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(Robert) Anger
Author: Isolde 
Date:   04-08-16 17:47

Robert sat in on a conference involving a British wizard whose foreign-born wife had left without warning and taken his five year old daughter with her to Lithuania. He should have been paying attention, but he wasn't. His thoughts dwelled on the Craster Rovers' defeat by the Lynemouth Institute over the weekend––the second such defeat this season.

When it first happened, back in October, the loss was an excruciating 3 to Lynemouth's 11 points. The loss and ensuing anger drove Robert into a force to be reckoned with on the field. The next three matches played by the Rovers were solid wins, but the streak ended on Saturday, when the rematch against Lynemouth ended in a 2-9 loss.

Azaelia had not been present, thankfully, due to the Quidditch match at Hogwarts. Even though Slytherin hadn't been one of the teams playing, Azaelia liked to show her support for the students. Besides, Robert's football schedule was packed––especially next month––so there would be plenty more opportunity for Azaelia to see him play.

He simply preferred it if she saw him win. Just how had Lynemouth not only beaten them again but with such a whopping difference in points? Newly, Robert felt that other teams weren't that great in comparison to his own. Statistically, the Craster Rovers still weren't very good overall. Ever since his mysterious return, Robert just happened to be deluded into thinking otherwise.

He thought about the various members of the Lynemouth club and how badly he wanted to see them destroyed. His quill snapped in his hand––a loud crack despite the conversation taking place in the conference room. Talk halted for a moment and heads turned in his direction.

Robert decided he'd had enough and excused himself, abruptly rising from his chair and leaving before anyone could stop him. He walked past his desk and out of the office, heading straight for the lifts. As far as he was concerned, being at the office wasn't as important as dealing with the problem of Lynemouth Institute.

But first, he had to see a man in a red hat.

Information On Harvey
Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   04-09-16 20:24

Kissy and Declan enter the Greek and Mediterranean restaurant together. Cameron is already there and Zabrynna arrives less than a minute after Kissy and Declan. AJ and Mariposa arrive after another five minutes. Declan waits until everyone is settled and they've all ordered before asking Cam, "You learned something?"

In the process of reaching for some of the bread to tear off a piece and dip in the complimentary humus, Cameron nods. "Finally."

When he doesn't immediately say more Kissy nudges him. "Don't keep us in suspense."

Cam grins at her, popping the piece of flat bread with humus into his mouth. If not for being in a restaurant full of people Kissy would be tempted to pull a face and childishly stick her tongue out a little. She settles for saying, "You knew I'd be impatient."

Zabrynna laughs. "You aren't the only one, Kissy."

Declan, AJ, and Mariposa have expressions that are just as expectant. Cameron says without further delay, "There are files on him, the woman, and his group in five countries that I've found so far. His given name isn't Harvey nor is it his surname. He's Galvin Gamble. The information on him isn't certain but it's believed Harvey was a street he once lived on as a child."

"Any reason speculated as to why he decided to call himself that?" Kissy asks.

"The only theory put forth is that when he lived there was the happiest time for him. Now, second tidbit. That group of his is called Father's Children."

Declan snorts. "Hardly original."

Cam nods in agreement as he says, "The woman Rand has talked about called Mother is Nissa Simmons. Born in England but raised in Norway and Finland. Nothing specific in the files on when or where they met. All that's known for sure is that when he first began gathering followers, she was with him and seems to have helped him form and shape the group's views. Both have criminal records from their teens and early to mid-twenties. Nothing since, or not that's in any of the files. Either could have been arrested in another country or even under a different name."

"What sort of charges?" AJ asks.

"A variety. Pandering. Petty theft. That sort of thing. Harvey did spend the better part of a year in a French prison when he was eighteen. Anything else got them short term stays, nothing more than thirty days or community service of some sort or they were found not guilty. I'll continue trying to find out if they have records in other countries."

"This might sound like a dumb question but why are there files on the group?" Zabrynna asks before taking a sip of the retsina she decided to try for the first time this evening.

"I was going to ask the same thing," Kissy says.

AJ chimes in, "I'd think it's because it's considered a cult."

"That's exactly it." Cameron waits a moment while their food is placed around the table before continuing. "The group would be in a location and eventually draw attention, especially when Harvey and Nissa Simmons would be actively recruiting new followers. When they'd drawn enough negative attention, they'd move on, sometimes in the same country, sometimes relocating to a different country."

As the six eat, Cameron fills them in more on what he's found out and then they spend the rest of the evening conversing on several topics and enjoying a night out as a group.

(Leeds) Studying and Stressed Out
Author: Griet 
Date:   04-10-16 15:36

Aleydis sat in the library at St. Emrys and crammed for an exam she had later that day. It wasn't that she hadn't studied at all for that particular exam but that the material was complex and substantial. She worried she would get asked questions she wasn't as sure about as others and feared she would fail because she simply wasn't prepared enough.

With a sigh, Aleydis set down her quill and let her forehead thunk onto the open textbook in front of her. The worrying and intensity of the study session were giving her a headache. She was also getting to the point where it felt like every piece of information she took in shoved another bit out of her brain. Maybe it was time to give up and meet her fate.

She must have had her head down on the open book for a while, because she eventually felt a hand settled onto her shoulder and gently shake her, as if she had fallen asleep and wasn't internally dwelling on the what ifs regarding today's exam. Aleydis raised up her head and saw Basil standing next to her chair. His look of concern shifted to a small smile.

"Burning the midnight oil?" he whispered, as he sat down in the chair next to hers, "or rather, the mid-morning oil?"

"I think I'm just wasting fuel at this point," Aleydis quietly replied. "It might be time to take a walk."

"How about a walk and then something to eat?" Basil suggested. "Your exam's just after lunch, isn't it?"


"You'll want to eat something, or you'll be worrying about your stomach growling in the middle of the exam."

"Walk, then eat," Aleydis agreed, "but did you want to study some this morning?"

"I can put it off till after lunch," Basil said, already getting up again.

Aleydis quickly stuffed her books and other supplies into her bag and then followed Basil out of the library. It was a bit rainy when they reached the surface, so they got out their umbrellas as soon as they left the shelter of the building. They cut across the lawn towards Demeter's Diner but walked slowly to soak up the fresh, albeit cool air.

"I'm going to fail," Aleydis decided.

"You're not going to fail," Basil said.

"I feel like I've forgotten everything I've learned, or maybe that there's too much information and not enough room in my brain to store it all."

"We all feel that way around exam time."

Aleydis chewed her bottom lip and said, "You're right." She sighed and added, "I've studied and studied, and I know that I do know the material… I suppose I'm just feeling stressed out right now."

Basil took her hand and said, "Just a few days more and then we're on Easter holiday."

Aleydis smiled at the thought of a break. She could really use one!

Ice Cream is a Food Group
Author: Illyria 
Date:   04-11-16 18:58

"Are you sure that's all you want to have for supper?"

Illyria looked over at her husband and shrugged, "Yes, why?"

"Because ice cream is traditionally a dessert."

"What's wrong with dessert for dinner?"

Nathan put a hand over the one holding a spoonful of Neapolitan ice cream and said, "Nothing, unless you eat ice cream for every single meal."

"It's what the baby wants."

"When the baby is born and asks for ice cream for every single meal, will you give in to its demands or make it eat fruits and vegetables?"

"I had raspberry ice cream for lunch," Illyria playfully pointed out, "and green tea ice cream for an afternoon snack. Green tea is healthy." She brushed his hand away from hers and ate her spoonful of ice cream. After she swallowed, she added, "And of course not."

Nathan teased her a bit more about her dietary preferences during her pregnancy before talk turned to the news Illyria had received at breakfast that morning. A letter had arrived from Ronan, who still lived in Tucson with his long-time girlfriend Solange. He announced that they, too, were expecting, and that they had also decided to get married. Details about the ceremony would be forthcoming.

Illyria was really happy for her former ward, though it was a bit odd that they were both expecting children for the first time and at the very same time. It should have been Illyria first and then Ronan, though Ronan was an adult and had been for some years now.

After discussing the possibility of traveling to the United States for the wedding, if it actually took place there, Nathan asked Illyria what her students would learn about during tonight's two Astronomy classes. It had rained much of the day, but the weather appeared to be clearing. With any luck, by the time the first year class began, Alpha Centauri would be visible in the sky. The third year class was also scheduled to take place on the Observation Deck, where they would see The Seven Sisters, assuming the weather cooperated.

End Of An Overly Long Day
Author: Ron Weasley 
Date:   04-11-16 20:51

Yawning, Ron enters through the kitten, met by the cats Crookshanks and Hero. Though both would have been fed dinner by Hermione, each is acting as if they've been starved for days. Initially, Ron ignores them even as they trail after him to first pop his head in to check on Rose and then to the master bedroom where he moves quietly so as not to wake Hermione. After changing from work clothes into pajama bottoms and t-shirt, he returns to the kitchen. There, he gives in to the cats and puts a little food in each bowl. Yawning several more times he pours himself a glass of milk and makes a sandwich.

Since apprehending Maartje Driessen Ron has been busy, sometimes working 18 hour days with the task force while trying to keep up with his other cases and have family time. At first Driessen admitted to nothing, even claiming her arrest was a case of mistaken identity. Upon accepting the fact that they aren't falling for her claims and that they know exactly who she is and all about her association with Danielle Baatz, Driessen began talking. One of the first things she said was that everything was Baatz's idea and doing. Baatz forced her to go along.

Baatz, who had remained tight lipped up to that point, did not believe Driessen was saying anything until presented with some facts only Driessen and she would know. That's when Baatz finally opened up. Of course, according to Baatz, Driessen is the mastermind and forced Baatz to be her accomplice.

Between the two woman, information on even more murders came ot light. As the locations of some of them were not in countries currently with a liason to the task force or someone as a member of it, those cases required contacting wizarding law enforcement for those areas. Some of those were very cooperative and thankful for the assistance while some haven't been friendly in the least.

A small number of murders attributed to one or both of the women turned out not to be committed by either according to Baatz and Driessen. Most of the task force members tend to believe them about those but a few have not so there have been tension and disagreements within the task force.

All in all, while it's great to be getting closer to putting these cases to rest and getting Baatz and Driessen that much closer to imprisoned for life, at the same time it's all been one massive headache. Countries were already arguing over who got Baatz for trial first. Others have since joined in that argument with them all vying for Driessen first as well.

The good thing is that today is the last of the long days with the task force, or supposedly anyway. With both women in custody and talking and so much finally accomplished in such a short period, the task force is being downsized. Ron will still be a member but the group will meet far less and mainly to wrap up loose ends and to handle any new cases that might crop up as the women continue confessing and pointing fingers.

Sandwich finished, Ron drains the last of his milk, washed the dishes, then heads to bed, so tired he's practically asleep on his feet by the time he crawls under the covers beside Hermione.

(Adriana) New Reports
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   04-12-16 13:38

The most recent article in The Times about the bombing at #10 Downing Street included the clearest security photo of Kingsley Shacklebolt yet. But who was the man who had appeared to come out of nowhere in order to set off an explosion outside the Prime Minister's door, only to disappear into thin air again?

British intelligence agencies had failed to come up with any record matching the man in the security footage. It was as if he didn't exist. With his photograph in every newspaper and on television news broadcasts, however, the government was hopeful the man would not only be identified but captured. The motive for his attack remained unknown, and there were fears he would strike again.

Adriana knew the other side of the story, thanks to Gibbon, who worked in the Minister of Magic's office. After the attack, the real Kingsley Shacklebolt contacted the Prime Minister to explain that an imposter had set off the bomb at #10 Downing Street.

Apparently, the meeting had turned out to be a complete disaster. The Prime Minister already found the existence of magic to be preposterous, even after having seen real life magic with his own two eyes, but the thought that someone could use magic to look like somebody else seemed totally unbelievable. Kingsley's words had fallen on deaf ears. The Prime Minister had called for help from the security detail waiting just outside his office. Kingsley fled to avoid capture.

The fact that the bomber had been in the Prime Minister's office was not yet public news. Adriana wasn't sure if that was because there were questions not readily answered as to how Kingsley got there in the first place, not to mention who he really was. She guessed his presence there would make the Muggle news as soon as the Prime Minister decided on the facts.

What Adriana knew for sure was that her plan to disrupt the relationship between the Muggle government and the wizarding one had worked. The result of her trick and the memory of the all-too-brief attack in Hogsmeade put a smile on her face.

She only went to Hogsmeade because it was expected, thanks to her false intelligence, and because she knew the village would be full of members of law enforcement and the Order of the Phoenix. The instructions to her followers had been quite clear: do as much damage as possible quickly and avoid capture at all costs.

Nobody had gotten captured in the end, and the worst of the injuries had been the black eye Malarie McEvilley sustained when a chunk of brick exploded off the side of a building and struck her in the face. Overall, it had been a fun afternoon out for the Death Eaters.

After combing a few more Muggle newspapers, Adriana decided to go check on the patient downstairs in the crypt. He was still little more than a shade of his former self, but he was also a work in progress. Adriana wished his healing would go faster, but she had to be patient. She would see to it that he would make a full recovery, if it was the last thing she did.

(Asher) Not Friends
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   04-13-16 15:12

Asher booked it out of F&A class and made his way to the Slytherin common room. Once there, he grabbed a clean set of clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. Sometimes he made it quick, but other times he stood under the water for ages. This afternoon, he did the latter.

Ever since the last Hogsmeade trip, Asher and Malden were not on speaking terms. Asher would prefer to avoid Malden altogether, but that was impossible since they shared a dorm, a bathroom, and had many classes together, including Fitness & Athletics. Spending ages in the shower was just one way Asher managed to avoid bumping into Malden.

Unfortunately, when he got out of the shower, Malden was at the sink. The boys locked eyes in the slightly fogged-up mirror. For a moment, Asher thought to say something, but he merely grabbed his clothes and decided to dress in his room. He was halfway to the door when Malden murmured, "Coward."

Asher froze with his hand on the doorknob. "What did you say?" he asked, turning around slowly to meet Malden's reflection.

"You heard me, Kent," Malden said. He finished putting product in his hair, washed his hands in the sink, and turned around to face his former best friend.

"Watch yourself, McGonagall," Asher hissed. "Don't want your hair getting mussed up before you get the chance to impress MY SISTER."

"You're just jealous that no girl likes you," Malden said. "Admit it."

"No," Asher insisted. "Arielle is my sister, and I don't like her, and therefore you shouldn't like her either."

"Are you sure that's what it is?" Malden took a step forward. "Seems to me you're being protective of her."

"Shut your mouth."

"Make me."

Asher took a step forward, but then he stopped when Titus entered the bathroom to use the loo. Titus eyed the two with a veiled look of satisfaction and then entered the nearest stall. Asher took his cue and left the bathroom.

Asher couldn't wait for Easter. He needed a break from Hogwarts, even if that meant spending time with dear old dad.

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