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Burying Himself in Work (#68 Knockturn Alley)
Author: Blaise Zabini 
Date:   06-12-13 16:39

Blaise sipped at his firewhiskey as he studied the wrapped package on his desk. It had been sitting there since Christmas, when he'd told his elf not to send it on to Pansy. It was almost tradition that he sent her gift late, from their Hogwarts days when he'd wait until the first Hogsmeade trip after they got back from break to buy her whatever she happened to point out. After they'd left Hogwarts, he'd deliberately kept up the tradition, sometimes waiting to see if she even noticed he'd not yet sent the gift but even then, he'd always sent it before this time of year.

They hadn't really talked much, though he knew she was on holiday again. She'd been home very briefly since they had their disagreement while searching for clues with Phyllida, and he knew that meant she was avoiding the truth. It made him antsy because he wanted to quit playing games when it came to the two of them. It wasn't an easy decision, to let down that last little bit of his guard down when it came to her, and her disbelief had hurt, but he knew she'd come around, eventually. At least he hoped so.

Putting the gift aside, he pulled over some paperwork, checking on the update Roger Bexley had sent him of the investigation into Horace Slughorn's disappearance. Nephele Mockridge was no longer considered a suspect, not that Bex himself had ever suspected her, but she was still a key witness in the case and so Blaise stayed involved, at least in the sense of knowing what was going on.

After a few hours of going through his paperwork, his desk was mostly cleared off. All of his files were up to date, his inbox clear and his outbox neatly prepared for his house elf to handle. A glance at the clock showed that it was certainly an acceptable hour to get out of the office and with a quick flick of his wand, he moved Pansy's gift, with no note besides her name in his handwriting, to his outbox, knowing it would be delivered before he came in in the morning. With a slight turn, he disappeared, the normally distinct pop of apparition subdued and subtle as he headed to his ancestral estates.

Doubts and Assurances
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   06-12-13 18:12

"Have you heard anything yet?"

Rowan turned away from Beatrix, with whom she'd been walking from booth to booth in the Great Hall, and saw Willow standing beside her. She turned to Beatrix again, who gave a slight nod and then walked away to another table to give the sisters a little bit of privacy.

Rowan gestured for Willow to walk with her to the edge of the Great Hall, where it was less crowded, though there were other individuals and groups lounging here and there against the wall.

"Only that nothing has changed," Rowan finally replied. She sighed and sat cross-legged on the floor. Willow followed suit, seating herself opposite her older sister.

"But it is really him?" Willow asked, a twinge of desperation evident in her voice.

"I swear it," said Rowan. "I carried you around for ages, so I knew the pattern on the doll."

"You said it wasn't exactly the same, though."

"But it matched, and I'm not just talking about the color scheme. I bet all of us looked a little different, but alike enough to fit together like nesting doll sets do."

Willow didn't look convinced. "What if it's not him?"

Rowan sighed. "I'm telling you, it is him, and they're going to make him a real boy again unless he makes the change for himself like Dad and I did."

"Do you think I would have changed on my own if they hadn't figured it out for me?" asked Willow.

Rowan shrugged. "Probably in time. I think the curse is wearing off bit by bit. Then again, you are a bit slow…"

"Hey!" For the first time since she initiated the conversation, Willow smiled.

Rowan laughed. "See, that's better."

Willow's smile faltered a tiny bit. "Do you think he'll start at Hogwarts when he's himself again?"

Rowan shook her head. "It's late in the school year, so I very much doubt it. But there's always next year." She didn't point out that it depended on when the curse broke, if it did at all, but she felt confident that her brother would become human again, just like she and Willow and their father had.

"Do you think it's lucky we're all finding our lives again?" Willow asked.

"Yes, very lucky," Rowan said. "4 out of 5 is better odds than I ever could have imagined."

"I hope we find Mum too."

"Me too."

The girls sat in silence for a moment, listening to the hum of conversation around them. Finally, they got up and migrated back to the tables where professors and some students talked about the various courses taught at Hogwarts. Rowan found Beatrix, and Willow tagged along until she found Amorica.

Offer Of A Break
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   06-12-13 19:00

The Fitness & Athletics table free of traffic for the moment, Viktor sits with a recently released biography on early Bulgarian Quidditch player Benesj Dragov. The wizard athlete led a very interesting life both on the pitch and off, enough so that Viktor is surprised no one ever thought to write a book about Dragov before this one. Or, perhaps someone did but it wasn't widely marketed. Viktor had been going to get a copy in Bulgarian but ended up going with the English translation because both Marjani and Zuberi expressed an interest in reading it as well.

Sensing rather than hearing or seeing someone approach Viktor looks up, ready to greet another student. His smile instead goes to Zuberi, who has a thick NEWT prep book in one hand. The teen has been a much better student for awhile now but he's become downright dedicated ever since deciding on a career path.

"I came to see if you wanted me to relieve you so you could get a snack or take a long break or whatever you might want to do or if you just want me to bring you something."

"I could actually use a little break," Viktor replies, standing and stretching. "Do you mind fifteen minutes?"

"Take twenty if you want."

Viktor taps a small stack of parchment. "Possible units to be covered starting in the fall. All years are listed. Do not be surprised if you get ask whether any positions on the Quidditch teams are opening." With two changes this school year on the Gryffindor team, Viktor has been getting questioned periodically by students who had hoped to make a team last fall.

Zuberi nods, settling into Viktor's recently vacated chair, opening the NEWT prep book to a section on Transfiguration, though he also has an eye out for Olive who said she might check out Course Day after putting the finishing touches on a paper for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

(Wicklow Castle) Brother Dearest
Author: Wisteria Carew 
Date:   06-12-13 19:59

She delicately lifted the small tea cup to her lips, taking in the scent of a lovely herbal tea, brewed to perfection in the McCray fashion. There were only a few customs Wisteria brought to her marriage, and her family's delectable tea was one of them. The recipe had been in the family for generations, along with a lovely tea set of ivory. The set was her favourite heirloom and the tea was her favourite drink. If she was going to dedicate her familial duties to another family, she was certainly going to ensure her comfort. She placed the tea cup down and reached for a biscuit, also a McCray recipe. "One day you'll learn the secret, too." She said to Philippa, with a slight laughter.

The youngest Carew smiled. "Why can't I learn it now, Mamma? I'll keep the secret. I swear!"

"I don't doubt that." She tapped her daughter's hand. "You'll learn it soon enough." The parlour's door opened to reveal her brother. She was genuinely shocked, as she hadn't seen him in twenty-eight years. Something must have happened. "Little Heart, why don't you go help Granny in the gardens?" She waited for her youngest to bound off before addressing Ailbe McCray. "Brother Dearest please take a seat."

He took Philippa's seat, looking at his sister with a mouth half open and eyes of sorrow. He wanted to say something but couldn't get the words out. She was about to say something instead, when he gained up his courage. "You weren't at the funeral. It would have been nice for some support from my only sister."

Her face grew stern in annoyance. She took a sip of tea, before responding. "I was in Rome, excavating. Besides I never liked that woman. It would have been rude to attend. She didn't deserve a bloody thing, and yet you continuously swooned all over her!"

"Wisteria!" He scolded her as though she were his daughter. "I loved her!"

"And yet, shortly after your marriage, she went to our enemy's bed and had his child." She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. She was furious with her brother, had been since he forgave Cleona. But there was no point in drugging up past events. Her lips a thin line, she continued. "Why are you here, Brother Dearest?"

Ailbe's hands shook as he poured himself a cup of tea. He took a sip still shaking. He had the look of death on his pale cheeks. "I'm going to end it, Teri. Once and for all, I'm going to end it."

She reached for his arm. It would be pointless to convince him otherwise – when a McCray had a mind to do something there was no stopping them. "Well, just make it quick."

"You're mad. Absolutely mad." He responded, quietly. He looked to her with dead eyes, his usual optimistic demeanor now expelled from his body. His eyes moved to a small, red bundle on the table.

She took another sip of tea. "If I'm mad, you're absolutely insane. We are from the same stock after all." She picked up the bundle, reaching in the red bundle. She pulled out an ancient black book and handed it to Ailbe for his inspection. "I found it in Rome, still well preserved. It is written in a runic dialect that I've never come across. I assume it was created by the yet nameless owner to protect their work. The pictures look like they've been experimenting with the dark arts."

"This is very unusual indeed." He placed it down and took a biscuit. "Have you told anyone else about its existence?"

"And possibly push it into our enemies' hands? Of course not! Not even George knows about it." She took a sip of tea. "The best part is page seventy-three."

Ailbe put down the biscuit. Opening the book to page seventy-three, a small folded piece of parchment tumbled out. He opened it, his mouth parting in shock. For a brief moment his depressed look dispersed, and his old childish demeanor of curiosity showed. "Dear Merlin!" He exclaimed. "What does a drawing of Torhousekie have to do with the dark arts?"

"My question exactly." She replied. "I'm going to the site in July, after some research on the book in question."

He sighed and took a sip of tea. "That brings me to another matter." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, handing it to her. "In case something happens to me, you'll need your key back. Roisin will need guidance, and I fear I won't be able to."

Wisteria was silent for a while. She had yet to meet her niece, due to her and Ailbe's falling out. "Is she anything like Freddie?"

"The spitting image and she had his personality as well." He lifted a biscuit to his lips. "She won't be safe with me, at least until this is over." He paused, but not long enough to let her respond. "And if something does happen…"

She cut him off. "Nothing will happen," she said sharply. "You think too lowly of yourself, Brother Dearest. The McCrays do not fall easily."

A Bad Reputation
Author: Josie 
Date:   06-13-13 06:34

It was my first course day at Hogwarts and I could not help to hide the satisfaction when I noticed that many were the students interested in the subject I taught.

But I knew not everyone was going to take Alchemy next year. Some would not want to have an extra subject that would give them more work, while others would not have the required grades on their OWLs to take Alchemy. I had spoken with Minerva and she agreed that to take Alchemy the students must have an Exceeds Expectations in Potions, Charms and Herbology in their OWLs.

"It is a complex subject," I explained to Demetrius Whitmore from Hufflepuff who had inquired me about the required OWLs to take my class. "You will need the knowledge you have learned at Herbology and Potions. And also Charms. Alchemy rarely needs wand using, but when it does it's important to dominate some important spells."

"I understand. Thank you, Professor."

"You are welcome," I replied with a smile.

After Demetrius, I received the visit of a fourth year student from Slytherin named Lucy Lehane and her friends. Lucy asked me about the security of the Alchemy classroom, informing me that her parents considered the study of such subject to be very dangerous. She also wanted to know how many students have been injured so far.

I tried to be as kind as possible, explaining to her that everything learned in my class and all the experiments done were considered safe. But Lucy did not believe me. Something told me it has been Rita Skeeter's article about my person that made her doubt me.

Miss Skeeter had written about my desire to create a new philosopher stone and how I was at Hogwarts in search for Dumbledore's missing notes on the subject and that teaching Alchemy to the students was just a cover. She also declared that I made the students to do alchemical experiences for me that were very dangerous and that I ordered them to spend hours at the school's library to collect information about the philosopher stone.

I was called to the Headmistress' office and Minerva assured me she didn't believe in any of Skeeter's words and that she was very satisfied with my work at the school.

It was very unfortunate the way the reporter was running Hogwarts' reputation. There were some parents who believed in Rita and there were rumors they might want their children to study somewhere else next year. Some students, specially the younger ones, were also very influenceable by Rita Skeeter's words and they believed everything she written because of course they assumed what was written in a newspaper like The Daily Prophet was true. It was a shame the newspaper had agreed to publish Rita's articles.

Lucy and her friends left and then I spoke with a sixth year student who was thinking in taking the class next year and he wanted more information about the program and the needed material.

Decisions, Decisions (Amorica)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   06-13-13 19:33

Bottle of lemon flavored water in one hand, Amorica sits cross legged on the floor, back to one wall. "I don't think I can pick just two."

On the floor next to her Willow Westwick nods in agreement. "At least we have some time before we have to turn anything in."

"I wouldn't mind being able to drop a class or two and take more of the electives."

"Let me guess. Astronomy would be one of those."

"What can I say? Late night classes aren't my thing."

Willow sniggers, "Neither are early morning ones."

"Mornings wouldn't be so bad if they started later." Amorica takes a drink of her water then says, "I sort of want to take Muggle Studies but at the same time, I'm exposed to so much of that anyway because of Aaron being one of the Wenlocks and during summer and holidays Saffron and he often have parties at Cloud's Kiss."

"So take something else and just be in Muggle Studies Club."

"Yeah, I've thought about that too."

"Explain something to me. How exactly are you and Professor Miller related?"

"Aaron's father, Peyton was born Alastor Wenlock. He and my granddad Cedric are brothers."

"Why did Professor Miller's dad change his name? Or is that too nosy?"

Amorica shrugs. "It's no secret. Uncle Peyton is a squib. He had a lot of anger growing up in a family of purebloods in which everyone else could do magic. One day he up and left. Moved to America, changed his name, got a job that he did really well with. Made lots of money and married someone, Aunt Frannie, with lots of money. He never said anything to his wife or kids - Aaron has a sister called Natalie. When letters came for each of them from whatever school they would have gone to, he wrote the school that they had made other arrangements. It wasn't until both Aaron and Natalie were grown-ups, Natalie already married and a mum, that they found out why strange things sometimes went on around them. They both caught up really fast, or so everyone says. I wish I learned that fast so I could be done with school already."

"And then what would you do?"

"Sleep as long as I want in the mornings and stay up late, but not studying anything. I think I'd want to live somewhere Muggle so I could have a telly and a computer."

Willow had come with Amorica a few times to Muggle Studies Club to have an idea of what those things were so Amorica didn't have to try and explain with they are. She's glad of that because she's not exactly sure how she would explain either to someone who'd never heard of or even seen pictures of televisions and computers.

Both girls drink more of their flavored waters, watching the activity going on around the Great Hall. After several more minutes they decide to visit each of the extracurriculars booths in hopes of being able to narrow down their choices to turn in by deadline, which is luckily still weeks from now.

Friends Don't Always Do Things Together
Author: Saffron 
Date:   06-14-13 18:06

Course Day is nearly over and Marion DeMarco is no closer to knowing which two electives she'll take third year. At least Fitness & Athletics doesn't count as one of those two. If if did, Marion isn't sure what she'd do. She enjoys F&A most of the time and wouldn't want to have to contemplate giving it up for another course. She thinks she's leaning towards Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures. At the same time she wonders if Aunt Saffron's feelings will be hurt if Marion doesn't take Arithmancy & Divination. There's also the fact that Ancient Runes seems interesting and Professor Hodfuffer is very nice. She'd wanted to have a decision made before the upcoming holiday. Now, she's not sure she'll have it made by then and will end up having to listen to her parents prattle on about their opinions on the matter.

After speaking with Professors Miller, Sacheverelle, Kent, and Hodfuffer, Katheryn Finch knows for sure she's going to sign up for Care of Magical Creatures. Her mum might not like the idea that much because of some of the creatures that would be Katheryn around but Stephen Finch has loved Care of Magical Creatures when he was at Hogwarts so she's fairly certain that with her dad's backing she'll get her mum to go along. What she's not sure about if whether she wants Ancient Runes over Arithmancy and Divination. As a Muggle Studies Club member, Katheryn thinks she can still get knowledge and exposure that way, leaving her free to take one of the other elective course offerings. Ancient Runes seems fascinating, like learning a whole other language but there's a little bit of Ancient Runes covered in A&D plus a broad range of other topics. She supposes she could do A&D and do a little Ancient Runes study on her own. It's definitely something to consider.

Callie Blackwell has no idea what she'll take. She would prefer not to add not one but two more classes to what seems like an already packed schedule. She's thinking about just waiting until it's time for her parents to sign the form and owl it back in, letting them make the decision for her. Callie's also thought about writing the name of each course on a slip of parchment, folding the slips up, then drawing two of them from a hat or something. Popping a sweet in her mouth from a table of snack type foods, Callie decides that's what she'll do, names on slips of parchment. That way, she'll have two courses to tell her parents and make them think she's put real thought into the decision. If they object to either of the two, she'll argue a little then give in, just for stubborn teen appearance's sake.

Savannah Applewhite and Lilith Balfour are just along to hang out with friends. As first years, the only elective they can consider is Fitness & Athletics, a course Savannah takes but Lilith does not. They have, however, been soaking up information on the four electives Hogwarts currently offers third, fourth, and fifth year students. This time next school year they will be in the position Marion, Katheryn, Callie, and Hope currently are.

Of the four of the six friends who are second years, only Hope Hyland has her decision made. She's going to ask her parents to allow her to take Muggle Studies and Arithmancy & Divination. Ancient Runes will be her third choice in case her parents don't care for either of her first two choices. Last is Care of Magical Creatures. Hope likes animals of all kinds. She simply doesn't like having to get outside in bad weather. Having to trudge the distance to the greenhouses for Herbology is bad enough and even on clear nights, sometimes being out on that Astronomy tower is frigidly uncomfortable. In a way, it's too bad really about having to walk all that way outside for Care of Magical Creatures and then sometimes be outside for a class because Professor Kent seems very nice and he's not unfortunate looking in the slightest.

The six friends decide to make another pass along the snacks table then go to the Commons and find some game to play that's good for six people, or more if anyone else is interested. Maybe a trivia game that can be done in teams.

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