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I'll Think About It
Author: Jet 
Date:   07-19-14 18:34

"You hate the junk shoppe. Let my father get you on with the diplomatic corps," Petra Karathanasis urges.

"Your father who may or may not be a spy."

"Whether he is or not doesn't have anything to do with helping you get a position."

Jet ticks off, "One, others might think me a spy as well. Two, the diplomatic corps is part of the Ministry of Magic. Three, I don't want to work for the British Ministry of Magic again."

"You're stagnating, Jet."

"I'm taking classes. I'm working. How is that stagnating?"

"You're doing coursework without any real idea of where you're going with it and as stated before, you hate working at Cranville Quincey's Magical Junkshop."

"I don't hate it."

"Intensely dislike then. You aren't happy."

"I'm still recovering. I think I can be forgiven some depression now and then."

"It's more than now and then. There's also the always looking over your shoulder for Emerson or her parents. If I haven't said it, by the way, I am so so sorry Chelsea and I introduced you to her."

"I've lost count how many times you've apologized and as I say each time you have, you have no reason to be sorry. Neither of you had any idea of Emerson's agenda. Or, at least I hope you didn't. I don't think you did and I don't think Chelsea did but "

"You tend to be a little more paranoid and distrustful these days. I understand."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Petra. I'm sorry."

"You didn't. Not really. I do understand or at least I'm trying to. Not having experienced what you did I can only try to empathize and sympathize but I'm sure it's nowhere close to the reality."

Jet reaches across the table to pat Petra's hand. They sit in silence for a moment before Petra starts again with, "Give the Ministry a chance. You'd be in a different department."

"You know department has nothing to do with it."

"You're being watched anyway so why not get paid by the Ministry in the process?"

Jet laughs at that. "That does make oddly weird sense in a way."

"Just consider it at least. If you don't want to work in some capacity for the Department of International Magical Cooperation, there are other departments with lots of divisions."

"I'll think about it," Jet finally promises, only if to get Petra onto another topic of conversation.

Dueling Competition
Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   07-20-14 16:40

The longest duel yet was taking place between a seventh year and sixth year. Back and forth they went, deflecting spells left and right. They were definitely well-matched and wore looks of determination but also delight. The duel was much like a dance, both exciting and beautiful.

The dueling competition was going quite well, Ethan thought. Nearly every member of the Dueling Club and a number of other students who weren't members had signed up to participate. Some of the matches had ended just as soon as they'd started, but others lasted longer and really displayed the skills the students had learned in class or through the club's meetings, or both.

Finally, the sixth year caught a lucky break and swept the seventh year student off his feet with a well-timed and well-aimed jinx.

"Nicely done, the both of you!" Ethan called out, clapping his hands and grinning enthusiastically.

Both students, even the seventh year, left the stage with big smiles on their faces.

It was currently Ethan's turn to call out names, so he glanced down at his list and called up Eilonwy Barrett, who had won her first match against another Gryffindor student in her same year, and Slytherin fifth year Lucy Lehane.

The two girls rose to the stage and sized each other up. Eilonwy looked fairly calm, but she studied Lucy a little warily, having witnessed Lucy's earlier duel. It had taken place near the start of the competition and had resulted in Lucy's opponent taking a very hard fall on her rear end.

Lucy, on the other hand, regarded Eilonwy intensely. She positioned herself in dueling stance and focused on the Gryffindor student like a laser beam.

Professor Weatherby got things started. No sooner had "You may begin!" left her lips then Lucy struck, jabbing her wand arm like a sword in Eilonwy's direction. Eilonwy dodged the spell that shot her way and fired off one of her own, but Lucy deflected it easily with a flick of her wand. They went back and forth for a grueling minute before Eilonwy managed to disarm Lucy. Lucy looked murderous at her loss and stalked angrily off the stage.

"NIce work," Ethan said to Eilonwy, since she happened to be on his side of the stage. She flashed him a relieved smile and left the raised platform, while Ethan glanced down at his list and called out the next two names.

Cousins And Siblings (Hunter, Jill, Marlow, Liannah)
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   07-20-14 17:00

Coming off the dueling stage Hunter gives Jill a tight smile. "Sorry."

Jill laughs. "Why?"

"Because I won."

"One of us was going to win and one was going to lose. Don't be sorry."

"So if you'd won you wouldn't feel a little guilty for beating me?"

"Maybe a little but only because you are my cousin and only because your girlfriend would be witness to your defeat."

Hunter's smile turns into one of amusement. "Thank you for not letting me look bad in front of my girlfriend."

Jill winks. "Right. I LET you win so you could save face. Nice of your first opponent to do the same and let's hope all the others you might have today know to let you win."

Hunter smirks, "Maybe I've paid them all off."

Jill holds out a palm. "If that's the case, I expect mine now, thanks."

The two continue to banter as they retrieve drinks and then join others in the audience, some waiting for more turns at dueling and others there only as spectators.

On the other side of the raised platform Marlow leans over to ask her older sister, "You never said why you aren't competing."

Liannah slightly raises one shoulder in a very casual, somewhat indifferent shrug. "I thought that I'd best spend the time required practicing for today on studying for the OWLs. I'm determined to get the highest marks on each."

"It wouldn't have taken too much time away from studying, not when there's time in class and during club meetings."

"It would still have required some if I had any hope of doing well here," Liannah retorts not wanting at all to admit that while she truly does want to do exceedingly well on the OWLs the real reason she didn't sign up for the dueling competition is because she didn't want to chance losing even a single match with so many here to watch her fail.

Marlow starts to say something more but both she and Liannah go silent at hearing sister Lauren's name called for a match.

Being Supportive
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   07-20-14 17:22

The letter from Chance came unexpectedly and just as she'd been about to leave the house to watch one of Toby's matches. Knowing he would understand if she turned up late or simply didn't make it, Bronwyn made the decision to go to St. Mungo's to lend her friend support during a difficult time.

She showed up at Chance's hospital room with a bouquet of fragrant lilies.

"I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, setting the vase on the nightstand and moving in to give Chance a delicate hug.

Chance looked as if she had been crying, and though she wasn't then, it looked like she might start up again at any moment. Bronwyn stroked her hair and turned to Jonathan, who was also in the room.

"I know you were both so happy about the baby. I can't imagine what you are going through…"

"Thanks, Bronwyn," Jonathan said, offering her a weak smile. "You're a good friend to Chance."

"A long-time friend," said Bronwyn. "I'm just sorry we fell out of touch for all those years."

Chance reached up to take Bronwyn's hand and gave it a squeeze. She didn't say anything, on the brim of sobbing, but she fought hard to keep her tears at bay.

"I'll give you two some time to talk," Jonathan said. "Want anything from the Tea Room?" he asked both Chance and Bronwyn.

"No, thanks," Bronwyn said, and Chance shook her head no.

Jonathan glanced worriedly at his girlfriend and then slipped from the room.

Bronwyn, meanwhile, sat down on the edge of the bed. "It'll be all right," she murmured, patting Chance's hand.

Chance finally spoke. "No, it won't! I was told I'd never have a baby, and I guess it's true."

Bronwyn shook her head. "It doesn't have to be," she said. "You know you can get pregnant now, so you can always try again and just take extra care of yourself, or there's always adoption. Just think of it! It'd be just like shopping. You can go down to an orphanage, see what's in stock, and take home whatever you like!"

Chance actually let out a little laugh. "That's awful….ly funny."

"I'm being serious!" Bronwyn said. "There are lots of babies in the world who don't have a family. Maybe there's one out there destined to be YOUR baby. You and Jonathan should think about it. You could always turn it into a trip too. China, India, Russia…"

Bronwyn made herself more comfortable next to Chance and said, "I've got another friend who adopted last year. She could give you some advice if you do end up leaning in that direction."

"I'm only speaking in hypotheticals here," Chance began after a long pause, "but if we were to look into adoption, would you come with us wherever we decide to go? I'm not sure I can make such a weighty decision alone."

"Well, you wouldn't be alone. You'd have Jonathan there," Bronwyn pointed out, "but yes, I will totally help you pick out the right model baby if and when the time comes. Sounds like fun."

(Ash) Unsatisfied
Author: Rowan Westwick 
Date:   07-20-14 17:58

Originally, Ash had thought he would pass on participating in the Dueling Club's Inter-School Competition, but at the last minute, he'd changed his mind. It would be good practice dueling in front of an audience, where the pressure to perform accurately would be greater than in a classroom environment (unless it was test time).

He'd won his first round, but his opponent hadn't put up much of a fight. He overheard a whispered comment on how his being a protégé of the Death Eaters was why the student pitted against him had given up so easily. After all, who would dare cross a future Death Eater?

Normally, Ash turned a blind eye to the rumors circulating around his family ever since that Rita Skeeter article went to press, but it disappointed him that some of his classmates took it seriously enough to simply lay down their wands when faced with him in a friendly duel. He wanted a fair chance at winning or losing, for how else could he test his skills?

He was still thinking about his plight when he heard his name called again, followed by that of Beatrix Vanderbilt. He quirked an eyebrow, thinking surely she would give him the decency of an honest duel. After all, she was his sister's best friend. He and Beatrix were somewhat friendly themselves.

He wasn't exactly oblivious to her crush on him, but he did tend to ignore it. Ash found Beatrix very sweet, but he really couldn't picture himself being with someone as frivolous as she acted. He hated to disappointed her, but if she ever did more than bat her eyelashes at him, then he might have to.

Ash held his wand firmly in front of him and stared intently across the stage at Beatrix. Beatrix felt weak at the knees and couldn't believe her good luck. She'd dreamed of being one-on-one with him… maybe not quite in this situation, but it was something, at least!

Professor Weatherby counted them off, and then Ash volleyed off a spell. Beatrix countered it but also didn't go on the attack. Ash fired off another spell with the same result. Beatrix danced around it but remained on the defensive. After several more such exchanges, Ash quickly realized that she was doing every thing possible to drag out the duel.

He started to feel cheated again and shot off a spell that Beatrix ultimately couldn't block. It hit her squarely in the chest, knocked the wind right out of her, and caused her to land flat on her back.

Ash instantly felt bad about it and crossed the stage to help her to her feet.

"Sorry," he said quickly.

She was so out of breath she could only wheeze in reply.

He left her standing and went back into the crowd, wondering if anybody would be willing to duel him properly.

Author: Mildred 
Date:   07-21-14 06:45

"Go Queenie!"

"You can do it!"

Mildred and her group of friends cheered for Queenie who was at the stage dueling against the hideous Maurice Kilman, from Slytherin. They clapped their hands with enthusiasm when Maurice wasn't able to avoid Queenie's Cheering Charm. He began to laugh, unable to control himself. His hands held on to his belly and his wand was dropped on the floor. Professor Somerset declared Queenie the winner, and although Maurice was still laughing when he left the stage, his dark eyes revealed he was not very content with the duel's outcome.

Mildred and the others congratulated Queenie.

"Using the Cheering Charm was a brilliant move. I should have thought about that myself." Melpomene said.

"I would have used the Curse of the Boogies instead," Wesley shared.

"Yew, that's gross!" Amelia replied with a grimace.

Mildred had to agree with Amelia. The vision of Maurice with a runny nose was not very pleasant. There were two older students in the stage and for a moment the group just stayed in silence watching the duel. They moved with grace and agility and they used spells she has never heard about. If only she possessed their skills when she dueled against Mrs. Sims in the bathroom…

"Who's hungry?" Achilles asked.
Mildred offered herself to go with him and fetch food for everyone else. She started to fill a plate with scones and muffins, while Achilles took care of the drinks.


At the sound of the stunning spell, Mildred immediately ducked down, leaving the plate on the table. A second later she felt quite stupid with her reaction and she stood up, hoping she hasn't caught anyone's attention. Unfortunately Achilles had noticed her odd behavior.

"What's the matter, Mildred?" he touched her arm, preoccupied.

"Nothing. It's just that for a moment, I thought the spell was going to hit me…silly I know…" she gave a nervous laugh, picked up the plate with food and left.

Achilles followed her a few minutes later with the drinks. As Mildred ate her muffin in silence, she couldn't help to feel Achilles' eyes on her. She ignored him and pretended to be very interested in a duel between two Hufflepuffs girls.

"I'm next against you Achilles," Wesley told him. "I think I'll try the Curse of the Boogies on you. Make sure you have a handkerchief in your pocket."

"Very funny, but you don't stand a chance against me, Wesley," Achilles replied.

Mildred felt relieved he wasn't looking at her anymore. The two boys finished eating their food in a rush and went closer to the stage, getting ready to duel. While Amelia and Queenie made a bet between the two about who was going to win, Melpomene told Mildred she had seen what happened near the food table.

"I couldn't help myself, Mel. It was like being in that bathroom all over again…"

She had told Melpomene and Wesley the true story. Mildred knew she could trust them and that they wouldn't say a word to anyone about what happened. Melpomene had been revolted with Mrs. Sims' actions and she insisted with Mildred to tell the truth to a teacher or to her grandmother. However Mildred had refused to do so, and when she was inquired by Headmistress McGonagall, she had just told her it had been an accident, that she slipped in the floor and hit her head in the sink.

It has been the same story Mrs. Sims had told the school's staff and to Mildred's grandmother. The same story she had written in a 'get well' card to Mildred that came with a bouquet of flowers, which was on her bedside table when she woke up. The injury in her head hasn't been that bad, and it was as almost as if she had been hit by a bludger. But when the announcement of the duel competition was posted at the bulletin board at the Gryffindor common room, Mildred had felt a wave of panic inside of her and immediately decided she was not going to participate.

Achilles didn't seem to understand Mildred's decision and he kept inquiring her about the reason for not wanting to join the competition. She couldn't explain to him that two weeks ago she had dueled against his mother in the bathroom and she finished her in a matter of seconds, with just one spell.

"You should have signed up. Face your fears. Otherwise this is going to get worse and worse," Melpomene said, as Achilles and Wesley climbed to the stage and bowed to each other. Amelia cheered for Wesley, while Queenie was on Achilles's side.

"This is nothing. I'll be fine," she assured Melpomene.

Her friend shook her head, in disbelief. Melpomene kept insisting that Mildred had suffered a traumatic experience and she even went to the library trying to find some information related to it. She believed Mildred should have signed up and get over her recent fear of dueling. Mildred disagreed with her and she thought this was only temporary.

She decided to ignore Melpomene's concerns for now and she watched the duel between Wesley and Achilles, cheering for both of them.

Rendezvous x2
Author: Lee Sickleby 
Date:   07-21-14 12:15

Although it wasn't as busy in the village as it had been during their last meeting, it being a Saturday, it was livelier than it might have been on a weekday. Lee and the wizard known only as X sat on the same park bench near the slide in the park. Since they had already met once before, there was no need for an identifying code. They launched right into business, with Lee not only requesting a substantial purchase of the product X had give him a sample of last time, but also a proposition.

"I don't know," X mused, scratching his chin more from thought than due to an actual itch. "Very few have knowledge of the manufacturing process and fewer still know the location where production is taking place. It's safer that way, you understand."

"Of course," Lee agreed, "but assuming the product takes off, as I believe it will, won't there be a need for more of it, hence the necessity that more wizards are in the know in terms of how to make it and the actual manufacturing of it as well?"

"Ah, but if the product meets demand, then can we charge top galleon for it?" X said, playing devil's advocate.

"I see your point," Lee answered. "That said, my boss is still interested in becoming a business partner. Perhaps you can pass that information along to your superiors?"

"I will, but I can make no guarantees."


They made final arrangements for the shipment and payment of the order Lee had asked for and then went their separate ways. Lee strolled casually down High Street and glanced down at his watch to check the time. He and Alaia had a date at the Crown & Cauldron tonight. As it was still early yet for their planned meeting, he stopped in at Botanicals & Beyond for a cup of tea.

He thought about how well things had been going with Alaia, especially now that they had become exclusive. They were going so well, in fact, that he wanted to ask her to spend next weekend with him at Lainston House Hotel in Muggle Winchester. He had attended a wedding there as a small boy and remembered the elaborate grounds and gardens fondly.

He hoped that Alaia could take time off from her sweetshop for the little getaway, but if she couldn't, then maybe they could do it some other time.

Lee spent the remainder of time waiting to meet up for dinner perusing the various shoppes in the village.

An Invitation
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   07-21-14 14:11

"Go Baltus!"

Felicia cheered up for her boyfriend as he dueled against another seventh year.

"He's going to lose because he can't focus with you screaming like a Mandrake," Gus told her.

"You're just jealous you don't have a pretty girl calling your name when you're dueling. Finish him, Baltus! You can do it!"

But when it seemed like he had everything under control, Baltus was hit by no less than a non verbal spell and lost. Felicia came to his rescue, with a towel and some fresh water, ready to support her champion.

"Don't you think she's exaggerating?" Gus asked Johanna.

"She's just afraid these might be the last moments they have together."

"What do you mean?"

"Baltus has his NEWTs this year and then he'll probably go to St. Emrys. Felicia is afraid he'll meet a bunch of new girls there, and break up with her. Even if that doesn't happen she won't have him around much longer and she's making the most of it now."

Gus nodded and then he asked Kate if she had a towel ready for when it was Hugo's time to duel. Johanna didn't hear the rest of the conversation because someone tapped her shoulder.

"Can I have a word with you?" Roger Gesner asked.

Johanna had dueled against Roger half an hour ago and she won. He might belong to the Ravenclaw but she knew how proud he could be about his performance at school. She hoped he wouldn't try to convince her to have a rematch later, or something of that kind. Roger guided her away from her friends and she asked him what he wanted.

"Here's the thing: I won two tickets for the St. Emrys Fest at the Easter Egg Hunt. I was wondering if you would like to go with me."

Johanna couldn't help feeling shocked and surprised. Roger had been her boyfriend when they were in their fourth year. They broke up because of their divergences towards their different groups of friends. Johanna couldn't stand Roger's Ravenclaw friends, and Roger had made it clear he disliked her friends too. Luckily the break up hasn't been sour. They were in the same year so they saw each other in classes and they even studied together once in a while at the library. At times they made their prefect rounds together. It has been Roger who had advised her to forget about Gus, in the past. Perhaps they could call each other friends, but Johanna was not expecting he would ask her out.

"I don't know Roger…I received a letter from the Royal Museum of Magic. They offered me an internship there, during the summer. So I might not be able to go to the festival…"

"Wow, congratulations! That's great, I'm very glad for you," he smiled. "Well, if you can't go that's understandable, but if it happens you have the day off, or so, you're coming with me. "

"I usually go with my friends..."

"There was a year you went with Caerwyn Valentine. I remember seeing you there with him. And you can still hang out with your friends, I won't mind." Roger glanced at the stage. "All right, they'll be calling my name soon, so I better get ready. Just think about it, all right? There's still a long time for the festival. "

And with that Roger walked away. Johanna went back to where her friends were. Later she would have to tell Felicia and Kate what had just happened but for now she too had to prepared herself for her next duel.

Hodfuffers & Marchbanks At The Competition
Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   07-21-14 15:03

Rejoining Vinny Xardel after a quick trip to the loo Baron asks, "Did I miss anything?"

"Not really, though a second year did get in a really good one on a third year." Vinny surreptitiously points to a boy whose front teeth have a beaverish appearance.

Baron diplomatically says, "I take it the second year won," while thinking how sorry he was for missing such a spectacle.

"Yes, but only because buck tooth over there reached up to feel his growing teeth and used his wand hand to do it. That gave the second year a clear opening for the win."

As he'd waited until just after his own last duel to go to the loo, Baron gets as comfortable as he can in chairs not made for comfort, hoping he'll be able to have another match if not two or three more before the competition ends.

Further down on the same side of the stage and two rows back Baron's sister Hydrangea tenderly flexes fingers. Glori notices the action and asks, "Sure you don't want to see Madam Pomfrey?"

"I'm fine. They're just a little stiff and still a tiny bit sore." In one of her matches Hydrangea had made a mistake and ended up getting zapped on the hand. It's nothing serious and she's had far worse in Quidditch but she still can't help bending and stretching the fingers, which is probably making things worse.

Almost directly opposite where Glori and Hydrangea are sitting, on the other side of the stage, Gus tells Caerwyn Valentine, "I'm still hoping I don't have to go against Ramona."

"If you do, she'd be really ticked if you let her win."

"I know but I also don't want to make her feel bad by beating her."

"You don't feel that way in Quidditch. Or you've not so far. You'd better not during the Cup or I may have to hit a bludger your way by accident."

Gus grins then laughs. "You're right. She wouldn't let me beat her and wouldn't expect me to hold anything back just because we'd be facing each other."

Caerwyn swivels around looking over the Great Hall. "Where is she anyway?"

"Over there talking with her sister and some friends."

Hearing Gus's cousin Leo's name being called for a match, they turn their attention back to the stage, ready to cheer the second year on.

(Beatrix) La La Land
Author: Griet 
Date:   07-21-14 17:23

Beatrix sat next to Rowan and thought about her duel with Ash. It had been amazing facing off against him, but their time together had been far too short. At least he'd helped her to her feet after it was finished, and had it been her imagination, or had he held on to her hand for a little longer than necessary? Beatrix sighed dreamily, still feeling his hand in hers.

Beside her, Rowan rolled her eyes and said, "You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" Beatrix asked.

"Making the trek into la la land."

Beatrix turned to look at her friend fully and said, "This isn't some fantasy anymore. I know he felt something when he took my hand. You could see it all over his face." She held up her hand and said, "It's still tingling. That's got to mean something."

"Only that you've gone mad."

"Mad for him," Beatrix emphasized. "I bet he knocked me down only so he could help me to my feet again. He wanted to touch me, Rowan. I know it."

Rowan shook her head. "I'm not so sure about that."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, Ash usually has one of those faces you can't read very well. He's good at acting like nothing bothers him, and for all I know, very little does," Rowan replied. "One thing I know for sure is that he was irritated up there."

"Irritated?" Beatrix asked, her voice going up into something bordering on a shriek. "Why would he be irritated? In what universe would I irritate him?"

"Calm down, Beatrix."

"No, you calm down!" Beatrix retorted. She got quiet when she realized she was drawing the attention of those around her, but thankfully none of the teachers had noticed anything yet.

Rowan, having been calm the entire time, said nothing in response.

The silence practically killed Beatrix. She finally couldn't help herself and asked, "Why would he be irritated? Is it me?"

"I don't think it's you," Rowan answered.

"What do you mean, you don't think? Either you know something or you don't."

"I'm telling you only what I observed," Rowan said. "He wanted to have a good duel with someone and the first person let him win and you weren't fighting back properly…"

"I just didn't want it to end, and I didn't want to hurt him either…"

"I know," Rowan said, "but was that a fair thing to do to him?"

"I don't like the way this conversation is going." Beatrix resumed watching the pair of duelers on stage.

"Fine, we don't have to keep talking about it," Rowan said, also turning to watch the duel underway.

"Good, because you're making me feel bad. Next thing you'll tell me is that I'm only imagining that he likes me."

Rowan didn't answer.

Beatrix turned to look at her again. "He likes me, doesn't he?"

Rowan hesitated. "He's never said anything to me."

"But what have you observed?" Beatrix pressed.

Rowan hesitated again and looked at her friend. "He likes you, but he doesn't like you that way."

Beatrix stared at Rowan for a long moment and then got up from her seat. She knew it was silly to be mad at her friend for bursting her bubble, but she couldn't help herself. She stalked out of the Great Hall and didn't look back.

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