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Valentine's Day Presents
Author: Cate 
Date:   04-13-14 13:58

Cate walked out of Transfiguration with Preston and Jordana and made their way down to the green houses.

"I got you something for you." Preston said magically producing a box of chocolates and a dozen red roses out of his bag.

Smelling the roses Cate smiled and said, "they are perfect. I love them." She put the flowers under her arm and looked at the chocolates. "Oh, Preston these are my favorite salted caramels in dark chocolate. Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Preston smiled at her.

"I got you something too." Cate said as she dug around in her bag for a box. She handed Preston the box and watched him open it as she shifted the flowers back to her hand from under her arm.

Preston opened the box to find a gold pocket watch in it. He looked at Cate and then back down at the watch. "Thank you." He said with a large smile on his face. Picking the watch up out of the box he turned it over in his hands and looked at it. He then pushed the button on the top and opened the watch and on the inside of the watch was engraved Preston's name the date and love Cate. Wrapping his arms around Cate he hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to you know?"

"I know, but I wanted to." She smiled sweetly. "I really was hoping you'd like it."

"I do. I really do."

"Come on as sweet as this is we had better get to class." Jordana said.

"Okay, okay." Cate laughed at her best friend. "We are coming."

Alone For Valentine's (Basil)
Author: Jared 
Date:   04-13-14 14:02

Staring at a selection of fruit Basil steps back to allow others to continue along the canteen line. Much as he wouldn't mind being at Hogwarts to spend Valentine's with Aleydis, with three classes, a one-on-one session with a profession, and a study group, he's busy enough today not to have time to dwell on the time spent apart from her. He does, however, hope the mix of flowers he sent arrives as it should as well as a variety of miniature cakes from Briar's Bakery. Lastly is a Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes special edition pygmy puff having pink fur with a red hearts pattern.

Finally selecting an apple and a pear for a little later in the day, Basil picks up a fruit cup the moves along trying to decide what else to have now. He's so busy trying to hurry and decide whether to go simple with a sandwich or pick one of the other day's offerings when the person right behind him leans in close.

"You are very distracted, Basil. I have said hello twice now."

He gives a shake of his head as if to clear his thoughts even as he apologizes. "Sorry, Lluvia. Lots on my mind today."

"Worrying that your girlfriend, Aldeese "


"Aleydis. Worrying she has a new Valentine today?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I have seen three people so far today crying because their relationships are no longer there."

"Okay. Well, no, I'm not worried about that. I miss Aleydis and she misses me but I was deep in thought about everything school related I still have today."

Lluvia nods. "I too have been very busy. I am going to enjoy relaxing at the Valentine's party tonight and the Valentine's ball tomorrow evening. You will attend?"

"I wouldn't mind having a little fun at a party but as it and the ball are done with couples in mind, I think I'll pass."

"I would say come with me but I will be with my boyfriend."

Having reached the end of the food line Basil pauses long enough to pay before saying, "Lluvia, you've never mentioned a boyfriend before."

"We only began dating last week. I waited for you a long time but you never asked me out."

"I never asked you because, as you've known since we first met, I have a girlfriend."

"Yes, but sometimes relationships break apart when unable to see each other often."

Basil is glad Lluvia's not looking straight at him because he can't stop the huge eye roll at her statement. While it's true relationships do end all the time for lots of reasons, to have her so openly admit she was waiting on his with Aleydis to end so he would ask her out is a bit much. How does she know he'd want to go out even if he were free to date around? There was a time he would have outright told Lluvia she has never and will never stand a chance with him. Now, caring more about other people's feelings, he doesn't want to deliberately hurt her if he doesn't have to do so.

Basil forces a smile. "Enjoy the party and the ball. I've got to study while eating or I'd suggest sharing a table."

"I would have been good company but I understand."

Lluvia bids him goodbye and walks off in a direction other than the one Basil had intended on going himself. As that makes things less awkward for him, he doesn't mind a bit. Soon, he's got his head down over a textbook and some notes, concerned he won't be prepared enough if the professor in his next class gives an unannounced quiz.

Valentine's Day Surprises
Author: Capri Brycin 
Date:   04-13-14 14:49

Capri pulled away from Mark and smiled at him; he smiled back at her. She could not tell if it was a genuine smile or not but at this moment she was hard-pressed to care. Though she had slapped him she still enjoyed the kiss (both of them).

"Happy Valentine's Day." He said.

"Thank you." She smiled again and handed him a four-pound bag of gummy bears. "Something told me, since I see you munching on them all the time, that you really like gummy bears."

Mark laughed, "Yeah, I do. Thank you. I didn't get you anything though."

Capri shrugged, "it's okay." The two walked inside the classroom and sat down and waited for Professor Knight to start his lecture.

When class was over the new couple walked down to the Slytherin Common Room to drop off their books before heading to the Great Hall for lunch.

Sitting down by them selves Capri said, "so, is this your attempt to make Kate jealous?"

Mark shrugged and then noticed that Andromeda was sitting by herself. "Looks like your sister must have made her little friends mad."

Capri looked up at her sister and a wicked smile crossed her face. "I'm not surprised. I might not have many friends here but at least I am not pissing the one I have off." As Capri was about to say something else one of the students sitting not too far away from she and Mark said something about how Andromeda was just out to sleep with everyone she could get her hands on.

When Capri repeated what the other student had said about Andromeda to Mark he burst into laughter. Capri smiled and shook her head, "it's about true. She was the same way at our old school."


"Yes, she isn't going to change. She is what she is and that is a heartless bitch." She looked up at her sister again and shook her head.

Don't Need Help Getting A Date (Etta)
Author: Jared 
Date:   04-13-14 15:53

Marjani chews her lower lip for a second before asking Alexa and Etta, "You're sure of the blue? Maybe I should wear the gold one."

Etta says with grin, "If you keep changing your mind on what to wear, you'll miss the party entirely."

"Tomorrow night and the Valentine's ball will come and you'll still be trying to decide what to wear tonight."

Marjani looks less than amused. "You were saying not ten minutes ago, Alexa, you didn't know what you're going to wear tonight."

"I don't know but I'm also not sitting here going through my entire wardrobe twice."

"Third time," Etta corrects. "Marjani, for what it's worth, you look great in that gold lace one but you look fantastic in the turquoise."

"So wear the turquoise tonight?"

Alexa snickers. "No, Etta meant you should wear those dungerees with the hole at the knee."

"I'd at least be comfortable in those. All right, the turquoise tonight and my new dress robes for the ball."

"Have I seen those?" Etta asks.

"I think so. The ones I got shopping last weekend."

"That was me with you, not Etta," Alexa reminds.

"In that case, come to the ball, Etta, and you'll see my new dress robes. Unless I decide to wear the red ones I like so much."

"There might be a lot of red tomorrow night," Etta points out.

"That's true. I've not seen anything that we're supposed to dress in Valentine's related colors so I'll go with the new ones. They're a pale green, sort of the same color as a peridot."

"I think I'll wear the cornflower blue robes I got last spring or do I want to go shopping?" Alexa muses aloud.

"You should focus on what to wear tonight." Marjani gets a far away look in her eyes, making Etta wonder if she's mentally going through what of Alexa's wardrobe she knows.

Alexa takes that moment to reiterate something Marjani had said. "You should come, Etta. If not tonight, then at least tomorrow. We can find you a date if we put our heads together."

"Thank you, but I don't need help finding a date."

"Unless or until you tell Deak how you feel and you two get back together, you can't keep sitting at home brooding."

"I'm not going to be at home brooding."

Marjani rejoins the conversation. "Then sitting at the library or here at the Wyrding Way or wherever you will be brooding."

"I won't be somewhere brooding. I don't need help getting a date for the ball because I have one. Henry Appleton."

"Gryffindor Henry Appleton?"

Etta nods at Marjani. "Yes, that Henry Appleton."

Alexa and Marjani exchange a look before Alexa leans in closer. "Tell us how this came about. Leave out nothing."

(Adriana) No News and Big Plans
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   04-13-14 16:07

Christina Sorcha swept into the room Adriana had made her office and library and slapped a thick file folder onto the desk behind which the other woman sat.

"There. That's all of it," Sorcha said, heaving a sigh as if she felt relieved to finally have the documents out of her possession.

Adriana leaned forward eagerly and asked, "This is it? The entire file on Lord Voldemort?"

Sorcha nodded in the affirmative. "Magically reduced. It's quite… extensive, as you might imagine."

Adriana was already flipping through the parchment pages and murmuring passages to herself.

Sorcha stood there awkwardly for a moment and then turned to leave the room.


Sorcha turned and regarded Adriana, who hadn't looked up from the file.

"Ivanova has important plans this evening, but I'm going to see to it that he escorts you to see your son tomorrow, unless you would rather wait for the weekend."

"No, tomorrow is fine," Sorcha quickly replied. "Thanks," she added as an afterthought. When Adriana said nothing more, Sorcha left the room.

Adriana turned the pages faster and faster. Her eyes scanned each passage, searching for the thing she wished to know most. She suspected it would be on the last page, but for whatever reason, she refrained from looking there first.

Eventually she came to the events in the tunnels beneath Hogsmeade, where both her cousin Harry and Voldemort had died. The accounts from various witnesses were so detailed, that she had little difficulty envisioning the scene in her mind.

Finally, she came to the part about the body, which stated only that Albus Dumbledore turned over the remains to a contingent of Ministry officials (names not given) and that the body was interred in an undisclosed location.

Adriana's eyes flew wildly over the remaining page. Then she flipped to the backside, which was blank.

That was it???? No, it couldn't be. There had to be a mention somewhere giving the exact details of Voldemort's final resting place.

Adriana felt mad. She swiped her arm over the folder, knocking all the pages off her desk and instantly regretting it. Maybe she'd missed something. She knew it unlikely, but she had to be sure. She summoned the pages from where they had fallen and started scanning them again.

After a while, Ivanova entered the room. He regarded Adriana for a long moment before she even realized his presence.

"What is it?" she asked, finally looking up from the parchments.

"I merely wanted to tell you that everything is set for tonight. The newcomers will be joining us."

The newcomers were Crabbe and Goyle, who had gotten out of prison only a couple of days ago and had already aligned themselves with Adriana.

"Are you sure they're ready?"

"I think they are ripe with rage from their unjust imprisonment," Ivanova responded.

"Fantastic. I think it's hightime the wizarding world realizes how serious this organization has become." Adriana leaned back in her chair and grinned evilly. "It's not going to be a very happy Valentine's for some, is it?"

"I should think not," Ivanova replied.

This time last year, they attacked a Muggle café. Tonight they had their sights set on a certain tea room in Hogsmeade village.

Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   04-14-14 06:37

The library was surprisingly empty that day. It seemed like almost no one was in the right mood to study due to Valentine's Day. The corridors were filled with pairs holding hands, while couples battled for some privacy at each available corner and supply cupboards they could find. The youngest students looked with a mist of curiosity and disgust these displays of affection. At the same time, some sad souls who did not find their affection from those they loved, sobbed on the corridors, or dragged their feet on their way to class feeling miserable.

Johanna was not in any of these categories. She lived the day normally, even if her friends didn't. Hugo had kissed Kate after History of Magic, Felicia went to the grounds with Baltus and Gus had mysteriously disappeared with the excuse he was going to spend some time with a girl. He refused to open up and give the group any extra information about it no matter Felicia's pleas and Johanna's demands. Mark too hasn't been immune to Valentine's Day: he has been seen kissing Capri Brycin earlier.

Her cousin Edgar was also in the library, doing homework. Johanna recognized the Rune Dictionary on the table and she asked if he needed some help with it. Edgar shook his head, but thanked her. He made a comment about how at least in the library it seemed like it was still a normal day and when she inquired him about a possible valentine, he just shrugged his shoulders. She couldn't tell if this indifference was sincere or if he was just faking it.

After fetching the book she needed, she said goodbye to her cousin and left the library. At the corridor she crossed herself with Roger Gesner. He didn't seem in a very good mood.

"Hey Roger," she greeted.

"Hi. Have you seen your friend van Tassel? I can't find him anywhere and tonight it's his turn to patrol the corridors."

Johanna looked at her watch. It was still a bit early for the prefects patrols around the castle and she said so to Roger, assuring him that Gus would do so at the right hour.

"I am not so sure about that. He seemed very entertained earlier, with your cousin and I'm afraid he might forget about his duties."

"My cousin? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure that was her. He called her Mini-Steele."

Johanna frown, and she told Roger not to worry that she would personally remind Gus to later patrol the corridors. She forgot all about her plans of having a quiet time at the dormitory studying and she walked around the school, in search for Gus and Evelyn. She spotted one of Evelyn's friends, Dinah Northington passing by and she forced the younger girl to tell her where her cousin was, threatening to give her a detention if she didn't collaborate.

She found Gus and Evelyn behind one of the greenhouses. He was still wearing his Fitness & Athletics equipment, while her bag and books had been dropped over the grass, next to a shovel and a can of slug repellent. They were kissing each other, and his hand was over her waist. Evelyn was on her tiptoes, since Gus was way taller than her. There was a brief pause where they looked at each other. In Evelyn's eyes there was admiration and defiance, since it seemed like she was challenging the world, making out with an eighteen year old boy, while she was only fourteen. Their lips touched again.

Johanna looked horrified to the scene in front of her, not sure with whom she wanted to yell at first.

Potions and Plans
Author: Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen 
Date:   04-14-14 10:19

Fritz sits in the classroom where his Fundamentals of Potions Analysis class meets and listens to the guest lecturer speaking at the front of the room. The topic is one apt for the date: the love potion. This morning, Fritz had a shift at J. Pippin's. All week, potions and herbs romantic in nature have been flying off of the shelves. He barely had one shelf stocked of sprigs of lavender before it was empty all over again.

Fritz is glad he doesn't have to work after class ends. Rather than take Coco out to a crowded restaurant, he's planning on cooking dinner at home. His parents are out of the country, so they will have the house to themselves. Fritz is going to stop by the grocer's on the way home to get everything he'll need to make the elaborate dinner, which he thinks will consist of several courses, just as if they were dining out tonight with everyone else.

For a gift, Fritz found a pendant made from vintage broken china that he thinks will suit Coco perfectly. The pendant has a little blue bird on it, which puts Coco's animagus form to mind, at least when Fritz looks at it. He also picked up a heart-shaped tin of Lindt Lindor truffles, which he knows Coco likes and which he hopes she might share with him since he likes them too!

After class lets out, Fritz decides not to linger and ask questions of his professor or the guest lecturer and instead leaves the classroom and then campus for London. He takes out his long shopping list and steps into the grocer's, unknowingly brushing past a wizard who works for Berthold Beatenberg & Co.

Karl Ingersleben is one of the older wizards in the group, although he was one of the youngest during Gellert Grindelwald's heyday. Having escaped prosecution all those years ago, Karl eventually found a respectable position at the German Ministry, though whether he conducts respectable work is a different matter altogether.

His corrupt dealings being underhanded the majority of the time, Karl rose in prominence over the years and gained a great deal of power. When he recently decided to branch out and move abroad to serve as diplomat for his country, the British Ministry of Magic couldn't resist hiring him on, especially when his predecessor fell drastically ill very unexpectedly.

Now Karl has a new venue for conducting his unsavory business, but the main reason he has joined the British Ministry of Magic is to serve Berthold Beatenberg. Anything the Ministry knows about Berthold's number one enemy will be passed on to make the search and subsequent murder of the little witch all the more swift.

Doth My Eye Deceive Me?
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   04-14-14 11:44

Part of the drawback of working in a hospital or in law enforcement was the chance that one had to work on a holiday. Hermione not only had to work today, but she was covering the evening shift, meaning she wouldn't be able to have a romantic dinner with her husband. She and Ron had already decided that they would postpone their Valentine's Day till the weekend, when both weren't scheduled to work.

"Okay, let's have a look."

Seated on the end of a bed was a boy no older than eight. He had sandy-blond hair and eyes that were normally heterochromia iridum, one brown and the other hazel. His eyes were not only two different colors now, but they were also cycling through an array of colors--blue, gray, green, and even purple and red. It was both mesmerizing and irritating to witness.

"He got hold of my wand," said his frantic mother, who kept wringing her hands together as if they were wet cloths. "He said, 'It's not fair I have to look this way' and then before I could do anything, he'd done it. He put a spell on his eyes to make them normal, only it didn't work. Not that it would have, since he's just a boy and hasn't learnt much magic yet."

The boy was trying hard not to look into the light Hermione was shining into his ever-changing color eyes. "The kids all make fun of me," he murmured so quietly only Hermione could hear. "They call me a freak."

Hermione tilted up his head with a gentle nudge of his chin and said, "I think two colored eyes is something special." She glanced over her shoulder at the mother, who was muttering soundlessly to herself and still wringing her hands.

"Your mum's got hazel eyes. What about your dad?" she asked the boy, after turning back to face him.


"And what about your eyes before this happened? What color were they?"

"One hazel, one brown."

Hermione beamed at him. "See. You can say you got one from your mum and one from your dad. And later on when you're older, all the girls will think you're mysterious because of your eyes. Trust me, it's all going to work out for you." She extinguished the light on the end of her wand and said, "Let's get you fixed right up so we can send you home, okay?"

The boy seemed a little more accepting, though deep down, he hoped that his healer would accidentally make it so that he had two eyes that were the same color in the end. He didn't get his wish, but years from now he would be glad about his unique eyes because of all the attention he would get from girls.

After discharging the patient, Hermione set out to check on another patient still in her care. While on the way to his room, she caught a glimpse of someone down the hallway. It was a woman with sleek brown hair and a fringe. She was turned in profile, reading the nameplate on a door, but then she pivoted away and walked further down the hall before disappearing around the corner.

Hermione let out a small gasp because the woman looked remarkably like someone she knew from long ago––someone who was definitely dead.

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