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Brief Return to Work
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   11-15-16 20:01

Hermione's first day back at St. Mungo's had been just that morning. It had taken her no time at all to fall back into the swing of things, but then she received word that the Head Healer wished to speak with her and everything came to a grinding halt. Donaghan Muldoon had come aboard while Hermione had been out on maternity leave. He'd previously worked in administration at a wizarding hospital in Sydney. Since starting at St. Mungo's, Muldoon had implemented sweeping and unpopular changes.

Hermione arrived at his office and found a tall wizard of around fifty or sixty years old. A framed photograph on the credenza behind his desk showed a family of five: Muldoon, his pretty wife, and three teenage children. Various accolades from previous jobs were also on display.

"Mrs. Weasley," Muldoon said by way of greeting. "Have a seat." It was a command, not an invitation.

Hermione briefly entertained the idea that she would stand, thank-you-very-much, but she didn't know him at all and wasn't sure what to make of him yet. She stepped forward and sat in the armchair opposite Muldoon's polished desk.

"Do you know why I asked you here?" he asked.

Hermione said, "I assumed it was to meet."

"I hardly have time to introduce myself to everyone on staff," Muldoon scoffed. "No, Mrs. Weasley, I called you here to discuss your lengthy absence from work."

"My what?" Hermione asked, shaking her head in disbelief. "I had a baby and was on maternity leave."

"Yes, that." Muldoon pursed his lips together. "With a child at home, you will no doubt be unable to come to work from time to time, such as when he is ill or your childcare falls through."

Hermione started to feel her blood boil. "I don't expect it to happen often, but yes, it could happen."

"Do you consider yourself a professional, Mrs. Weasley?"

"Of course," Hermione replied. "My work is very important to me."

"But it's not your priority, is it? How can I be certain you are giving me your all, if something like family keeps you from coming to work?"

"I'm sorry, but did you have this converation with all staff who have children, or just the women?" Hermione asked before she could stop herself. Who was this guy to be so biased against working mothers? Hermione was beginning to suspect that his pretty wife's only job was rearing her children.

Muldoon ignored her accusation and instead asked, "You must ask yourself what is more important… your baby or your career?"

"Are you telling me to choose?"

Muldoon steepled his fingers together and said, "Do I have your undivided attention, Mrs. Weasley, or shall I show you the door?"

Hermione stood up and yanked her badge from the front of her uniform. She threw it on his desk and said, "There's no need. I quit!"

She turned and walked out of his office. Hermione debated going to see the only wizard higher in the organizational chart than Donaghan Muldoon, but she figured it was pointless, since the Chancellor of Affairs had probably hired Muldoon himself.

Instead, Hermione went back to her floor, cleared out her locker, and said goodbye to the colleagues she saw on her way out of the building. Perhaps she'd acted rashly, but it was done now and all she could do was move forward.

Setting A Meeting (Caerwyn)
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   11-15-16 20:23

Exiting a class, already scanning notecards for an exam later in the day, Caerwyn stops short when passing someone his name is called. He apologizes to the person behind him who jostles into him then looks to the woman standing to the side of the corridor.

"Aunt Iola. What brings you here?"

"You actually. Have a moment?"

"Only just. I've several classes today including in which a massive exam is being given."

Iola indicates he should start walking, falling into step beside him. "After then?"

Caerwyn does a quick mental assessment of what he's got going after classes before saying, "Yes, all right. Where?"

"Come to my place. I'll feed you. Five? Six?"

"I think I can make five."

"See you then. Good luck on your exam."


Iola peels away, heading back the direction they've just come. Caerwyn continues on to the nearest canteen to get a snack and study until time for his next class, wondering what Iola wants this time. He sees her periodically but the last time she needed to speak with him, needed a moment of his time, she told him something of her past, and of her present, that he still finds somewhat hard to believe yet explains so much about what he so far knows of her, his mother, and their family.

Iola's Dinner (Caerwyn)
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   11-16-16 21:32

Iola has food on the table when Caerwyn arrives. "Perfect timing," she tells him after greeting him when opening the door. "I just took the chicken from the oven."

"Everything smells good."

"Go on and help yourself," Iola says as she brings sodas to pour into their glasses.

Caerwyn fills his plate but waits until she's seated and served before he begins eating, wanting to ask her to hurry up and say why she sought him out earlier today, a short face-to-face that resulted in a dinner invitation.

Iola waits until she's asked how his exam went and a few other questions about school as well as asking after Grace and the twins before she says, "You remember what I told you?"

"Told me about you and my mother? Yes."

One night when both Briar and Julian were out, Caerwyn had stayed with Grace, her friend Rand, Jasmine, and Xavier. Iola had come over then and filled in some background.

The argument that led to Afton cursing Iola had to do with Afton more and more courting the dark arts to increase her wealth, to manipulate, to gather information to use against others, to gain power, and other selfish reasons to create mayhem and chaos. At times Afton worked alone. At other times she had accomplices.

Iola, on the other hand, has long been associated with an organization that will utilize dark arts but only if needed for the greater good. It is an organization that works outside of the purview of the Ministry yet somehow gets its funding from there. Caerwyn isn't exactly sure how that can be and Iola was somewhat vague and evasive when he had asked. Could be she doesn't know for certain. Could be she knows but the way the funding is done could be as shady as the organization sounds to be.

When he'd asked, "Are you talking black ops? Spies?"

Iola had replied, "Ummm, sort of but, as you may or may not know, the Ministry has such operations and operatives that it is fully aware of. This, that is we, are something different but it's difficult to describe in specific terms."

When Iola confronted Afton about using dark arts for selfish purposes, Afton went into a rage that her sister was such a hypocrite to use dark arts but only for good supposedly. When Iola attempted to get Afton to see the error of her ways and come to work with her and this organization, Afton became even angrier. She ended the encounter by cursing Iola.

At the time Iola didn't take it seriously and Afton never spoke of it again. The sisters still retained contact but in a much more limited fashion and their relationship was forever strained. After Caerwyn was born, Afton did at least allow Iola to get to know her nephew even if only in a limited capacity. The last few years Afton was alive, she'd very nearly cut off Iola completely and then things going on within the organization limited her time even more.

Once Afton was gone, Iola didn't come rushing back into Caerwyn's life for reasons she gave no details for. He suspects her entrance back into his life was because she'd learned the curse was real and her initiating contact again was for the sole purpose of getting access to the pendant that held the key to the potion she needed to counter the curse.

Twirling his fork into the pasta that is one of the accompaniment to the chicken, he wants to know, "Why do you ask if I remember all you said?"

"I'm hoping you'd be interested in learning more about the organization."

Something in her tone has him asking, "Would I have to be sworn to secrecy?"

"Yes, and you'd have to join."

"Iola, are you...," Caerwyn pauses wondering if his aunt will ever want to get together, to have dinner or lunch or just spend time together without there being an ulterior motive. "Are you wanting to recruit me?"

Iola's frank gaze meets his. "Yes."

Prepping For A Grand Opening
Author: Sirius Padfoot Black 
Date:   11-17-16 21:20

Drucilla cocks her head, taking in the signage painted in the window and on a hanging wooden board. "I liked the previous font better."

"I like the one before that best, or so far," Ivaylo says, his head tilted the opposite direction from Dru's.

Dru looks to the third partner. "What do you think, Molly?"

"Of the ones so far, I'm with you. The previous one is best."

A few others now know Molly Weasley is the person Ivaylo and Dru had been referring to as their silent partner but soon, with the grand opening of Saucy! others will know as well.

One day when still in the early planning stages Ivaylo and Dru ran into Molly in Diagon Alley. They got to talking, Dru telling her cousin what a great cook Molly is and one thing led to another.

Saucy! will feature sauces, soups, and casseroles for the witch or wizard too busy to cook or needing a break from preparing a meal from scratch. They also hope to interest those who are capable of cooking pasta or rice but not much else.

They have discussed adding a line of vegetables as well but have decided to do limited offers and what is offered will be seasonal. If successful, they'll add a regular selection as well as offering limited, seasonal vegetable dishes.

The grand opening is soon, just in time for Christmas shopping. All three are nervous but claim not to be. Regulus in his pram, letting Dru know in no uncertain terms he's hungry has them agreeing to go back to the previous font for the signage lettering. Dru wheels the pram inside where she joins Molly and Ivaylo to test the two casseroles that morning they tweaked the recipes for, and seeing to Regulus's lunch. He's getting over a cold, which is why he's not with Zaria at the daycare, though thankfully not as fussy today as he'd been during the worst of the cold.

As they eat, they discuss the changes to the two recipes as well as debate once again on the color of the wall directly opposite the shoppe's front door, all three knowing their time to make such decisions before the grand opening is rapidly running out.

Dinner at the Fairchild Residence
Author: Carys 
Date:   11-18-16 17:15

Tristan studied the baby sleeping in a bassinet near the dinner table and slowly shook his head. Juliet had had her baby on her wedding anniversary, which also happened to be Halloween. The baby had come a little early, but it was in perfect health. It was also a girl.

"What do you think, Tristan?" asked Jude, the baby's father.

"Why is Jody a girl?" he asked.

Jude chuckled. "She just is, I guess."

"I wanted her to be a boy."

"Maybe the next one will be a boy," Jude said. "We want her to have a sibling."

Tristan said, "I bet the new baby will be a girl, too," and then he turned away from Jude and wandered into the kitchen, where his mother and Juliet were talking and getting the last of supper ready. A moment later, Tristan's father entered the room with a newly changed Greg.

Griffin saw the disappointed look on his son's face and asked, "What's the matter, Tristan?"

"Why are all the new babies girls?" he asked.

Griff explained, "We can't decide to have a boy or a girl. It's just one of those things that is left to chance."

Tristan's frown deepened and he said, "Tyler has a cousin who is a boy named Jody, but I think it sounds like a girl's name to me… like Meg," he added disdainfully.

"Jody can be a boy's name or a girl's name," Griff explained. "Jody's another nickname for Joseph, I think."

Tristan raised his hand to his chin and struck a thoughtful pose. "Hmm… I think I'll call him Joe."

"Okay, dinner's ready," announced Juliet. "Hands washed and to the table, please!"

Tristan went to the bathroom to wash his hands before his parents could insist he do so. A few minutes later, he was at the dinner table. Meg and Jody might biologically be girls, but in his mind, they would forever be Greg and Joe, his little brothers. Maybe if he believed it hard enough, it would eventually become true.

(Ariella) Conversation before Dinner
Author: Beck 
Date:   11-18-16 19:25

Ariella bounced Adam on her knee and turned to her brother, who had documents and folders arranged in what looked to her eyes like a messy pile on the coffee table. In reality, Anthony had a system going. Nearby on a rug sat Karina and Evan. The elder child was showing the younger how to build a tower with wooden blocks. Plum, meanwhile, was instructing Alex on how to arrange the silverware on the table and explaining the difference between types of forks.

Because his investigation into Reed Wycombe was his own personal project, and also because he didn't want it known what he was up to, Anthony conducted most of his research at home. He'd checked all the names provided to him from St. Mungo's, and of those who'd been working in the morgue when Gillian was accused of stealing body parts, none had criminal records or the slightest cloud of suspicion hanging over them. Anthony felt like he'd reached a dead end, but he knew he had to be missing something.

"What do you think you will do with all the information once you've compiled it?" Ariella asked. "I mean, do you think it will stop Reed? Do you think by making it public, Alanna will be free to leave him?"

"The problem is, what little I have is theoretical, other than what I gained illegally from Alanna herself," Anthony said. "I've got to have incontrovertible proof that he's done all these things, and then I've got to tell the right person. If I tell someone Reed's threatened, or someone who may be in league with him, then Alanna will forever be lost to us and we're all doomed."

"I'd tell you to stop because of our kids, but I don't want Alanna continuing to sacrifice herself for our well-being."

"It makes you realize why she's done it, though, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," Ariella said, nodding her head slowly. "I'm not sure I would have been strong enough myself."

"Still, I can't help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn't given in to him," Anthony said.

"You'd be in Azkaban," Ariella said. "Karina would still be lost."

"Maybe, but she could have cried out for help. Not everyone at the Ministry of Magic is working for or with Reed. Had she done that, he might have been stopped early on."

"You can't blame her for feeling scared," Ariella said. "She did what she felt she had to, and she did it for all of us at great personal sacrifice." She sighed and said, "I wish we could get Jared to understand."

"Maybe once the truth comes out."

Ariella nodded.

Alex came into the room then and announced, "Dinner is served!"

The family gathered around the dinner table and had salad for a first course, followed by cheeseburger lasagna, and chocolate mousse and berries for dessert.

Current SAT Rankings
Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   11-21-16 19:35

Professor McGonagall walked out of her office and stepped onto the revolving staircase, which swept her down to the second floor. She continued on her way down until she reached the ground floor, where she turned and entered the Great Hall for lunch. It was busy in the dining chamber already, with students at every house table and quite a few staff seated at the High Table, too.

Professor McGonagall joined her colleagues and helped herself to some sausage and potatoes.

"I hope the weather isn't so severe when you next take the RV out," remarked Professor Flitwick.

The enchanted ceiling projected lightning flashes and rain, to mirror what was occurring outside the castle walls. Every so often, Professor McGonagall heard thunderclaps, which she believed were quite real.

"Agreed," she said.

The next SAT events took place in just over two weeks at Okapi École de Sorcellerie. Because the Congolese school was only an hour ahead in time zones, the Hogwarts contingent planned on leaving the Friday before, as they had done for the previous events at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. However, since the Democratic Republic of the Congo was farther away than France, the magical RV would depart Hogwarts in the early afternoon instead of later in the day.

Professor McGonagall hoped Hogwarts would fare better in the Non-Magical and Divination events. Currently, Hogwarts ranked third out of the seven participating schools. Watling's Wizarding Academy was in the lead with a whopping 29 points, followed by Sydney's School of Wizardry with 18. Hogwarts had 17 points.

The remaining schools were ranked as follows: Beauxbatons had 14 points, Okapi had 7, Durmstrang Institute had 3, and La Escuela de Hechiceria stood last with 2 mere points.

Professor McGonagall was very glad Hogwarts wasn't dead last.

Besides herself, the other staff attending the upcoming events were married professors Aaron Miller and Saffron Sacheverelle. Professor McGonagall hoped a new rumor wouldn't spread about the three of them together on the magical RV. She supposed if one did, then Madoc would tell her about it.

He would certainly know better, though, since he would also be traveling to Africa as a competitor in the Non-Magical event. Professor McGonagall had high hopes for Madoc and the rest of the Hogwarts team.

Up Late [Sylvestor]
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   11-22-16 20:23

Fitzwilliam sticks his head through the curtains surrounding Sylvestor's bed. "Snack?"

Sylvestor takes in the bowl of caramel popcorn Fitzwilliam offers. "Yeah, sure," he replies, reaching for it. "Where you'd get this?"

"An aunt is in a group having a contest. She's been making cauldron loads trying to get her recipe just right. She owled me some."

"And you're just now sharing?"

Fitzwilliam shrugs, a smirk on his lips. "Can't help that I wanted it all for myself."

Sylvestor's hand, full of the popcorn, stops just in front of his mouth. "You're sharing now because it's gone bad."

"No, still tasty. It's just," Fitzwilliam pauses then sighs.

"Just what?"

"It's just that I've been stuffing myself with it nightly for two weeks. I need a break from it but my aunt's likely to send more tomorrow."

"Need a break. From caramel corn. Are you sick? Gone barmy?"

"One would think but no. Have what's in the bowl and there's more if you want it."

"Thanks. I'll be up late and forgot to grab biscuits and other snacks from the commons before curfew."

"Why up late?" The again isn't said but is implied. Sylvestor's been up late several nights a week for a few weeks now.

"Because I'm a bloody idiot. Not only did I put my name in for both the Non-Magical competition but also for the Divination Event. Then I got picked for both. They're the same weekend and that weekend is almost here!"

A look of empathy flashes across Fitzwilliam's face instead of encouraging or supportive words he says, "Yeah, you're a blooding idiot. Better you than me."

"Than I."


"It's better you than I."

"Whatever." Fitzwilliam lightly smacks Sylvestor in the face with a pillow.

Sylvestor uses another to hit back. A sniggered pillow fight ensures ending only when one of their roommates sticks his head through his own bed curtains to snap, "Quiet the hell down! Some of us are trying to sleep."

After that Fitzwilliam leaves Sylvestor to his SAT events prep. Sylvestor munches the caramel corn, glad he thought to bring a couple of bottled drinks from the commons, studying to until he falls asleep, one cheek pressed into the caramel corn crumbs at the bottom of the bowl.

(Adriana) Feeling Down
Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   11-24-16 11:27

Adriana carried a tray containing a teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, and three cups and saucers down the narrow stone staircase to the crypt. There, she found Alexander tending to his unruly patient. The Dark Lord appeared to be having a bad day. He rocked forwards and backwards in his chair and made occasional, random exclamations.

"How is he?" Adriana asked, setting the tray down on a table.

"Agitated," Alexander replied with a frown. "I can't decide if he's frustrated he's not making more progress, or if he's truly not aware and simply unwell today."

Adriana poured three cups of tea and passed the first one to Alexander. She wasn't feeling all that well herself, lately. First, her plan to cause upheaval in both the Muggle and wizarding governments had gone awry, thanks to the Order of the Phoenix and more specifically, Bill Weasley's wife.

A couple weeks later marked Adriana's son's second birthday. Adriana rarely thought of him, but the anniversary of his birth was difficult to forget. Alexander and Ivanova were the only followers to know of the baby's existence. It was Alexander who had helped bring the baby into the world, and it was Ivanova who had taken the baby to its new home.

When Adriana thought about the baby, she couldn't help but wonder what he looked like or what his name was. She believed that Lysander was giving him a good life, but she would never check herself or ask Alexander to investigate to be sure. It was better that she stay far away from the boy.

Adriana tried to give the second cup of tea to Voldemort, but he didn't notice it and instead shrieked, "Boils!"

Adriana sighed and decided to drink the tea herself.

"How are you, my Lady?" Alexander asked. He, who spent more time alone with Adriana than any other follower, had noticed her melancholy the most.

She sipped her tea a long moment before admitting, "Nothing seems to be going my way."

"Setbacks happen," Alexander replied, "but you mustn't give up your dreams. You've already had many successes, and I'm sure there will be more." He indicated to Voldemort, who hummed an unfamiliar tune and laughed to himself. "I know it doesn't look like he's improved, but I assure you he has and will continue to grow stronger, both in mind and body. It just takes time."

"I know, I'm just tired of waiting," Adriana said. "He's been back for nearly a year." She sighed and added, "I don't want to have to wait for our family to be whole again."

Alexander hesitated and then asked, "Does that mean you want your child returned to you?"

Adriana gave him a pointed look. "Don't be ridiculous, Alexander. I can't raise a child here. I can't have the distraction, and I don't have the time. I have a job to do! Besides, he's better off where he is. By giving him up at birth, I have no strong connection to him other than by blood. He'll have a good life, and one day, when he least expects it, he will be somebody unimaginably great."

Alexander couldn't imagine being willingly separated from his only child and did not understand the insinuation that the baby's life would someday mirror his mother's, though at a much younger age. "I suppose the fact that he was unplanned…"

"What makes you think he was unplanned?" Adriana asked. "I knew what I was doing all along, just like my mother did when she planned on having me. That baby is my legacy. I won't raise him, but he's still all mine." Not to mention His, she thought, referring to Voldemort.

Alexander gave a single nod and murmured, "Of course. I apologize."

Adriana waved her hand. "Let's focus on the here and now. He's our number one priority," she added, pointing at Voldemort.

"BISCUITS!" he shrieked.

Alexander nodded and said, "Very well."

The only other items on her to-do list were to track down the last Deathly Hallow and to decide how long she wanted to string along the Silas Mimsy imposter. All other projects could wait.

(Sadie & Ramona) Coffee Break
Author: Griet 
Date:   11-24-16 14:12

Sadie and Ramona shared a table at the library at St. Emrys and studied for their respective classes. Sadie had just started the first term of her final year at the university and realized that the end of her time as a student was drawing very near. Soon, she would need to apply for jobs, and hopefully, she would get one she wanted and not have to settle for something else just to get her foot in the door.

Ramona, meanwhile, already had a part-time internship with the Cleansweep Broom Company. She hoped that her internship would eventually turn into a full-time position at the company, but even if it didn't, then she would at least have experience under her belt. There were other broomstick manufacturers out there, and surely someone would wish to hire her as a designer. There was still plenty of time for that, though.

Sadie put down her quill and leaned back in her chair. She had a research parchment due on Monday. She'd been working on it for ages and was nearly done with it, but at the moment, she was too tired to think and her writing hand had a cramp.

Ramona looked up from the textbook she was reading and lifted her brows.

Sadie leaned forward and whispered, "Either I need a coffee, or we should call it a day and relax till it's dinnertime."

Ramona marked the paragraph in her book so she would remember where she left off and then shut the book and slid it into her bookbag. "Let's do coffee. We can always study at The Wyrding Way, or just relax as you said and eat whenever we get hungry."

Sadie gathered her things together and followed Ramona out of the library. They eventually found themselves outside, where it was considerably colder and rather gloomy. Storm clouds hung thickly overhead and threatened a downpour at any moment.

The sisters arrived at the coffee house and ordered fall-flavored drinks. Sadie got a pumpkin spice latte, while Ramona got a regular, though seasonal 'harvest' coffee. They found an unoccupied loveseat and commandeered it for themselves, where they sat and sipped their drinks and debated whether to get their study material from their bags.

Sadie finally asked, "Do you think Griet and Cornelia will have a double wedding?"

"I don't know if either would care for that," Ramona replied. "Would you want to have a double wedding with your sister?"

"Why not?" Sadie answered with a grin, "but I supposed that will only happen if you and I both get marriage proposals around the same time."

"Or one of us can wait for the other to get asked," Ramona joked.


"Do you think Hunter ever will?" Ramona asked after a while. "You've been together for over three years now."

Sadie shrugged. "He might, but we were young when we started dating and we're still young now, don't you think? Are you ready to marry Gus?"

Ramona also shrugged. "I like the idea, but you're right. I still feel like a big kid most of the time."

Sadie sipped her frothy drink and murmured, "I can't believe Griet and Cornelia are getting married."

"I know," Ramona agreed.

They sipped their coffees and forgot all about studying. Instead, they talked about wedding ideas and what they might gift Griet and Cornelia when their big day or days finally came.

Ill Children
Author: Kissy Isuki 
Date:   11-24-16 21:04

Fresh from the shower Cameron joins Kissy on the couch, enjoying the warmth of the fire after the chill that can come from stepping from a steaming stream of water and toweling off. Kissy readjusts to nestle against him saying, "I can't say like any of those houses to make an offer."

"I liked one of them but didn't love it. The other two were so so."

"The modern one is the one you liked."

As they'd not discussed anything with the agent about and then they returned to fussy children coming down with something her comment prompts Cam to ask, "How did you know?"

"Your body language when we did the walk through."

"Overall, I liked the layout and flow but some of the rooms are on the small side. With furniture in them they'd feel cramped. The biggest drawback though is the tiny yard."

"Mmmmm," Kissy murmurs in agreement. "The front sits practically on the street so there's no yard there and the back isn't even big enough for an herb garden much less a vegetable garden or room for the children to play."

The yard on either side of the house wasn't much either, just wide enough to walk. When they'd first arrived and seen the property, Kissy had thought that being a wizarding local wedged between two Muggles homes that the size was deceiving only to learn it was not.

Cam pats her arm. "We'll keep looking, besides it's not as if we're in any rush. We like it here and the kids are happy."

A cry that is distinctly Callista's reaches them as though to contradict his last remark. Kissy is the one doing the patting now, a hand to his thigh. "My turn."

Cam had answered the last call when Everett began complaining his tummy hurt. As soon as his father arrived at bedside Everett promptly vomited several times, covering Cameron's front and down his trousers. After getting Everett's pajamas and sheets changed and the floor around the bed where Cameron had been bending over his son, Kissy had gone to the hospital wing to get a potion from Madam Pomfrey to settle Everett's stomach and to give to Callista.

Cameron waited to go shower until she had returned in case Everett vomited again, or Callista began, or either of them had another issue. Once back Cam went to clean up while Kissy administered the potion to settle the stomach. She'd already given them both something for their fevers but gave Everett a tiny bit more because of his having thrown up.

Callista's cry turns out to have been the not quite two year old being restless in her sleep. Kissy stays a moment before returning to the other room. Rejoining Cameron she says, "I was thinking to go watch at least one of the upcoming SAT events. Would you be interested?"

"Sure. Which ones are they?"

"Non-Magical and Divination. One is the 27th and the other the 28th."

"At the Congo school, right?"

"Yes, Okapi École de Sorcellerie."

"Let's plan on it then. I'll make sure I'm not scheduled for that weekend."

Cameron and Kissy sit a few seconds longer before he rises. "Right now, I'm going to go take some of that stomach potion. Mine's starting to feel sour."

Kissy is fine at the moment but takes some as well just in case. With the children ill and Cameron beginning to feel off, the two go on to bed, knowing it might turn out to be a long night.

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