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Author: Susan Fricks 
Date:   08-17-16 14:45

Just like the start of the school year, Susan shared a compartment with Blair and Maud. A new element has been added to the group, Georgiana Elliot, also a Gryffindor like Blair and with whom she became great friends with.

Susan had a cat on her lap, but it was not Buttercup. Her cat was seated at Maud's lap and it sent offended looks at Susan. She was holding Saidra instead, Titus Nott's cat. Titus had asked if she could look after his cat during the summer holidays, because he said no cats were allowed to where he was going to. He seemed quite mysterious about where he was going to spend his summer at, and Susan did not insist. She felt honored that he had asked her to take care of Saidra, instead of looking for someone older to do it, like one of his Slytherin colleagues. It means he trusted her. She had written to her parents who did not mind an extra pet at home. Her little sister Rose would be delighted. The only one not happy was Buttercup. Susan hoped the two cats would be able to get along.

Buttercup was not the only one offended. Maud did not seem happy as well. Susan knew she was a little bit upset with the result of her exams. Something about another girl from her year being better than her.

"Cheer up Maud! Summer is here!" Blair said. "Have a chocolate frog," she offered.

Maud refused. Georgiana stole the package from Blair's hand, and ate Maud's frog. Susan ate a chocolate frog as well. She pets Saidra, thinking about how Titus had confirmed her that he wasn't and never has been her sister's boyfriend. When she asked her sister about the kissing rumors Andrina just said it was none of her business. Susan did not like the idea of her sister having a boyfriend and not telling her parents about it, and so she was glad she wouldn't have to lie to anyone when she was asked about school and everything else.

Blair and Georgiana were planning on playing a prank on some Slytherins from their year, that were on a closer compartment. They thought they would be able to get away with it without any detention or losing any house points, now that the school year was over. Susan and Maud shook their heads not wanting to be involved in such prank. Maud added that she had friends among the Slytherins, and she was not going to do them any harm. Blair called them cowards and she left the compartment followed by Georgiana. Their wands were ready for probably their last spells of the year. Once they left the train, they wouldn't be able to do magic until September.

"I hope they don't get into trouble." Susan said.

"They're Gryffindors, "Maud replied. "They love trouble!"

(Beatrix) Last Ride
Author: Griet 
Date:   08-17-16 19:41

"I think we need to improve upon the product, so in addition to the original Smart Crystals, there needs to be Smarter Crystals," Pablo said to Lon.

"We could offer both and charge more for the superior product," Lon replied, nodding his head while taking notes.

"Excellent idea!" Pablo exclaimed. "I don't know how you wound up in Hufflepuff."

"It's because of my easy-going personality and open-mindedness. Also, contrary to popular belief, Hufflepuffs aren't dumb." Lon made a note and said, "We should go a level higher too. Smartest Crystals."

The boys were seated opposite each other in the same train compartment. Their girlfriends were seated beside them and exchanged amused looks. Apparently the close call of getting caught by Professor McGonagall––and the very real fact that Beatrix had gotten caught red-handed––didn't seem to faze the boys one bit. They were quite eager to get their new Smart Crystals venture off the ground and planned on using St. Emrys as their marketplace.

Beatrix shook her head and said to Rowan, "So, we'll meet up at Emrys Fest as planned."


"And then I've got the dreaded family trip to Brighton Beach." Beatrix sighed and said, "It was a good time when I was younger, but not so much anymore."

"Is everybody coming?" Rowan asked. "You never told me what the final plan is."

"Mum and Dad insisted on it," Beatrix answered. "They complained that almost all of us are grown––as if it's avoidable or our fault––and want to have a family trip without attachments or distractions like we always have done. They just can't let go."

"So that means Pablo's definitely not invited," Rowan stated.

At the sound of his name, he looked over and asked, "Huh?"

"Nothing," Beatrix replied. "Go back to your business talk."

Pablo shrugged and turned back to Lon.

Beatrix nodded at Rowan. "All of us girls have significant others, but none of us can invite our guys on the trip. At least it's only for a week."

"Maybe it won't be so bad."

Beatrix looked at Rowan.

"It might bring back warm fuzzy memories from your youth."

Beatrix continued to stare at Rowan.

"If it weren't a Vanderbilt only holiday, I'd love to come along."

Beatrix finally said, "I wish you could." She shrugged and said, "Oh, well." She turned to the window and stared out, a bit sad about how this ride was her last on the Hogwarts Express.

Mums Are So Silly
Author: Majandra 
Date:   08-17-16 20:15

"Mum, are you done?"

Majandra half turns and looks down to where Miranda stands with arms crossed, a toe impatiently tapping.

"What have I already told you?"

"Not until all the students taking the train are on it and the train is leaving." Miranda audibly sighs.

"If you're tired of waiting, take the carriage heading back to school," Majandra gestures. "Have them let you off as you come around the backside of the village."

"Them who? There's no one there."

"Do you want to go and wait at the shoppe or the daycare or not?"

"Wait there. This is boring."

"Then come on before the carriage leaves."

They reach the carriage in question as the last of the students on it disembark. Majandra lifts Miranda up saying as she does, "Let her off at the road to Hogsmeade, will you? Thanks."

"There's no one there, Mum. It's magic," Miranda insists in a tone that indicate she clearly thinks her mother is more than a bit barmy.

Majandra gives Miranda a knowing smile and winks. "Go straight Daddy's or the daycare," she waves.

Miranda waves back thinking there's no harm in stopping at the park before going to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes II, still called Zonko's by many. Turning to face the direction the carriage is going, Miranda studies the front where horses would go trying to figure out why her silly mother was talking to the carriage as if it could understand her.

(Divina) Emergency!
Author: Alaia Rothstein 
Date:   08-18-16 16:47

Divina came down the stairs from the flat that she and Amyas were renting from Alaia and Lee and walked back to the kitchen of the bakery. That is where she found her best friend laying on the floor almost unconscious.

"Alaia!!!" Divina called out as she reached her side. "Wake up!" Alaia moaned softly but did not move or open her eyes. Divina began to panic internally and she screamed for Amyas to come downstairs.

"Where are you?" Amyas called into the sweet shoppe as he ran down the stairs, almost falling down them.

"I am in the kitchen."

Amyas ran into the kitchen and stopped suddenly when he saw Alaia on the floor. He did not know her well yet but he knew how much the young woman meant to Divina. "Please owl Lee and let him know that we are taking Alaia to St. Mungo's and he needs to meet us there." He nodded and did as she asked. When he was done he went back into the kitchen where he and Divina got her to St. Mungo's.


Divina paced the waiting area of St. Mungo's while Amyas sat quietly and watched her pacing.

"Divina!" Lee called out when he got there. "Where is she?"

"With the healer." Divina answered. Tears filled her eyes – she was scared for her friend's life.

"I am going to see her." Lee said, and started to walk back towards where Divina directed him. As he went to push the door open to the room a hand fell onto his arm. Lee looked up to see a nurse there.

"You can't see her right now. The healer is working with her. As soon as he gets her stable and breathing on her own I will have him come out and give you an update on her condition." Lee turned from the nurse and stared in through the portal window in the door; he saw his wife laying there looking pale and not at all like herself.
"Please Mr. Sickleby go back to your friends and someone will be out as soon as they can to give you an update on your wife." Lee still stared into the room through the window and then slowly turned away and walked back towards Divina who was still pacing.

(Tessa) Chocolate Frogs
Author: Bronwyn Dewhurst 
Date:   08-18-16 19:16

Tessa carefully unpackaged the first of the three chocolate frog boxes she'd purchased from the trolley lady. She didn't plan on eating all three right then and there, but she did want to see which cards she got. The trick was getting the card out without letting the frog escape. At least the window and door to the compartment were closed, so there wasn't any risk to her frogs springing out of reach.

"Who'd ya get?" Chip asked. He was the only boy in the compartment. His best friend Alys sat on the same seat, while Blakeney, who had a hopeless crush on Chip, sat opposite him.

"Felix Summerbee," Tessa answered, "the inventor of the Cheering Charm."

"Let's see it," Chip said, holding out his hand.

Tessa passed the card over while keeping her other hand on the opening of the chocolate frog package.

Chip chuckled and said, "He's a bit goofy looking, isn't he?"

"Well, he did invent the Cheering Charm," Blakeney said. "He probably was quite goofy. He's dead, isn't he?"

"He died in 1508," Chip read from the card, before passing it back to Tessa. She put it on the seat in between her and Blakeney and tried to seal the box shut again to keep the frog she wasn't yet ready to eat in. Then she reached for the next box.

"Have any of you thought about what events you might want to participate in during next year's SAT?" Alys asked, changing the subject.

Blakeney said, "Too bad there isn't one on wizarding fashion."

"What would that be like?" Chip asked. "Designing clothes?"

"Why not?"

Tessa, meanwhile, carefully extracted the next card, which was Perpetua Fancourt. She invented the lunascope and died as recently as the early 1990s.

"I don't think that would make a good competitive event," Chip said. "Who would want to watch anything about fashion designing?"

Blakeney didn't like that Chip was disagreeing with her and folded her arms over her chest. "I would!" she insisted.

Alys said, "The library had some information about the previous SAT. Apparently there was a cooking event. Why not have fashion designing if there's a cooking competition too?"

"But there isn't a cooking competition next year, is there?" Chip pointed out. "At least, I don't remember it being on the list. I've got it somewhere in my bag." He got up get into his trunk, which was on the rack over his head.

While his back was turned, Tessa opened her last box and suddenly shouted, "Crikey!"

Her chocolate frog escaped and made one great leap straight for Chip's backside. The frog seemed to stick to the back of his pants and then jumped onto his empty seat.

Blakeney was the first to laugh. Tessa, too stunned to react at first, suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. She clutched her stomach and tears rolled down her face.

Alys looked a bit amused, but her angle hadn't been as good as the other girls'. Chip, meanwhile, brushed his bottom and asked, "What was that?" Then he noticed the frog hopping with less and less vigor on his seat. He picked it up, brushed off some lint, and popped it into his mouth before sitting down with his SAT list in hand.

"Hey, that was my frog!" Tessa exclaimed.

"Finders, keepers," Chip sang.

Tessa frowned and decided to look at her last chocolate frog card. It was Helga Hufflepuff, namesake of her own Hogwarts house.

Author: Bill Weasley 
Date:   08-19-16 09:17

Bill pushed a wheelbarrow over to where Fleur knelt in the flower bed and removed his gloves to wipe a bit of sweat from his brow. It was a sunny day––perfect for gardening––but it was also a bit hot when one exerted oneself as they were doing. The children were running in the yard, completely oblivious to the heat.

Fleur climbed to her feet and reached for a rock from the wheelbarrow. She and Bill were replacing the old wooden flower bed border, which had begun rotting from the elements, with smooth rocks that matched the siding on the house. It was hard work, but what little they had already done looked beautiful.

"You're going to be sore tomorrow," Bill remarked, watching as Fleur removed rock after rock from the wheelbarrow. She was strong and didn't show any signs of tiring out.

"At most, I lift a ream of paper to put in the copy machine," Fleur answered. "Assistants do a lot of menial work, but heavy lifting isn't part of the job description."

Bill put his gloves back on, picked up a rock and held it out to Fleur to make the process more efficient. "You're doing a good thing, even if it seems like you're wasting your time," he stated, knowing that Fleur felt frustrated at having no information to report to the Order. She knew as well as he did that deep undercover work took a lot of time, but she still wished she had something to share at meetings. Her work at the Prime Minister's office was frightfully dull.

The only tidbit she had recently was the fact that the Prime Minister seemed to be spending a lot of time behind closed doors with one of the other assistants. Fleur wondered if they were having an affair, though neither seemed to display anything but professionalism when in front of others. Either there was something else going on, or they were excellent actors.

She paused to remove her own gardening gloves to check the watch on her wrist. Ever since joining up with the Prime Minister's team, she periodically went into the Muggle world to check if she had any missed calls or messages on the mobile phone given to her for work purposes. On rare occasions she received summons on the weekend, so she wanted to be sure and check the phone just in case she had to go into work. It was about the time she had set to check her messages.

"Go ahead," Bill said, knowing what she had in mind.

Fleur nodded and said, "I won't be long." She'd found the perfect out-of-the-way place to go and therefore didn't even bother with changing out of her sweaty and dirt-covered, gardening clothes.

Bill, meanwhile, continued to work on the garden edge, while Victoire, Dominique and Louis continued their playtime in the yard.

Reluctant Confession
Author: Lysander Stratford 
Date:   08-19-16 13:28

Lysander was alone in the office at Twice Told Tales when there was a knock, and then the door opened part of the way revealing Astrid. Her nearly one year old son August was situated in a baby holster strapped to her back.

"Is this a bad time?" she asked, noting the parchmentwork spread out all over the desk, as well as Lysander's furrowed brow.

"No, not at all," he said, rising to his feet.

Astrid came all the way into the office and shut the door firmly behind her. For a moment, the pair just looked at each other in silence. Astrid had reached a decision not made lightly, but in those silent seconds, there was still time to change her mind.

Lysander didn't dare ask for fear of getting the answer he least wanted to hear.

Finally, Astrid asked, "Where's Charlotte?"

"Playing with Grace," Lysander answered. "School's out as of today."

"That explains the children in the village," Astrid commented.

She paused, and Lysander waited. The silence felt excruciating and was only broken with August said something that almost sounded like "Dada".

Astrid seemed at war with herself, but then she made herself speak. "If I agree to your proposition," she said, "then you've got to tell me something first."

"Anything," Lysander replied. His heart started to race, but it dropped into his stomach when Astrid asked, "Who is Dylan's mother, truly?"

Lysander didn't want anybody to know. He didn't want Dylan burdened with the truth, and he worried that he would find himself questioned by the authorities if they knew he'd had some sort of association with Adriana beyond being childhood friends.

"Astrid, I can't…"

"Then I can't agree to what you asked. I'm sorry, Lysander, but if I'm to lie for you and hurt my husband's feelings in the process, then the least you can do is tell me the truth. I won't tell anybody what you say to me. It'll remain between us. I'll make an unbreakable vow about it, if that's what you want."

"That would involve a third person knowing," Lysander replied with a shake of his head.

"Don't you trust your best friend, Lysander?"

"Of course I do, but it's complicated. She… she's responsible for the death of someone he loved."

Astrid narrowed her eyes. "A murderess? Please tell me you didn't hook up with that bitch, Aralyn, before she was incarcerated for murdering her brother… or was it a conjugal visit at Azkaban?"

"Language!" Lysander snapped, for the benefit of August, who was old enough now to test out new words. Astrid hated Aralyn, especially because Aralyn had gotten Astrid arrested in Argentina six years ago. "And no, Aralyn is not Dylan's mother," Lysander added.

"So all your baby mummy's are killers? You certainly have a type."

Lysander expelled a deep sigh and rubbed his hands over his face. "Astrid, please. Will you pretend to be Dylan's mother or not?"

"Tell me who she is, and I will call Dylan my own." She fixed him with a hard stare, which he rivaled.

He supposed he could lie, but he knew she was right and that he owed her for what he was asking her to do for him. He ground his teeth together, then stepped forward so there was hardly any space between them and quietly said, "Adriana Fairchild."

Her eyes went wide. "Merlin's beard. Will she want him back, you think?"

Lysander shook his head. "I doubt it. He was left on my doorstep without a note. I didn't even know he was biologically mine till recently. It was an accident, I think, and she's got bigger plans than being a mother."

"Merlin's beard," Astrid repeated. "You don't still see her?"

"No, of course not."

Astrid mulled over what she'd just learned for a long moment and then looked up at Lysander. "Okay. Let's tell everyone Dylan is our son. I've already come up with a story of why I gave him up without telling you anything, because I know the question will come up."

She reached out with both her hands to take his. "Ready?"

For the first time in a long time, Lysander felt great relief. "Ready."

Waiting for the Train
Author: Nathaniel Ross 
Date:   08-19-16 15:27

Nate and Tim were at Platform 9 and ¾ waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive. Several parents were already waiting there for their children. Some had anxious youngest siblings with them. Here and there it was also possible to identity grandparents.

Mrs. Ross had wanted to fetch Bowen herself and take him home. But Nate did not let her do so. Giving the attack at the Ministry of Magic months ago, which took his father's life, Nate was afraid something similar could happen today. He could see it in some people's faces as well, while others seemed to have forgotten about what happened, and presented a more carefree posture. He decided to come himself and Tim tagged along.

Harebells had already opened for business, and they had a few clients so far. But Jenny gave him permission to take the afternoon off in order to fetch Bowen. Tim on the other hand was feeling a bit lonely because Imogen was spending the summer away from England. After graduating from St. Emrys she went to a trip around Europe which had been offered by her parents. He was afraid she would meet some charming Italian or Spanish wizard and ran off with him.

"Remember how we used to be one of the firsts to leave the train because we were afraid we would not be able to leave on time, and we would be taken back to school?" Nate reminded Tim.

They smiled at each other.

"We were so silly. Then I become a prefect and I had to be one of the last ones to leave the Hogwarts Express, to make sure no one was left behind. How ironic, huh?"

"You liked your role as prefect."

"Of course I did, "Tim admitted. "And so did you, I assume."

"Sort of. It was hard to fill your shoes, "Nate teased. When Tim was named Head Boy, Nate took over his place as one of the Hufflepuff's prefects.

They heard a noise far away. The Hogwarts Express was approaching. Nate thought to himself that Bowen would not be like him and Tim and be the one of the firsts leaving the train. He knew he did not like spending the summer at home. He used to be friends with all the other Muggle children in the neighborhood. They used to attend the same local school. But when he left for Hogwarts the bound was broken and he had a hard time mix with the Muggles again. He tried to do so, but they pushed him away, perhaps detecting something different in him. So Bowen preferred to be at Hogwarts with his friends than at home. His parents were also Muggles and they did not seem to understand the wizarding world very well, so Bowen did not connect with them very well.

"I'm going to fetch a trolley," Tim said.

Nate nodded and looked to the train. He grabbed his wand, inside the pocket of his robes, just in case, and waited for Bowen to arrive.

Invention & Design
Author: Christopher Chant 
Date:   08-19-16 19:08

The London skyline is in view, looming ever larger. Vincent Oliver starts tidying the Scholastic Aptitude Tournament events information he'd collected this past week. Next to him friend and roommate Abraham Albright comments, "First year's almost officially over."

On the opposite seat Frederick Benwick says around a slice of chocolate dipped apple, "Thought it already was."

"Nah. Not until we're off the train at King's Cross," Frederick enlightens. "You decide what events you're doing, Vinny?"

"Still sorting. What do you think they mean by invention and design? Something new or take something that already is and improve it or what?"

Abraham and Frederick appear to give the question consideration before Abraham finally says, "Maybe both. You don't have anything that says there?"

"Just this." Vincent pulls a sheet from the just tidied stack. He skims over it yet again then says, "I think you're right, Abe. Both."

"What would you invent or design?" Frederick wants to know.

Vincent shrugs. "Dunno."

"I've invent a quill to write out all my assignments," Abraham decides.

Vincent dryly remarks, "In other words, a Quick Quotes Quill."

"No, something that would do the work on its own. With a Quick Quotes Quill I'd have to tell it what to write."

Frederick's eyes narrow in thought before he asks, "How would it know what to write then? What if yours wrote the exact same essay mine did?"

"Huh. I'll have to think about that." Abraham strokes his chin in thought, his other hand popping another chocolate apple slice in his mouth.

"Too bad it's a moot point, at least for us as second years. Invention and Design is for sixth and seventh years only," Vincent explains.

"Moo? What do cows have to do with it?" Abraham snickers.

"Moot." Vincent quotes the definition that had been part of his word of the day calendar at school.

"You Ravenclaws," Abraham of Hufflepuff House chuckles. "Looks like we're here." He shoves the last of the chocolate apple slices into his mouth and begins stuffing cards, Gobstones and other items he'd pulled from his bag along the way from Hogwarts.

The train is slowing but not quite there yet. Still, Frederick and Vincent follow suit and pack up in preparation of disembarking when the Hogwarts Express fully stops at King's Cross's Platform 9 3/4.

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