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The English Girl
Author: Mildred 
Date:   12-13-12 06:35

Mildred was in her bedroom, writing an essay about the properties of chamomile for her Botany class. Everything in the subject was similar to Herbology although The Salem Witches' Institute only had a small greenhouse, compared to the wide ones located at Hogwarts. Professor Billie Frost believed that the best approach to deal with plants was to learn their physiognomy and properties very well and only then to be able to enter in contact with them.

It had been three weeks since she started her school year at Salem and yet Mildred still felt as if she didn't belong there. She had been placed on the second year and so all her classroom colleagues, where one year younger than her. Mildred felt misplaced there but when she gained the courage to try and make some friends with the third years she noticed they considered her part of the second year's group since she didn't have classes with them and while they took several electives she had to stick with the core programs. They had nothing in common with her, except the age.

Mildred quickly turned back to her classmates, only to figure out they were very attached to each other's and they didn't seem to want to open accept her among them. Soon, she found herself spending her breaks on her own, usually sitting at one of the corridors' benches having a book as company. Most of the times she would wonder what were her friends at Hogwarts doing at that moment and she could not help to miss them.

Due to her accent she was known as the 'English Girl' and once people started to find out she had attended Hogwarts she could not help to avoid some hatred looks here and there. It seemed that not a single student had forgotten the day Hogwarts had beat their school's Quidditch team. And it also seemed like they kept wanting to remind that Mildred all the time. She was hoping she would find a friend in Noah, who would see past her age difference and her origin and would be able to remind himself they were somewhat part of the same family. However, the boy treated her with cold indifference and soon Mildred learned not to seek his company.

Like she had done in the past she had lied to her father and wrote about how she enjoyed her new life in America. Mildred didn't want to upset him or her aunt. And that was why she would always arrive home in a good mood, pretending she had a lot of fun during the Health & Fitness class, when actually she was the last one to be picked even thought she knew she was not the worst player.

Her friends would write to her but not very frequently since they were busy with their classes at Hogwarts. Achilles wrote about the Quidditch tryouts and Queenie mentioned a duel with some annoying members from the Slytherin house right on the first day they arrived to the castle. She complained about Professor Snape. Amelia was kind and asked her all about Salem and wondering if there wouldn't be possible for Mildred to visit them all, during one of the weekends where everyone could enter the castle. Melpomene also showed curiosity about her new school, and she was actually excited with the idea of learning Mathematics, a thought that terrorized Mildred. She had seen the older students with their Calculus and Algebra books and she really wasn't eager to give those subjects a try.

Mildred finished her Botany essay and after making sure the ink on the scroll was dry she put it aside. She had no troubles with most of the subjects she was taking. In fact most of the topics she had already learned at Hogwarts and her easiness to perform the charms and spells in class made her earn the teachers' admiration and her colleagues' jealousy.

Lately she had tried not to show her skills in front of everyone in order to be accepted by her peers. Her teachers would ask her the motive she could not perform such a spell if last week she had no troubles with an easier one and that only made her classmates to laugh at her, victorious. She didn't know what was worse: show her knowledge or pretend she wasn't a good student.

She then opened her Transfiguration book. She also had an essay due to Monday for that subject. A half dry purple flower fell from one of the pages and Mildred couldn't avoid smiling when she picked it up. It has been given to her only friend at the school, the caretaker, known as Joseph.

Joseph had noticed Mildred sadly wondering around the Salem's desert corridors while everyone was outside enjoying the good wheatear. He asked what her name was and then he said she made him think about a ghost who had her name and wondered also in a school. She quickly thought about Hogwarts and asked if he had attended the school. For Mildred surprise he nodded. She had thought Joseph to be American because there was not much left of his accent. But he had been working at Salem for years now and he said he got used to speak like the others did. Mildred hoped that never would happen to her.

Whenever he wasn't working Joseph would sit next to Mildred and they would talk. Most of the times, they chat about Hogwarts. He would ask her about the current teachers, or tell her about his days at the school. He had also been a Gryffindor and Mildred told him about what happened with her friends and the Slytherins during the start of the term feast and Joseph offered to teach her some jinxes she could then tell her friends so they could teach a lesson to that group. He would also encourage Mildred to make friends around the school but so far he didn't have any success with that. He kept assuring her that one day they will see more than her than the English girl they thought she was. That made her smile, grateful.

The other day she was leaving the school when Joseph ,who was attending the garden, offered her the flower she put in her book. Mildred totally forgot about it until now. After contemplating the flower for another moment she put it aside and started working on her Transfiguration essay feeling in a much better mood.

An Interesting Coincidence - Parkinson Court
Author: Kirley Mockridge 
Date:   12-13-12 07:26

Since Kirley was more comfortable with it, he offered to Side-Along Apparate Cassandra to Parkinson Court, the seat of the Parkinson family, currently headed by their cousin, Arsenius. It was his daughter attending Hogwarts with Valeria. All of that was explained as they headed back out of the Castle to a safe Apparition point. They appeared with a couple of pop sounds on the manicured grounds.

"Careful," Kirley said. "We should be safe enough, being family and a guest, but I don't know if Arsenius has added any new pets. Or disposed of any of the old ones."

Nephele wrinkled her nose. "Oh, stop it Kirley. You know the only pets Arsenius would keep with Petula living here are his precious black swans." A flock of them wandered around the lake.

Cassandra removed her hand from Kirley's arm and gave a cool smile as she eyed them. "Oh, look," she said sardonically. "Lunch."

Kirley shook his head as Nephele snorted. "Careful. Arsenius is nuts about the stupid birds. I'd hate to make him grumpy," the blonde murmured.

"Don't they just make you think of medieval banquets though?" Cass said. She caught Nephele's eye and her lips twitched. "Alright, alright, no eating the birds. Which way to the books?"

Nephele grinned and started to walk, Kirley stepping to the rear to keep an eye out for any other odd pets. You never knew, particularly with some families, just what sort of pets they had roaming the grounds. When they reached the door, it squeaked open, a house-elf in an elaborately edged towel-toga bowing. "Miss Nephele, Mister Kirley, welcome. Master is in his study."

Cassandra's face had assumed the bland mask she wore when dealing with customers; polite and yet uninformative. She waited for Nephele to respond, aware of Kirley standing just behind them. His presence where she couldn't see him and keep a proper eye on him made her shoulderblades itch.

Kirley stepped up beside Cassandra and nodded at the house elf as Nephele dismissed the creature and headed for the door she knew led to Arsenius' study. Knocking softly, she leaned in when bid enter. "Hello, Cousin. Is it alright if Kirley, myself and our friend, Cassandra Catesby, take a look at the old family journals? We're researching an old curse."

"Sure. You know you are welcome to use the library here anytime. Give Aunt Cloris my best, and have her send me a list of the books she sent the girls? I would hate to have too many duplicates," Arsenius answered.

"I will. I'll send you copies of what we are sending as well," Nephele promised. She came back out of the study, closing the door behind her. "The library is this way."

Cassandra nodded in acknowledgement, casting a wary glance at Kirley out of the corner of her eye. Her gaze slid back to Nephele.

"Lead the way," she said.

Nephele nodded and Kirley stayed near Cass' side. There was less danger from sneaky pets now that they were indoors. When they reached the main library, they walked in and then went to a side door. "This is the family journals section," Nephele said. "I spent a lot of time here when we would visit as children."

"And not in the potions section? What is the world coming too?" her friend said wryly.

"There are a number of old, unique potions in the journals. It's where the potions fascination started," Nephele said, opening the door and stepping inside. "They're in chronological order, so I think we'd need to be about here," she said, heading for the shelf and reading the name inscribed on the cover.

Cassandra walked over to join her. "Philantha Parkinson," she read aloud. "This is why you wanted to come here, isn't it?"

"Yes. If I remember correctly, Philantha never did get over the wizard who played her false. His name and the name of the other woman were never written in here, but there was a note about a particular habit Philantha had with her curses. As well as notes about her arranged marriage."

"You think Philantha cursed Avelina because she married Everard?" Cassandra considered this. "Having met Pansy, I have to agree it's not outside the realms of possibility."

"No, and knowing Pansy, as well as Mother and Valeria, it's distinctly possible. I tried to balance that side of Valeria's personality as best I could, but she's definitely got a temper. I don't have to worry about her being taken in by some Gryffindor's lies and needing a rescue from Professor Snape, since she doesn't have any brothers to do it for her," Nephele said, shooting a glance at Kirley.

Cassandra touched her hand gently. "I'm sure Valeria can rescue herself," she murmured, "and you mentioned that Petula was also at Hogwarts this year."

Nephele nodded. "Along with Anton Avery. The three of them will look out for each other, I think. Valeria and Anton were thrown together at events Mother threw a few times, but Kirley put a stop to it when he thought Mother was trying to make a match while they were so young."

Kirley snorted. "They weren't even ten yet. It's not that I'd object, just that I want it to be Valeria's choice, not something we decide for her. Just like I won't let Mother make matches for the rest of us, though I'm surprised she's not contacted her old roommate to throw you and Pip together more often, Neph."

"Bite your tongue," his twin retorted.

Midnight-blue eyes gleamed with a mixture of interest and amusement. "Pip?" Cassandra said with suspicious innocence.

"Peregrinus Hartcrofte. His mother was in Mother's year at Hogwarts, also in Slytherin. We met when Kirley asked him, along with the rest of the Blackguard, to help keep an eye on things on that fundraiser Mother held over the summer, for the orphans from Smythe-Jones' regime," Nephele explained.

"At least it's something for you to consider instead of indulging in your crush that you won't act on," Kirley said with a shrug. He wasn't sure if Cassandra knew about Nephele's long-term fascination with their former professor, but he would be surprised if she didn't.

"You didn't indulge in any unrequited passions?" Cassandra asked him mildly, deliberately deflecting attention away from her friend. In her own way, she was as protective of those she cared about as Nephele was.

Kirley grinned. "Perhaps. Just none as long-term as Nephele's. At least that I'll admit to."

Her lips twitched. "One day we shall have to dig out all the embarrassing details," she murmured.

She glanced back towards his sister. "Do we have everything we came for?" she asked.

Nephele nodded, clutching the journal to her chest. "Yes. I'll let Arsenius know we're taking this one. Perhaps there will be something in here about how to undo this particular curse."

Cassandra nodded. Given everything, she was too afraid to hope. "Perhaps," she said quietly. It did no harm to let her friend try.

"Even if we know the other side of the story, it might tell us what was used in the curse, more information is never a bad thing," Kirley said as Nephele took the book and headed to Arsenius' study.

Checking Out the Clubs
Author: Valeria Mockridge 
Date:   12-13-12 17:18

Valeria wrinkled her nose as she spotted the list of clubs available. "None of these are catching my interest," she pouted. "Even the Dueling Club would probably be too tame."

Petula shook her head. "You are too predictable. If only people knew that under all that sweetness and light lurked a bloodthirsty little witch."

Anton trudged behind the girls, rolling his eyes. "Why do we even need to join a club? I really don't reckon I fancy joining Hogwarts Harmonies, or anything like that."

"We don't have to, but we might as well see what's on offer," Petula said with a shrug.

"I wish Professor Snape had a club. That wouldn't be boring or pointless," Valeria muttered under her breath, trusting her two friends to hear but not wanting to outright insult the other Professors and adults around.

"I couldn't even imagine Snape having a club," Anton added. "He's not exactly friendly, is he?"

"I could see it if he got to pick his students," Petula said thoughtfully, "but I can't see what they would do."

"He's not overly friendly, but he does command respect, which is a good thing in a teacher," Valeria said. "And Aunt Nephele says that he's a good man, if a bit brusque. He was her favorite teacher during her time here, and she still writes to him about her experimental potions."

Anton laughed. "I think I know who's going to be Teacher's Pet when she starts fifth year..."

"If so, it won't be because of Aunt Nephele but because I get the material and do good work," Valeria retorted.

"Wasn't saying you would," said Anton, grinning. "Don't need to start mouthing your favourite jinxes yet, Val."

"Least I hadn't started practicing the motions yet," she teased, her easy smile returning.

Anton glanced around the Great Hall, his eyes flitting from stand to stand. "And just maybe if you moan enough, Snape'll create a club just for you," he teased back.

"Oh, please, as if you two wouldn't want to be right there too," she drawled.

Petula shook her head. "It would probably be more interesting than Gobstones. And less smelly too."

"Potions can be smelly," Anton added. "Though a great deal less so than a gaggle of Mudbloods."

"Potions aren't that bad, at least they don't cling like some of the animal scents on the older students," Valeria said with another wrinkle of her nose.

Anton grimaced. "Ugh, the perfume all those fifth year girls are wearing...I hate to think what Valentine's Day will be like."

"At least the Slytherins, for the most part, aren't as bad. Most of them know that a little goes a long way," Petula said, her nose scrunching up at the thought of the aromatic overload that walking through the halls could be.

"That and most of us know not to accept anything that's so Muggle and tacky," Valeria added. "Most anyway."

"There's plenty of Wizarding perfumes that are downright nasty. Mum uses one called 'Blue Enchantress' that she gets from that awful, powdered old witch at Diagon Alley." Anton wrinkled his nose.

"Grandmother used to go to her. Until she stopped carrying her favorite scent, 'Viridian Vengeance.' Now she has Aunt Nephele brewing her cosmetic potions, at least the ones she doesn't brew herself," Valeria said, trying not to giggle at the way Anton wrinkled his nose. It was actually rather cute, not that she'd admit that to anyone, it was hard enough to acknowledge that she'd thought it.

"Maybe your aunt should brew a perfume for you...'Jinxy Minx' might work." He grinned. "Or perhaps...'Sugar and Spice, though Sometimes Not-So-Nice."

Valeria grinned. "Please, I could brew my own. Aunt Nephele and Grandmother both taught me enough to do that."

"Then I expect it will be lethal," Anton quipped, making sure to place Petula between himself and Valeria.

The blonde smirked, amusement in her eyes as she looked at her friends. "Should we go? I don't think we're going to find anything here that we really want to do," she asked.

"Let's go back to the Common Room," the curly-haired boy suggested. "I'm sure you two are eager to concoct a plan to convince Snape to form a club for you."

Do Nothing
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   12-13-12 19:06

Marjani sits in the chair Viktor has at his Athletics Club table, a half read letter from one of her friends at Okapi École de Sorcellerie clutched in one hand. It's only half read because while Viktor was taking a break for a few minutes Marjani was watching over things, which meant answering questions should anyone approach to find out more about Athletics Club. Now that he's back, she's taken over the chair with the thought of finishing the letter.

That was the plan anyway. So far since sitting down Marjani has been distracted by Zuberi who is not so patiently waiting for Olive to meet him. He at least stops his pacing in search of any sign of her and plops down at Marjani's feet. She flutters the letter at him. "Shoki says hello."

"Tell her hello back when you write."

"I'm not sure that's wise."

"Why not?"

"She's boyfriendless again and has decided she made a mistake breaking up with you."

"We had lunch together once and a day or two later she decided to be exclusive with someone else. How exactly did we have a break up when there was never anything other than that one meal; which by the way, four others ate with us."

"You know how Shoki can be dramatic and always exaggerates when it comes to dating. Anyway, she also says she's going to write you. If you write back, be careful about what you say so she doesn't get any ideas you're available."

"Thanks for the warning. There's Olive finally. Want to come around with us?"

"Thanks but I think I'll just sit here awhile."

Viktor, free of a first year who'd had a long list of questions for him, turns at her words. "You should take a turn around the Great Hall, Marjani."

"Maybe I will later, but really, I think I'm just sticking with the clubs I've been in and am not going to consider anything else. Seventh year is going to be full enough as it is."

Zuberi shrugs. "Suit yourself."

After Olive says hello and they've exchange a few words, Zuberi and she walk away hand-in-hand. Viktor lightly frowns at Marjani before having to turn to greet another student interested in Athletics Club. Marjani takes the time to read more of Shoki's letter. After a minute or two she feels eyes on her and looks up to see Viktor frowning at her again. "What?"

"Even if you aren't interested in seeing what all the clubs have to offer, you could be doing something else."

Pointing up to the enchanted ceiling she replies, "It's not a very good day to be outside. I have all my homework done. This early in the term I don't want to spend most of my Saturday studying. Most of my friends are walking around checking out the clubs and those that aren't here are likely taking advantage of a perfect morning to sleep in late or to be lazy. I can sit here and help you out as needed or I'll go back to my dorm and snuggle down in my bed for an hour or two."

"You're allowed to have fun, Marjani."

"I know. I wouldn't have tried out for Quidditch again if I had no interest in fun and I wouldn't ever spend time with any of my friends. It's just," Marjani sighs, "some days I miss her more. Some days I miss them all so much I just want to sit and do nothing. Would you prefer I sit and do nothing curled up in my bed for a few hours or sit here doing nothing except when you need help, such as when you want to take a break again?"

Viktor lifts his hands in surrender. "I won't say another word about it. Now, as long as you have no other plans, please make yourself useful and get me a refill of coffee?"

Marjani goodnaturedly makes a face at him before taking his nearly empty coffee mug for that refill. As long as she's going to be at the drink and food table, she might as well also get Viktor a snack, which he will be only too happy to share with her.

(Phryne) A Cuckoo in the Attic
Author: Phyllida 
Date:   12-14-12 05:35

The red-haired wraith trod slowly up the narrow, groaning stair, trailing the ragged, wispy hem of her mothy velvet robe. The brittle hair that had been coiffed carefully into a padded pompadour was frayed; the unravelled tips were still that brassy red that, in Phryne Grimshaw's youth, had been much admired on certain Venetian witches. Now, she might be withered before her time; she had given up caring for her own appearance many years ago, while her spineless gander of a husband continued to primp and preen his dandied good-looks; but she had not lost all pride – once, she had truly been a beauty; Rabanus Grimshaw's only, flame-haired daughter, with ice in her gaze.

And now, in her heart.

She clutched the letter from her daughter; her red lips smiled. They were not ruined, she'd assured her, with the tender concern of an innocent child; she was going to save her father. Filial devotion, Phryne Grimshaw thought with a taut smirk, seemed to run in their line. Phyllida may have been senselessly devoted to her feckless sprig of a father, but of either parent, it was her mother she'd taken after the most. Her unflinching pride, her cold beauty – anybody who had known Phryne in her youth would have said that her child was of the same mettle. Her singular focus and hard-minded determination – those were the traits that she had inherited from her mother.

It was that wretched misbegot that had taken after him. Her name is Ferne, he said, my sister's child. How sad, what a terrible family secret, this daughter of a squib, what ever shall we do with her? No, he insisted, I could not envisage casting her out – tainted or not, she is still my flesh-and-blood.

As if his clever, perceptive wife had not known the great, unnatural secret behind this wailing, red-haired infant's sudden appearance. She knew of the existence of the attic at Black Friar's – even though Phryne had grown up at Endhope, the house in Exmoor. She was already a part of the family; she knew its secrets as intricately as she knew the patterns of the French wand-lace in her collar. Newly married, with a girl of her own, the same age as the Wretch, she had no choice but to accept the abominable cuckoo. She had enough gall yet to ask her husband, who was the Wretch's father? His name is Scrivener, he said.

Her skin crawled every time she saw the precise tint of Phineus' auburn hair in the Wretch's plait, or the weak snip of his nose in hers. She was her husband's unholy mirror.

She had arrived at the top of the stairs – a short gallery loomed before her. The house-elves were forbidden to clean here; the ebony profiles on the walls were powdered in the dust of centuries; as the house decayed, the ceiling plaster crumbled, leaving smatterings of chalky white crumbs on the raw boards.

The attic was a door in the far wall. It appeared to be the only thing in the house that was brand-new; its hinges were clean and well-oiled, the red lacquer seemed not a day old. It was a solid, handsome door, with a polished, brass knob and a single keyhole that winked as black as eternity.

She approached the door, the gravity in her steps mounting with each stride. For the first time in her arduous existence, she felt truly powerful. The corners of her mouth curled up as she pressed herself against the door, laying her ear on the cool lacquer.

The words of her daughter's letter suddenly came to mind.

How is Ferne, Mama? she had written. I hope she is not bored to death.

"I don't think she could be anything but, my pet," answered Phryne, aloud. The teeth of her grin gleamed coldly in the half-dark.

(Caleb) Picking a Club
Author: Celeste Quigley 
Date:   12-14-12 06:19

Caleb was waiting for Sophie at the entrance of the Great Hall so they could check out together the booths specially installed for the Club Day. He was not alone: Ector Newland had followed him from the Ravenclaw tower but instead of talking about the possible clubs he might consider to join he was complaining about their colleague Aderyn Carter. Caleb knew he was jealous she had made the Quidditch team when Ector didn't. He too couldn't help to feel bad at first with this. Aderyn must have been really good at the try outs, since it was rare for first years to play in the school's teams.

"Look at her physical constitution, how can she held a bat with those little arms? Maybe she cheated during the try outs. Probably she drank a potion that gave her some strength. I bet one of her older siblings brewed it for her. .."

In a way Caleb knew Ector was right. It seemed odd than an eleven year old girl would play as a beater but sometimes people were born with a natural talent that made them exceptional. Of course he wanted to be that student as well, and he wished to be in Aderyn's place right now. She would get to know the other players, have a chance to compete directly with the other houses.

But he wasn't feeling desperate as Ector. This was just the first of many years at the school and although he did not make the team this year that didn't mean he would never be part of it. Now he should just move on and not dwell about something he couldn't change. Besides it was of no use to be against poor Aderyn: she was representing their house and he knew she would do the best she could not to fail them all.

"Hey," Sophie greeted with a smile as she had just arrived from the Hufflepuff common room. "Shall we enter?"

Caleb nodded and asked Ector the same question. He said he was waiting for someone else and Caleb just hoped he wasn't planning on trying to jinx Aderyn in order to take her place in the Quidditch team. He walked with Sophie into the Great Hall, where a lot of students were already gathered around the varied booths.

"Was there something wrong with your friend?"

"Ector is upset because a girl from our year made the Quidditch team and he thinks he would do a better job than her."

"What girl?"

"Aderyn Carter. She's the one who speaks Japanese and Russian. "

"Oh, yes, I know who she is. I thought she was lying when she said she could speak all those languages until she proved it. And now she made the team? Apparently she is very talented, huh?"

"I guess," Caleb replied shrugging his shoulders.

Aderyn and her talents were quickly forgotten at the sight of the Gobstones Clubs. Sophie and Caleb approached it right on the moment a third Gryffindor student was being splashed by the smelly liquid in his face. The two of them laughed and Professor Black quickly passed a towel to the student, and used his wand to attenuate the pestilent smell around his booth.

"Anyone else would like to give it a try?" he dared to all of those who were laughing.

None of the two friends volunteered and after they saw an older girl giving it a try and being successful they walked away. Caleb spotted his aunt sponsoring the Art Society club and he went to greet her but he refused politely to sign up for it. He was glad she didn't insist with him to do so. When he looked around he couldn't spot Sophie anywhere but moments later she reappeared with a smile on her face declaring she had just signed up for the Drama Club. Caleb, who didn't thought acting on a play was his thing, ended up joining the Book Group ran by the school's librarian Miss Bramble.

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