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Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   06-01-09 20:33

Plum, Anthony, Kody, Drake, and Phin had the advantage of first to set up for Emrys Fest. The disadvantage is that this meant they are first to perform. Of course, the advantage is they don't have to worry about following more well known, popular band and they get to spend the rest of Emrys Fest enjoying the other bands.

Running his fingers down the keys of his keyboard, Phin can tell the others are feeling the same preperformance jitters he's got, most likely made worse by the fact that Dynamic Duo hasn't played any venue larger than his mom's restaurant in a long time. They've played there quite a lot since this the announcement of Emrys Fest's revival and they sound as good as ever. Phin's confident they'll play well and be well received but that confidence does nothing to dispel the butterflies he always feels. And the larger the crowd, the bigger the butterflies.

Flexing his fingers, Phin runs through a warm-up and sound check with the others. It hardly feels like any time passes before Kody's nodding to the MC to indicate they're ready. Plum stands behind and a little back the MC welcomes the throng of people and gets them revved up.

While this is going on, Phin's eyes scan for Emerald. She's right where he'd left her, along with her family and some of his, smiling up at the stage. Though she's smiling, Emerald wears that guarded look she's had since coming home from the prison community called City of Hope. She's much quieter and reserved now, almost as if she doesn't want to chance anyone noticing her. Emerald has never gone into great detail about her time at City of Hope or at Happy Haven before that but Phin knows enough to understand why Emerald and others who'd been in the prisons have become ghosts of themselves, not wanting to draw attention, not want to be seen. Gaining attention, being seen, getting noticed led to harder work, beatings, and, for some, rape.

He knows that Emerald was violated and that she needs time and patience. Phin knows she may never fully heal emotionally and mentally but he's made a vow to himself to support her however she needs. Phin had never thought he'd be the guy who fell in love early and wanted to get married young. The only thing keeping him from asking Emerald to marry him is he knows it's too soon for her.

Catching Phin staring at her, Emerald waves, her smile widening and making Phin's own smile grow into a grin and his whole body to feel brighter and lighter. Already charged up, now Phin feels supercharged. When the MC introduces Dynamic Duo, Phin launches into their first song with gusto, an energetic, lively song. That song leads into the next of their set, an equally vibrant, thrumming song. When it ends, the crowd is worked up, their energy bouncing back to the band. Dynamic Duo gives that energy right back with yet another highly charged song that gives both Anthony on bass and Phin sections of solo. By the time they start the fourth song, Phin's wondering why the heck he was ever nervous before the show began.

Waiting on Friends
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   06-02-09 17:43

It had been so wonderful to see Arley and Seb again. Bronwyn had talked about nothing else when she got home that night, so much so that without having met them, Toby seemed to know everything about them already. Toby had graduated from Hogwarts the summer before Arley and Seb had transfered in and therefore had narrowly missed knowing them at school.

Desi and Bianca flooed in late morning, neither complaining about the fact that in Seattle it was currently eight hours earlier and the middle of the night. Knowing that Bianca had taken issue with Wotan after learning the news about her mother's pregnancy, Bronwyn had sent him out on errands before her friends' scheduled arrival. She really didn't want to have today sullied in any way, so if she could postpone what she hoped wouldn't be an inevitable argument, she would.

Together the four of them––Bronwyn, Toby, Desi and Bianca––disapparated for the grounds at St. Emrys University. Much activity was already underway, since some of Bronwyn's coworkers at the WWN station and a few others temporarily hired or pegged as volunteers had set up the stage and concession areas. The first band was already on stage, tuning instruments and otherwise getting ready for the start of Emrys Fest 2003.

"Don't you have to work today?" Desi asked Bronwyn, when she spotted the WWN booth near the stage.

"I've got the last broadcast shift," Bronwyn replied, her eyes scanning the crowd for familliar faces.

"When are Arley and Seb supposed to get here?" Toby asked, eager to meet his wife's two old friends he'd heard so much about.

"Wait, what?" Bianca asked, not quite sure she'd heard right. Although Desi knew of the possibility of having a reunion with her old classmates, Bianca hadn't known that she might run into her ex-boyfriend today.

Desi mumbled something under her breath and rolled her eyes to the bright blue sky.

Bronwyn raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her best friend and then told Toby, "They said they'd be here by 12."

"Who's coming?" Bianca asked a little louder, her original question having been overlooked.

Toby glanced at Bianca and then down at his watch. "It's noon now."

Before he could finally answer Bianca's question, one of Bronwyn's coworkers announced the first band, Dynamic Duo, which featured Toby's brother Anthony on bass. Bronwyn and Toby started clapping, screaming and whistling as the band launched into its first song.

Bianca turned to Desi. "Who are we expecting to arrive any minute now?" she asked slightly impatiently. She had to raise her voice over the music and the crowd of spectators.

Desi hesitated and then said, "Some of our old friends are visiting from the States." And because she knew that Bianca wanted names and that she would keeping asking until she got the answers, Desi added, "Sebastian," and very reluctantly, "and Arlington."

Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   06-02-09 19:12

“Bianca, taking longer then an hour to get ready for anything is not casual!”

“Just because you take ten minutes and look like a wreck doesn’t mean I have to.”

I walked downstairs and back into the living room and started pacing. My sister always had to be fashionably late. Always. Sure, I wasn’t the most punctual person in the world, but that’s because I normally got distracted. Not because I spent the entire time doing makeup!

She eventually made her way downstairs and joined me in the living room. I stood there a moment before saying, “You actually finished?”

“Yes. I had to take a long time because my skin hasn’t fully recovered and…”

“I got it. I figured you’d take forever so I told you the wrong time so you’d be ready on time.” I grabbed the floo powder from the mantle as I heard my sister mumble something under her breath.

After we had arrived in England, we quickly went to St. Emrys. I figured out that Bron had to work later, which was fine. It wasn’t until Toby asked about Arley that I knew I was in trouble. Bianca picked up on it quickly. I didn’t tell her Arley might be joining us, it had actually had slipped my mind.

After Bron and Toby were distracted by the band, my sister turned to me and asked, “Who are we expecting to arrive any minute now?” I could tell she was started to get agitated.

“Some old friends are visiting from the States,” I told her after a moment, “Sebastian... and Arlington.” There was a pause as she put things together in her head.

“Arlington? Arlington Montgomery? Arlington JAMES Montgomery!?” She asked.

“…Yes. That Arlington.” I answered.

“The very same that stalked you and ended going out with me?”

“Because he couldn’t go out with me and went with the next best thing, yes. That Arlington. Look, he’s changed and moved on, get over it.” My sister glared at me a moment before looking over at the band.

I was almost hoping Arley wouldn’t show now. If he did, I’d never hear the end of it. At the same time, I’d like to see him again. I’d gotten past the whole creepy stalker thing a while back. Besides, he wasn’t interested anymore. Last I saw him I was a little less then friendly. I actually felt bad about that. I really hoped to see him again.

Catching Up With Malcolm And Graham
Author: Fionna 
Date:   06-02-09 21:56

Eyes scanning the crowd of people Fionna licks up the sides of her raspberry ice before it has a chance to melt and drip sweet, sticky fluid onto her hand. Beside her Basilia is eating a blueberry ice. Fionna laughs. "You've got Ravenclaw tongue."

Up ahead, Catriona turns around and asks in all seriousness, "Hey! What's the matter with Ravenclaw?"

Fionna rolls her eyes at her cousin and says to Basilia, "I can barely hear you and you're right next to me. How did she hear me when she's up ahead?"

Catriona's friend Bianca says something to Cat but Fionna can't hear what. At least the little squirt was Slytherin and will be again. Too bad about Catriona. A Ravenclaw who is so nice she could easily be a Hufflepuff. Too bad she can't pretend she was in Slytherin all along. Fionna makes a sour face at that thought of Cat having to go through life as Ravenclaw.

Bas suddenly grabs Fionna's arm. "There."



"There are a lot of theres, Bas. Either a pointed finger or some visual clue, or both, would greatly help."

Bas points to one of the vendors. "Near the Wyrding Way booth, wearing an excellent choice of Slytherin green shirt."

It's been awhile since Fionna's seen Malcolm Baddock. From this distance he looks the same as she recalls but several inches taller and somewhat broader through the shoulders. Calling out to Catriona and Biance so they can hear her over Dynamic Duo, Fionna says, "Remember to come to the Terrortours booth if we don't meet up again before the concert ends. Whatever you do, you are NOT to leave the Emrys Fest grounds. Got it?"

"Yes!" the two younger girls chorus in unison.

"Good luck finding your friends," Fionna says, feeling as though she's practically shouting. She turns and catches up with Basilia, they weave through the growing throng towards the Wyrding Way booth. By the time they get there, Malcolm has moved down a couple of booths. Just as they approach he's sweeping a tall, lanky, dark blonde into his arms. Basilia and Fionna hang back, not wanting to intrude on such a kiss.

Malcolm ends the kiss and sees his two former classmates all at the same time. Taking the woman, who's about their age, by the hand, he loudly greets them. "Fi! Bas! I'm so glad you found me! I was a little vague on where to meet!" Turning to his female friend Malcolm says, "Dannie, this is Basilia Broomshull and Fionna Gairden. Bas, Fi, this is Dannie Oliveaux."

"It's so great to meet you two after hearing so much about you!" Dannie gushes, shaking first Fionna's hand then Basilia's.

Over the course of the next couple of Dynamic Duo songs, they learn that Dannie is actually Daniella and is from Quebec, Canada but Malcolm and she met while in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, which is as popular in the Wizarding World as in the Muggle.

At one point Malcolm surprises them with the information that although he was classified a pureblood, neither of his parents made the cut. Malcolm ended up going on the run with them. To this Basilia had said with a grim laugh, "It's too bad I didn't know about it. I could have joined you." Bas then went on to detail for Malcolm and Dannie how she'd barely escaped the Snatchers, doing so only with Fionna's help.

Not wanting to get into a discussion about her part in certain events, Fionna quickly changed the subject by asking, "We are we to meet Graham?"

Basilia did just what Fionna hoped she'd do. "Yes! Where is Graham? I can't wait to see him! I can't believe we lost touch." For Dannie's sake Bas says, "Graham and I were a couple even after we left Hogwarts. I'm not really sure what happened but one day we suddenly weren't together anymore but we're friendly with each other. I never had much chance to ask him about his perception of what happened."

Dannie laughs, "Graham talks about you both as much as Malcolm does."

"Oh, so you've met?" Bas asks somewhat rhetorically.

"There he is now," Malcolm says, voice rising as the current Dynamic Duo song increases in volume.

Turning in the direction Malcolm's looking, Fionna's glad that Graham's arrived. Now that everyone's together, they can get closer to the stage so that when Jericho's band Dragon takes the stage after Dynamic Duo, they'll be in a good spot to enjoy Dragon's music. Fionna also wants to be fairly close to where Jericho Japes will be coming off stage when Dragon's set is ended so she can reintroduce him to Graham and Malcolm and also meet Dannie.

Smiling at Graham Pritchard and joining her voice with the others to greet him, Fionna hopes that Basilia either resolves things with him so they can move on strictly as friends or get back together. She knows back together is what Bas is wanting. What Fionna wants is to hurry up and get into place near the stage. She doesn't want to miss a second of Jericho's performance and besides, they can talk there as well as here, though they will have to talk even louder to hear each other.

Dragon's On Fire
Author: Charlie Weasley 
Date:   06-03-09 18:33

Charlie and his Dragon bandmates Jericho Japes,who is the keyboardist, Ronan Japes who the lead vocalist and guitarist, and Gavin Tapling who is a drummer who'd been off and on with the band at various times are excited about playing Emrys Fest. Though there have only been a small few Emrys Fests before this one, they'd always had a grand time and loved the positive, enthusiastic reactions they always get the large gathering.

Jericho and Ronan had not lost jobs or homes during the segregationist tactics of the former Ministry administration but like Charlie, Gavin had gone on the run. Unlike Charlie, Gavin had been captured and sent to one of the prison camps. Gavin and Charlie are both finding that the boost the excitement about playing the festival have helped a great deal in getting settled back into a somewhat normal life.

For Charlie, a normal life hasn't exactly been the normal of before. He has returned to dragon keeping but he's still helping with the massive nationwide cleanup necessitated by Euphemia Smythe-Jones. Charlie's also been offered his St. Emrys position back with Marjoribanks College.

His arm around his wife, Charlie says close to Hendrika's ear, "Did I tell you I'm being assigned a new office here? It's very similar to my old one but slightly bigger."

"No. When did you find out?"

"Only yesterday. I know I was going to say something but I guess I forgot with hurrying to get to the surprise party last night."

Further conversation stops for the time being as they watch with amusement three year old Schuyler and two year old Artie shimmying to a lively Dynamic Duo song. When it ends and another begins, Charlie double checks the time. "I've got to meet the guys in a few."

Hendrika nods towards their stuff, consisting of a blanket, a hamper, kid's things, and a couple of portable chairs. "We'll be in this general area. Dedicate a song to me."

"I promised we would," Charlie grins before kissing her soundly.

To the boys he says, "Daddy's going on the stage soon. I'll wave to you."

They barely acknowledge him, too busy gyrating as only toddlers can.

Weaving through the crowd that's been steadily growing all morning and probably will continue to grow somewhat with the better known bands playing later in the day, Charlie finishes off a bottle of butterbeer. He shows his pass to get to the backstage area, going straight to Dragon's equipment. They'd put it there earlier after doing a basic check of everything. They don't have much time from when Dynamic Duo ends and Dragon begins. In the past, this thing had been big enough that there were two stages. That meant while one band played on a stage, another band could be getting set up on the other. At least there is the advantage of using magic to speed the process, unlike with a Muggle band.

The chords of the last Dynamic Duo song are still vibrating the air when Jericho, Ronan, Gavin, and Charlie start grabbing up their stuff to haul onstage. The sound of the applause for Dynamic Duo charges them up and as that band starts clearing off, Charlie makes sure to congratulate them all on how great they sounded and on giving a rousing performance. Maybe one day soon he'll talk with Phin Hodfuffer-Flefferfore about Dynamic Duo and Dragon playing together at the Crown & Cauldron.

While someone keeps the crowd warmed up with a patter of jokes, Charlie makes sure his bass sounds perfect. Within minutes Dragon is doing a sound check and shortly thereafter they are being officially introduced. Keeping his work to Schuyler and Artie, Charlie waves to them and also as promised, Ronan dedicates a song in which Charlie has a solo to Hendrika. The half hour set seems to fly by. The band is one fire and the crowd is loving it. Before Charlie knows it, he's playing the last few chords of the last song and can see the Cassandra's Orb band members waiting to take the stage next.

Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   06-03-09 18:54

“C’mon Seb, we’re gonna be late!” Arley paced the room, waiting for his boyfriend to get dressed.

“I am ready…you are in a hurry this morning. I know it will be fun seeing Bronwyn and Desi, but don’t rush me!” Seb tried to keep a straight face, but had a hard time being serious and a grin slipped past his lips.

“Well at least you look good; I don’t wanna be seen with you if you still have bed head!” Arley grinned playfully and wrapped an arm around Sebastian’s shoulders. “Now let’s get movin!”

Seb smiled and thought to himself Maybe I should not worry so much about him; he seems to be back to his normal, happy self. “Okay, Mr. Montgomery, let’s go have some fun.”

The boys headed out to St. Emry’s, and stopped when they saw the crowd of people gathered around the stage. They were late, and the second band had already started.

“I told you we needed to hurry...”

“It is fine, Arlington, the best bands are usually last you know. Now let’s go find our friends.”

They navigated through the crowd and searched for their friends until Arley spotted a familiar multicolored head. “Over there! I see ‘em!” Arley grabbed Seb by the hand and nearly dragged him to the waiting group.

“Bronwyn! We made it, I am very sorry we are late.” Seb smiled and offered his free hand to Toby “You must be Mr. Beck, we have heard a lot about you.”

Arley smiled in greeting to Toby before turning to Desi, not realizing his ex-girlfriend was standing next to her twin. “Well hey there stranger!” He grinned and pulled his hand from Sebastian’s and wrapped Desdemona in a bear hug. Finally he pulled away from her and stopped dead in his tracks.

“Oh my god…Bianca…” He looked her over, old feelings flooding back to him. “So…umm, how have you been girls?” He couldn’t take his eyes off Bianca, but he could feel Desi’s eyes on him. The last time they had spoken, things hadn’t gone well. “Look…I’m sorry about everything that happened Desi, I missed you guys a lot. How’s it been goin’?”

Sebastian turned from Bron and Toby to watch Arley’s reunion with Desi and the girl he found to be none other than Bianca Diamond. She was Arley’s old girlfriend, she was the reason Arley had left Seattle, and the reason he and Seb had met. “Hello, Desdemona! You look great; we have missed you a great deal. This must be your sister?” He smiled to Bianca, for some reason he was getting jealous, almost protective of Arley. “I am Sebastian Sjoblom, an old friend of Desi and Bronwyn from Hogwarts…and I know you know Arlington…” the last phrase sounded bitter, very uncharacteristic of Sebastian. He protectively wrapped an arm around Arley’s waist and snuggled into his arms, then laced one hand’s fingers with Arley’s.

Arley could only blush, a little bit in shock at meeting his ex-girlfriend while with his boyfriend. “Yeah…this is Seb, he’s my…”

“I am his boyfriend. We’ve been together since school.” Seb smiled again. “I take it you are all doing well?” His question aimed at the whole group.

Arlington couldn’t help but lean into Sebastian’s arms. He looked to Bronwyn and Toby and waved a greeting. “Maybe we can talk about some things later, Desi? I owe you an apology.”

“I missed you Bianca, have you been okay?” he bit his lower lip “Fallon’s missing, no one’s heard from her in awhile.”

Seb frowned, now was not the time to be feeling sad. “Okay, let’s just enjoy the music; we may save the serious conversations for drinks afterwards, yes?”

(Anthony) Life is Good
Author: Beck 
Date:   06-03-09 19:10

Playing for a live audience, especially one as large and diversified as the Emrys Fest crowd, pumped Anthony full of adrenalin. He still rode the high upon leaving the stage, whereupon he and the other male members of Dynamic Duo were met by a small but respectable group of screaming girls. They signed many autographs on paper, clothing and body parts and posed for photographs until their fans dispersed and they themselves were able to join the crowd as spectactors.

Anthony took an amused Plum's hand and led her through the throng to find a decent view of the stage, upon which Dragon currently played. Ariella and her husband Lawrence, Alanna and her boyfriend Jared, and Katherine waved them over to where they stood.

"Great show!" Ariella gushed, hugging both Anthony and Plum. She craned her head over her brother's shoulder to look for the other members of Dynamic Duo, but they'd fallen behind in the crowd to talk to someone else.

"Thanks," Anthony and Plum replied simultaneously.

"We had fun," Anthony then added, shooting Plum a happy grin.

They didn't say much more while Dragon performed, and then Cassandra's Orb took the stage.

Alanna turned to her brother. "So when are you moving out?"

Anthony laughed. "You don't want to live with me anymore?"

"You do have the best bedroom in the house," Alanna joked. In truth, she'd felt so isolated from her family for so long that she wished everybody could live in the Manchester house, at least until she got tired of the crowding, but she knew that Anthony wanted to move forward with Plum and that finding a place where they could enjoy each other's company and take care of little Alex was probably the perfect start.

"We keep going back to this flat in Diagon Alley," Anthony said. "I think it's the one. I just have to put in a deposit for it."

"So what's the hold up?" Alanna asked.

"Nothing really," Anthony replied.

"So you should put down that deposit this coming week."

Anthony laughed again. "Are you sure you're not trying to get rid of me?"

Alanna stuck out her tongue at her brother.

Anthony grinned and pulled his youngest sister into a playful hug. His life seemed to be totally on track these days. He had a wonderful girlfriend with whom he wanted to live, a loving family, a great band, and a good job. What more could he ask for?

Just Admit It
Author: Kody 
Date:   06-04-09 17:14

Ophelia looks over the souvenirs offered at one of the vendor booths then holding up a shirt for Werewolf Code of Conduct asks her brother Aiden, "What do you think for Cara and Dillane?"

"Dillane, yes. For Cara I'd go with the Cassandra's Orb shirt."

Poking his head between them Deak checks out the shirts in question before saying, "It's too bad they couldn't be here."

"They'd rather be here but it's winter there and their winter holiday hasn't started yet."

Daria chiding Kody has them, as well as the others in their group, turning heads. "You didn't have to kiss her."

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. I signed her top and then she threw herself at me and kissed me. She. Kissed. Me. On the cheek I might add."

"Fine. She kissed you. You didn't have to act like you enjoyed it so much."

"Will you to just admit you are a couple?" Kordelia voices what they're all thinking.

At the same time Kody and Daria says, "We are not a couple."

"Sure you aren't," Kordelia replies somewhat sarcastically.

Deak, not wanting to hang around while Kody's relationship status is debated, again, says to Timothy, Wiggy and Jack. "I'm ready to eat again."

Jack jerks a thumb back over his shoulder. "I want one of those strawberry fried pies."

The four younger boys hurry off, leaving as Kody asks his sister and the others, "Why do all of you keep trying to say Daria and I are together?"

Drake slaps Kody heartily on the back, "Because you two act like you are."

"We don't either," Daria frowns.

Aiden snorts back laughter. "I've not been around you two much but if you hadn't repeatedly said you are not together, I would have pegged you as being together."

Ophelia starts ticking things off. "You're dating. You're dating exclusively. You see each other practically every day, often several times a day. Even then you are forever sticking your heads in fireplaces to just say hello to the other through the Floo. You send each other owls all the time. You dislike it, Kody, when a guy flirts with Daria around you. Daria, you hate it when a girl flirts with Kody when you're in the vicinity. You consult each other on everything. What am I leaving out?" she asks, looking around at the others.

Drake shakes his head, "I can't think of anything more to add, though I'm sure there is."

Kordelia asks, "Why not just admit it? Kody and Daria, you are a couple."

Daria spreads her hands out in an I-give-up type gesture. "What's the big deal that has all of you to quick to pair Kody and me up?"

"Were you not listening?" Ophelia asks.

Kody sighs and shrugs. "I don't know what to tell any of you other than to repeat that Daria and I are just friends."

Another voices chimes in then. "That's good to hear, Kody."

Turning to face the newcomer, Aiden, Kordelia, and Ophelia all shrug, all wondering who this girl is.

Drake says under his breath, "Bloody hell."

Daria glowers and rolls her eyes before biting out, "It's been a long time."

Kody nods in assent with Daria's words. "It's been awhile, Emma. How are you?" he asks of Emma Crusher.

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