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Author: Griet 
Date:   01-23-08 10:43

Griet sat down on a bench in Hogsmeade and watched everyone who walked up and down High Street. It was cold, but not so uncomfortable that Griet couldn't sit and not freeze off her buns. She wore a well-insulated coat that looked very light and fashionable, a woolen scarf, mittens and a knitted cap.

Even though Griet knew she didn't have a lot of time in the village, she didn't really feel like doing much besides people-watching. She'd already gotten a cup of tea at Madam Puddifoot's and was thinking about buying sweets from Honeydukes before she had to leave. Cornelia, however, had tons of shopping to accomplish, and often left bags of purchases with Griet to carry back to the castle.

"I don't see your name on that bench," a familiar voice snarled.

Griet turned her head and glanced at Oberon with one eyebrow raised. "What?"

He looked down at the piles of sacks on the bench next to Griet and then at her face again. "That's all your rubbish, isn't it?"

"It's my sister's, actually," Griet said. "And what's it to you?"

Gervaise had been standing with Oberon the entire time and spoke this time. "We were thinking about having a seat, but it looks like it's taken."

A moment later, he'd whipped out his wand and sent Cornelia's bags scattering, dumping out many of the contents and breaking at least one thing.

"You ass!" Griet shrieked, scrambling to her feet to collect Cornelia's things before they got trampled on.

Gervaise and Oberon laughed and sat down on the newly vacated bench, spreading out to prevent Griet from returning to her seat, even though the bench could accommodate more than two people.

Griet managed to collect everything, though whatever had been broken she might try to repair later at the castle. She whirled on the boys and stalked towards them angrily. "I don't know what your problem is," she hissed, glaring at one and then the other. "Last I checked you two weren't special anymore. You're just as much a nobody as I am."

She could tell that her words stung. Both Gervaise and Oberon were now considered nons. They'd lost all their old privileges and would be forced to return to Hogwarts soon also.

Griet figured they were still nasty towards her because they at least had each other. If only one or the other had changed status, things might be very different right now.

She glared at them angrily one last time and then turned away from the bench, setting course for the castle.

Trying Not To Shiver
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   01-23-08 11:34

Though not as cold today as it had been for the first and second apparition lessons, it's still pretty darn cold. Emerald pulls her coat more tightly and buttons it at the second set of buttons, glad the coat has the option of being more loosely buttoned or more tightly buttoned.

"No, no, no," Gertie Crouch's voice cuts shrilly throuh Emerald's earmuffs. "You are all hopeless!"

Emerald seriously considereds using one a muffling charm Professor Isuki taught them. It would definately be a case of defense against a dark art. Also, it's not as though Emerald really needs to hear more of Gertie Crouch's harsh comments. They've been told what they need to do and having the woman's harsh criticisms constantly haranguing them breaks their concentration. Being out here in the cold certainly doesn't help either.

The time seems to drag but hopefully class's end will be here soon. Phin's meeting Emerald at the school gates and they are going straight to the restaurant where they can eat in a private dining nook where they can hold hands, and even kiss, without Snider or Yaxley suddenly appearing to dock points or to give detention, or both, for public display of affection between a Non and a Pure. Emerald doesn't know if the school policy would extend to Hogsmeade but she wouldn't be surprised if it did. There's also the fact that at any time now the Ministry could very well issue the same rule for the general public.

Another attempt at apparating into her hoop completed, Emerald starts concentrating again, reminding herself that it's destination, determination, and deliberation. Resisting the desire to shiver enough that Gertie Crouch would notice and spend five minutes yelling at her for being so weak, Emerald uses the energy she would have expended shivering to make her next attempt at getting herself from where she stands to the middle of her hoop.

An Awkward Moment
Author: Alice Cullen 
Date:   01-23-08 13:15

Sitting at her table fully alert, Alice played aimlessly with the trimming of the table cloth. It had been weeks since she had seen Jasper or heard from him and she was gradually wondering if he still loved her the way he used too. She let out a little sigh, ever since her return from Greece, he had been distant and different. She wondered if maybe he had found someone else at the collage he was attending. After all, he was free to go with someone different. They didn’t have to stay together. A tiny tear came down her cheek. She loved him so much it hurt to think of having to let him go. Alice was so lost in thought that she did not notice when a teenaged girl with brown hair and hazel eyes approached her.

“May I have my fortune read?” The girl asked uncertainly holding out a few Wizarding coins for Alice. Despite jumping, Alice smiled and motioned the girl forward. She steadied her for a moment. The girl was very beautiful and wore the Hogwarts Uniform. So that told Alice she was a student. She was also a Gryffindor, but she held an American accent rather then a British one. That was rather peculiar she thought.

“What is your name?” She asked watching the girl sit down across from her.

“Cailyn Spicer.” The girl answered watching Alice with big wide eyes.

“Cailyn Spicer, that’s a different name.” Alice answered as she pulled the silk scarf off her crystal ball.

“Yeah, my dad and mom decided that they wanted my name to be different. My dad’s name is different too. I mean what’s the point of having a normal, boring name?” Cailyn rambled.

Alice almost laughed and raised her eyebrow. Did she dare tell this girl that she had a normal boring name? Perhaps it was best to leave that part out. She thought looking thoughtfully at the girl.

“Your parents must be unique people.” Alice said smiling.

“My dad is. My mom was, or at least I think she was. I don’t remember, I was only three when she died.”

“Oh, I’m sorry…” Alice whispered looking at the girl she wasn’t used to having someone tell her their entire life story the minute she meant them.

“It's all right, I don’t remember her at all. So, what’s going to happen in my future?” Cailyn asked changing the subject on Alice.

“Well, let's see, shall we?” Alice asked as she concentrated on the ball. It didn’t take her long to see the girl’s father. “ Your father’s name is Nicko, isn’t it? And he works for the Ministry of Magic.” Alice said watching Cailyn’s father at work, her first thought was that this man was rather handsome despite being a bit older then she was.

“Yes, he was transferred to the department he is in now. We had to move to England this year.” Cailyn said as Alice watched the scene unfold before her. It wasn’t long before she saw herself with Cailyn’s father. Her eyes grew wide and she stared at the ball. She looked at the ball and then up to Cailyn, wondering how in the world to tell the teenager that she was going to be dating her father. How awkward. Alice thought frowning.

Seeing a fortune teller
Author: Cailyn Spicer 
Date:   01-23-08 13:34

“What, what is it? Is it something bad? Is Simon really bad and is he going to hurt my father?” Cailyn asked as she noticed the fortune teller’s eyes grow wide and dart from her to the ball a few times.

“No, no, who is Simon?” The woman asked putting her hands on the ball and blinking a few times.

“Simon Rivera is my father’s friend but I think he is up to no good. I heard him saying he needed more time, and he is eating out of my father’s hand. What did you see?” Cailyn pressed the woman.

“Your father will soon be dating a very nice and beautiful woman.” The woman said with a grimace. “ Now to see about this Simon Rivera.” She added.

“All right.” Cailyn said after all it would be nice to find out if Simon was someone she needed to watch. She wondered who the woman was that her father was going to be dating. He was always dating someone, usually a Muggle woman. He had a different woman everyone month so it was no surprise that he would be dating someone.

The woman looked into her strange crystal ball and her eyes once again widen. “Mr. Rivera is indeed a man not to be trusted. It seems that he is after your father’s money. I would be on the look out for him.” The woman advised.

“I knew it!” Cailyn nearly shouted as she jumped up out of her chair.” I knew he was after our money! Now I have to figure out how to get my father to stop trusting him.” Cailyn said a little quieter as she sat back down. “What’s your name?” She asked realizing she didn’t know the woman’s name.

“Alice Cullen. I have a boring normal name.” Alice said with a slight twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face making Cailyn blush.

“Uh-oh.. That’s a very nice name though. Thank you Miss Cullen for telling me my future.” She said handing Alice the set of coins she owned her. “I should get going, I want to get some candy.” She said.

“Cailyn, if you ever need anything, don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Alice said pushing the coins Cailyn had given her into a purple bag.

Cailyn smiled at Alice. “ Thanks!” She said it was nice to know she could ask the fortune teller for help if she needed. She pushed the door opened and after going to buy some candy, decided to go back to Hogwarts. She wasn’t supposed to be in Hogsmeade at all, and it wouldn’t be good if she got caught sneaking out to Hogsmeade. So she had to make sure she was back in her room early.

Another Meeting
Author: Ariella Beck 
Date:   01-23-08 13:50

Ariella slipped into the same seat at the Hog's Head she'd sat in just two days ago, when she and Lawrence had met in relative secret for Valentine's Day. A smile formed on her face as she thought of the romantic meeting. He'd surprised her with a bouquet of pink tulips and a sterling silver hairbrush set. She, in turn, had given him dual time-zone watch so that he could know what time it was in his hometown without having to do any math.

Two days ago, they'd decided to meet at the Hog's Head again. Both knew that the likelihood of them getting found out would be riskier this go around, but in general, the Hog's Head was one Hogsmeade establishment that Hogwarts students and staff didn't frequent all that regularly. Besides, Ariella had asked Alanna to stop by as soon as she finished her third apparition lesson. At the very least, it might appear as if Ariella and Alanna were just having a drink with their Herbology professor. They could even throw in actual questions about classwork to throw curious onlookers off.

For now, however, Ariella was on her own. She looked forward to Lawrence's arrival and hoped that he would come soon so that she could at least have some time alone with him. She had some big news to share.

She nursed a glass of warm, mulled mead and occasionally looked to the door. The old bartender glanced at her occasionally but seemed far more occupied with a goat that he kept in a back room.

At last the door opened and Lawrence stepped into the room. His nose and ears were red from the cold. He spotted Ariella immediately and went to her with a big smile on his face.

"If someone saw you, he or she would know what's up," Ariella teased, accepting a quick kiss from him.

Lawrence settled into the chair beside her. "Sometimes I'm sick of keeping quiet."

"Me too," Ariella said, "but we don't have much longer. Five months, at best."

"Five months," Lawrence murmured, taking her hand under the table. "It'll be a difficult five months, but I think I can manage." He grinned at her.

She grinned back. "I have some news."

"Do tell!"

"My LinguoCube is going into production. It's a limited run, to see how it does in the market."

"That's great news! I'm so proud of you."

Ariella smiled. "Thanks. I can't believe I actually invented something people might actually want to buy."

"I can. You're brilliant."

The door opened suddenly. Ariella and Lawrence stopped holding hands and scooted apart as nonchalantly as possible. The new arrival wasn't a student or teacher or anyone they happened to know, though. Just an older man who came in to speak with the bartender.

The couple decided not to rejoin hands, being content in the fact that they at least had some time together away from Hogwarts and without the obvious stigma of being professor and student.

I Hate This
Author: Rolf Haaken 
Date:   01-23-08 14:28

With Doug having so little time in the village, Jane and he might not normally waste it sitting at a corner table, with a brunch of waffles and fruit ordered. Neither had any shopping to do and all they want is to be together. The waitress brings a pot of tea and Jane sits fiddling with the gold band with marquise cut stone on her left ring finger.

After the waitress has moved away, Jane says, "You didn't have to spend the money, you know. It's not like we can do anything openly."

"You and I know. That's what counts."

"Don't forget our families but I understand what you mean. Still, it would be nice to share the news."

"Yell it from the rooftops?" Doug grins, reaching out to take one of Jane's hands.

"Yes, that would be a start," Jane giggles. She then somberly says, "I hate that we can't even announce we're engaged. I hate that we can't get married where we want."

Doug frowns, "I thought you liked the idea of getting married on a Tahitian beach."

Sighing greatly Jane explains, "I do but it's one thing to make the decision to get married some romantic place. It's different when that decision is made because we aren't allowed to get married in our own country. Then, if that's not bad enough, we can't even live in our own country as husband and wife. If we life here, we'll just be considered to be a Pure and a Non shacking up together."

Doug kisses Jane's hand. "Then we live somewhere else but if not, once we've exchanged vows, it won't matter to me what the British Ministry says. You will be my wife in my eyes."

Jane leans over to give Doug a kiss then pours them each a cup of tea as they discuss university and job options if they were to live outside of Britain.

Lestrange vs Granger, Round One
Author: Bellatrix Lestrange 
Date:   01-23-08 17:57

Bellatrix was in a foul mood. So far her search of Germany had revealed nothing of the particular texts she had been looking for, and Gunthar Fitz had been no help.

Since the fall of Voldemort, Gunthar had set himself nicely in an ‘abandoned’ castle on the Rheine. True to form, he had immediately stocked the place full of his beloved collection books and moved in his followers shortly afterwards. By the time Bella had tracked him down two of his cult members were already missing after being last seen wandering amongst his dangerous and deadly library of occult knowledge.

For his part Gunthar had been pleased to see Bellatrix. He still held her in high regard, which was good for her personal safety she supposed. He was obviously setting himself up to become Germany’s version of Voldemort, filling a void that had been gaping since the Dark Lord’s death. Yet even he had blanched when she had told him what type of spell she was looking for.

She had bitten back her annoyance, forcing herself to remain calm in case the man had any information which might prove useful. She was not above listening and learning, no matter who was giving the lesson, provided she came out with information at the end. Information was power. In the end the man had proved useful – a small suggestion seemed to grow in her mind, and now it seemed obvious.

“Always go back to the source, Bella,” he had said. “When you can’t see ahead for the confusion, go backwards. Seek your answer at the beginning.”

Bella smirked at the memory of that conversation. Perfect answer, the perfect truth. However going back to the beginning was going to take a lot of nerve, to face up to…well, thinking about that could wait until later.

She pulled the fur lined hood of her cloak about her neck, trying to avoid the myriad of small wind blown snowflakes that danced in the air. Diagon Alley was not so crowded, even if it was a Saturday. Many people were scared, not just of the new rules, but of being outside and being made an example of. In fact, most of those out and about were known to Bellatrix, being members of pure blood families of old.

Which is why it was quite a surprise to see Hermione Granger walking down the street towards her.

Bellatrix stopped, causing confusion behind her as two of her house elves bumped into each other. Laden with packages, neither had seen their mistress pause until it was too late, and they were both now whispering to each other in terrified tones whilst waiting for punishment to fall. Fortunately for them, Bella was too engrossed in Hermione to take much notice.

She waited until Hermione was almost level with her, and then stepped in front of her, forcing her to either stop or walk around her.

“Well, well. Here’s something I wasn’t expecting,” she gloated, pushing her hood down. “And none of your friends around either. Perhaps it’s about time we had a nice chat, don’t you think?”

Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   01-23-08 18:04

Julian accepts a handful of galleons from one of the younger students then counts out the correct amount of sickles and knuts in change. He gives the boy the bag containing the book just bought then looks to the next person in line. One of the regulars to Twice Told Tales steps up to the counter, three books in her hands.

"I also have an order that should be in."

"Yes, Mrs. Jewkes, I have it right here."

Julian reaches under the counter for Mrs. Jewkes order, placing the book on top of the three she's put down. She's the last one in line for now so Julian ends up going to help a girl find a title he knows they have in stock. The shop is busy, this being a Hogsmeade weekend, but not as busy as it used to be on such days. With the Nons having almost no time at all to walk around the village, coming into a bookshop is not a high priority for many of them.

Even Lysander who has less tolerance of Muggles and Muggle-borns than Julian has griped the slip in sales on Hogsmeade weekends. With the new defination of what makes a Non, sales are sure to be even more down this go around. Maybe they should do a catalog to help increase owl orders. They could even include more titles that would appeal to the younger set to get the students even more interested in buying books. He'll have to remember to speak with Lysander about that before the day is out.

Done with helping the second year girl, Julian notices a woman standing at the counter. He can see Lysander further back in the shop, busy with a customer so Julian hurries to to the front, only noticing the boy with the woman when he's almost at the counter.

"May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Julian Valentine."

"You have found him. I'm Julian."

"Excellent. I'm Vicky MacFarlan." She looks at Julian as though the name should be something to him.

"Nice to meet you. How may I help you, Ms. MacFarlan?"

"You received the owl from the solicitor, did you not, Mr. Valentine?"

"From what solicitor? I don't recall receiving anything by owl recently from any solicitor."

"Oh dear. Well, this will come as a shock then but can't be helped."

"Pardon? You've lost me."

Ms. MacFarlan taps the boy on the shoulder. Until then he'd been leaning against the counter, flipping through a Quidditch magazine.

"This is Caerwyn. Here is one bag. He's got more that I'll send along this afternoon or tomorrow. Good thing I have a copy of the documents but mind they are only a copy. Be sure to contact the solicitor very soon regarding the originals and getting everything signed. His name and address are at the letterhead. Roger O'Shea."

The woman is talking fast and Julian is stunned, trying to make sense of what's going on, that it's only when she says to the boy, "Caerwyn, you be a good boy. You're ten, nearly eleven, so you know how to behave properly. That's a good lad," that Julian gets out the words, "Bag? Documents?"

"It's all there. I was expecting you to already know and didn't leave time for explaining it all. I've got to rush or be late for another, equally important, appointment. Please forgive me."

As she's talking, Ms. MacFarlan is moving towards the door. Julian follows but she's already disapparated before he makes it through the door himself. Turning around and walking back to the counter as he unfolds the parchment papers making up the copy of the document she mentioned, Julian tries to make sense of things.

His eyes scan across the boy's name. Julian's jaw literally drops open as he raises his head to gape at the boy. "Carew? Your last name is Carew?"

"Yes, sir. Caerwyn Rhainallt Carew. What shall I call you?"


"We've only just met so calling you Father, or Papa, or Dad seems odd but I will if you wish."

Julian, who has no memory of ever having slept with Afton Carew, hurries to reach the counter where he spreads out the document to find out exactly what's going on. When Caerwyn prompts, "Sir?" Julian mumbles, "Err, for now Julian is fine. Why don't you stick your bag here behind the counter and them, um, here's some money. There's a sweet shop and a bakery across the street."

The boy does as bid, eager to go spend money on sweets before Julian thinks better of having him fill up on candy.

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