in and I had to make room for the decent sized box to settle on my left side on the bench, otherwise, things would have gotten smashed on the table.

Apparently Devon's gift was here, and since Sy said that they'd already wrapped it, I could go ahead and put it under the tree for Devon to find. I'd do that on my way to DADA, for now, I intended on finishing my lunch and going over my notes, just in case there was a quiz in class, and I made the mental note to see if my gift had made its way under the tree yet.

(Sorina Matthews) Secret Santas and Homework
Author: Adina Blackwood 
Date:   01-31-14 16:38

Ancient Runes had ended about an hour and a half ago, and I was ready to take a nap, but I needed to put some finishing touches on my homework that was due tomorrow, and I was already looking forward to the weekend so I could just relax because I knew next term there would be very little relaxing for me since I would be gearing up to take my OWL examinations at the end of next term.

I also wanted to try and go for a run before it got too dark, but honestly I think I would just do some stretches or do stadium runs on one of the set of steps in the Castle like I intend on doing when it gets to cold for me to run outside since I absolutely hate running in multiple layers of clothing and winters in England will ultimately require it - though I am thankful that I know a spell that will help keep me warm going between classes.

The spot I had chosen to do my homework had one of the WWN listening stations and currently I was listening to one of my favorite songs, and hoping that my Secret Santa, Professor Black liked the gifts that I'd gotten for him - I'd also included something for each of his small children and his wife that I knew that they would like as well.

It had taken me some time to decide on what I wanted to get Professor Black, and I'd gotten some help from my dad and step-mother to get the gift just right. A simple sterling silver ring that had the birthstone in it of each of his children along with some Celtic knot work in the metal. For Drucilla Eternal-Black, I'd gotten a simple infinity symbol on a black leather cord bracelet.

For James I'd found an adorable plush turtle that I think he'd really, really like. Mira also got a cute plush, but hers was a panda bear, that I'd almost kept for myself but thought that she'd like it too. Besides, I had a panda sitting on my bed at home. For Zaira I'd had my dad find a cute little sock monkey, one of my favorite stuffed animals, and I figured the little girl would like it.

Gifts had been put under the tree this morning, and I had found mine - debated on opening it - and ultimately had. I'd be wearing my new pjs for bed tonight, and I'd have to send a thank you card to Bran Hyland for the adorable pjs, and I really did like them.

Finishing touches added to my last bit of homework, I gathered my things and ultimately headed to the Great Hall for dinner.

Secret Santa Gifts and Procrastination
Author: Adina Blackwood 
Date:   01-31-14 16:58

This year I'd signed up for the Secret Santa again, because I'd actually enjoyed it the last couple of years that I'd participated. I'd also convinced Sorina to participate as well, and she'd gotten Professor Black, and of course like most people do gotten something for his entire family. I, on the other hand, had gotten Professor Hodfuffer, and I had no idea what to get him at all.

I'd bounced a few ideas off of Sorina, and my mom and step-dad and ultimately come to the conclusion that possibly something writing related would go over well with him since he was a published author and all, and yes, I'd actually read his books and liked them - they currently are my most read set of books and I could probably recite them word for word if I actually tried.

His gift, currently was laid out on my bed waiting for me to wrap it - because I'd only just remembered that I'd had it when I'd seen Sorina this morning and she'd mentioned that she'd put the gifts she'd gotten for Professor Black and his family under the tree in the Common Commons.

I needed to get it wrapped, and I'd also sent home gifts that I'd purchased and wrapped after the last Hogsmeade trip for my mom, stepdad and Sorina, so those were all taken care of.

Once Professor Hodfuffer's gift was wrapped, I set it aside for me to put under the tree when I went down to the Great Hall for dinner, and then ultimately instead of doing my homework I curled up on my bed and stuck my nose in the current novel that I'm reading which was much, much more interesting than my homework.

(Kate) After Homework
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   01-31-14 17:01

Kate spent the last few minutes of Double Charms copying down the information Professor Knight had written on the blackboard. Only a week and a half of term remained before the Christmas holidays, but none of the professors seemed to be going easy on their students (especially the ones in their OWL and NEWT years).

She exited the classroom to find her friends waiting for her in the corridor. "You could have gone on without me," she told them, but she smiled to show her thanks.

"Nah," Gus said. "We're looking out for you."

Kate appreciated how much Gus stood up for her nowadays, even if his behavior only fueled the rumor that they were a couple. Johanna and Felicia had been excellent support as well.

Even though she still felt a little hurt over what had happened this summer with Mark, Kate was starting to get over it. Many months had passed since she'd caught him kissing another girl. She wasn't sure she was ready to date anybody else, but she did feel ready to think of Mark as somebody from her past.

It helped that she had caught him in a twisted lie. Kate still couldn't understand it––why he'd done it and how it had happened––but the fact that it had, made it easy for her to not want to have anything more to do with him.

She did notice that he had changed since the night of the Halloween Feast, however. Before, he had been deliberately hostile and distant. Now he seemed quiet and somewhat withdrawn. Did the change in his demeanor have to do with that night, or was there another reason for it? Kate knew she shouldn't care, and she almost didn't, but a small part of her was curious to know.

"Hello? Did you hear anything I said?" Felicia asked.

Kate realized she'd been caught in a daze and asked, "What?"

Felicia expelled a dramatic sigh. "I just told you all about my Christmas plans and then asked you yours."

"Oh," Kate replied, "I'm just going home. I'm looking forward to spending some time with Dad and Tessa. I hope to see my cousin as well."

"Did you wrap your Secret Santa gift yet?" Johanna asked.

By now they had made it down to ground level and turned toward the double doors leading to the Great Hall.

"Yes," Kate replied, nodding. "Anita had an extra small gift bag and let me have it."

The gift requiring a tiny bag was for Hope Hyland and consisted of beautiful hair pins. Kate thought they would look pretty in Hope's sleek, dark hair.

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