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From Steampunk to PJs
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   11-28-15 17:45

"Next time I choose a fancy dress with heels, remind me of how tonight went?" Isma said as they stepped into the flat. Lights turned on within the living room as they moved deeper into the flat.

"I tried to tell you before we left for the party it was a bad idea," Blake said with a chuckle as he took his top hat off and set it on the table, before dropping down into the chair and working on the buckles of his boots.

The pair of them had gone as someone befitting the Steampunk genre. Formal attire, adorned with gears and bronze fittings. Buckles and gadgets galore. Isma had even pulled her blonde hair up into a delightful updo, and added a pair of goggles that fit the theme. However, it was the heeled boots that, while they looked quite comfortable were murder on her feet between the dancing and walking at the party.

"Seriously the heels weren't even all that high, and you'd think something like that would be a bit more comfortable than it was," Isma said pulling the boots off and letting them come to rest on the floor near the chair. "For now, help me out of the corset, I want to shower and change into something less restrictive."

All in all they'd ended up coming in second place in the costume contest at their friend's party and walking away with some decent prize money as well as a couple of other random prizes.

Forty-five minutes later they were both out of their costumes and curled on the couch, listening to the WWN with a glass of wine and some leftover sweet and sour chicken to off set the little bit of food they'd eaten at the party and the abundance of sweet things. They'd also been sent home with a bakery box filled with fairy cakes decorated for Halloween.

Apples Need Caramel [Bertie, Edwina, Libby, Sylvestor]
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   11-28-15 19:23

Albert Nutcombe's mother hadn't been sure about the whole fancy dress for All Hallow's Eve thing. When she'd been a Hogwarts student dressing nicely in school uniform or formal robes was how one went about observing Halloween. Fancy dress was for other occasions, such as a masked New Year's Eve party and even then not while she was a Hogwarts student. Bertie's father pointed out that simply because costumes hadn't been the thing when they were in school didn't mean it was wrong or against tradition. It's simply different.

After discussion with a few other parents with children at Hogwarts and with her husband and Bertie both in favor of wearing fancy dress should Bertie wish to do so when the time came, Meredith Nutcombe decided she was being a stick in the mud, resisting change at a time when so many things were changing, not the least of which is not getting to see her baby boy's cheery face at home every night now that he's a Hogwarts first year.

When the time came Bertie did indeed wish to attend in fancy dress, his mother surprised to learn in an owl that the occasion is not a grand Halloween feast but a carnival. She'd grumbled to her husband that they never had carnivals or fairs or other events currently in place at Hogwarts, such Club Day and a Secret Santa gift exchange and Parents Weekend. This prompted her husband to drolly ask, "Would you like me to curse you back to being eleven so you too can participate in these various activities?"

Meredith had made a childish face at her husband, much as an eleven year old might make, and retorted, "I'd have to be at least sixteen if I were going back." She'd followed this with a sigh only to then chuckle. "We do get to visit during some of these events plus we can always attend the Quidditch matches."

Bertie didn't know about the conversation that came about because of his owl. All he knows is that he didn't have to try to put together a costume on his own. Dressed as Uric the Oddball as seen on Wizarding Trading Cards, complete with a jellyfish hat, which has tentacles that periodically move about, Bertie isn't sure he could have put this outfit together so well even if he were older and not as reliant on his parents.

Pushing one of those tentacles off his face, he crunches into an apple he just bobbed for. It's a great apple though he wouldn't mind some warm caramel to go with it. Hmmmm. Warm, gooey caramel. He saw that somewhere. Stopping, he turns to survey the booths around him, trying to remember where the food one is that had the sign about caramel.

Realizing she's now walking alone Edwina stops and turns. "Problem?" the snow queen asks. Not a particularly original idea but Edwina loves her sparkly white dress with a hint of blue in it and the matching shoes. She loves even more her snowflake crown, thinking she'd like to wear it every day if that were allowed.

"Do you remember where that one food booth with warm caramel is?"

"Over that way," she points. "Isn't that where Libby was going? Something about an apple dumpling."

"That's it!" Bertie spins around and starts walking only to realize he should explain to Edwina. "This apple would be perfect with some of that caramel."

Her own bobbing apple in hand, not yet eaten, Edwina thinks this over then nods in agreement. "You're right. Maybe a little cinnamon too if they have it."

On the way there they meet Libby coming in search of them, a bowl with a partially eaten apple dumpling on one hand. Dressed along the lines of a barbarian or Cro-Magnon, neither Edwina nor Bertie are quite clear on Libby's intent, Libby turns to go with them, retracing her steps. Libby's clothing is faux leather and faux fur but seems warm as do her primitive looking furry shoes. Almost to their destination Edwina asks, "Why do you have what look like bones in your hair?"

"I'm a barbarian cave woman cannibal," Libby matter-of-factly replies.

Edwina isn't sure how barbarian and cave woman and cannibal all tie together but with Libby it makes a certain sort of sense.

At the food booth with the apple dumplings and caramel and a number of other items Edwina sees her brother for the first time that evening, which also means seeing his costume for the first time. Sylvestor had been tight lipped about what he wanted to dress as, even when Edwina would be prattling on about her own fancy dress before school began.

Sylvestor had had the idea to dress as a Viking but upon learning that those cool horned hats he's so often seen in pictures of Vikings were not actually worn by Vikings. He'd subsequently thought of and rejected a number of costume ideas before settling on dressing as a warrior from a popular Wizarding fantasy series. He's got a sword slung on one hip and an ax slung across his back. Both are lightweight fakes but look real enough he's had them inspected more than once tonight by professors. He's also sporting some bloody fantastic tattoos in blues, reds, purples, and greens just as the character in the books has. Sylvestor is disappointed that they too are fakes and by Monday will be gone.

Sylvestor greets his cousin and Bertie and even offers a cross between a smile and a grimace at his sister. Beside him, Fitzwilliam, who is dressed as a Grodzisk Goblins Quidditch player, looks at Libby's apple dumpling. "Is that good? I'm thinking of getting one."

"It's great! You can get it with ice cream on it if you want."

"Ooooh. That's what I'm having then."

Sylvestor grins at his friend. "If you eat much more tonight you're going to get sick."

"If I do, then I'll have room to try more food."

"Yeah, yeah, just don't get sick in the middle of the night near my bed," Sylvestor says jokingly though he's serious.

Of course, he's one to talk. He's had almost as much as Fitz between the regular food, the special Halloween food such as deviled eggs that look like bloodshot eyes, and what they've won at some of the games, Sylvestor isn't sure he's got much more room; but, he's going to try to eat more. He just has to pace himself better. He supposes it's helped that he's not eaten everything from the games. He's got a pretty good stash going.

Niceties with the younger three out of the way, Fitz and Sylvestor set off with their food for outside and another go at the haunted maze, leaving Libby, Edwina, and Bertie heading for the cake walk where they will each be ensured of getting at least a small fairy cake though entire cakes and pies are possible.

Good Night
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   11-29-15 12:31

Marzi took Carter by one hand and Vallon by the other and said, "Now it's time to say good night."

"But we're not sleepy!" Carter exclaimed.

He had just turned five last month and tended to think himself grown already and a voice not only for himself but for his younger cousin/brother. Vallon, ever agreeable, nodded his head vigorously in wordless solidarity.

"No?" Marzi asked him. "Why are you yawning ever so often, and why does Vallon keep rubbing his eyes?"

Carter looked at her as if it were obvious and said, "Everybody yawns when the sun goes down, but that's only because it's nighttime. I'm not sleepy, truly!"

Marzi laughed. "Do you mean to tell me you never yawn during the day?"

Carter stopped to think about it. Then he shrugged and said, "I guess I do sometimes, when I'm sleepy."

Marzi laughed again and said, "I see. Well, even if you're not sleepy right at this moment, I'm sure you will fall asleep as soon as I put you to bed. Say your good nights."

The boys reluctantly said good night to the adults or students Marzi stopped to talk with en route to the Great Hall's exit. She didn't let go of their hands until they reached the fourth floor. The moment she freed them, they took off at a sprint for the family's chambers.

Marzi watched them go. Both wore cloaks that billowed behind them as they ran. Carter's was black with edging reminiscent of a bat's wing. He was dressed as a vampire. Vallon's was red with faux ermine trim. He wore a crown on his head and was a king. Marzi herself hadn't dressed up for Halloween, though she had in year's past. It just wasn't the same without Weston, who would often dress up with the family.

At least the boys seemed okay about this first holiday without their father around. They reached the door to their quarters and leaned against it breathlessly while waiting for their mother to catch up. They did seem wound up, but as predicted, they fell asleep soon after Marzi put them to bed.

The Princess, Jinn, and Butterfly
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   11-29-15 14:59

Jui, KJ, and Nuri had gotten as much candy and goodies as they had attention at the Halloween Carnival at the castle. Rounding them up had been easier than she'd imagined and there had only been one minor temper tantrum as KJ had wanted another attempt at one of the games on the grounds. Her final attempt had been rewarded with the stuffed teddy bear dressed as a witch that she currently cuddled.

Each child had won something at the games, Nuri's prize had been won with the help of her older sisters playing the game until they won a prize suitable enough for their baby sister. Jui had chosen to be a princess, a dress made of silk and gossamer fabric. A crown upon her head, and her dark hair in curls and tendrils around her features.

KJ was dressed as Jinn, or genie. Harem pants, a top and her hair pulled up with a gold band into a ponytail that hung down to her shoulder blades. She had a pair of glimmering, golden slippers on her feet as well to match the gold accents on the sapphire colored costume.

Nuri, she was the most adorable butterfly one could ever see. Her headband had a pair of antenna that were topped with fuzzy little balls of bright yellow. Her costume was brightly colored and the wings are bright and colorful with spots of pink and blue and green. She currently clutched a chocolate colored teddy bear dressed as a ghost.

Karma had not chosen fancy dress for the Halloween Carnival, but she had delighted in seeing her children dressed up and enjoying themselves. They'd even stopped at a few neighboring houses and trick-or-treated for a few extra goodies before ultimately heading home.

Small dinner of chicken, chips and some sliced fruit, baths and bedtime stories and all three girls were tucked into bed. Karma was soon enough, seated at the kitchen table and grading some papers and sipping a glass of wine.

(Aderyn) Halloween Carnival
Author: Cai Pembroke Carter 
Date:   11-29-15 16:07

Halloween Carnival was by far one of her favorite nights, and Aderyn of course showed up in fancy dress. She'd had her mum owl her a costume that made her look like a fairy. It had a shimmering tutu, tights that were specked with sparkles, as well as a corset and pair of wings that were sapphire etched in silver. She was a snow fairy, and the wings even looked like snowflakes instead of regular fairy wings.

She'd pulled her golden hair up and added a crown of silver and sapphire, and a few silvery sparkles to the tresses as well as a few streaks of sapphire to add to the outfit. Her feet were in sapphire slippers, which thankfully were flat and would ensure that she wouldn't regret the decision by the time the night was over.

She'd gone through the haunted maze outside, as well as played all the games there as well. A small bag at her hip had her prizes shrunk within them, and they'd be dealt with once she gets back to her room. The games, sweets and treats that filled the Great Hall had captured her attention and she'd bobbed for apples, and played a few other games. She'd greatly enjoyed the wand game, where you attempted to hit a moving target. Having been on the Quidditch team, she had thought it would give her an edge, but it hadn't but she'd not done horrible in the game either.

She spent time milling about with friends and ultimately decided to head back to her room before the end of the night so she could shower and attempt to get the bulk of the glitter from her hair. The glitter would take the most time, and probably not be out for at least a couple of days since she'd gone just a little bit overboard (accidentally of course).

Her costume safely tucked in it's garment bag and tucked away to be sent home with her parents the next time they came to visit or owl posted home when she got the next opportunity. Her still damp blonde hair pulled back in a clip, and she was dressed in a pair of fuzzy pajamas that were colored black and orange for Halloween and t-shirt she'd picked up at a cute little consignment store she and Cai had frequented this past summer in London.

In Trouble
Author: Gerry 
Date:   11-29-15 16:12

Gerry and Will sat in Professor Flitwick's office. The Charms professor and deputy-headmaster had just sent them there after discovering that they had been responsible for frightening a student so severely that she lost control of her bladder and embarrassed herself in front of much of the school.

They would be lying if they claimed they hadn't meant to scare the girl, and it would also be a fib to say the effect of said scare hadn't been amusing for the boys. In fact, the result had been all the more entertaining and neither Gerry nor Will felt particularly bad about it.

That was all about to change, though, but not for the right reasons. Professor Flitwick came into the office, went around the two seats occupied by the boys, and climbed onto a stack of books set onto his office chair. He looked perfectly level with the boys thanks to the boost.

"Mr. Martini-Blackwell, Mr. Wentworth… what do you have to say for yourselves?"

Gerry and Will exchanged looks and then grinned because they couldn't help themselves.

"We didn't mean it, Professor, honest," Gerry said.

"It was all in good fun," Will added.

"How were we supposed to know she'd get so scared?"

"We had no idea she'd pee herself!" exclaimed Will.

Professor Flitwick looked back and forth between the lads and then held up a small hand. "Not only did you intentionally set out to scare someone, be it Miss Sickleby or someone else, you also made fun of her after it was done. You took an uncomfortable situation and made it worse by laughing and pointing out what happened so others noticed. That was very bad behavior."

"Yes, sir," Gerry said. Will nodded and said, "We're sorry, sir."

"It's not me you owe an apology. I expect you'll do the right thing in the morning," Professor Flitwick said.

"We will, sir," Gerry said. He started to get up, thinking they were dismissed, but Professor Flitwick held up his hand again.

"One last thing," he said. "As punishment, I will deduct twenty points… EACH!"

Gerry's jaw dropped, and Will exclaimed, "But, sir! That's not fair!"

"No? Shall I take more points, then?"

Gerry got up and put a hand on Will's arm. "No, twenty points each is a fine punishment. We'll definitely learn our lesson."

Will's jaw jutted out in disagreement but he rose to his feet and didn't say anything more.

"Straight to the Gryffindor common room, then," Professor Flitwick said, "unless you want us to revisit the number of points removed from your house."

"Yes, sir. No, sir," Gerry said. He led Will from the Charms professor's office and immediately set a course for Gryffindor Tower.

They made sure they were well out of earshot and not being followed by any teacher before either one of them spoke.

"Crikey!" Will exclaimed, "but forty points is a lot!"

"At least he didn't give us detention to go along with it," Gerry pointed out. Then he snickered and said, "Potty training a first year."

Will laughed at that.

Sick on Halloween
Author: Calliope Torres 
Date:   11-29-15 16:26

Stuck in the hospital wing was not how Callie had wanted to spend Halloween, not when she had a fancy dress hanging in her closet for tonight. Lev, of course was fine, and got to spend time at the Carnival. He'd promised to bring her some candy and win her a prize or two - and honestly, she doubted he'd remember the promise.

She had a friend come visit her and bring her some candy, as well as a cute little stuffed pumpkin wearing a witch's hat that she'd won at one of the carnival games. The candy would be saved for later when she was feeling better, for now, she was sipping on some broth in hopes that it would finally settle her stomach.

She'd caught a stomach bug or something, and hadn't been able to keep food down since dinner Friday, and ultimately she'd decided to head to see Madame Pomfrey where she'd been put in a bed immediately and given fluids.

She was going to be spending the night in the hospital wing, and they would determine if she would be spending Sunday in the wing as well or if she'd finally be allowed to go back to her dormitory and attend classes on Monday. She was dressed in a pair of black and orange pajama pants and a long sleeved jersey t-shirt that was orange and black to match the pants and had a bright, glow in the dark spider on the front of the shirt. It was her new favorite pair of pajamas and she'd worn them as often as she could during the month of October, her time in the hospital wing was no exception.

Wednesday Addams and the Mona Lisa
Author: Araxie Loren 
Date:   11-29-15 16:51

After going through the maze and deciding to not take another round at the games outside Araxie and Nichole headed inside to the Great Hall where they intended on trying their hand at some of the games within and sampling some of the foods within.

Nichole was wearing a costume that made her look like Wednesday Addams from the muggle series, Addams Family. Her hair black, and done in pigtail braids. She wore a black dress with white tights, and looked quite like the young girl in the Addams Family.

Araxie was dressed as the Mona Lisa, complete with a gilded frame that was attached to her costume by thin bits of string. She'd chosen to go as one of her favorite muggle artworks, and she knew she'd get several looks. She'd even taken the frame off when she'd gone through the hedge maze to make things easier. Now, they were in the Great Hall and she'd ultimately retreated to her room to put the frame away, though it would lessen the impact of her costume. Either way, it would make the games a bit easier.

"Do you want to get food first or try some of the games?" Nichole asked once Araxie rejoined her after putting her picture frame away.

Araxie thought for a moment, eyeing a pair of first years who were currently eating what looked like apple dumplings covered in ice cream. "Food first. I want to try one of those," she said, indicating those dumplings.

"I was thinking the same thing, because those looked really, really good," The pair of them headed through those gathered in the Great Hall, making note of where the games like bobbing for apples, the cake walk, and a few other games they wanted to try were as they headed for the food booths.

Each girl, armed with a warm apple dumpling covered with vanilla ice cream and a mug of warm cider they sat at one of the tables and indulged in their warm treat. Soon enough, they were up and moving through the great hall heading back to where the games were that they wanted to try.

Bobbing for apples and they walked away with an apple each, giggling as they tucked it into their baskets for the time being. They'd eat it a bit later. For now, they were ultimately heading toward the cake walk where they were hoping to play and get at least a fairy cake, if not one of those whole cakes or pies that were up for grabs.

Last Shift
Author: Aaron Miller 
Date:   11-29-15 19:17

Brandon, eyes drooping, shakes his head and even as he stifles a yawn, claims, "But I'm not sweepy."

Saffron, dressed as a cross between an actual mermaid and a fictionalized Disney-esque mermaid, kneels to look at him in the eye. "Well, Mummy's tired and I was hoping you'd walk me back to the flat."

Dressed as James P. Sullivan, aka Sulley, from his current favorite Muggle movie Monsters, Inc., the four year old gives this request some serious thought, finally looking to me to ask, "You aren't going, Daddy?"

"I promised to stay a little longer and help out." My children picked my costume, just as they had done Saffron's. I am Pumbaa from another Muggle movie, The Lion King.

Brandon is so tired he doesn't even think to ask if Niccola's coming with Saffron and him. He sighs as if faced with a massively difficult task then offers his hand to Saffron. "I'll take you home, Mummy."

The not tired Sulley is so tired that before they make it to the doors leading from the Great Hall, Saffron has picked him up and his head is on her shoulder, the rest of him on the limp side.

I go in search of Niccola, dressed as the cat Marie from the Aristocats, who is with Amorica Wenlock. Brandon had been with Jasper Jenkins, dressed as St. Mungo's healer, for a short time, Jasper helping his little cousin with a couple of the games. I find Nic and Amorica at a booth with a version of ring toss, Nic clutching a stuffed kitty that's strikingly similar looking to her own outfit. They're watching another of the cousins, Lauren MacDougal, try her hand at the rings.

Both the older girls are dressed as animals as well. Amorica has gold and brilliant red plumage, a somewhat stylized phoenix, while Lauren looks like a Jack Russell terrier until you see her forked tail, making her a Crup.

I wait until Lauren is finished, winning a small bear that she gives to Niccola to give to Brandon. "Saffron has taken Brandon to the flat. Would one or both of you take Niccola? I need to stay here for awhile longer."

Niccola frowns at the question but is either too tired to protest or she's so tired she knows she is and is ready to go even if she doesn't like hearing that she's going. When both Lauren and Amorica agree to take her, she goes willingly enough.

I head for a booth where I'm due to work the last shift. A short time later I see both the older girls back in the Great Hall, which means the soon to be seven Niccola gave them no problems on the way to the flat. Or at least I hope that's what their quick trip there and back means. I don't dwell on that thought as several students come to the booth at the same time, wanting to have turns and win more prizes before the carnival officially ends.

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