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All Dressed Up
Author: Alanna Beck 
Date:   12-01-08 08:46

Alanna studied her reflection in the vertical mirror in the prefect's bathroom, where she'd spent quite some time primping for the Hearts and Roses Ball. Never in her life had she worked so hard to prepare for something as silly as a school dance. She'd gone to her fair share of them, but never with someone she cared about as much as she cared for Jared.

Casting one final glance at her reflection––she'd done her hair up in a French twist, tastefully made up her face, and wore a dress robe of velvety crimson––and left the bathroom for the common room, outside of which she intended on meeting Jared. She got there in record time, eager for the magical Valentine's Day night to begin.

Inside, a number of couples and others already mingled. Alanna watched them through the open door and admired their robes of varying colors and styles. The common room had been decorated for Valentine's Day, and now shimmered with lights that continuously streamed and moved over the dance floor.

Alanna subconsciously tugged on the simple, silver heart pendant around her neck. It had belonged to her mother, but Alanna had been too young to remember ever seeing her wear it. She herself had received it from her grandparents on her sixteenth birthday and treasured it as the family heirloom it was, though this was the first time she'd ever worn it.

"You look beautiful."

Alanna, distracted by the activity inside the common room, jumped and turned to the voice.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, and blushed instantly. She hoped she didn't look as red as her dress. "Thank you," she murmured. "You look..." she paused, catching her breath. "You look great too."

Jared grinned. "Thanks."

He took a few steps closer to her and offered his arm. With a tilt of his head towards the common room door he asked, "Shall we?"

Alanna smiled. "We shall." She took his arm and let him lead her to the Hearts and Roses Ball.

Chaperoning (Theodosia)
Author: Viktor Krum 
Date:   12-01-08 15:37

"Stop scowling," Theodosia chides Zuberi.

"There aren't enough girls to go around."

"Unfortunately, no, there aren't many of either sex in any year. That said, not everyone is paired up tonight."

Zuberi's upper lip curls into a sneer. "I am not dancing with a desperate first year!"

"It's acceptable to periodically ask to dance with someone who's got a date."

"Sure. Let them know I'm so pathetic I couldn't get my own date," Zuberi snaps.

Theodosia grabs Zuberi by the shoulder and pushes him into a slightly quieter corner. "First and last warning tonight, Zuberi. Continue displaying the attitude and you'll get detention. Now, either put on a smile and enjoy the dance or leave. Those are your only options."

Zuberi opens his mouth but Theodosia holds up a hand. "Save it."

She leaves him standing there, knowing fully well he's boring holes in her back with his glare. She also knows that if she were to stop and turn to look back at him, he'd mockingly smile at her. If that happened she'd be forced to back up her threat of detention. It's too early in the evening to have to do something so negative.

Theodosia walks over near the doorway, looking for Marjani. Her sister had been thrilled beyond words to be invited by classmate Hadrian Rabnott. Marjani's having a date certainly isn't helping with Zuberi's attitude about the dance. Despite Zuberi's sullenness Theodosia has been caught up in the joy and excitement Marjani's had about being asked by a cute boy and getting new dress robes in buttercup yellow. Helping Marjani with her hair earlier today and okaying a very light use of cosmetics, Theodosia felt the first real sisterly bond with Marjani since having her sister and brother transfer to Hogwarts.

Marjani walks in, her smile broad and infectious. She's wearing a lovely wrist corsage of different pink flowers, something Hadrian must have presented her. Theodosia smiles, gives a small wave and points to the photographer, wanting Marjani and Hadrian to have pictures made. Marjani gives a nod of understanding then says something to Hadrian. Theodosia's gaze lingers long enough to watch the two get in the short line for photographs.

The band, Black Rose, stops playing at the moment. It's only then that Theodosia realizes just how much the vibrations of the music had been thrumming through her body. The lead singer addresses the assembled students, "Good evening, Hogwarts! Thanks for having us. You are the start of our very first European tour! Now, how about we crank up the music?"

The students clap and cheer. The band performs the Sonorus spell to increase its volume even more. With the first chords of the next song, the thump of music through Theodosia's bones is papable and the room is now so loud, anyone attempting to talk is going to have a hard time being heard. It's of course right then that Basil Wynbourne approaches with his friend Ivan Grimsby. He asks her something but Theodosia can't make out what he's saying.

Stepping into the hallway wouldn't reduce the noise enough to be heard. To understand what seems to be a simple question and to then give a reply requires either walking far enough away from the common room or performing a spell. The spell is a much simpler solution.


There is an instant dampening of the noise. Smiling at Basil, Theodosia asks, "What were you saying, Basil?"

"When are the teams for the next match being posted?"

"No later than this coming Friday. Anything else?"

"Give me a hint as to whether I'm on a team this time?" Basil asks hopefully.

"Sorry," Theodosia replies with a slight chuckle.

Basil doesn't look very happy about that but wisely doesn't voice his displeasure. Ivan and he walk off leaving Theodosia debating whether she wants to lift the muffling spell or not. Deciding that she's not old enough quite yet to be intolerant of overly loud music, Theodosia dispells the charm then begins making a circuit around the room like a good chaperone should.

(The Mews) It Begins
Author: Charlie Weasley 
Date:   12-02-08 08:01

Charlie looks into the loo's mirror, double checking that he still looks fully like Barny Bartlesby. He takes a deep breath then exhales slowly. Ginny's protests still ring in his ears even though it's been a few days since he's seen her and heard another round of her arguments on why she should be allowed to take part in what's about to happen.

Thing is, this is pretty much a solo operation as far as Order spies working on the inside goes.

At least Snape is fronting the revolt from the prisoners' aspect.

Charlie takes another deep breath. Never in his life had he thought to be grateful to have Snape coordinating something Charlie's involved in.

The revolt MUST appear to be prisoner led. Hadley Pennifold finally admitted to losing his wand. A thorough search was done of The Mews but the wand wasn't found. When this is over today, fingers will point at Hadley and the warden will had to answer questions on why the wand wasn't found in the searches that were done.

Much as he should care that the lives of those two people might be forfeit as a result of the revolt, Charlie can't find it in him to do so. His only cares are that the revolt is successful, the prisoners escape, and there is a minimum of lost lives on their side.

Charlie takes one more deep breath, steps out of the loo, braces himself for the biting wind blowing outside and a temperature that plummetted with nightfall, and walks across the quad to where Severus Snape waits. Inside one of the buildings, Charlie enters a stockroom where as Barny he'd ordered Snape to reorganize as part of a punishment he'd doled out.

Charlie hasn't seen anyone else about but that doesn't mean there a guard or two isn't somewhere close by. For the benefit of a prison staffer who might be within hearing range, Barny says, "Lazy slug. Bloody incompetent. Look there. You call that organized?"

He's pulling the stockroom door shut as he speaks. Once it's closed he says to Snape in a quieter tone, "I know it's going to hurt so please make it quick."

Snape hasn't said a word yet and now just nods. Taking out a wand - one of the ones created using the intructions Charlie had given Snape and Hadley Pennifold's wand - Snape points it. Charlie is hit with such pain that he's not even sure for a moment what spell Snape used.

Charlie groans and only as he rolls over does it sink in that the spell knocked him off his feet. Staggering up, Snape hits with another, different spell. Panting from the pain, Charlie notices that the edges of his vision are going grey and blurry. Snape's head appears directly over him.

"Cruciatus at close quarters. Knew it would be ugly. Sorry. Snapped a tibia and fibula. Second one seems to have dislocated a shoulder."

"Obviously wasn't able to get the apparition restriction lifted. Too bad for me, huh?" he dryly says through clenched teeth.

Charlie levers himself up and with his uninjured arm tosses his wand behind some of the stockroom crates. Snape looks quizzically at him.

"I'm going to need it and if I'm found I'm going to say it went flying and that you were too anxious to be gone to spend a few extra seconds looking for it."

"Good idea," Snape nods approvingly.

"Now get going. They're waiting for your cue."

Snape meets Charlie eyes, nods, then briskly leaves the room. Charlie lies flat on his back and listens for the sounds of anyone approaching the stockroom and for the sounds of the prison break beginning.

Let's Dance
Author: Jared 
Date:   12-02-08 13:29

Jared's heart is pounding and his face feels flushed. He's not coming down with something. It's a bug that struck him years ago and has grown over the years. Jared just wishes that after all this time he were able to be more composed around Alanna. Always beautiful in his opinion, Alanna is so pretty tonight that Jared isn't sure he's going to be able to breath properly the rest of the evening.

It's not until Alanna and Jared have walked into the decorated common commons that he remembers he's got a couple of things for her. With the crimson of her dress robes, Jared's glad he thought to ask what color she'd be wearing this evening. If he hadn't, he'd have gone with red roses and the ones he'd gotten to pin on her robes would have been lost in the color. Jared went with roses that are a creamy ivory, ordering both a corsage for Alanna's wrist and a matching one to pin on her robes. The one for Alanna's robes has two intertwined hearts dangling from it, a charm that can go on a bracelet or necklace afterwards.

Guiding Alanna to a table, Jared gives her first the wrist corsage and then, even flustered as he is, manages to successfully pin the other corsage to her robes. Alanna studies both then with a grin, loudly says, "Thank you."

Just as loudly, Jared gestures to the specially decorated area where a photograher is set up. "Would you like to have our picture taken?"

"Of course!"

Offering Alanna his arm, Jared escorts her to the short line that's formed. Minutes later they have posed for three different shots and are on their way back to their table. Halfway there Jared thinks to ask, "Would you like to go on and dance?"

Alanna gives him that grin again. "Love to!"

The first two songs they dance to are lively, bone jarring rock tunes. Jared feels the flustered flush coming over him again when the next song is slower. Much slower. Alanna steps closer and Jared starts thinking maybe he's dreaming again that finally, after all this time, he's got his arms around Alanna Beck, dancing slowly with her at a romantically themed ball.

When the songs ends, Jared can't help but hope Black Rose will follow it with another slow song. He's disappointed when it's not but then Alanna offers him her hand. "I'm a little thirsty," she says next to his ear to be heard.

They exit the dance floor and after seeing Alanna to the table, Jared goes for refreshments. When he returns, he sees that Sage is talking with Alanna. Jared sits and Sage rearranged his chair so that he can put his head close to both Jared's and Alanna's to talk.

"Professor Hodfuffer just let me know that Phin, Kody, and Deak have it."

Jared feels a twinge of guilt for not having thought once this evening about that RV, his friends, and the plan for Happy Haven. He pushes the guilt aside to say, "That's good to hear."

"It's a go then?" Alanna asks.

"It's a go," Sage nods. "I feel energized now. Drink your punch, Alanna, so I can steal you away from Jared for a dance."

She laughs and then asks, "You didn't come with anyone, Sage?"

"I thought about it but decided not to."

Jared pokes fun. "He's pining for Georgia Copperpot."

"Am not."

"No, of course not," Jared teases. He tells Alanna, "She's only the first person Sage specifically asked about by name when he learned about... that place."

Sage makes a face at Jared. "Keep it up, Wynbourne, and I might just keep your date for the rest of the evening."

Laughing, Alanna points out, "No one keeps me, Porter."

"Details. Details," Sage goodnaturedly replies. He gets up and holds out a hand, "Ready to dance now?"

Jared suddenly stands, grabs Sage's hand and jokes, "Thought you'd never ask."

Alanna nods towards the dance floor. "Go ahead, you two. I'll wait. Would you like one of my corsages, Sage?"

Valentine's Gifts
Author: Griffin Price 
Date:   12-02-08 17:17

Holding a bouquet of roses and a jewelry case holding a pair of earrings, Griff knocks on Dulcie Kennicot's door. Griff hears movement in the other side then the door opens, Dulcie standing there in short, slinky black dressy robes, four inch stappy heels, and her hair done up in a complicated twist. Or to Griff it looks complicate anyway. She steps forward to peck Griff on the cheek, her perfume wafting over him then Dulcie steps back, inviting Griff inside.

"For you," Griff says, offering Dulcie the roses with a flourish.

"Beautiful," she murmurs, taking a moment to appreciate the heady rose scent before taking them into the kitchen. "Fix yourself a drink," she says over her shoulder. "Me one too."

Griff, jewelry case still in hand, moves over to where Dulcie has a selection of beverages. He fixes her the fruit juice and alcohol combination she prefers then pours himself a whiskey straight up. Taking the drinks, Griff walks into the kitchen, watching as Dulcie arranges the roses in a vase.

Without looking up from the flowers, Dulcie asks, "We still have a bit before the dinner reservations, right?"

"Yes, we've got a buffer," Griff replies, taking a sip of his drink.

"Goody, I want... ooooh, what's that in your hand?"

"This? Oh, nothing. Would you like it?"

Dulcie giggles, sweeping the jewelry box from Griff's hand. She opens it, squeals, gives Griff a huge hug, squeals again, then pulls him near for a long kiss. When the kiss ends, Dulcie takes out the earrings she's wearing and puts in the one's Griff's given her.

"You remembered!"

"So those are the right ones? I thought so but was second guessing myself."

"These are the ones we saw that day. That was long enough ago I'm surprised you even remembered. You are so, so sweet!"

Dulcie embraces Griff again then lets him go with another giggle. "I've something for you as well. I wanted to give you something you'd think was sweet of me so I thought and thought about it."

Dulcie takes Griff by the hand and leads him back into the living room. "Sit on the couch. I'll be right back."

Griff does as he's bid, not at all sure what it is Dulcie's going to give him. He can't help but wonder if she's gone to change into something not appropriate to wear out. He's more than a little relieved when Dulcie comes out of her bedroom, still wearing the short, slinky black robe. She's carrying a slim file.

Sitting down next to Griff, Dulcie places the file on her lap. "This is silly really and not at all romantic. I simply couldn't think of anything to give you that you might really want. You know how you've mentioned a few times how worried your aunt is about her niece by marriage?"

Griff, his stomach clenching and heart rate rising as he hopes Dulcie is about to say what he's been working towards all this time, nods. "Yes. My aunt gets nearly distraugt at times with worry that this one niece is on the loose."

"You said the woman is mentally unstable and that your aunt is concerned that Carys wasn't relocated, that she'll show up at your aunt's at some point and cause problems."

"Yes, that's right. I keep telling Aunt Ruth that after all these months she shouldn't worry about Carys but Carys is so unstable, Aunt Ruth won't listen to reason."

"Well," Dulcie says, her cherry lipsticked lips spreading into a smile, her fingers tapping the file on her lap, "I am going to show you something so you can reassure your Aunt Ruth once and for all. Now, this was difficult to get. You know there are spells in place to keep me from speaking of certain things and protective spells on files. It wasn't easy getting this information. I did it, hard as it was, to show you how much I care about you, Griff."

Dulcie hands Griff the file. His hand hovers over it for a few seconds as he forces himself to breath normally. Then, with effort to keep his hand from shaking, Griff opens the file and reads what he's been seeking since the day Carys was snatched. As he takes in the information on Goen Bren, Griff's heart does another leap. Mairwen's name is listed as well!

Quickly committing the information to memory, Griff hands the file back to Dulcie. "Thank you. This is a spectacular gift, Dulcie."

Leaning into Griff, Dulcie suggests, "Let's go to dinner then come back here for dessert. I have another gift for you but you'll have to wait for it."

Giving Dulcie a kiss, Griff stands and offers her a hand up, wondering if he can get her drunk enough tonight that she won't remember if they have her version of dessert or not. He'll sleep with Dulcie if he has to but Griff really doesn't want to use her to that extent.

Author: Ethan Somerset 
Date:   12-02-08 18:46

"Happy Valentine's Day."

Ethan chuckled quietly under his breath. "I've never had so much fun on a date. Honestly, I think this tops every Valentine's Day I've ever had. Can't say I remember my last one with a woman, or a date on any other night for that matter."

Maverick sobered. "With good reason, I suspect. The last few years, if not more, haven't exactly been ordinary for you––or me."

"True." His ties to Voldemort had completely turned his life up-side-down, and just when he'd started changing his future for the better, he found himself arrested and eventually carted off to Brecqhou. He unconsciously massaged the N tattoo on his frozen hand.

Maverick hadn't seen freedom of any sort since his arrest three and a half years ago. He hadn't had the opportunity for dates, period.

He ducked his head closer to Ethan and whispered. "Will you really try it tonight?"

Ethan looked around to make sure no scrutinizing gazes were upon him and his friend. "Yes. I've finally decided to whom I'll send the patronus."

He had thought long and hard on the subject, not knowing who he could safely contact. For all he knew, everyone he could trust was imprisoned either in Azkaban or someplace like Brecqhou, assuming others even existed. After crossing several people off of his list (like Severus Snape, who he remembered being in Azkaban), Ethan finally settled on someone he hadn't seen or heard from in a long time, but who he seriously hoped hadn't gotten herself into the same trouble so many others had.

"You don't think it's too much of a risk doing this at night? Patronuses stand out more in the dark than in daylight, don't you think?"

"I appreciate your being cautious but I think the time is right to do this. Let's be quick about it," Ethan expressed urgently.

They'd been walking to their cabin from their last task of the day and would soon have to eat and turn in for the night. For the present, it wouldn't appear too suspicious if they didn't go inside immediately, but time was running out.

Using the cover of night as protection, they slipped behind one of the buildings when they were certain the coast was clear. Maverick served as lookout while Ethan conjured up the most pleasant thought in his mind. Right now, freedom and a reunion with his family cheered him enough to produce his patronus, a hawk. The small glowing speck quickly disappeared out of sight, en route to Dierna ní Cíaran.

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