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The Hunt
Author: Mildred 
Date:   03-23-19 08:57

"I am sorry gentlemen, but Campbell has beaten us all," Jasper Pole said, with pride.

The house elves had displayed on the grass the Nogtails' carcasses hunted that morning. Without really knowing how, Mildred had killed the biggest beast, which apparently made her the winner of today's hunt.

As promised Jasper had invited Mildred to spend the weekend at his family lodge for a hunt. He told her this year his parents were spending Easter abroad and that this was the perfect time to gather some friends for a Nogtail hunt. Queenie, Mildred's friend and roommate at St. Emrys, had also been invited. They made a fresh young group of witches and wizards. Most of Jasper's friends belonged just like him to the high society. But there were others who did not, like Mildred and Queenie. Queenie had caught the attention of some of Jasper's friends, and they seemed to fight for her company. On the other hand, Jasper had all his attention on Mildred. He had made it clear to everyone that she was here for his pleasure only. Queenie was the consolation award he brought for his friends. The two girls were delighted to spend a thrilling weekend with such a group, naively unaware of all its dynamics.

Everyone followed Jasper's example as he clapped his hands, cheering Mildred.

"I had a good teacher," she shyly said, smiling sweetly at Jasper.

He ordered the house elves to put the dead carcasses away and for lunch to be served. The house elves soon set up a picnic area with all sort of food, including wine and champagne. Everyone gathered around to eat and drink. Jasper sat next to Mildred but he did not speak to her. He was talking to one of his friends about some Gringotts business. As he spoke, one of his hands stroke the back of Mildred's bare neck. Her hair had been arranged that morning by one of Jasper's female friends. She explained that long free hair might be an obstacle in a hunt. Mildred allowed him to do so, blushing at first. She had lunch and talked to Queenie and another witch, the one that helped her out with her hair. It was hard to focus on the conversation as he kept touching her neck.

After lunch, Jasper invited Mildred for a walk, by the river. He explained to her that the Nogtails, used that river often to drink, and it was one of the reasons why this area had such good hunt.

"I hope you had enjoyed today's hunt," he said.

"More than what I have expected, " Mildred confessed. She never thought such activity would interest her. She thought she would be afraid or feel pity for the Nogtails that met their death today, but she did not.

"It feels good to be out here with you," Jasper told her. He picked up her hand, and looked at her with a look filled with intentions.

Mildred did not say a word. It was impossible to refuse to his wishes. He was handsome, rich and full of strength and she could not say 'no' to what his eyes were proposing. Even if she did not know him well, and this situation frightened and thrilled her at the same time, she passively allowed him to take her to the empty lodge, to his bedroom. On that Easter Day it had not only been Mildred but also Jasper Pole who had won the hunt.

Egg Hunting & Grilling
Author: Pyrrhus 
Date:   03-23-19 19:47

From a corner of the backyard Gio triumphantly proclaims, "Mine!" holding up a blue egg with yellow dots.

Cousin Georgie is putting a bright kelly green egg in his basket when Gio runs over and tugs on his sleeve, pointing with his other hand. "Up! Up!"

Georgie obliges by picking Gio up so that the toddler can pluck a small solid purple egg from a crook in the branches of a bush. Miranda calls out, "Here's another, Gio! There's one by your head, Georgie!"

From the patio, little Alexis in a milk drunk snooze snug against his chest Pyrrhus notes, "It's nice of Georgie and Miranda to help Gio so much."

"If Gio weren't little, they might be more cutthroat," George laughs. "I think, too, that since they have another hunt when we get to the Burrow later they don't mind not getting quite so many here."

"I should think that even if only half the Weasley cousins are at the Burrow, things could get pretty competitive." Py grins then frowns as he realizes that the way he's holding Alexis prevents him from checking the grill either manually or with his wand. He starts shifting her. "Here, could you hold her so I can turn the meat?"

George seems about to offer to check the grill but then holds out is hands. "This isn't a ploy to get me to change her nappy is it?"

Py's lips once again turn up in a grin. "Trust me, if Alexis needed a new nappy even those three at the back of the yard could smell it."

George chuckles lightly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping baby much with a body shaking with laughter. "How's the team looking for Tuesday's match?"

"Really great. I'll be shocked if it's not a close one. Oh, before I forget to mention it, the Humbatas are sponsoring a few day camps this summer. I've got the dates written down inside. If either Miranda or Georgie would be interested in any or all of them, let me know and I'll sign them up."

"I'm betting they'll want to do all of them. Say, isn't your brother coming?"

"Mason and his mum should be here any moment. Graham was going to come as well but got up sick this morning."

They both turn their heads when Georgie announces, "I think we found all of them!"

"Perfect timing. Food's almost ready," Py tells the three. He starts putting the grilled meat on a platter as George tells one of his kids, "Go tell everyone else, please."

In addition to the grilled burgers, sausages, and chicken, there is traditional Easter fare. George has gotten up, careful not to disturb Alexis, as he asks Gio, "Ready to eat?"

Scamping past his uncle and father, full Easter basket swinging, Gio loudly answers, "Yeah!"

Following the children and George inside, platter of grilled food in hand, Py thinks that when still at Hogwarts if someone had told him he'd have a great relationship with George Weasley and get along well with Majandra, he'd have thought the person insane.

Easter at Harebells
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   03-24-19 03:25

Jenny had prepared with Nate and Amelia's help an Easter lunch for Harebells guests. They had set up some tables in the lawn, which Jenny covered with white tablecloth and decorated with flowers and Easter eggs. The inn was almost full and everyone enjoyed the meal. Jenny and Nate ate after the guests. His wife looked exhausted but satisfied for the lunch had been a success. They brought Nolan and Francis outside, spending a happy time has a family. Unfortunately that did not last long.

"Mr. Ross, I am sorry to disturb you but Professor Nott is here. He wants to speak to you."Amelia told him.

It took Nate a few seconds to realize that Amelia was talking about Tiberius Nott. Knowing Tiberius would not leave until he was received, Nate asked Amelia if she could watch the babies while he would speak with the undesirable guest. Jenny followed him.

"I take it that you are not here to book a room," Nate started.

"No. I came to ask for your help. I know you work again at the Ministry of Magic."

"Why should I help you?" Nate asked. He had last encountered Tiberius when he helped him to track his brother some years ago. Back then he had been threatened but this time he knew that Tiberius could not use anything to harm him.

"I am willing to pay." Tiberius said.

Nate was going to say 'no' but Jenny spoke first.

"What do you need?"

"I need your husband to access the Ministry of Magic's archives. I need the list of the witches and wizards who turned eleven and will attend Hogwarts in the fall. I have done some research...these documents are not heavy guarded. Your husband, could consult them, with the excuse he needs to deal with a Muggle born family. It would not be uncommon..."

It was clear he had given some thought on the matter. And indeed Nate could easily have access to the list. This operation had only a minimum of risk. Even if he was caught and charged the information he was looking for would turn public in September. However he did not want to be part of any of Tiberius Nott's schemes. He was about to deny it when Jenny once again getting ahead of him said:

"He will do it."

"Thank you." Tiberius promptly replied, before Jenny would change her mind. "Please owl me when you have the list."

He immediately left the inn. Nate turned to his wife, waiting for an explanation.

"He is a teacher at Hogwarts. He can be Nolan and Francis' teacher, and if we don't help him, he might take it back on them."

Nate looked at Jenny in disbelief. He did not think this reason was enough. She sighed.

"Fine...You once told me Phyllida and Tiberius were a couple."


"What if...what if he is Francis' father?"

"That is impossible."

"Not really."
There was a heavy silence and Nate knew there was a chance Tiberius could be Francis' father. Of course Phyllida could have been with any men but Nate knew she had a strong connection with Tiberius.

"If he is the father...Then he doesn't know. And I don't want him to," Jenny declared.Nate noticed his wife got very pale. The idea of someone taking Francis away from her scared her. He passed his arm around her in an attempt to comfort her. "And this is why you will help him. You get that list, give him what he wants and he will be out of our lives. No questions are made. Agreed?" She asked Nate.

"Agreed," he replied.

Easter in South Kensington
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   03-24-19 16:39

Seated on the patio beneath a pergola just beginning to bloom with springtime creepers, Marzi watched as Carter and Vallon tore across the lawn in search of Easter eggs. Her sister-in-law Morag was seated beside her and held baby Miller in her arms. Her son with Marius had been born on the first of March, so today's gathering was not just about Easter but also to commemorate Miller's first month in the world.

In addition to the gathering of various Ravenscrofts at Georgia's South Kensington home, Marzi's mother had insisted that she finally meet Alaric Framboise and his children. In the more than year and a half since Marzi and Alaric had begun dating, there'd been limited opportunity to have everybody meet. Marzi's excuse was that Alaric lived in France, but even with feet firmly planted in the Muggle world, Georgia knew better. She voiced how put upon she felt at every chance, too.

Marzi let it slide, even though her mother had kept not only herself but her other children and extended family away from her for a good twenty-five years. One and a half years of no introduction to her boyfriend and his kids was a drop in the bucket in comparison.

From what Marzi could tell, everybody seemed to like Alaric, Napoleon, and Dany. Marius and Alaric were chatting while standing in the yard with beers in their hands. Georgia, meanwhile, was with the older children and seemed to consider Danaerys quite fondly. After all, she only had grandsons.

"Do you think you'll get married again?" Morag asked.

Marzi shrugged. "I don't know. We haven't talked about it at all, and I'm not sure we want to change anything right now. It's a little hard, with us living in two different countries and basically having separate lives."

"Do you think it won't last, then?"

"No, I think we're doing fine and I don't want things to end. Ours is just an unconventional relationship at the moment."

"If he asked you to move to France, would you?"

Marzi considered the question and said, "Maybe. The good thing about being a witch is that I can easily get to Hogwarts from anywhere, and likewise I can theoretically also get the boys to school in a jiffy." Theoretical, because the boys weren't always ready in the mornings when it was time to go to school, and they didn't at all have far to go to get there.

"But at the same time," she went on, "I'm not sure I'm ready to uproot the family. It honestly would be easier the other way around, since Napoleon and Dany are older."

Napoleon was the equivalent of a fifth year student at Hogwarts, and Dany was a third year.

"Of course, they are at Beauxbatons, where Alaric teaches. It would probably make more sense to combine households in a few more years."

"If you can wait that long," Morag said.

"I think I can," Marzi replied, "but maybe our relationship will always be this way. I think I could live with that, too." She smiled and added, "I never thought I would find another person who made me as happy as Weston did, but I have. It's a different kind of happy, but I'm happy all the same."

Marzi had little doubt that she would ever feel differently about Alaric. She just hoped that Heathcote Hamstead would never take that happiness away. The idea that Heathcote was wondering who she was dating was always in the back of her mind. She tried not to worry, since he was in prison and couldn't touch a hair on Alaric's head, but Marzi nevertheless feared that Heathcote would one day learn his identity, if he hasn't figured it out already.

A Nicer Easter Than The Last One
Author: Travis 
Date:   03-25-19 19:36

In an ungainly fashion Indigo flops down onto the lounge chair next to Travis. "Why did you have to go and have a baby?"

Looking out at where Benedict and Logan snooze on a blanket Travis asks with a laugh, "Mum that bad is she?"

"One would think she'd still be trying to marry you off but noooo. You have a child and Lisi has two,"

"With another on the way already," Travis reminds.

Indi continues as if Travis hadn't spoken. "Since Benedict was born it's been nonstop harass Indigo to get married and have a child. She's gotten so bad that I've practically had to go into hiding when at work. Others screen customers and clients trying to determine which ones Mum has sent to chat me up in hopes of getting asked out. Then there are the blasted outright fix ups, most of those surprises sprung on me last minute."

"There is an easy resolution."

"I am not rushing out and proposing to someone just to get Mother to tone down her efforts."

Travis replies with amusement, "I'm sorry my decision to have a child has energized Mum in her efforts to get you settled."

"You started to say 'in the family way' weren't you?"

They both laugh at that then Travis comments, "So much nicer this Easter than last. Mum was apoplectic. Convinced I was pregnant but not married simply to spite her."

"She still bent on knowing who Benedict's father is?"

"She goes through spells. Not going to happen though no matter how bothersome she becomes about having a name."

Indi grins. "Driving her mad is the out of spite part, right?"

Travis shakes her head. "Anonymous sperm donor. Have no name to give. The spite, if one can call it that, is not telling her I used an anonymous sperm donor and only have a sort of outline of information. Brunette. Green eyes. Just over six feet. Athletic. Intelligent."

Both look up as Lisi approaches mumbling under her breath. "What?" Travis asks.

Taking the lounge on Travis's other side in a more graceful fashion than Indi had when sitting, Lisi says, "For a woman who sometimes still wants the three of us to call her Morticia because she thinks she's too young to have adult children our ages, that woman is overly keen on having an overly large number of grandchildren in an exceedingly short period of time. She just asked me if I would mind terribly having triplets so that she can have double the grandkids all in one go."

Travis and Indigo reply in the only way possible. They burst out in hearty, make their entire bodies shake laughter.

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