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Carriage and Train
Author: Ella 
Date:   05-15-09 10:02

As much as Ella would have rather gone straight over to Zane's after leaving Hogwarts for the summer, she knew her parents were eagerly awaiting her return home, especially since they hadn't seen her since Christmas. In fact, her mother had written at the beginning of the week to wish Ella luck on her finals and to announce that she would be picking her up from King's Cross Station on Thursday.

Ella found herself dragging her trunk to one of the horseless carriages that would take her from the castle to Hogsmeade Station. She struggled to load it onto the nearest empty carriage.

"Need some help?"

Cornelia grabbed onto the end of the trunk and helped Ella shove it onto the carriage. Both girls loaded Cornelia's onto the carriage too and then climbed onboard.

"Have plans for the summer?" Cornelia asked, as soon as the carriage started moving to the station.

"Nothing definite yet," Ella replied, which technically wasn't a lie. She wanted to spend some time with Zane but hadn't yet figured out how to ditch her parents. "What about you?"

"I hope to reunite with my sister Griet," Cornelia replied, somewhat solemnly. "I know she's not dead. At least, I don't think she is since her name wasn't on one of the plaques in the entrance hall. Problem is, I don't know where she is."

Ella frowned. "I hope you find her."


They road in silence the rest of the way to the station and then climbed off the carriage with their heavy trunks. After a short while, they found themselves sharing a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. The train filled up rapidly, and then it began moving towards London.

The Next Morning
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   05-15-09 10:19

The next morning, Bronwyn got up at a reasonable hour and then woke up Desi, who'd spent the night at the Dewhurst family home since the previous evening had gotten very late. Desi needed a good deal of poking and prodding before finally getting up, but then she took so long a shower that Bronwyn had half a mind to barge into the bathroom and turn off the water. Luckily, it never came down to that. Desi joined the family at the breakfast table, which consisted of strawberry pancakes and sausage links.

"So, what are you kids going to do today?" Wotan asked, as he stuffed some papers into his briefcase. He'd already eaten and would be going to work in the next fifteen minutes or so. None of the four younger wizards in the room were technically kids but two of them were his children, three if Desi's proclamation from the previous evening was anything to go by, and Toby was his son-in-law.

"I've got practice later today," Toby announced.

"And I've got work," Siegfried replied.

"I took an off day," Bronwyn answered, "so that I can make sure Desi finally goes to St. Mungo's to see Bianca." Was it bad of Bronwyn to hope that Bianca had adapted a better personality in the meantime?

"I'm sure Bianca will be happy about the reunion," Wotan remarked, never having met Bianca before and not really knowing what she was like.

"Yeah, now if Desi will hurry up and finish eating," Bronwyn said, looking from her near-empty plate to Desi's still quite full one.

"I'm working on it," Desi replied between bites.

A little while later, both girls had finished and were getting ready to leave for the hospital. Wotan hadn't made it to the floo yet, though he was on his way, so Bronwyn gave him a tight hug and said, "Bye, Daddy!"

Desi immediately followed suit, with a gentle hug of her own and a "Bye, Dad."

Wotan, looking a little confused though somewhat pleased with himself, gave a wave to both girls and the boys who were finishing off the food in the kitchen before flooing to Wren, Inc.

Bronwyn shot Desi a funny look. "What was that all about?"

"What?" Desi asked innocently. "Can we go already? I need to stop stop by The Leaky Cauldron to get some clothes and I want to pop into Muggle London for a sec to get some M&Ms."

"What are M&Ms?" Bronwyn might have been half-Muggle but she'd pretty much grown up in the wizarding world.

"Seriously? You are so deprived. Come on." Desi grabbed a handful of floo powder, stepped into the fireplace and shouted, "The Leaky Cauldron!

The flames turned green and then she was gone.

Worried and Responding
Author: Arlington J Montgomery 
Date:   05-15-09 17:13

“We are going, Arlington James!” Sebastian glared at Arley after they received Bronwyn’s invitation. “You do not wish to see our friends?!”

Arley stepped backwards and held his hands up in defense. “Whoa now, I said I would go, Seb. I’ve just been a little depressed lately. Going to Emry’s Fest will be a lot of fun, go on and send Bron a letter back, and tell her we’re goin’.”

Sebastian nodded as a look of concern crossed his usually bright face. “It is about Fallon, is it not?” He moved towards Arley and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.
“We will find her, she is probably still hiding. We could perhaps ask your father if he has heard from her.”

“Like that’ll happen. Dad won’t talk to me eve since he found out you and I are together. He said ‘No son of mine will be like you’ and pretty much disowned me. He even took me outta his will.” He sighed and gazed out their loft’s window to the busy New York City streets below. “Fal was last seen in England when the whole pureblood thing started.”

Sebastian nodded, Arlington hadn’t been himself lately. Maybe the boys needed a vacation, and a reunion with their school friends would definitely help.
He slipped out of Arley’s arms and went off to send a response to Bronwyn’s earlier letter.

Greetings Bronwyn!
I was very happy to hear from you, it has been too long! Arlington and I would be delighted to come to Emry’s Fest, we could use a bit of a vacation. You see Arley’s been very distant lately and I am very worried about him. The sooner we can come, the better.
Looking forward to seeing you,

Third Wheel?
Author: Sage Porter 
Date:   05-15-09 20:04

Sharing a compartment with Jared and Alanna, sprawled on the seat across from them, Sage watches his two friends making eyes at each other. Normally Sage wouldn't even be on the train, not when his home at the moment is considered to be with Saffron and Aaron who have a residence in Hogwarts Castle. Just as his first trip to Hogwarts as a student when he'd insisted on riding the Hogwarts Express, Sage wants his last day as a Hogwarts student to be spent on the train with one very good friend and his very best friend. Of course, Sage hadn't been thinking about the fact that they might want to spend most of the ride alone. They've not said anything but that doesn't mean they haven't thought it or that Sage feels any less of a third wheel.

Looking over at him, Jared asks, "Why the frown?"

"I was frowning?"

"Or scowling."

Sage laughs at that. "I wasn't scowling. Don't exaggerate. If I was frowning I wasn't aware of it."

"You're jealous."

"Envious," Alanna cuts in.

"Huh?" Jared blinks at her.

"Were you going to tease Sage about you having a girlfriend?"

"Of course."

"Then tell him he's envious."

Jared grins at Sage. "You're envious."

Sage pulls a face but is grinning when he says to Alanna, "You're ever so helpful."

"I try to be," she cheerily replies then asks, "But seriously, what had you frowning?"

Shrugging and shaking his head Sage honestly replies, "I don't know." In an effort to divert the topic from bogging down over the real cause of the frown or scowl or whatever it was, Sage teases, "Maybe I was thinking that I should leave the compartment. I'd offer to help put up curtains to block out anything of interest you might be doing to capture the attention of anyone moving from one compartment to another but I'm sure you'll have the windows steamed up nicely in no time."

Alanna, who by now knows Sage well enough to not be shy around him in the slightest, mischievously says, "I know an excellent window anti-fogging spell."

Jared laughs so hard he's nearly chortling when he adds, "Maybe we'll charge a gawking fee to passersby."

Sage joins in the laughter but as it dies down he stands up. "I do think I'm going to stretch my legs a little; maybe track down the cart and get something to drink."

Alanna gives him a frank, appraising look. "You don't need to feel like you've got to leave, especially if you don't really want to stretch your legs."

Jared quickly chimes in, "We aren't in our way and don't resent you being around. You know that, right?"

"I know, and I do really want to stretch my legs, and I do really want to get something to drink. I'll be back in a bit."

Stepping out into the narrow passageway that passes for the aisle running the length of the train carriage, Sage pauses as he debates which way to go first in search of the trolley. Turning the direction from which it usually comes when making the first pass through the train, Sage passes by other compartments, some with students in them, some empty. Crossing over to the next carriage, he's passed by the first compartment when he hears his name coming form within.

Turning to see who's calling him, Sage reaches the door just as an arm comes out, grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him inside.

Fun at the Hospital
Author: Desdemona Diamond 
Date:   05-16-09 06:54

Bronwyn and I stopped by The Leaky Cauldron to pick up some clothes. I also grabbed a backpack to shove the clothes into. After that, we took a quick jaunt into muggle London and I got Bronwyn a normal sized bag of M&Ms, and a huge bag of M&Ms that went right into the backpack.

After the candy shopping, Bronwyn and I went back to the wizarding world. Finally going to visit my sister at St. Mungo’s. My sister, last I saw her, was the embodiment of all that was evil in the world. Anyone who has met her would completely understand why I waited so long before going to see her.

Bron and I walked to the hospital and were quickly shown to the room my sister was in. Somehow my sister managed to have a room all by herself. I figured the hospital would be packed with patients from the camps, and it probably was. Yet, my sister managed to scare enough people or somehow got lucky enough to have the room all to herself.

When I walked in, Bianca was sitting on her bed, legs over the side, facing the door. Bianca jumped off the bed and ran towards me at nearly full speed. She jumped into a hug nearly knocking me off my feet. She was squeezing so tight I could barely breathe. I returned the hug but without the suffocating part.

A long moment passed before Bianca let go and backed up a few steps.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, “I’m actually glad to see anyone I know.” She backed up a few feet, allowing me to walk further in the room. I heard the door behind me close as Bron finally made it all the way in.

“I’m glad to see you too!” I told my twin, “Mom and I have been worried about the two of you. You look just fine to me now!”

Bianca paused a moment, “Well, I’m a billion times better then I was when I came here apparently. I don’t remember much though. I’m told I was in a coma.”

“What happened anyways? Why were you in a coma?” I asked. The two of us walked over to the bed and sat down.

“When the guys came after us, I managed to take a couple out. Apparently they don’t study martial arts very much. They took me out just because they used magic on me. If they didn’t, I would have totally creamed them. Then after Dad and I were taken to this prison camp thing, we managed to stay together. One day a couple guys came to take Dad. I went after them again, but I don’t remember what happened after that. Everything between that and waking up here is fuzzy. Do you know if Dad’s ok?”

“No. He’s missing,” I told her. She looked down, obviously upset. “Well, the important thing right now is that you’re ok. Mom will be happy to see you. Trust me!”

“I can’t wait to go home…” she said, looking up.

“Oh! Speaking of normal stuff,” I pulled my backpack off my shoulder and opened it. I pulled out the large bag of M&Ms. Bianca grabbed them before I had a chance to say anything and was munching on them before I closed the backpack. “I figured you might want something like that.”

“God, I’ve not had anything like this in too long!” She munched happily for a moment, “I’m sorry, did you want some?” she asked, holding the back out.

“Sure,” I grabbed a small handful and started to slowly munch. Bianca held the bag out towards Bronwyn, who cautiously took some. “By the way, since you’re pretty much back to normal, they’re releasing you.”

“Really!?” Bianca almost shouted instantly perking up. Bron looked surprised. “You’re not just saying that are you?”

“Nope. They want you out of here almost as much as Mom wants you home. I grabbed some clothes for you so you can get out of the getup they have you in.” I once again reached into my backpack, this time pulling out the clothes I grabbed from the hotel.

With quick thanks, Bianca quickly changed clothes and was soon ready to leave. She looked at the clothes she was wearing and quickly realized that they were actually mine. Bronwyn looked back and forth between my twin and myself a few times, but decided to say nothing.

“I can’t believe I’m wearing your clothes,” Bianca finally said finally looking up at me.

“Well, honestly, I forgot rifle through all your drawers at home looking for the right outfit for you to wear. Besides I didn’t think about grabbing clothes for you until the last minute, at which point it was too late to go shopping.”

“We could go shopping now…” Bronwyn finally interjected. Leave it to Bron to not pass up an opportunity to hit a mall.

“That is the best idea I’ve heard all day!” Bianca exclaimed, “I can totally get a new more fashionable outfit, and some good makeup too,” she looked at me, “Because I’m not using yours!” I just raised my hand up in surrender, not offering an argument. Bianca walked over Bronwyn and looped her arm through Bron’s. “Since you’re obviously much more in the know, where do we start?” she asked with a smile.

As the two walked out, I grabbed the forgotten bag of M&Ms and shoved them in the backpack before hurrying to catch up.

Reunion with Friends
Author: Hermione Granger 
Date:   05-16-09 11:19

Diagon Alley was full of life when Hermione stepped through the archway from The Leaky Cauldron and made her way to Delia's Deli and Restaurant, where she had arranged to meet with some old friends. Wizards strolled or hurried by carrying shopping bags and animal cages. Vendors called from their doorsteps, announcing the best sales. Display windows and outdoor stands showed off exciting merchandise.

There was much to see and do at Diagon Alley and it was hard for wizards like Hermione who hadn't witnessed it firsthand to imagine the place looking less crowded and interesting, as it had gotten during the pureblood movement. Not every shop that had been forced to close its doors during that time had reopened in the meantime, but some had, and more were slated to in the coming months.

Hermione eventually came upon the deli and spotted her friend Elfrida sitting outside under an umbrella. She had a toddler in her lap who had blond curly hair and big blue eyes. The child's hands were wrapped around the handles of a sippy cup full of apple juice.

Elfrida saw Hermione approaching and let out a delighted squeal. She got up, careful not to jostled the toddler too much, and used a free arm to hug her old friend from Oxford University.

"Hermione! It's so good to see you!"

"And you! You look well."

Elfrida smiled and gestured for Hermione to take a seat. "I'm fully recovered from the malnutrition and other physical problems I acquired during that time," she said, referring to her incarceration at one of the communities.

Elfrida gently squeezed her little girl and kissed the top of her curly head.

"The hardest part for me was not knowing where my Violet was. Even after I got out and found Jason... we didn't know. But then we found her, thanks to those lists that went on the WWN and in the papers."

Hermione smiled at Violet. "She's such a beautiful little girl. Looks just like you, Elfrida. How old is she now?"

"A little more than a year and a half," Elfrida replied. "She's a bit small for her age and she doesn't talk much, but we've already seen some growth and improvements in her speech since we got her back. The pediatric healer says she was probably traumatized after she was taken from me, and though she may not remember anything that had happened during that time since she was and still is so young, it likely affected her all the same."

"How was she when you got her back? Did she know you at all?"

"The last time we'd seen each other was the day of her birth," Elfrida remembered sadly. "She spent the very beginning of her life in the care of people who weren't her parents. When we got her, she was miserable, but I think deep down she realized who we really were and she eventually felt comfortable with us."

Elfrida looked up and smiled. "Jason. What took you so long?"

Jason kissed Elfrida and Violet and then hugged Hermione who'd risen to greet him. "Sorry, I got caught up in a project at work. Hermione, you look well."

"Thanks. So do you. Are you working at Gringotts again?"

Hermione sat down again and Jason nodded, sliding into another seat at the table. "They rehired me in my old position." He grinned. "This is the best time to be an economist. People have returned to their homes after being locked up or in hiding. They're shopping. Stores are reopening fully staffed and with new inventory. I see nothing but good times ahead."

"It's easy to be this chipper after everything we've gone through," Elfrida remarked with a wry smile.

A waitress came out just then and asked if they were ready to order. The friends exchanged amused glances and then Hermione spoke for all of them. "We've been too busy catching up that we haven't even looked at the menu. Can we have more time?"

"Sure," the waitress replied with a smile. "I'll come back in a few."

With that, she went off to help another table. Hermione, Elfrida, and Jason opened up their menus, meanwhile, to figure out what they wanted for lunch.

Shopping Buddy
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   05-16-09 11:58

For the most part, Bronwyn hadn't said much during the surprisingly heartfelt reunion between Bianca and Desi. Bianca's whole experience had obviously given her a new outlook on life. Gone was the über-bitch Bronwyn had remembered meeting a long time ago. Gone was the absolute terror Desi had described time and time again with stunning detail. In her place stood a kind-hearted, pleasant person who looked just like Desi and had the same interests as Bronwyn.

When Desi produced clothing from her own wardrobe for Bianca to wear, an idea came to mind. Bronwyn suggested a shopping trip, since the clothes Bianca now wore obviously weren't her style. Bianca wore Desi's clothing gratefully, but the idea of a shopping trip cheered her even more.

Bianca looped her arm with Bronwyn's, which would have made Bronwyn feel uncomfortable once upon a time but which hardly fazed her now that she knew she had a shopping buddy and a legitimate reason to spend some money. She and Bianca walked out of the hospital room with Desi following.

"Well, let's think about this for a moment," Bronwyn said, feeling in her element. "If it's wizarding fashion you want, we can go to Madam Malkin's or if you want haute couture, there's Narcissa's. Narcissa's is a bit pricey but I know money is no object with your family..."

"Let's go to Narcissa's, definitely," Bianca replied. "What about Muggle stores? I know about Harrod's––we should go there for sure––but what other department stores or boutiques do you know?"

"There's Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, Marks & Spencer..." Bronwyn ticked off a few more stores she knew of as she led Bianca and the trailing Desi to the floo.

"Well, let's go to Narcissa's first. I'm kind of starving too––for real food––so let's go out to eat too. God, I haven't eaten out in so long."

Bronwyn nodded. "Well, there are places in Diagon Alley, or maybe we'll find something in Muggle London. I'll floo first," she announced, grabbing a handful of floo powder. "We're going to The Leaky Cauldron. Narcissa's is just down the street."

She flooed first, followed by Bianca, and lastly by Desi. Then, using her wand, Bronwyn tapped on the bricks to open the gateway to Diagon Alley. The three girls stepped through and walked the short way to Narcissa's.

Daily Prophet Reporter
Author: Julian Valentine 
Date:   05-16-09 20:45

With one quill hovering over a pad of parchment and another quill tucked behind his ear, the baby faced, hardly out of his teens Daily Prophet reporter, Damon Hamm, asks Julian, "What have you got against Petals?"

"I don't have anything against it."

"But it's true you are part of the Hogsmeade Business Association, which is protesting Petals being open for business."

"Yes, but "

"Isn't it also true that as a Hogsmeade resident, you've added your voice to the protest?"

"Yes, but "

"Yet you claim not to have anything against that business?" Damon Hamm asks, voice dripping with skepticism.

Coming around the counter, Julian says in a very no nonsense tone to the younger man, "When you ask a question, it's polite to allow a full response."

Hamm backs up two steps, looking nervous enough to have Julian wondering if this is the man's first in the field reporting assignment. Pointing the feather end of the quill he's holding at Julian his voice cracks slightly when he speaks. "Just doing my job. Taking a few statements."

One eyebrow arched, Julian dryly comments, "Hardly."


"How are you able to take a few statements when you are not allowing for statements to actually be made?"

"The questions were yes or no. I'm not sure I understand the point you're making, Mr. Valentine."

Julian gives one of those sighs people make when dealing with someone so focused on one thing they lose sight of the bigger picture. Damon Hamm eyes Julian as if unsure of whether to stand his ground or back up.

Hamm takes a step back then another.

Julian pinches the bridge of his nose, takes a breath then says patiently. "I am not opposed to the idea of Petals. I have been known to visit such establishments from time to time. The objection I have is actually two-fold. First, if such a business is going to operate in Hogsmeade, then it should be located on a side street, not on the High Street. Second, as small as Hogsmeade is and with many residents living above the shops or quite near them, then I feel that this location, that is to say, that Hogsmeade is not ideal for an establishment such as Petals. Somewhere like Knockturn Alley would be a more appropriate location in my opinion. That's not a Quick-Quotes Quill is it?"

"Erm, no. Why do you ask?"

"Because things written down with Quick-Quotes Quills have a tendency to not be entirely accurate."

Hamm's quill holding hand flutters up to touch the one tucked behind his ear before he grins nervously at Julian. He points the feather end of the quill in his hand at Julian again and says with an odd, shaky, little laugh, "Just a regular old quill. Not so old really. Just got this one today."

Julian gives stares balefully at the reporter.

"So, erm, right. Your opposition has nothing to do with being against such establishments. So what you're saying is you don't find Petals to be vile, filthy, disgusting, and degrading?"

Julian shakes his head and gives a shrug. "No. Never said anything along those lines nor have I implied anything of that sort."

"Those are words from a few others I've already spoken with today. You don't think Petals and establishments like it should be forced to close?"

"No, not at all. My only opposition is with regard to location."

Damon Hamm hunches his shoulders as he jots down what Julian has said. Something about the younger man's demeanor has Julian asking, "You seem disappointed. Were you hoping for something more sensational from me?"

"Yes, I suppose. What about," Hamm flips a parchment page then flips it back as if consulting some notes, "Lysander Stratford?"

"His opinion is similar to mine though Lysander and I do have a slightly difference of opinion."

"Which is?"

"While Lysander doesn't feel that High Street is a suitable location for Petals, he thinks it would be fine if located on a side street."

"Didn't you say that?"

"I said if it has to be in Hogsmeade then a side street is better. I think, however, that a more suitable location would be someplace like Knockturn Alley."

"What you're saying is you'd prefer it were not in Hogsmeade but if it must be then off the High."

Julian, who thinks he's made that very clear, pinches the bridge of his nose again, dreading already how Hamm's story in the newspaper will read. He's positive that Hamm is going to manage to mangle what people have said and their points of view. Nonetheless Julian says, "Yes, that's what I'm saying. If you'd care to speak to Lysander yourself instead of having secondhand information from me, he is in the office."

"I'll do that, thank you."

"Any further questions for me?"

"Erm," parchment pages flip, Hamm's eyes scan down whatever is written there, then looking at Julian he nods, "Yes, a few more."

Keeping the half-smile on his lips in place, Julian suffers through the rest of the interview, the few more questions turning out to be nearly thirty more.

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