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(Caleb & Maud) Relatives
Author: Celeste Quigley 
Date:   12-28-15 14:05

Caleb was at the Ravenclaw common room doing homework. Because it was a Hogsmeade day and Quidditch workshop, the common room was almost empty. He was able to occupy one of the better spots by the window, with a view to the grounds filled with snow. Boo, his cat, was sleeping in an armchair, next to the fireplace.
He was writing an essay for Potions when he noticed Boo had left his resting place. Caleb turned around to see where his cat might be. He found him on the lap of his relative, Maud.

"Is this your cat? I'm sorry, it jumped to my lap…" she said.
Maud hoped the older student wouldn't be mad at her. She knew there were some people who could be really picky with their pets, and didn't like when they received attention from someone else.

"It's all right," he assured. "You're Professor Quigley's niece, aren't you?"

Maud nodded, with reluctance. She had no idea how he found out, and she was shocked that a random older boy had access to such information. He seemed old enough to be in the fifth year. Maybe her aunt had mentioned her in one of her Astronomy classes, by accident. Or perhaps Celeste had ordered the boy to approach her, or something.

"I just wanted to check. I'm Caleb Quigley. Celeste is my aunt as well."

Maud was clearly surprised by this. Caleb sat next to her, as she confessed she had no idea that he existed.

"We were supposed to meet during tea. But you've never showed up."

She had always refused to accept her aunt's invitation for tea. Maud had no idea that Celeste had planned to introduce her to her nephew. She asked Caleb how he was related to his aunt. He told her he was the son of her husband's brother, Tobias Quigley. They talked for a bit. Maud learned that Caleb was a fourth year and that he had a passion for Gobstones. On his hand, Caleb discovered that Maud was adapting well to Hogwarts, although she missed her Muggle father who she couldn't contact via telephone because there were none at the school.

"He's not used to writing letters," she explained. "I wasn't used either, but I like doing so." Maud pointed to the table in front of her. There was an unfinished letter on it, as well as a package. She told Caleb it was the gift for her Secret Santa.

"I would know I had a relative studying at the school earlier if I've had received your name. Even if we are not blood related, it's good to know I'm not the only one related to Professor Quigley."

Maud then said she got Nichole Fisher's name. She had no idea who Nichole was, or what house she belonged to. She had asked Blair and Susan, but they were both clueless. Maud was pretty sure Nichole was not a first year and so she decided to go to the library and look into the yearbook. And there she was, a second year Hufflepuff. Now she would be a third year. Maud had asked her father for money for the present and with it she bought a set of little earrings, with different colors. She hoped Nichole had her ears pierced. If not, Maud made sure there she would be able to exchange the gift for something else, at the same shop she had ordered them from.

"Who's your Secret Santa?" she asked Caleb.

"Professor Weatherby. She teaches DADA to the upper years. Usually it's our aunt who helps me to buy these things, but this time I picked the gift myself."

He described the present to Maud, saying it was a wallet of a greyish blue color. He said he hoped Professor Weatherby would like it.

After some more talk, Caleb excused himself, telling Maud he had to go back to doing his homework. She nodded, still holding his cat on her lap. She was glad to finally meet Caleb and she decided she would have to offer him something for Christmas as well, since he had been so nice to her. He had even offered to help her with school work if she ever needed it!

Kaycee & Lee
Author: Lee Sickleby 
Date:   12-28-15 17:35

Kaycee crossed over to the refreshments table to get herself something hot to drink. She had convinced herself to participate in the Quidditch and flying workshop rather than seclude herself in her dormitory room, despite knowing that her tormentors would probably be at the Pitch as well.

As she thought about them, she glanced over her shoulder and had great satisfaction in watching a bludger slam into Gerry's thigh. Serves him right! she thought to herself.

She filled a cup with hot cocoa and wandered over to a sunny patch of turf, where she sat and watched the workshop continue. While she enjoyed her hot cocoa, and though very tasty, it did little to warm up her entire body, Kaycee thought about the Secret Santa gift she had owl ordered for Savannah Applewhite.

After learning that her cousin Lee had gotten married in Italy, all Kaycee could think about was weddings and honeymoon destinations. Like all little girls, she dreamed about what her wedding might be like. She had a vision of the beach, with crystal blue water and brilliant sunshine. It would be warm––not cold like this early December day!

With the beach and a popular wedding destination in mind, Kaycee ended up selecting plumeria scented perfume straight from Hawaii for Savannah. Hopefully she'd like it!

Across the continent, on a different stretch of bright blue water, were Lee and Alaia. Today was their last full day on holiday in Greece. Tomorrow they would return to England, but not until midday.

The newlyweds were on a sailboat, enjoying a tour of the Caldera. They had already seen the historical city of Akrotiri, the Indian Head Mountain, and the Venetian Lighthouse. The boat moored in a private bay so that the guests could enjoy a swim in the warm water.

Lee stripped off his shirt; he was already wearing his swim trunks. Alaia, meanwhile, untied her sarong and let it drop onto the deck of the boat. She shot Lee a seductive grin and then dove into the water. Lee jumped in after her and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him.

Since it wasn't a private tour, they didn't do much more than kiss, talk, and splash each other. Lee couldn't believe he had finally married Alaia, or that he had gotten married at all. In his line of work, it was a terrible idea, and terribly risky too. It was partially why the guestlist had been small.

He felt a hand squeeze the back of his neck and focused on Alaia, who was looking at him pensively. "You're not supposed to frown on your honeymoon, you know."

Lee turned up the corners of his lips and said, "I'm only frowning because we have to leave tomorrow and return to work."

Alaia nodded and said, "I know, but we get to start a new chapter in our lives. That will be exciting, won't it?"

Lee thought to himself, Hopefully not too exciting. But he smiled and said, "Definitely."

(Azaelia & Mark) Distractions of Varying Kinds
Author: Isolde 
Date:   12-28-15 18:22

Azaelia stepped out of Amber's with a square little box in a small paper sack and made her way towards The Leaky Cauldron, where she wanted to eat beef stew in a sourdough bread bowl. She knew she could get something similar at The Three Broomsticks or Brews & Stews, but she craved the local one at the moment. Afterwards, she planned on returning to the castle to drop off the Secret Santa gift she just bought, and then she would spend the rest of the afternoon patrolling Hogsmeade.

She was zoned out thinking about stew in a bread bowl when something gently took her arm and snapped her out of her delicious thoughts. "Mark!" she exclaimed. "Hi! And hello… Zoe."

Mark had Capri's baby strapped to his chest. She was quietly taking in all her surroundings and regarded Azaelia with large green eyes.

"So, are things going well with, erm, Capri?" Azaelia asked.

Mark shrugged and said, "She's okay. I felt like running errands," he quickly went on, "and she suggested I take the baby for some fresh air. What have you got there?" he asked, eager to change the subject.

Azaelia held up the bag. "My Secret Santa gift," she explained. "It's for Eden Jenkins. Do you remember her? I got her a locket that's shaped like a book."

Mark nodded absentmindedly. Azaelia realized he wasn't really paying any attention to what she was saying and noticed that he was looking at something down the alley. She followed his gaze and saw Kate Dewhurst, who apparently had seen them. Kate was staring at Mark and the baby with a startled expression on her face.

Azaelia looked back and forth between the two and then mumbled something about stew before ambling off down the street.

Mark could tell that Kate was upset about seeing him with Zoe, but he had seen her before she'd seen him and knew that something else was bothering her. He debated walking the other way but then he went up to her and said hello.

Kate looked like she was trying hard not to cry and said, "Hi. Um… Is this… what's her name?"


"Zoe," Kate repeated.

"Yeah. She's… a good baby… I guess," Mark continued lamely.

"That's… good." Kate looked at Zoe and then at Mark and hastily said, "I've got to go. Bye."

She started to turn, but Mark grabbed her arm as he had Azaelia's earlier and asked, "Is everything all right?"

Kate looked down at the hand on her arm. Mark immediately dropped it to his side. Kate raised her eyes to look him in the face and said, "Hugo got expelled from university."

"He did? Has that ever happened? I mean, I'm sorry… I think?"

Kate let out a little laugh although she didn't find the situation funny at all. "That's not all," she continued. She stifled a sigh and said, "I caught him kissing another girl."

Mark stared for a moment and remembered how he had done the same thing to Kate. She smiled weakly at him and said, "See you," and then she walked off. Mark saw her go into the ice cream parlor and was half tempted to follow, but he let her be. He rested his chin on Zoe's soft head and thought about what he'd just learned. Kate was a free woman again, and Mark found that he liked that very much.

In fact, there was very little stopping him from leaving Capri these days and getting back together with Kate––except for Kate herself.

Capri was doing much better nowadays, thanks to a surprising benefactor. It didn't seem like she needed him anymore, and Mark no longer felt guilty about leaving. But then Zoe made a cooing noise, which caused Mark to look down at the baby's red hair. He might not feel guilty about ending things with Capri, but it turned out Zoe wasn't so bad. If he did leave, at least she probably wouldn't remember him. That was a small comfort.

He sighed to himself, turned away from the direction Kate had gone, and continued running errands.

Shopping Together (Callie & Savannah)
Author: Saffron 
Date:   12-28-15 19:43

Putting back a necktie she contemplated for her father Callie asks Savannah, "Who did you get again?"

"I have Conrad Ellis."

Callie cocks her head in thought, trying to place the name. "He made one of the Quidditch teams, right?"

"Yeah, Hufflepuff. Estella, Kurt, and Bran have class with his oldest sister, Alys. Rex and Ingrid are classmates with the next sister, Blakeney, and Jaclyn is a first year like Conrad."

"Does that mean you had some help on ideas?"

"Oh, sort of but not really." Savannah bends and rummages through the bags she's accumulated so far. "I got him this shirt. It's Quidditch related but not particular to any house."

Callie purses her lips and nods. "I like it. Kurt would probably like something along those lines."

"Let's finish here and I'll show you where I got it."

"When we split up earlier you said you were going to look for your Secret Santa's gift. Did you find something?" Savannah asks, returning the shirt for Conrad to the bag.

Callie's now the one looking through bags. "I hope he likes photography because I found this neat camera for a steal."

"He who?"

"Another first year. Oliver Towneley. I've been told he's related somehow to Professor Somerset."

"I think I know who you mean." Savannah's brow crinkles. "Isn't he from a Muggle family or something?"

"I think so. I thought the camera would be seen by them as just a vintage looking model and he can even take pictures for them with it and not do whatever it is that makes our photos move. Look. It even folds up to make it easy to carry."

"I like it," Savannah says approvingly. "Are you helping Kurt out or is your mum or is he doing it this time?"

"He wanted to try and find something on his own." She points. "There is is. I'm going to ask in case he's not found anything and wants some help."

Studying a puzzle box at one of the temporary kiosks lining the High, Kurt looks up at Callie's greetings. At her question about a gift he gives a half smile. "I found something but I'm not sure about it."

"Who did you get?" Savannah asks.

"Titus Nott."

Kurt doesn't need to explain further as Savannah knows Titus. They're both fourth years though Titus is Slytherin to her Gryffindor. Callie doesn't know him that well but as a Slytherin only a year ahead, she's familiar with him and has even said hello a time or two.

"What did you get him?" Callie asks her brother.

"A board game call Go. It's not wizarding but it is strategic and can be a challenge."

Callie shrugs. "I say give it and if he doesn't like it he can exchange it, right?"

"Yeah. I'm putting a gift receipt in and it's got the name of the shoppe."

Bran, not surprisingly going around Hogsmeade with Kurt and who'd been looking at the same kiosk's wares, chimes in for the first time. "I think Titus was hard enough to buy for but mine's near impossible. I got a first year girl."

"Does this girl have a name?" Savannah asks him.

"Jordan Thompson. A Hufflepuff."

"Do you need help finding her something?" This from Callie.

"I got something but it could be bloody lame and something I should give one of my grans instead."

"Let's see it," Callie orders.

Bran shows them a fluffy, fuzzy scarf in purples, blues, and blacks with gloves that are black and have the same multicolored fluffiness as trimming. Savannah nods a couple of times as Callie says, "I don't think the set is lame."

"I'd like it if you gave it to me," Savannah adds.

"Great, thanks." Bran looks to Kurt. "I don't know about you but I need a break from all this shopping. Up for Wizarding paint ball?"

"Let's go." Kurt and Bran start walking off, remembering to tell the two girls goodbye and thanks again.

Alone again Callie thinks to ask, "Are you shopping for Rex's Secret Santa?"

"No, Mum got something for that. He got Professor Masterson's name. I've not seen it yet but it's some sort of vintage botanical print showing herbs. I am helping Jaclyn. I have something but need her approval. If she doesn't like it she'll have to get Aunt Henrietta to do something."

"What did you find?"

"One of those towel wrap arounds." Savannah shows her. "There's wearing it when going to or coming from a shower or bath but she could also use it if she uses the pool."

Callie grins. "I guess I should ask who is she."

"A first year. Esmerelda Harper though Jaclyn tells me she tends to go by Essie."

Noting the time, Savannah and Callie make sure they have all their bags and everything tucked away in those bags then continue down the high to meet up with friends.

Waiting (Marion, Hope, Estella)
Author: Saffron 
Date:   12-28-15 20:27

Propping her feet up on a chair that's empty for now but most likely won't be for much longer, Marion is tired, headachy, and long past wanting to return to school. She feels like she's coming down with something. If not for her friends and she giving Callie a little bit of a surprise birthday party, she'd have bid farewell to everyone and gone back already.

She did at least get something for Malden McGonagall, the person she got for Secret Santa. Marion was stuck on what to get and nearly gave up, thinking she'd worry about it later or ask her mum or even Aunt Saffron to help her when she saw something she figured he'd like. Not that she truly knows what he likes. It just seems the thing a fourth year boy might want. It's a big basket of dipped cookies and the basket itself is made of chocolate.

Hope sets a mug of mulled cider in front of Marion then sits with her own steaming cuppa, liberally stirring in honey. "You don't have to stay, you know."

"I should, at least until Callie gets her cake."

They'd given Callie presents on her birthday, which was the second, and had a few fairy cakes. This surprise party is mostly cake and finger foods done by the Crown & Cauldron with Callie's parents putting in an appearance with some additional gifts.

"If you feel you much but just so you know, if you do want to go now, we'd all understand, including Callie."

"I want to go back and curl up in bed but I want to stick it out here for at least a little longer. I don't have gifts for everyone on my list so I should stay to the end of the day," Marion says before taking a sip of her mulled cider.

"I've got a few left but at least Secret Santa is done. Thank Merlin. I don't this girl at all. Tessa Filby. She's a second year so Ingrid helped me a little but I still found her difficult to buy for. I'd pick something out I thought was perfect then would reject it half a minute later."

"But you found something?"

"A cute top. I hope this Tessa girl likes it." Hope adds a little more honey to her tea. "I had the added challenge of picking up something for Ingrid to give someone called Blair Hazelton. A first year. I found a pretty messenger bag for her. If Ingrid doesn't approve she'll have to figure something out on her own."

Estella Finch joins them then, setting down bags and packages to one side. "Good. I thought I might be late."

"A little early," Hope says with a smile. "Looks like you've had a productive day."

"I think so but I may have to get another gift for Sophie McCourt. That's who I have for Secret Santa. I really, really, really like what I got her and want it for myself."

As she's talking, Estella locates the gift in question. It's a pretty necklace with detailing that looks floral from a distance and blue drop stones.

Marion suggests, "If you like it, why not get one like it for yourself or one similar?"

Estella thinks about that then nods once. "There's one almost like it. The drop part is a pale purple. I could get that one for me."

"There you go."

Estella grins at Hope then at Marion, making a mental note to be sure and stop and get her own version of the necklace before going back to Hogwarts later.

Kurt and Bran arrive bringing the cake from Briar's Bakery. "I don't think Callie suspects," Kurt says. "Bran and I saw her with Savannah. We said we were going off to play wizarding paint ball."

Bran eyes the finger food that's bring brought to the several tables set aside for them. "Can I eat something now?"

Hope frowns at her brother. "Only if you contain yourself and don't inhale them all before everyone gets here."

"Just one. Or two. I promise."

Kurt decides of Bran's having a couple he will too. Hope keeps a close watch on them so that they don't sneak more than that before the others arrive and the party begins.

On The Way To The Restaurant (Lilith & Katheryn)
Author: Saffron 
Date:   12-28-15 20:50

Slowly walking along High Street going in the direction of the Crown & Cauldron, Lilith and Katheryn catch up Callie and Savannah on some of the shopping they'd accomplished while Callie and Savannah do the same for them.

Lilith had had the daunting task of finding a good gift to give lower years Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Ethan Somerset. She'd been agonizing for days, even at one point trying to convince another student to switch names with her. It's not that Lilith dislikes Professor Somerset. It's that buying for professors is harder in her opinion than buying for another student.

Just when Lilith was on the verge of going to the owlery there in the village and writing home to beg her mother to pick out some appropriate gift for a male professor, even though her mum would probably get something rather stodgy and more in line for some doddering old man, when she found a gift that on sale cost in the upper reaches of her Secret Santa fund. The present is an interesting looking pocketwatch. Lilith is of the opinion that even if he has several watches, wrist or pocket or otherwise, a person can always use another.

Katheryn, on the other hand, did have a student. A student she doesn't personally know but is not overly fond of and even finds a little loathsome. Gerry Martini-Blackwell is one of the bratty boys who pulled a horrible prank on a firstie back at Halloween, embarrassing the poor girl and losing big points for their house. As a Ravenclaw, Katheryn isn't that upset that Gryffindor lost massive points in one fell swoop. It's the manner in which the loss occurred that bothers her.

If she gave Gerry some horrible gift or nothing at all, Professors McGonagall and Flitwick would surely learn of it, forbidding Katheryn from participating ever again, and possibly losing points for her own house as a result. With this in mind, Katheryn did get Gerry something he'll probably like. The gift should speak to the jokester in him while not actually harming anyone else like that firstie. She got him a few items from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, though it did take great restraint not to get him one of the items that causes bodily distress and repackage it so he wouldn't know not to eat or drink it.

Reaching the restaurant, Callie is surprised to find a number of friends and family gathered, even her parents, and a cake. For the moment, talk of Secret Santa and other Christmas gifts is put on hold as the candles on the cake are lighted for Callie to blow out.

Gifts Under the Tree
Author: Jordan Thompson 
Date:   12-29-15 13:55

"Do you know how absolutely hard it is to shop for someone you don't know?" Jordan said, as she dropped down onto the couch between Jacob and Essie.

"Absolutely. We've all officially done it, and participated in our first Hogwarts Secret Santa. Gifts are purchased, wrapped and now placed beneath the Christmas tree just there," Essie said as she plopped the bowl of popcorn in Jordan's lap so it was easier for the three of them to share it as they talked.

"Who had you gotten again?" Jacob asked before popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth and chewing. They'd opted to stay inside rather than participate in the workshoppe outside in the cold.

"I got Sylvestor Trainor, a second year Slytherin. Who did each of you get?"

"I'd gotten Albert Nutcombe," Jacob said, "A first year Hufflepuff."

"I got Grace Valentine, first year Ravenclaw," Essie said and reached for her mug of cider.

"What did you get for Grace?" Jordan asked, plucking a couple of pieces of popcorn from the bowl and snacking on them.

"I'd gotten her a set of pajamas with a purple top, purple plaid fleece pants and fuzzy socks to match. What'd you get for Sylvestor?"

"I'd found a messenger bag in a catalog that looks like a muggle Nintendo controller," Jordan said with a light smile, "I hope he likes it. What'd you get for Albert?"

"I'd gotten him a messenger bag that looks like the strap is high voltage tape, and there's a bit running around the front flap as well."

"Have either of you found presents with your name under the tree yet?"

"I found mine this morning when I was putting Sylvestor's beneath the tree. I've not opened it yet, merely tucked it in my things to open on Christmas with the rest of my gifts."

"You aren't the least bit curious as to what you've gotten?"

"Of course I'm right curious, but I've every intention of exercising self-control and not opening the gift until Christmas morning."

"I've got a galleon that says she's got it open before term ends," Jacob said with a smirk.

"I'm in on that one," Essie said with a laugh and ducked when Jordan threw a couple pieces of popcorn at her.

"I'm going to prove you both wrong and earn those galleons," Jordan said with a laugh before she shifted the bowl of popcorn.

"I'm going to head to the library to finish up some homework," Jordan said pushing up off the couch and heading out of the common commons. She had no intention of telling them that she may have picked a small corner of the packaging but there was still no way to tell what was in it.

A Special Early Christmas Gift
Author: Charisma Stone 
Date:   12-29-15 14:09

"We've managed to survive our first term at St. Emrys and have nearly been married for a year," Blake said as he wrapped his arms around Isma's waist pulling her close.

The moment his hands came around her waist, she'd let go of the mug she'd been holding and leaned back into him. A sigh of contentment slipping from her lips as her eyes slipped closed. "I know, and we are both working in fields that we absolutely love and can grow in."

He pressed a kiss against her neck and sighed softly holding her close for a few minutes, "By the way, the holiday decorations look absolutely fantastic."

"I'm not quite done with it and we've still got to decide on a tree. However, I did pick this up earlier when I was shopping."

She slipped from his embrace and reached into a festively stripped shopping bag that was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs. She pulled out a simple glass bauble, it had a snow scene painted on it and the snow within swirled with a magical charm. However, it was what was written in black and silver paint near the top of the bauble that made it so special.

"Mr. and Mrs. Holloway - First Anniversary," Blake read the words and smiled.

"I'd intended on making it a surprise as part of your Christmas gift, but I decided that I'd show you a bit early. What do you think?"

"Absolutely lovely and perfect. Though I'm not sure I want to hang it on the tree."


Blake took the ornament and hung it upon the garland that was outlining the bar seating that separated the living room from the kitchen.

Isma took a moment to study the placement of the ornament and nodded, "I think it is absolutely perfect."

"We can add subsequent ones around it for as long as we live here and then if we manage to get a house we can find a special place for them there."

"I like how you think."

"Now, back to my original question. What are we doing for Christmas?"

"Christmas eve will be spent at my parents. Christmas morning with yours. I intend on being back home and in my most comfy pajamas by no later than four in the afternoon on Christmas."

Blake laughed and shook his head before drawing her close to him and pressing a kiss to her lips, "Well nice to see you've got everything planned out. Now, how about dinner out and a movie?"

"Sounds like a plan. Let me change? Be ready in about ten?"


Ten minutes later they were heading out of the flat, debating on where they wanted to go and what movie they wanted to see.

Secret Santa Gifts Acquired
Author: Araxie Loren 
Date:   12-29-15 14:39

"If I catch you trying to peak into those gift bags again I'm returning your present," Araxie said with a grin as she swatted at Nichole's hand as she attempted another less than stealthy look into the bags at Araxie's side while they finished up their meal at Burger Wizard before heading to the Castle.

Nichole laughed and popped a french fry into her mouth, before sinking back into her chair, "I was just trying to see what you got for your Secret Santa."

"Lies. You were trying to see if there was something in there for you. I've known you long enough to know."

Nichole stuck her tongue out at her best friend and grinned, "True enough, but I still want to know what you'd gotten your Secret Santa. I don't even think you'd told me who you'd gotten."

"Maud Montgomery, first year Ravenclaw. I'd gotten her a charm bracelet that is the wrap around kind. Blue leather cording, and dotted with charms that are themed from Alice in Wonderland," Araxie said after finishing a sip of her drink. "Who did you get?"

"Lauren MacDougal, fourth year Gryffindor. I'd been looking for something cute and whimsical and settled on a totally adorable pair of red fox earrings. I'd found them on one of the carts that were along the street. Handmade by the witch that ran the cart."

"Oh, I'm sure she'll love them."

"I'm sure that Maud will love the bracelet you got her."

They'd each no doubt done shopping for the other, and those items were going to remain a surprise until Christmas morning when presents were opened. Though, neither of the girls had brought up the subject of how Christmas would be done now that Araxie's dad was out of Azkaban.

"We should probably head back to the castle. I want to get my gift wrapped and under the tree before I shutter myself within the common room and work on homework," Nichole said.

"I know, and thankfully my gift is already wrapped."

Nichole stuck her tongue out at her best friend once more before they ultimately finished their meal before heading back to the castle packages in tow.

For Libby Copperpot
Author: Karma Davyd 
Date:   12-29-15 15:00

"Mommy, what is the name of the girl you got for the Secret Santa again?"


I watched as KJ carefully wrote Libby's name on the gift tag for the present that she'd chosen for the first year Slytherin girl.

"Very good. Do you think that Libby will like the pajamas you picked out?"

"Yup! I think she'll like mine the best because they match the bag you got her."

"Well, I think she'll like all three sets of pajamas as well as the messenger bag," I said as I gathered KJ's gift and slipped it into the messenger bag before I wrapped the bag.

Once the gift was wrapped I set it off to the side and would take it up to the Castle the next time I went up to put it under the tree in the Common Common room for Libby to find.

"Alright, that's done. Go get your sisters, by the smell of it dinner should be ready, then bath time, story time and sleep."

I was looking forward to getting all three girls settled into bed simply because I had some grading to get done and I'd promised them a trip to the petting zoo in the morning and a day trip in the city to get Christmas gifts for their aunts, uncles and grandparents. It was KJ that also suggested getting something for their cousins as well and I agreed that it would be a good idea as well.

Dinner had been simmering most of the day and the rich, chicken stew was ready to be served over rice with naan. Each girl greatly enjoyed their dinner, and Jui had even gone back for seconds. I'd not told the girls but I'd gotten something special for dessert since I'd not allowed them into the village when I'd done some shopping earlier.

"Dishes cleared away and then I've a surprise for dessert," I said grinning impishly as I opened the fridge and pulled out the small chocolate cake and carefully cut pieces for all of us.


Chocolate cake and glass of milk and all three children were happy as clams. Soon enough all three girls were bathed, dressed in pajamas and tucked into bed. Stories read, kisses given and lights out.

Once all three girls were tucked into bed, I settled onto the couch with a glass of wine and within a few moments set to work grading papers that I'd be returning during classes this week. I also finished up a couple of lessons as well as study guides that would be handed out this week as well.

Marks and Kohen Secret Santa Gifts
Author: Rylee 
Date:   12-29-15 15:38

"Who had you gotten for Secret Santa?" Rylee asked as she looked up as Raz came out of the Common Commons.

"Professor Miller, I'd gotten him a couple of strategy games from the game shoppe when I was in the village earlier," Raz said, "I'd also found my gift beneath the tree. I'm debating on opening it or keeping it until the Christmastime celebrations at home."

"You don't celebrate Christmas, so it is up to you on if you and Etana open your gifts or not," Rylee said with a light smile.

"Whose name did you get?" Raz asked as they walked toward the library where they intended on getting some homework done before they ultimately had to head back to their respective houses.

"Jaclyn Rex, a first year Ravenclaw. I'd struggled with what to get her. If she'd been in my first year she'd probably would have gotten something excessively expensive. However, this year I'd found an adorable bathrobe at one of the carts in the village. It is a soft grey, and has little bear ears and face on it," Rylee said with a grin.

"Sounds absolutely adorable. I'm fairly certain she'll like it. I know Etana had been struggling with what to get for her Secret Santa, so she'd asked me to look for a few items. I'd picked a couple while we were in the village and I figured she could use whatever she didn't give to Professor Weasley as a gift for someone else."

"I'm glad she managed to figure something out though. She'd dropped off her gift beneath the tree when I was in there earlier when I'd stopped to see if my gift was under there yet," Rylee grinned impishly.

The duo quickly found a quiet table in the library and settled themselves down to work on their assignments. Trading notes and answers here and there, as well as working on study guides that had already been handed out for the end of term examinations that were coming up. Neither were looking forward to what was coming after the winter meant buckling down and gearing up for OWLs that would be given toward the end of the school year.

Lazy End to a Hogsmeade Saturday
Author: Lawrence Masterson 
Date:   12-29-15 16:02

Both father and daughter were asleep by the time Ariella entered their quarters. Lawrence opened his eyes when he felt the weight of his daughter coming off his chest. He offered Ariella a sleepy smile, running a hand through his hair as she carried their daughter to her crib to settle her down for what both hoped was the remainder of the evening.

Ariella joined him on the sofa, moments later, "And how was your day?"

He slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. "Surprisingly uneventful. Karina spent the morning in the nursery while I was on my shift patrolling the village and picked up the gifts I'd needed to get for my Secret Santa. Then after lunch we'd wrapped gifts...and your daughter has a fascination with shimmering bows in Gryffindor colors."

Ariella chuckled and nestled against him a bit more.

"Then there was playtime and nap time and supper and then apparently it was naptime for both of us."

"It would seem so. She'll probably want a bottle in a couple of hours before truly settling for the night."

"No doubt. I've got both gifts for Rand Prinsloo beneath the tree in the commons. Did not yet see a gift with my name on it, but it's not close enough to Christmas for all the gifts to be in."

"Ah, but there is something occurring between now and Christmas is there not?" Ariella teased.

"Mmhm. My birthday, a day that I am content enough to spend with my wife and my daughter in the comfort of our quarters doing absolutely nothing special."

"Unfortunately, we've missed dinner in the great hall. I'm considering popping out to get some take away, but honestly that requires putting on something other than my comfy fleece pajama bottoms and this t-shirt," Lawrence said with a grin.

"We've got some leftovers that can be heated up or we could make something here...either way I'm certain we'll come up with something."

They talked for a bit longer before deciding to investigate the fridge and see what manner of leftovers resided within.

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