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Roaming Streets
Author: Jet 
Date:   07-23-07 21:38

Jet had gone to King's Cross, fully intending to board the Hogwarts Express this morning. He'd hugged his father, hugged and kissed his mother, gotten onto one of the cars and stowed his trunk along with Beast's cage. Jet had sat there quietly as others came into the compartment looking for seats. Minutes before the train was due to pull out of the station, Jet got up, left the compartment, and exited the train.

Jet roamed around the streets near King's Cross, glad to be wearing clothes that blended in with the Muggles. Glad to have had enough exposure to Muggles to even know he's blending in. The only thing people might see and wonder about is the extremely small owl Beast but she's so snuggled down against his neck that his collar pretty much covers her up.

As lunch time neared then passed, Jet finally gave in to hunger, checking how much Muggle money he had on him. A few days ago he'd changed some galleons to pounds because he was going to a place with indoor rock climbing but then ended up not going. He never changed the pounds back to galleons. Counting it out to be sure what he's got, Jet went to a diner he remembers seeing along one of the streets he'd been roaming.

After eating, Jet roams more. He keeps trying to think of why he left the Hogwarts Express. Jet is also trying very hard to ignore the niggling little voice in his head that keeps calling Muggles really awful names. It's not how he thinks. He can't stand that something inside him, the leftover remnant of his possession or whatever it was, the baser, dark side of himself that seems to revel in the things He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named embraced.

Sighing, wishing once more that Professor Dumbledore were around, Jet finds a spot from which he can disapparate to Hogsmeade without being seen. Best to spend the rest of the day waiting for the train to arrive there in Hogsmeade then out here where that voice just doesn't want to shut up today.

Waking Up
Author: Alex Whitmen 
Date:   07-24-07 16:10

Alex, Skyler and Kordelia all slept in his bed. Last night they had fun eating and playing different games like wizarding chess and charades. Alex opened his eyes to find a black painted toe in his face and backed up. He looked down at his sleeping cousin who had bit of candy still stuck in her hair. He muffled a laugh and peeked over her to see Kordelia was also fast asleep with her head on Sky's lower back. He slipped quietly out of the bed and downstairs where his mother was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"What's wrong?" he asked picking up a piece of toast off of one of the three plates left on the table.

"My lesson book, where did I put it?" she asked frantically.

"Third drawer left, along with your books," he told her. She rushed over over to the desk to find everything exactly where Alex said it would be.

"Oh thank you, sweetheart. I'd love to see you off but I have to get there early. Now don't forget to lock up and please, please make it to the station on time," she said kissing Alex on the cheek.

"Okay. Don't worry about it, mom" Alex said calmly. She smiled at her son and headed out the door. Alex heard a loud pop and she was gone. He ate his food, took a shower and waited for the girls to get up.

On The Train
Author: Bailey 
Date:   07-24-07 17:51

"Have I mentioned yet how glad I am you chose to ride the train instead of waiting in Hogsmeade?" Bailey asks Jewel before raising her hand to his to kiss the back of it.

Elizabeth Ross pretends to wretch. "Ewww, keep such displays private, please."

Jewel grins, "You know you're just jealous, Elizabeth. I do, afterall, have the best looking boyfriend in school."

Lee Henderson looks up from playing chess with Daria Matthews. "Hey, I resent that."

Jewel smirks, "You aren't currently a boyfriend, Lee."

"Good point," Elizabeth laughs.

"Hey," Lee says again.

Daria makes her move then says to Lee, "How about we say you're the best looking non-boyfriend at Hogwarts?"

"I'd say you're mocking me." Lee pretends to look wounded.

Bailey snorts, "Don't open yourself up for any more potshots, Lee. These girls can be vicious when they want." To Jewel Bailey says, "Though I love you all the more for that interesting aspect of your personality."

Elizabeth makes the wretching sound again. "Too bad Jet Obsidian left. We could pick on him as well as Lee."

Bailey and Jewel ask at the same time, "Jet was here?"

"Yeah," Lee nods to one of the trunks. "That's his. He was here before anyone else in the compartment. Left before you two showed up. Not sure where he went."

Something occurs to Bailey only now after hours in the same compartment with Lee and Elizabeth, "Lee, How come you, Elizabeth and Daria didn't start out with the other prefects? You didn't do much corridor patrolling either."

"The prefects were told we didn't have to this time. Not sure why. Something to do with the new headmistress writing Charity Douglass and Robert Wooten, they're Head Girl and Boy this year, and telling them we weren't to meet on the train."

Daria makes a face as one of Lee's chess pieces rips into one of hers then looks up again from the board. "The meetings are always boring so I can't say I'm overly upset we didn't have one this time. Elizabeth, I would have thought you would have joined Mindy and Juliet."

"I couldn't find them," Elizabeth shrugs.

"That's all right," Bailey tells her. "We like your company."

Lee laughs and says to Jewel, "Better watch out, sounds like he's buttering her up just in case you two have a falling out."

Bailey reaches over and pops his knuckles on Lee's arm. "Watch it. Can't have you giving away all the strategies."

Bailey winks at Jewel who laughs. Something else strikes Bailey for the first time after hours on the train. For the first time ever he has felt truly and totally relaxed in a train compartment full of people, with most of the others being girls. Jewel is definately good for him. Impulsively, Bailey leans over and kisses Jewel, earning them another of Elizabeth's funny wretching noises.

Author: Gabrielle Delacour 
Date:   07-24-07 19:06

Note: Gabrielle and her mother are alone so they are speaking in French. Since no one else is present, I don't see the need to do the dialogue in French with translations provided. :-)

Gabby goes over to the window of the inn room where her mother and she are staying. Turning away from it she looks to her mother sitting in a chair, reading a magazine.

"You don't have to stay with me, Mamam. I'm sure Fleur would like some company if she's at the hospital or if not, you could sit and talk to Bill."

"Until you prove yourself trustworthy again, Gabrielle, you will not be spending time alone someplace like Hogsmeade."

"How can I prove myself trustworthy again if there are never any moments allowed for me to show you I'm trustworthy?"

"Accept the consequences of your actions."

Gabby sighs and looks back out the window. Gazing out, she wishes she had a better view. Nonetheless, Gabby strains to catch her first sight of the plume of smoke the scarlet engine of the Hogwarts Express emits. Even then, she knows it will still be aways off but at least it would also mean the time to go join her friends is all the nearer.

Turning once more away from the window, Gabby goes to sit on the end of one of the beds. Her school robes are laid out on the bed and she fingers the prefect's badge. "Maman, if the prefects' meeting on the train had not been cancelled, would you have allowed me to ride?"

"Perhaps. I must say, you being named prefect, while an honor, did come as a shock."

"What I did wasn't during school or on school grounds," Gabby points out.

"No, but such behavior reflects upon your character. Those with poor character are only given honors when those better suited are not available. I must say that if no one in your house is better suited, this does not endear me further with Hogwarts."

"There are many worthy in my year. Estella and Rosalinda..." Gabby's voice trails off at the stern gaze her mother levels on her. "Estella and Rosalinda who were part of my summer escapade."


They both go silent, Gabby returning to her spot at the window and her mother to reading the magazine. When Gabby does turn to look her mother's way once more, mouth opening to speak, Mrs. Delacour cuts her off, "Remember, Gabrielle, it is not too late for your father and I to make home schooling arrangements."

Shutting her mouth, Gabby spends the next hour doing nothing more than staring out the window.

Author: Griet 
Date:   07-24-07 20:15

After learning the prefects meeting had been canceled, Griet wandered up and down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express until she either found one with an empty place or the one Cornelia and Aleydis happened to be sharing. As it happened, she stumbled upon her sisters first and noted that theirs did have an empty space. In fact, it was just the two of them in the compartment until Griet joined them.

"Cornelia wouldn't let Sadie and Ramona sit with us," Aleydis tattle-taled as soon as Griet sat down next to her on the seat. "She told Sadie she'd hex them both if they even tried."

"Oh, shut up, Aleydis!" Cornelia spat, kicking out her leg to strike Aleydis with her foot, but Aleydis was quicker and hastily moved out of the way. "Sadie's just a dumb Hufflepuff, and I bet Ramona will wind up being one too."

"Cut it out, both of you," Griet said, her prefect badge gleaming and pinned to the robes she already wore. She managed to capture their attention by telling them how the prefects meeting had been mysteriously canceled and then distracted them further by buying them both sweets when the trolley came.

"I wonder if Hagrid will let me visit Fido," Cornelia mused after a while, looking out the window as she thought about the acromantula she'd raised last year for the Best in Show: Magical Creatures portion of the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament. "I bet he's gotten big."

"I bet you wouldn't want to see him anymore," Griet replied. "He'd probably want to eat you."

"Hagrid told me that the acromantula he'd raised was loyal to him till the end. I don't think Fido would eat me. I'm like his mother."

Aleydis turned up her nose at the thought of Cornelia being mother to a giant hairy spider. She turned to Griet and pleaded, "Tell me about Hogwarts again, won't you?"

"What else can I tell you that you haven't already heard from both Cornelia and me, and Mum and Dad? It's the most wonderous place you'll ever see. That I can't tell you enough."

And Griet went on to tell Aleydis why Hogwarts was such a special place, finding she couldn't wait to get there and see it once more for herself.

Author: Phinfilius 
Date:   07-24-07 20:41

Phin covers his mouth, trying to stifle a yawn. Next to him, Emerald asks, "Sorry you chose to ride the train?"

"Let's see, riding on the train with you or bussing tables all day at my mother's restaurant? Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry I chose the train."

Emerald giggles and snuggles closer. "I'm just glad to have a teeny bit of down time before the stress builds up again."

"I keep telling you that if you were able to catch up last year well enough to pass your OWLs, you have nothing to worry about."

"I know, but still, there's so much still to learn. And remember, my OWLs were scored more leniently because of my circumstances."

"You will be busy this year. I won't lie to you about that. There are pluses though, like Apparition Lessons. Let's not forget there's your devilishly handsome boyfriend to keep you company when you need a break from studying."

"Oh? You know my boyfriend well do you? While he is good looking, I'm not sure devilishly handsome is the right description."

"Definately devilishly handsome," Phin assures. "Charming, sweet, a real catch."

"He's ever so humble as well," Emerald laughs.

Wiggy, Deak, and Jack, sitting on the opposite seat, finally say together, "Ewwwwww. Give it a rest!"

Phin makes a face at his cousin and the other two younger boys. "You wait. Your turns coming soon."

Deak blushes and Wiggy laughs, saying, "Deak's already crushing on Arista Lampwick."

They all notice Jack blushing as well. Wiggy demands, "Who is she? Come on, Jack, tell."

Jack opens a package of cauldron cakes, says, "I don't know what your talking about," then shoves an entire cake in his mouth.

Phin laughs then slides down in his seat just enough for Emerald and he to cuddle more and talk in low voices without the three younger boys hearing every word.

Fifth Year Gryffindor
Author: Roane 
Date:   07-24-07 22:43

Roane sat in the train quietly, her mind already racing towards Hogwarts. With Dumbledore gone everyone was whispering nervously, wondering how different Hogwarts would be without him around. Roane was nervous too, but a guilty part of her conscious was already wondering if some of the rules would be more lax without him around. Especially the rules governing certain areas of the grounds.

“If I could just get inside the forest, or perhaps the caves…”

Roane’s mind was busily reviewing all she had read during the summer concerning Hogwarts, - its layout, its history and most importantly its grounds. She was also armed with another unexpected source of information – her mother’s old school agenda which seemed to act as a diary as well.

Feeling her heart start to beat faster, Roane tried to push the new found agenda book out of her thoughts. She hadn’t read much yet, but the things she had seen were a bit alarming.

“But she was a great witch!” she thought to herself. “A powerful and very advanced witch. But still…”

Roane bit her lip nervously. Her father had never spoken much about her mother, always insisting that it was best not to dwell in the past and better to look towards the future. In other words, the topic of her mum was off limits. It was just by chance that she had found the old agenda while cleaning out the basement. It was amazing that the book had survived at all considering the damage her dad’s shop had taken during the attack at Diagon Alley two years prior. She hadn’t told her dad of course, terrified he would take it away from her. So she had snuck it into her room and into her Hogwarts bag to review more while at school.

“Hey Roane! We’re almost at Hogsmeade. Shouldn’t you get your robes on?”

Roane looked up distractedly at Tranq, her fellow Gryffindor who had been her first friend at Hogwarts.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Roane murmured back, and getting up she pulled the robe out of her carry-on and headed out to change.

Not Good News
Author: Janine Fox 
Date:   07-24-07 23:15

Janine stared at the Daily Prophet, deep in concentration. She was so focused on the paper, that she didn’t hear Harry as he approached from behind her and broke the silence in the kitchen.

“What a mug on that old witch.”

“Harry!” Janine picked up the newspaper off the floor with slightly shaking fingers. “Don’t do that! You know I don’t like people sneaking up on me. Not since…”

Janine’s voice died off. She didn’t want to finish the sentence but knew Harry already understood her reasons. Ever since their fateful Valentine date that was crashed unexpectedly and left her injured and Harry kidnapped, she found herself a tad more jumpy.

“Sorry,” he said slightly bashful as he gave her a quick kiss on top of her head before taking a seat beside her. “But your Sneakascopes didn’t go off so you knew you were safe.”

Janine glanced absently at the neatly set out Sneakascopes her father had given her in what felt like a lifetime ago. Even though she hadn’t spoken with him in ages she still kept his protective gifts close by her. It was a small reminder of home, and also practical as well.

“Professor Harriet Snider.”

Janine raised an eyebrow at Harry’s sarcastic tone.

“What?” asked Harry defensively. “She has an Umbridge air about her don’t you think?”

Rolling her eyes, Janine continued to read the article before silently handing it over to Harry, although she was sure he must have already read it today. Nonetheless, he seemed to take his time, and by the time he was finished there was a huge scowl on his face.

“It’s just not right,” he muttered. “Her, sitting on his chair. Taking his place.”

Janine tried to choose her words carefully before she spoke. “They needed to find someone,” she said gently. “He’s been gone so long now. I wonder…”

“Wonder what?”

Janine could hear his defensive tone and quickly said before she chickened out, “It’s just, there’s all these rumours going around. Rumours about him. Some even think… that is, there’s been speculation…”

“That he’s dead.”

The flatness in Harry’s voice made Janine nervous.

“If Dumbledore was dead, I would know.”

Hearing the conviction in his voice, Janine felt a moment of shame. Blinking back tears, she finally looked up to face him. “If he’s not dead, then where is he?”

Harry closed his eyes and exhaled loudly. Taking her hand he squeezed it tightly. “I wish I knew the answer. I really wish I knew the answer…”

Thinking of the past
Author: Marcus Diavolo 
Date:   07-25-07 08:36

Marcus arrived at the muggle train station in a Ministry car around 9:00 am and it was raining. Marcus went to the back of the car and retrieved his belongings from the trunk. He then hurried inside, getting soaked by a muggle car going by. Everyone was staring at him as if something was wrong with him. But he didn't care. He was going to Hogwarts, only if his mother could see him now. His thoughts seemed to then focus on her.

Why did she have to stay in Yorkshire? He then thought of the time he spent with her on the journey here. Dealing with protecting her from sunlight, surviving off animal blood, keeping the wizards off our trail may have gotten so bad she just wanted to stay there so she wouldn't have to worry about those things anymore.

Marcus's thoughts then turned to his travels. He arrived in Canterbury, killed an animal in front of a young girl, stayed at a house the owners of which he barely knew, got help from the Ministry, and is now going to Hogwarts; not bad for a young wizard.

He then though of how he nearly didn't come here after the Ministry finding out about his primal states. But that was all behind him now. He went into Platform 9 and 3/4, got his luggage put away, and boarded the train. Marcus then waited for the train to reach Hogwarts.

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