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The Morning of the First of September
Author: Marzipan 
Date:   10-16-11 13:48

The new nursery at Hogwarts had gotten finished only last week and just in time for the 2005-2006 school year to start. It consisted of colorful rugs for playtime, toys like building blocks and stuffed animals, and little tables and chairs for the older children. There were also mats and cribs for nap time, as well as changing stations.

It was run by house-elves, some of the same ones who'd already been caring for the children of staff at Hogwarts. It was also already open for business.

Marzi dropped off Carter and Vallon this morning after Weston left Hogwarts for his job at the Ministry of Magic. Then she went to the greenhouses, although she didn't have any preparations left to make for her classes, which started tomorrow. She spent time watering some plants and pruning others.

While she busied herself with those tasks, she wondered what her new students would be like. She would get her first look at them tonight at the Start-of-Term Feast. Marzi couldn't wait. Ordinary Hogwarts meals were good, but Hogwarts feasts were fantastic and beyond comparison. She wondered what the house-elves would serve.

Her stomach growled, just thinking about the possibilities at tonight's meal.

"I heard that!"

Marzi looked up to see Illyria standing in the doorway.

"Did anybody ever tell you that you have the hearing of an owl?"

Illyria chuckled. "No. That's definitely a new one." She stepped fully into the greenhouse and looked around. "It's always so cozy in here. I can't say the same about the Astronomy Tower."

Marzi smiled. "That's why Herbology is my favorite subject. Are you excited about term starting?"

"Yes, and you?"

"Yes," Marzi replied, still smiling. "I feel like this year is going to be a good year. I don't know why I feel that, but I just do. Nothing will go wrong. I just know it."

Illyria laughed. "Maybe you've got some Seer blood in you. Whatever the case may be, I hope you're right. We could use a good year, free from tragedy."

The women fell silent for a moment. Then Illyria opened her mouth and blurted out, "I kissed my sister's boyfriend."

Marzi blinked. "On purpose?"

Illyria looked incredibly embarrassed. "Yes, I mean no. I mean, it just happened." She sighed and then leaned up against the work table. "We used to date. Kind of. Then he met my sister and they really hit it off. As far as I know they are in an exclusive relationship. Nathan and I weren't. I wouldn't even call what we had a relationship." She sighed again. "Anyway, we've bumped into each other a few times since they started dating. This last time he kissed me."

"He kissed you, or you kissed him?" Marzi asked.

Illyria thought about it. "I would say he kissed me but I definitely kissed him back."

Marzi thought this over for a moment. "Will you tell your sister about it?"

"I should, but I don't want to. I haven't told anybody about it but you."

"Well, do you like him?" Marzi asked.

Illyria opened and closed her mouth a few times. Then she admitted, "A little bit."

Marzi offered her a small smile. "I guess you need to decide what you want to do. You either need to tell your sister the truth about what happened and how you feel, or you need to stand back and see where their relationship takes them."

"If only it were that easy," Illyria complained. She sighed and said, "Enough about me. I was thinking about getting something sweet, either from Briar's Bakery or from Madam Puddifoots. Want to come?"

Marzi nodded. "Sure. Let's think of it as our final break before the students get here."

Illyria grinned, feeling cheered. "Good thinking."

Sign Of The Impending Apocalypse
Author: Georgia Copperpot 
Date:   10-16-11 16:08

After a long farewell kiss with the sex god, during which Libs nearly broke my kneecap with her newest Merlin statue - this one with bright red ribbon glued on for hair, a liberal amount of my black lippy smeared onto its cheeks, and christianed Betty - while loudly telling the sex god not to kiss her cheeky monkey. It's not that Libby does not like Sage. Quite the opposite. Libs is vair smitten with him. It's that, in her words, "Gingy the cheeky monkey is diseased. I lobe her berry much still."

How is it that Libby knows the word diseased and uses it properly in a sentence but still says lobe and berry instead of love and very?

Sage had scooped Libs up and told her, "I lobe Georgia too."

Mum and Vati had given me last hugs and kisses then Libby had wanted another as well then I'd gotten on the Hogwarts Express for my seventh year. And, in the most fabbity fab fab double cool with knobs things ever, seventh year will be spent as Head Girl. Me. In charge. Izzy wizzy said that is a sure sign of the impending apocalypse. As my promotion to Head Girl got her named as a Seventh Year Ravenclaw Prefect, I would think she would be happier than a good looking chap finding himself locked in a room full of girls who have been secluded away at a remote, desolate single sex school. Hmmmm. I shall have to ask my cousin Tallulah if that ever happens at her school and if so, do they ever allow that good looking chap to return to his life wherever that may be?

I find the car where Edith and Catherine are sitting. "Isobella went ahead to the prefects car," Edith tells me.

Sage, who'd boarded the train to help me with my trunk, and I get my things stowed then walk in the direction of the prefects car. At that car's platform we exchange a farewell kiss though we are seeing each other soon as he lives part of the time at Hogwarts with his sister and brother-in-law. Heading into the prefects car I make way to a window where I can hang out and wave goodbye to the sex god. And to my family. It's really a good thing that Vati is a wizard. The storage space in the clown car is matchbox sized so transporting the school things here meant either shrinking them down or magically expanding the space. Or getting a new mode of transport. I do believe the only reason the Ministry has never taken issue with Vati having to utilize magic at times with a Muggle automobile is that they are all too busy laughing at the sight of the clown car. Okay, so it is because no Muggles ever see the magical enhancements such as a matchbox sized storage space that holds as much as a walk-in pantry.

Waves goodbye done and the sex god lost in massive clouds of steam, I turn my attention to the other prefects, including Head Boy Timothy Gabble. Tim Gabble is something of a sex god himself. I shall need to keep him in mind for when one of my best pallys are once more on the rack of lurve, suffering from red bottomosity.

"I brought the clipboard," I say, holding up said clipboard.

"Who are we missing still? I don't know the names of all the younger ones." Tim asks, moving in closer, nearly touching heads.

Sex god Tim also smells nice. But as I have my own equally nice smelling sex god that fact does not distract me.

Tim and I do a quick roll call, deciding to put off starting the meeting until the train is fully out of King's Cross station as those not here yet could simply be hanging a window somewhere, waving goodbye until the last possible moment. In the meantime everyone in the prefects car is talking and eating. We are quite well off food wise in the prefects car. Izzy and I shall have to take nibbles to Edith and Catherine, if I can get Izzy to pay attention for half a second. At the moment she appears to be rather occupied cleaning out sex god in training Wilbur's ear with her tongue.

When the Hogwarts Express is clear of the station, Tim and I stand on a seat. He calls for everyone's attention and we make sure that those not accounted for earlier have shown up. After that we quickly run through duties for those new to the job and as a reminder to those who were prefects last term. After fielding a few questions we break up into four groups by house, huddling together so that we seventh years can give the fifth and sixth years passwords. That task done everyone stands around chatting and eating a little longer before those wanting to sit elsewhere meander off.

It doesn't even bother me when Izzy, Wilbur and I are walking to the car where Edith and Catherine wait when Izzy tells me my head is noticeably larger than when I first got on the train. She is still jealous that her boyfriend is only a titchy sex god in training while mine is a full blown heart stopping, weak knee making, head turning, broad shouldered, twice as tall as her titchlet sex god.

sex god = Sage Porter is a prime example.
lippy = lipstick
vair = very
Vati = My wildly insane parental unit.
fabbity fab fab double cool with knobs = cool in the extreme
clown car = hilariously tiny three wheeled Muggle vehicle
rack of lurve = When one is tortured by love or lack of it, one is on the rack. Of lurve.
red bottomosity = Showing a great deal of interest getting off the rack of lurve, sometimes with a specific someone but not always.
sex god in training = A sex god, yet not. Maybe soon.
titchlet = someone younger but not necessarily smaller

A Face in the Crowd
Author: Abdul Hazrat AlGunud 
Date:   10-16-11 18:52

The bustle of the crowd in Diagon Alley, adults engaging in commerce and youngsters buying last minute school supplies, made Abdul nervous. He had already purchased the necessary supplies. He was merely procrastinating, putting off having to go to King's Cross Station.

Stepping back to avoid a passing family, he inadvertently stepped into the path of someone else. The resulting collision spilled pens, books and assorted paraphernalia across the cobble stones. His apology died on his lips as he saw the "someone" he had bumped into. She was blonde, obviously several years younger than him. She looked like...Abdul shook his head sharply as if to drive away this memory but he knew it would futile.

Abdul wandered down High Street, gazing at the various stores. Despite the snow, the scene reminded him of Souq al-Hamidiyya with its numerous shops where one could buy everything from robes to baklava. Small groups of students traversed the street going from shop to shop, their voices carrying in the brisk December air.
Abdul paused in front of Krum's Complete Quidditch which had numerous broomsticks on display. He was not alone in window-shopping. A large group of students were debating the merits of the Firebolt versus the Cleansweep. None of this made much of an impression upon Abdul. It seemed odd that so many people here preferred to crouch on a piece of wood as opposed to sitting comfortably upon a carpet. Alas, magic carpets were banned in this country. He had been forced to leave at home the carpet purchased at Soubhi's shop in Damascus. It still rankled but he could probably afford to purchase a broomstick for use at Hogwarts. The debate about the broomsticks had grown louder and more animated. The method of transportation might change but seemingly the arguments it provoked did not. Abdul recalled the epic argument between Aziz and Bashir over which magic carpet was faster. It had become so loud that Soubhi himself had come outside and told the group of friends to leave. Given the looks coming from several people inside the shop, the same thing seemed likely to happen here. Abdul detached himself from the group of arguing students and walked further down the street, passing Blossom's and the botanical shop.
Unless he was mistaken, his destination was up ahead on the left. He lengthened his stride. But so eager was he to reach his destination, that he did not see a girl running from the playground. The force from the collision knocked them both down. They landed in a heap. Abdul climbed to his feet and brushed snow off of his robes. He then bent down and helped the girl to her feet.
"I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going. Mum always says to look both ways before crossing the street." This was followed by a giggle as she shook snow out of her blond curls.
"That is quite all right. I am as much at fault as you." Abdul realized that he had dropped several items. He crouched and began to pick-up his possessions.
"Oh! I made you drop things. Here let me help you." She immediately crouched down and began to hand him pieces of parchment and quills. "My name is Grace. What's yours?"
"Abdul, at your service."
"Are you one of the wizards from Hogwarts?"
"No. I am but a student, visiting from the school."
"It must be exciting, going to the same school that Harry Potter attended. Learning from famous people like Professor Dumbledore."
"It is interesting, I grant you that. But I must be off."
"Goodbye, perhaps we will meet again Abdul."
"Perhaps we will. Goodbye."
Abdul made a beeline towards Twice Told Tales. His research in the restricted section of the library had produced remarkably little information. Even with Professor Hodfuffer's permission, Abdul had been careful to keep his research discrete. It had yielded a reference to an advisor to the Pharaoh Akhenaten. This advisor, Clarkash Ton, had apparently read the Nakotic Manuscripts and transcribed some of its passages, including those passages in one of his works. Abdul knew that the shop's proprietors had connections to Hogwarts, so he would have extra careful in asking questions.
He politely stood aside as a tall, burly individual clad in a heavy coat strode past the book shop. He mentally prepared himself for the task ahead. But his concentration was shattered, by voice from behind him.
"Abdul! Abdul!"
He turned to see Grace bounding towards him, kicking up small clouds of snow. She was clutching a piece of parchment.
"You dropped this. I found it after you left. I thought is might belong to me, but then I read the name Clarkash Ton and I realized it must belong to you. I don't know anyone by that name."
"I am in your debt. I would not have realized that I lost it."
"Not at all. I did say that we might meet again. Well I must be off. Mum wants me home early for dinner. And I'm sure that you have important wizard business to attend to." This last remark was delivered with a half smile and then she was gone, scampering away.
Abdul's alarm at having lost such an important and potentially incriminating piece of evidence was briefly replaced by a flush. He was unsure about how exactly to treat girls who treated him like he was someone special. His sense of alarm redoubled when he turned toward the bookstore only to find himself face-to-face with someone. Abdul realized that it was the man who just been passing by. Up close, the man's breath smelt of garlic. Beneath bushy eyebrows, black pupils seem to focus on Abdul with insect-like intensity.
"That is an interesting name young wizardling."
"Not really, Abdul is a name common in my family." He attempted to step around the man but found the way impeded by a heavy arm.
"The name of Clarkash Ton is well known in certain circles. You can ask the proprietors in yonder shop but I daresay they will not help you."
"I am sure that I will find something to satisfy my curiosity."
"Perhaps you will but I doubt they will be able or willing to provide you much of use. If you wish to plumb the secrets of such an ancient sorcerer, then seek me out at the Hogsmeade Inn. I will be available to speak ten days hence." The arm fell away but the gaze lingered. Abdul walked to bookstore, feeling the stranger's gaze on his back the entire way.

He managed to stammer an apology, helped the girl pick-up her dropped items and then quickly departed the scene, heading toward King's Cross Station. He had made his way to the station like a zombie, barely paying attention to his surroundings. Once he had climbed aboard the Hogwart's Express, he found an unoccupied compartment and stowed his belongings away. Abdul gazed out the window and tried to block out the vision of the girl's face. It reminded him of Grace, innocent and open. Except that Grace's last expression had been one of terror and unspeakable agony. The sound of the compartment door opening provided a welcome distraction. Abdul turned to greet his fellow students.

The Mini Steele
Author: Johanna Steele 
Date:   10-17-11 02:03

Moments after Mark letf the compartment to attend the perfects meeting, someone knocked the door and Johanna went to open it. It was her cousin Evelyn, surrounded by two of her friends, Dinah Northington and Evinrude Walthrop. Luke and Edgar were also there, looking at each other amused.

"I'm sorry, this compartment is full." Johanna told them.
"I'm just here so you can present me and my friends to Gus Van Tassel. You promised me Johanna!" Evelyn replied.
"And we are here just to watch them make a fool of themselves." Luke said with a laugh.
Johanna looked back to her friends who were curious to what was going on. Knowing Evelyn wouldn't stop insisting until she was presented her to Gus, Johanna sighed and told the three girls to come in. They giggled, excited. Luke and Edgar poked from the door still amused.

"Gus, this is my cousin Evelyn and these are her friends, Dinah and…"Johanna couldn't remember the other girl's name.
"Evinrude." She told in a low voice and when Gus looked at her, probably because the girl's name was a bit uncommon, she blushed and looked down.
"Nice to meet you all." He said, turning his attention to Evelyn and then again to Johanna. "She looks a bit like you. A mini Steele!" He laughed at his own joke. Evelyn smiled because Gus Van Tassel had given her a nickname.

The girls asked Gus if he planned to do the tryouts this year for quidditch and he assured them he would. They started to tell him how he was such a great keeper and he would be the one leading Slytherin to the victory this year. Gus ,loving all the attention, played along assuring the girls that no goal would pass his hoops if he was selected has keeper.

Kate, Felicia and Roger watched the scene trying not to laugh at the young girls, not knowing which one had the biggest crush on Gus. Finally Johanna told them to leave Gus alone and they made him promise he would sit next to them at the Slytherin table tonight.
"Of course Mini Steele." He told Evelyn with a wink.

"What are you doing?" Johanna asked, after closing the door of the compartment.
"Just fooling around. They're funny. Are you sure she isn't you sister? Because she really looks like you!"
Johanna rolled her eyes and then she focused her attention in Kate. Finally she and Mark were together. Johanna and Felicia gathered around her, speaking in a low voice, wanting to know everything.

Poor Roger found himself stuck with Gus who didn't waste any time asking him in a joking tone what it was like to be a nerdy Ravenclaw. Roger started explaining Gus that he was not a nerd and started to lecture him about his house at Hogwarts. Gus sent a glance to Johanna as if saying he wouldn't entertain her boyfriend anymore whenever she needed to have a girl talk with Kate and Felicia.

Board Game (Hunter & Jade)
Author: Emerald Green 
Date:   10-17-11 20:32

Jade frowns at the board, not liking at all the roll she's just made. Her token moves the appropriate number of spaces and as she grudgingly pays half her game galleons to the community pot she says, "Your turn, Baron."

Barontaine Marchbanks starts to reach across the board for the dice but then Heather Rabnott scoops it up to hand over. "Thanks." As he prepares to roll the the dice he says, "Anything but two."

When the dice stops the number showing is two, earning a groan from Baron because the roll puts his token on a skip a turn space. Hunter, chuckling, picks up the dice for his turn. "Maybe if you'd not told the dice what to do."

Hunter takes his turn then holding out the dice asks, "Who's after me?"

"I am," Bartholomew Kimple says. "What do you lot think the new professors will be like?"

Penny Puckett shrugs, "They looked nice enough at End of Term Feast."

"That doesn't mean they'll be any good at teaching," Jade points out. "I wish we got Professor Knight. He's cute."

Hunter snorts, "What is it with girls mooning over their teachers?"

Jade makes a face, grinning at the same time. "Like you don't have crushes on a few."

"Like who?"

"Professors Jones and Weasley for two."

Bart pipes up, "I think Professor Ravenscroft is pretty." After a pause he says, "I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Penny offers up, "Most of the male teachers are handsome. I think we all know who the exceptions are."

"If Snape did something with his hair and looked happy now and again, do you think he'd at least be passable?" Heather wonders.

The response is a resounding no from everyone in the train compartment. This leads to a the group of second years offering up suggestions that might improve Severus Snapes's looks as the board game continues, the miles passing by as the Hogwarts Express steams towards Hogsmeade Station.

Odd Encounter
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   10-18-11 13:53

Nate left the prefects' compartment after their meeting, still pretty happy he had been selected to take Timothy's place. More than proud (and the privileges of using the prefects' bathroom), it was the possibility to do something good for Hogwarts. He planned to go check on Lilac and her cousins when suddenly he found himself of a girl struggling with her luggage. Her face was somewhat familiar, but Nate had no idea who she was.

"Need some help?" he offered.

"No thank you, I can handle it myself," she replied.

"The Slytherin pride suits you well," Nate muttered, somewhat guessing her house. The girl ignored him and kept trying to carry her luggage. Feeling the need to do something, Nate offered himself once again and finally the girl accepted, probably to shut him up. She indicated an empty compartment and after Nate settled her luggage inside. The girl sat down and went through her purse, setting aside a few coins for snacks, ignoring him completely.

"A thank you would be nice," Nate said, breaking the silence.

The girl raised her eyes to his resentfully. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Nate turned his back to her, about to leave but finally before abandoning the compartment he decided to ask her what year she was in.


"I thought so. I think I've seen you before. "

"You probably have. We've been here six years together," she commented in a cold tone.

"True. " Nate laughed feeling like a complete idiot. He should know her name. But the harder he tried to remember the less he could try and make a guess.

"It's fine. Nobody notices me."

"I did notice you. But I'm six years delayed. I apologize." He gave her a smile. "What's your name?"

"Phyllida," She told him returning her attention to counting change.

"Phyllida..."Nate repeated, so he wouldn't forget it.

"You'll probably forget how it's pronounced," she added, guessing his thoughts.

"If that happens, then you'll have to correct me."

"I don't think we'll have to run into each other again," Phyllida said with a sigh, looking out the window.

"Why not? I'm a prefect so I'll do a lot of corridor patrol. The castle isn't that big. Not mention we might have classes together."

This time she sighed even louder.

"Great. You're a perfect. "

"Last time I checked it was a good thing," Nate told her, wondering why she hasn't spotted his badge. Maybe because she didn't even bother to look at him. "Unless you're up to something."

Phyllida looked primly out the window, without replying.

"What are you up to?" he asked, insisting with her to get an answer.

"Waiting for the food trolley," she simply told him.

"All right. I won't bother you anymore. Enjoy the trip," Nate said, making a mental note to watch out for her just in case she got into trouble.

"Where are you going?"
"Going to meet my friends, obviously. " She looked disappointed and that made him invite her to come with him. "Probably you know them from classes."

"No, it's alright. I'll stay here."

He didn't waste time trying to convince her.

"All right. See you around Phyllida," he said in a sort of goodbye, leaving the compartment.

(Cornelia) Being Nice
Author: Griet 
Date:   10-18-11 18:55

After the prefects' meeting ended, Cornelia wandered back to the compartment she'd staked out earlier and found it full of first years, though none of them were her brother or new cousin. Her instinct had been to unceremoniously eject them from the compartment, but their wide, frightened expressions ultimately reminded her that as a prefect, she ought to be kind to them. Besides, some of them might turn out to be Slytherins.

What resulted was a long train ride in which she was pestered with questions about Hogwarts, the professors, and the classes. Cornelia did her best to answer everything, leaving no detail unmentioned. She couldn't help but embellish about certain subjects, though, like Professor Snape. He was scary enough on his own, but why not make him seem a little bit scarier by sharing a few tall tales? If the first years were smart, they would realize she was joking.

This was definitely a change from previous journeys to Hogwarts. For the first time in years, Cornelia didn't have Griet, Oberon and most importantly, Gervaise around for company. She thought it would bother her tremendously, being the only one left at Hogwarts, and maybe it still would, but so far it wasn't as terrible as she imagined.

The Hogwarts Express started to slow.

"Are we almost there?" asked one of the boys.

"Yes," Cornelia replied. "You best change into your robes now. You won't have time to do it at Hogwarts."

As one, the first years dug into their luggage and pulled out the brand new robes they'd gotten for school. Some left the compartment to change in the loos, while the rest simply pulled the robes over their clothes.

By the time the rest returned, the train had slowed down even more. Outside the window, the landscape changed from farmland to forest and then a village. The train stopped with a jerk that toppled somebody's backpack from the top shelf of the compartment. Cornelia caught it before it could hit anybody in the head. She handed it to the boy it belonged to and then got up and helped with the rest of the luggage.

While she did that, she said, "Go to the platform and look for the half-giant named Hagrid. He'll take you up to Hogwarts."

"Half-giant?" a girl asked in a tiny voice.

"Yes. He's taller than everybody else, so you won't have any trouble findng him," Cornelia said. "Go on, all of you. You don't want to be late for the Sorting Ceremony!"

The first years didn't need to be told twice, though the little girl was still a bit concerned about facing a half-giant, whatever that was. They vacated the compartment and then the train to meet Hagrid, while Cornelia got her things and headed for the carriages that were take her up to the castle.

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