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Suspect in Custody
Author: Eoghan 
Date:   04-11-19 19:33

A familiar voice shrieks, "WHERE IS HE?"

Eoghan looks to Clara Smarts, "I've got it."

He gets up and leaves the interview room, moving through a smaller observation room, then into the room where Bellatrix stands, chest evening, eyes wild. Though later in the evening there are still others around to witness that when Eoghan speaks he does so in a formal manner.

"May I help you, Mrs. Lestrange."

Those wild eyes fix on Eoghan's face. Her nostrils flare. With a head motion as if flipping hair over her shoulder despite all her hair being arranged in an updo, she narrows those eyes and takes a few steps in his direction. "Where is my house elf?" she demands through gritted teeth.

"Ms. Smarts and I are questioning Mortifer once again."

"I was told you arrested him," she bites out.


She moves in even closer, hissing in a low voice, "For Rodolphus's murder."


"I want to see him."

"Now isn't the time."

She's somehow closer, hands gripping Eoghan's robes. "You have to let me. Now."

Eoghan disengages her hands from his clothing as gently as he's able, not all that easy to do given the surprisingly strong grip she has. "We're questioning him again. Going over his statement. Making sure he fully understands the charges."

"Mortifer is my house elf. As his owner I have the right to see him this second."

Eoghan slowly exhales, his hands still on hers, surprised not only by the strong grip but how icy hers are. Its as though her entire body is gone chill to match her tone. He replies in a low voice, "With your history, allowing you to see him just yet might not be wise."

"They took my wand when I checked in," she points out in that cold tone that is now extending to Eoghan's own body. He suppresses a shiver.

She suddenly pulls her hands back and steps away. Her body gives a visible shake. Bellatrix looks Eoghan in the eyes. "On second thought, perhaps you are right. Now is not the time. I shall return in the morning." One hand shoots back out to grab one of Eoghan's. Somehow there is now a slight warmth in her palm. She gives his hands the smallest of squeezes. "Thank you, Mr. Riordin. I will see you tomorrow."

Bellatrix turns in a swirl of robes and rushes out leaving Eoghan wondering what to expect from her tomorrow and whether Clara and he should ensure Mortifer is in protective custody for the time being.

Birthday Tea
Author: Griet 
Date:   04-13-19 11:50

Cornelia arrived at her parents' home in Canterbury with her husband Cassander. The couple had taken the whole day off to celebrate her twenty-fifth birthday. They'd gone out for brunch and then Cassander had taken Cornelia to Ariadne Spinners to pick out a birthday gift. She selected a female cobalt blue tarantula, which she named Daisy. After getting Daisy settled at home in a separate enclosure from Rover, the pair left to have afternoon tea with Cornelia's parents.

Some of the Vanderbilt clan had taken either the full day or part of the day off to come over for tea. Among them were Griet and her husband Valentijn, Aleydis, and Franciscus. The others were already gathered at a fully-decked garden table in the backyard.

"There's the birthday girl!" cooed Cornelia's mother. She kissed her daughter on the cheek and then greeted Cassander.

"Happy birthday, Cornelia," Aleydis said, rising from her seat to give her sister a hug.

"Thanks." Cornelia made the rounds and then settled down in the empty seat next to Griet.

Tea, biscuits, and other goodies were doled out. Franciscus talked about his apprenticeship in broomstick repair and Aleydis refrained from discussing the aspects of her job at the funeral home.

"And what's new with you, Griet?" asked her father.

Griet exchanged a quick look with Valentijn. They debated whether to say anything, given this was a celebration for Cornelia, but when Griet's father said, "Out with it!" Griet smiled and said, "We're expecting. Already 12 weeks along. We didn't want to say anything before because… well, I thought for certain I would miscarry, but I've just gotten through my third transformation and everything checked out at the healer this morning, so…"

Everyone gushed with delight, except for Cornelia. This was supposed to be about her birthday, though she had her own big news to share. Cassander, sensing his wife's irritation, put a hand on her arm. Cornelia looked at him, and he raised his eyebrows asking an unsaid question.

Cornelia turned back to her family gathered around her table and opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Cassander cleared his throat and said, "We actually have our own announcement to make."

The table grew quiet as everyone turned expectant faces towards Cornelia and Cassander. He deferred to her.

"We weren't going to say anything because it's early, but I'm also pregnant."

When the second round of congratulations exploded around the table, Cornelia couldn't help but be reminded of when she and Griet announced their engagements at a family gathering. It had felt like a competition then, and this was no different. After all, Cornelia had decided she wanted to have a child after overhearing Griet talking about it. Some things never change.

Author: Minerva McGonagall 
Date:   04-14-19 11:06

After breakfast, Minerva situated herself at her desk in her office and attempted to work on some of her administrative duties. The struggle to concentrate stemmed from the many unknowns following the raid of the Death Eater headquarters. Minerva hadn't taken part in the raid, because it had been a law enforcement initiative, but the Order had met several times since the 11th of April to discuss the findings and implications.

Fortunately, there were plenty of Order members who worked at the Ministry of Magic, so the group had access to all available information. Of the Death Eaters in custody, not a one had thus far offered up the identities of others, nor could they say where the remaining may have gone. It was surmised that the Death Eaters had not established other bases other than the abbey, which raised the question of where the group was now.

Known Death Eater sites from the past had been checked by law enforcement and the Order, including the tunnels and caves beneath Hogsmeade. Minerva herself had gone underground to check things out, being fearful of the possibility of the Death Eaters being so close to Hogwarts all over again. At least so far, the area seemed completely deserted.

The one thing all of the Death Eaters in custody could admit to was the fact that Voldemort was alive. Whether they were to be believed was another story. And yet, even under the influence of veritaserum they stated Voldemort lived. Either it really was true, or they truly believed it themselves.

Healers who specialized in neurology and obliviators had done inspections on the Death Eaters to see whether their minds had been tampered with or if they were under the Imperius Curse. The data suggested the Death Eaters had not been influenced by any sort of controlling magic.

Minerva partly wished that Voldemort would just put an end to the questioning himself, though she truly didn't want him to be alive. She figured the rampant speculation was part of his game. Minerva also hoped that the next Death Eater hideout wouldn't take as long to find as the abbey had. With any luck, they were scrambling to reorganize and would make a mistake giving away their current location.

The main thing on Minerva's mind was the fact that her brother had been picked up by the authorities after the raid. Menelaus had not been at the abbey and did not have a Dark Mark or other mark associating himself with the Death Eaters. However, his involvement with them had been known for some time and law enforcement had spied on him often in an effort to find the elusive group.

Like the real Death Eaters, Menelaus was spelled from giving away secrets. His lawyer, a slime ball like the late Reed Wycombe, was doing his very best to get him released for lack of evidence. So far, he hadn't been successful, but not for lack of trying.

What Minerva wanted to know the most was the status of the alleged project to recruit school-aged children to the Death Eaters. She or the other teachers aware of the issue had yet to find any evidence suggesting it was true or successful, but if anyone had information about the project, it would be Menelaus McGonagall.

Minerva actually wondered if law enforcement would come for Malden. He was of age and could get arrested, if he was involved in his grandfather's schemes. Minerva didn't want to believe he could be, but he seemed the likely gateway to the other students at Hogwarts. She hoped he was innocent, but a part of her just wasn't sure. Malden was too much like Menelaus, after all.

She sighed and wished she could take a walk on the grounds, but it was storming heavily. She wasn't getting any work done and really needed to clear her head. Fresh air and nice scenery would do the trick, but her only option was to walk through the castle corridors at the moment, so she did.

House Renovations
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   04-14-19 20:15

At the foot of the main staircase Zuberi gestures, "How do you like the cherry?"

Olive bends to approvingly run her hand over one of the treads. "Beautiful. I was torn there for awhile what we should use. All the samples you showed me were so nice. Now, seeing the stairs finished, I can't imagine having gone with something else." She nods in the direction of the kitchen, visible through a doorway down the hall. "With the cherry cabinets in the kitchen, other touches the cherry throughout the house, and the front door, it all ties together."

Zuberi grins. "We can start moving in soon."

Olive does a slow twirl, taking in all of the house visible from where they are. "Packing and unpacking is such a pain but not as much as if we had to do it the Muggle way."

At the sound of footsteps they both look up to the head of the stairs. Starting down Emerald tells them, "I really like the expanded closets. How hard is that to do, Zuberi?"

"Harder for the type of renovation we've done than if building from the ground up but all in all, not very. It's a form of the extension charm."

"So you could do that at my house? All the closets are so small and it's amazing how fast we accumulate stuff, especially now that we have kids."

"Yeah, be happy to."

"Phin and I will pay you, of course."

Zuberi waves a hand. "That's not necessary."

"Yes, it is. We'd be using your professional knowledge and skill. Do I need to empty the closets first?"

"That helps. Let me know when you might want to do it?"

"Maybe not this weekend but next?"

"Sounds good. Let me know for sure."

Olive, who'd been holding up fabric swatches to the newly painted walls of the entry, trying to make a final decision on the curtains for the windows flanking the front door, looks over her shoulder. "Do we need to get going?"

"Within the next few minutes," Emerald replies. She comes over to studying the fabric swatches. "I like the plaid."

"You think?" Olive holds it up again.

Zuberi tells them, "It's my favorite too of those you have."

"Guess that's settled then," Olive smiles. She picks up her purse from the floor near the door where she'd left it when they'd arrived. "Guess we should get going."

The three leave the house on the East Lane that Olive and Zuberi bought to walk to meet up with Jade, Hunter, Phin, and the children at the Crown & Cauldron. They're having a slightly belated birthday lunch for the twins, whose birthday had been Monday. As they walk, Olive shows Emerald some of the other fabric swatches she has with her, explaining her thoughts on where she'll use each in the house, something more pleasant to think about trying to stay awake during her late shift at work. Maybe the adrenaline rush from participating in a raid the Aurors are making on warehouse where a horde of dark objects are believed to be stored will help keep her from drinking a few gallons of coffee tonight!

Meg And Daddy
Author: Griffin Price 
Date:   04-15-19 20:03

Lifting Meg from the bathtub and wrapping her in a large, fluffy towel, Griff appreciatively sniffs her hair when she leans into him just for that purpose. "Mmmmm. You smell like apples."

He cocks his head, listening to a sound from another part of the house then with one hand picks up her pajamas and with the other scoops Meg up, causing her to giggle and squirm. By the time they reach the front door Meg is hanging over one of his shoulders squealing whenever he uses the hand holding her pajamas to tickle her feet. Though he's fairly certain who's at the door he looks through the peephole before swinging the door open.

"Good to see you, Ruth."

Ruth Gainsborough steps inside as Griff swings Meg off his shoulder to set her down and hand her the pajamas. "Take these, please, so I can help Auntie Ruth."

Towel still wrapped around her, Meg takes her pajamas and does the toddler version of skipping ahead as Griff takes the cat carrier Ruth has and offers to take the bag with food and other cat supplies. "I've got it," she says with a shake of her head, following Meg into the sitting room.

Once there, Ruth puts the bag down to kneel, arms out to Meg. "You've grown so tall since just last week."

Meg throws herself into Ruth's arms for a hug then pulls away to rush to the cat carrier. "'Nana! Open, Daddy!"

Griff opens the carrier to allow out Ruth's bright yellow Banana. Meg shoves her pajamas at Griff as he explains, "We're going to take care of Banana for a few days while Auntie Ruth is on holiday." Looking to Ruth he asks, "Tea? Coffee?"

"I don't need it but coffee would be wonderful."

Griff isn't long in the kitchen but when he returns Meg is in her pajamas and sitting on the floor with Banana curled in her lap, the cat purring so loudly he can hear him from across the room. "Thanks," he says to Ruth, handing her one of the two coffees he carries.

"No, thank you. I know Banana is in good hands with Carys and you."

"An' Greg," a small voice chimes in.

"And Meg," Ruth agrees with a chuckle.

"She misses Snowy but Tristan wasn't about to leave his cat here when Snowy could go with him to Hogwarts. Meg adores Seeayetee but she's so old she doesn't play anymore," Griff tells Ruth before taking a sip from his mug. "Truth be told, Carys and I miss Snowy's antics as well."

At hearing Carys' name for a second time Meg looks up from petting Banana, "Mummy's gone."

"Gone as in she's had a late meeting with potential clients looking for a photographer for their parents' fiftieth anniversary party. She'll likely be home soon."

Ruth sets what's left of her coffee aside. "I really should be going. I hate that I've missed seeing Carys." She rises, stepping over to where Meg and Banana are. "Thank you so much, Meg, for loving Banana for me while I'm gone."

Griff walks Ruth to the door. "Safe trip. Have a good time."

Ruth hugs him. "Thank you again. See you in a week."

In the short time he was bidding Ruth goodbye, Meg has curled up around Banana, fighting with her eyelids to keep them open. "Come on, my girl. Let's get you to bed." Knowing she's going to ask he adds, "Banana may sleep on your bed if he wants."

He sets her down on her bed saying, "Pick two stories."





Expelling breath in a sigh of the much put upon, Meg nestled down under the covers, Banana obligingly snugged up against her, and names two books. After he's read them both, he gives her a kiss and promises that Mummy soon will be in to tell her goodnight. Soon turns out not to be above five minutes. Leaving Carys to give Meg her goodnight, Griff washes the coffee cups and puts Carys' and his dinner on the table, happy she's home and eager to hear how her meeting went.

Lunch in Yellow
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   04-16-19 18:06

Rowan entered Yellow and spotted her roommate Anna leaving the lunch queue for a nearby table. Rooming with Anna was perfectly fine, but Anna wasn't Beatrix. Rowan missed her best friend, especially since they rarely saw each other anymore.

She had gone to visit Ash and Beatrix, or rather Shaw and Bindi, during the Easter holidays. The pair, who had always been rather pale, bore deep tans and sun-lightened hair. Although they lived strange, isolated lives nowadays, they seemed very happy together, and that was all that mattered.

Rowan didn't know when she would get to visit again. Perhaps she would make it down during the summer after graduation, but perhaps not. The whole point of them moving away and taking on different identities was for their protection. Although it didn't appear that the rest of the Westwicks, or Vanderbilts for that matter, were being watched, one could never be too careful.

Things had certainly taken an interesting turn in the last month. Ash's undercover work for the Ministry of Magic had helped later investigators track down the Death Eater headquarters. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the dark wizards had gotten away during the raid, so Ash was most definitely not in the clear yet. Rowan knew that there was a strong possibility her brother and best friend would never live normal lives again, but she was hopeful.

After getting her lunch, Rowan joined Anna at the table.

"How were your morning classes?" Anna asked.

Trinity Term had just resumed and Rowan had a full load. This was her last term at St. Emrys, and then she would hopefully be taken on as a trainee auror at the Ministry of Magic.

"Good, and yours?" Rowan asked.

"Good as well," Anna replied. "Will you be going out tonight?" A lot of the younger co-eds tended to start their weekend a night early. Despite younger than Rowan, Anna was disciplined and frowned at the thought of partying on a school night.

Rowan shook her head. "Date night is tomorrow."

She and Connor were still together. Understandably, he'd been very busy as of late, but he still made time to see Rowan. Now that term had resumed, their opportunities to get together had gotten less, but they were still determined to see each other whenever they could.

Anna arched an eyebrow. "Will you return to the room after your date?"

"Depends on whether he has to work Saturday. He sometimes has to pick up weekend shifts at the last minute."

Anna didn't understand how Rowan could date someone so old, but then she didn't know about Rowan's history or realize that Rowan was theoretically a middle-aged woman herself. She didn't ask anymore questions and instead opened up the textbook at her elbow.

Rowan decided to follow suit and got out one of her own school books. The roommates continued their lunch in companionable silence and then parted ways to attend their afternoon classes.

(Asher) Dinner with Malden
Author: Jolyon 
Date:   04-17-19 17:52

Asher and Malden left the Slytherin common room together and headed for the Great Hall. Once they were within the dining hall, Malden turned to Asher and asked, "Sitting with your girlfriend tonight?"

"She's not my girlfriend," Asher replied, heading for the Slytherin table instead of the Ravenclaw one.

"Why do you say that?" Malden asked. "You visited her over Easter. You met her family. You hang out with her all the time when you're not hanging out with me or the band. You can't tell me you're just friends."

Asher sat down on the bench and answered, "I'll admit that we're not just friends, but we're not really dating either."

"What's the hold up? You're graduating soon and won't get to see her much next year."

Asher shrugged. "I like her a lot, but I'm not sure I want to bring her into this." By this, he meant potential danger and definite dubiousness from his association with Team Delta Echo.

"Well, you can't tell her."

"I know."

"So, I don't see what the problem is."

Asher decided not to point out that being in a secret organization was partly to blame for his twin sister dumping Malden. Instead he said in a hushed tone, "Is there any news about your grandfather?"

Malden shook his head. "I really don't know anything. I wish I did, or that he'll get out, so that we know the whole story when we meet in Hogsmeade next time. Thank Merlin Kilman escaped."

"I'm dying to hear all about it," Asher said. Maurice had sent Malden a very brief and cryptic missive sometime after the raid on the Death Eater headquarters. The note said he was safe and that they would meet in the usual place on the usual weekend.

Too bad there was basically a whole month until the next Hogsmeade trip.

Just A Dream? (Alex)
Author: Plum 
Date:   04-18-19 21:19

With only one class on Fridays, Fitness & Athletics at 1:15, Alex and Dolly, who has no Friday classes, somethings both sleep in and miss breakfast. On such Friday mornings they grab a snack at in the commons and go to lunch as soon as service begins. Today was such a day, Alex and Dolly laughing over some Easter photos her grandmother finally sent that morning.

After they'd finished eating Dolly went off with Becky and Emmie to look at magazines to get ideas for a new hairstyle for Becky to wear tomorrow night on a "date" at dinner with a second year. CJ and Joe invited Alex to kill the time until F&A outside playing gobstones. He considered it but said he'd catch up with them later.

Alex hadn't said but he's had a headache much of the morning. He'd even visited Madam Pomfrey before going to eat but so far the pain hadn't lessened that he could tell. Starting for Hufflepuff House with thoughts of taking a nap Alex instead turned for the nearest staircase. If he'd gotten comfortable in bed he might have had a hard time forcing himself up to go to class. He loves Fitness & Athletics but with the headache he finds himself wishing class was already over.

Pulling out a letter from Plum that had arrived this morning about the same time Dolly got the owl from her grandmother, Alex slowly roams, reading the letter and thinking about what he'll write in reply. At some point he puts the letter back in his pocket but rather than going somewhere to write a reply he continues his meandering, stopping now and then to look at a painting or a sculpture or a suit of armor.

Slowing along one corridor then stopping altogether Alex wonders how he got to this particular stretch of hallway on this particular floor of the castle. He knew he'd been walking around with no particular destination but he had thought he'd been paying better attention. He takes steps from the middle of the hall to one of the doors, stopping before it, another of those weird memories flashing through his mind. That memory is followed by another. And then a third. In each, Alex is with the woman he knows to be his mother and in each they are passing through this doorway.

He knows somehow that this particular doorway leads into the flat where his family lived when his father was a Hogwarts professor. Knowing the door will be locked Alex reaches for the knob anyway, shocked when the knob turns and the door swings open. Alex hovers in the doorway for a few seconds then steps inside, his eyes moving so rapidly to take in the room that pain shoots through his already aching head.

Most of the furnishings are gone but a few items remain. Alex goes over to a loveseat, running a hand over the arm, a memory of sitting here snugged between his mother and Plum while they read him a book together. When he closes his eyes to bring more clarity to the memory, he imagines he can hear Plum's voice but try as he might Alex can't pull from his mind his mother's voice as it must have been. He can only imagine what she sounded like.

Opening his eyes, Alex takes a turn through the rest of the flat, dredging up more scenes he shouldn't be able to recall. He was so young when they lived here. Back in the sitting room he returns to the love seat, easing down to test it out. As he does, he senses movement out of the corner of his eye.

Jumping up, turning towards that movement, a ready excuse for being here on his lips, Alex goes as still as if under the Petrificus Totalus spell. The movement had come from one of the many castle ghosts. She isn't one he'd seen before now yet Alex knows her.


Mary Lancaster's pale lips turn up in a sad, melancholy smile. "My Alex."

"Why... why are you here?"

"I died in this castle."

Alex shakes his head. "No, I mean why are you a ghost?"

She's suddenly inches away, her hands reaching out as if to take him by the shoulders. "I needed to see you. Needed to know my baby was all right."

His own hands involuntarily go up to grasp each of her hands, disappointment surging through him, making his heart hurt as much as his head, that his mother is literally right here yet he can't physically touch her. His eyes are misting over making it hard to see. "I've been here for months, since the first day of term. Why haven't I seen you before now?"

"I thought it would hurt you too much." Mary gives her head a shake. "Or maybe I thought it would hurt me too much to have you see me. I've looked in on you so many times."

"So why today?"

"I don't know. I hadn't meant to reveal myself but suddenly I experienced an odd compulsion."

Alex studies her face, taking in all the details he knows only from photos and from the weird memories he has of living at Hogwarts. He wishes ghosts were in full color so he could know what it's like to look at his mother has she once was.

They stare at each other in silence, Mary longing to be able to stroke her son's cheek, to feel the feathery softness of his hair, Alex wanting more than anything to have just one more hug from her. Swiping at his eyes he says, "You should move on now, Mum. I'm fine and Plum's great. Dad's probably waiting for you." He has a sudden thought. "You know he's gone now too?"

"Yes, my poppet, I know." Alex doesn't know if ghosts can cry but if they can he's certain his mother is about to do just that. She reaches as if to touch his cheek. "I think the compulsion to reveal myself was to let me know it is time for me to move on finally. I love Plum and you, Alex. Always and forever."

"I know. We love you too. Always and forever."

Mary leans towards him and Alex swears he can feel a gentle, ghostly caress of her lips on his forehead and then his cheek. She whispers near his ear, "I will see you again, hopefully many, many years from now. Until then, goodbye, my sweet boy."

Then Mary Lancaster is gone. Alex doesn't move for several minutes, hoping she'll come back yet hoping she has moved on to heaven or wherever one goes in the afterlife. When he does walk to the door and back out into the hall, Alex realizes his head has stopped hurting but his heart feels constricted.

Making his way back through the castle to the ground floor, Alex goes outside. Though he'll be early he walks to where F&A is meeting today, wondering if his being in the flat and having memories of his mother conjured her in his imagination and that seeing her, talking with her was just a dream.

Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   04-19-19 17:28

Lysander worked the front counter at Twice Told Tales while Julian got all the children fed, including Dylan and August, since Astrid was also working. Business was steady for a Friday evening. Lysander rang up the customer in front of him and then proceeded to help the next person in line, when his brother walked in through the front door. Attempting to stay pleasant with the customer he was currently working with, Lysander pretended not to notice his brother until he didn't have a choice.

Liam perused the shelves, picked up a volume or two only to put them back, and then finally walked over to the counter when Lysander was free.

"Can you help me find a book?" Liam asked.

"No 'Hello. How are you?', Liam?" Lysander asked.

"Hello, how are you, can you help me find a book?" Liam asked. "It's for my boss. He's retiring and I want to get him something both intellectual and leisurely."

Lysander suppressed a sigh and stepped out from behind the counter. "Armchair travel, perhaps? Short stories? History-related?"

"All of that sounds fine," Liam replied, following his brother into the stacks.

Dexter suddenly bolted by, followed by Scarlet. Both cats were old, but they were still spry when they felt like it.

Liam turned up his nose at his aunt's cat and asked, "Did you get rid of the house-elf like I suggested?"

"No," Lysander said, "but she's dead now."

"Oh?" Liam asked, his interest peaked. "What happened? Something having to do with the Death Eaters, I presume?"

Lysander looked around, but there weren't any other customers in the store at the moment. Still, he lowered his voice when he asked, "Why would you make that assumption?"

Liam also used a lower tone when he answered, "Because Auntie Synn is in Azkaban for being a Death Eater. I have no doubt in my mind she sent the elf and that cat to you because she thinks you're like-minded. It was probably her go-between, and I'm sure when it wasn't with you, it was with them."

Lysander rolled his eyes. "I can't say I know what Brudha did when she wasn't with me, but I can assure you she wasn't indoctrinating me to join the dark side. Anyway, she was killed while actually doing something good, if you can call helping one of the Weasleys good."

Liam shook his head. "I still say good riddance. Now if you can just get rid of that cat."

"Here," Lysander said, thrusting a few random books into his brother's arms. "One of these ought to be good enough for your soon-to-be ex-boss." He turned on his heel and retreated to the counter, where both cats were now perched. Their tails were swishing in agitation from side to side, and their eyes were fixed on the window.

Lysander followed their gazes and saw a jet black raven staring at him from the narrow window ledge. Liam, bringing only one of the books with him to the counter, saw the raven and groaned.

"Tell me that's not…?"

"It's just a bird," Lysander replied. "Ravens are common here."

Liam looked dubious and threw some coins onto the counter. "Best you let the cats out to kill it, just in case." He left then without a goodbye.

The cats knew they couldn't go outside and didn't jump off the counter to try and follow Liam out the door. Instead they yammered at the raven, who continued to stare into the store right at Lysander.

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