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Exams and Easter Plans
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   05-26-14 15:05

The end of Winter Term was a mere two and a half days away, and just like at Christmastime, students were eager for the arrival of the holidays and a break from school. Unfortunately for those in Professor Ravenscroft's Herbology classes, there were exams to write before the students gained their freedom.

Already, the Ravenclaw and Slytherin third years had taken their exam and now the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff fourth years were in the middle of writing theirs. Professor Ravenscroft sat at the small desk in the corner of the greenhouse and oversaw the exam, which was entirely theoretical in nature.

In between marking the exams the previous class had already taken, she thought about her own holidays plans. Weston's grandmother had requested they come for Easter brunch, but Georgia had been much quicker in asking the family over to South Kensington. Marzi was pleased for the excuse not to attend another one of her in-law's la-di-da occasions. She had nothing against the woman personally, but she could only take so much of Redberga's need to impose her lifestyle on Carter and Vallon.

At least the boys hadn't yet cultivated their great grandmother's attitudes. They were still terribly young and were little boys at that. Boys did whatever suited them, and two boys together were a dangerous combination. They emulated each other and egged each other on. Already they had received a few bad marks in conduct at their prim and proper private school, but for the most part, they fared well there.

Their last day of class was also on Friday.

Professor Ravenscroft glanced at the small clock on the corner of her desk and announced that only five minutes remained of class. A frantic scribbling followed. For the students, the five minutes passed all too quickly. Marzi collected the parchments with a flick of her wand. They settled in a neat pile on her corner desk.

As the students filed out the door and into the sunshine, they received marshmallow Easter treats and holiday well-wishes.

Muggle Studies Trip & Other Getaways
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   05-26-14 16:43

Cutting my office hours short by forty-five minutes, I'd started the rounds to the four house commons rooms, the common commons, and other points around the castle. When I reach the Great Hall I'm down to two of the flyers reminding seventh years of the Muggle Studies sponsored trip. This year's starts in Athens. From there we'll cruise to some of the Greek islands including Hydra, Santorini (also known as Thera), and Mykonos. We'll end up on Crete, disembarking at its capital Heraklion. A few days to tour the island, seeing such attractions as Knosses and we'll from from there back to Athens and from Athens back to London.

The flyers not only give information on the trip but let the seventh years know the deadline for signing up so I can get passports for those who need one. The students are also reminded that all seventh years are welcome. Having taken Muggle Studies at some point is not a requirement nor is membership in the Muggle Studies Club. Another important tidbit is that students only need to bring spending money. The cost of the trip is covered as are a number of meals.

Tacking up the last two flyers in the Great Hall, one of them on either side of the large doors, I'm stopped and asked a few questions. When I reach the head table I greet my wife and sit next to her. "Looks like we've got another signed up for the trip."

Saffron smiles, passing me a vegetable casserole without being asked. She knows me too well. It's a favorite so I definately want some.

"I wouldn't mind if most of those signed up decide to drop out so it's a cozier, more romantic, mainly just you and me trip." This is accompanied by a waggle of Saffron's eyebrows.

"If you want just we two trip, pick a destination and we'll plan something."

"How about one of those river cruises down the Rhine or the Danube?"

"Yes to both."

"I was thinking when we go to the States we could add in a few days extra somewhere for the kids."

"I've been thinking the same thing. The question is where do we want to go?"

"We should also consider asking Frannie and Payton, maybe your sister too. Do you think Deak would want to come with us if it's something geared more for Niccola and Brandon?"

"I think he would. He's never indicated he doesn't like doing things as a family. We should ask Drake and Ophelia their thoughts now that they have Marnie."

"You read my mind," Saffron says, her smile growing broader.

We spend the rest of lunch discussing a possible vacation spot when in the US visiting my parents. I leave the Great Hall around one for my 1:15 class of fourth years, meeting at Cloud's Kiss.

Where There Is Smoke…
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   05-26-14 17:45

Clouds of smoke filled the DADA classroom. The air grew so thick that Ethan finally waved his wand, dispelling the swirling grays and blacks until everyone could see properly again.

"Well done, all of you," he said to the assembled first years. It was the last class meeting of term for the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students. They had spent their final week of Winter Term learning the Smokescreen spell, or Fumos. The spell created a defensive cloud of smoke and was quite useful in dueling, since it made an opponent less likely to aim counterspells correctly.

"If there aren't any questions, I think we can safely end class here," Ethan went on, and he smiled when every single face suggested that leaving class a little early was the best news heard all day. "Well, then," he said, "I hope you all have a good holiday and we'll see each other at the same time and the same place when Spring Term starts. Have a nice day!"

The first years left with whoops of joy and excited chatter and soon vacated the DADA classroom. Ethan chuckled to himself and got things ready for his next class, which would take place after lunch and consist of the second year Gryffindor and Slytherin students. They were studying the History of the First Wizarding War and would finish with the year 1981.

In 1981 Ethan was living with the Somersets. He turned eleven that year and should have gotten his Hogwarts letter. Maybe he had and his parents, or the couple he'd thought were his parents, had declined the offer for him to attend the school in favor of homeschooling him. He wondered if there was a way to know if the quill had written down his name, and what name would it have written? Ethan Somerset, the name he had been given by the Somersets, or Silas Emeric, the name with which he'd been born? He supposed it didn't matter, though. If he'd received a normal education at home, then all would have been well. His education had been anything but normal, although he had not known it at the time.

Lilly would get a normal education if Ethan had his way. He had no intention of letting anyone screw up her life the way his had been. He couldn't help but worry about her safety, especially with the Fiddler, the Field and the Former Family at large and partners in crime. He wondered daily about their activities. Where were they? What were they planning for him or even the world at large? Would they eventually make good on their threats and get their revenge?

Ethan stared blankly at his classroom and then forced himself to get something to eat for lunch. First, he stopped by the nursery to pick up Lilly. She would be turning three next week. With her birthday taking place during the first week of Easter break, Ethan planned on having a little gathering at his home. His family would attend, of course, and so would Aveline. Ethan even planned on inviting some of the playmates Lilly had gotten to know from the village and at Hogwarts.

By the time he entered the Great Hall, his spirits felt lifted. He sat down at the High Table, thinking more and more about party planning and less and less about the three terrible wizards who wished him and those he loved dearly harm.

Going Out After Work
Author: Christopher Chant 
Date:   05-27-14 18:26

Christopher and his former Hogwarts classmate Milo Martin both have part-time jobs in the same department of the Ministry of Magic. They'd always been friends but have become more so thanks to working so closely. Mid-afternoon today Milo told Christopher, "I'm thinking of going out for supper. Want to come along?"

As his only plans for the evening had been to listen to a Quidditch match between non-British teams, he'd accepted the invitation. Because he's living with his parents for the time being, Christopher had been sure to let his mum know not to expect him until later than usual.

Dymek's, which serves mostly Polish cuisine, is a restaurant Christopher had never even heard of much less been to. After ordering bigos, a stew of sausage and sauerkraut, he asks, "How'd you find out about this place?"

"One of Mum's best friends originally from Poland but hates to cook. She comes here when she wants a taste of home."

"You're having pierogis, which I have had, but what's the other thing you ordered?"

"Kopytka. Potato dumplings. Did that Amalia girl find you?"

"Amalia came by work? When?"

"About a half hour before we clocked out."

"That must have been when I was sent all over creation tracking someone down. I have no idea why Amalia would come by."

"Because she's interested in you."

"But she knows I'm not interest in her that way. She also knows I'm practically engaged."

"Some people don't like rejection. I hope she doesn't turn out to be one of those barmy unhinged stalker types."

"Me too! You know Wiggy Hodfuffer had one of those?"

"No. How did I miss hearing about that?"

"I think I heard as much as I did only because Jack Emerson was one of my roommates."

"So this was while we were at Hogwarts? Now I really have no idea how I missed hearing about it."

"Seventh year, yeah. She's some sort of Quidditch groupie. Wiggy ended up having to get a restraining order and from what Jack said she's got a few others from other players. Now that you've mentioned Amalia and stalker, I'm going to start wondering if I'll have to do the same with her."

"Maybe if she sees you with Cat some over spring hols, she'll finally grasp that you aren't interested or available."

"We can hope."

As the topic of conversation isn't all that pleasant, they switch to talking about other things. Once the food arrives Christopher finds he likes the bigos a great deal. After a pudding of sernik, a type of cheesecake, the two friends decide to head to a pub where there's almost always a Quidditch match playing on the WWN.

No Sign of Carnage
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   05-28-14 13:44

Professor Black had given a hand mirror to his sixth year students, so they could practice human Transfiguration on themselves. The goal was to change the color of their own eyebrows, but so far no one had been successful. Johanna had been excited with the idea of learning human Transfiguration, but she was now realizing how difficult it could be.

"How do I look?" Kate asked, turning her face to Johanna.

"I don't see any difference..."

"Look carefully. Right here!" she pointed to the corner of her left eyebrow. Johanna finally noticed that there was a small amount of hair that had turned a little bit darker than the others.

"I am dying to dominate all this. I told Felicia that by the end of the year we would be able to totally change our appearance, but at this rhythm I don't think we'll be able to even change the color of both eyebrows completely. Did you manage to do change yours yet, Gus?"

But Gus didn't reply, as he seemed fixated by his own image at the mirror. Johanna could tell he was not focusing on the spell at all. He was just looking at his reflection. He turned his head a little bit to the right, examining his profile.

"He always had narcissist tendencies…" Johanna told Kate, who laughed.

"It's not that!" he replied, putting the mirror away. "Someone told me that, at times, I make an expression which resembles a baboon. "

"Who said that?" Kate asked.

"Just some girl I broke up with, recently. No one important. Maybe she was just saying that to annoy me..."

Johanna exchanged a look with Kate. Like she predicted, things with Evelyn didn't last. She couldn't help to feel happy about it, because truth to be told, the idea of Gus dating her cousin displeased her. She just hoped Gus hasn't broken Evelyn's heart. But by calling him a baboon, she doubted that her cousin had chosen to refugee herself in a bathroom stall and cry until she had no more tears.

"You know, she's somewhat right. You do look like a baboon. When you wrinkle your eyebrows like that…yes, just like that!"

"Stop teasing me, Johanna. I'm handsome and any girl from this school would kill to have me! If they knew that I'm free again…"

Kate looked around at the quiet classroom, as everyone else was practicing in front of their respective mirrors. "I don't see any signs of carnage…" she observed, going back to work.

Johanna laughed and she placed her hand over her mouth trying to muffle the sound, so Professor Black won't hear. Gus just looked at Kate in surprise, too puzzled to reply. Generally she was not the type of person who used sarcasm. Johanna also turned her attention back to her mirror. Maybe with some luck she would be able to change half a eyebrow color before the class ended.

I Spy
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   05-28-14 17:57

Hermione saw Ron milling about at the nurse's station on her floor and immediately went to him, taking him by the hand and pressing a kiss to his cheek. He leaned down to kiss her properly on the lips and then asked, "So, lunch? What do you fancy? Chinese? Indian?"

"Actually, I packed sack lunches for us before I left this morning," Hermione said, leading him away from the counter, on which there were assorted pamphlets, a bowl of lemon drops and another of peppermints, and a box of tissues.

Ron's eyebrows crept up into his hairline. "You packed us sack lunches for our lunch date?" A long pause followed, and then he acknowledged that it was something only Hermione would do.

Rather than take him to the break room where she normally took her meals if she didn't go up to the Tea Room, out to a restaurant, or home, she lingered in the hallway, moving slowly.

"Is your break longer than it usually is?" Ron asked, wondering why his wife seemed to either be avoiding something or lying in wait for someone.

Hermione waved off his comment and then pulled him to a stop. "Look over there," she instructed, nodding down the corridor at a dark-haired woman. The woman had just emerged from another room and had her back turned so they couldn't see her face. She stopped to fiddle with something in her bag.

"What am I looking at?" Ron asked.

The woman had a nice figure and wore very fashionable, form-fitting robes.

Ron finally asked, "Is this a test?", when he realized he had been staring at the woman's backside for a little too long.

"Just look," Hermione urged.

The woman turned her head then so that they could see her profile. There was a sharp intake of breath on Ron's behalf, and Hermione started nodding.

"It's uncanny, I know, but it's––"

"Impossible," Ron said. "She looks just like––"

"Liza Buchanan," they said together.

Jill's Speechless (Olive)
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   05-28-14 19:28

Yesterday, Jill had joined Olive at the Slytherin table so today Olive takes a seat next to Jill at the Gryffindor table. Before looking over the day's lunch offerings she takes out an egg from her book bag. Olive had opened some of her eggs on Sunday after the Easter egg hunt but saved the rest to open at a leisurely pace.

Breaking open the ruby red egg with obsidian dots, she smiles at the slip of parchment inside. Jill cranes her neck to have a look. "What did you get?"

"One night free for two at the Enchanted Gardens Hotel."

"Ooooh. It's so posh."

"Don't take this the wrong way but you aren't invited," Olive grins.

Jill pretends to be put out. "You would have to have a boyfriend. Bloody lucky Zuberi."

"He is lucky to have such a fabulous girlfriend."

"She's modest too," Jill says, trying to keep a straight face but failing.

Olive pokes her tongue out before grinning again. Turning her attention to the lunch offerings, she asks Jill, "Ready for Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"I think so. You?"

"I think so too. I like Fitness & Athletics but we didn't have yet one more class today."

"Forgetting Astronomy are we?"

"Yes and no. It starts at midnight so doesn't that technically make it our first Friday class?"

"Hmmm. You might have a point. Either way, we can't get too relaxed after supper."

"With a few exams tomorrow, I doubt I'd relax even if we didn't have Astronomy later."

"Isn't that the truth. I need to buckle down on NEWT prep too. I've done some but not I'm thinking it's not enough."

"I know what you mean. I keep telling myself I'll do some studying every day over break but while I might do some, I doubt I'll do a few hours every day."

"What? You aren't going to spend eight hours a day on your holiday with NEWT prep? I'm speechless."

"Yes, clearly you are at a loss for words," Olive dryly replies.

It takes a few minutes to control their snickering enough for Olive to ask Jill, "Pass that salad, please."

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