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Monday Morning
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   01-21-17 12:16

After taking breakfast in the Great Hall with her children, Marzi dropped them off at Hogsmeade Primary Day and then went to the greenhouses to prepare for her one and only class of the day. Her new role as upper years Herbology professor made it much easier for her to make sure her children got off to school and back again.

Her one class for the day consisted of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff fifth years. They would be learning about the globe artichoke. While she set things up for the class, which wasn't till 10 in the morning, Marzi's mind wandered to other things.

Yesterday had been the inaugural meeting of the Community 14-15-14 Survivors group. It had taken place at Delia's Deli and Restaurant in Diagon Alley. Marzi and Illyria had gone together, leaving Nathan to look after Carter, Vallon and Ian. Neither witch had intended on attending the meeting without the other, because they simply weren't sure how they felt about the whole thing and wanted to lean on each other for support in case things went south one way or another.

The meeting itself turned out to be just fine. Heathcote Hamstead, the organizer, was someone they couldn't remember from their time in the community, but then there had been a lot of people on that rocky island and some had endured drastic physical transformations then and in the years that followed. Heathcote was well-spoken and seemed very kind.

Marzi recognized some of the others at the meeting. The initial group of wizards in attendance at the deli wasn't very large, but it consisted of more than just a handful of the former community members. Not everyone who'd received an invitation appeared keen to reunite and the majority of those who had shown up had done so out of sheer curiosity more than everything else. That was certainly the case for Marzi and Illyria.

Both had decided that they would likely attend future meetings. They'd come away from the first one without any strong feelings in any direction, though it had been nice to reconnect with witches and wizards from a past situation in a much more positive environment. Seeing how the others had flourished since that dark time was also a source of inspiration. Marzi may have suffered her share of tragedy since then, but despite all that, she knew she had a very good life.

She arranged potted artichoke plants around the main work table in the greenhouses. Thanks to magic, the artichokes were in different stages. Some were green globes, some had a purple tinge to them, and some were in full bloom. After getting the samples out, she turned to a blackboard and recorded down information about which countries produced the most artichokes. Italy was the top producer, and France rounded out the top ten.

Thinking of France put Alaric Framboise to mind. The Herbology professors involved in the SAT were set to meet again in early February. The Best in Show: Magical Plants competition was still a long way off, but it was never too early to ensure everything was ready for the big event and Marzi was also of the mind that too many meetings were better than too few. And if she got to spend more time with Alaric that way, then all the better!

Dad Duty
Author: Pyrrhus 
Date:   01-21-17 18:57

Giovanni gurgles, kicking his legs in the air so energetically that the wipe Py had placed in a strategic location slides to one side. Next thing Py knows he's being hit in the face by a steady, warm stream.

Reaching for another wipe he cleans his face, Giovanni's gurgles sounding more like chortles now as if the three month old is chuffed about getting Dad full on in the face. "Pleased with yourself, are you?" Py asks, keeping his tone cheery.

In response Giovanni lets out a noxious fume of gas followed by equally odiferous runny poop.

Trying not to breath too deeply, Py reaches for more wipes and a fresh nappy, the one he'd been in the process of putting on more soiled than the one the brought about the nappy change to begin with. "What did Mum feed you, liquified beans?"

In the short time it takes to get Giovanni clean and the fresh nappy on the baby has morphed from entirely happy to throwing in a few fussy sounds with the gurgles. Py picks his son up, cradling him against one shoulder. "Before we know it, you'll be sitting your first broom."

Giovanni makes another fussy noise and Py shifts him to he can see the baby's face. Giovanni's eyes are starting to droop. He scrunches his face up as if to give a lusty cry only to make a few small snorts instead. It still amazes Py how fast a baby can go from wide awake, kicking, and squirming to yawning and glassy eyed.

Luckily for Py, Giovanni decides not to have an extended cranky session. This time, all it takes is Py walking around a few minutes, talking quietly to the baby before Giovanni is passed out, sleeping soundly. Before putting the baby in his crib he sits down, somewhat mesmerized by how many facial expressions a slumbering baby can have in only a matter of a few minutes.

After he's put the baby in the crib he sits down again, letting his own eyes close. When Isolde arrives home she finds Py napping, almost hating to wake him so he can get to Quidditch practice.

(Ash) Gaining Information
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   01-22-17 09:08

A paper airplane skidded to a stop on top of Ash's desk. He put down the quill he was using to write with to unfold the airplane, which turned out to be a note from his boss. Mr. Schwendy wanted him to go down to the Records Division of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to get some information about a tax dodger who lived on Lundy Island in Devon.

Ash immediately got up with the note in hand and set out for bank of lifts near his office. He didn't have to wait for long to arrive and took it one level down, where he followed the now familiar path to the Records Division. Ash was often sent on fact finding missions to Records to get information about wizards who owed the Ministry of Magic money.

He hadn't received such an assignment since well before Christmas, though. Ash had been waiting for a legitimate opportunity to visit Records because he wanted to see what he could find out about his girlfriend and her artist brother. He knew they were up to no good, but he didn't know what exactly they were planning and what he had to do with it. Ash didn't want to end things with Jupiter without determining why she was using him.

There was someone else ahead of him in line when he arrived in the Records Division, but that wizard quickly received the information he needed and went on his way. Ash stepped up to the counter and first requested the information on the wizard for which Schwendy had sent him on his fact finding mission.

Maverick Pilot disappeared into the stacks and soon emerged with a thick manila folder. He already knew the drill and made copies of the documentation relating to the offender's tax dodging. The copies he handed to Ash in a sheer folder.

"It's been a pleasure, Ash," Maverick said jokingly. "Until the next time."

"Actually, there's something else." Ash hesitated and then asked, "Do you have anything on either Jupiter Jones or Janus Jones?"

Maverick's eyebrows rose into his hairline. "A couple involved in tax fraud?"

"Siblings, actually, and I don't really know."

Maverick paused, seemed to internally deliberate with himself, and then he stepped into the stacks. He reemerged a very short while later and said, "There's nothing about Jupiter, but Janus was arrested for petty theft as a juvenile."

He set the file down, facing in his direction, and eyed Ash suspiciously. "This doesn't have anything to do with work, does it?"

Ash shook his head. "No, it doesn't."

Maverick closed the folder and scooped it back up, holding it to his chest. "I'm sorry, Ash. I can't help you with whatever you're trying to figure out. I've been on the wrong side of things before and I'm not looking to go back there, especially in doing something so small as unofficially sharing confidential information."

"I understand," Ash replied, already backing away from the counter. "Sorry to put you in that position." He offered an apologetic smile and then turned and walked out of the office.

The fact was that Ash had gotten information from Maverick, thanks to his ability to read upside-down. He now knew the names of the Jones parents, whose signatures were on their son's juvenile delinquency documentation, and who Ash had seen with Jupiter and Janus at the Hobb & Whistle several months ago. Perhaps Bowman and Otilie Jones could shed some light on the motives of their children.

Going on a Date
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   01-22-17 13:19

"I really think this is a bad idea," Nate told Jenny.

The two of them were in the kitchen. Jenny had gathered some flowers from the garden and she was arranging them, placing them inside some jars that would later be placed on the guests' bedrooms, as well as in other strategic places. Nate was seated by the table, a parchment in front of him. It was an official sign up form from Magical Match.

"Just fill that up and send it. You will go to a date or two, and my brother will be happy. No harm done."

"Wouldn't this mean I will be cheating on you?"

"I don't mind as long as you don't kiss anyone. Or hold hands. Or engage any sort of physical contact."

"I don't feel good about this. We should tell him the truth."

They had agreed to tell everyone they were dating during the holidays. But their plan had been ruined when Imogen had decided to end her relationship with Tim in the form of a letter. She had met an Italian wizard during her trip around Europe and she had chosen him over Tim. She told Tim that although she liked him, she had never felt such passion with him as did with this Italian.

The Christmas celebrations had been somewhat ruined by this. Tim became quite sour and he tried to mitigate the pain with alcohol which did not help since he became that sort of drunk wizard who boasted about his miserable sorrow life without Imogen. He had refused to eat pasta the other day, declaring he could not stand anything that came from Italy.

Jenny decided not to make Tim worse by telling the news of their relationship to everyone. Nate had agreed to delay the news, until his best friend decided that as a New Year's resolution he and Nate should start dating again. He wanted them to sign up together for Magical Match. Yesterday he came to Harebells and handed Nate a form for him to fill.

'Soon we will be on the market again', he said. He was ready to forget Imogen and move on. But Nate wasn't ready to have dates with stranger witches. He now had a girlfriend he loved very much and he did not want to have a meal with another woman just to make Tim happy.

"We can't. Not yet," Jenny said. She stopped arranging the flowers and came in his direction. At first Nate thought she was going to kiss him, but instead she picked up the quill and signed the form in his name. "There. Now you are going on a date."

"You are evil," he complained, reaching out for her lips. She smelled like the flowers from the garden.

"That is why you love me," he teased, kissing him with passion.

Author: Lee Sickleby 
Date:   01-23-17 08:41

Lee entered the secret black ops office where he knew Rowle to be working that day and waved hello to the witch posing as a receptionist. She knew him, since he'd been an occasional fixture at the office himself, but she wasn't expecting him. The witch, smartly dressed in business robes and with glasses she didn't need perched on her nose, started to rise from her seat, but Lee waved at her again and confidently stated, "He's expecting me."

The witch had her severe doubts, but she eased back into her chair and watched as Lee stepped further back into the office and let himself into Rowle's office. Rowle didn't look the least bit surprised to see Lee, though he had to have been. Lee hadn't stepped foot in the office in months, first due to being out of the country and then because he was on administrative leave.

Rowle took a sip of his steaming coffee and read the last little bit of the newspaper article he was scanning before finally leaning back in his chair and asking, "What brings you by, Sickleby?"

Lee removed a slim, soft leather scroll case from an interior pocket of his traveling cloak and slid it across the smooth-grain surface of Rowle's mahogany desk.

Rowle leaned forward and reached for the scroll wordlessly, unraveled the leather tie keeping it closed, and unfurled the case. Inside was a piece of parchment detailing crimes with supporting evidence written in Lee's own hand.

Rowle smirked. "What am I do to with this?"

"Oh, you're not to do anything, really," Lee replied. "I just wanted to give you formal notice that the jig is up."

"I would never admit to anything incriminating, and your document is merely your word against mine," Rowle calmly replied. He smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"It would certainly seem that way," Lee replied, "but let's review the facts, shall we?" There was no need for him to pull the scroll towards him again to read directly from it because he had every word memorized.

"You warned me from the beginning not to get involved with Alaia, and when I followed my heart, you decided to teach me a lesson."

"Supposition!" Rowle exclaimed. He reached for his coffee cup and drank.

Lee shrugged and pressed on, "First, you had Lilo Belby continually poison Alaia as she went about her daily routine. Lilo put her metamorphmagus skills to good use, and you and I both know she has a sweet tooth. Her daily visits to the bakery were no doubt a real treat.

"Then, when Alaia became sicker and had to be hospitalized, you paid a healer to continue administering the poison and to lie about the cause of her condition. There's only one thing Merwyn Smethwyck is more afraid of than you, and that's going to Azkaban. When he learned he had some viable options, he gave you up freely."

Rowle made an uncaring noise in his throat and continued sipping his coffee.

"I looked into your Aunt Hesper, as well. You do remember telling me you were visiting her when we ran into each other at St. Mungo's that one time? Yes, well. I found out that you do have an aunt named Hesper, but that she's been dead a good twenty years."

"Did it occur to you that the aunt Hesper I was referring to that day wasn't my biological aunt, but a dear family friend by the same name?"

Lee didn't take the bait and instead said, "I'm surprised in your choice of potioneer. Then again, I used one of our other less than savory contacts to determine Alaia was indeed being poisoned. I only thought you'd choose someone not already known to us, lest your activities become the source of blackmail."

Rowle finally put down his coffee cup and stood up slowly to his feet. He was a tall man, but Lee was taller. Still, in their current position, Rowle towered over Lee, who had remained seated.

"That potioneer understands the nature of our relationship, unlike you. I must say you've gravely disappointed me, Lee. And you had so much promise…"

His wand was out in a flash, but before he could cast his spell, the door burst open and a dozen aurors entered the room and fanned out with their wands raised.

Rowle eyed Lee angrily, debated whether to get his shot fired off despite what would likely happen after, but then he dropped his wand and held up his hands. He was immediately subdued and hauled out of the office.

One of the aurors turned to Lee, who had gotten to his feet and said, "You'll need to come to the Ministry with us."

Prior to barging in on Rowle, Lee had already gone to the Ministry of Magic and spoken to aurors about his discovery. He'd presented all the evidence he'd collected, including his witness statements and the poison vial he had gotten at St. Mungo's. The witnesses themselves had been summoned to the Ministry as well to give statements, make plea deals, and go into witness protection until Rowle was safely behind bars.

Lee felt a great sense a relief flood him as he walked out of the office and passed the agent posing as a receptionist, who was now being questioned by an auror. He had managed to save Alaia and put an end to future trouble with her being none the wiser.

In The St. Emrys Library (Deak)
Author: Kody 
Date:   01-24-17 19:34

Head down, reading the next book index number he needs to locate. Reaching the end of the aisle he looks up as he turns, checking the range of indices listed for the next row of books. Next thing he knows he's sitting on the floor looking up, his rear end burning from the pain of the fall and his back feeling jarred.

"OhmyGod! Merlin!" A hand thrusts towards his face, reaching to help him up. "I'm so sorry, Deak. I was so busy looking for a particular title that I didn't see you."

Deak sits a moment longer before accepting the hand up. He grunts, "I wasn't paying attention either, Etta. My fault as much as yours."

"Are you all right? You went down hard," she grimaces.

He answers honestly. "I think I'll be a little sore in the morning."

"Let me buy you a coffee or tea to make up for it? It's late but the Wyrding Way is still open."

"Ummm, yeah. Sure. I just need to finish locating a couple of books."

Etta holds out the one he'd dropped when he fell. Deak hadn't noticed when she retrieved it. Either the fall knocked him loopy through his keister or she picked it up when bending to help him get off the floor. "Thanks."

"I need to get this one book too. It should be right along here." She gestures to indicate an area towards the end of the aisle near where the book shelf ends. Her face scrunches. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd finished."

"Taking some classes towards an advanced degree. I had a night class that met tonight. First meeting and we already have a massive paper due. Why are you here this late?"

"Night class as well. I was here earlier but had to stop before I got all I needed. It was that or risk being late for a professor who does not tolerate tardiness. I could have waited until tomorrow but as long as I was still on campus I decided I might as well come back for this one book."

"Meet me at the check out desk in a few?"

Etta bobs her head once. "See you there."

Deak quickly locates the two titles he wants, wondering as he does if getting a drink, even if only coffee or tea, with Etta is a good idea given their history. He shrugs the thought off. They have remained friends, though at times the friendship has been strained, and there's nothing wrong with grapping a coffee with a friend.

Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   01-25-17 18:37

Minerva climbed up into the Owlery and walked over bone bits and pieces of dry foliage to the very center of the high-ceiling chamber. She held in her hand a letter addressed to Headmaster Spangler Nacht of Durmstrang Institute. The two, along with the other five headmasters with schools participating in the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament, had already discussed everything there was to know in face-to-face meetings (both in person and via fire-talking), but Professor Nacht had insisted on written confirmation on a few items.

One of the things he wanted in writing was the list of students and teachers visiting Durmstrang Institute the weekend after next. The two upcoming events were the Transfiguration Tournament and the History Quiz Showdown. Minerva herself had a copy of the attendees in her office, but she had done as requested and sent Professor Nacht the names as well.

Transfiguration Tournament
Staff sponsors: Sirius Black, Tiberius Nott
Students participating:
Rex Applewhite, Callie Blackwell, Marion DeMarco, Alys Ellis, Jade Green, Blair Hazelton, Justin Hodges, Bran Hyland, Louis Kegg, Lauren MacDougal, Gerry Martini-Blackwell, Malden McGonagall, Grace Valentine, Larkin Weasley

History Quiz Showdown
Staff sponsors: Declan Douglass, Zabrynna Ravensdale
Students participating:
Adiran Balfour, Kurt Blackwell, Blakeney Ellis, Katheryn Finch, Ingrid Hyland, Eden Jenkins, Leo Marchbanks, Caleb Quigley, Finley Pride, Rand Prinsloo, Heather Rabnott, Kaycee Sickleby, Gideon Weasley, Amorica Wenlock

As Headmistress, Minerva would be there as well. The entire group would depart Hogwarts in the Magical RV around 4 pm on Friday, January 28th and return to Hogwarts on Sunday evening.

She raised her arm to see which owl might come down to mail her letter. A barn owl with soft, downy feathers on its chest swooped down from its nest and landed on her forearm.

Minerva handed the letter to the owl, which took it in its beak. She said, "Please fly to Durmstrang and make sure Professor Nacht receives this letter."

The owl gave a tick of the head as if nodding in understanding and then it pushed off her arm with a powerful flap of wings. It disappeared through the open, arched window into the cold, daytime air.

Minerva adjusted her cloak when she felt a sudden chill and started for the door, when she heard quick footsteps and soon saw her great nephew Malden appear. He was dressed in his Slytherin uniform, though he had on his cloak with silver fastenings, scarf, and mittens.

Malden stopped short and blurted out, "What are you doing here?"

"I believe the more pertinent question is what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"History of Magic let out early," Malden replied without pause.

Minerva raised her eyebrows. "Is that so?"

"Yes," Malden darkly replied. He held up an envelope and said, "I wanted to post this before I have to get to my next class. There's not much time for lunch on Wednesdays, you know."

He said it as if his great aunt should do something about it. She was in charge, after all, and probably had the power to change schedules and add more time to lunch.

Minerva saw the name the letter was addressed to and asked, "And how is your grandfather?"

Malden looked away and moved further into the Owlery. He looked for an owl to take the envelope out of his hand. A screech owl flew down from one of the rafters and took the envelope with its talons. It kept going out the window without waiting for instructions from Malden.

"He's fine," Malden replied. He turned to go, and Minerva immediately set off behind him. She certainly planned on asking Professor Douglass if History of Magic had let out early as Malden claimed, or if her great nephew had left prematurely of his own accord.

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