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Author: Sophie McCourt 
Date:   12-09-18 05:58

"So, what are we going to offer them?" Elmer asked Patricia. They had agreed to meet after classes at the Common Commons to discuss their Secret Santa gifts.

"You didn't think of something?"

"Well you're the Ravenclaw. And they are both girls. Older girls for that matter, and I have no idea what they might like. Besides you were fourteen not long ago, so you know better than anyone what sort of gift they might appreciate."

"You have four older sisters, you should know a thing or two about girls by now."

Elmer frowned with the comment. He did know what it was like to spend time with girls. That was one of the reasons he found it hard to get along with boys his age: he just didn't know how to connect to them. Quidditch was a good starting point but of course he was not allowed to play it.

"Anyway," Patricia continued. "I spoke to Belinda because she knows our Secret Santas' better, and I do have some gift ideas."

"Do tell!"

Elmer got fourth year Hufflepuff Edwina Trainor, while Patricia got her Slytherin cousin Libby Copperpot. Belinda knew them both because she was Libby's roommate and had some classes with Edwina. She told Patricia everything she knew about them including that Edwina dated Bertie Nutcombe, Hufflepuff's new seeker, which Patricia didn't consider relevant at all.

"For Edwina I was thinking about some accessories for her hair," Patricia showed Elmer a magazine picture. "Like these. Then she can wear them in different days."

"They are too girly," Elmer said. However, he was grateful Patricia had figured out a gift that hopefully Edwina would appreciate.

"Good thing they are not for you. And for Libby, this backpack."

"That's too pink!"

"But it's not that girly. It looks quite fancy. It just has a bold color and from what I've heard Libby has a bold personality, so hopefully she will like it."

Entering the Common Commons, Sophie spotted Patricia and Elmer and joined them.

"What can you tell me about Artie Weasley?" Sophie asked. Artie was Sophie's Secret Santa and after doing some inquiries she learned he was in Elmer's year and house.

She was surprised that Elmer couldn't tell her much about Artie. He just described him as 'cool' and 'nice', which wasn't helpful to her at all. Sophie tried to obtain some information on her own and she discovered that Artie's mother had been injured during the Death Eater's attack at Madam Puddifoots some years ago. Sophie remembered the attack because she was already attending Hogwarts at the time, and the entire school had been quite shocked and alarmed by it. Artie was seven back then, and she thought he must have been really brave during that period.

In the end, she decided to go with Jasper's suggestions. Jasper had come to Hogwarts for the match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, to watch it with Sophie. It had been very hard for Sophie to watch Hufflepuff playing without her as their seeker. She wished to go into the pitch and play. However, she was glad Bertie was the new seeker and she was very happy when he caught the snitch, giving the victory to Hufflepuff. Jasper had been quite tender to Sophie and he managed to mitigate her sadness, by wearing a Hufflpuff scarf and cheer for them, even if he had not been a Hufflepuff while at Hogwarts. He had put his arm around her and kissed her several times. He told her how happy he was she had listened to him and opted to stay away from the pitch. He even went to fetch her some hot cocoa, missing an important part of the match. Sophie felt very lucky she was going to marry him. She told him about Secret Santa and Jasper suggested a few gifts, which included a warm drink recipient in the Gryffindor colors, so Artie could bring tea or hot chocolate with him during the day, and a shirt, which Sophie showed Elmer. It said: 'Legendary since 2001', Artie's birth year. Elmer got a bit jealous for he too was born in 2001 and he wanted Sophie to buy him such a shirt as well.

The three siblings hanged out together for a while, Sophie wishing Eileen and Belinda would join them as well, but they weren't around. She thought it was great they had the chance to be at Hogwarts together, even if it was only for a year. She decided they should start having a family meal together each week, just to catch up. A year from now she would be a married woman and she wouldn't have the chance to spend so much time with her brother and sisters anymore.

(Ariella) New Staff
Author: Beck 
Date:   12-09-18 07:59

The holiday season was a busy time at Pie in the Sky. Ariella, Colette, and new employee Kianna Pritchard worked nonstop on fulfilling pie orders, in addition to serving the customers who came in for a slice. Even without the holiday rush, business was going well enough that Ariella thought she could afford to employ someone else, at least part-time. A sign was already posted in the window.

"Ariella, someone is here to interview for the part-time position," Kianna said, after poking her head into the office, where Ariella was taking a moment to look over the books and eat a quick lunch.

"That was fast," Ariella commented. She had put the sign out last Friday before leaving for the day.

Ariella abandoned her number-crunching to meet with the newcomer, who turned out to be someone she knew, albeit not very well. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach, though Ariella knew the only reason she felt that way was because of this person's association with her estranged husband's sister. She did her best to curb her feelings and approached the witch with a smile.

"Hello, Charlotte."

"Hi, Ariella. It's been a while."

"Yes, it has." Ariella hadn't seen Maggie's best friend and former roommate since before Maggie and Lawrence fled the country. She knew that Charlotte had been questioned extensively after Maggie's disappearance and that aurors had probably also surveilled and investigated her for a time thereafter.

"Do you still live in the same place?" Ariella asked, referring to the London flat where she had lived with Maggie and which had once belonged to Lawrence.

"Oh, no," Charlotte replied with a shake of her head. "I couldn't bear it anymore, so I left. Anyway, it's technically hers, or at least it was. I'm not sure what's happened to it since she skipped town."

Charlotte frowned. "It's terrible, isn't it? You just never know what some people are really like."

Ariella nodded, since she knew that sentiment all too well. "So, you are here for a job?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, if you'll have me. I only have waitressing experience, but I'm a fast learner and a decent cook."

"We could use help outside of the kitchen, though if you're willing to learn how to bake, we can definitely steer you in that direction. Do you have references?"

Charlotte produced a pair of documents, one containing her resume and the other her references. Although Ariella didn't see any reason not to hire Charlotte on the spot, the nervousness she felt just wouldn't abate. It was foolish, she knew, because Charlotte had obviously had nothing to do with Maggie's darker qualities, but Ariella decided to sleep on her decision.

She smiled and said, "This looks great. Let me contact your references, and I'll have an answer for you later this week."

Charlotte smiled and shook Ariella's hand. "Thanks so much. Before I go, can I order a slice of pie? Buttermilk, if you've got any?"

Ariella smiled. "Of course!"

(Ash) Life Choices
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   12-09-18 15:37

Beatrix arrived at the safe house Ash continued to call home with a large takeaway sack in hand. She found him in the living room, reading from a rather thick folder of parchments, some of which were flagged with colorful sticky notes.

"What's that?" Beatrix asked, as she went to the small card table where Ash took all his meals and began emptying the sack of its contents.

Ash set the folder aside with great care and got up to join Beatrix at the table. "Connor brought it over the other day. It's about the future… my future."

Beatrix looked up. "Oh? Is it… good?"

Ash helped Beatrix finish unpacking, and then the two sat down to begin eating. The meal she had brought was Italian food: a salad, breadsticks, and spaghetti and meatballs. There was also tiramisu for dessert.

"It's… different," Ash finally answered, "and it may be lonely, but it doesn't have to be."

"Tell me about it," Beatrix said. She had a sinking feeling that he would be going away, but she also had it in her mind that she would go with him, if only he would agree to it. They'd grown closer over the last few months, but they hadn't made their relationship official yet.

"The Ministry of Magic has given me a new identity and a new place to live. I'm to move to Tortola in the Caribbean after Christmas." He paused and said, "I know it's selfish of me to ask, but I want you to come with me."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Beatrix said. "I want to go with you."

"What about school? Your family? You'll have to take on a new identity, too."

Beatrix only had two terms left at St. Emrys, but she'd only studied finance because of Ash. She wasn't sure what he would be doing in Tortola, but she had a feeling it would have nothing to do with accounting. She also knew that he wouldn't be completely cut off from his family. His new situation would be like the current one, only in a much nicer and warmer location.

"I want to be with you." She reached across the table to take his hand. "Thank you for asking me to come with you. It's the best news I've ever heard, next to you not being dead."

Ash smiled. "I didn't think you'd agree so readily."

Beatrix smiled too. "Being with you is all I've ever wanted." She speared a meatball in her spaghetti and asked, "So what will your new name be?"

Ash grinned. "It's an anagram of my current name. Shaw Wickets."

"Shaw Wickets?" Beatrix laughed. "That's awful. And who am I to be?"

"Bindi Wickets, if you'll also be my wife."

He slid a ring box across the table. Inside was a small diamond ring with two tiny emeralds on either side of the main stone.

Beatrix was speechless. She didn't know how to express how she felt, so she acted on it instead. She threw herself over their food on the table and kissed Ash hard on the mouth.

Author: Zabrynna 
Date:   12-11-18 10:36

"Knock knock."

"Mariposa! Hi! I wasn't expecting you."

"AJ owled a little earlier to suggest we eat here tonight."

"And the kids?"

Mariposa settles into one of the two chairs facing Zabrynna's desk. "Jacinda was wanting to play in the day care and the house elf there that adores Javier, Wimsy, wanted to have a cuddle. He went right to her as if I'm last week's news."

"I just love her name. Wimsy. Maybe if Declan and I have a daughter maybe I can convince him to name her Wimsy."

"You wouldn't. No, I take that back. You would," Mariposa laughs. She nods at the present on the desk that Zabrynna has just finished wrapping.

"Anything interesting?"

"Secret Santa. I think it's interesting, so much so I got Rand a pair. Ever heard of inline roller skates, also called rollerblades?"

"As a matter of fact, I've been rollerblading. Banged my bum a few times. I was wearing knee pads and elbow pads so at least I didn't scrape them up."

"These come with the pads and there's a helmet but they're also magical. Built-in cushioning charm. Also, these can go over any surface so they can be used all over the grounds."

"Would have loved to have had a cushioning charm but we were along a Muggle boardwalk soooo ."

Zabrynna nods knowingly. "These are for Gareth Martini-Blackwell. You know the librarian Gigi in Hogsmeade? One of her boys. As I said, I got Rand a pair but now I'm thinking maybe I should get his friends Oliver and Grace pairs as well."

"Not too late. Could get me a pair too."


"Seriously. I had fun and maybe wearing them when outside with the kids I could finally keep up."

Laughing at the thought the sisters leave Zabrynna's office to see if AJ and Declan are ready to eat and to deposit Gareth's gift under the tree in the commons.

Joke Gifts (Larkin & Gideon)
Author: Blossom 
Date:   12-12-18 06:38

No sooner has Larkin exited Gryffindor House then she hears behind her, "Larkin, wait up!"

Pausing, she half turns towards Gideon. Seeing the wrapped box in his hands she asks, "Secret Santa or for a friend?"

"Secret Santa. Have you gotten Seth anything yet?"

"Not yet. I've been thinking about it. I might as a joke give him a gift certificate to the gaming center."

With the gaming center in Hogsmeade owned by their mother and managed by their aunt that would be a good joke gift. Thinking that Gideon replies, "Ooooh, yeah, and I could give him a fake gift too, to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. I've got him a real gift but know he's wanting some shin guards for Quidditch."

"I can do that, thanks. I'm stumped on the twins. I have gifts that could either be Christmas or birthday but don't have anything for the other. I hate their birthday is so close to Christmas."

"They do too. All those combined gifts rather than individual ones. Tell me something, if you were Professor Ravenscroft would you like what I got?"

"The photo clock, right?"

"Yeah. I'd like it. Thinking of getting one for Mum and Dad as a matter of fact."

"If we pool our money we can get one that takes more photos."

"See if Seth wants to go in? Then we could really splurge."

Somehow, until just then Gideon hadn't noticed that Larkin is also carrying a wrapped box. He gestures to it. "Friend or Secret Santa."

"Secret Santa."

"That Slytherin girl."

"Fulvia Flaversham." Fulvia is a year behind the triplets but Larkin sort of knows who she is and doesn't care to know her any better. "Got her that green sweater when Seth was getting the silver top for Belinda McCourt. I wasn't even thinking about it being a more Slytherin green when I bought it."

"I'm starving so let's hurry up and get these to the commons then get breakfast. You ready for whatever Professor Kent has in store for us in Care of Magical Creatures?"

"Pretty much. Or I hope. You?"

"I think so but want to go over it all again while I eat. History too. Couple of things I want to read again."

"Sit with me and I'll quiz you."

They end up quizzing each other with questions for both classes on the rest of the walk to the commons and on to the Great Hall where, like many others, they did some last minute prep for end of term exams while eating breakfast.

Asher & Arielle & Secret Santa
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   12-12-18 18:24

Asher sat in Transfiguration class for the last time during a Fall Term at Hogwarts. He and the other seventh years were busy writing their exams, while Professor Black called them up one by one to demonstrate something they had learned since term began in September. Asher had already done his practical and thought it had gone okay.

He was looking forward to the break. Team DE was planning on getting together a couple of times. One of the excursions would be to Knockturn Alley, too. Asher was rather looking forward to that, because he'd never been. He really hoped that Titus would get with the program, because if he didn't, then they might have a problem on their hands.

He glanced around and saw that Lauren MacDougal had put down her quill. She appeared to be finished with her exam. Lauren was Asher's Secret Santa recipient. He had consulted his sister, who was Lauren's roommate, and Alys, who continued to tutor him in music on what to get Lauren.

Arielle didn't like his idea, and though Alys tried to talk him out of it too, she nevertheless gave him her best advice on quality and sound and even let him use her employee discount at Dominic Maestro's. The gift for Lauren was a red acoustic guitar.

Arielle had also finished her exam. She was feeling like the world might end at any moment. She had come to the decision that it was time to break up with Malden. She just wasn't sure how or when exactly to do it. Was it wrong to do it so close to Christmas, especially when they had already made some holiday plans?

She hadn't even managed to pick out a Christmas gift for him yet, but she had gotten one for Harley Croft. It took some asking around to find out who the girl was, and once Arielle found out Harley was in Slytherin like her brother and Malden, she asked them to get her more information. Both boys were totally useless on that front, though, so Arielle ended up picking out a cute, lacy green top.

Hurrying To Get Lunch
Author: S Snape 
Date:   12-12-18 19:20

Dave enters the Great Hall, eager to get lunch. He hopes he doesn't end up gobbling it down so he can get to Transfiguration on time. Adiran and he rush to be the first to the spot where Louis already sits with a mound of food on a plate. Unlike Adiran and Dave who have four Wednesday classes Louis only has two. With one first thing in the morning and one after lunch, he's almost always made it to lunch on Wednesdays long before Dave and Adiran do.

In the rush to get to the Hufflepuff table and food Dave passes by fifth year Ravenclaw Patricia McCourt. With her being two years ahead of him and her being in a different class Dave had never given Patricia much thought until getting her name for Secret Santa. With Harley's help on that last Hogsmeade weekend, he'd picked out a gift basket filled with make-up and accessories. On his own he'd picked out a chocolate dipped apple, or a certificate for it anyway. He'd eaten one that day but not knowing how long the present would be under the tree before Patricia found it and decided to open it, he'd gotten a certificate for her to owl in.

Like Dave, Harley has four Wednesday classes, three of them with her brother. Like Dave, she's not wanting to dawdle getting lunch. Also like Dave she got her Secret Santa a certificate for a chocolate dipped apple. Harley's Secret Santa to Oliver Towneley, a Gryffindor boy who's a year ahead of her. In addition to the chocolate covered apple, Harley selected a game for Oliver that can be played as the Muggles do or charmed to play on its own. The game is called Rock'em Sock'em Robots and while charming the robots to fight each other is fun, Harley thinks it's the best when controlling one of the robots against someone else.

Arriving at the table where her friend Selma is already seat, Harley reaches for a pitcher to fill her cup. "You must have run the entire way to already be halfway through a sandwich."

"I'm like the wind," Selma grins.

Walking past Harley and Selma to reach a place at the head table Severus is scowling at the thought of having to meet with Veronica Dumbledore this evening. At long last he'd done what he'd been wanting to do for months. He quit the Knights Walpurgis. Neither he nor others working secretly have found anything of note to indicate the Knights are clandestinely up to dark deeds. If he has to endure one more gala fundraiser he might feel compelled to performing a few dark deeds himself by Crucioing the lot of them. Upon receiving his owl informing her he's no longer with the organization, Veronica came to the castle in person to beg him to stay. As she showed up minutes before he had a class due to begin, he managed to put her off by agreeing to dinner.

Severus almost huffs with indignation when he sits. Veronica accused him of being overly stuffy and without the Knights he has no idea what amusement is. She would be shocked at the whimsical side he's shown in the selection of items that make up the Secret Santa gift for Alys Ellis. Severus got her a copy of Alice In Wonderland as well as a version in Middle English because of the spelling of Alys in its title, Aventures of Alys in Wondyr Lond. In addition to the two books, he also got her Disney collectable figurine of the tea party. He isn't sure if Alys Ellis already knows of Alice In Wonderland, or what a Disney figurine is, or even what Disney is, but nonetheless he hopes she enjoys and appreciates the Secret Santa gift.

Stuffy indeed.

With Cornington (Margaret)
Author: Furnella Hodfuffer 
Date:   12-13-18 17:44

Margaret had somehow ended up studying Charms in the library with Cornington Marchbanks. They've long been friends but have only ever studied together in larger groups. Out of the blue he asks, "Is it strange to you to think we might have been cousins?"

"Sort of but maybe not really. If AJ and Mum had stayed married then the kids they had wouldn't have been Louis and me."

"Good point but still sometimes seems strange in that you're family but you're not. Would it be even stranger if we went out?"

Margaret laughs. "Are you asking me on a date?"

"Only if you're saying yes," he grins in return.

"Okay then. Yes."

"Get together for lunch or something over the hols?"

"Sure, that would be fun. Monday work?"

"Monday's great. Meet in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley or somewhere else?"

"Hmmmm, Hogsmeade would mean we could do something at the gaming center but Diagon Alley would give us a break from the only place we ever get to go during school."

Cornington's face lights up. "Say, why not meet at The Leaky Cauldron and go into Muggle London from there."

Margaret nods. "That could be fun but first I need to be sure to go to Gringotts and see about exchanging galleons."

"If you'd not said that I probably would have forgotten."

They begin packing their belongings with the thought of going to the commons for something to drink and a snack before curfew, Cornington switching topics to asks, "You're done with Christmas shopping? We could check out a few Muggle places."

"A few so maybe hitting some Muggle shoppes is a good idea. You?"

"Also a few but at least I got Secret Santa and delivered. I got a teacher this year, Professor Nott."

"Me too. I mean getting a professor. Goode. Have you found your own Secret Santa gift yet?" Margaret had gotten Professor Goode a special coffee mug. If she sends in a selection of photos to the company the photos will be put on the mug. The mug is "magic" in that those photos will only show up when a beverage, either hot or cold, is put into the mug.

Before he replies to her question she tells Cornington, "I got something from Caleb Ellis but haven't opened it yet. I start to then will think no, wait until at least Christmas Eve. I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

"I opened mine immediately. It's a sleeping bag shaped like a slice of pizza and has pillows that look like pizza toppings. From Caleb Quigley."

"That sounds fun and different. I wouldn't have thought of that as a gift."

They spend the rest of the walk to the commons telling each other the names of those still on their Christmas lists and giving each other suggestions on what to give.

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