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Screaming Toddlers
Author: Carys 
Date:   01-04-16 18:46

Standing behind Carys, Juliet waved a fluffy teddy bear around in a poor effort to calm two crying children being photographed with their mother and father. There was a fifth person in the scene, Father Christmas. The man behind the white fluffy beard was Owen, who Carys and Juliet had initially hired to do cleaning around the photography studio and now was getting paid to stand in as the personification of Christmas in family photos.

Besides the long beard, Owen wore a fur-rimmed hat, a spruce-green cloak with golden trimmings, a golden tunic, red trousers, and brown boots. He carried a bough of greens that Griffin and Tristan had picked up along with the Christmas tree for the house. This was his first day playing Father Christmas, and already it was proving to not be the easiest of jobs.

One of the wailing kids turned his head to scream right into Owen's ear. "Ho, ho!" Owen exclaimed, determined to stay in character. "That smarts!"

Juliet waved the teddy bear around more frantically, as if it would help soothe the children. All they wanted was to get away from the man with the long white beard. Their parents, however, were eager to get the perfect photograph for their annual Christmas card

"Come on, luvs," said the mother to her angel-haired toddlers, "just smile for the camera and we can go get ice cream!"

"It's too cold for ice cream," said her husband through a mouth fixed into a permanent smile. He kept his eyes on the camera lens.

Carys tried to coax the kids to smile, but to no avail. She snapped as many photos as she could, hoping one would be a miracle, but she kind of doubted it. She had a feeling her clients would have to send out a photo of the kids wailing and drawing back from Father Christmas. It was the best she could do.

A little while later, the studio became abruptly quiet. The family with the unhappy children left. Juliet stretched out on the floor and cuddled the teddy bear to her chest. Owen pulled off his beard and slipped out of his coat and wondered to himself if there was such thing as an earplug spell. Carys immediately busied herself with developing the photos and thought to herself how long it had been since she'd had a screaming toddler of her own.

She smiled to herself as she thought about the extra special Christmas gift she would give her husband and son this year. The baby brother Tristan always wanted wouldn't be born yet, of course, but he––or she––would debut later in the new year.

In The Commons (Justin)
Author: Plum 
Date:   01-05-16 14:38

Entering the commons Justin thinks maybe he shouldn't have had that fourth helping of pudding. He'd had four different desserts after eating supper and at the time each seemed a great idea. And tasty. Maybe some fizzy water with lemon will settle his stomach. Or hot cocoa.

Going to the large festively decorated Christmas tree, Justin places a blue foil wrapped box with a silver foil ribbon among the other gifts there. The name on the tag is Arielle Kent, a fourth year and daughter of Justin's Care of Magical Creatures professor Jolyon Kent. He stares at the present, chewing on his lower lip.

He's still not certain about the Secret Santa gift. Betsy had spent a little time with him in Hogsmeade two weeks ago and swore up and down a girl of Arielle's age would love the cute and stylish tights and leggings she'd helped Justin pick out. Betsy says Arielle can wear them under her school uniform, under slacks for extra warmth, or with a skirt, or pair them however she wishes. The reason he's not sure about giving them is because they are tights and leggings for a girl he hardly knows and whose father might not like her getting tights and leggings from a boy.

This niggling thought had Justin writing a note he included with the enclosed Christmas card. The note lets Arielle know his sister Betsy helped him pick out each of the tights and leggings. Perhaps knowing an older girl was involved will make the gift seem more appropriate. For all Justin knows the gift is entirely appropriate. He simply wants to be sure. Plus, if there is a problem, he'll point anyone to Betsy.

After giving other gifts under the tree a cursory glance, seeing whose names are visible on tags, and resisting the urge to pick each one up and give it a good shake, Justin moves to a table where friend and roommate Nathan Stewart sits. He puts his things down then gets something carbonated to drink, doing his best not to belch so loudly it reverberates through the commons. Definitely should have stuck to three sweets after supper.

Back at the table Nathan is making a face over the same letter he's made a face since receiving the owl at breakfast. He's shaken his head whenever anyone's asked but Justin tries again. "Bad news from home?"

Nathan shoves the letter back in its envelope and returns it to his satchel. "Not great news but not bad either. My great aunt Trudy is insisting everyone gather at her house for Christmas dinner. No one likes going to her house because she has to have everything just so and bosses everyone around. She's like that no matter where we are but she's worse at her own house. On top of that my aunt, mum's sister, has suddenly decided she's entirely vegan and says if the entire meal isn't vegan, she'll stage a protest."

"A protest? How would she do that?"

"Knowing her, that means she'd ruin any non vegan dish somehow. Mum and Dad are thinking we'll go off somewhere and do our own Christmas. I wouldn't mind that so much but it would also mean not getting to see some of the relatives I only get to see a few times a year."

As Nathan continues spilling his family woes, Justin decides his aren't so bad. He's being met in Hogsmeade by Jordan and Betsy instead of taking the train. They'll go to Plum's house to exchange gifts and from there he'll leave for Australia. Betsy and Jordan are coming as well but closer to Christmas as they do both have jobs they can't just take off from for a few weeks.

When Nathan wraps up his explanation of the letter, they crack open books to study for an exam. Justin's stomach finally settles an hour later prompting him to consider having some of the biscuits from a plate Nathan got a few minutes before.

Blue Christmas
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   01-05-16 18:48

Marzi cut up some chicken for Carter and Vallon and then fixed her own plate from the dishes available at the High Table. It was the last week of Fall Term, and probably the most difficult term Marzi had ever experienced––even worse than the entire year under Professor Snider.

Back then, Marzi and Weston had only just met. In the years since, he became the most important person in her life, only to die tragically at the end of the summer.

Sometimes the 31st of August felt ages ago. Other times, it felt like only yesterday. When it seemed so near, Marzi grieved for Weston. Right now, with it being so close to Christmas, Marzi felt his loss very much. It would be her first Christmas without him.

Her Christmas Eve plans were already decided. She would visit her mother-in-law and spend a quiet evening there. The next day, they all intended on going to South Kensington to be with Georgia. She insisted that Kitty come along, because she had no other family but them. It would be a blue Christmas, but they would get through it with each other's support.

Carter picked up a candied carrot and threw it at Vallon. Vallon laughed and reached out to do the same, but Marzi quickly scolded them both for playing with their food and warned them that Severus Snape would have something to say if they continued misbehaving. The boys had recently decided that Professor Snape scared them, when he hadn't ever before. They grew extremely quiet and concentrated on eating, while keeping their wide gazes on the scary professor on the other end of the table.

Marzi retreated back to her thoughts. Instead of Weston and her plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Marzi's mind turned to Secret Santa. Her recipient this time was Marion DeMarco. Marzi found the prettiest bracelets while shopping at Amber's in Diagon Alley the other weekend. One was jade with golden baubles. As a lover of green things, Marzi was especially taken with it.

Besides similar though smaller golden baubles, the other bracelet consisted of white jade, red carnelian, and red onyx. Without intending it, she managed to get Marion bracelets in traditional Christmas colors, though they probably shouldn't be worn together. Both bracelets were in slim boxes tied together with a ribbon and labeled with Marion's name. The boxes were under the Christmas tree in the Commons.

The boys grew stock still when Severus suddenly crossed over to talk to their mother. Although he only inquired after some herbs he wished to acquire for his stores, Carter and Vallon acted as if they were about to get into a world of trouble. They could hardly breathe out of fear. A few moments later, he was gone without a glance at them.

They relaxed, only just, and proceeded to eat every last vegetable off their plate.

(Bowen) Chocolate
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   01-06-16 14:45

Bowen and Pelinore walked as fast as they could. They were leaving the grounds after the Herbology class, at the greenhouses, and it was really cold. The fastest they reached the warm castle, the better.

"I've finally decided on what to give Snape," Bowen announced.

He had gotten Professor Snape's name for Secret Santa. Bowen never had classes with Snape, but of course he knew the Potions teacher. Last year, Snape had confiscated his football ball and he had never given it back. Bowen never had the courage to ask it back either.

So what to offer Snape? His dislike for the Gryffindor house was known, and Bo was afraid to offer him something that he might hate. He tried to think about stuff Professor Snape might like, but the only things he seemed to do around the castle was to teach Potions and give detention to Gryffindors.

His friends tried to help him, giving suggestions of possible gifts. Pelinore suggested a gift certificate at an apothecary, where Snape could buy potion supplies. Alice said that everyone loved a good pair of warm slippers, but Bowen just couldn't imagine Snape wearing those. Mulberry thought it would be fun to give Snape a book that would teach people how to smile and be nicer to others. Bo thought that if he offered such gift to Snape, he would at least take 200 points from Gryffindor and try to expel Bowen from Hogwarts. Abernathy was more reasonable than her twin sister, and she suggested he should get a new book that just came out about the history of potion making. Bowen had checked out the book at Hogsmeade, but it was a very heavy volume and somewhat expensive.

"Chocolates. Everyone likes chocolates."

It had been Bowen's godmother, Rosie Ross, who had come out with such idea. Bo had written to her in despair, and she told him to get Professor Snape chocolates. They weren't expensive and most people enjoyed them. Even if he didn't, it wouldn't be a gift that would offend him for being too personal.

"What if he's allergic? There are people allergic to chocolate, you know? He may think you're trying to kill him." Pelinore laughed.

"Well too late to change my mind. I already got the gift," Bowen replied.

Finally they were only a few meters from the castle's entrance. They decided to stop by the Gryffindor tower really fast to get rid of the gloves, scarves and beanies, before heading to Transfiguration.

(Eirene) Perfect Planning
Author: Finley 
Date:   01-06-16 18:27

Eirene exited the Potions classroom ahead of her classmates and made her way to the Slytherin common room, where she stopped quickly in her room to swap out her textbooks for her morning classes with those she would need in the afternoon. After a quick trip to the loo, she exited the common room and navigated the shortest route in the dungeons to the staircase leading up to the entrance hall. From there, she went into the Great Hall and took the first empty seat she could find at the Slytherin table.

With only an hour between Potions and Herbology, her next class, Eirene didn't have a lot of time to eat lunch, especially when she stopped in the common room to exchange the books she needed. But after nearly four months of perfecting her time-management, Eirene had everything down to an art.

She always sat close to the Great Hall doors, so that she could get in and out as quickly as possible. It allowed her to maximize her time eating, though she always went with something fast, easy, and portable like a sandwich. Because one way to get to the greenhouse involved walking across the Hogwarts Grounds, Eirene sometimes ate along the way.

While studying her lunch options, Eirene noticed Callie Blackwell seated not too far away from where she sat. Callie was a fifth year also in Slytherin and was someone Eirene at least knew of, since she was a prefect. Callie was Eirene's Secret Santa person this year.

There was little Eirene knew about Callie, other than she seemed to have a huge group of friends across all four Hogwarts houses. The group consisted of girls, with a few younger brothers mixed in for good measure. The few times Eirene observed the friends together, she got the impression that they were girly girls and not tomboys. Maybe they weren't too girly, but Eirene thought they probably all had an appreciation for pretty things. That was why Eirene ended up choosing a beautiful musical carousel as Callie's Christmas gift. It was something nice Callie could put up on her shelf, and it played a couple of different songs.

Eirene settled for glazed pork skewers she could easily take with her if she felt the need to head to class sooner than later. She poured herself a cup of hot apple cider to go with it and kept her eyes on the clock. After all, she wanted to be perfectly on time for Herbology class.

Lunch In The Great Hall
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   01-06-16 19:18

Walking into the Great Hall with Marlow, Eden sighs for about the twentieth time since leaving Transfiguration. "Would you stop that?" Marlow says with exasperation.

"I just know I'm going to fail whatever Snape has planned for us."

"You have never failed anything under Snape yet so why are you forever thinking you will?"

"But this time I'm not as prepared. I spent so much time on that stupid paper."

"It's not like he'll give us anything new."

"This is Snape we're talking about."

Marlow suddenly giggles. "You're right. Maybe I should be worried too."

Eden tries to put her mind off her next class. Enjoy lunch. Think about Christmas coming up. Spotting Franciscus Vanderbilt at the Ravenclaw table, her mind goes from Christmas in general to gift giving. Marlow got Franciscus's name for Secret Santa. He's a year younger and in another house but with him being on his house's Quidditch team, she knows who he is. Eden got Franciscus a very affordable Quidditch themed watch and had left it under the tree in the commons only two days ago.

At the Gryffindor table Lauren is also thinking about Secret Santa. Not only did she draw a professor's name but she drew that of a relative of sorts. Saffron Sacheverelle is also Mrs. Aaron Miller and Aaron is one of the Wenlock cousins.

Most of the extended clan descending from Jasper and Amorica Wenlock have taken to do a drawing of names as well. Each person gets three names of someone who is not considered immediate family such as a sister or a parent. One of Lauren's three names is that of Saffron.

At first, she thought that would make shopping easier only to decide it made things more difficult. Ultimately, for Secret Santa she'd gotten Saffron a pair of aster earrings and for the Wenlock family gift exchange the matching aster necklace and bracelet. Saffron has a September birthday and aster is traditionally considered the flower for September.

Marlow had placed her Secret Santa to Willow Westwick well before the recent Quidditch match. The third MacDougal sister, however, had a problem with picking a gift for her recipient though for different reasons than Lauran. Liannah had drawn Madoc McGonagall's name.

In a different year and a different house, Liannah mainly knows Madoc as a Gryffindor Quidditch player and she's aware that he's related to Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Beyond that she had no clue. With no brothers to look to for their likes she'd turned to cousin and best friend Jasper. He knows Madoc somewhat because he too plays Quidditch, if in a different house. Jasper helped a little by suggesting candy. Of course, at the time Jasper was having a snack attack in the middle of Honeydukes. Nevertheless, Liannah got some chocolate wands for Madoc. On her own, Liannah also found an amusing shirt for Madoc; or, at least she finds it amusing.

Heather sits down next to Liannah. "Did either of your parents say anything about a New Year's Eve party?"

"Only vaguely. No details yet. Why?"

"Mum mentioned it in an owl that came today. No details either. Winifred Hicks has talked up a party and promises to have invitations out this week. I can't tell her yes if I'm supposed to go to whatever this other one is."

Liannah makes a face before saying, "Maybe you could do both. Family one for a bit then go to hers."

"Yeah, that's a thought. Of course, if Winifred is just talking and isn't actually doing anything, it won't matter." In mid-reach to ladle some soup in her bowl Heather snaps her fingers. "I forgot again to put Secret Santa under the tree."

"Yeah? Who'd you get?"

"Asher Kent," Heather replies, hooking her thumb in the general direction of the Slytherin table. "I found something in Hogsmeade but wasn't sure about it so kept looking. Found something else. I'm ending up giving both."

"You can't just say it's something and leave it at that," Liannah laughs.

"Well, they're sort of silly, both of them. One is a booklet called Slytherin: Your Way To Greatness and the other is a card magic trick set."

"You're right. Both sound a little silly but maybe he'll like them, especially the book."

At the Slytherin table Amorica tells one friend, "I wish we didn't have Astronomy tonight. My throat is sore and I just want to bed and not get up for days."

She looks at the small amount of soup she'd gotten, thinking the heat of the soup would feel good against her throat and be easy to swallow. While the heat does feel good, swallowing is a problem. Pushing back from the table she says, "I'm going to see Madam Pomfrey."

Before she goes to the hospital wing, Amorica stops by the commons to leave a Secret Santa gift. She'd drawn the name of Kaycee Sickleby, a first year Hufflepuff's name she only knows because of the girl being the brunt of a mean prank. It took Amorica ages to select a present, which is why she's only just now getting around to leaving the gift for Kaycee.

She got Kaycee two pairs of fuzzy slippers. One is a pair of cute fuzzy bunnies. The other pair is purple booties that Kaycee might even be comfortable wearing to the library or the commons or other places around the castle when not needing to be in school uniform.

Is It Vacation Yet?
Author: Gerry 
Date:   01-08-16 08:33

Gerry and Will stepped out of the Commons after a very lazy morning to go to Transfiguration. It was Wednesday, the third to last day of Fall Term. The boys were glad the winter holidays were upon them, but unfortunately, this last week of term was not without its troubles. Most of their professors were giving exams this week.

Both boys were going home for Christmas. Since Gerry lived in Hogsmeade, he would not be taking the Hogwarts Express. Will originally was going to ride the train, but he got permission from his parents to go home with Gerry instead. The Wentworths planned on picking Will up in Hogsmeade the same day.

Gerry and Will were still in trouble with their parents for what happened over Halloween, and though they would get to spend a few hours in Hogsmeade together this weekend, otherwise they would not see each other until term resumed in January. Will would probably take the Hogwarts Express back to school.

Gerry enrolled in Secret Santa this year, but Will's parents didn't allow him to because of his bad behavior. Gerry considered himself lucky that his parents didn't forbid him from participating too. His mother actually helped him get a gift for Professor Douglass, someone Gerry didn't know all too well since he was enrolled in Professor Morgan's History of Magic class.

Gigi found an antique mantel clock that was still in perfectly good working order and in great shape. She got a good deal on it, too. She stressed to Gerry that he be careful with the package, since the clock was a bit fragile, and for once in his life, he actually listened to her. He was already on thin ice with his parents. He didn't want to get into even more trouble by breaking Professor Douglass' present.

"A clock's a bit boring, though, isn't it?" Will had said, after Gerry told him about the gift.

"Well, Professor Douglass is a history teacher," Gerry had pointed out. "Boring is probably his middle name."

The boys walked slowly, as if to their respective dooms, to Transfiguration class. The prospect of an exam, one they should be perfect prepared for but probably weren't, was not something they felt like doing with vacation just days away.

Holiday Cruise
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   01-08-16 13:13

Professor Kent sat in the barn and oversaw his third years as they wrote a comprehensive exam. He was rather glad term was at its end, because he had big plans for the Christmas holidays. Originally, he and Merrie wanted to go on a Caribbean cruise, just the two of them, but after giving it a lot of thought, the pair decided to make it a family affair. Not only would the twins go on the cruise as well, but so would Jolyon's mother and his mother's boyfriend.

Jolyon knew that Arielle was happy about the cruise and that Asher was not, but when given the option to back out, Asher begrudgingly said he would attend after all because he knew it would make his mother happy. Besides, he liked his grandmother Bridget quite a lot and didn't get to spend a lot of time with her because of school. Jolyon correctly guessed that Asher only claimed not to want to attend in the first place because of him. Otherwise, Asher felt excited about cruising the Caribbean.

All three Kents put their names in for Secret Santa. Jolyon drew Devon Abbott's name. He wondered if he and Devon were actually related somehow and thought he might ask his half-siblings sometime to see if they knew anything. For Devon, Jolyon picked out ceramics shaped like animals. She could use them however she wished––as a vase or planters, or perhaps to hold quills.

Asher picked out a pair of classic and professional-looking ankle boots for his Secret Santa, the future Minister of Magic Baron Marchbanks. Arielle bought Jade Green a clutch purse made out of white abalone shell. It was probably too nice for everyday use, but it would be lovely for a fancy evening.

All of the gifts had been left under the Christmas tree in the Common Common Room some time ago. Jolyon himself hadn't gone to see if his gift had been claimed. He thought he might wait to collect his own, if it was there waiting for him, after term ended. Or maybe he'd wait till after the cruise. The cruise spanned Christmas but would return to port before the new year.

He felt a grin spread across his face as he thought about warmer weather, blue seas and skies, and an exciting holiday with his family. He could hardly wait!

(Belinda) Jealousy & Presents
Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   01-08-16 14:19

Belinda left the Potions class alongside with Hercules. She was upset because she had wanted to spend Christmas at Hogwarts but her father didn't give her permission to do so. The reason why Belinda wanted to stay at school was because she didn't want to see her stepmother Honoria and meet her new stepsister, Florence. She didn't want to have anything to do with baby Flo, like Patricia had started calling her. Staying at Hogwarts for Christmas would mean she wouldn't be able to see her mother, but Belinda preferred not being with her mother at all, than to spend time with Honoria and the new baby.

"I can't wait to go back home!" Hercules said, as they walked together towards the Great Hall, for lunch. "I wanted to go to Hogwarts so badly a year ago, but now all I want to do is to get rid of homework, tests and quizzes, and have a bedroom for my own again. One of my roommates snores. "

"I share a bedroom with Patricia at home," Belinda told Hercules. "But I doubt I'll have proper sleep during the holidays because of the baby. She'll probably be crying all night, bothering us all."

Julia Vernom had commented that Belinda was just jealous of her new sister, because now she got all the attention. But that wasn't true. Or was it? Yes, her father had been thrilled that one of his daughters had been sorted to Slytherin and she knew everyone was proud she had made the Quidditch team on her first year. But how could she be jealous of the attention they were giving to newborn Florence? She was just a baby, she couldn't do anything, not even magic!

"At least there's the presents," Hercules said. "I should have signed up for Secret Santa. I can't believe my brother convinced me not to. I'll do so next year. Did you sign up?"

"Yes. I got a boy named Rex Applewhite. He's a second year, from Hufflepuff."

"And what are you going to offer him?"

"A notebook. It's yellow and it has the Hufflepuff crest marked on it, very lightly. Rex can either use it for classes or just to record his own thoughts, or any information he thinks it's important. More useful than scrolls, that get lost all the time."

Hercules grinned.

"You speak as if you know this Rex boy."

"No, but I wouldn't mind more notebooks. They're always useful."

"Is that a hint for a Christmas gift?"

Belinda smiled at Hercules, and shrugged her shoulders, trying to look mysterious. He laughed, and together they crossed the double doors, into the Great Hall.

Marchbanks And Secret Santa
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   01-08-16 21:06

When Charms ends Baron walks along with a few classmates in the direction of the Great Hall. As they talk of other classes, exams, papers due, and what they are doing over the upcoming holiday he dwells on whether he made a mistake with the Secret Santa present that may or may not still be under the tree in the Common Commons.

Baron drew the name of Marzipan Ravenscroft. Normally, the only problem posed would be what to get a professor. Something Herbology related? Find out what other interests she has? Something safe yet boring such as a set of quills?

But, this year isn't normal for Professor Ravenscroft. Her husband was killed in that attack at the Ministry of Magic just before this school year began. What does one give as a gift for a festive occasion to a woman in mourning?

Baron found what at first he thought to be perfect. The angel wings locket for holding a picture of a loved one now gone practically called out to him. Once back at Hogwarts, preparing to wrap the locket, he began having second thoughts. He's had third and fourth and hundredth thoughts. Maybe thousandth. The only reason the gift was put under the tree was because Hydrangea took it from him with a massive roll of her eyes and put it there herself.

Baron has been tempted any number of times to retrieve the present and give Professor Ravenscroft something else. Whatever else that might be he still hasn't even a niggling of an idea. Baron does not recall ever doubting himself to this degree. If he's having such difficult with a gift what will he be like when having to make important decisions once Minister of Magic?

He has also never felt less confident about himself or his decisions. Not a good feeling and not something he wishes to experience again.

Allowing himself to be swept along to the Great Hall for lunch, Baron leaves off going to the Commons to see if that gift is still under the tree. For now anyway.

Cornington, who is giving serious thought to going by his middle name of Geoffrey as Corn and Corny aren't nicknames he much cares for nor does he like having to constantly insist he's Cornington and not Corn or Corny, also selected a necklace for his Secret Santa recipient, Estella Finch. Unlike the angst his eldest brother, Baron, is going through, Cornington had a relatively easy time of deciding what to give the Ravenclaw who is a year ahead of him.

Cornington learned that the name Estella means star. When he saw in a catalogue a pendant with a night scene that has a shooting star, he knew that's what he wanted to get her. He ordered the pendant by owl, glad he didn't have to get one of his brothers or his sister to shop for him this last Hogsmeade weekend.

Leonine also had a somewhat easy time selecting a Secret Santa gift to give. He'd been kicking around a few ideas when Hogsmeade weekend finally arrived. He discarded them all when he saw a multi-photo picture frame with the word family at the top. Leo knows that Professor Kent has children, both in his same year and Arielle a Gryffindor like Leo is. The frame appealed to Leo's own sense of family. He didn't even wait until the end of the day to buy it even though it meant carrying it around for hours.

Hydrangea had a slightly harder time than Leo and Cornington but nowhere near the difficulty Baron has had. She had gotten Beatrix Vanderbilt's name for Secret Santa, a seventh year like Hydrangea and a friend, she did want to make sure she got Beatrix a good present.

She thinks she did just that.

Hydrangea found a vintage little black dress, a classic whether Wizarding or Muggle. Because the dress is vintage, it was in her price range, something a comparable so called current dress most likely would not be if in the same style. After making sure she could perform a non-wrinkling spell adequately, Hydrangea carefully folded the dress and placed it in a box, which she then wrapped and placed in the Commons under the tree. That was the Sunday after Hogsmeade Saturday.

All four Marchbank siblings reach the Great Hall, Leo the last of them as he was coming from Herbology and the greenhouses, looking forward to lunch but not much classes afterwards as all four are ready for the break to begin.

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