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(Ariella) Tirana, Albania
Author: Beck 
Date:   04-07-14 08:10

Deep within the bowels of the colorful city hall building in Tirana, Albania was a wing unknown to the Muggles who worked and visited the building on a daily basis. It was the site of the small country's wizarding governmental offices and the location of a very important meeting.

A contingent of wizards representing a number of different countries met in a small auditorium to discuss the forthcoming Scholastic Aptitude Tournament. In its inaugural year, seven schools participated, including Hogwarts. Representatives from many of the same host countries and schools were present, as well as a great many others interested in participating in the next round.

This was only the first serious discussion about the tournament. Ariella took copious notes as topics of discussion arose, from the types of events that should be considered for the next SAT as well as how many schools might participate. Would it remain seven, as it had been in its first year, or should more be invited to participate? If too many wished to take part, should the format of the event be altered to accommodate everyone, or would it be best to have separate SATs occurring simultaneously with competing schools selected at random?

The representatives of the various countries present talked up their schools and what they had to offer in terms of culture, experiences, and most importantly safety. This brought up the question of the current state of affairs in Britain. With Lord Voldemort defeated the spring before the inaugural SAT, Britain had been quite calm and secure during the 2000-2001 school year. With the current rise of his protegé, it appeared that dark times might be returning.

Ariella's boss, Christiana Chadd, assured the assembled representatives that Britain was perfectly safe and that Ms. Fairchild would surely be defeated by the time the next SAT came into being. As it was many years off, it was certainly a possibility, but at the same time, it was also possible things could be far worse off then than they were now.

Britain wasn't the only country with problems, the issue of dark wizards being a global epidemic. Australia had its own faction of dark wizards, which seemed to have had a flare-up of activity lately. Hearing it come up in the discussion of safety and security put Lawrence to mind. Ariella had never met his parents, but she couldn't picture them being as awful as the anonymous letters her husband had received painted them out to be.

Lawrence always spoke fondly and wistfully of his parents, who had died in a car crash. The cause of death, while tragic, had always seemed straightforward, but now Ariella wondered if there had been more to their deaths, assuming the anonymous letters were to be believed, and as far as she was concerned, they weren't. Still, the mind wandered…

The clearing of Representative Chadd's throat drew Ariella's attention back to the task at hand. The Belgian diplomat Michiel Janssens had stood to deliver a speech about the merits of having an event on languages like Gobbledigook and Mermish, which created a heated debate about whether it would be fair to have such an event when not all schools offered language courses.

Ariella wrote down everything, wondering if the discussions surrounding the very first SAT had been this thorough and exciting.

(Kate) Before Ancient Runes
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   04-07-14 09:07

"And right on the heels of the points we earned for winning the match!" Gus exclaimed, not for the first time since what took place in the Slytherin common room after the Quidditch match over a week ago. He was awfully sore about the twenty points the new transfer students had cost their house.

Kate frowned at him and then glanced at the hour glasses on the wall. Although not in first place, Slytherin House was just barely behind Ravenclaw in the house points standings. Would those twenty points have made a difference? Maybe, but the school year wasn't over yet. Slytherin could still win the House Cup.

"I sympathize with you, but since my house is ranked behind yours, I can't feel too sorry for you," Kate replied with a look of amusement on her face.

Gus said, "At least Hufflepuff doesn't have the likes of the Brycins sisters or that bastard Farnon."

Kate's smile fell a little bit. She was starting to get very tired of hearing 'Brycin' and 'Farnon' in the same sentence.

Johanna tugged her arm and said, "We're going to be late for Ancient Runes. See you lot in Charms," she added to Gus and Felicia.

Kate allowed herself to be dragged away to the marble staircase, while Felicia gave Baltus a long goodbye (he had Care of Magical Creatures to go to), and Gus, who didn't want to wait for her to join him, headed downstairs to the dungeons.

Kate and Johanna didn't talk until they reached the first floor landing. "I think I would be embarrassed if I got into a physical altercation with Evelyn," she said. She had witnessed the fight between the sisters and it had been appalling to watch. What made it worse was the fact that Snape had walked in on it and taken the points away from them, when he sometimes turned a blind eye to the antics of his own students.

"It seems like the younger one has turned into a social pariah," Kate murmured. She didn't add, Just like her older sister. Since coming to Hogwarts, Capri had made only one friend, or whatever Mark was to her. Andromeda, on the other hand, had been popular. No doubt her fall in status had her hating Capri even more.

"Gus isn't the only one to feel the way he does about what happened," Johanna agreed. "Enough about all that, though. Is there really nothing going on between you and Hugo?"

Kate felt a slight blush creep across her cheeks. "I wouldn't say there's nothing," she began. "We definitely get on very well, and he makes me laugh…"

"So… what's the problem?" Johanna asked.

Kate shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'm hesitant after what happened last time."

"Hugo is not Mark."

"I know."

"I think you should give him a chance. Valentine's Day is coming up…"

Kate laughed. "Is it?" she asked, feigning innocence. She turned the tables on Johanna then. "Surely there's somebody you want to make your Valentine…"

They arrived at the Ancient Runes classroom before Johanna could come up with an answer.

(Aralyn) End of Story
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   04-07-14 13:27

Seated and strapped to a hard, wooden armchair in the middle of Courtroom 10, Aralyn stared unseeingly into the void. The appointed speaker of the Wizengamot read out her sentence, while the other members looked on at the prisoner with expressions of distrust, disgust and disinterest on their faces. She was condemned to life in Azkaban for the murder of her brother Kristos, which she'd committed in a fit of rage.

Acting impulsively was not something Aralyn had never done in her thirty-something years on the planet, but she didn't recall reacting so violently against anyone, much less her own brother, her twin. It almost seemed as if she had been a different person at the time, but she had done the evil deed and now Kristos was gone forever and she would pay the price by spending the rest of her days in prison.

After the speaker finished talking and adjourned the court, Aralyn was prepped for transfer to Azkaban Fortress. She rode in the magical prison bus, which had been revamped and made more secure since the disaster that had been its first flight. Instead of looking out the window and catching a last glimpse of ordinary things like the cloudy sky and the turbulent sea, she stared at the back of the seat in front of her.

The bus eventually touched down on a small, open piece of land between the rocky crags surrounding the prison building, and Aralyn was unloaded and escorted inside. She was forced to endure the embarrassment of removing her clothes and being searched, then she showered and was given prison robes of dingy gray.

The journey to her cell was one she couldn't remember if she tried, not that she had really been paying attention. Since the corridors always changed to prevent prisoners from figuring out escape routes, Aralyn didn't stand much of a chance anyway. After walking through what seemed like a maze, she finally entered her cell block and was lead to the last cell on the left.

The door clanked open. Aralyn stepped inside and surveyed her new home. There was only a cot with a blanket and a latrine and sink. She moved over to the cot and curled up on it, closing her eyes in defeat. The door clanked shut, locking her in the only place she would know for the rest of her miserable life.

Conjuring and Controlling Fire
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black 
Date:   04-07-14 17:35

Inspired by Kissy Isuki converting some rooms for Ethan Somerset and her where their students are able to have plenty of room for putting into practice what they've learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Sirius has taken over space directly across the hall from the first floor Upper Years Transfiguration classroom. The last time the room was used that Sirius is aware was when he was a sixth year student. A professor who considered herself something of an artist used it to display her work. She didn't return for Sirius's seventh year, having decided she wanted to concentrate solely on her art. A few years ago Sirius heard she has a gallery in Barcelona and is editor of a monthly art publication.

Sirius's reasons for taking over the room for use with his Transfiguration lessons include the reason he and his seventh years are here today and not in the regular classroom. As part of the seventh year curriculum involving conjuring spells, the seventh years have been learning to conjure - and to control - fire. Anyone with the basic knowledge can conjure fire. Being able to conjure it in a controlled manner is something else altogether.

When the seventh years were first beginning, Sirius had them spread about the large room, magical barriers up between them as a protective measure. When first learning, it's not unusual for some of the outpourings of flame to be somewhat large and violent, spreading out in a wide pattern. The students were also swathed in a flame retardant charm, just to be on the safe side.

Now, a few weeks into working with fire, though the magical barriers and flame retardant charm are still in use, Sirius thinks that next class the retardant charm can be done away with. That is unless someone loses control before this class period is over. Then again, even if no one loses control, perhaps as these are students it's wise to err on the side of caution as he'd done last school year.

He must have made a face while mulling this over because he's asked, "Professor Black, are you all right?"

"Yes, thank you, Aleydis. I was just thinking something over."

Aleydis nods then returns her attention to conjuring a tiny flame to light a candle of the sort used on birthday cakes. Sirius moves along to where Perdita Drawlight's just melted her candle because her flame was both too large and too hot for the task. Handing her a new candle Sirius gives watches Perdita for a minute, the better to give her some tips and help.

Seeing that Wilbur Tremaine is also in need of another candle, Sirius gives Perdita some parting words of encouragement then moves along to assist Wilbur. A short time later he dismisses class, following the seventh years out with a mind to eat an early lunch since he's got office hours on Mondays starting at 12:30. He could eat in his office but a little company, even if that's only watching the antics of students in the Great Hall, can be nice sometimes.

Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   04-07-14 18:29

"ARLEY!" Seb yelled from the foyer as the front door slammed behind him. He had told Arley he was shopping, not out investigating.

Arlington ran into the room, slid across the polished hardwood floor in his socks, and came to a stop beside his partner. "What is it Seb? You never scream like that."

Seb had just come home, but he was frowning, a worn-looking letter in his hands. "This was left for us, I know it was." He paused to take a breath, "I think, he did not run off." His voice was quieter than normal as his eyes met Arley's.

"What? Who?" Sebastian handed him the letter to read, a frown marred his features. "This hardly makes sense. Babe, where did you get this?"

Seb shifted on his feet, and Arley wrapped an arm around him. "It's okay, Seb. You were out loking for him, weren't you?"

"I was! Remember the time Orion thought he had seen him?" Arley nodded. "Well, I deduced that what if there was a reason Dex let himself be seen? I was looking around and found this." He gestured to the note.

"As much as I think it's great you found this, Sebby, all it says is that he's alive, there is nothing else there."

Seb sighed, defeated. "I know, but I did hope there was more. Perhaps it is charmed? Dex would have thought better than to leave a one line note in the middle of a street. I found it odd too, this was not far from a muggle bank."

"I dunno, I wonder what he was doing in general. Something feels wrong about this, but we should at least pass it along."

The boys exchanged a glance and simultaneously said, "Driver." Without another word, they were gone in second.

Simple Girl
Author: Cate 
Date:   04-07-14 19:37

Cate walked with her best friend Jordana Walker down the marble staircase to the Great Hall and lunch. She sat down at the table and picked up a sandwich and began eating it.

"You know," Jordana started, "Preston Travers likes you."

Cate looked up from her sandwich and blushed. "No he can't. Why would a popular boy like Preston Travers like me? I'm just a simple girl with nothing to offer him."

"Maybe he likes simple girls." Jordana said with a grin. "I don't know but Elliot Baylis told me today when I was talking to Amanda Reynolds that he liked you. I think he is going to ask you out."

"Out where? It's not like we can go anywhere." Cate argued with Jordana.

"Yeah but you can sneak around and make out in the alcoves." Jordana giggled.

"Yeah and if I get caught by Flitwick…or gods forbid Snape."

"Well don't get caught. Summer is coming up soon and then you guys can do whatever you want. Oh, and there is a Hogsmeade weekend coming up…"

"Hello." A male voice came from behind Cate and Jordana and Cate turned and looked into Preston's smiling face.

"Hello." Jordana said when Cate didn't speak.

Jordana nudged Cate and she spoke up, "oh, hello! What are you doing here?" She said nervously.

"Having lunch. You?"

"The same." She giggled and blushed.

"I was wondering if you'd go out with me?"

Cate gave Jordana a sidelong glance and then blushed even deeper if that was possible and nodded her head, "yes I would like that."

"Can I sit down?" Cate nodded and shoved Jordana over a bit so that they could make room for Preston.

"Hey!" Jordana said.

"Hush!" Cate teased and then turned back to her lunch and Preston.

Author: Driver Morgan 
Date:   04-07-14 19:53

written with Orion Howell

Monday wasn't the busiest day of the week, as far as the bar was concerned, but Driver had managed to get the entire day off, at least that was his original plan. He ended up being called in to a meeting with Orion to help finalize lesson plans for their class. Now they sat talking in Orion's office. The majority of the conversation leaned towards speculation about Dexter. Even though Driver had been suspicious of his brother's disappearance, it helped to talk to someone with a broader view of the situation.

"I know, it just isn't right…" He blinked as there was a knock on the door. Orion got up to answer the door.

"Arley? Seb?" What's up guys?"

Seb spoke up first, "We thought you would be here, Driver. We have some news of sorts."

"Oh yeah? What about?" Driver was reluctant to admit he was hoping it was about Dex, but maybe it was just something else. Orion stepped back to let the couple into the office, and Arley handed him the letter.

"What do you think of this? Seb said he found it near the spot you last spotted him, Orion."

Orion blinked as he read the note. "Concealed message perhaps?" he suggested.

Seb nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that is what I thought, but we need to figure out how to read it. Perhaps you could be of assistance, Mr. Howell?"

"Haven't I said before, it's Orion? Mr. Howell makes me feel old," Orion said with a grin. He cast a revealing spell and nodded. "There's something here. Drive? You guys ever have a password or something?"

Driver leaned forward to look over the table to think for a moment. "Yeah, we used to do these messages when we were kids."

He drew his wand and cast another spell, the coded words revealing a short message. "This can't be right…Death Eaters?" He looked at Arley and Seb and then to Orion. The message did indeed say he was working with, not for, a darker power.

Orion cursed. "And just what are we supposed to tell his wife?" he asked. Not that he had any intention of going along on that trip. In his opinion, that was best left to Desi and Bron. Crying women and small children scared him a bit.

"Does he say why?"

Driver just shook his head. "It doesn't say why, I can't honestly believe my brother would do that! There has to be more." He searched the letter again and frowned. "I suppose though, we have to take what we have for now. I don't want to be the one to tell the rest of the family…but I can tell Fletcher and he can spread the news, perhaps?"

"What if, he has to work with them?" Arley spoke up, "I mean, people can be persuaded for a variety of reasons."

"And Dex's wedding to Karma was pretty well publicized, and anyone at Hogwarts, or with a child there would know about the girls," Orion said quietly. "I might have my suspicions about things, but I spent a long time being paid to have those suspicions."

"Suspicion happens for good reason though." Seb said with a frown.

"What should we do? I mean there has been a formal missing person's report for months, I'm not sure what else we can do other than wait for more intel." Arley added, the thought of Dex potentially turning evil shook him.

"We'll take it to Desi, so it can be added to his file. And none of us tell Karma. Let the Aurors do it. That's their job, and she doesn't even need to know we know," Orion said with a nod. "All we know is he's working with them, we don't know why, so the smart thing to do is to let the Aurors deal with it."

"That's all we can do. Orion's right, we don't need to let anyone know we know. I will say we all should be on our toes. If Dex left this letter and was being watched, it could come back that we know who he's working for, and that will lead them to come after us." He stood up and frowned. "After this revelation, I could use a drink. Anyone with me?"

Horoscopes (Tamsin)
Author: Josie 
Date:   04-08-14 07:52

Penny and I were doing homework together at the common commons after having Arithmancy and Divination. She was very excited because we began studying horoscope charts in class and she was eager to learn which boys from our year she would be more compatible with. Penny wanted desperately to be invited by someone for Valentine 's Day next Thursday, but she also wanted to make sure that if that happened things would work out well and she might end up with a boyfriend.

"Hunter Green is Taurus and according to this chart, I would get along well with him. But he is Jade's brother and maybe it would feel odd to date her twin…Hum…do you happen to know when is Madoc McGonagall's birthday?"

"It's like you are picking boys by a catalog. What makes you think they don't have a date already? Or that they will be interested in you?"

"Don't spoil my fun, Tamsin. A girl can dream. Now when did you say was your brother Theon's birthday?"

There was no point in telling Penny that the goal of studying horoscope charts in class was not for her to try and find a boyfriend. So I just told her Theon was born in January and she looked disappointed because it seemed that his zodiac sign wasn't compatible with hers. As I wrote my Transfiguration essay Penny would let go excitement squeaking noises here and there. Clearly she was having luck with her horoscope. She then offered to do mine. I protested, but she ignored me as she flipped the pages of Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky, in search for the right charts.

"Very well. Your best relationship matching are…drum roll please…Libra, Aquarius and Leo! Is anyone here a Leo?" she asked out loud, trying her luck.

"Penny…" I muttered. But it was too late: a few heads had turned in our direction.

Some students looked at us confused, others curious and some in amusement. A pair of older Slytherins were probably thinking we looked like two silly girls, reading the horoscope, by the way they were laughing at us. I found myself wishing that the sofa I was seated on would open and swallow me. Penny didn't seem to mind. She was more focused on trying to find me a date. Lucky for me no one replied to Penny's question and soon everyone got back to their own affairs.

"I'm going to ask Bartholomew when his birthday is. And Andrew Murray as well, just in case."

I thanked my best friend but I told her there was no need to try and find me someone. I wasn't looking for anyone. Penny said she didn't believe me but she didn't insist. We had homework to do and it was time to stop fooling around. The hours passed and before dinner I went to the Gryffindor tower to wash up and put my bag and books at the dorm. I reached the Fat Lady's portrait.



The portrait opened and I entered the passage to the Gryffindor common room. Before it closed another student joined me.

"Hey Branstone."

I didn't recognize him at first but then I realized it was Jake Nielson.

"Hi." I replied.

"Horoscope charts, huh?" he said, noticing what I was carrying in my hands. "I had to study that last year. It can be quite fun. I probably have my old charts somewhere; if you want to take a look at them just let me know. "

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. See you later."

We split. For a moment I found myself acting like Penny wondering if he happened to be a Libra, or an Aquarius. Perhaps a Leo.

Delightful Distractions
Author: Sy Tremont 
Date:   04-08-14 17:21

I'd spent most of the day doing homework, since I didn't have class today - and I also had a dinner date with Elizabeth, and I was considering proposing to her, but I hadn't made up my mind on the matter yet - nor had I bothered trying to pick out a ring or see if there was one sort of heirloom that I could give to her - though I honestly thought about saving that for Madeline when she came of age and ultimately wanted to get married.

Dinner with Elizabeth wasn't until about seven-thirty or eight, and it was only about noon and I was done with homework - and wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do just yet. Fingers slipping through my hair, I pushed away from my desk and headed into the kitchen - I could have had the house elf make me something to eat, but I'd opted to spend the time cooking and made myself an omelette with spinach, feta, mushrooms, and roasted red peppers as well as some toasted fresh-baked sourdough bread. A glass of pumpkin juice finished out the meal, before I headed back into my 'office' of sorts and continued to work on my assignments while I ate my brunch.

About one-thirty, the flames in the fireplace blossomed a vibrant green and when the smoke cleared, Elizabeth was standing there brushing faintest traces of soot from her cashmere sweater, suade pants, and adjusting her hair.

"Hello there gorgeous..."

I said, pushing up and moving to meet her, pulling her to me and brushing a kiss against her lips.

"Hello there yourself handsome. Studying hard?"

She asked, slipping from my grasp and stepping toward the desk.

"Just homework, since I don't have any classes today I figured I would spend the day catching up on my assignments and working ahead a little bit before our date tonight..."

She nodded, turning to lean against the desk - crystalline eyes glimmering with mischief and I had a feeling that I'd be getting very little homework done while she was here (not that I minded in the slightest I was already working ahead).

"Well..I could go...I wouldn't want to be a distraction...."

I chuckled, and closed the distance between us, pulling her to me and pressing a light kiss to her lips.

"Or you could stay..." I said, leaving the unspoken invitation hanging in the air.

That knowing smile dancing upon her lips as we soon slipped from the office heading deeper into the house.

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